path: root/extensions/WikiEditor/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/WikiEditor/modules')
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/templateEditor/collapse.pngbin347 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/templateEditor/dialog-collapsed.pngbin266 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/templateEditor/dialog-expanded.pngbin263 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/templateEditor/expand.pngbin223 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/templateEditor/name-base.pngbin138 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/templateEditor/text-base.pngbin88 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/templateEditor/wiki-text.pngbin206 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toc/close.pngbin216 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toc/grab.pngbin92 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toc/grip.pngbin108 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toc/open.pngbin217 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-bold-hy.pngbin0 -> 1675 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-indent-rtl.pngbin317 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-indent.pngbin316 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--extensions/WikiEditor/modules/images/toolbar/format-italic-hy.pngbin0 -> 1475 bytes
81 files changed, 8409 insertions, 4729 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/contentCollector.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/contentCollector.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c289212..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/contentCollector.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-// THIS FILE HAS BEEN MODIFIED for use with the mediawiki wikiEditor
-// It no longer requires etherpad.collab.ace.easysync2.Changeset
-// THIS FILE WAS ORIGINALLY AN APPJET MODULE: etherpad.collab.ace.contentcollector
- * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-var _MAX_LIST_LEVEL = 8;
-function sanitizeUnicode(s) {
- return s.replace(/[\uffff\ufffe\ufeff\ufdd0-\ufdef\ud800-\udfff]/g, '?');
-function makeContentCollector( browser, domInterface ) {
- browser = browser || {};
- var dom = domInterface || {
- isNodeText : function(n) {
- return (n.nodeType == 3);
- },
- nodeTagName : function(n) {
- return n.tagName;
- },
- nodeValue : function(n) {
- try {
- return n.nodeValue;
- } catch ( err ) {
- return '';
- }
- },
- nodeName : function(n) {
- return n.nodeName;
- },
- nodeNumChildren : function(n) {
- return n.childNodes.length;
- },
- nodeChild : function(n, i) {
- return n.childNodes.item(i);
- },
- nodeProp : function(n, p) {
- return n[p];
- },
- nodeAttr : function(n, a) {
- return n.getAttribute(a);
- },
- optNodeInnerHTML : function(n) {
- return n.innerHTML;
- }
- };
- var _blockElems = {
- "div" : 1,
- "p" : 1,
- "pre" : 1,
- "li" : 1
- };
- function isBlockElement(n) {
- return !!_blockElems[(dom.nodeTagName(n) || "").toLowerCase()];
- }
- function textify(str) {
- return sanitizeUnicode(str.replace(/[\n\r ]/g, ' ').replace(/\xa0/g,
- ' ').replace(/\t/g, ' '));
- }
- function getAssoc(node, name) {
- return dom.nodeProp(node, "_magicdom_" + name);
- }
- var lines = (function() {
- var textArray = [];
- var self = {
- length : function() {
- return textArray.length;
- },
- atColumnZero : function() {
- return textArray[textArray.length - 1] === "";
- },
- startNew : function() {
- textArray.push("");
- self.flush(true);
- },
- textOfLine : function(i) {
- return textArray[i];
- },
- appendText : function(txt, attrString) {
- textArray[textArray.length - 1] += txt;
- // dmesg(txt+" / "+attrString);
- },
- textLines : function() {
- return textArray.slice();
- },
- // call flush only when you're done
- flush : function(withNewline) {
- }
- };
- self.startNew();
- return self;
- }());
- var cc = {};
- function _ensureColumnZero(state) {
- if (!lines.atColumnZero()) {
- _startNewLine(state);
- }
- }
- var selection, startPoint, endPoint;
- var selStart = [ -1, -1 ], selEnd = [ -1, -1 ];
- var blockElems = {
- "div" : 1,
- "p" : 1,
- "pre" : 1
- };
- function _isEmpty(node, state) {
- // consider clean blank lines pasted in IE to be empty
- if (dom.nodeNumChildren(node) == 0)
- return true;
- if (dom.nodeNumChildren(node) == 1 && getAssoc(node, "shouldBeEmpty")
- && dom.optNodeInnerHTML(node) == " "
- && !getAssoc(node, "unpasted")) {
- if (state) {
- var child = dom.nodeChild(node, 0);
- _reachPoint(child, 0, state);
- _reachPoint(child, 1, state);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function _pointHere(charsAfter, state) {
- var ln = lines.length() - 1;
- var chr = lines.textOfLine(ln).length;
- if (chr == 0 && state.listType && state.listType != 'none') {
- chr += 1; // listMarker
- }
- chr += charsAfter;
- return [ ln, chr ];
- }
- function _reachBlockPoint(nd, idx, state) {
- if (!dom.isNodeText(nd))
- _reachPoint(nd, idx, state);
- }
- function _reachPoint(nd, idx, state) {
- if (startPoint && nd == startPoint.node && startPoint.index == idx) {
- selStart = _pointHere(0, state);
- }
- if (endPoint && nd == endPoint.node && endPoint.index == idx) {
- selEnd = _pointHere(0, state);
- }
- }
- function _incrementFlag(state, flagName) {
- state.flags[flagName] = (state.flags[flagName] || 0) + 1;
- }
- function _decrementFlag(state, flagName) {
- state.flags[flagName]--;
- }
- function _enterList(state, listType) {
- var oldListType = state.listType;
- state.listLevel = (state.listLevel || 0) + 1;
- if (listType != 'none') {
- state.listNesting = (state.listNesting || 0) + 1;
- }
- state.listType = listType;
- return oldListType;
- }
- function _exitList(state, oldListType) {
- state.listLevel--;
- if (state.listType != 'none') {
- state.listNesting--;
- }
- state.listType = oldListType;
- }
- function _produceListMarker(state) {
- }
- function _startNewLine(state) {
- if (state) {
- var atBeginningOfLine = lines.textOfLine(lines.length() - 1).length == 0;
- if (atBeginningOfLine && state.listType && state.listType != 'none') {
- _produceListMarker(state);
- }
- }
- lines.startNew();
- }
- cc.notifySelection = function(sel) {
- if (sel) {
- selection = sel;
- startPoint = selection.startPoint;
- endPoint = selection.endPoint;
- }
- };
- cc.collectContent = function(node, state) {
- if (!state) {
- state = {
- flags : {/* name -> nesting counter */}
- };
- }
- var isBlock = isBlockElement(node);
- var isEmpty = _isEmpty(node, state);
- if (isBlock)
- _ensureColumnZero(state);
- var startLine = lines.length() - 1;
- _reachBlockPoint(node, 0, state);
- if (dom.isNodeText(node)) {
- var txt = dom.nodeValue(node);
- var rest = '';
- var x = 0; // offset into original text
- if (txt.length == 0) {
- if (startPoint && node == startPoint.node) {
- selStart = _pointHere(0, state);
- }
- if (endPoint && node == endPoint.node) {
- selEnd = _pointHere(0, state);
- }
- }
- while (txt.length > 0) {
- var consumed = 0;
- if (!browser.firefox || state.flags.preMode) {
- var firstLine = txt.split('\n', 1)[0];
- consumed = firstLine.length + 1;
- rest = txt.substring(consumed);
- txt = firstLine;
- } else { /* will only run this loop body once */
- }
- if (startPoint && node == startPoint.node
- && startPoint.index - x <= txt.length) {
- selStart = _pointHere(startPoint.index - x, state);
- }
- if (endPoint && node == endPoint.node
- && endPoint.index - x <= txt.length) {
- selEnd = _pointHere(endPoint.index - x, state);
- }
- var txt2 = txt;
- if ((!state.flags.preMode) && /^[\r\n]*$/.exec(txt)) {
- // prevents textnodes containing just "\n" from being
- // significant
- // in safari when pasting text, now that we convert them to
- // spaces instead of removing them, because in other cases
- // removing "\n" from pasted HTML will collapse words
- // together.
- txt2 = "";
- }
- var atBeginningOfLine = lines.textOfLine(lines.length() - 1).length == 0;
- if (atBeginningOfLine) {
- // newlines in the source mustn't become spaces at beginning
- // of line box
- txt2 = txt2.replace(/^\n*/, '');
- }
- if (atBeginningOfLine && state.listType
- && state.listType != 'none') {
- _produceListMarker(state);
- }
- lines.appendText(textify(txt2));
- x += consumed;
- txt = rest;
- if (txt.length > 0) {
- _startNewLine(state);
- }
- }
- } else {
- var cls = dom.nodeProp(node, "className");
- var tname = (dom.nodeTagName(node) || "").toLowerCase();
- if (tname == "br") {
- _startNewLine(state);
- } else if (tname == "script" || tname == "style") {
- // ignore
- } else if (!isEmpty) {
- var styl = dom.nodeAttr(node, "style");
- var isPre = (tname == "pre");
- if ((!isPre) && browser.safari) {
- isPre = (styl && /\bwhite-space:\s*pre\b/i.exec(styl));
- }
- if (isPre)
- _incrementFlag(state, 'preMode');
- var oldListTypeOrNull = null;
- var nc = dom.nodeNumChildren(node);
- for ( var i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
- var c = dom.nodeChild(node, i);
- //very specific IE case where it inserts <span lang="en"> which we want to ginore.
- //to reproduce copy content from wordpad andpaste into the middle of a line in IE
- if ( browser.msie && cls.indexOf('wikiEditor') >= 0 && dom.nodeName(c) == 'SPAN' && dom.nodeAttr(c, 'lang') == "" ) {
- continue;
- }
- cc.collectContent(c, state);
- }
- if (isPre)
- _decrementFlag(state, 'preMode');
- if (oldListTypeOrNull) {
- _exitList(state, oldListTypeOrNull);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!browser.msie) {
- _reachBlockPoint(node, 1, state);
- }
- if (isBlock) {
- if (lines.length() - 1 == startLine) {
- _startNewLine(state);
- } else {
- _ensureColumnZero(state);
- }
- }
- if (browser.msie) {
- // in IE, a point immediately after a DIV appears on the next line
- //_reachBlockPoint(node, 1, state);
- }
- };
- // can pass a falsy value for end of doc
- cc.notifyNextNode = function(node) {
- // an "empty block" won't end a line; this addresses an issue in IE with
- // typing into a blank line at the end of the document. typed text
- // goes into the body, and the empty line div still looks clean.
- // it is incorporated as dirty by the rule that a dirty region has
- // to end a line.
- if ((!node) || (isBlockElement(node) && !_isEmpty(node))) {
- _ensureColumnZero(null);
- }
- };
- // each returns [line, char] or [-1,-1]
- var getSelectionStart = function() {
- return selStart;
- };
- var getSelectionEnd = function() {
- return selEnd;
- };
- // returns array of strings for lines found, last entry will be "" if
- // last line is complete (i.e. if a following span should be on a new line).
- // can be called at any point
- cc.getLines = function() {
- return lines.textLines();
- };
- // cc.applyHints = function(hints) {
- // if (hints.pastedLines) {
- //
- // }
- // }
- cc.finish = function() {
- lines.flush();
- var lineStrings = cc.getLines();
- if ( lineStrings.length > 0 && !lineStrings[lineStrings.length - 1] ) {
- lineStrings.length--;
- }
- var ss = getSelectionStart();
- var se = getSelectionEnd();
- function fixLongLines() {
- // design mode does not deal with with really long lines!
- var lineLimit = 2000; // chars
- var buffer = 10; // chars allowed over before wrapping
- var linesWrapped = 0;
- var numLinesAfter = 0;
- for ( var i = lineStrings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var oldString = lineStrings[i];
- if (oldString.length > lineLimit + buffer) {
- var newStrings = [];
- while (oldString.length > lineLimit) {
- // var semiloc = oldString.lastIndexOf(';',
- // lineLimit-1);
- // var lengthToTake = (semiloc >= 0 ? (semiloc+1) :
- // lineLimit);
- lengthToTake = lineLimit;
- newStrings.push(oldString.substring(0, lengthToTake));
- oldString = oldString.substring(lengthToTake);
- }
- if (oldString.length > 0) {
- newStrings.push(oldString);
- }
- function fixLineNumber(lineChar) {
- if (lineChar[0] < 0)
- return;
- var n = lineChar[0];
- var c = lineChar[1];
- if (n > i) {
- n += (newStrings.length - 1);
- } else if (n == i) {
- var a = 0;
- while (c > newStrings[a].length) {
- c -= newStrings[a].length;
- a++;
- }
- n += a;
- }
- lineChar[0] = n;
- lineChar[1] = c;
- }
- fixLineNumber(ss);
- fixLineNumber(se);
- linesWrapped++;
- numLinesAfter += newStrings.length;
- newStrings.unshift(i, 1);
- lineStrings.splice.apply(lineStrings, newStrings);
- }
- }
- return {
- linesWrapped : linesWrapped,
- numLinesAfter : numLinesAfter
- };
- }
- var wrapData = fixLongLines();
- return {
- selStart : ss,
- selEnd : se,
- linesWrapped : wrapData.linesWrapped,
- numLinesAfter : wrapData.numLinesAfter,
- lines : lineStrings
- };
- };
- return cc;
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.css b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.css
index 30a27326..6ea7e631 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.css
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.css
@@ -2,28 +2,6 @@
* CSS for WikiEditor
-form#editform {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
-#wpSummaryLabel {
- margin-bottom: 1em;
-.wikiEditor-ui textarea#wpTextbox1 {
- border: none;
- padding: 0;
- margin: -1px;
- line-height: 1.5em;
- resize: vertical;
-.wikiEditor-ui .wikiEditor-ui-text > textarea#wpTextbox1 {
- margin: 0;
/* Hide vanilla MediaWiki's "Editing help" link, as we provide it in the toolbar */
.editButtons .editHelp,
.editButtons .mw-editButtons-pipe-separator {
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
index 0e0dd090..c6d327f8 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Dialogs
-$( document ).ready( function() {
+jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs ) ) {
// Replace icons
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config.replaceIcons( $( '#wpTextbox1' ) );
// Add dialogs module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config.getDefaultConfig() );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.highlight.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.highlight.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b43851..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.highlight.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- * JavaScript for WikiEditor Highlighting
- */
-$( document ).ready( function() {
- // Add highlight module
- $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'highlight' );
-} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js
index 6056e63b..46087989 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.js
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor
-$( document ).ready( function() {
+jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
// Initialize wikiEditor
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor();
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js
index 3fbca82d..cdc00f7b 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.preview.js
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Preview module
-$( document ).ready( function() {
+jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
// Add preview module
$( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'preview' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
index 67f97e00..3b1acd7c 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Preview Dialog
-$( document ).ready( function() {
+jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
// Add preview module
$( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'previewDialog' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js
index d874478c..423766d2 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.publish.js
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Publish module
-$( document ).ready( function() {
+jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
// Add publish module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'publish' );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8879d10d..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * JavaScript for WikiEditor Template Editor
- */
-$( document ).ready( function () {
- // Disable in template namespace
- if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 10 ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Add template editor module
- $( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'templateEditor' );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templates.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templates.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eae6de5..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.templates.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * JavaScript for WikiEditor Templates
- */
-$( document ).ready( function () {
- // Disable for template namespace
- if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 10 ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Add templates module
- $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'templates' );
-} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js
index d4ffe5ae..3475284b 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.tests.toolbar.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
var textareaId = '#wpTextbox1';
var wikiEditorTests = {
// Add emoticons section
- add_sections_toolbar: {
+ 'add_sections_toolbar': {
call: 'addToToolbar',
data: {
'sections': {
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ var wikiEditorTests = {
data: {
section: 'info',
page: 'removeme'
- },
- test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=removeme].page',
+ },
+ test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=removeme].page',
pre: 1,
post: 0
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ var wikiEditorTests = {
section: 'info',
page: 'emoticons',
'character': ':))'
- },
- test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=emoticons].page *[rel=":))"]',
+ },
+ test: '*[rel=info].section *[rel=emoticons].page *[rel=":))"]',
pre: 1,
post: 0
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ var wikiEditorTests = {
-jQuery(document).ready( function ( $ ) {
+jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
var $button = $( '<button>Run wikiEditor Tests!</button>' )
.css( {
position: 'fixed',
@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ jQuery(document).ready( function ( $ ) {
cursor: 'pointer'
} )
.click( function () {
- if ( $(this).data( 'testDone' ) ) {
- $(this).slideUp( 'fast' );
+ if ( $( this ).data( 'testDone' ) ) {
+ $( this ).slideUp( 'fast' );
return false;
- var test, pre, post,
+ var test, pre, post, i,
messages = [ 'Running tests for wikiEditor API' ],
$target = $( textareaId ),
$ui = $ 'wikiEditor-context' ).$ui,
@@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ jQuery(document).ready( function ( $ ) {
if ( window.console ) {
- for ( var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ) {
window.console.log( messages[i] );
- $(this)
- .attr( 'title', messages.join( " | " ) )
+ $( this )
+ .attr( 'title', messages.join( ' | ' ) )
.text( passes + ' / ' + tests + ' were successful' )
.css( 'backgroundColor', passes < tests ? 'red' : 'green' )
.data( 'testDone', 'true' )
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toc.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 264e9f86..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- * JavaScript for WikiEditor Table of Contents
- */
-$( document ).ready( function() {
- // Add table of contents module
- $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'toc' );
-} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js
index 3bc0f0b4..48d30274 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.hideSig.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Remove the signature button if the main namespace is edited.
-$( document ).ready( function() {
+jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {
// This module is designed not to depend on ext.wikiEditor or jquery.wikiEditor.
