path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSJanusTest.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2014-03-28 05:41:12 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2014-03-28 05:41:12 +0100
commit9441dde8bfb95277df073717ed7817dced40f948 (patch)
treeba31c10147e91bda378b77c8cae90c5651af9bfe /tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSJanusTest.php
parentd417de70fcf39e0a7a15ba780b597914d16ca0f7 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.22.5
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSJanusTest.php')
1 files changed, 606 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSJanusTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSJanusTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a3c1619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSJanusTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ * Based on the test suite of the original Python
+ * CSSJanus libary:
+ *
+ * Ported to PHP for ResourceLoader and has been extended since.
+ *
+ * @covers CSSJanus
+ */
+class CSSJanusTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideTransformCases
+ */
+ public function testTransform( $cssA, $cssB = null ) {
+ if ( $cssB ) {
+ $transformedA = CSSJanus::transform( $cssA );
+ $this->assertEquals( $transformedA, $cssB, 'Test A-B transformation' );
+ $transformedB = CSSJanus::transform( $cssB );
+ $this->assertEquals( $transformedB, $cssA, 'Test B-A transformation' );
+ } else {
+ // If no B version is provided, it means
+ // the output should equal the input.
+ $transformedA = CSSJanus::transform( $cssA );
+ $this->assertEquals( $transformedA, $cssA, 'Nothing was flipped' );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideTransformAdvancedCases
+ */
+ public function testTransformAdvanced( $code, $expectedOutput, $options = array() ) {
+ $swapLtrRtlInURL = isset( $options['swapLtrRtlInURL'] ) ? $options['swapLtrRtlInURL'] : false;
+ $swapLeftRightInURL = isset( $options['swapLeftRightInURL'] ) ? $options['swapLeftRightInURL'] : false;
+ $flipped = CSSJanus::transform( $code, $swapLtrRtlInURL, $swapLeftRightInURL );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedOutput, $flipped,
+ 'Test flipping, options: url-ltr-rtl=' . ( $swapLtrRtlInURL ? 'true' : 'false' )
+ . ' url-left-right=' . ( $swapLeftRightInURL ? 'true' : 'false' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideTransformBrokenCases
+ * @group Broken
+ */
+ public function testTransformBroken( $code, $expectedOutput ) {
+ $flipped = CSSJanus::transform( $code );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedOutput, $flipped, 'Test flipping' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * These transform cases are tested *in both directions*
+ * No need to declare a principle twice in both directions here.
+ */
+ public static function provideTransformCases() {
+ return array(
+ // Property keys
+ array(
+ '.foo { left: 0; }',
+ '.foo { right: 0; }'
+ ),
+ // Guard against partial keys
+ // (CSS currently doesn't have flippable properties
+ // that contain the direction as part of the key without
+ // dash separation)
+ array(
+ '.foo { alright: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { balleft: 0; }'
+ ),
+ // Dashed property keys
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding-left: 0; }',
+ '.foo { padding-right: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { margin-left: 0; }',
+ '.foo { margin-right: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { border-left: 0; }',
+ '.foo { border-right: 0; }'
+ ),
+ // Double-dashed property keys
+ array(
+ '.foo { border-left-color: red; }',
+ '.foo { border-right-color: red; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // Includes unknown properties?
