path: root/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.test.js
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-01-18 16:46:04 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-01-18 16:46:04 +0100
commit63601400e476c6cf43d985f3e7b9864681695ed4 (patch)
treef7846203a952e38aaf66989d0a4702779f549962 /tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.test.js
parent8ff01378c9e0207f9169b81966a51def645b6a51 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.20.2
this update includes: * adjusted Arch Linux skin * updated FluxBBAuthPlugin * patch for
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.test.js')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.test.js b/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68a9eafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.Uri', QUnit.newMwEnvironment({
+ setup: function () {
+ this.mwUriOrg = mw.Uri;
+ mw.Uri = mw.UriRelative( '' );
+ },
+ teardown: function () {
+ mw.Uri = this.mwUriOrg;
+ delete this.mwUriOrg;
+ }
+}) );
+$.each( [true, false], function ( i, strictMode ) {
+ QUnit.test( 'Basic mw.Uri object test in ' + ( strictMode ? '' : 'non-' ) + 'strict mode for a simple HTTP URI', 2, function ( assert ) {
+ var uriString, uri;
+ uriString = '';
+ uri = new mw.Uri( uriString, {
+ strictMode: strictMode
+ });
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ {
+ protocol: uri.protocol,
+ host:,
+ port: uri.port,
+ path: uri.path,
+ query: uri.query,
+ fragment: uri.fragment
+ }, {
+ protocol: 'http',
+ host: '',
+ port: undefined,
+ path: '/rfc/rfc2396.txt',
+ query: {},
+ fragment: undefined
+ },
+ 'basic object properties'
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ {
+ userInfo: uri.getUserInfo(),
+ authority: uri.getAuthority(),
+ hostPort: uri.getHostPort(),
+ queryString: uri.getQueryString(),
+ relativePath: uri.getRelativePath(),
+ toString: uri.toString()
+ },
+ {
+ userInfo: '',
+ authority: '',
+ hostPort: '',
+ queryString: '',
+ relativePath: '/rfc/rfc2396.txt',
+ toString: uriString
+ },
+ 'construct composite components of URI on request'
+ );
+ });
+QUnit.test( 'Parse an ftp URI correctly with user and password', 1, function ( assert ) {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( 'ftp://usr:pwd@' );
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ {
+ protocol: uri.protocol,
+ user: uri.user,
+ password: uri.password,
+ host:,
+ port: uri.port,
+ path: uri.path,
+ query: uri.query,
+ fragment: uri.fragment
+ },
+ {
+ protocol: 'ftp',
+ user: 'usr',
+ password: 'pwd',
+ host: '',
+ port: undefined,
+ path: '/',
+ query: {},
+ fragment: undefined
+ },
+ 'basic object properties'
+ );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Parse a uri with simple querystring', 1, function ( assert ) {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ {
+ protocol: uri.protocol,
+ host:,
+ port: uri.port,
+ path: uri.path,
+ query: uri.query,
+ fragment: uri.fragment,
+ queryString: uri.getQueryString()
+ },
+ {
+ protocol: 'http',
+ host: '',
+ port: undefined,
+ path: '/',
+ query: { q: 'uri' },
+ fragment: undefined,
+ queryString: 'q=uri'
+ },
+ 'basic object properties'
+ );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Handle multiple query parameter (overrideKeys on)', 5, function ( assert ) {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '', {
+ overrideKeys: true
+ });
+ assert.equal( uri.query.n, '1', 'multiple parameters are parsed' );
+ assert.equal( uri.query.m, 'bar', 'last key overrides earlier keys' );
+ uri.query.n = [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ];
+ // Verify parts and total length instead of entire string because order
+ // of iteration can vary.