// Removing this dependency fixed various bugs, but it does mean that we have to
// account for the situation where $.wikiEditor is not present
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ $( document ).ready( function() {
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'ns-0' ) ) {
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'main', 'group': 'insert', 'tool': 'signature' } );
+} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
index 5cdeae57..3f30c0c4 100644
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* JavaScript for WikiEditor Toolbar
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+ * CSS for WikiEditor
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+ * hide the WikiEditor toolbar until it's css has loaded */
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* Configuration of Dialog module for wikiEditor
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indexpageids: true
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- // This happens in some weird cases
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+ // This happens in some weird cases like interwiki links
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- $(this).text( mw.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
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+ $( this ).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
+ $( this ).text( mw.msg( $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
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@@ -250,12 +255,12 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
.data( 'tooltip', mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip' ) );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
.each( function () {
- var tooltip = mw.msg( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) + '-tooltip' );
- if ( $( this ).val() === '' )
+ if ( $( this ).val() === '' ) {
$( this )
.addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.val( $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', true );
+ }
} )
.focus( function () {
if ( $( this ).val() === $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
@@ -264,14 +269,14 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
.removeClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', false );
- })
+ } )
.bind( 'change', function () {
if ( $( this ).val() !== $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
$( this )
.removeClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', false );
- })
+ } )
.bind( 'blur', function () {
if ( $( this ).val() === '' ) {
$( this )
@@ -279,13 +284,13 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
.val( $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', true );
- });
+ } );
// Automatically copy the value of the internal link page title field to the link text field unless the
// user has changed the link text field - this is a convenience thing since most link texts are going to
// be the the same as the page title - Also change the internal/external radio button accordingly
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).bind( 'change keydown paste cut', function () {
- // $(this).val() is the old value, before the keypress - Defer this until $(this).val() has
+ // $( this ).val() is the old value, before the keypress - Defer this until $( this ).val() has
// been updated
setTimeout( function () {
if ( isExternalLink( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() ) ) {
@@ -295,28 +300,32 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int' ).prop( 'checked', true );
- if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'untouched' ) )
+ /*jshint eqeqeq:false */
+ if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'untouched' ) ) {
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() ==
- $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
- $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
- .addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
- .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
- .change();
- } else {
- $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
- .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() )
- .change();
- }
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'tooltip' )
+ ) {
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
+ .addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
+ .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
+ .change();
+ } else {
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
+ .val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() )
+ .change();
+ }
+ }
}, 0 );
- });
+ } );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).bind( 'change keydown paste cut', function () {
- var oldVal = $(this).val();
+ var oldVal = $( this ).val();
var that = this;
setTimeout( function () {
- if ( $(that).val() !== oldVal )
- $(that).data( 'untouched', false );
+ if ( $( that ).val() !== oldVal ) {
+ $( that ).data( 'untouched', false );
+ }
}, 0 );
- });
+ } );
// Add images to the page existence widget, which will be shown mutually exclusively to communicate if
// the page exists, does not exist or the title is invalid (like if it contains a | character)
var existsMsg = mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-exists' );
@@ -360,18 +369,18 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' )
.bind( 'keyup paste cut', function () {
// Cancel the running timer if applicable
- if ( typeof $(this).data( 'timerID' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
- clearTimeout( $(this).data( 'timerID' ) );
+ if ( typeof $( this ).data( 'timerID' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
+ clearTimeout( $( this ).data( 'timerID' ) );
// Delay fetch for a while
// FIXME: Make 120 configurable elsewhere
var timerID = setTimeout( updateExistence, 120 );
- $(this).data( 'timerID', timerID );
+ $( this ).data( 'timerID', timerID );
} )
.change( function () {
// Cancel the running timer if applicable
- if ( typeof $(this).data( 'timerID' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
- clearTimeout( $(this).data( 'timerID' ) );
+ if ( typeof $( this ).data( 'timerID' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
+ clearTimeout( $( this ).data( 'timerID' ) );
// Fetch right now
@@ -379,18 +388,18 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Title suggestions
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'suggcache', {} ).suggestions( {
- fetch: function ( query ) {
+ fetch: function () {
var that = this;
- var title = $(this).val();
+ var title = $( this ).val();
- if ( isExternalLink( title ) || title.indexOf( '|' ) !== -1 || title === '') {
- $(this).suggestions( 'suggestions', [] );
+ if ( isExternalLink( title ) || title.indexOf( '|' ) !== -1 || title === '' ) {
+ $( this ).suggestions( 'suggestions', [] );
- var cache = $(this).data( 'suggcache' );
- if ( typeof cache[title] !== 'undefined' ) {
- $(this).suggestions( 'suggestions', cache[title] );
+ var cache = $( this ).data( 'suggcache' );
+ if ( cache, title ) ) {
+ $( this ).suggestions( 'suggestions', cache[title] );
@@ -406,17 +415,17 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
dataType: 'json',
success: function ( data ) {
cache[title] = data[1];
- $(that).suggestions( 'suggestions', data[1] );
+ $( that ).suggestions( 'suggestions', data[1] );
- });
- $(this).data( 'request', request );
+ } );
+ $( this ).data( 'request', request );
cancel: function () {
- var request = $(this).data( 'request' );
+ var request = $( this ).data( 'request' );
if ( request )
- });
+ } );
dialog: {
width: 500,
@@ -470,21 +479,21 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
target = 'http://' + target;
// Detect if this is really an internal link in disguise
- var match = target.match( $(this).data( 'articlePathRegex' ) );
- if ( match && !$(this).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal' ) ) {
+ var match = target.match( $( this ).data( 'articlePathRegex' ) );
+ if ( match && !$( this ).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal' ) ) {
var buttons = { };
var that = this;
buttons[ mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' ) ] =
function () {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val( match[1] ).change();
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
buttons[ mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-ext' ) ] =
function () {
- $(that).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal', true );
- $(that).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button:first' ).click();
- $(that).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal', false );
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( that ).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal', true );
+ $( that ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button:first' ).click();
+ $( that ).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal', false );
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal', match[1] ),
@@ -507,13 +516,13 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
if ( whitespace ) {
insertText = whitespace[0] + insertText + whitespace[1];
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $(this).data( 'context' ), {
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $( this ).data( 'context' ), {
type: 'replace',
options: {
pre: insertText
- }, $(this) );
+ }, $( this ) );
// Blank form
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).val( '' );
@@ -522,9 +531,9 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function () {
// Clear any saved selection state
- var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
+ var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
open: function () {
@@ -533,12 +542,12 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Obtain the server name without the protocol. wgServer may be protocol-relative
var serverName = mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ).replace( /^(https?:)?\/\//, '' );
// Cache the articlepath regex
- $(this).data( 'articlePathRegex', new RegExp(
+ $( this ).data( 'articlePathRegex', new RegExp(
'^https?://' + $.escapeRE( serverName + mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ) )
.replace( /\\\$1/g, '(.*)' ) + '$'
) );
// Pre-fill the text fields based on the current selection
- var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
+ var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
// Restore and immediately save selection state, needed for inserting stuff later
@@ -599,27 +608,27 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text, #wikiedit-toolbar-link-int-target' )
.each( function () {
- if ( $(this).val() === '' )
- $(this).parent().find( 'label' ).show();
- });
+ if ( $( this ).val() === '' )
+ $( this ).parent().find( 'label' ).show();
+ } );
- if ( !$(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) {
- $(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
+ if ( !$( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) {
+ $( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
- var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
+ var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $( this ).find( 'button:first' );;
- });
+ } );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function () {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
- });
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function () {
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
+ } );
@@ -678,7 +687,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
open: function () {
// Pre-fill the text fields based on the current selection
- var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
+ var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
// Restore and immediately save selection state, needed for inserting stuff later
@@ -706,7 +715,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $( this ).find( 'button:first' );;
@@ -767,7 +776,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
.find( '[data-i18n-magic]' )
.text( function () {
return magicWordsI18N[ $( this ).attr( 'data-i18n-magic' ) ];
- })
+ } )
.removeAttr( 'data-i18n-magic' )
.find( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' )
@@ -778,7 +787,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
.find( '[rel]' )
.text( function () {
return mw.msg( $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) );
- })
+ } )
.removeAttr( 'rel' )
@@ -790,7 +799,8 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert': function () {
var fileName, caption, fileFloat, fileFormat, fileSize, fileTitle,
options, fileUse,
- hasPxRgx = /.+px$/;
+ hasPxRgx = /.+px$/,
+ magicWordsI18N = mw.config.get( 'wgWikiEditorMagicWords' );
fileName = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-target' ).val();
caption = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption' ).val();
fileFloat = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' ).val();
@@ -835,10 +845,11 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// Restore form state
$( ['#wikieditor-toolbar-file-target',
- '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-size',
- '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-float',
- '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-format'].join( ',' )
+ '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-size'].join( ',' )
).val( '' );
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' ).val( 'default' );
+ /*jshint camelcase: false */
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-format' ).val( magicWordsI18N.img_thumbnail );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel': function () {
$( this ).dialog( 'close' );
@@ -850,20 +861,20 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
- $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function( e ) {
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
if ( e.which === 13 ) {
var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) ||
$( this ).find( 'button:first' );;
- });
+ } );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
- $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function() {
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function () {
$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
- });
+ } );
@@ -934,17 +945,17 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
init: function () {
- $(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
- $(this).text( mw.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
- });
+ $( this ).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
+ $( this ).text( mw.msg( $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
+ } );
// Set tabindexes on form fields
- $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $(this).find( 'input' ).not( '[tabindex]' ) );
+ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $( this ).find( 'input' ).not( '[tabindex]' ) );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows' ).val( 3 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns' ).val( 3 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable' ).click( function () {
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview' ).toggleClass( 'wikitable' );
- });
+ } );
// Hack for sortable preview: dynamically adding
// sortable class doesn't work, so we use a clone
@@ -957,7 +968,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
mw.loader.using( 'jquery.tablesorter', function () {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' ).tablesorter();
- });
+ } );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable' ).click( function () {
// Swap the currently shown one clone with the other one
@@ -968,7 +979,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview' )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview3' ).attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' );
- });
+ } );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header' ).click( function () {
// Instead of show/hiding, switch the HTML around
@@ -978,12 +989,12 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
var hiddenHTML = $( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-hidden' ).html();
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-header' ).html( hiddenHTML );
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-hidden' ).html( headerHTML );
- if ( typeof jQuery.fn.tablesorter == 'function' ) {
- $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview, #wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' )
- .filter( '.sortable' )
- .tablesorter();
+ if ( typeof jQuery.fn.tablesorter === 'function' ) {
+ $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview, #wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' )
+ .filter( '.sortable' )
+ .tablesorter();
- });
+ } );
dialog: {
resizable: false,
@@ -996,7 +1007,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
var rows = parseInt( rowsVal, 10 );
var cols = parseInt( colsVal, 10 );
var header = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header' ).prop( 'checked' ) ? 1 : 0;
- if ( isNaN( rows ) || isNaN( cols ) || String( rows ) !== rowsVal || String( cols ) !== colsVal || rowsVal < 0 || colsVal < 0 ) {
+ if ( isNaN( rows ) || isNaN( cols ) || String( rows ) !== rowsVal || String( cols ) !== colsVal || rowsVal < 0 || colsVal < 0 ) {
alert( mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-invalidnumber' ) );
@@ -1032,9 +1043,9 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable' ).is( ':checked' ) )
classes.push( 'sortable' );
var classStr = classes.length > 0 ? ' class="' + classes.join( ' ' ) + '"' : '';
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
- $(this).data( 'context' ),
+ $( this ).data( 'context' ),
type: 'replace',
options: {
@@ -1044,7 +1055,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
ownline: true
- $(this)
+ $( this )
// Restore form state
@@ -1060,28 +1071,28 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable' ).click();
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-cancel': function () {
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
open: function () {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows' ).focus();
- if ( !( $(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) ) {
- $(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
+ if ( !( $( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) ) {
+ $( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
- var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
+ var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $( this ).find( 'button:first' );;
- });
+ } );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function () {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
- });
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function () {
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
+ } );
@@ -1133,14 +1144,14 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
init: function () {
- $(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
- $(this).text( mw.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
- });
+ $( this ).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
+ $( this ).text( mw.msg( $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
+ } );
// Set tabindexes on form fields
- $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $(this).find( 'input' ).not( '[tabindex]' ) );
+ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $( this ).find( 'input' ).not( '[tabindex]' ) );
// TODO: Find a cleaner way to share this function
- $(this).data( 'replaceCallback', function ( mode ) {
+ $( this ).data( 'replaceCallback', function ( mode ) {
var offset, textRemainder, regex, index, i,
start, end;
@@ -1180,14 +1191,14 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
- var $textarea = $(this).data( 'context' ).$textarea;
+ var $textarea = $( this ).data( 'context' ).$textarea;
var text = $textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' );
var match = false;
if ( mode !== 'replaceAll' ) {
if ( mode === 'replace' ) {
- offset = $(this).data( 'matchIndex' );
+ offset = $( this ).data( 'matchIndex' );
} else {
- offset = $(this).data( 'offset' );
+ offset = $( this ).data( 'offset' );
textRemainder = text.substr( offset );
match = textRemainder.match( regex );
@@ -1202,7 +1213,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
if ( !match ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-nomatch' ).show();
- } else if ( mode == 'replaceAll' ) {
+ } else if ( mode === 'replaceAll' ) {
// Instead of using repetitive .match() calls, we use one .match() call with /g
// and indexOf() followed by substr() to find the offsets. This is actually
// faster because our indexOf+substr loop is faster than a match loop, and the
@@ -1234,20 +1245,20 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-success' )
.text( mw.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success', match.length ) )
- $(this).data( 'offset', 0 );
+ $( this ).data( 'offset', 0 );
} else {
- if ( mode == 'replace' ) {
+ if ( mode === 'replace' ) {
var actualReplacement;
- if (isRegex) {
+ if ( isRegex ) {
// If backreferences (like $1) are used, the actual actual replacement string will be different
actualReplacement = match[0].replace( regex, replaceStr );
} else {
actualReplacement = replaceStr;
- if (match) {
+ if ( match ) {
// Do the replacement
$textarea.textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', {
'peri': actualReplacement,
@@ -1261,7 +1272,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
textRemainder = text.substr( offset );
match = textRemainder.match( regex );
- if (match) {
+ if ( match ) {
start = offset + match.index;
end = start + match[0].length;
} else {
@@ -1269,7 +1280,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
// TODO: Add a "Wrap around" option.
textRemainder = text;
match = textRemainder.match( regex );
- if (match) {
+ if ( match ) {
start = match.index;
end = start + match[0].length;
} else {
@@ -1283,7 +1294,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
end = start + match[0].length;
- $( this ).data( 'matchIndex', start);
+ $( this ).data( 'matchIndex', start );
$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', {
'start': start,
@@ -1291,12 +1302,9 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
} );
$textarea.textSelection( 'scrollToCaretPosition' );
$( this ).data( 'offset', end );
- var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
- var textbox = typeof context.$iframe !== 'undefined' ?
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow : $textarea[0];
- textbox.focus();
+ $textarea[0].focus();
- });
+ } );
dialog: {
width: 500,
@@ -1304,69 +1312,67 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.config = {
modal: false,
buttons: {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-findnext': function ( e ) {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', );
- $(this).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'find' );
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', );
+ $( this ).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'find' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replace': function ( e ) {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', );
- $(this).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'replace' );
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', );
+ $( this ).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'replace' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replaceall': function ( e ) {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', );
- $(this).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'replaceAll' );
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', );
+ $( this ).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'replaceAll' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-close': function () {
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
open: function () {
- $(this).data( 'offset', 0 );
- $(this).data( 'matchIndex', 0 );
+ $( this ).data( 'offset', 0 );
+ $( this ).data( 'matchIndex', 0 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-search' ).focus();
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-nomatch, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-success, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-emptysearch, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-invalidregex' ).hide();
- if ( !( $(this).data( 'onetimeonlystuff' ) ) ) {
- $(this).data( 'onetimeonlystuff', true );
+ if ( !( $( this ).data( 'onetimeonlystuff' ) ) ) {
+ $( this ).data( 'onetimeonlystuff', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
- if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
- var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function ( e ) {
+ if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) === 13 ) {
+ var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $( this ).find( 'button:first' );;
- });
+ } );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function () {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
- });
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function () {
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
+ } );
- var dialog = $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' );
+ var dialog = $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' );
var that = this;
- var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
- var textbox = typeof context.$iframe !== 'undefined' ?
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document : context.$textarea;
+ var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
+ var textbox = context.$textarea;
$( textbox )
.bind( 'keypress.srdialog', function ( e ) {
- if ( e.which == 13 ) {
+ if ( e.which === 13 ) {
// Enter
var button = 'dialogaction' ) || dialog.find( 'button:first' );;
- } else if ( e.which == 27 ) {
+ } else if ( e.which === 27 ) {
// Escape
- $(that).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( that ).dialog( 'close' );
- });
+ } );
close: function () {
- var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
- var textbox = typeof context.$iframe !== 'undefined' ?
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document : context.$textarea;
+ var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
+ var textbox = context.$textarea;
$( textbox ).unbind( 'keypress.srdialog' );
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', false );
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', false );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
index f6d86d78..907b0485 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
openDialog: function ( context, module ) {
if ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules ) {
- var mod = $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module];
- var $dialog = $( '#' + );
+ var mod = $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[module],
+ $dialog = $( '#' + );
if ( $dialog.length === 0 ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.reallyCreate( context, mod, module );
$dialog = $( '#' + );
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
create: function ( context, config ) {
var mod, module, filtered, i, $existingDialog;
- // Defer building of modules, but do check whether they need the iframe rightaway
+ // Defer building of modules, unless they require immediate creation
for ( mod in config ) {
module = config[mod];
// Only create the dialog if it's supported, isn't filtered and doesn't exist yet
filtered = false;
- if ( typeof module.filters != 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof module.filters !== 'undefined' ) {
for ( i = 0; i < module.filters.length; i++ ) {
if ( $( module.filters[i] ).length === 0 ) {
filtered = true;
@@ -92,17 +92,13 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
// If the dialog already exists, but for another textarea, simply remove it
$existingDialog = $( '#' + );
- if ( $existingDialog.length > 0 && $ 'context' ).$textarea != context.$textarea ) {
+ if ( $existingDialog.length > 0 && $ 'context' ).$textarea !== context.$textarea ) {
// Re-select from the DOM, we might have removed the dialog just now
$existingDialog = $( '#' + );
if ( !filtered && $.wikiEditor.isSupported( module ) && $existingDialog.length === 0 ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules[mod] = module;
- // If this dialog requires the iframe, set it up
- if ( typeof context.$iframe === 'undefined' && $.wikiEditor.isRequired( module, 'iframe' ) ) {
- context.fn.setupIframe();
- }
context.$textarea.trigger( 'wikiEditor-dialogs-setup-' + mod );
// If this dialog requires immediate creation, create it now
if ( typeof module.immediateCreate !== 'undefined' && module.immediateCreate ) {
@@ -119,13 +115,13 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
* @param {String} name Dialog name (key in $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules)
reallyCreate: function ( context, module, name ) {
- var msg,
+ var msg, dialogDiv,
configuration = module.dialog;
// Add some stuff to configuration
configuration.bgiframe = true;
configuration.autoOpen = false;
// By default our dialogs are modal, unless explicitely defined in their specific configuration.
- if( typeof configuration.modal == "undefined" ) {
+ if ( typeof configuration.modal === 'undefined' ) {
configuration.modal = true;
configuration.title = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( module, 'title' );
@@ -138,7 +134,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
configuration.buttons = configuration.newButtons;
// Create the dialog <div>
- var dialogDiv = $( '<div>' )
+ dialogDiv = $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', )
.html( module.html )
.data( 'context', context )
@@ -152,9 +148,9 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
.bind( 'dialogopen', $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.resize )
.find( '.ui-tabs' ).bind( 'tabsshow', function () {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog-content' ).each(
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog-content' ).each(
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.resize );
- });
+ } );
dialogDiv.bind( 'dialogclose', function () {
@@ -171,36 +167,38 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
* NOTE: This function assumes $.ui.dialog has already been loaded
resize: function () {
- var wrapper = $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' );
- var oldWidth = wrapper.width();
- // Make sure elements don't wrapped so we get an accurate idea of whether they really fit. Also temporarily show
- // hidden elements. Work around jQuery bug where <div style="display: inline;"/> inside a dialog is both
- // :visible and :hidden
- var oldHidden = $(this).find( '*' ).not( ':visible' );
+ var oldWS, thisWidth, wrapperWidth,
+ wrapper = $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ),
+ oldWidth = wrapper.width(),
+ // Make sure elements don't wrapped so we get an accurate idea of whether they really fit. Also temporarily show
+ // hidden elements. Work around jQuery bug where <div style="display: inline;"/> inside a dialog is both
+ // :visible and :hidden
+ oldHidden = $( this ).find( '*' ).not( ':visible' );
// Save the style attributes of the hidden elements to restore them later. Calling hide() after show() messes up
// for elements hidden with a class
oldHidden.each( function () {
- $(this).data( 'oldstyle', $(this).attr( 'style' ) );
- });
+ $( this ).data( 'oldstyle', $( this ).attr( 'style' ) );
+ } );;
- var oldWS = $(this).css( 'white-space' );
- $(this).css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' );
- if ( wrapper.width() <= $(this).get(0).scrollWidth ) {
- var thisWidth = $(this).data( 'thisWidth' ) ? $(this).data( 'thisWidth' ) : 0;
- thisWidth = Math.max( $(this).get(0).width, thisWidth );
- $(this).width( thisWidth );
- $(this).data( 'thisWidth', thisWidth );
- var wrapperWidth = $(this).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) ? $(this).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) : 0;
- wrapperWidth = Math.max( wrapper.get(0).scrollWidth, wrapperWidth );
+ oldWS = $( this ).css( 'white-space' );
+ $( this ).css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' );
+ if ( wrapper.width() <= $( this ).get( 0 ).scrollWidth ) {
+ thisWidth = $( this ).data( 'thisWidth' ) ? $( this ).data( 'thisWidth' ) : 0;
+ thisWidth = Math.max( $( this ).get( 0 ).width, thisWidth );
+ $( this ).width( thisWidth );
+ $( this ).data( 'thisWidth', thisWidth );
+ wrapperWidth = $( this ).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) ? $( this ).data( 'wrapperWidth' ) : 0;
+ wrapperWidth = Math.max( wrapper.get( 0 ).scrollWidth, wrapperWidth );
wrapper.width( wrapperWidth );
- $(this).data( 'wrapperWidth', wrapperWidth );
- $(this).dialog( { 'width': wrapper.width() } );
+ $( this ).data( 'wrapperWidth', wrapperWidth );
+ $( this ).dialog( { 'width': wrapper.width() } );
wrapper.css( 'left', parseInt( wrapper.css( 'left' ), 10 ) - ( wrapper.width() - oldWidth ) / 2 );
- $(this).css( 'white-space', oldWS );
+ $( this ).css( 'white-space', oldWS );
oldHidden.each( function () {
- $(this).attr( 'style', $(this).data( 'oldstyle' ) );
- });
+ $( this ).attr( 'style', $( this ).data( 'oldstyle' ) );
+ } );
* Set the right tabindexes on elements in a dialog
@@ -210,7 +208,7 @@ $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs = {
// Get the highest tab index
var tabIndex = $( document ).lastTabIndex() + 1;
$elements.each( function () {
- $(this).attr( 'tabindex', tabIndex++ );
+ $( this ).attr( 'tabindex', tabIndex++ );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.highlight.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.highlight.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d964fa7..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.highlight.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-/* Highlight module for wikiEditor */
-( function ( $ ) {
-$.wikiEditor.modules.highlight = {
- /**
- * Core Requirements
- */
- req: [ 'iframe' ],
- /**
- * Configuration
- */
- cfg: {
- styleVersion: 3
- },
- /**
- * Internally used event handlers
- */
- evt: {
- delayedChange: function ( context, event ) {
- if ( == 'realchange' ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.scan( context );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.mark( context, );
- }
- },
- ready: function ( context, event ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.scan( context );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.highlight.fn.mark( context, 'ready' );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Internally used functions
- */
- fn: {
- /**
- * Creates a highlight module within a wikiEditor
- *
- * @param config Configuration object to create module from
- */
- create: function ( context, config ) {
- context.modules.highlight.markersStr = '';
- },
- /**
- * Scans text division for tokens
- *
- * @param division
- */
- scan: function ( context, division ) {
- var tokenArray, text, module, exp,
- left, right, match;
- /*jshint eqnull: true */
- // Remove all existing tokens
- tokenArray = context.modules.highlight.tokenArray = [];
- // Scan text for new tokens
- text = context.fn.getContents();
- // Perform a scan for each module which provides any expressions to scan for
- // FIXME: This traverses the entire string once for every regex. Investigate
- // whether |-concatenating regexes then traversing once is faster.
- for ( module in context.modules ) {
- if ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules && 'exp' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) {
- for ( exp in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp ) {
- // Prepare configuration
- var regex = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].regex;
- var label = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].label;
- var markAfter = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].exp[exp].markAfter || false;
- // Search for tokens
- var offset = 0;
- while ( ( match = text.substr( offset ).match( regex ) ) != null ) {
- right = ( left = offset + match.index ) + match[0].length;
- tokenArray[tokenArray.length] = {
- offset: markAfter ? right : left,
- label: label,
- tokenStart: left,
- match: match
- };
- // Move to the right of this match
- offset = right;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Sort by start
- tokenArray.sort( function ( a, b ) {
- return a.tokenStart - b.tokenStart;
- } );
- // Let the world know, a scan just happened!
- context.fn.trigger( 'scan' );
- },
- /**
- * Marks up text with HTML
- *
- * @param division
- * @param tokens
- */
- // FIXME: What do division and tokens do?
- // TODO: Document the scan() and mark() APIs somewhere
- mark: function ( context, division, tokens ) {
- var i, subtracted, oldLength, j, o;
- // Reset markers
- var markers = [];
- // Recycle markers that will be skipped in this run
- if ( context.modules.highlight.markers && division !== '' ) {
- for ( i = 0; i < context.modules.highlight.markers.length; i++ ) {
- if ( context.modules.highlight.markers[i].skipDivision == division ) {
- markers.push( context.modules.highlight.markers[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- context.modules.highlight.markers = markers;
- // Get all markers
- context.fn.trigger( 'mark' );
- markers.sort( function ( a, b ) {
- return a.start - b.start || a.end - b.end;
- } );
- // Serialize the markers array to a string and compare it with the one stored in the previous run - if they're
- // equal, there's no markers to change
- var markersStr = '';
- for ( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++ ) {
- markersStr += markers[i].start + ',' + markers[i].end + ',' + markers[i].type + ',';
- }
- if ( context.modules.highlight.markersStr == markersStr ) {
- // No change, bail out
- return;
- }
- context.modules.highlight.markersStr = markersStr;
- // Traverse the iframe DOM, inserting markers where they're needed - store visited markers here so we know which
- // markers should be removed
- var visited = [], v = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++ ) {
- if ( typeof markers[i].skipDivision !== 'undefined' && ( division == markers[i].skipDivision ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- // We want to isolate each marker, so we may need to split textNodes if a marker starts or ends halfway one.
- var start = markers[i].start;
- var s = context.fn.getOffset( start );
- if ( !s ) {
- // This shouldn't happen
- continue;
- }
- var startNode = s.node;
- // Don't wrap leading BRs, produces undesirable results
- // FIXME: It's also possible that the offset is a bit high because getOffset() has incremented .length to
- // fake the newline caused by startNode being in a P. In this case, prevent the textnode splitting below
- // from making startNode an empty textnode, IE barfs on that
- while ( startNode.nodeName === 'BR' || s.offset === startNode.nodeValue.length ) {
- start++;
- s = context.fn.getOffset( start );
- startNode = s.node;
- }
- // The next marker starts somewhere in this textNode or at this BR
- if ( s.offset > 0 && s.node.nodeName == '#text' ) {
- // Split off the prefix - this leaves the prefix in the current node and puts the rest in a new node
- // which is our start node
- var newStartNode = startNode.splitText( s.offset < s.node.nodeValue.length ?
- s.offset : s.node.nodeValue.length - 1
- );
- var oldStartNode = startNode;
- startNode = newStartNode;
- // Update offset objects. We don't need purgeOffsets(), simply manipulating the existing offset objects
- // will suffice
- // FIXME: This manipulates context.offsets directly, which is ugly, but the performance improvement vs.