+ '.foo { x-left-y: 0; }',
+ '.foo { x-right-y: 0; }'
+ ),
+ // Multi-value properties
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 0 1px; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 0 1px 2px; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 0 1px 2px 3px; }',
+ '.foo { padding: 0 3px 2px 1px; }'
+ ),
+ // Shorthand / Four notation
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: .25em 15px 0pt 0ex; }',
+ '.foo { padding: .25em 0ex 0pt 15px; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { margin: 1px -4px 3px 2px; }',
+ '.foo { margin: 1px 2px 3px -4px; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 0 15px .25em 0; }',
+ '.foo { padding: 0 0 .25em 15px; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 1px 4.1grad 3px 2%; }',
+ '.foo { padding: 1px 2% 3px 4.1grad; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 1px 2px 3px auto; }',
+ '.foo { padding: 1px auto 3px 2px; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 1px inherit 3px auto; }',
+ '.foo { padding: 1px auto 3px inherit; }'
+ ),
+ // border-radius assigns different meanings to the values
+ array(
+ '.foo { border-radius: .25em 15px 0pt 0ex; }',
+ '.foo { border-radius: 15px .25em 0ex 0pt; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; }',
+ ),
+ // Ensure the rule doesn't break other stuff
+ array(
+ '.foo { x-unknown: a b c d; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo barpx 0 2% { opacity: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '#settings td p strong'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // Color names
+ '.foo { border-color: red green blue white }',
+ '.foo { border-color: red white blue green }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ // Color name, hexdecimal, RGB & RGBA
+ '.foo { border-color: red #f00 rgb(255, 0, 0) rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) }',
+ '.foo { border-color: red rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) rgb(255, 0, 0) #f00 }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ // Color name, hexdecimal, HSL & HSLA
+ '.foo { border-color: red #f00 hsl(0, 100%, 50%) hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5) }',
+ '.foo { border-color: red hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5) hsl(0, 100%, 50%) #f00 }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ // Do not mangle 5 or more values
+ '.foo { -x-unknown: 1 2 3 4 5; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { -x-unknown: 1 2 3 4 5 6; }'
+ ),
+ // Shorthand / Three notation
+ array(
+ '.foo { margin: 1em 0 .25em; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { margin:-1.5em 0 -.75em; }'
+ ),
+ // Shorthand / Two notation
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 1px 2px; }'
+ ),
+ // Shorthand / One notation
+ array(
+ '.foo { padding: 1px; }'
+ ),
+ // text-shadow and box-shadow
+ array(
+ '.foo { box-shadow: -6px 3px 8px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }',
+ '.foo { box-shadow: 6px 3px 8px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { box-shadow: inset -6px 3px 8px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }',
+ '.foo { box-shadow: inset 6px 3px 8px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { text-shadow: orange 2px 0; }',
+ '.foo { text-shadow: orange -2px 0; }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { text-shadow: 2px 0 orange; }',
+ '.foo { text-shadow: -2px 0 orange; }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ // Don't mangle zeroes
+ '.foo { text-shadow: orange 0 2px; }'
+ ),
+ // Direction
+ // Note: This differs from the Python implementation,
+ // see also CSSJanus::fixDirection for more info.
+ array(
+ '.foo { direction: ltr; }',
+ '.foo { direction: rtl; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { direction: rtl; }',
+ '.foo { direction: ltr; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'input { direction: ltr; }',
+ 'input { direction: rtl; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'input { direction: rtl; }',
+ 'input { direction: ltr; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'body { direction: ltr; }',
+ 'body { direction: rtl; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo, body, input { direction: ltr; }',
+ '.foo, body, input { direction: rtl; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'body { padding: 10px; direction: ltr; }',
+ 'body { padding: 10px; direction: rtl; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'body { direction: ltr } .myClass { direction: ltr }',
+ 'body { direction: rtl } .myClass { direction: rtl }'
+ ),
+ // Left/right values
+ array(
+ '.foo { float: left; }',
+ '.foo { float: right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { text-align: left; }',