+ assert.ok( uri.toString().indexOf( 'm=bar' ), 'toString preserves other values' );
+ assert.ok( uri.toString().indexOf( 'n=x&n=y&n=z' ), 'toString parameter includes all values of an array query parameter' );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString().length, ''.length, 'toString matches expected string' );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Handle multiple query parameter (overrideKeys off)', 9, function ( assert ) {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '', {
+ overrideKeys: false
+ });
+ // Strict comparison so that types are also verified (n should be string '1')
+ assert.strictEqual( uri.query.m.length, 2, 'multi-value query should be an array with 2 items' );
+ assert.strictEqual( uri.query.m[0], 'foo', 'order and value is correct' );
+ assert.strictEqual( uri.query.m[1], 'bar', 'order and value is correct' );
+ assert.strictEqual( uri.query.n, '1', 'n=1 is parsed with the correct value of the expected type' );
+ // Change query values
+ uri.query.n = [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ];
+ // Verify parts and total length instead of entire string because order
+ // of iteration can vary.
+ assert.ok( uri.toString().indexOf( 'm=foo&m=bar' ) >= 0, 'toString preserves other values' );
+ assert.ok( uri.toString().indexOf( 'n=x&n=y&n=z' ) >= 0, 'toString parameter includes all values of an array query parameter' );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString().length, ''.length, 'toString matches expected string' );
+ // Remove query values
+ uri.query.m.splice( 0, 1 );
+ delete uri.query.n;
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'deletion properties' );
+ // Remove more query values, leaving an empty array
+ uri.query.m.splice( 0, 1 );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'empty array value is ommitted' );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'All-dressed URI with everything', 11, function ( assert ) {
+ var uri, queryString, relativePath;
+ uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ {
+ protocol: uri.protocol,
+ user: uri.user,
+ password: uri.password,
+ host:,
+ port: uri.port,
+ path: uri.path,
+ query: uri.query,
+ fragment: uri.fragment
+ },
+ {
+ protocol: 'http',
+ user: 'auth',
+ password: undefined,
+ host: '',
+ port: '81',
+ path: '/dir/dir.2/index.htm',
+ query: { q1: '0', test1: null, test2: 'value (escaped)' },
+ fragment: 'top'
+ },
+ 'basic object properties'
+ );
+ assert.equal( uri.getUserInfo(), 'auth', 'user info' );
+ assert.equal( uri.getAuthority(), '', 'authority equal to auth@hostport' );
+ assert.equal( uri.getHostPort(), '', 'hostport equal to host:port' );
+ queryString = uri.getQueryString();
+ assert.ok( queryString.indexOf( 'q1=0' ) >= 0, 'query param with numbers' );
+ assert.ok( queryString.indexOf( 'test1' ) >= 0, 'query param with null value is included' );
+ assert.ok( queryString.indexOf( 'test1=' ) === -1, 'query param with null value does not generate equals sign' );
+ assert.ok( queryString.indexOf( 'test2=value+%28escaped%29' ) >= 0, 'query param is url escaped' );
+ relativePath = uri.getRelativePath();
+ assert.ok( relativePath.indexOf( uri.path ) >= 0, 'path in relative path' );
+ assert.ok( relativePath.indexOf( uri.getQueryString() ) >= 0, 'query string in relative path' );
+ assert.ok( relativePath.indexOf( uri.fragment ) >= 0, 'fragement in relative path' );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Cloning', 6, function ( assert ) {
+ var original, clone;
+ original = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ clone = original.clone();
+ assert.deepEqual( clone, original, 'clone has equivalent properties' );
+ assert.equal( original.toString(), clone.toString(), 'toString matches original' );
+ assert.notStrictEqual( clone, original, 'clone is a different object when compared by reference' );
+ = '';
+ assert.notEqual(,, 'manipulating clone did not effect original' );
+ assert.notEqual( original.toString(), clone.toString(), 'Stringified url no longer matches original' );
+ clone.query.three = 3;
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ original.query,
+ { 'one': '1', 'two': '2' },
+ 'Properties is deep cloned (bug 37708)'
+ );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Constructing mw.Uri from plain object', 3, function ( assert ) {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri({
+ protocol: 'http',
+ host: '',
+ path: '/this'
+ });
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'Basic properties' );
+ uri = new mw.Uri({
+ protocol: 'http',