- // purgeOffsets() is worth it - this code doesn't set lastTextNode to newStartNode for offset objects
- // with lastTextNode == oldStartNode, but that doesn't really matter
- subtracted = s.offset;
- oldLength = s.length;
- // Update offset objects referring to oldStartNode
- for ( j = start - subtracted; j < start; j++ ) {
- if ( j in context.offsets ) {
- o = context.offsets[j];
- o.node = oldStartNode;
- o.length = subtracted;
- }
- }
- // Update offset objects referring to newStartNode
- for ( j = start; j < start - subtracted + oldLength; j++ ) {
- if ( j in context.offsets ) {
- o = context.offsets[j];
- o.node = newStartNode;
- o.offset -= subtracted;
- o.length -= subtracted;
- o.lastTextNode = oldStartNode;
- }
- }
- }
- var end = markers[i].end;
- // To avoid ending up at the first char of the next node, we grab the offset for end - 1 and add one to the
- // offset
- var e = context.fn.getOffset( end - 1 );
- if ( !e ) {
- // This shouldn't happen
- continue;
- }
- var endNode = e.node;
- if ( e.offset + 1 < e.length - 1 && endNode.nodeName == '#text' ) {
- // Split off the suffix. This puts the suffix in a new node and leaves the rest in endNode
- var oldEndNode = endNode;
- var newEndNode = endNode.splitText( e.offset + 1 );
- // Update offset objects
- subtracted = e.offset + 1;
- oldLength = e.length;
- // Update offset objects referring to oldEndNode
- for ( j = end - subtracted; j < end; j++ ) {
- if ( j in context.offsets ) {
- o = context.offsets[j];
- o.node = oldEndNode;
- o.length = subtracted;
- }
- }
- // We have to insert this one, as it might not exist: we didn't call getOffset( end )
- context.offsets[end] = {
- 'node': newEndNode,
- 'offset': 0,
- 'length': oldLength - subtracted,
- 'lastTextNode': oldEndNode
- };
- // Update offset objects referring to newEndNode
- for ( j = end + 1; j < end - subtracted + oldLength; j++ ) {
- if ( j in context.offsets ) {
- o = context.offsets[j];
- o.node = newEndNode;
- o.offset -= subtracted;
- o.length -= subtracted;
- o.lastTextNode = oldEndNode;
- }
- }
- }
- // Don't wrap trailing BRs, doing that causes weird issues
- if ( endNode.nodeName == 'BR' ) {
- endNode = e.lastTextNode;
- }
- // If startNode and endNode have different parents, we need to pull endNode and all textnodes in between
- // into startNode's parent and replace </p><p> with <br>
- if ( startNode.parentNode !== endNode.parentNode ) {
- var startP = $( startNode ).closest( 'p' ).get( 0 );
- var t = new context.fn.rawTraverser( startNode, startP, context.$content.get( 0 ), false );
- var afterStart = startNode.nextSibling;
- var lastP = startP;
- var nextT =;
- while ( nextT && t.node !== endNode ) {
- t = nextT;
- nextT =;
- // If t.node has a different parent, merge t.node.parentNode with startNode.parentNode
- if ( t.node.parentNode !== startNode.parentNode ) {
- var oldParent = t.node.parentNode;
- if ( afterStart ) {
- if ( lastP !== t.inP ) {
- // We're entering a new <p>, insert a <br>
- startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(
- startNode.ownerDocument.createElement( 'br' ),
- afterStart
- );
- }
- // A <p> with just a <br> in it is an empty line, so let's not bother with unwrapping it
- if ( !( oldParent.childNodes.length == 1 && oldParent.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR' ) ) {
- // Move all children of oldParent into startNode's parent
- while ( oldParent.firstChild ) {
- startNode.parentNode.insertBefore( oldParent.firstChild, afterStart );
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ( lastP !== t.inP ) {
- // We're entering a new <p>, insert a <br>
- startNode.parentNode.appendChild(
- startNode.ownerDocument.createElement( 'br' )
- );
- }
- // A <p> with just a <br> in it is an empty line, so let's not bother with unwrapping it
- if ( !( oldParent.childNodes.length == 1 && oldParent.firstChild.nodeName == 'BR' ) ) {
- // Move all children of oldParent into startNode's parent
- while ( oldParent.firstChild ) {
- startNode.parentNode.appendChild( oldParent.firstChild );
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove oldParent, which is now empty
- oldParent.parentNode.removeChild( oldParent );
- }
- lastP = t.inP;
- }
- // Moving nodes around like this invalidates offset objects
- // TODO: Update offset objects ourselves for performance. Requires rewriting this code block to be
- // offset-based rather than traverser-based
- }
- // Now wrap everything between startNode and endNode (may be equal).
- var ca1 = startNode, ca2 = endNode;
- if ( ca1 && ca2 && ca1.parentNode ) {
- var anchor = markers[i].getAnchor( ca1, ca2 );
- if ( !anchor ) {
- var commonAncestor = ca1.parentNode;
- if ( markers[i].anchor == 'wrap') {
- // We have to store things like .parentNode and .nextSibling because appendChild() changes these
- var newNode = ca1.ownerDocument.createElement( 'span' );
- var nextNode = ca2.nextSibling;
- // Append all nodes between ca1 and ca2 (inclusive) to newNode
- var n = ca1;
- while ( n !== nextNode ) {
- var ns = n.nextSibling;
- newNode.appendChild( n );
- n = ns;
- }
- // Insert newNode in the right place
- if ( nextNode ) {
- commonAncestor.insertBefore( newNode, nextNode );
- } else {
- commonAncestor.appendChild( newNode );
- }
- anchor = newNode;
- } else if ( markers[i].anchor == 'tag' ) {
- anchor = commonAncestor;
- }
- $( anchor ).data( 'marker', markers[i] ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-highlight' );
- // Allow the module adding this marker to manipulate it
- markers[i].afterWrap( anchor, markers[i] );
- } else {
- // Update the marker object
- $( anchor ).data( 'marker', markers[i] );
- if ( typeof markers[i].onSkip == 'function' ) {
- markers[i].onSkip( anchor );
- }
- }
- visited[v++] = anchor;
- }
- }
- // Remove markers that were previously inserted but weren't passed to this function - visited[] contains the
- // visited elements in order and find() and each() preserve order
- j = 0;
- context.$content.find( '.wikiEditor-highlight' ).each( function () {
- if ( visited[j] == this ) {
- // This marker is legit, leave it in
- j++;
- return true;
- }
- // Remove this marker
- var marker = $(this).data( 'marker' );
- if ( marker && typeof marker.skipDivision !== 'undefined' && ( division === marker.skipDivision ) ) {
- // Don't remove these either
- return true;
- }
- if ( marker && typeof marker.beforeUnwrap === 'function' )
- marker.beforeUnwrap( this );
- if ( ( marker && marker.anchor === 'tag' ) || $(this).is( 'p' ) ) {
- // Remove all classes
- $(this).removeAttr( 'class' );
- } else {
- // Assume anchor == 'wrap'
- $(this).replaceWith( this.childNodes );
- }
- context.fn.purgeOffsets();
- });
- }
- }
-}( jQuery ) );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.html b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.html
index f11521a3..7a890af0 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.html
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.html
@@ -44,91 +44,6 @@
.wikiEditor-tab {
padding-left: 4em;
- /* WikiEditor Templates */
- .wikiEditor-templates .wikiEditor-template {
- color: silver;
- }
- /* WikiEditor TemplateEditor */
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken{
- height: 1px !important;
- width: 1px !important;
- overflow: hidden;
- float: right;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-text-visible{
- padding: 0.5em 4px;
- padding-top: 1.25em;
- margin-top: -0.95em;
- background: #F3F3F3 url(images/templateEditor/text-base.png) repeat-x scroll center top;
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- border-bottom: solid 1px #cccccc;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 12px;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-name {
- cursor: pointer;
- vertical-align: -2px;
- display: inline-block;
- height: 16px;
- margin-bottom: -1px;
- margin-right: 2px;
- overflow: hidden;
- background: url(images/templateEditor/name-base.png) 0 0 repeat-x #e8e8e8;
- color: #000000;
- font-family: monospace;
- text-decoration: none;
- padding-left: 0.33em;
- line-height: 16px;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-expand {
- cursor: pointer;
- vertical-align: -2px;
- display: inline-block;
- margin-left: 2px;
- height: 16px;
- margin-bottom: -1px;
- line-height: 16px;
- overflow: hidden;
- width: 13px;
- background-position: 50%;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-dialog {
- cursor: pointer;
- vertical-align: -18%;
- display: inline-block;
- height: 16px;
- overflow: hidden;
- width: 22px;
- background-position: 50%;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-name:hover {
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-expanded .wikiEditor-template-expand {
- background-image: url(images/templateEditor/collapse.png);
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-expanded .wikiEditor-template-dialog {
- background-image: url(images/templateEditor/dialog-expanded.png);
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-collapsed .wikiEditor-template-expand {
- background-image: url(images/templateEditor/expand.png);
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-collapsed .wikiEditor-template-dialog {
- background-image: url(images/templateEditor/dialog-collapsed.png);
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-expanded {
- display: block;
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template .wikiEditor-template-text {
- }
- .wikiEditor-templateEditor .wikiEditor-template-end, .wikiEditor-template-start {
- color: blue;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d425012..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1387 +0,0 @@
-/* IFrame extension for wikiEditor */
-( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.extensions.iframe = function( context ) {
- * Event Handlers
- *
- * These act as filters returning false if the event should be ignored or returning true if it should be passed
- * on to all modules. This is also where we can attach some extra information to the events.
- */
-context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
- /**
- * Filters change events, which occur when the user interacts with the contents of the iframe. The goal of this
- * function is to both classify the scope of changes as 'division' or 'character' and to prevent further
- * processing of events which did not actually change the content of the iframe.
- */
- 'keydown': function( event ) {
- switch ( event.which ) {
- case 90: // z
- case 89: // y
- if ( event.which == 89 && !$.browser.msie ) {
- // only handle y events for IE
- return true;
- } else if ( ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) && context.history.length ) {
- // HistoryPosition is a negative number between -1 and -context.history.length, in other words
- // it's the number of steps backwards from the latest state.
- var newPosition;
- if ( event.shiftKey || event.which == 89 ) {
- // Redo
- newPosition = context.historyPosition + 1;
- } else {
- // Undo
- newPosition = context.historyPosition - 1;
- }
- // Only act if we are switching to a valid state
- if ( newPosition >= ( context.history.length * -1 ) && newPosition < 0 ) {
- // Make sure we run the history storing code before we make this change
- context.fn.updateHistory( context.oldDelayedHTML != context.$content.html() );
- context.oldDelayedHistoryPosition = context.historyPosition;
- context.historyPosition = newPosition;
- // Change state
- // FIXME: Destroys event handlers, will be a problem with template folding
- context.$content.html(
- context.history[context.history.length + context.historyPosition].html
- );
- context.fn.purgeOffsets();
- if( context.history[context.history.length + context.historyPosition].sel ) {
- context.fn.setSelection( {
- start: context.history[context.history.length + context.historyPosition].sel[0],
- end: context.history[context.history.length + context.historyPosition].sel[1]
- } );
- }
- }
- // Prevent the browser from jumping in and doing its stuff
- return false;
- }
- break;
- // Intercept all tab events to provide consisten behavior across browsers
- // Webkit browsers insert tab characters by default into the iframe rather than changing input focus
- case 9: //tab
- // if any modifier keys are pressed, allow the browser to do it's thing
- if ( event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey ) {
- return true;
- } else {
- var $tabindexList = $( '[tabindex]:visible' ).sort( function( a, b ) {
- return a.tabIndex - b.tabIndex;
- } );
- for( var i=0; i < $tabindexList.length; i++ ) {
- if( $tabindexList.eq( i ).attr( 'id' ) == context.$iframe.attr( 'id' ) ) {
- $tabindexList.get( i + 1 ).focus();
- break;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case 86: //v
- if ( event.ctrlKey && $.browser.msie && 'paste' in context.evt ) {
- //paste, intercepted for IE
- context.evt.paste( event );
- }
- break;
- }
- return true;
- },
- 'change': function( event ) {
- = 'division';
- var newHTML = context.$content.html();
- if ( context.oldHTML != newHTML ) {
- context.fn.purgeOffsets();
- context.oldHTML = newHTML;
- = 'realchange';
- }
- // Never let the body be totally empty
- if ( context.$content.children().length == 0 ) {
- context.$content.append( '<p></p>' );
- }
- return true;
- },
- 'delayedChange': function( event ) {
- = 'division';
- var newHTML = context.$content.html();
- if ( context.oldDelayedHTML != newHTML ) {
- context.oldDelayedHTML = newHTML;
- = 'realchange';
- // Surround by <p> if it does not already have it
- var cursorPos = context.fn.getCaretPosition();
- var t = context.fn.getOffset( cursorPos[0] );
- if ( ! $.browser.msie && t && t.node.nodeName == '#text' && t.node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'body' ) {
- $( t.node ).wrap( "<p></p>" );
- context.fn.purgeOffsets();
- context.fn.setSelection( { start: cursorPos[0], end: cursorPos[1] } );
- }
- }
- context.fn.updateHistory( == 'realchange' );
- return true;
- },
- 'cut': function( event ) {
- setTimeout( function() {
- context.$content.find( 'br' ).each( function() {
- if ( $(this).parent().is( 'body' ) ) {
- $(this).wrap( $( '<p></p>' ) );
- }
- } );
- }, 100 );
- return true;
- },
- 'paste': function( event ) {
- // Save the cursor position to restore it after all this voodoo
- var cursorPos = context.fn.getCaretPosition();
- var oldLength = context.fn.getContents().length;
- var positionFromEnd = oldLength - cursorPos[1];
- //give everything the wikiEditor class so that we can easily pick out things without that class as pasted
- context.$content.find( '*' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor' );
- if ( $ !== 'webkit' ) {
- context.$content.addClass( 'pasting' );
- }
- setTimeout( function() {
- // Kill stuff we know we don't want
- context.$content.find( 'script,style,img,input,select,textarea,hr,button,link,meta' ).remove();
- var nodeToDelete = [];
- var pastedContent = [];
- var firstDirtyNode;
- var $lastDirtyNode;
- var elementAtCursor;
- if ( $.browser.msie && !context.offsets ) {
- elementAtCursor = null;
- } else {
- elementAtCursor = context.fn.getOffset( cursorPos[0] );
- }
- if ( elementAtCursor == null || elementAtCursor.node == null ) {
- context.$content.prepend( '<p class = wikiEditor></p>' );
- firstDirtyNode = context.$content.children()[0];
- } else {
- firstDirtyNode = elementAtCursor.node;
- }
- //this is ugly but seems like the best way to handle the case where we select and replace all editor contents
- try {
- firstDirtyNode.parentNode;
- } catch ( err ) {
- context.$content.prepend( '<p class = wikiEditor></p>' );
- firstDirtyNode = context.$content.children()[0];
- }
- while ( firstDirtyNode != null ) {
- //we're going to replace the contents of the entire parent node.
- while ( firstDirtyNode.parentNode && firstDirtyNode.parentNode.nodeName != 'BODY'
- && ! $( firstDirtyNode ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor' )
- ) {
- firstDirtyNode = firstDirtyNode.parentNode;
- }
- //go back till we find the first pasted node
- while ( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling != null
- && ! $( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor' )
- ) {
- if ( $( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling ).hasClass( '#comment' ) ) {
- $( firstDirtyNode ).remove();
- } else {
- firstDirtyNode = firstDirtyNode.previousSibling;
- }
- }
- if ( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling != null ) {
- $lastDirtyNode = $( firstDirtyNode.previousSibling );
- } else {
- $lastDirtyNode = $( firstDirtyNode );
- }
- var cc = makeContentCollector( $.browser, null );
- while ( firstDirtyNode != null ) {
- cc.collectContent(firstDirtyNode);
- cc.notifyNextNode(firstDirtyNode.nextSibling);
- nodeToDelete.push( firstDirtyNode );
- firstDirtyNode = firstDirtyNode.nextSibling;
- if ( $( firstDirtyNode ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor' ) ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- var ccData = cc.finish();
- pastedContent = ccData.lines;
- var pastedPretty = '';
- for ( var i = 0; i < pastedContent.length; i++ ) {
- //escape html
- pastedPretty = pastedContent[i].replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/\r?\n/g, '\\n');
- //replace leading white spaces with &nbsp;
- match = pastedContent[i].match(/^[\s]+[^\s]/);
- if ( match != null && match.length > 0 ) {
- index = match[0].length;
- leadingSpace = match[0].replace(/[\s]/g, '&nbsp;');
- pastedPretty = leadingSpace + pastedPretty.substring(index, pastedPretty.length);
- }
- if( !pastedPretty && $.browser.msie && i == 0 ) {
- continue;
- }
- $newElement = $( '<p class="wikiEditor pasted" ></p>' );
- if ( pastedPretty ) {
- $newElement.html( pastedPretty );
- } else {
- $newElement.html( '<br class="wikiEditor">' );
- }
- $newElement.insertAfter( $lastDirtyNode );
- $lastDirtyNode = $newElement;
- }
- //now delete all the original nodes that we prettified already
- while ( nodeToDelete.length > 0 ) {
- $deleteNode = $( nodeToDelete.pop() );
- $deleteNode.remove();
- }
- //anything without wikiEditor class was pasted.
- $selection = context.$content.find( ':not(.wikiEditor)' );
- if ( $selection.length == 0 ) {
- break;
- } else {
- firstDirtyNode = $selection.eq( 0 )[0];
- }
- }
- context.$content.find( '.wikiEditor' ).removeClass( 'wikiEditor' );
- //now place the cursor at the end of pasted content
- var newLength = context.fn.getContents().length;
- var newPos = newLength - positionFromEnd;
- context.fn.purgeOffsets();
- context.fn.setSelection( { start: newPos, end: newPos } );
- context.fn.scrollToCaretPosition();
- }, 0 );
- return true;
- },
- 'ready': function( event ) {
- // Initialize our history queue
- if ( context.$content ) {
- context.history.push( { 'html': context.$content.html(), 'sel': context.fn.getCaretPosition() } );
- } else {
- context.history.push( { 'html': '', 'sel': context.fn.getCaretPosition() } );
- }
- return true;
- }
-} );
- * Internally used functions
- */
-context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
- 'highlightLine': function( $element, mode ) {
- if ( !$ 'p' ) ) {
- $element = $element.closest( 'p' );
- }
- $element.css( 'backgroundColor', '#AACCFF' );
- setTimeout( function() { $element.animate( { 'backgroundColor': 'white' }, 'slow' ); }, 100 );
- setTimeout( function() { $element.css( 'backgroundColor', 'white' ); }, 1000 );
- },
- 'htmlToText': function( html ) {
- // This function is slow for large inputs, so aggressively cache input/output pairs
- if ( html in context.htmlToTextMap ) {
- return context.htmlToTextMap[html];
- }
- var origHTML = html;
- // We use this elaborate trickery for cross-browser compatibility
- // IE does overzealous whitespace collapsing for $( '<pre />' ).html( html );
- // We also do <br> and easy cases for <p> conversion here, complicated cases are handled later
- html = html
- .replace( /\r?\n/g, "" ) // IE7 inserts newlines before block elements
- .replace( /&nbsp;/g, " " ) // We inserted these to prevent IE from collapsing spaces
- .replace( /\<br[^\>]*\>\<\/p\>/gi, '</p>' ) // Remove trailing <br> from <p>
- .replace( /\<\/p\>\s*\<p[^\>]*\>/gi, "\n" ) // Easy case for <p> conversion
- .replace( /\<br[^\>]*\>/gi, "\n" ) // <br> conversion
- .replace( /\<\/p\>(\n*)\<p[^\>]*\>/gi, "$1\n" )
- // Un-nest <p> tags
- .replace( /\<p[^\>]*\><p[^\>]*\>/gi, '<p>' )
- .replace( /\<\/p\><\/p\>/gi, '</p>' );
- // Save leading and trailing whitespace now and restore it later. IE eats it all, and even Firefox
- // won't leave everything alone
- var leading = html.match( /^\s*/ )[0];
- var trailing = html.match( /\s*$/ )[0];
- html = html.substr( leading.length, html.length - leading.length - trailing.length );
- var $pre = $( '<pre>' + html + '</pre>' );
- $pre.find( '.wikiEditor-noinclude' ).each( function() { $( this ).remove(); } );
- // Convert tabs, <p>s and <br>s back
- $pre.find( '.wikiEditor-tab' ).each( function() { $( this ).text( "\t" ); } );
- $pre.find( 'br' ).each( function() { $( this ).replaceWith( "\n" ); } );
- // Converting <p>s is wrong if there's nothing before them, so check that.
