path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/json
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-12-08 09:55:49 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-12-08 09:55:49 +0100
commit4ac9fa081a7c045f6a9f1cfc529d82423f485b2e (patch)
treeaf68743f2f4a47d13f2b0eb05f5c4aaf86d8ea37 /tests/phpunit/includes/json
parentaf4da56f1ad4d3ef7b06557bae365da2ea27a897 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.22.0
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/json')
2 files changed, 161 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/json/FormatJsonTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/json/FormatJsonTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..149be05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/json/FormatJsonTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+class FormatJsonTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ public function testEncoderPrettyPrinting() {
+ $obj = array(
+ 'emptyObject' => new stdClass,
+ 'emptyArray' => array(),
+ 'string' => 'foobar\\',
+ 'filledArray' => array(
+ array(
+ 123,
+ 456,
+ ),
+ // Nested json works without problems
+ '"7":["8",{"9":"10"}]',
+ // Whitespace clean up doesn't touch strings that look alike
+ "{\n\t\"emptyObject\": {\n\t},\n\t\"emptyArray\": [ ]\n}",
+ ),
+ );
+ // 4 space indent, no trailing whitespace, no trailing linefeed
+ $json = '{
+ "emptyObject": {},
+ "emptyArray": [],
+ "string": "foobar\\\\",
+ "filledArray": [
+ [
+ 123,
+ 456
+ ],
+ "\"7\":[\"8\",{\"9\":\"10\"}]",
+ "{\n\t\"emptyObject\": {\n\t},\n\t\"emptyArray\": [ ]\n}"
+ ]
+ $json = str_replace( "\r", '', $json ); // Windows compat
+ $this->assertSame( $json, FormatJson::encode( $obj, true ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideEncodeDefault() {
+ return self::getEncodeTestCases( array() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideEncodeDefault
+ */
+ public function testEncodeDefault( $from, $to ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $to, FormatJson::encode( $from ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideEncodeUtf8() {
+ return self::getEncodeTestCases( array( 'unicode' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideEncodeUtf8
+ */
+ public function testEncodeUtf8( $from, $to ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $to, FormatJson::encode( $from, false, FormatJson::UTF8_OK ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideEncodeXmlMeta() {
+ return self::getEncodeTestCases( array( 'xmlmeta' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideEncodeXmlMeta
+ */
+ public function testEncodeXmlMeta( $from, $to ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $to, FormatJson::encode( $from, false, FormatJson::XMLMETA_OK ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideEncodeAllOk() {
+ return self::getEncodeTestCases( array( 'unicode', 'xmlmeta' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideEncodeAllOk
+ */
+ public function testEncodeAllOk( $from, $to ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $to, FormatJson::encode( $from, false, FormatJson::ALL_OK ) );
+ }
+ public function testEncodePhpBug46944() {
+ $this->assertNotEquals(
+ '\ud840\udc00',
+ strtolower( FormatJson::encode( "\xf0\xa0\x80\x80" ) ),
+ 'Test encoding an broken json_encode character (U+20000)'
+ );
+ }
+ public function testDecodeReturnType() {
+ $this->assertInternalType(
+ 'object',
+ FormatJson::decode( '{"Name": "Cheeso", "Rank": 7}' ),
+ 'Default to object'
+ );
+ $this->assertInternalType(
+ 'array',
+ FormatJson::decode( '{"Name": "Cheeso", "Rank": 7}', true ),
+ 'Optional array'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a set of test cases for a particular combination of encoder options.