+ '.foo { text-align: right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { -x-unknown: left; }',
+ '.foo { -x-unknown: right; }'
+ ),
+ // Guard against selectors that look flippable
+ array(
+ '.column-left { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'a.left { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'a.leftification { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'a.ltr { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ # <div class="a-ltr png">
+ '.a-ltr.png { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ # <foo-ltr attr="x">
+ 'foo-ltr[attr="x"] { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'div.left > span.right+span.left { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.thisclass .left .myclass { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.thisclass .left .myclass #myid { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ // Cursor values (east/west)
+ array(
+ '.foo { cursor: e-resize; }',
+ '.foo { cursor: w-resize; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { cursor: se-resize; }',
+ '.foo { cursor: sw-resize; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { cursor: ne-resize; }',
+ '.foo { cursor: nw-resize; }'
+ ),
+ // Background
+ array(
+ '.foo { background-position: top left; }',
+ '.foo { background-position: top right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background: url(/foo/bar.png) top left; }',
+ '.foo { background: url(/foo/bar.png) top right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background: url(/foo/bar.png) top left no-repeat; }',
+ '.foo { background: url(/foo/bar.png) top right no-repeat; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background: url(/foo/bar.png) no-repeat top left; }',
+ '.foo { background: url(/foo/bar.png) no-repeat top right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background: #fff url(/foo/bar.png) no-repeat top left; }',
+ '.foo { background: #fff url(/foo/bar.png) no-repeat top right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background-position: 100% 40%; }',
+ '.foo { background-position: 0% 40%; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background-position: 23% 0; }',
+ '.foo { background-position: 77% 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background-position: 23% auto; }',
+ '.foo { background-position: 77% auto; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background-position-x: 23%; }',
+ '.foo { background-position-x: 77%; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background-position-y: 23%; }',
+ '.foo { background-position-y: 23%; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background:url(../foo.png) no-repeat 75% 50%; }',
+ '.foo { background:url(../foo.png) no-repeat 25% 50%; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { background: 10% 20% } .bar { background: 40% 30% }',
+ '.foo { background: 90% 20% } .bar { background: 60% 30% }'
+ ),
+ // Multiple rules
+ array(
+ 'body { direction: rtl; float: right; } .foo { direction: ltr; float: right; }',
+ 'body { direction: ltr; float: left; } .foo { direction: rtl; float: left; }',
+ ),
+ // Duplicate properties
+ array(
+ '.foo { float: left; float: right; float: left; }',
+ '.foo { float: right; float: left; float: right; }',
+ ),
+ // Preserve comments
+ array(
+ '/* left /* right */left: 10px',
+ '/* left /* right */right: 10px'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '/*left*//*left*/left: 10px',
+ '/*left*//*left*/right: 10px'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '/* Going right is cool */ .foo { width: 0 }',
+ ),
+ array(
+ "/* padding-right 1 2 3 4 */\n#test { width: 0}\n/*right*/"
+ ),
+ array(
+ "/** Two line comment\n * left\n \*/\n#test {width: 0}"
+ ),
+ // @noflip annotation
+ array(
+ // before selector (single)
+ '/* @noflip */ div { float: left; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // before selector (multiple)
+ '/* @noflip */ div, .notme { float: left; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // inside selector
+ 'div, /* @noflip */ .foo { float: left; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // after selector
+ 'div, .notme /* @noflip */ { float: left; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // before multiple rules
+ '/* @noflip */ div { float: left; } .foo { float: left; }',
+ '/* @noflip */ div { float: left; } .foo { float: right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // support parentheses in selector
+ '/* @noflip */ .test:not(:first) { margin-right: -0.25em; margin-left: 0.25em; }',
+ '/* @noflip */ .test:not(:first) { margin-right: -0.25em; margin-left: 0.25em; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // after multiple rules
+ '.foo { float: left; } /* @noflip */ div { float: left; }',