- // .find( '* + p' ) isn't good enough because textnodes aren't considered
- $pre.find( 'p' ).each( function() {
- var text = $( this ).text();
- // If this <p> is preceded by some text, add a \n at the beginning, and if
- // it's followed by a textnode, add a \n at the end
- // We need the traverser because there can be other weird stuff in between
- // Check for preceding text
- var t = new context.fn.rawTraverser( this.firstChild, this, $pre.get( 0 ), true ).prev();
- while ( t && t.node.nodeName != '#text' && t.node.nodeName != 'BR' && t.node.nodeName != 'P' ) {
- t = t.prev();
- }
- if ( t ) {
- text = "\n" + text;
- }
- // Check for following text
- t = new context.fn.rawTraverser( this.lastChild, this, $pre.get( 0 ), true ).next();
- while ( t && t.node.nodeName != '#text' && t.node.nodeName != 'BR' && t.node.nodeName != 'P' ) {
- t =;
- }
- if ( t && !t.inP && t.node.nodeName == '#text' && t.node.nodeValue.charAt( 0 ) != '\n'
- && t.node.nodeValue.charAt( 0 ) != '\r' ) {
- text += "\n";
- }
- $( this ).text( text );
- } );
- var retval;
- if ( $.browser.msie ) {
- // IE aggressively collapses whitespace in .text() after having done DOM manipulation,
- // but for some crazy reason this does work. Also convert \r back to \n
- retval = $( '<pre>' + $pre.html() + '</pre>' ).text().replace( /\r/g, '\n' );
- } else {
- retval = $pre.text();
- }
- return context.htmlToTextMap[origHTML] = leading + retval + trailing;
- },
- /**
- * Get the first element before the selection that's in a certain class
- * @param classname Class to match. Defaults to '', meaning any class
- * @param strict If true, the element the selection starts in cannot match (default: false)
- * @return jQuery object or null if unknown
- */
- 'beforeSelection': function( classname, strict ) {
- if ( typeof classname == 'undefined' ) {
- classname = '';
- }
- var e = null, offset = null;
- if ( $.browser.msie && !context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body ) {
- return null;
- }
- if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
- // Firefox and Opera
- var selection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
- // On load, webkit seems to not have a valid selection
- if ( selection.baseNode !== null ) {
- // Start at the selection's start and traverse the DOM backwards
- // This is done by traversing an element's children first, then the element itself, then its parent
- e = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).startContainer;
- offset = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).startOffset;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- // When the cursor is on an empty line, Opera gives us a bogus range object with
- // startContainer=endContainer=body and startOffset=endOffset=1
- var body = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body;
- if ( $.browser.opera && e == body && offset == 1 ) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- if ( !e && context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection ) {
- // IE
- // Because there's nothing like range.startContainer in IE, we need to do a DOM traversal
- // to find the element the start of the selection is in
- var range = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- // Set range2 to the text before the selection
- var range2 = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body.createTextRange();
- // For some reason this call throws errors in certain cases, e.g. when the selection is
- // not in the iframe
- try {
- range2.setEndPoint( 'EndToStart', range );
- } catch ( ex ) {
- return null;
- }
- var seekPos = context.fn.htmlToText( range2.htmlText ).length;
- var offset = context.fn.getOffset( seekPos );
- e = offset ? offset.node : null;
- offset = offset ? offset.offset : null;
- if ( !e ) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- if ( e.nodeName != '#text' ) {
- // The selection is not in a textnode, but between two non-text nodes
- // (usually inside the <body> between two <br>s). Go to the rightmost
- // child of the node just before the selection
- var newE = e.firstChild;
- for ( var i = 0; i < offset - 1 && newE; i++ ) {
- newE = newE.nextSibling;
- }
- while ( newE && newE.lastChild ) {
- newE = newE.lastChild;
- }
- e = newE || e;
- }
- // We'd normally use if( $( e ).hasClass( class ) in the while loop, but running the jQuery
- // constructor thousands of times is very inefficient
- var classStr = ' ' + classname + ' ';
- while ( e ) {
- if ( !strict && ( !classname || ( ' ' + e.className + ' ' ).indexOf( classStr ) != -1 ) ) {
- return $( e );
- }
- var next = e.previousSibling;
- while ( next && next.lastChild ) {
- next = next.lastChild;
- }
- e = next || e.parentNode;
- strict = false;
- }
- return $( [] );
- },
- /**
- * Object used by traverser(). Don't use this unless you know what you're doing
- */
- 'rawTraverser': function( node, inP, ancestor, skipNoinclude ) {
- this.node = node;
- this.inP = inP;
- this.ancestor = ancestor;
- this.skipNoinclude = skipNoinclude;
- = function() {
- var p = this.node;
- var nextInP = this.inP;
- while ( p && !p.nextSibling ) {
- p = p.parentNode;
- if ( p == this.ancestor ) {
- // We're back at the ancestor, stop here
- p = null;
- }
- if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
- nextInP = null;
- }
- }
- p = p ? p.nextSibling : null;
- if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
- nextInP = p;
- }
- do {
- // Filter nodes with the wikiEditor-noinclude class
- // Don't use $( p ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor-noinclude' ) because
- // $() is slow in a tight loop
- if ( this.skipNoinclude ) {
- while ( p && ( ' ' + p.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' wikiEditor-noinclude ' ) != -1 ) {
- p = p.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- if ( p && p.firstChild ) {
- p = p.firstChild;
- if ( p.nodeName == "P" ) {
- nextInP = p;
- }
- }
- } while ( p && p.firstChild );
- // Instead of calling the rawTraverser constructor, inline it. This avoids function call overhead
- return p ? { 'node': p, 'inP': nextInP, 'ancestor': this.ancestor,
- 'skipNoinclude': this.skipNoinclude, 'next':, 'prev': this.prev } : null;
- };
- this.prev = function() {
- var p = this.node;
- var prevInP = this.inP;
- while ( p && !p.previousSibling ) {
- p = p.parentNode;
- if ( p == this.ancestor ) {
- // We're back at the ancestor, stop here
- p = null;
- }
- if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
- prevInP = null;
- }
- }
- p = p ? p.previousSibling : null;
- if ( p && p.nodeName == "P" ) {
- prevInP = p;
- }
- do {
- // Filter nodes with the wikiEditor-noinclude class
- // Don't use $( p ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor-noinclude' ) because
- // $() is slow in a tight loop
- if ( this.skipNoinclude ) {
- while ( p && ( ' ' + p.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' wikiEditor-noinclude ' ) != -1 ) {
- p = p.previousSibling;
- }
- }
- if ( p && p.lastChild ) {
- p = p.lastChild;
- if ( p.nodeName == "P" ) {
- prevInP = p;
- }
- }
- } while ( p && p.lastChild );
- // Instead of calling the rawTraverser constructor, inline it. This avoids function call overhead
- return p ? { 'node': p, 'inP': prevInP, 'ancestor': this.ancestor,
- 'skipNoinclude': this.skipNoinclude, 'next':, 'prev': this.prev } : null;
- };
- },
- /**
- * Get an object used to traverse the leaf nodes in the iframe DOM. This traversal skips leaf nodes
- * inside an element with the wikiEditor-noinclude class. This basically wraps rawTraverser
- *
- * @param start Node to start at
- * @return Traverser object, use .next() or .prev() to get a traverser object referring to the
- * previous/next node
- */
- 'traverser': function( start ) {
- // Find the leftmost leaf node in the tree
- var startNode = start.jquery ? start.get( 0 ) : start;
- var node = startNode;
- var inP = node.nodeName == "P" ? node : null;
- do {
- // Filter nodes with the wikiEditor-noinclude class
- // Don't use $( p ).hasClass( 'wikiEditor-noinclude' ) because
- // $() is slow in a tight loop
- while ( node && ( ' ' + node.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' wikiEditor-noinclude ' ) != -1 ) {
- node = node.nextSibling;
- }
- if ( node && node.firstChild ) {
- node = node.firstChild;
- if ( node.nodeName == "P" ) {
- inP = node;
- }
- }
- } while ( node && node.firstChild );
- return new context.fn.rawTraverser( node, inP, startNode, true );
- },
- 'getOffset': function( offset ) {
- if ( !context.offsets ) {
- context.fn.refreshOffsets();
- }
- if ( offset in context.offsets ) {
- return context.offsets[offset];
- }
- // Our offset is not pre-cached. Find the highest offset below it and interpolate
- // We need to traverse the entire object because for() doesn't traverse in order
- // We don't do in-order traversal because the object is sparse
- var lowerBound = -1;
- for ( var o in context.offsets ) {
- var realO = parseInt( o );
- if ( realO < offset && realO > lowerBound) {
- lowerBound = realO;
- }
- }
- if ( !( lowerBound in context.offsets ) ) {
- // Weird edge case: either offset is too large or the document is empty
- return null;
- }
- var base = context.offsets[lowerBound];
- return context.offsets[offset] = {
- 'node': base.node,
- 'offset': base.offset + offset - lowerBound,
- 'length': base.length,
- 'lastTextNode': base.lastTextNode
- };
- },
- 'purgeOffsets': function() {
- context.offsets = null;
- },
- 'refreshOffsets': function() {
- context.offsets = [ ];
- var t = context.fn.traverser( context.$content );
- var pos = 0, lastTextNode = null;
- while ( t ) {
- if ( t.node.nodeName != '#text' && t.node.nodeName != 'BR' ) {
- t =;
- continue;
- }
- var nextPos = t.node.nodeName == '#text' ? pos + t.node.nodeValue.length : pos + 1;
- var nextT =;
- var leavingP = t.node.nodeName == '#text' && t.inP && nextT && ( !nextT.inP || nextT.inP != t.inP );
- context.offsets[pos] = {
- 'node': t.node,
- 'offset': 0,
- 'length': nextPos - pos + ( leavingP ? 1 : 0 ),
- 'lastTextNode': lastTextNode
- };
- if ( leavingP ) {
- // <p>Foo</p> looks like "Foo\n", make it quack like it too
- // Basically we're faking the \n character much like we're treating <br>s
- context.offsets[nextPos] = {
- 'node': t.node,
- 'offset': nextPos - pos,
- 'length': nextPos - pos + 1,
- 'lastTextNode': lastTextNode
- };
- }
- pos = nextPos + ( leavingP ? 1 : 0 );
- if ( t.node.nodeName == '#text' ) {
- lastTextNode = t.node;
- }
- t = nextT;
- }
- },
- 'saveCursorAndScrollTop': function() {
- // Stub out textarea behavior
- return;
- },
- 'restoreCursorAndScrollTop': function() {
- // Stub out textarea behavior
- return;
- },
- 'saveSelection': function() {
- if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.focus();
- context.savedSelection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- }
- },
- 'restoreSelection': function() {
- if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && context.savedSelection !== null ) {
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.focus();
- context.savedSelection = null;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Update the history queue
- *
- * @param htmlChange pass true or false to inidicate if there was a text change that should potentially
- * be given a new history state.
- */
- 'updateHistory': function( htmlChange ) {
- var newHTML = context.$content.html();
- var newSel = context.fn.getCaretPosition();
- // Was text changed? Was it because of a REDO or UNDO action?
- if (
- context.history.length == 0 ||
- ( htmlChange && context.oldDelayedHistoryPosition == context.historyPosition )
- ) {
- context.oldDelayedSel = newSel;
- // Do we need to trim extras from our history?
- // FIXME: this should really be happing on change, not on the delay
- if ( context.historyPosition < -1 ) {
- //clear out the extras
- context.history.splice( context.history.length + context.historyPosition + 1 );
- context.historyPosition = -1;
- }
- context.history.push( { 'html': newHTML, 'sel': newSel } );
- // If the history has grown longer than 10 items, remove the earliest one
- while ( context.history.length > 10 ) {
- context.history.shift();
- }
- } else if ( context.oldDelayedSel != newSel ) {
- // If only the selection was changed, update it
- context.oldDelayedSel = newSel;
- context.history[context.history.length + context.historyPosition].sel = newSel;
- }
- // synch our old delayed history position until the next undo/redo action
- context.oldDelayedHistoryPosition = context.historyPosition;
- },
- /**
- * Sets up the iframe in place of the textarea to allow more advanced operations
- */
- 'setupIframe': function() {
- context.$iframe = $( '<iframe></iframe>' )
- .attr( {
- 'frameBorder': 0,
- 'border': 0,
- 'tabindex': 1,
- 'src': mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.html?' +
- 'instance=' + context.instance + '&ts=' + ( new Date() ).getTime() + '&is=content',
- 'id': 'wikiEditor-iframe-' + context.instance
- } )
- .css( {
- 'backgroundColor': 'white',
- 'width': '100%',
- 'height': context.$textarea.height(),
- 'display': 'none',
- 'overflow-y': 'scroll',
- 'overflow-x': 'hidden'
- } )
- .insertAfter( context.$textarea )
- .load( function() {
- // Internet Explorer will reload the iframe once we turn on design mode, so we need to only turn it
- // on during the first run, and then bail
- if ( !this.isSecondRun ) {
- // Turn the document's design mode on
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.designMode = 'on';
- // Let the rest of this function happen next time around
- if ( $.browser.msie ) {
- this.isSecondRun = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- // Get a reference to the content area of the iframe
- context.$content = $( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body );
- // Add classes to the body to influence the styles based on what's enabled
- for ( module in context.modules ) {
- context.$content.addClass( 'wikiEditor-' + module );
- }
- // If we just do "context.$content.text( context.$textarea.val() )", Internet Explorer will strip
- // out the whitespace charcters, specifically "\n" - so we must manually encode text and append it
- // TODO: Refactor this into a textToHtml() function
- var html = context.$textarea.val()
- // We're gonna use &esc; as an escape sequence
- .replace( /&esc;/g, '&esc;esc;' )
- // Escape existing uses of <p>, </p>, &nbsp; and <span class="wikiEditor-tab"></span>
- .replace( /\<p\>/g, '&esc;&lt;p&gt;' )
- .replace( /\<\/p\>/g, '&esc;&lt;/p&gt;' )
- .replace(
- /\<span class="wikiEditor-tab"\>\<\/span\>/g,
- '&esc;&lt;span&nbsp;class=&quot;wikiEditor-tab&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;'
- )
- .replace( /&nbsp;/g, '&esc;&amp;nbsp;' );
- // We must do some extra processing on IE to avoid dirty diffs, specifically IE will collapse
- // leading spaces - browser sniffing is not ideal, but executing this code on a non-broken browser
- // doesn't cause harm
- if ( $.browser.msie ) {
- html = html.replace( /\t/g, '<span class="wikiEditor-tab"></span>' );
- if ( $.browser.versionNumber <= 7 ) {
- // Replace all spaces matching &nbsp; - IE <= 7 needs this because of its overzealous
- // whitespace collapsing
- html = html.replace( / /g, "&nbsp;" );
- } else {
- // IE8 is happy if we just convert the first leading space to &nbsp;
- html = html.replace( /(^|\n) /g, "$1&nbsp;" );
- }
- }
- // Use a dummy div to escape all entities
- // This'll also escape <br>, <span> and &nbsp; , so we unescape those after
- // We also need to unescape the doubly-escaped things mentioned above
- html = $( '<div />' ).text( '<p>' + html.replace( /\r?\n/g, '</p><p>' ) + '</p>' ).html()
- .replace( /&amp;nbsp;/g, '&nbsp;' )
- // Allow <p> tags to survive encoding
- .replace( /&lt;p&gt;/g, '<p>' )
- .replace( /&lt;\/p&gt;/g, '</p>' )
- // And <span class="wikiEditor-tab"></span> too
- .replace(
- /&lt;span( |&nbsp;)class=("|&quot;)wikiEditor-tab("|&quot;)&gt;&lt;\/span&gt;/g,
- '<span class="wikiEditor-tab"></span>'
- )
- // Empty <p> tags need <br> tags in them
- .replace( /<p><\/p>/g, '<p><br></p>' )
- // Unescape &esc; stuff
- .replace( /&amp;esc;&amp;amp;nbsp;/g, '&amp;nbsp;' )
- .replace( /&amp;esc;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;/g, '&lt;p&gt;' )
- .replace( /&amp;esc;&amp;lt;\/p&amp;gt;/g, '&lt;/p&gt;' )
- .replace(
- /&amp;esc;&amp;lt;span&amp;nbsp;class=&amp;quot;wikiEditor-tab&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&amp;lt;\/span&amp;gt;/g,
- '&lt;span class="wikiEditor-tab"&gt;&lt;\/span&gt;'
- )
- .replace( /&amp;esc;esc;/g, '&amp;esc;' );
- context.$content.html( html );
- // Reflect direction of parent frame into child
- if ( $( 'body' ).is( '.rtl' ) ) {
- context.$content.addClass( 'rtl' ).attr( 'dir', 'rtl' );
- }
- // Activate the iframe, encoding the content of the textarea and copying it to the content of iframe
- context.$textarea.attr( 'disabled', true );
- context.$textarea.hide();
- context.$;
- // Let modules know we're ready to start working with the content
- context.fn.trigger( 'ready' );
- // Only save HTML now: ready handlers may have modified it
- context.oldHTML = context.oldDelayedHTML = context.$content.html();
- //remove our temporary loading
- /* Disaling our loading div for now
- $( '.wikiEditor-ui-loading' ).fadeOut( 'fast', function() {
- $( this ).remove();
- } );
- */
- // Setup event handling on the iframe
- $( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document )
- .bind( 'keydown', function( event ) {
- event.jQueryNode = context.fn.getElementAtCursor();
- return context.fn.trigger( 'keydown', event );
- } )
- .bind( 'keyup', function( event ) {
- event.jQueryNode = context.fn.getElementAtCursor();
- return context.fn.trigger( 'keyup', event );
- } )
- .bind( 'keypress', function( event ) {
- event.jQueryNode = context.fn.getElementAtCursor();
- return context.fn.trigger( 'keypress', event );
- } )
- .bind( 'paste', function( event ) {
- return context.fn.trigger( 'paste', event );
- } )
- .bind( 'cut', function( event ) {
- return context.fn.trigger( 'cut', event );
- } )
- .bind( 'keyup paste mouseup cut encapsulateSelection', function( event ) {
- return context.fn.trigger( 'change', event );
- } )
- .delayedBind( 250, 'keyup paste mouseup cut encapsulateSelection', function( event ) {
- context.fn.trigger( 'delayedChange', event );
- } );
- } );
- // Attach a submit handler to the form so that when the form is submitted the content of the iframe gets
- // decoded and copied over to the textarea
- context.$textarea.closest( 'form' ).submit( function() {
- context.$textarea.attr( 'disabled', false );
- context.$textarea.val( context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' ) );
- } );
- /* FIXME: This was taken from EditWarning.js - maybe we could do a jquery plugin for this? */
- // Attach our own handler for onbeforeunload which respects the current one
- context.fallbackWindowOnBeforeUnload = window.onbeforeunload;
- window.onbeforeunload = function() {
- context.$textarea.val( context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' ) );
- if ( context.fallbackWindowOnBeforeUnload ) {
- return context.fallbackWindowOnBeforeUnload();
- }
- };
- },
- /**
- * Compatibility with the $.textSelection jQuery plug-in. When the iframe is in use, these functions provide
- * equivilant functionality to the otherwise textarea-based functionality.
- */
- 'getElementAtCursor': function() {
- if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
- // Firefox and Opera
- var selection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
- if ( selection.rangeCount == 0 ) {
- // We don't know where the cursor is
- return $( [] );
- }
- var sc = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).startContainer;
- if ( sc.nodeName == "#text" ) sc = sc.parentNode;
- return $( sc );
- } else if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection ) { // should come last; Opera!
- // IE
- var selection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- return $( selection.parentElement() );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Gets the complete contents of the iframe (in plain text, not HTML)
- */
- 'getContents': function() {
- // For <p></p>, .html() returns <p>&nbsp;</p> in IE
- // This seems to convince IE while not affecting display
- if ( !context.$content ) {
- return '';
- }
- var html;
- if ( $.browser.msie ) {
- // Don't manipulate the iframe DOM itself, causes cursor jumping issues
- var $c = $( context.$content.get( 0 ).cloneNode( true ) );
- $c.find( 'p' ).each( function() {
- if ( $(this).html() == '' ) {
- $(this).replaceWith( '<p></p>' );
- }
- } );
- html = $c.html();
- } else {
- html = context.$content.html();
- }
- return context.fn.htmlToText( html );
- },
- /**
- * Gets the currently selected text in the content
- * DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- */
- 'getSelection': function() {
- var retval;
- if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
- // Firefox and Opera
- retval = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
- if ( $.browser.opera ) {
- // Opera strips newlines in getSelection(), so we need something more sophisticated
- if ( retval.rangeCount > 0 ) {
- retval = context.fn.htmlToText( $( '<pre />' )
- .append( retval.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneContents() )
- .html()
- );
- } else {
- retval = '';
- }
- }
- } else if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection ) { // should come last; Opera!
- // IE
- retval = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- }
- if ( typeof retval.text != 'undefined' ) {
- // In IE8, retval.text is stripped of newlines, so we need to process retval.htmlText
- // to get a reliable answer. IE7 does get this right though
- // Run this fix for all IE versions anyway, it doesn't hurt
- retval = context.fn.htmlToText( retval.htmlText );
- } else if ( typeof retval.toString != 'undefined' ) {
- retval = retval.toString();
- }
- return retval;
- },
- /**
- * Inserts text at the begining and end of a text selection, optionally inserting text at the caret when
- * selection is empty.
- * DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- */
- 'encapsulateSelection': function( options ) {
- var selText = $(this).textSelection( 'getSelection' );
- var selTextArr;
- var collapseToEnd = false;
- var selectAfter = false;
- var setSelectionTo = null;
- var pre = options.pre, post =;
- if ( !selText ) {
- selText = options.peri;
- selectAfter = true;
- } else if ( options.peri == selText.replace( /\s+$/, '' ) ) {
- // Probably a successive button press
- // strip any extra white space from selText
- selText = selText.replace( /\s+$/, '' );
- // set the collapseToEnd flag to ensure our selection is collapsed to the end before any insertion is done
- collapseToEnd = true;
- // set selectAfter to true since we know we'll be populating with our default text
- selectAfter = true;
- } else if ( options.replace ) {
- selText = options.peri;
- } else if ( selText.charAt( selText.length - 1 ) == ' ' ) {
- // Exclude ending space char
- // FIXME: Why?
- selText = selText.substring( 0, selText.length - 1 );
- post += ' ';
- }
- if ( options.splitlines ) {
- selTextArr = selText.split( /\n/ );
- }
- if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
- // Firefox and Opera
- var range = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection().getRangeAt( 0 );
- // if our test above indicated that this was a sucessive button press, we need to collapse the
- // selection to the end to avoid replacing text
- if ( collapseToEnd ) {
- // Make sure we're not collapsing ourselves into a BR tag
- if ( range.endContainer.nodeName == 'BR' ) {
- range.setEndBefore( range.endContainer );
- }
- range.collapse( false );
- }
- if ( options.ownline ) {
- // We need to figure out if the cursor is at the start or end of a line
- var atStart = false, atEnd = false;
- var body = context.$content.get( 0 );
- if ( range.startOffset == 0 ) {
- // Start of a line
- // FIXME: Not necessarily the case with syntax highlighting or
- // template collapsing
- atStart = true;
- } else if ( range.startContainer == body ) {
- // Look up the node just before the start of the selection
- // If it's a <BR>, we're at the start of a line that starts with a
- // block element; if not, we're at the end of a line
- var n = body.firstChild;
- for ( var i = 0; i < range.startOffset - 1 && n; i++ ) {
- n = n.nextSibling;
- }
- if ( n && n.nodeName == 'BR' ) {
- atStart = true;
- } else {
- atEnd = true;
- }
- }
- if ( ( range.endOffset == 0 && range.endContainer.nodeValue == null ) ||
- ( range.endContainer.nodeName == '#text' &&
- range.endOffset == range.endContainer.nodeValue.length ) ||
- ( range.endContainer.nodeName == 'P' && range.endContainer.nodeValue == null ) ) {
- atEnd = true;
- }
- if ( !atStart ) {
- pre = "\n" + options.pre;
- }
- if ( !atEnd ) {
- post += "\n";
- }
- }
- var insertText = "";
- if ( options.splitlines ) {
- for( var j = 0; j < selTextArr.length; j++ ) {
- insertText = insertText + pre + selTextArr[j] + post;
- if( j != selTextArr.length - 1 ) {
- insertText += "\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- insertText = pre + selText + post;
- }
- var insertLines = insertText.split( "\n" );
- range.extractContents();
- // Insert the contents one line at a time - insertNode() inserts at the beginning, so this has to happen
- // in reverse order
- // Track the first and last inserted node, and if we need to also track where the text we need to select
- // afterwards starts and ends
- var firstNode = null, lastNode = null;
- var selSC = null, selEC = null, selSO = null, selEO = null, offset = 0;
- for ( var i = insertLines.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- firstNode = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.createTextNode( insertLines[i] );
- range.insertNode( firstNode );
- lastNode = lastNode || firstNode;
- var newOffset = offset + insertLines[i].length;
- if ( !selEC && post.length <= newOffset ) {
- selEC = firstNode;
- selEO = selEC.nodeValue.length - ( post.length - offset );
- }
- if ( selEC && !selSC && pre.length >= insertText.length - newOffset ) {
- selSC = firstNode;
- selSO = pre.length - ( insertText.length - newOffset );
- }
- offset = newOffset;
- if ( i > 0 ) {
- firstNode = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.createElement( 'br' );
- range.insertNode( firstNode );
- newOffset = offset + 1;
- if ( !selEC && post.length <= newOffset ) {
- selEC = firstNode;
- selEO = 1 - ( post.length - offset );
- }
- if ( selEC && !selSC && pre.length >= insertText.length - newOffset ) {
- selSC = firstNode;
- selSO = pre.length - ( insertText.length - newOffset );
- }
- offset = newOffset;
- }
- }
- if ( firstNode ) {
- context.fn.scrollToTop( $( firstNode.parentNode ) );
- }
- if ( selectAfter ) {
- setSelectionTo = {
- startContainer: selSC,
- endContainer: selEC,
- start: selSO,
- end: selEO
- };
- } else if ( lastNode ) {
- setSelectionTo = {
- startContainer: lastNode,
- endContainer: lastNode,
- start: lastNode.nodeValue.length,
- end: lastNode.nodeValue.length
- };
- }
- } else if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection ) {
- // IE
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.focus();
- var range = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- if ( options.ownline && range.moveStart ) {
- // Check if we're at the start of a line
- // If not, prepend a newline
- var range2 = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- range2.collapse();
- range2.moveStart( 'character', -1 );
- // FIXME: Which check is correct?