+ *
+ * @param array $unescapedGroups List of character groups to leave unescaped
+ * @return array: Arrays of unencoded strings and corresponding encoded strings
+ */
+ private static function getEncodeTestCases( array $unescapedGroups ) {
+ $groups = array(
+ 'always' => array(
+ // Forward slash (always unescaped)
+ '/' => '/',
+ // Control characters
+ "\0" => '\u0000',
+ "\x08" => '\b',
+ "\t" => '\t',
+ "\n" => '\n',
+ "\r" => '\r',
+ "\f" => '\f',
+ "\x1f" => '\u001f', // representative example
+ // Double quotes
+ '"' => '\"',
+ // Backslashes
+ '\\' => '\\\\',
+ '\\\\' => '\\\\\\\\',
+ '\\u00e9' => '\\\u00e9', // security check for Unicode unescaping
+ // Line terminators
+ "\xe2\x80\xa8" => '\u2028',
+ "\xe2\x80\xa9" => '\u2029',
+ ),
+ 'unicode' => array(
+ "\xc3\xa9" => '\u00e9',
+ "\xf0\x9d\x92\x9e" => '\ud835\udc9e', // U+1D49E, outside the BMP
+ ),
+ 'xmlmeta' => array(
+ '<' => '\u003C', // JSON_HEX_TAG uses uppercase hex digits
+ '>' => '\u003E',
+ '&' => '\u0026',
+ ),
+ );
+ $cases = array();
+ foreach ( $groups as $name => $rules ) {
+ $leaveUnescaped = in_array( $name, $unescapedGroups );
+ foreach ( $rules as $from => $to ) {
+ $cases[] = array( $from, '"' . ( $leaveUnescaped ? $from : $to ) . '"' );
+ }
+ }
+ return $cases;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/json/ServicesJsonTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/json/ServicesJsonTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 56dc6488..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/includes/json/ServicesJsonTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * Test cases for our Services_Json library. Requires PHP json support as well,
- * so we can compare output
- */
-class ServicesJsonTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- /**
- * Test to make sure core json_encode() and our Services_Json()->encode()
- * produce the same output
- *
- * @dataProvider provideValuesToEncode
- */
- public function testJsonEncode( $input, $desc ) {
- if ( !function_exists( 'json_encode' ) ) {
- $this->markTestIncomplete( 'No PHP json support, unable to test' );
- return;
- } elseif ( strtolower( json_encode( "\xf0\xa0\x80\x80" ) ) != '"\ud840\udc00"' ) {
- $this->markTestIncomplete( 'Have buggy PHP json support, unable to test' );
- return;
- } else {
- $jsonObj = new Services_JSON();
- $this->assertEquals(
- $jsonObj->encode( $input ),
- json_encode( $input ),
- $desc
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test to make sure core json_decode() and our Services_Json()->decode()
- * produce the same output
- *
- * @dataProvider provideValuesToDecode
- */
- public function testJsonDecode( $input, $desc ) {
- if ( !function_exists( 'json_decode' ) ) {
- $this->markTestIncomplete( 'No PHP json support, unable to test' );
- return;
- } else {
- $jsonObj = new Services_JSON();
- $this->assertEquals(
- $jsonObj->decode( $input ),
- json_decode( $input ),
- $desc
- );
- }
- }
- function provideValuesToEncode() {
- $obj = new stdClass();
- $obj->property = 'value';
- $obj->property2 = null;
- $obj->property3 = 1.234;
- return array(
- array( 1, 'basic integer' ),
- array( -1, 'negative integer' ),
- array( 1.1, 'basic float' ),
- array( true, 'basic bool true' ),
- array( false, 'basic bool false' ),
- array( 'some string', 'basic string test' ),
- array( "some string\nwith newline", 'newline string test' ),
- array( '♥ü', 'unicode string test' ),
- array( array( 'some', 'string', 'values' ), 'basic array of strings' ),
- array( array( 'key1' => 'val1', 'key2' => 'val2' ), 'array with string keys' ),
- array( array( 1 => 'val1', 3 => 'val2', '2' => 'val3' ), 'out of order numbered array test' ),
- array( array(), 'empty array test' ),
- array( $obj, 'basic object test' ),
- array( new stdClass, 'empty object test' ),
- array( null, 'null test' ),
- );
- }
- function provideValuesToDecode() {
- return array(
- array( '1', 'basic integer' ),
- array( '-1', 'negative integer' ),
- array( '1.1', 'basic float' ),
- array( '1.1e1', 'scientific float' ),
- array( 'true', 'basic bool true' ),
- array( 'false', 'basic bool false' ),
- array( '"some string"', 'basic string test' ),
- array( '"some string\nwith newline"', 'newline string test' ),
- array( '"♥ü"', 'unicode character string test' ),
- array( '"\u2665"', 'unicode \\u string test' ),
- array( '["some","string","values"]', 'basic array of strings' ),
- array( '[]', 'empty array test' ),
- array( '{"key":"value"}', 'Basic key => value test' ),
- array( '{}', 'empty object test' ),
- array( 'null', 'null test' ),
- );
- }