+ host: '',
+ path: '/this',
+ query: { hi: 'there' },
+ fragment: 'blah'
+ });
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'More complex properties' );
+ assert.throws(
+ function () {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri({
+ protocol: 'http',
+ host: ''
+ });
+ },
+ function ( e ) {
+ return e.message === 'Bad constructor arguments';
+ },
+ 'Construction failed when missing required properties'
+ );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Manipulate properties', 8, function ( assert ) {
+ var uriBase, uri;
+ uriBase = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ uri = uriBase.clone();
+ uri.fragment = 'frag';
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'add a fragment' );
+ uri = uriBase.clone();
+ = '';
+ uri.port = '8080';
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'change host and port' );
+ uri = uriBase.clone();
+ = 'bar';
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'add query arguments' );
+ delete;
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'delete query arguments' );
+ uri = uriBase.clone();
+ = 'bar';
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'extend query arguments' );
+ uri.extend({
+ foo: 'quux',
+ pif: 'paf'
+ });
+ assert.ok( uri.toString().indexOf( 'foo=quux' ) >= 0, 'extend query arguments' );
+ assert.ok( uri.toString().indexOf( 'foo=bar' ) === -1, 'extend query arguments' );
+ assert.ok( uri.toString().indexOf( 'pif=paf' ) >= 0 , 'extend query arguments' );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Handle protocol-relative URLs', 5, function ( assert ) {
+ var UriRel, uri;
+ UriRel = mw.UriRelative( 'glork://' );
+ uri = new UriRel( '//' );
+ assert.equal( uri.protocol, 'glork', 'create protocol-relative URLs with same protocol as document' );
+ uri = new UriRel( '/' );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), 'glork://', 'handle absolute paths by supplying protocol and host from document in loose mode' );
+ uri = new UriRel( 'http:/' );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'handle absolute paths by supplying host from document in loose mode' );
+ uri = new UriRel( '/', true );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), 'glork://', 'handle absolute paths by supplying protocol and host from document in strict mode' );
+ uri = new UriRel( 'http:/', true );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'handle absolute paths by supplying host from document in strict mode' );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Bad calls', 3, function ( assert ) {
+ var uri;
+ assert.throws(
+ function () {
+ return new mw.Uri( 'glaswegian penguins' );
+ },
+ function ( e ) {
+ return e.message === 'Bad constructor arguments';
+ },
+ 'throw error on non-URI as argument to constructor'
+ );
+ assert.throws(
+ function () {
+ return new mw.Uri( '', {
+ strictMode: true
+ });
+ },
+ function ( e ) {
+ return e.message === 'Bad constructor arguments';
+ },
+ 'throw error on URI without protocol or // or leading / in strict mode'
+ );
+ uri = new mw.Uri( '', {
+ strictMode: false
+ });
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), '', 'normalize URI without protocol or // in loose mode' );
+QUnit.test( 'bug 35658', 2, function ( assert ) {
+ var testProtocol, testServer, testPort, testPath, UriClass, uri, href;
+ testProtocol = 'https://';
+ testServer = '';
+ testPort = '3004';
+ testPath = '/!1qy';
+ UriClass = mw.UriRelative( testProtocol + testServer + '/some/path/index.html' );
+ uri = new UriClass( testPath );
+ href = uri.toString();
+ assert.equal( href, testProtocol + testServer + testPath, 'Root-relative URL gets host & protocol supplied' );
+ UriClass = mw.UriRelative( testProtocol + testServer + ':' + testPort + '/some/path.php' );
+ uri = new UriClass( testPath );
+ href = uri.toString();
+ assert.equal( href, testProtocol + testServer + ':' + testPort + testPath, 'Root-relative URL gets host, protocol, and port supplied' );
+} );
+QUnit.test( 'Constructor falls back to default location', 4, function ( assert ) {
+ var testuri, MyUri, uri;
+ testuri = '';
+ MyUri = mw.UriRelative( testuri );
+ uri = new MyUri();
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), testuri, 'no arguments' );
+ uri = new MyUri( undefined );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), testuri, 'undefined' );
+ uri = new MyUri( null );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), testuri, 'null' );
+ uri = new MyUri( '' );
+ assert.equal( uri.toString(), testuri, 'empty string' );
+} );