- if ( range2.text != "\r" && range2.text != "\n" && range2.text != "" ) {
- pre = "\n" + pre;
- }
- // Check if we're at the end of a line
- // If not, append a newline
- var range3 = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection.createRange();
- range3.collapse( false );
- range3.moveEnd( 'character', 1 );
- if ( range3.text != "\r" && range3.text != "\n" && range3.text != "" ) {
- post += "\n";
- }
- }
- // if our test above indicated that this was a sucessive button press, we need to collapse the
- // selection to the end to avoid replacing text
- if ( collapseToEnd ) {
- range.collapse( false );
- }
- // TODO: Clean this up. Duplicate code due to the pre-existing browser specific structure of this
- // function
- var insertText = "";
- if ( options.splitlines ) {
- for( var j = 0; j < selTextArr.length; j++ ) {
- insertText = insertText + pre + selTextArr[j] + post;
- if( j != selTextArr.length - 1 ) {
- insertText += "\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- insertText = pre + selText + post;
- }
- // TODO: Maybe find a more elegant way of doing this like the Firefox code above?
- range.pasteHTML( insertText
- .replace( /\</g, '&lt;' )
- .replace( />/g, '&gt;' )
- .replace( /\r?\n/g, '<br />' )
- );
- if ( selectAfter ) {
- range.moveStart( 'character', -post.length - selText.length );
- range.moveEnd( 'character', -post.length );
- }
- }
- if ( setSelectionTo ) {
- context.fn.setSelection( setSelectionTo );
- }
- // Trigger the encapsulateSelection event (this might need to get named something else/done differently)
- $( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document ).trigger(
- 'encapsulateSelection', [ pre, options.peri, post, options.ownline, options.replace ]
- );
- return context.$textarea;
- },
- /**
- * Gets the position (in resolution of bytes not nessecarily characters) in a textarea
- * DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- */
- 'getCaretPosition': function( options ) {
- var startPos = null, endPos = null;
- if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
- var selection = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
- if ( selection.rangeCount == 0 ) {
- // We don't know where the cursor is
- return [ 0, 0 ];
- }
- var sc = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).startContainer, ec = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).endContainer;
- var so = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).startOffset, eo = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).endOffset;
- if ( sc.nodeName == 'BODY' ) {
- // Grab the node just before the start of the selection
- var n = sc.firstChild;
- for ( var i = 0; i < so - 1 && n; i++ ) {
- n = n.nextSibling;
- }
- sc = n;
- so = 0;
- }
- if ( ec.nodeName == 'BODY' ) {
- var n = ec.firstChild;
- for ( var i = 0; i < eo - 1 && n; i++ ) {
- n = n.nextSibling;
- }
- ec = n;
- eo = 0;
- }
- // Make sure sc and ec are leaf nodes
- while ( sc.firstChild ) {
- sc = sc.firstChild;
- }
- while ( ec.firstChild ) {
- ec = ec.firstChild;
- }
- // Make sure the offsets are regenerated if necessary
- context.fn.getOffset( 0 );
- var o;
- for ( o in context.offsets ) {
- if ( startPos === null && context.offsets[o].node == sc ) {
- // For some wicked reason o is a string, even though
- // we put it in as an integer. Use ~~ to coerce it too an int
- startPos = ~~o + so - context.offsets[o].offset;
- }
- if ( startPos !== null && context.offsets[o].node == ec ) {
- endPos = ~~o + eo - context.offsets[o].offset;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.selection ) {
- // IE
- // FIXME: This is mostly copypasted from the textSelection plugin
- var d = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document;
- var postFinished = false;
- var periFinished = false;
- var postFinished = false;
- var preText, rawPreText, periText;
- var rawPeriText, postText, rawPostText;
- // Depending on the document state, and if the cursor has ever been manually placed within the document
- // the following call such as setEndPoint can result in nasty errors. These cases are always cases
- // in which the start and end points can safely be assumed to be 0, so we will just try our best to do
- // the full process but fall back to 0.
- try {
- // Create range containing text in the selection
- var periRange = d.selection.createRange().duplicate();
- // Create range containing text before the selection
- var preRange = d.body.createTextRange();
- // Move the end where we need it
- preRange.setEndPoint( "EndToStart", periRange );
- // Create range containing text after the selection
- var postRange = d.body.createTextRange();
- // Move the start where we need it
- postRange.setEndPoint( "StartToEnd", periRange );
- // Load the text values we need to compare
- preText = rawPreText = preRange.text;
- periText = rawPeriText = periRange.text;
- postText = rawPostText = postRange.text;
- /*
- * Check each range for trimmed newlines by shrinking the range by 1
- * character and seeing if the text property has changed. If it has
- * not changed then we know that IE has trimmed a \r\n from the end.
- */
- do {
- if ( !postFinished ) {
- if ( preRange.compareEndPoints( "StartToEnd", preRange ) == 0 ) {
- postFinished = true;
- } else {
- preRange.moveEnd( "character", -1 );
- if ( preRange.text == preText ) {
- rawPreText += "\r\n";
- } else {
- postFinished = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !periFinished ) {
- if ( periRange.compareEndPoints( "StartToEnd", periRange ) == 0 ) {
- periFinished = true;
- } else {
- periRange.moveEnd( "character", -1 );
- if ( periRange.text == periText ) {
- rawPeriText += "\r\n";
- } else {
- periFinished = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !postFinished ) {
- if ( postRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", postRange) == 0 ) {
- postFinished = true;
- } else {
- postRange.moveEnd( "character", -1 );
- if ( postRange.text == postText ) {
- rawPostText += "\r\n";
- } else {
- postFinished = true;
- }
- }
- }
- } while ( ( !postFinished || !periFinished || !postFinished ) );
- startPos = rawPreText.replace( /\r\n/g, "\n" ).length;
- endPos = startPos + rawPeriText.replace( /\r\n/g, "\n" ).length;
- } catch( e ) {
- startPos = endPos = 0;
- }
- }
- return [ startPos, endPos ];
- },
- /**
- * Sets the selection of the content
- * DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- *
- * @param start Character offset of selection start
- * @param end Character offset of selection end
- * @param startContainer Element in iframe to start selection in. If not set, start is a character offset
- * @param endContainer Element in iframe to end selection in. If not set, end is a character offset
- */
- 'setSelection': function( options ) {
- var sc = options.startContainer, ec = options.endContainer;
- sc = sc && sc.jquery ? sc[0] : sc;
- ec = ec && ec.jquery ? ec[0] : ec;
- if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection ) {
- // Firefox and Opera
- var start = options.start, end = options.end;
- if ( !sc || !ec ) {
- var s = context.fn.getOffset( start );
- var e = context.fn.getOffset( end );
- sc = s ? s.node : null;
- ec = e ? e.node : null;
- start = s ? s.offset : null;
- end = e ? e.offset : null;
- // Don't try to set the selection past the end of a node, causes errors
- // Just put the selection at the end of the node in this case
- if ( sc != null && sc.nodeName == '#text' && start > sc.nodeValue.length ) {
- start = sc.nodeValue.length - 1;
- }
- if ( ec != null && ec.nodeName == '#text' && end > ec.nodeValue.length ) {
- end = ec.nodeValue.length - 1;
- }
- }
- if ( !sc || !ec ) {
- // The requested offset isn't in the offsets array
- // Give up
- return context.$textarea;
- }
- var sel = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.getSelection();
- while ( sc.firstChild && sc.nodeName != '#text' ) {
- sc = sc.firstChild;
- }
- while ( ec.firstChild && ec.nodeName != '#text' ) {
- ec = ec.firstChild;
- }
- var range = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.createRange();
- range.setStart( sc, start );
- range.setEnd( ec, end );
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- sel.addRange( range );
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.focus();
- } else if ( context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body.createTextRange ) {
- // IE
- var range = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body.createTextRange();
- if ( sc ) {
- range.moveToElementText( sc );
- }
- range.collapse();
- range.moveEnd( 'character', options.start );
- var range2 = context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document.body.createTextRange();
- if ( ec ) {
- range2.moveToElementText( ec );
- }
- range2.collapse();
- range2.moveEnd( 'character', options.end );
- // IE does newline emulation for <p>s: <p>foo</p><p>bar</p> becomes foo\nbar just fine
- // but <p>foo</p><br><br><p>bar</p> becomes foo\n\n\n\nbar , one \n too many
- // Correct for this
- var matches, counted = 0;
- // while ( matches = range.htmlText.match( regex ) && matches.length <= counted ) doesn't work
- // because the assignment side effect hasn't happened yet when the second term is evaluated
- while ( matches = range.htmlText.match( /\<\/p\>(\<br[^\>]*\>)+\<p\>/gi ) ) {
- if ( matches.length <= counted )
- break;
- range.moveEnd( 'character', matches.length );
- counted += matches.length;
- }
- range2.moveEnd( 'character', counted );
- while ( matches = range2.htmlText.match( /\<\/p\>(\<br[^\>]*\>)+\<p\>/gi ) ) {
- if ( matches.length <= counted )
- break;
- range2.moveEnd( 'character', matches.length );
- counted += matches.length;
- }
- range2.setEndPoint( 'StartToEnd', range );
- }
- return context.$textarea;
- },
- /**
- * Scroll a textarea to the current cursor position. You can set the cursor position with setSelection()
- * DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- */
- 'scrollToCaretPosition': function( options ) {
- context.fn.scrollToTop( context.fn.getElementAtCursor(), true );
- },
- /**
- * Scroll an element to the top of the iframe
- * DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
- *
- * @param $element jQuery object containing an element in the iframe
- * @param force If true, scroll the element even if it's already visible
- */
- 'scrollToTop': function( $element, force ) {
- var html = context.$content.closest( 'html' ),
- body = context.$content.closest( 'body' ),
- parentHtml = $( 'html' ),
- parentBody = $( 'body' );
- var y = $element.offset().top;
- if ( !$.browser.msie && ! $ 'body' ) ) {
- y = parentHtml.scrollTop() > 0 ? y + html.scrollTop() - parentHtml.scrollTop() : y;
- y = parentBody.scrollTop() > 0 ? y + body.scrollTop() - parentBody.scrollTop() : y;
- }
- var topBound = html.scrollTop() > body.scrollTop() ? html.scrollTop() : body.scrollTop(),
- bottomBound = topBound + context.$iframe.height();
- if ( force || y < topBound || y > bottomBound ) {
- html.scrollTop( y );
- body.scrollTop( y );
- }
- $element.trigger( 'scrollToTop' );
- }
-} );
-/* Setup the IFrame */
-} } )( jQuery );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js
index def8b69e..e5d34aa9 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.js
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
* $( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'toolbar', { ... config ... } );
-( function ( $ ) {
+/*jshint onevar:false, boss:true */
+( function ( $, mw ) {
* Global static object for wikiEditor that provides generally useful functionality to all modules and contexts.
@@ -47,15 +48,15 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
msie: [['>=', 7]],
// Layout issues in FF < 2
firefox: [['>=', 2]],
- // Text selection bugs galore - this may be a different situation with the new iframe-based solution
+ // Text selection bugs galore
opera: [['>=', 9.6]],
// jQuery minimums
safari: [['>=', 3]],
chrome: [['>=', 3]],
netscape: [['>=', 9]],
blackberry: false,
- ipod: false,
- iphone: false
+ ipod: [['>=', 6]],
+ iphone: [['>=', 6]]
// Right-to-left languages
rtl: {
@@ -63,15 +64,15 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
msie: [['>=', 8]],
// Layout issues in FF < 2
firefox: [['>=', 2]],
- // Text selection bugs galore - this may be a different situation with the new iframe-based solution
+ // Text selection bugs galore
opera: [['>=', 9.6]],
// jQuery minimums
safari: [['>=', 3]],
chrome: [['>=', 3]],
netscape: [['>=', 9]],
blackberry: false,
- ipod: false,
- iphone: false
+ ipod: [['>=', 6]],
+ iphone: [['>=', 6]]
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
isRequired: function ( module, requirement ) {
if ( typeof module.req !== 'undefined' ) {
for ( var req in module.req ) {
- if ( module.req[req] == requirement ) {
+ if ( module.req[req] === requirement ) {
return true;
@@ -132,9 +133,10 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
* with the key 'bar'.
autoMsg: function ( object, property ) {
+ var i, p;
// Accept array of possible properties, of which the first one found will be used
- if ( typeof property == 'object' ) {
- for ( var i in property ) {
+ if ( typeof property === 'object' ) {
+ for ( i in property ) {
if ( property[i] in object || property[i] + 'Msg' in object ) {
property = property[i];
@@ -144,11 +146,11 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
if ( property in object ) {
return object[property];
} else if ( property + 'Msg' in object ) {
- var p = object[property + 'Msg'];
+ p = object[property + 'Msg'];
if ( $.isArray( p ) && p.length >= 2 ) {
- return mediaWiki.message.apply( mediaWiki.message, p ).plain();
+ return mw.message.apply( mw.message, p ).plain();
} else {
- return mediaWiki.message( p ).plain();
+ return mw.message( p ).plain();
} else {
return '';
@@ -181,10 +183,10 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
var src = $.wikiEditor.autoLang( icon, lang );
path = path || $.wikiEditor.imgPath;
// Prepend path if src is not absolute
- if ( src.substr( 0, 7 ) != 'http://' && src.substr( 0, 8 ) != 'https://' && src[0] != '/' ) {
+ if ( src.substr( 0, 7 ) !== 'http://' && src.substr( 0, 8 ) !== 'https://' && src[0] !== '/' ) {
src = path + src;
- return src + '?' + mw.loader.version( 'jquery.wikiEditor' );
+ return src + '?' + mw.loader.getVersion( 'jquery.wikiEditor' );
@@ -197,9 +199,9 @@ $.wikiEditor = {
autoIconOrOffset: function ( icon, offset, path, lang ) {
lang = lang || mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
- if ( typeof offset == 'object' && lang in offset ) {
+ if ( typeof offset === 'object' && lang in offset ) {
return offset[lang];
- } else if ( typeof icon == 'object' && lang in icon ) {
+ } else if ( typeof icon === 'object' && lang in icon ) {
return $.wikiEditor.autoIcon( icon, undefined, lang );
} else {
return $.wikiEditor.autoLang( offset, lang );
@@ -214,21 +216,21 @@ $.fn.wikiEditor = function () {
// Skip any further work when running in browsers that are unsupported
if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported() ) {
- return $(this);
+ return $( this );
/* Initialization */
// The wikiEditor context is stored in the element's data, so when this function gets called again we can pick up right
// where we left off
-var context = $(this).data( 'wikiEditor-context' );
+var context = $( this ).data( 'wikiEditor-context' );
// On first call, we need to set things up, but on all following calls we can skip right to the API handling
-if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
+if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
// Star filling the context with useful data - any jQuery selections, as usual should be named with a preceding $
context = {
// Reference to the textarea element which the wikiEditor is being built around
- '$textarea': $(this),
+ '$textarea': $( this ),
// Container for any number of mutually exclusive views that are accessible by tabs
'views': {},
// Container for any number of module-specific data - only including data for modules in use on this context
@@ -236,25 +238,9 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
// General place to shouve bits of data into
'data': {},
// Unique numeric ID of this instance used both for looking up and differentiating instances of wikiEditor
- 'instance': $.wikiEditor.instances.push( $(this) ) - 1,
- // Array mapping elements in the textarea to character offsets
- 'offsets': null,
- // Cache for context.fn.htmlToText()
- 'htmlToTextMap': {},
- // The previous HTML of the iframe, stored to detect whether something really changed.
- 'oldHTML': null,
- // Same for delayedChange()
- 'oldDelayedHTML': null,
- // The previous selection of the iframe, stored to detect whether the selection has changed
- 'oldDelayedSel': null,
- // Saved selection state for IE
+ 'instance': $.wikiEditor.instances.push( $( this ) ) - 1,
+ // Saved selection state for old IE (<=10)
'savedSelection': null,
- // Stack of states in { html: [string] } form
- 'history': [],
- // Current history state position - this is number of steps backwards, so it's always -1 or less
- 'historyPosition': -1,
- /// The previous historyPosition, stored to detect if change events were due to an undo or redo action
- 'oldDelayedHistoryPosition': -1,
// List of extensions active on this context
'extensions': []
@@ -262,7 +248,7 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
* Externally Accessible API
- * These are available using calls to $(selection).wikiEditor( call, data ) where selection is a jQuery selection
+ * These are available using calls to $( selection ).wikiEditor( call, data ) where selection is a jQuery selection
* of the textarea that the wikiEditor instance was built around.
@@ -276,14 +262,14 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
'addModule': function ( context, data ) {
var module, call,
modules = {};
- if ( typeof data == 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {
modules[data] = {};
- } else if ( typeof data == 'object' ) {
+ } else if ( typeof data === 'object' ) {
modules = data;
for ( module in modules ) {
// Check for the existance of an available / supported module with a matching name and a create function
- if ( typeof module == 'string' && typeof $.wikiEditor.modules[module] !== 'undefined' &&
+ if ( typeof module === 'string' && typeof $.wikiEditor.modules[module] !== 'undefined' &&
$.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) )
// Extend the context's core API with this module's own API calls
@@ -326,11 +312,11 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
trigger: function ( name, event ) {
// Event is an optional argument, but from here on out, at least the type field should be dependable
- if ( typeof event == 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof event === 'undefined' ) {
event = { 'type': 'custom' };
// Ensure there's a place for extra information to live
- if ( typeof == 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( typeof === 'undefined' ) { = {};
@@ -350,9 +336,9 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
name in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].evt
) {
var ret = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].evt[name]( context, event );
- if (ret !== null) {
+ if ( ret !== null ) {
//if 1 returns false, the end result is false
- if( returnFromModules === null ) {
+ if ( returnFromModules === null ) {
returnFromModules = ret;
} else {
returnFromModules = returnFromModules && ret;
@@ -393,7 +379,7 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
// Return the newly appended tab
return $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'rel', 'wikiEditor-ui-view-' + )
- .addClass( context.view == ? 'current' : null )
+ .addClass( context.view === ? 'current' : null )
.append( $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', '#' )
.mousedown( function () {
@@ -402,11 +388,11 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
} )
.click( function ( event ) {
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-view' ).hide();
- context.$ui.find( '.' + $(this).parent().attr( 'rel' ) ).show();
+ context.$ui.find( '.' + $( this ).parent().attr( 'rel' ) ).show();
context.$tabs.find( 'div' ).removeClass( 'current' );
- $(this).parent().addClass( 'current' );
- $(this).blur();
- if ( 'init' in options && typeof options.init == 'function' ) {
+ $( this ).parent().addClass( 'current' );
+ $( this ).blur();
+ if ( 'init' in options && typeof options.init === 'function' ) {
options.init( context );
@@ -457,17 +443,17 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
- * Save text selection for IE
+ * Save text selection for old IE (<=10)
saveSelection: function () {
- if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
+ if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) {
context.savedSelection = document.selection.createRange();
- * Restore text selection for IE
+ * Restore text selection for old IE (<=10)
restoreSelection: function () {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && context.savedSelection !== null ) {
@@ -479,6 +465,13 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
+ * Workaround for a scrolling bug in IE8 (bug 61908)
+ */
+ if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
+ context.$textarea.css( 'height', context.$textarea.height() );
+ }
+ /**
* Base UI Construction
* The UI is built from several containers, the outer-most being a div classed as "wikiEditor-ui". These containers
@@ -493,6 +486,9 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
.append( $( '<span>' + mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-loading' ) + '</span>' )
.css( 'marginTop', context.$textarea.height() / 2 ) );
+ /* Preserving cursor and focus state, which will get lost due to wrapAll */
+ var hasFocus = context.$ ':focus' ),
+ cursorPos = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getCaretPosition', { startAndEnd: true } );
// Encapsulate the textarea with some containers for layout
/* Disabling our loading div for now
@@ -504,6 +500,14 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-left' ) )
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-bottom' ) )
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-text' ) );
+ // Restore scroll position after this wrapAll (tracked by mediawiki.action.edit)
+ context.$textarea.prop( 'scrollTop', $( '#wpScrolltop' ).val() );
+ // Restore focus and cursor if needed
+ if ( hasFocus ) {
+ context.$textarea.focus();
+ context.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: cursorPos[0], end: cursorPos[1] } );
+ }
// Get references to some of the newly created containers
context.$ui = context.$textarea.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent();
context.$wikitext = context.$textarea.parent().parent().parent().parent();
@@ -514,15 +518,16 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-tabs' ).hide() )
.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-buttons' ) )
- .before( $( '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' ) );
+ .before( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-clear' ) );
// Get references to some of the newly created containers
context.$controls = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-buttons' ).hide();
context.$buttons = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-buttons' );
context.$tabs = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-tabs' );
// Clear all floating after the UI
- context.$ui.after( $( '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' ) );
+ context.$ui.after( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-clear' ) );
// Attach a right container
context.$wikitext.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-right' ) );
+ context.$wikitext.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-clear' ) );
// Attach a top container to the left pane
context.$wikitext.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).prepend( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-top' ) );
// Setup the intial view
@@ -539,9 +544,9 @@ if ( !context || typeof context == 'undefined' ) {
var args = $.makeArray( arguments );
// Dynamically setup core extensions for modules that are required
-if ( args[0] == 'addModule' && typeof args[1] !== 'undefined' ) {
+if ( args[0] === 'addModule' && typeof args[1] !== 'undefined' ) {
var modules = args[1];
- if ( typeof modules !== "object" ) {
+ if ( typeof modules !== 'object' ) {
modules = {};
modules[args[1]] = '';
@@ -573,8 +578,8 @@ if ( args.length > 0 ) {
// Store the context for next time, and support chaining
-return $(this).data( 'wikiEditor-context', context );
+return $( this ).data( 'wikiEditor-context', context );
-}( jQuery ) );
+}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js
index 39907364..f0665220 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.preview.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* Preview module for wikiEditor */
( function ( $, mw ) {
+/*jshint onevar:false */
$.wikiEditor.modules.preview = {
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ fn: {
* @param context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function ( context, config ) {
+ create: function ( context ) {
if ( 'initialized' in context.modules.preview ) {
@@ -53,32 +53,37 @@ fn: {
context.modules.preview.$preview.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-contents' ).empty();
context.modules.preview.$preview.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-loading' ).show();
- $.post(
- mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
- {
+ $.ajax( {
+ url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'parse',
title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
text: wikitext,
- prop: 'text',
+ prop: 'text|modules',
pst: ''
- },
- function ( data ) {
- if (
- typeof data.parse == 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text == 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text['*'] == 'undefined'
- ) {
- return;
- }
- context.modules.preview.previewText = wikitext;
- context.modules.preview.$preview.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-loading' ).hide();
- context.modules.preview.$preview.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-contents' )
- .html( data.parse.text['*'] )
- .find( 'a:not([href^=#])' ).click( false );
- },
- 'json'
- );
+ }
+ } ).done( function ( data ) {
+ if ( !data.parse || !data.parse.text || data.parse.text['*'] === undefined ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ context.modules.preview.previewText = wikitext;
+ context.modules.preview.$preview.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-loading' ).hide();
+ context.modules.preview.$preview.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-contents' )
+ .html( data.parse.text['*'] )
+ .find( 'a:not([href^=#])' )
+ .click( false );
+ var loadmodules = data.parse.modules.concat(
+ data.parse.modulescripts,
+ data.parse.modulestyles,
+ data.parse.modulemessages
+ );
+ mw.loader.load( loadmodules );
+ } );
} );
@@ -89,21 +94,25 @@ fn: {
// Gets the latest copy of the wikitext
var wikitext = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' );
// Aborts when nothing has changed since the last time
- if ( context.modules.preview.changesText == wikitext ) {
+ if ( context.modules.preview.changesText === wikitext ) {
context.$changesTab.find( 'table.diff tbody' ).empty();
context.$changesTab.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-loading' ).show();
// Call the API. First PST the input, then diff it
- var postdata = {
- format: 'json',
- action: 'parse',
- onlypst: '',
- text: wikitext
- };
- $.post( mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), postdata, function ( data ) {
+ $.ajax( {
+ url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ data: {
+ format: 'json',
+ action: 'parse',
+ title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
+ onlypst: '',
+ text: wikitext
+ }
+ } ).done( function ( data ) {
try {
var postdata2 = {
format: 'json',
@@ -115,25 +124,33 @@ fn: {
rvprop: ''
var section = $( '[name="wpSection"]' ).val();
- if ( section !== '' )
+ if ( section !== '' ) {
postdata2.rvsection = section;
+ }
+ $.ajax( {
+ url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ data: postdata2
+ } ).done( function ( data ) {
+ // Add diff CSS
+ mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.action.history.diff' );
+ try {
+ var diff = data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]]
+ .revisions[0].diff['*'];
- $.post( mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), postdata2, function ( data ) {
- // Add diff CSS
- mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.action.history.diff' );
- try {
- var diff = data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]]
- .revisions[0].diff['*'];
- context.$changesTab.find( 'table.diff tbody' )
- .html( diff );
- context.$changesTab
- .find( '.wikiEditor-preview-loading' ).hide();
- context.modules.preview.changesText = wikitext;
- } catch ( e ) { } // "blah is undefined" error, ignore
- }, 'json'
- );
- } catch ( e ) { } // "blah is undefined" error, ignore
- }, 'json' );
+ context.$changesTab.find( 'table.diff tbody' ).html( diff );
+ context.modules.preview.changesText = wikitext;
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ // "data.blah is undefined" error, ignore
+ }
+ context.$changesTab.find( '.wikiEditor-preview-loading' ).hide();
+ } );
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ // "data.blah is undefined" error, ignore
+ }
+ } );
} );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
index ca88c79a..34f38e30 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.previewDialog.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* Publish module for wikiEditor */
-( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.previewDialog = {
+/*jshint onevar:false */
+( function ( $, mw ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.previewDialog = {
* Compatability map
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ fn: {
* @param context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function( context, config ) {
+ create: function ( context ) {
// Build the dialog behind the Publish button
var dialogID = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-preview-dialog';
@@ -42,11 +43,11 @@ fn: {
<div class="wikiEditor-ui-loading"><span></span></div>\
<div class="wikiEditor-preview-dialog-contents"></div>\
- init: function() {
+ init: function () {
dialog: {
buttons: {
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-publish': function() {
+ 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-publish': function () {
var minorChecked = $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance +
'-dialog-minor' ).is( ':checked' ) ?
