path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/db/DatabaseMysqlBaseTest.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2015-04-01 06:11:44 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2015-04-01 06:11:44 +0200
commit14f74d141ab5580688bfd46d2f74c026e43ed967 (patch)
tree081b7cbfc4d246ecc42831978d080331267cf57c /tests/phpunit/includes/db/DatabaseMysqlBaseTest.php
parent4a953b6bfda28604979feb9cfbb58974d13b84bb (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.24.2
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/db/DatabaseMysqlBaseTest.php')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/db/DatabaseMysqlBaseTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/db/DatabaseMysqlBaseTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55e48d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/db/DatabaseMysqlBaseTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ * Holds tests for DatabaseMysqlBase MediaWiki class.
+ *
+ * @section LICENSE
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @author Antoine Musso
+ * @author Bryan Davis
+ * @copyright © 2013 Antoine Musso
+ * @copyright © 2013 Bryan Davis
+ * @copyright © 2013 Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
+ */
+ * Fake class around abstract class so we can call concrete methods.
+ */
+class FakeDatabaseMysqlBase extends DatabaseMysqlBase {
+ // From DatabaseBase
+ function __construct() {
+ }
+ protected function closeConnection() {
+ }
+ protected function doQuery( $sql ) {
+ }
+ // From DatabaseMysql
+ protected function mysqlConnect( $realServer ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlSetCharset( $charset ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlFreeResult( $res ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlFetchObject( $res ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlFetchArray( $res ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlNumRows( $res ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlNumFields( $res ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlFieldName( $res, $n ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlFieldType( $res, $n ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlDataSeek( $res, $row ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlError( $conn = null ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlFetchField( $res, $n ) {
+ }
+ protected function mysqlPing() {
+ }
+ // From interface DatabaseType
+ function insertId() {
+ }
+ function lastErrno() {
+ }
+ function affectedRows() {
+ }
+ function getServerVersion() {
+ }
+class DatabaseMysqlBaseTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideDiapers
+ * @covers DatabaseMysqlBase::addIdentifierQuotes
+ */
+ public function testAddIdentifierQuotes( $expected, $in ) {
+ $db = new FakeDatabaseMysqlBase();
+ $quoted = $db->addIdentifierQuotes( $in );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $quoted );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Feeds testAddIdentifierQuotes
+ *
+ * Named per bug 20281 convention.
+ */
+ function provideDiapers() {
+ return array(
+ // Format: expected, input
+ array( '``', '' ),
+ // Yeah I really hate loosely typed PHP idiocies nowadays
+ array( '``', null ),
+ // Dear codereviewer, guess what addIdentifierQuotes()
+ // will return with thoses:
+ array( '``', false ),
+ array( '`1`', true ),
+ // We never know what could happen
+ array( '`0`', 0 ),
+ array( '`1`', 1 ),
+ // Whatchout! Should probably use something more meaningful
+ array( "`'`", "'" ), # single quote
+ array( '`"`', '"' ), # double quote
+ array( '````', '`' ), # backtick
+ array( '`’`', '’' ), # apostrophe (look at your encyclopedia)
+ // sneaky NUL bytes are lurking everywhere
+ array( '``', "\0" ),
+ array( '`xyzzy`', "\0x\0y\0z\0z\0y\0" ),
+ // unicode chars
+ array(
+ self::createUnicodeString( '`\u0001a\uFFFFb`' ),
+ self::createUnicodeString( '\u0001a\uFFFFb' )
+ ),
+ array(
+ self::createUnicodeString( '`\u0001\uFFFF`' ),
+ self::createUnicodeString( '\u0001\u0000\uFFFF\u0000' )
+ ),
+ array( '`☃`', '☃' ),
+ array( '`メインページ`', 'メインページ' ),
+ array( '`Басты_бет`', 'Басты_бет' ),
+ // Real world:
+ array( '`Alix`', 'Alix' ), # while( ! $recovered ) { sleep(); }
+ array( '`Backtick: ```', 'Backtick: `' ),
+ array( '`This is a test`', 'This is a test' ),
+ );
+ }
+ private static function createUnicodeString( $str ) {
+ return json_decode( '"' . $str . '"' );
+ }
+ function getMockForViews() {
+ $db = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DatabaseMysql' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->setMethods( array( 'fetchRow', 'query' ) )
+ ->getMock();
+ $db->expects( $this->any() )
+ ->method( 'query' )
+ ->with( $this->anything() )
+ ->will(
+ $this->returnValue( null )
+ );
+ $db->expects( $this->any() )
+ ->method( 'fetchRow' )
+ ->with( $this->anything() )
+ ->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
+ array( 'Tables_in_' => 'view1' ),
+ array( 'Tables_in_' => 'view2' ),
+ array( 'Tables_in_' => 'myview' ),
+ false # no more rows
+ ));
+ return $db;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers DatabaseMysqlBase::listViews
+ */
+ function testListviews() {
+ $db = $this->getMockForViews();
+ // The first call populate an internal cache of views
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'view1', 'view2', 'myview' ),
+ $db->listViews() );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'view1', 'view2', 'myview' ),
+ $db->listViews() );
+ // Prefix filtering
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'view1', 'view2' ),
+ $db->listViews( 'view' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'myview' ),
+ $db->listViews( 'my' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( array(),
+ $db->listViews( 'UNUSED_PREFIX' ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( array( 'view1', 'view2', 'myview' ),
+ $db->listViews( '' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers DatabaseMysqlBase::isView
+ * @dataProvider provideViewExistanceChecks
+ */
+ function testIsView( $isView, $viewName ) {
+ $db = $this->getMockForViews();
+ switch ( $isView ) {
+ case true:
+ $this->assertTrue( $db->isView( $viewName ),
+ "$viewName should be considered a view" );
+ break;
+ case false:
+ $this->assertFalse( $db->isView( $viewName ),
+ "$viewName has not been defined as a view" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function provideViewExistanceChecks() {
+ return array(
+ // format: whether it is a view, view name
+ array( true, 'view1' ),
+ array( true, 'view2' ),
+ array( true, 'myview' ),
+ array( false, 'user' ),
+ array( false, 'view10' ),
+ array( false, 'my' ),
+ array( false, 'OH_MY_GOD' ), # they killed kenny!
+ );
+ }