+ '.foo { float: right; } /* @noflip */ div { float: left; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // before multiple properties
+ 'div { /* @noflip */ float: left; text-align: left; }',
+ 'div { /* @noflip */ float: left; text-align: right; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ // after multiple properties
+ 'div { float: left; /* @noflip */ text-align: left; }',
+ 'div { float: right; /* @noflip */ text-align: left; }'
+ ),
+ // Guard against css3 stuff
+ array(
+ 'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#326cc1, #234e8c);'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 100% 0%, 0% 0%, from(#666666), to(#ffffff));'
+ ),
+ // CSS syntax / white-space variations
+ // spaces, no spaces, tabs, new lines, omitting semi-colons
+ array(
+ ".foo { left: 0; }",
+ ".foo { right: 0; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo{ left: 0; }",
+ ".foo{ right: 0; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo{ left: 0 }",
+ ".foo{ right: 0 }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo{left:0 }",
+ ".foo{right:0 }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo{left:0}",
+ ".foo{right:0}"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo { left : 0 ; }",
+ ".foo { right : 0 ; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo\n { left : 0 ; }",
+ ".foo\n { right : 0 ; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo\n { \nleft : 0 ; }",
+ ".foo\n { \nright : 0 ; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo\n { \n left : 0 ; }",
+ ".foo\n { \n right : 0 ; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo\n { \n left\n : 0; }",
+ ".foo\n { \n right\n : 0; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo \n { \n left\n : 0; }",
+ ".foo \n { \n right\n : 0; }"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo\n{\nleft\n:\n0;}",
+ ".foo\n{\nright\n:\n0;}"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo\ {\n\tleft: 0;\n}",
+ ".foo\ {\n\tright: 0;\n}"
+ ),
+ array(
+ ".foo\t{\tleft\t:\t0;}",
+ ".foo\t{\tright\t:\t0;}"
+ ),
+ // Guard against partial keys
+ array(
+ '.foo { leftxx: 0; }',
+ '.foo { leftxx: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ '.foo { rightxx: 0; }',
+ '.foo { rightxx: 0; }'
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * These cases are tested in one way only (format: actual, expected, msg).
+ * If both ways can be tested, either put both versions in here or move
+ * it to provideTransformCases().
+ */
+ public static function provideTransformAdvancedCases() {
+ $bgPairs = array(
+ # [ - _ . ] <-> [ left right ltr rtl ]
+ 'foo.jpg' => 'foo.jpg',
+ 'left.jpg' => 'right.jpg',
+ 'ltr.jpg' => 'rtl.jpg',
+ 'foo-left.png' => 'foo-right.png',
+ 'foo_left.png' => 'foo_right.png',
+ 'foo.left.png' => 'foo.right.png',
+ 'foo-ltr.png' => 'foo-rtl.png',
+ 'foo_ltr.png' => 'foo_rtl.png',
+ 'foo.ltr.png' => 'foo.rtl.png',
+ 'left-foo.png' => 'right-foo.png',
+ 'left_foo.png' => 'right_foo.png',
+ '' => '',
+ 'ltr-foo.png' => 'rtl-foo.png',
+ 'ltr_foo.png' => 'rtl_foo.png',
+ '' => '',
+ 'foo-ltr-left.gif' => 'foo-rtl-right.gif',
+ 'foo_ltr_left.gif' => 'foo_rtl_right.gif',
+ 'foo.ltr.left.gif' => 'foo.rtl.right.gif',
+ 'foo-ltr_left.gif' => 'foo-rtl_right.gif',
+ 'foo_ltr.left.gif' => 'foo_rtl.right.gif',
+ );
+ $provider = array();
+ foreach ( $bgPairs as $left => $right ) {
+ # By default '-rtl' and '-left' etc. are not touched,
+ # Only when the appropiate parameter is set.
+ $provider[] = array(
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$left); }",
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$left); }"
+ );
+ $provider[] = array(
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$right); }",
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$right); }"
+ );
+ $provider[] = array(
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$left); }",
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$right); }",
+ array(
+ 'swapLtrRtlInURL' => true,
+ 'swapLeftRightInURL' => true,
+ )
+ );
+ $provider[] = array(
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$right); }",
+ ".foo { background: url(images/$left); }",
+ array(
+ 'swapLtrRtlInURL' => true,
+ 'swapLeftRightInURL' => true,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return $provider;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cases that are currently failing, but
+ * should be looked at in the future as enhancements and/or bug fix
+ */
+ public static function provideTransformBrokenCases() {
+ return array(
+ // Guard against selectors that look flippable
+ array(
+ # <foo-left-x attr="x">
+ 'foo-left-x[attr="x"] { width: 0; }',
+ 'foo-left-x[attr="x"] { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ array(
+ # <div class="foo" data-left="x">
+ '.foo[data-left="x"] { width: 0; }',
+ '.foo[data-left="x"] { width: 0; }'
+ ),
+ );
+ }