'checked' : '';
@@ -59,15 +60,15 @@ fn: {
'-dialog-summary' ).val() );
$( '#editform' ).submit();
- 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-goback': function() {
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-goback': function () {
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
resizable: false,
height: $( 'body' ).height() - 100,
width: $( 'body' ).width() - 300,
position: ['center', 'top'],
- open: function() {
+ open: function () {
// Gets the latest copy of the wikitext
var wikitext = context.fn.getContents();
var $dialog = $( '#' + dialogID );
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ fn: {
.css( 'top', '25px' );
// $dialog.dialog( 'option', 'width', $( 'body' ).width() - 300 );
// Aborts when nothing has changed since the last preview
- if ( context.modules.preview.previewText == wikitext ) {
+ if ( context.modules.preview.previewText === wikitext ) {
@@ -94,11 +95,11 @@ fn: {
'pst': '',
'format': 'json'
- function( data ) {
+ function ( data ) {
if (
- typeof data.parse == 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text == 'undefined' ||
- typeof data.parse.text['*'] == 'undefined'
+ typeof data.parse === 'undefined' ||
+ typeof data.parse.text === 'undefined' ||
+ typeof data.parse.text['*'] === 'undefined'
) {
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ fn: {
.html( '<h1 class="firstHeading" id="firstHeading">' +
mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) + '</h1>' +
data.parse.text['*'] )
- .find( 'a:not([href^=#])' ).click( function() { return false; } );
+ .find( 'a:not([href^=#])' ).click( function () { return false; } );
@@ -120,12 +121,12 @@ fn: {
context.fn.addButton( {
'captionMsg': 'wikieditor-preview-tab',
- 'action': function() {
- context.$textarea.wikiEditor( 'openDialog', 'preview');
+ 'action': function () {
+ context.$textarea.wikiEditor( 'openDialog', 'preview' );
return false;
} );
-}; } )( jQuery );
+}; } )( jQuery, mediaWiki );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js
index b61140dc..c7360006 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.publish.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
/* Publish module for wikiEditor */
+/*jshint onevar:false */
( function ( $ ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.publish = {
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ fn: {
* @param context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param config Configuration object to create module from
- create: function ( context, config ) {
+ create: function ( context ) {
// Build the dialog behind the Publish button
var dialogID = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog';
@@ -66,9 +67,9 @@ fn: {
init: function () {
var i;
- $(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
- $(this).text( mediaWiki.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
- });
+ $( this ).find( '[rel]' ).each( function () {
+ $( this ).text( mediaWiki.msg( $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
+ } );
// Reformat the copyright warning stuff
@@ -84,26 +85,28 @@ fn: {
newCopyWarnHTML += '</ul>';
// No list if there's only one element
- $(this).find( '.wikiEditor-publish-dialog-copywarn' ).html(
+ $( this ).find( '.wikiEditor-publish-dialog-copywarn' ).html(
copyWarnStatements.length > 1 ? newCopyWarnHTML : copyWarnHTML
- if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).length === 0 )
+ if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).length === 0 ) {
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-minor' ).hide();
- else if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).is( ':checked' ) )
+ } else if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-minor' )
.prop( 'checked', true );
- if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).length === 0 )
+ }
+ if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).length === 0 ) {
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-watch' ).hide();
- else if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).is( ':checked' ) )
+ } else if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
$( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-watch' )
.prop( 'checked', true );
+ }
- $(this).find( 'form' ).submit( function ( e ) {
- $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button:first' ).click();
+ $( this ).find( 'form' ).submit( function ( e ) {
+ $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button:first' ).click();
- });
+ } );
immediateCreate: true,
dialog: {
@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ fn: {
$( '#editform' ).submit();
'wikieditor-publish-dialog-goback': function () {
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
+ $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
open: function () {
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd00325f..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templateEditor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
-/* TemplateEditor module for wikiEditor */
-( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor = {
- * Name mappings, dirty hack which will be removed once "TemplateInfo" extension is more fully supported
- */
-'nameMappings': { //keep these all lowercase to navigate web of redirects
- "infobox skyscraper": "building_name",
- "infobox settlement": "official_name"
- * Compatability map
- */
-'browsers': {
- // Left-to-right languages
- 'ltr': {
- 'msie': [['>=', 8]],
- 'firefox': [['>=', 3]],
- 'opera': [['>=', 10]],
- 'safari': [['>=', 4]]
- },
- // Right-to-left languages
- 'rtl': {
- 'msie': false,
- 'firefox': [['>=', 3]],
- 'opera': [['>=', 10]],
- 'safari': [['>=', 4]]
- }
- * Core Requirements
- */
-'req': [ 'iframe' ],
- * Event handlers
- */
-evt: {
- mark: function( context, event ) {
- // The markers returned by this function are skipped on realchange, so don't regenerate them in that case
- if ( context.modules.highlight.currentScope == 'realchange' ) {
- return;
- }
- // Get references to the markers and tokens from the current context
- var markers = context.modules.highlight.markers;
- var tokenArray = context.modules.highlight.tokenArray;
- // Collect matching level 0 template call boundaries from the tokenArray
- var level = 0;
- var tokenIndex = 0;
- while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length ){
- while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length && tokenArray[tokenIndex].label != 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ) {
- tokenIndex++;
- }
- //open template
- if ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length ) {
- var beginIndex = tokenIndex;
- var endIndex = -1; //no match found
- var openTemplates = 1;
- var templatesMatched = false;
- while ( tokenIndex < tokenArray.length - 1 && endIndex == -1 ) {
- tokenIndex++;
- if ( tokenArray[tokenIndex].label == 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ) {
- openTemplates++;
- } else if ( tokenArray[tokenIndex].label == 'TEMPLATE_END' ) {
- openTemplates--;
- if ( openTemplates == 0 ) {
- endIndex = tokenIndex;
- } //we can stop looping
- }
- }//while finding template ending
- if ( endIndex != -1 ) {
- markers.push( {
- start: tokenArray[beginIndex].offset,
- end: tokenArray[endIndex].offset,
- type: 'template',
- anchor: 'wrap',
- afterWrap: function( node ) {
- // Generate model
- var model = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.updateModel( $( node ) );
- if ( model.isCollapsible() ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.wrapTemplate( $( node ) );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.bindTemplateEvents( $( node ) );
- } else {
- $( node ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text' );
- }
- },
- beforeUnwrap: function( node ) {
- if ( $( node ).parent().hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template' ) ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.unwrapTemplate( $( node ) );
- }
- },
- onSkip: function( node ) {
- if ( $( node ).html() == $( node ).data( 'oldHTML' ) ) {
- // No change
- return;
- }
- // Text changed, regenerate model
- var model = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.updateModel( $( node ) );
- // Update template name if needed
- if ( $( node ).parent().hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template' ) ) {
- var $label = $( node ).parent().find( '.wikiEditor-template-label' );
- var displayName = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.getTemplateDisplayName( model );
- if ( $label.text() != displayName ) {
- $label.text( displayName );
- }
- }
- // Wrap or unwrap the template if needed
- if ( $( node ).parent().hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template' ) &&
- !model.isCollapsible() ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.unwrapTemplate( $( node ) );
- } else if ( !$( node ).parent().hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template' ) &&
- model.isCollapsible() ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.wrapTemplate( $( node ) );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.bindTemplateEvents( $( node ) );
- }
- },
- getAnchor: function( ca1, ca2 ) {
- return $( ca1.parentNode ).is( 'span.wikiEditor-template-text' ) ?
- ca1.parentNode : null;
- },
- context: context,
- skipDivision: 'realchange'
- } );
- } else { //else this was an unmatched opening
- tokenArray[beginIndex].label = 'TEMPLATE_FALSE_BEGIN';
- tokenIndex = beginIndex;
- }
- }//if opentemplates
- }
- }, //mark
- keydown: function( context, event ) {
- // Reset our ignoreKeypress variable if it's set to true
- if ( context.$ 'ignoreKeypress' ) ) {
- context.$ 'ignoreKeypress', false );
- }
- var $evtElem = event.jQueryNode;
- if ( $evtElem.hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template-label' ) ) {
- // Allow anything if the command or control key are depressed
- if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) return true;
- switch ( event.which ) {
- case 13: // Enter
- $;
- event.preventDefault();
- return false;
- case 32: // Space
- $evtElem.parent().siblings( '.wikiEditor-template-expand' ).click();
- event.preventDefault();
- return false;
- case 37:// Left
- case 38:// Up
- case 39:// Right
- case 40: //Down
- return true;
- default:
- // Set the ignroreKeypress variable so we don't allow typing if the key is held
- context.$ 'ignoreKeypress', true );
- // Can't type in a template name
- event.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- } else if ( $evtElem.hasClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text' ) ) {
- switch ( event.which ) {
- case 13: // Enter
- // Ensure that the user can't break this by holding in the enter key
- context.$ 'ignoreKeypress', true );
- // FIXME: May be a more elegant way to do this, but this works too
- context.fn.encapsulateSelection( { 'pre': '\n', 'peri': '', 'post': '' } );
- event.preventDefault();
- return false;
- default: return true;
- }
- }
- },
- keyup: function( context, event ) {
- // Rest our ignoreKeypress variable if it's set to true
- if ( context.$ 'ignoreKeypress' ) ) {
- context.$ 'ignoreKeypress', false );
- }
- return true;
- },
- keypress: function( context, event ) {
- // If this event is from a keydown event which we want to block, ignore it
- return ( context.$ 'ignoreKeypress' ) ? false : true );
- }
- * Regular expressions that produce tokens
- */
-exp: [
- { 'regex': /{{/, 'label': "TEMPLATE_BEGIN" },
- { 'regex': /}}/, 'label': "TEMPLATE_END", 'markAfter': true }
- * Configuration
- */
-cfg: {
- * Internally used functions
- */
-fn: {
- /**
- * Creates template form module within wikieditor
- * @param context Context object of editor to create module in
- * @param config Configuration object to create module from
- */
- create: function( context, config ) {
- // Initialize module within the context
- context.modules.templateEditor = {};
- },
- /**
- * Turns a simple template wrapper (really just a <span>) into a complex one
- * @param $wrapper Wrapping <span>
- */
- wrapTemplate: function( $wrapper ) {
- var model = $ 'model' );
- var context = $ 'marker' ).context;
- var $template = $wrapper
- .wrap( '<span class="wikiEditor-template"></span>' )
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken' )
- .parent()
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-template-collapsed' )
- .prepend(
- '<span class="wikiEditor-template-expand wikiEditor-noinclude"></span>' +
- '<span class="wikiEditor-template-name wikiEditor-noinclude">' +
- '<span class="wikiEditor-template-label wikiEditor-noinclude">' +
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.getTemplateDisplayName( model ) + '</span>' +
- '<span class="wikiEditor-template-dialog wikiEditor-noinclude"></span>' +
- '</span>'
- );
- },
- /**
- * Turn a complex template wrapper back into a simple one
- * @param $wrapper Wrapping <span>
- */
- unwrapTemplate: function( $wrapper ) {
- $wrapper.parent().replaceWith( $wrapper );
- },
- /**
- * Bind events to a template
- * @param $wrapper Original wrapper for the template to bind events to
- */
- bindTemplateEvents: function( $wrapper ) {
- var $template = $wrapper.parent( '.wikiEditor-template' );
- if ( typeof ( opera ) == "undefined" ) {
- $template.parent().attr('contentEditable', 'false');
- }
- $ function(event) {event.preventDefault(); return false;} );
- $template.find( '.wikiEditor-template-name' )
- .click( function( event ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.createDialog( $wrapper );
- event.stopPropagation();
- return false;
- } )
- .mousedown( function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); return false; } );
- $template.find( '.wikiEditor-template-expand' )
- .click( function( event ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.toggleWikiTextEditor( $wrapper );
- event.stopPropagation();
- return false;
- } )
- .mousedown( function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); return false; } );
- },
- /**
- * Toggle the visisbilty of the wikitext for a given template
- * @param $wrapper The origianl wrapper we want expand/collapse
- */
- toggleWikiTextEditor: function( $wrapper ) {
- var context = $ 'marker' ).context;
- var $template = $wrapper.parent( '.wikiEditor-template' );
- context.fn.purgeOffsets();
- $template
- .toggleClass( 'wikiEditor-template-expanded' )
- .toggleClass( 'wikiEditor-template-collapsed' ) ;
- var $templateText = $template.find( '.wikiEditor-template-text' );
- $templateText.toggleClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken' );
- $templateText.toggleClass( 'wikiEditor-template-text-visible' );
- if( $templateText.hasClass('wikiEditor-template-text-shrunken') ){
- //we just closed the template
- // Update the model if we need to
- if ( $templateText.html() != $ 'oldHTML' ) ) {
- var templateModel = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.updateModel( $templateText );
- //this is the only place the template name can be changed; keep the template name in sync
- var $tLabel = $template.find( '.wikiEditor-template-label' );
- $tLabel.text( $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.getTemplateDisplayName( templateModel ) );
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Create a dialog for editing a given template and open it
- * @param $wrapper The origianl wrapper for which to create the dialog
- */
- createDialog: function( $wrapper ) {
- var context = $ 'marker' ).context;
- var $template = $wrapper.parent( '.wikiEditor-template' );
- var dialog = {
- 'titleMsg': 'wikieditor-template-editor-dialog-title',
- 'id': 'wikiEditor-template-dialog',
- 'html': '\
- <fieldset>\
- <div class="wikiEditor-template-dialog-title" />\
- <div class="wikiEditor-template-dialog-fields" />\
- </fieldset>',
- init: function() {
- $(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function() {
- $(this).text( mediaWiki.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
- } );
- },
- immediateCreate: true,
- dialog: {
- width: 600,
- height: 400,
- dialogClass: 'wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog',
- buttons: {
- 'wikieditor-template-editor-dialog-submit': function() {
- // More user feedback
- var $templateDiv = $( this ).data( 'templateDiv' );
- context.fn.highlightLine( $templateDiv );
- var $templateText = $templateDiv.children( '.wikiEditor-template-text' );
- var templateModel = $ 'model' );
- $( this ).find( '.wikiEditor-template-dialog-field-wrapper textarea' ).each( function() {
- // Update the value
- templateModel.setValue( $( this ).data( 'name' ), $( this ).val() );
- });
- //keep text consistent
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.updateModel( $templateText, templateModel );
- $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
- },
- 'wikieditor-template-editor-dialog-cancel': function() {
- $(this).dialog( 'close' );
- }
- },
- open: function() {
- var $templateDiv = $( this ).data( 'templateDiv' );
- var $templateText = $templateDiv.children( '.wikiEditor-template-text' );
- var templateModel = $ 'model' );
- // Update the model if we need to
- if ( $templateText.html() != $ 'oldHTML' ) ) {
- templateModel = $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.updateModel( $templateText );
- }
- // Build the table
- // TODO: Be smart and recycle existing table
- var params = templateModel.getAllInitialParams();
- var $fields = $( this ).find( '.wikiEditor-template-dialog-fields' );
- // Do some bookkeeping so we can recycle existing rows
- var $rows = $fields.find( '.wikiEditor-template-dialog-field-wrapper' );
- for ( var paramIndex in params ) {
- var param = params[paramIndex];
- if ( typeof == 'undefined' ) {
- // param is the template name, skip it
- continue;
- }
- var paramText = typeof param == 'string' ?
- /[\_\-]/g, ' ' ) :
- var paramVal = templateModel.getValue( );
- if ( $rows.length > 0 ) {
- // We have another row to recycle
- var $row = $rows.eq( 0 );
- $row.children( 'label' ).text( paramText );
- $row.children( 'textarea' )
- .data( 'name', )
- .val( paramVal )
- .each( function() {
- $(this).css( 'height', $(this).val().length > 24 ? '4.5em' : '1.5em' );
- } );
- $rows = $rows.not( $row );
- } else {
- // Create a new row
- var $paramRow = $( '<div />' )
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-template-dialog-field-wrapper' );
- $( '<label />' )
- .text( paramText )
- .appendTo( $paramRow );
- $( '<textarea />' )
- .data( 'name', )
- .val( paramVal )
- .each( function() {
- $(this).css( 'height', $(this).val().length > 24 ? '4.5em' : '1.5em' );
- } )
- .data( 'expanded', false )
- .bind( 'cut paste keypress click change', function( e ) {
- // If this was fired by a tab keypress, let it go
- if ( e.keyCode == '9' ) return true;
- var $this = $( this );
- setTimeout( function() {
- var expanded = $ 'expanded' );
- if ( $this.val().indexOf( '\n' ) != -1 || $this.val().length > 24 ) {
- if ( !expanded ) {
- $this.animate( { 'height': '4.5em' }, 'fast' );
- $ 'expanded', true );
- }
- } else {
- if ( expanded ) {
- $this.animate( { 'height': '1.5em' }, 'fast' );
- $ 'expanded', false );
- }
- }
- }, 0 );
- } )
- .appendTo( $paramRow );
- $paramRow
- .append( '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' )
- .appendTo( $fields );
- }
- }
- // Remove any leftover rows
- $rows.remove();
- $fields.find( 'label' ).autoEllipsis();
- // Ensure our close button doesn't recieve the ui-state-focus class
- $( this ).parent( '.ui-dialog' ).find( '.ui-dialog-titlebar-close' )
- .removeClass( 'ui-state-focus' );
- // Set tabindexes on form fields if needed
- // First unset the tabindexes on the buttons and existing form fields
- // so the order doesn't get messed up
- var $needTabindex = $( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button, textarea' );
- if ( $needTabindex.not( '[tabindex]' ).length ) {
- // Only do this if there actually are elements missing a tabindex
- $needTabindex.removeAttr( 'tabindex' );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $needTabindex );
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // Lazy-create the dialog at this time
- context.$textarea.wikiEditor( 'addDialog', { 'templateEditor': dialog } );
- $( '#' + )
- .data( 'templateDiv', $template )
- .dialog( 'open' );
- },
- /**
- * Update a template's model and HTML
- * @param $templateText Wrapper <span> containing the template text
- * @param model Template model to use, will be generated if not set
- * @return model object
- */
- updateModel: function( $templateText, model ) {
- var context = $ 'marker' ).context;
- var text;
- if ( typeof model == 'undefined' ) {
- text = context.fn.htmlToText( $templateText.html() );
- } else {
- text = model.getText();
- }
- // To keep stuff simple but not break it, we need to do encode newlines as <br>s
- $templateText.text( text );
- $templateText.html( $templateText.html().replace( /\n/g, '<br />' ) );
- $ 'oldHTML', $templateText.html() );
- if ( typeof model == 'undefined' ) {
- model = new $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.fn.model( text );
- $ 'model', model );
- }
- return model;
- },
- /**
- * Gets template display name
- */
- getTemplateDisplayName: function ( model ) {
- var tName = model.getName();
- if( model.getValue( 'name' ) != '' ) {
- return tName + ': ' + model.getValue( 'name' );
- } else if( model.getValue( 'Name' ) != '' ) {
- return tName + ': ' + model.getValue( 'Name' );
- } else if( tName.toLowerCase() in $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.nameMappings ) {
- return tName + ': ' + model.getValue( $.wikiEditor.modules.templateEditor.nameMappings[tName.toLowerCase()] );
- }
- return tName;
- },
- /**
- * Builds a template model from given wikitext representation, allowing object-oriented manipulation of the contents
- * of the template while preserving whitespace and formatting.
- *
- * @param wikitext String of wikitext content
- */
- model: function( wikitext ) {
- /* Private members */
- var collapsible = true;
- /* Private Functions */
- /**
- * Builds a Param object.
- *
- * @param name
- * @param value
- * @param number
- * @param nameIndex
- * @param equalsIndex
- * @param valueIndex
- */
- function Param( name, value, number, nameIndex, equalsIndex, valueIndex ) {
- = name;
- this.value = value;
- this.number = number;
- this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
- this.equalsIndex = equalsIndex;
- this.valueIndex = valueIndex;
- }
- /**
- * Builds a Range object.
- *
- * @param begin
- * @param end
- */
- function Range( begin, end ) {
- this.begin = begin;
- this.end = end;
- }
- /**
- * Set 'original' to true if you want the original value irrespective of whether the model's been changed
- *
- * @param name
- * @param value
- * @param original
- */
- function getSetValue( name, value, original ) {
- var valueRange;
- var rangeIndex;
- var retVal;
- if ( isNaN( name ) ) {
- // It's a string!
- if ( typeof paramsByName[name] == 'undefined' ) {
- // Does not exist
- return "";
- }
- rangeIndex = paramsByName[name];
- } else {
- // It's a number!
- rangeIndex = parseInt( name );
- }
- if ( typeof params[rangeIndex] == 'undefined' ) {
- // Does not exist
- return "";
- }
- valueRange = ranges[params[rangeIndex].valueIndex];
- if ( typeof valueRange.newVal == 'undefined' || original ) {
- // Value unchanged, return original wikitext
- retVal = wikitext.substring( valueRange.begin, valueRange.end );
- } else {
- // New value exists, return new value
- retVal = valueRange.newVal;
- }
- if ( value != null ) {
- ranges[params[rangeIndex].valueIndex].newVal = value;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /* Public Functions */
- /**
- * Get template name
- */
- this.getName = function() {
- if( typeof ranges[templateNameIndex].newVal == 'undefined' ) {
- return wikitext.substring( ranges[templateNameIndex].begin, ranges[templateNameIndex].end );
- } else {
- return ranges[templateNameIndex].newVal;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Set template name (if we want to support this)
- *
- * @param name
- */
- this.setName = function( name ) {
- ranges[templateNameIndex].newVal = name;
- };
- /**
- * Set value for a given param name / number
- *
- * @param name
- * @param value
- */
- this.setValue = function( name, value ) {
- return getSetValue( name, value, false );
- };
- /**
- * Get value for a given param name / number
- *
- * @param name
- */
- this.getValue = function( name ) {
- return getSetValue( name, null, false );
- };
- /**
- * Get original value of a param
- *
- * @param name
- */
- this.getOriginalValue = function( name ) {
- return getSetValue( name, null, true );
- };
- /**
- * Get a list of all param names (numbers for the anonymous ones)
- */
- this.getAllParamNames = function() {
- return paramsByName;
- };
- /**
- * Get the initial params
- */
- this.getAllInitialParams = function(){
- return params;
- };
- /**
- * Get original template text
- */
- this.getOriginalText = function() {
- return wikitext;
- };
- /**
- * Get modified template text
- */
- this.getText = function() {
- newText = "";
- for ( i = 0 ; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
- if( typeof ranges[i].newVal == 'undefined' ) {
- newText += wikitext.substring( ranges[i].begin, ranges[i].end );
- } else {
- newText += ranges[i].newVal;
- }
- }
- return newText;
- };
- this.isCollapsible = function() {
- return collapsible;
- };
- /**
- * Update ranges if there's been a change in one or more 'segments' of the template.
- * Removes adjustment function so adjustment is only made once ever.
- */
- this.updateRanges = function() {
- var adjustment = 0;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length; i++ ) {
- ranges[i].begin += adjustment;
- if( typeof ranges[i].adjust != 'undefined' ) {
- adjustment += ranges[i].adjust();
- // NOTE: adjust should be a function that has the information necessary to calculate the length of
- // this 'segment'
- delete ranges[i].adjust;
- }
- ranges[i].end += adjustment;
- }
- };
- // Whitespace* {{ whitespace* nonwhitespace:
- if ( wikitext.match( /\s*{{\s*[^\s|]*:/ ) ) {
- collapsible = false; // is a parser function
- }
- /*
- * Take all template-specific characters that are not particular to the template we're looking at, namely {|=},
- * and convert them into something harmless, in this case 'X'
- */
- // Get rid of first {{ with whitespace
- var sanatizedStr = wikitext.replace( /{{/, " " );
- // Replace end
- endBraces = sanatizedStr.match( /}}\s*$/ );
- if ( endBraces ) {
- sanatizedStr = sanatizedStr.substring( 0, endBraces.index ) + " " +
- sanatizedStr.substring( endBraces.index + 2 );
- }
- //treat HTML comments like whitespace
- while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '<!' ) != -1 ) {
- startIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '<!' );
- endIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf('-->') + 3;
- if( endIndex < 3 ){
- break;
- }
- sanatizedSegment = sanatizedStr.substring( startIndex,endIndex ).replace( /\S/g , ' ' );
- sanatizedStr =
- sanatizedStr.substring( 0, startIndex ) + sanatizedSegment + sanatizedStr.substring( endIndex );
- }
- // Match the open braces we just found with equivalent closing braces note, works for any level of braces
- while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '{{' ) != -1 ) {
- startIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '{{' ) + 1;
- openBraces = 2;
- endIndex = startIndex;
- while ( (openBraces > 0) && (endIndex < sanatizedStr.length) ) {
- var brace = sanatizedStr[++endIndex];
- openBraces += brace == '}' ? -1 : brace == '{' ? 1 : 0;
- }
- sanatizedSegment = sanatizedStr.substring( startIndex,endIndex ).replace( /[{}|=]/g , 'X' );
- sanatizedStr =
- sanatizedStr.substring( 0, startIndex ) + sanatizedSegment + sanatizedStr.substring( endIndex );
- }
- //links, images, etc, which also can nest
- while ( sanatizedStr.indexOf( '[[' ) != -1 ) {
- startIndex = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '[[' ) + 1;
- openBraces = 2;
- endIndex = startIndex;
- while ( (openBraces > 0) && (endIndex < sanatizedStr.length) ) {
- var brace = sanatizedStr[++endIndex];
- openBraces += brace == ']' ? -1 : brace == '[' ? 1 : 0;
- }
- sanatizedSegment = sanatizedStr.substring( startIndex,endIndex ).replace( /[\[\]|=]/g , 'X' );
- sanatizedStr =
- sanatizedStr.substring( 0, startIndex ) + sanatizedSegment + sanatizedStr.substring( endIndex );
- }
- /*
- * Parse 1 param at a time
- */
- var ranges = [];
- var params = [];
- var templateNameIndex = 0;
- var doneParsing = false;
- oldDivider = 0;
- divider = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '|', oldDivider );
- if ( divider == -1 ) {
- divider = sanatizedStr.length;
- doneParsing = true;
- collapsible = false; //zero params
- }
- nameMatch = sanatizedStr.substring( 0, divider ).match( /[^\s]/ );
- if ( nameMatch != null ) {
- ranges.push( new Range( 0 ,nameMatch.index ) ); //whitespace and squiggles upto the name
- nameEndMatch = sanatizedStr.substring( 0 , divider ).match( /[^\s]\s*$/ ); //last nonwhitespace character
- templateNameIndex = ranges.push( new Range( nameMatch.index,
- nameEndMatch.index + 1 ) );
- templateNameIndex--; //push returns 1 less than the array
- ranges[templateNameIndex].old = wikitext.substring( ranges[templateNameIndex].begin,
- ranges[templateNameIndex].end );
- } else {
- ranges.push(new Range(0,0));
- ranges[templateNameIndex].old = "";
- }
- params.push( ranges[templateNameIndex].old ); //put something in params (0)
- /*
- * Start looping over params
- */
- var currentParamNumber = 0;
- var valueEndIndex = ranges[templateNameIndex].end;
- var paramsByName = [];
- while ( !doneParsing ) {
- currentParamNumber++;
- oldDivider = divider;
- divider = sanatizedStr.indexOf( '|', oldDivider + 1 );
- if ( divider == -1 ) {
- divider = sanatizedStr.length;
- doneParsing = true;
- }
- currentField = sanatizedStr.substring( oldDivider+1, divider );
- if ( currentField.indexOf( '=' ) == -1 ) {
- // anonymous field, gets a number
- //default values, since we'll allow empty values
- valueBeginIndex = oldDivider + 1;
- valueEndIndex = oldDivider + 1;
- valueBegin = currentField.match( /\S+/ ); //first nonwhitespace character
- if( valueBegin != null ){
- valueBeginIndex = valueBegin.index + oldDivider+1;
- valueEnd = currentField.match( /[^\s]\s*$/ ); //last nonwhitespace character
- if( valueEnd == null ){ //ie
- continue;
- }
- valueEndIndex = valueEnd.index + oldDivider + 2;
- }
- ranges.push( new Range( ranges[ranges.length-1].end,
- valueBeginIndex ) ); //all the chars upto now
- nameIndex = ranges.push( new Range( valueBeginIndex, valueBeginIndex ) ) - 1;
- equalsIndex = ranges.push( new Range( valueBeginIndex, valueBeginIndex ) ) - 1;
- valueIndex = ranges.push( new Range( valueBeginIndex, valueEndIndex ) ) - 1;
- params.push( new Param(
- currentParamNumber,
- wikitext.substring( ranges[valueIndex].begin, ranges[valueIndex].end ),
- currentParamNumber,
- nameIndex,
- equalsIndex,
- valueIndex
- ) );
- paramsByName[currentParamNumber] = currentParamNumber;
- } else {
- // There's an equals, could be comment or a value pair
- currentName = currentField.substring( 0, currentField.indexOf( '=' ) );
- // Still offset by oldDivider - first nonwhitespace character
- nameBegin = currentName.match( /\S+/ );
- if ( nameBegin == null ) {
- // This is a comment inside a template call / parser abuse. let's not encourage it
- currentParamNumber--;
- continue;
- }
- nameBeginIndex = nameBegin.index + oldDivider + 1;
- // Last nonwhitespace and non } character
- nameEnd = currentName.match( /[^\s]\s*$/ );
- if( nameEnd == null ){ //ie
- continue;
- }
- nameEndIndex = nameEnd.index + oldDivider + 2;
- // All the chars upto now
- ranges.push( new Range( ranges[ranges.length-1].end, nameBeginIndex ) );
- nameIndex = ranges.push( new Range( nameBeginIndex, nameEndIndex ) ) - 1;
- currentValue = currentField.substring( currentField.indexOf( '=' ) + 1);
- oldDivider += currentField.indexOf( '=' ) + 1;
- //default values, since we'll allow empty values
- valueBeginIndex = oldDivider + 1;
- valueEndIndex = oldDivider + 1;
- // First nonwhitespace character
- valueBegin = currentValue.match( /\S+/ );
- if( valueBegin != null ){
- valueBeginIndex = valueBegin.index + oldDivider + 1;
- // Last nonwhitespace and non } character
- valueEnd = currentValue.match( /[^\s]\s*$/ );
- if( valueEnd == null ){ //ie
- continue;
- }
- valueEndIndex = valueEnd.index + oldDivider + 2;
- }
- // All the chars upto now
- equalsIndex = ranges.push( new Range( ranges[ranges.length-1].end, valueBeginIndex) ) - 1;
- valueIndex = ranges.push( new Range( valueBeginIndex, valueEndIndex ) ) - 1;
- params.push( new Param(
- wikitext.substring( nameBeginIndex, nameEndIndex ),
- wikitext.substring( valueBeginIndex, valueEndIndex ),
- currentParamNumber,
- nameIndex,
- equalsIndex,
- valueIndex
- ) );
- paramsByName[wikitext.substring( nameBeginIndex, nameEndIndex )] = currentParamNumber;
- }
- }
- // The rest of the string
- ranges.push( new Range( valueEndIndex, wikitext.length ) );
- // Save vars
- this.ranges = ranges;
- this.wikitext = wikitext;
- this.params = params;
- this.paramsByName = paramsByName;
- this.templateNameIndex = templateNameIndex;
- } //model
-}; } )( jQuery );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templates.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templates.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b303e3fa..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.templates.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* Templates Module for wikiEditor */
-( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.templates = {
- * Core Requirements
- */
-'req': [ 'iframe' ],
- * Object Templates
- */
-'tpl': {
- 'marker': {
- 'type': 'template',
- 'anchor': 'wrap',
- 'skipDivision': 'realchange',
- 'afterWrap': function( node ) {
- $( node ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-template' );
- },
- 'getAnchor': function( ca1, ca2 ) {
- return $( ca1.parentNode ).is( '.wikiEditor-template' ) ? ca1.parentNode : null;
- }
- }
- * Event handlers
- */
-'evt': {
- 'mark': function( context, event ) {
- // The markers returned by this function are skipped on realchange, so don't regenerate them in that case
- if ( context.modules.highlight.currentScope == 'realchange' ) {
- return;
- }
- // Get references to the markers and tokens from the current context
- var markers = context.modules.highlight.markers;
- var tokens = context.modules.highlight.tokenArray;
- // Use depth-tracking to extract top-level templates from tokens
- var depth = 0, bias, start;
- for ( var i in tokens ) {
- depth += ( bias = tokens[i].label == 'TEMPLATE_BEGIN' ? 1 : ( tokens[i].label == 'TEMPLATE_END' ? -1 : 0 ) );
- if ( bias > 0 && depth == 1 ) {
- // Top-level opening - use offset as start
- start = tokens[i].offset;
- } else if ( bias < 0 && depth == 0 ) {
- // Top-level closing - use offset as end
- markers[markers.length] = $.extend(
- { 'context': context, 'start': start, 'end': tokens[i].offset },
- $.wikiEditor.modules.templates.tpl.marker
- );
- }
- if ( depth < 0 ) {
- depth = 0;
- }
- }
- }
-'exp': [
- { 'regex': /{{/, 'label': "TEMPLATE_BEGIN" },
- { 'regex': /}}/, 'label': "TEMPLATE_END", 'markAfter': true }
- * Internally used functions
- */
-'fn': {
- 'create': function( context, config ) {
- // Do some stuff here...
- }
-}; } ) ( jQuery );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.css b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.css
deleted file mode 100644
index d870e3ed..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
- * CSS for WikiEditor Table of Contents jQuery plugin
- */
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc {
- /* height and width are set dynamically */
- /*float: right;*/
- padding: 0;
- overflow: auto;
- overflow-x: hidden;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc {
- border-left: solid silver 1px;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
- list-style: none;
- /* IE needs to be told in great detail how to act, or it misbehaves */
- list-style-image: none;
- list-style-position: outside;
- list-style-type: none;
- width: 100%;
- {
- /* Should match the toolbar */
- /* @embed */
- background-image: url(images/toolbar/base.png);
- background-position: left top;
- background-repeat: repeat-x;
- height: 26px;
- padding: 3px 0;
- line-height: 26px;
- padding-left: 1em;
- border-bottom: solid 1px silver;
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow: hidden;
- a {
- outline: none;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc li {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul ul {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0 !important;
- margin-top: 0 !important;
- list-style: none;
- background-image: none;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul li div {
- display: block;
- font-size: 0.9em;
- cursor: pointer;
- color: #0645ad;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul li div {
- padding: 0.125em;
- padding-left: 1em;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul ul li div {
- padding-left: 2em;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul ul ul li div {
- padding-left: 3em;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul ul ul ul li div {
- padding-left: 4em;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul ul ul ul ul li div {
- padding-left: 5em;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul ul ul ul ul ul li div {
- padding-left: 6em;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul li div.current {
- background-color: #FAFAFA;
- color: #333333;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul li div.section-0 {
- font-size: 1em;
- padding-top: 0.5em;
- padding-bottom: 0.5em;
- border-bottom: solid 1px #DDDDDD;
-/* Collapsing changes */
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc {
- overflow-y: hidden;
- position: relative;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul {
- overflow-y: auto;
- overflow-x: hidden;
- height: 100%;
- margin-bottom: 0 !important;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc ul ul {
- float: none;
- height: auto;
-#wikiEditor-ui-toc-collapse {
- height: 100%;
- width: 18px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc-collapse-open {
- /* @embed */
- background: #f3f3f3 url(images/toc/close.png) 4px 50% no-repeat;
- border-left: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc-collapse-closed {
- /* @embed */
- background: #f3f3f3 url(images/toc/open.png) 4px 50% no-repeat;
-/* Resizing Changes */
-.ui-resizable-w {
- width: 4px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- height: 100%;
- cursor: ew-resize;
-.wikiEditor-ui .wikiEditor-ui-right {
- overflow: visible;
-.wikiEditor-ui-right .ui-resizable-w {
- left: 0 !important;
- z-index: 0;
-.wikiEditor-ui-right .wikiEditor-ui-toc-resize-grip {
- width: 5px;
- height: 12px;
- padding: 3px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 7px;
- left: -12px !important;
- cursor: ew-resize;
- /* @embed */
- background: url(images/toc/grip.png) 50% 50% no-repeat;
- z-index: 0;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .tab-toc {
- float: right;
- margin: 3px 16px 3px 3px;
- line-height: 26px;
-.wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 2;
- top: 0;
- right: 10px;
- height: 26px;
- padding: 3px 0;
- line-height: 26px;
- padding-right: 1em;
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow: hidden;
-.wikiEditor-ui-text textarea {
- resize: none;
-.wikiEditor-ui-text textarea:focus {
- outline: none;
-/* Self Clearing for the wikiText view */
-.wikiEditor-ui-view-wikiText {
- overflow: auto;
- width: 100%;
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 54b8a863..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,676 +0,0 @@
-/* TOC Module for wikiEditor */
-( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toc = {
- * Compatability map
- */
-'browsers': {
- // Left-to-right languages
- 'ltr': {
- 'msie': [['>=', 7]],
- 'firefox': [['>=', 3]],
- 'opera': [['>=', 10]],
- 'safari': [['>=', 4]],
- 'chrome': [['>=', 4]]
- },
- // Right-to-left languages
- 'rtl': {
- 'msie': [['>=', 8]],
- 'firefox': [['>=', 3]],
- 'opera': [['>=', 10]],
- 'safari': [['>=', 4]],
- 'chrome': [['>=', 4]]
- }
- * Core Requirements
- */
-'req': [ 'iframe' ],
- * Configuration
- */
-cfg: {
- // Default width of table of contents
- defaultWidth: '166px',
- // Minimum width to allow resizing to before collapsing the table of contents - used when resizing and collapsing
- minimumWidth: '70px',
- // Minimum width of the wikiText area
- textMinimumWidth: '450px',
- // The style property to be used for positioning the flexible module in regular mode
- flexProperty: 'marginRight',
- // Boolean var indicating text direction
- rtl: false
- * API accessible functions
- */
-api: {
- //
- * Event handlers
- */
-evt: {
- change: function( context, event ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
- },
- ready: function( context, event ) {
- // Add the TOC to the document
- $ context );
- if ( !context.$content ) {
- return;
- }
- context.$content.parent()
- .blur( function() {
- var context =;
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.unhighlight( context );
- });
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.improveUI();
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.evt.resize( context );
- },
- resize: function( context, event ) {
- var availableWidth = context.$wikitext.width() - parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth ),
- totalMinWidth = parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) +
- parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .resizable( 'option', 'maxWidth', availableWidth );
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) != 'disabled' &&
- context.$wikitext.width() < totalMinWidth ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.disable( context );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'disabled' &&
- context.$wikitext.width() > totalMinWidth ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.enable( context );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'regular' &&
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).width() > availableWidth ) {
- //switch mode
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' &&
- context.modules.toc.$ 'previousWidth' ) < context.$wikitext.width() ) {
- //switch mode
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
- }
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
- context.modules.toc.$toc.find( 'div' ).autoEllipsis(
- { 'position': 'right', 'tooltip': true, 'restoreText': true }
- );
- }
- // reset the height of the TOC
- if ( !context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed' ) ){
- context.modules.toc.$toc.height(
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).height() -
- context.$ui.find( '.tab-toc' ).outerHeight()
- );
- }
- // store the width of the view for comparison on next resize
- context.modules.toc.$ 'previousWidth', context.$wikitext.width() );
- },
- mark: function( context, event ) {
- var hash = '';
- var markers = context.modules.highlight.markers;
- var tokenArray = context.modules.highlight.tokenArray;
- var outline = = [];
- var h = 0;
- for ( var i = 0; i < tokenArray.length; i++ ) {
- if ( tokenArray[i].label != 'TOC_HEADER' ) {
- continue;
- }
- h++;
- markers.push( {
- index: h,
- start: tokenArray[i].tokenStart,
- end: tokenArray[i].offset,
- type: 'toc',
- anchor: 'tag',
- afterWrap: function( node ) {
- var marker = $( node ).data( 'marker' );
- $( node ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-header' )
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-section-' + marker.index )
- .data( 'section', marker.index );
- },
- beforeUnwrap: function( node ) {
- $( node ).removeClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-header' )
- .removeClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-section-' + $( node ).data( 'section' ) );
- },
- onSkip: function( node ) {
- var marker = $( node ).data( 'marker' );
- if ( $( node ).data( 'section' ) != marker.index ) {
- $( node )
- .removeClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-section-' + $( node ).data( 'section' ) )
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-toc-section-' + marker.index )
- .data( 'section', marker.index );
- }
- },
- getAnchor: function( ca1, ca2 ) {
- return $( ca1.parentNode ).is( '.wikiEditor-toc-header' ) ?
- ca1.parentNode : null;
- }
- } );
- hash += tokenArray[i].match[2] + '\n';
- outline.push ( {
- 'text': tokenArray[i].match[2],
- 'level': tokenArray[i].match[1].length,
- 'index': h
- } );
- }
- // Only update the TOC if it's been changed - we do this by comparing a hash of the headings this time to last
- if ( typeof context.modules.toc.lastHash == 'undefined' || context.modules.toc.lastHash !== hash ) {
- $ context );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.update( context );
- // Remember the changed version
- context.modules.toc.lastHash = hash;
- }
- }
-exp: [
- { 'regex': /^(={1,6})([^\r\n]+?)\1\s*$/m, 'label': 'TOC_HEADER', 'markAfter': true }
- * Internally used functions
- */
-fn: {
- /**
- * Creates a table of contents module within a wikiEditor
- *
- * @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
- * @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
- */
- create: function( context, config ) {
- if ( '$toc' in context.modules.toc ) {
- return;
- }
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl = $( 'body' ).is( '.rtl' );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty = $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight';
- var height = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).height();
- context.modules.toc.$toc = $( '<div>' )
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toc' )
- .data( 'context', context )
- .data( 'positionMode', 'regular' )
- .data( 'collapsed', false );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .append( context.modules.toc.$toc );
- context.modules.toc.$toc.height(
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).height()
- );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.redraw( context, $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.defaultWidth );
- },
- redraw: function( context, fixedWidth ) {
- fixedWidth = parseFloat( fixedWidth );
- if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'regular' ) {
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .css( 'width', fixedWidth + 'px' );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, ( -1 * fixedWidth ) + 'px' )
- .children()
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, fixedWidth + 'px' );
- } else if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .css( 'width', fixedWidth );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'right': 'left', fixedWidth );
- context.$wikitext.css( 'height', context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).height() );
- }
- },
- switchLayout: function( context ) {
- var width,
- height = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).height();
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'regular'
- && !context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed' )
- ) {
- // store position mode
- context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode', 'goofy' );
- // store the width of the TOC, to ensure we dont allow it to be larger than this when switching back
- context.modules.toc.$ 'positionModeChangeAt',
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).width() );
- width = $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth;
- // set our styles for goofy mode
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, '')
- .css( { 'position': 'absolute', 'float': 'none',
- 'left': $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'auto': 0,
- 'right' : $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 0 : 'auto' } )
- .children()
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, '' );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .css( { 'width': 'auto', 'position': 'absolute', 'float': 'none',
- 'right': $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'auto': 0,
- 'left' : $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 0 : 'auto' } );
- context.$wikitext
- .css( 'position', 'relative' );
- } else if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
- // store position mode
- context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode', 'regular' );
- // set width
- width = context.$wikitext.width() - context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).width();
- if ( width > context.modules.toc.$ 'positionModeChangeAt' ) ) {
- width = context.modules.toc.$ 'positionModeChangeAt' );
- }
- // set our styles for regular mode
- context.$wikitext
- .css( { 'position': '', 'height': '' } );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, '' )
- .css( { 'position': '', 'left': '', 'right': '', 'float': '', 'top': '', 'height': '' } );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .css( { 'width': '', 'position': '', 'left': '', 'float': '', 'right': '' } );
- }
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.redraw( context, width );
- },
- disable: function( context ) {
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed' ) ) {
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl' ).hide();
- } else {
- if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
- }
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).hide();
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, '' )
- .children()
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, '' );
- }
- context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode', 'disabled' );
- },
- enable: function( context ) {
- context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode', 'regular' );
- if ( context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed' ) ) {
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl' ).show();
- } else {
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' ).show();
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.redraw( context, $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth );
- context.modules.toc.$toc.find( 'div' ).autoEllipsis(
- { 'position': 'right', 'tooltip': true, 'restoreText': true }
- );
- }
- },
- unhighlight: function( context ) {
- // FIXME: For some reason, IE calls this function twice, the first time with context undefined
- // Investigate this when you have time please! In the meantime, the user interaction is working just
- // fine because the second call is valid
- if ( context ) {
- context.modules.toc.$toc.find( 'div' ).removeClass( 'current' );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Highlight the section the cursor is currently within
- *
- * @param {Object} context
- */
- update: function( context ) {
- //temporarily commenting this out because it is causing all kinds of cursor
- //and text jumping issues in IE. WIll get back to this --pdhanda
- /*
- var div = context.fn.beforeSelection( 'wikiEditor-toc-header' );
- if ( div === null ) {
- // beforeSelection couldn't figure it out, keep the old highlight state
- return;
- }
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.unhighlight( context );
- var section = 'section' ) || 0;
- if ( > 0 ) {
- var sectionLink = context.modules.toc.$toc.find( 'div.section-' + section );
- sectionLink.addClass( 'current' );
- // Scroll the highlighted link into view if necessary
- var relTop = sectionLink.offset().top - context.modules.toc.$toc.offset().top;
- var scrollTop = context.modules.toc.$toc.scrollTop();
- var divHeight = context.modules.toc.$toc.height();
- var sectionHeight = sectionLink.height();
- if ( relTop < 0 )
- // Scroll up
- context.modules.toc.$toc.scrollTop( scrollTop + relTop );
- else if ( relTop + sectionHeight > divHeight )
- // Scroll down
- context.modules.toc.$toc.scrollTop( scrollTop + relTop + sectionHeight - divHeight );
- }
- */
- },
- /**
- * Collapse the contents module
- *
- * @param {Object} event Event object with context as data
- */
- collapse: function( event ) {
- var $this = $( this ),
- context = $ 'context' );
- if( context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
- }
- var pT = $this.parent().position().top - 1;
- context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed', true );
- var leftParam = {}, leftChildParam = {};
- leftParam[ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty ] = '-1px';
- leftChildParam[ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty ] = '1px';
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .animate( leftParam, 'fast', function() {
- $( this ).css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, 0 );
- } )
- .children()
- .animate( leftChildParam, 'fast', function() {
- $( this ).css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, 0 );
- } );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .css( {
- 'marginTop' : '1px',
- 'position' : 'absolute',
- 'left' : $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 0 : 'auto',
- 'right' : $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'auto' : 0,
- 'top' : pT } )
- .fadeOut( 'fast', function() {
- $( this ).hide()
- .css( { 'marginTop': '0', 'width': '1px' } );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl' ).fadeIn( 'fast' );
- // Let the UI know things have moved around
- context.fn.trigger( 'tocCollapse' );
- context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
- } );
- $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width', 0 );
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Expand the contents module
- *
- * @param {Object} event Event object with context as data
- */
- expand: function( event ) {
- var $this = $( this ),
- context = $ 'context' ),
- openWidth = parseFloat( context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth' ) ),
- availableSpace = context.$wikitext.width() - parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth );
- if ( availableSpace < $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinmumWidth ) return false;
- context.modules.toc.$ 'collapsed', false );
- // check if we've got enough room to open to our stored width
- if ( availableSpace < openWidth ) openWidth = availableSpace;
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl' ).hide();
- var leftParam = {}, leftChildParam = {};
- leftParam[ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty ] = parseFloat( openWidth ) * -1;
- leftChildParam[ $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty ] = openWidth;
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .animate( leftParam, 'fast' )
- .children()
- .animate( leftChildParam, 'fast' );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .show()
- .css( 'marginTop', '1px' )
- .animate( { 'width' : openWidth }, 'fast', function() {
- context.$content.trigger( 'mouseup' );
- $( this ).css( {
- 'marginTop' : '0',
- 'position' : 'relative',
- 'right' : 'auto',
- 'left' : 'auto',
- 'top': 'auto' } );
- context.fn.trigger( 'tocExpand' );
- context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
- } );
- $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width',
- context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth' ) );
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Builds table of contents
- *
- * @param {Object} context
- */
- build: function( context ) {
- /**
- * Builds a structured outline from flat outline
- *
- * @param {Object} outline Array of objects with level fields
- */
- function buildStructure( outline, offset, level ) {
- if ( offset === undefined ) {
- offset = 0;
- }
- if ( level === undefined ) {
- level = 1;
- }
- var sections = [];
- for ( var i = offset; i < outline.length; i++ ) {
- if ( outline[i].nLevel == level ) {
- var sub = buildStructure( outline, i + 1, level + 1 );
- if ( sub.length ) {
- outline[i].sections = sub;
- }
- sections[sections.length] = outline[i];
- } else if ( outline[i].nLevel < level ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return sections;
- }
- /**
- * Builds unordered list HTML object from structured outline
- *
- * @param {Object} structure Structured outline
- */
- function buildList( structure ) {
- var list = $( '<ul>' );
- for ( var i = 0; i < structure.length; i++ ) {
- var div = $( '<div>' )
- .addClass( 'section-' + structure[i].index )
- .data( 'index', structure[i].index )
- .mousedown( function() {
- // No dragging!
- return false;
- } )
- .click( function( event ) {
- var wrapper = context.$content.find(
- '.wikiEditor-toc-section-' + $( this ).data( 'index' ) );
- if ( wrapper.length === 0 )
- wrapper = context.$content;
- context.fn.scrollToTop( wrapper, true );
- context.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', {
- 'start': 0,
- 'startContainer': wrapper
- } );
- // Bring user's eyes to the point we've now jumped to
- context.fn.highlightLine( $( wrapper ) );
- // Highlight the clicked link
- //remove highlighting of toc after a second. Temporary hack till the highlight works --pdhanda
- //$.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.unhighlight( context );
- $( this ).addClass( 'current' );
- //$( this ).removeClass( 'current' );
- setTimeout( function() { $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.unhighlight( context ); }, 1000 );
- event.preventDefault();
- } )
- .text( structure[i].text );
- if ( structure[i].text === '' )
- div.html( '&nbsp;' );
- var item = $( '<li>' ).append( div );
- if ( structure[i].sections !== undefined ) {
- item.append( buildList( structure[i].sections ) );
- }
- list.append( item );
- }
- return list;
- }
- /**
- * Builds controls for collapsing and expanding the TOC
- *
- */
- function buildCollapseControls( ) {
- var $collapseControl = $( '<div>' ), $expandControl = $( '<div>' );
- $collapseControl
- .addClass( 'tab' )
- .addClass( 'tab-toc' )
- .append( '<a href="#"></a>' )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
- // No dragging!
- e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- } )
- .bind( 'click.wikiEditor-toc', function( e ) {
- context.modules.toc.$toc.trigger( 'collapse.wikiEditor-toc' );
- // No dragging!
- e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- } )
- .find( 'a' )
- .text( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toc-hide' ) );
- $expandControl
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toc-expandControl' )
- .append( '<a href="#"></a>' )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
- // No dragging!
- e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- } )
- .bind( 'click.wikiEditor-toc', function( e ) {
- context.modules.toc.$toc.trigger( 'expand.wikiEditor-toc' );
- // No dragging!
- e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- } )
- .hide()
- .find( 'a' )
- .text( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toc-show' ) );
- $collapseControl.insertBefore( context.modules.toc.$toc );
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left .wikiEditor-ui-top' ).append( $expandControl );
- }
- /**
- * Initializes resizing controls on the TOC and sets the width of
- * the TOC based on it's previous state
- *
- */
- function buildResizeControls( ) {
- context.$ui
- .data( 'resizableDone', true )
- .find( '.wikiEditor-ui-right' )
- .data( 'wikiEditor-ui-left', context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ) )
- .resizable( { handles: 'w,e', preventPositionLeftChange: true,
- minWidth: parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ),
- start: function( e, ui ) {
- var $this = $( this );
- // Toss a transparent cover over our iframe
- $( '<div>' )
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-resize-mask' )
- .css( {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'z-index': 2,
- 'left': 0,
- 'top': 0,
- 'bottom': 0,
- 'right': 0
- } )
- .appendTo( context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ) );
- $this.resizable( 'option', 'maxWidth', $this.parent().width() -
- parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.textMinimumWidth ) );
- if(context.modules.toc.$ 'positionMode' ) == 'goofy' ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.switchLayout( context );
- }
- },
- resize: function( e, ui ) {
- // for some odd reason, ui.size.width seems a step ahead of what the *actual* width of
- // the resizable is
- $( this ).css( { 'width': ui.size.width, 'top': 'auto', 'height': 'auto' } )
- .data( 'wikiEditor-ui-left' )
- .css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, ( -1 * ui.size.width ) )
- .children().css( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.flexProperty, ui.size.width );
- // Let the UI know things have moved around
- context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
- },
- stop: function ( e, ui ) {
- context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-resize-mask' ).remove();
- context.$content.trigger( 'mouseup' );
- if( ui.size.width <= parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) ) {
- context.modules.toc.$toc.trigger( 'collapse.wikiEditor-toc' );
- } else {
- context.modules.toc.$toc.find( 'div' ).autoEllipsis(
- { 'position': 'right', 'tooltip': true, 'restoreText': true }
- );
- context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth', ui.size.width );
- $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width', ui.size.width );
- }
- // Let the UI know things have moved around
- context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
- }
- });
- // Convert our east resize handle into a secondary west resize handle
- var handle = $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.rtl ? 'w' : 'e';
- context.$ui.find( '.ui-resizable-' + handle )
- .removeClass( 'ui-resizable-' + handle )
- .addClass( 'ui-resizable-' + ( handle == 'w' ? 'e' : 'w' ) )
- .addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toc-resize-grip' );
- // Bind collapse and expand event handlers to the TOC
- context.modules.toc.$toc
- .bind( 'collapse.wikiEditor-toc', $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.collapse )
- .bind( 'expand.wikiEditor-toc', $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.expand );
- context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth', $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.defaultWidth );
- // If the toc-width cookie is set, reset the widths based upon that
- if ( $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width' ) == 0 ) {
- context.modules.toc.$toc.trigger( 'collapse.wikiEditor-toc', { data: context } );
- } else if ( $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width' ) > 0 ) {
- var initialWidth = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toc-width' );
- if( initialWidth < parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) )
- initialWidth = parseFloat( $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.cfg.minimumWidth ) + 1;
- context.modules.toc.$ 'openWidth', initialWidth + 'px' );
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toc.fn.redraw( context, initialWidth );
- }
- }
- // Normalize heading levels for list creation
- // This is based on Linker::generateTOC(), so it should behave like the
- // TOC on rendered articles does - which is considdered to be correct
- // at this point in time.
- if ( ) {
- var outline =;
- var lastLevel = 0;
- var nLevel = 0;
- for ( var i = 0; i < outline.length; i++ ) {
- if ( outline[i].level > lastLevel ) {
- nLevel++;
- }
- else if ( outline[i].level < lastLevel ) {
- nLevel -= Math.max( 1, lastLevel - outline[i].level );
- }
- if ( nLevel <= 0 ) {
- nLevel = 1;
- }
- outline[i].nLevel = nLevel;
- lastLevel = outline[i].level;
- }
- // Recursively build the structure and add special item for
- // section 0, if needed
- var structure = buildStructure( outline );
- if ( $( 'input[name="wpSection"]' ).val() === '' ) {
- structure.unshift( {
- 'text': mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' ),
- 'level': 1,
- 'index': 0
- } );
- }
- context.modules.toc.$toc.html( buildList( structure ) );
- if ( !context.$ 'resizableDone' ) ) {
- buildResizeControls();
- buildCollapseControls();
- }
- context.modules.toc.$toc.find( 'div' ).autoEllipsis( {
- 'position': 'right',
- 'tooltip': true,
- 'restoreText': true
- } );
- }
- },
- improveUI: function() {
- /*
- * Extending resizable to allow west resizing without altering the left position attribute
- */
- $.ui.plugin.add( 'resizable', 'preventPositionLeftChange', {
- resize: function( event, ui ) {
- $( this ).data( 'resizable' ).position.left = 0;
- }
- } );
- }
-} ) ( jQuery );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js
index d3f7a9d5..17a219af 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
* Configuration of Toolbar module for wikiEditor
-( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.config = {
+/*jshint camelcase:false, quotmark:false */
+( function ( $, mw ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.config = {
-getDefaultConfig: function() {
+getDefaultConfig: function () {
var fileNamespace = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[6];
return { 'toolbar': {
// Main section
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ getDefaultConfig: function() {
'eu': 'format-bold-L.png',
'he': 'format-bold-B.png',
'hu': 'format-bold-F.png',
+ 'hy': 'format-bold-hy.png',
'it': 'format-bold-G.png',
'ka': 'format-bold-ka.png',
'ky': 'format-bold-ru.png',
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ getDefaultConfig: function() {
'eu': 'format-italic-E.png',
'he': 'format-italic-I.png',
'hu': 'format-italic-D.png',
+ 'hy': 'format-italic-hy.png',
'it': 'format-italic-C.png',
'ka': 'format-italic-ka.png',
'ky': 'format-italic-K.png',
@@ -313,28 +316,6 @@ getDefaultConfig: function() {
- 'indent': {
- 'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-indent',
- 'type': 'button',
- 'icon': {
- 'default': 'format-indent.png',
- 'default-rtl': 'format-indent-rtl.png'
- },
- 'offset': {
- 'default': [2, -646],
- 'default-rtl': [-70, -430]
- },
- 'action': {
- 'type': 'encapsulate',
- 'options': {
- 'pre': ":",
- 'periMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-indent-example',
- 'post': "",
- 'ownline': true,
- 'splitlines': true
- }
- }
- },
'nowiki': {
'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-nowiki',
'type': 'button',
@@ -1452,4 +1433,4 @@ getDefaultConfig: function() {
} };
-}; } ) ( jQuery );
+}; } ) ( jQuery, mediaWiki );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.css b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.css
index 6b3fc625..2dad74ab 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.css
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.css
@@ -4,8 +4,13 @@
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar {
position: relative;
- width: 100%;
+ display: block;
+.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .empty {
+ display: none;
/* Expandable Sections */
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .sections {
float: left;
@@ -14,12 +19,16 @@
height: 0;
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .sections .section {
- display: none;
float: left;
width: 100%;
- border-top: solid 1px #DDDDDD;
+ border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
background-color: #E0EEf7;
+.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .sections .section-hidden {
+ display: none;
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar {
/* @embed */
background-image: url(images/toolbar/base.png);
@@ -47,14 +56,15 @@
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-main {
position: relative;
float: left;
- height: 26px;
+ min-height: 26px;
+ height: 100%;
/* Groups */
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .group {
float: left;
height: 26px;
padding-right: 6px;
- border-right: solid 1px #DDDDDD;
+ border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
margin: 3px;
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .group-search {
@@ -68,8 +78,14 @@
/* Sprited Buttons */
.wikiEditor-toolbar-spritedButton {
+ background-image: url('images/toolbar/button-sprite.png');
/* @embed */
- background: url(images/toolbar/button-sprite.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('images/toolbar/button-sprite.svg');
+ /* @embed */
+ background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('images/toolbar/button-sprite.svg');
+ background-position: 0 0;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: block;
float: left;
height: 22px;
@@ -141,7 +157,7 @@
margin: 2px;
height: 22px;
cursor: pointer;
- border: solid 1px silver;
+ border: 1px solid silver;
padding: 0;
margin-right: 0;
cursor: pointer;
@@ -166,7 +182,7 @@
display: none;
margin-left: -1px;
margin-top: 22px;
- border: solid 1px silver;
+ border: 1px solid silver;
background-color: #ffffff;
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .group .tool-select .options .option {
@@ -231,7 +247,7 @@
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-table td {
color: black;
- border-top: solid 1px #EEEEEE;
+ border-top: 1px solid #EEEEEE;
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-table th,
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-table td {
@@ -239,6 +255,9 @@
padding: 5px;
margin: 0;
+.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-help .page-table .cell {
+ vertical-align: top;
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-help .page-table td.cell-syntax,
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-help .page-table td.syntax {
font-family: monospace, "Courier New";
@@ -255,7 +274,7 @@
/* Characters Pages */
.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .page-characters div span {
- border: solid 1px #DDDDDD;
+ border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
padding: 5px;
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
index e1bc6f15..454b42a0 100644
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
+++ b/extensions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.js
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
* Toolbar module for wikiEditor
+/*jshint onevar:false */
( function ( mw, $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar = {
* API accessible functions
api : {
- addToToolbar : function( context, data ) {
+ addToToolbar : function ( context, data ) {
var smooth = true, type, i;
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ api : {
var $sections = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.sections' ),
$tabs = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.tabs' );
for ( var section in data[type] ) {
- if ( section == 'main' ) {
+ if ( section === 'main' ) {
// Section
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ api : {
case 'groups':
- if ( ! ( 'section' in data ) ) {
+ if ( !( 'section' in data ) ) {
var $section = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section' );
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ api : {
smooth = false;
case 'tools':
- if ( ! ( 'section' in data && 'group' in data ) ) {
+ if ( !( 'section' in data && 'group' in data ) ) {
var $group = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
@@ -61,12 +62,12 @@ api : {
$group.append( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildTool( context, tool, data[type][tool] ) );
if ( $group.children().length ) {
- $;
+ $group.removeClass( 'empty' );
smooth = false;
case 'pages':
- if ( ! ( 'section' in data ) ) {
+ if ( !( 'section' in data ) ) {
var $pages = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ api : {
smooth = false;
case 'rows':
- if ( ! ( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
+ if ( !( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
var $table = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ api : {
smooth = false;
case 'characters':
- if ( ! ( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
+ if ( !( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
var $characters = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
@@ -112,15 +113,15 @@ api : {
$( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildCharacter( data.characters[i], actions ) )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
+ .mousedown( function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
- .click( function( e ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $(this).parent().data( 'context' ),
- $(this).parent().data( 'actions' )[$(this).attr( 'rel' )] );
+ .click( function ( e ) {
+ $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $( this ).parent().data( 'context' ),
+ $( this ).parent().data( 'actions' )[$( this ).attr( 'rel' )] );
return false;
} )
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ api : {
// Fix div.section size after adding things; if smooth is true uses a smooth
// animation, otherwise just change height (breaking any ongoing animation)
var $divSections = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.sections' );
- var $visibleSection = $divSections.find( '.section:visible' );
+ var $visibleSection = $divSections.find( '.section-visible' );
if ( $visibleSection.size() ) {
if ( smooth ) {
$divSections.animate( { 'height': $visibleSection.outerHeight() }, 'fast' );
@@ -144,29 +145,29 @@ api : {
- removeFromToolbar : function( context, data ) {
- if ( typeof data.section == 'string' ) {
+ removeFromToolbar : function ( context, data ) {
+ if ( typeof data.section === 'string' ) {
// Section
var tab = 'div.tabs span[rel="' + data.section + '"].tab';
var target = 'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section';
var group = null;
- if ( typeof == 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof === 'string' ) {
// Toolbar group
target += ' div[rel="' + + '"].group';
- if ( typeof data.tool == 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof data.tool === 'string' ) {
// Save for later checking if empty
group = target;
// Tool
- target += ' a[rel="' + data.tool + '"].tool';
+ target = target + ' a[rel="' + data.tool + '"].tool, ' + target + ' img[rel="' + data.tool + '"].tool';
- } else if ( typeof == 'string' ) {
+ } else if ( typeof === 'string' ) {
// Booklet page
var index = target + ' div.index div[rel="' + + '"]';
target += ' div.pages div[rel="' + + '"].page';
- if ( typeof data.character == 'string' ) {
+ if ( typeof data.character === 'string' ) {
// Character
target += ' span[rel="' + data.character + '"]';
- } else if ( typeof data.row == 'number' ) {
+ } else if ( typeof data.row === 'number' ) {
// Table row
target += ' table tr:not(:has(th)):eq(' + data.row + ')';
} else {
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ api : {
if ( group ) {
var $group = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( group );
if ( $group.children().length === 0 ) {
- $group.hide();
+ $group.addClass( 'empty' );
@@ -198,14 +199,12 @@ api : {
* Event handlers
evt: {
- resize: function( context, event ) {
+ /**
+ * @param context
+ * @param event
+ */
+ resize: function ( context ) {
context.$ui.find( '.sections' ).height( context.$ui.find( '.sections .section-visible' ).outerHeight() );
- },
- tocCollapse: function( context, event ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.evt.resize( context, event );
- },
- tocExpand: function( context, event ) {
- $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.evt.resize( context, event );
@@ -218,11 +217,11 @@ fn: {
* @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
- create : function( context, config ) {
+ create : function ( context, config ) {
if ( '$toolbar' in context.modules.toolbar ) {
- context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar = $( '<div/>' )
+ context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' );
$ context, config );
@@ -235,7 +234,7 @@ fn: {
* @param {Object} action
* @param {Object} source
- doAction : function( context, action, source ) {
+ doAction : function ( context, action ) {
switch ( action.type ) {
case 'replace':
case 'encapsulate':
@@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ fn: {
'peri' : $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'peri' ),
'post' : $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'post' )
- var replace = action.type == 'replace';
+ var replace = action.type === 'replace';
if ( 'regex' in action.options && 'regexReplace' in action.options ) {
var selection = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getSelection' );
if ( selection !== '' && selection.match( action.options.regex ) ) {
@@ -258,12 +257,9 @@ fn: {
$.extend( {}, action.options, parts, { 'replace': replace } )
- if ( context.$iframe !== undefined ) {
- context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.focus();
- }
case 'callback':
- if ( typeof action.execute == 'function' ) {
+ if ( typeof action.execute === 'function' ) {
action.execute( context );
@@ -274,30 +270,33 @@ fn: {
default: break;
- buildGroup : function( context, id, group ) {
- var $group = $( '<div/>' ).attr( { 'class' : 'group group-' + id, 'rel' : id } );
+ buildGroup : function ( context, id, group ) {
+ var $group = $( '<div>' ).attr( { 'class' : 'group group-' + id, 'rel' : id } );
var label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( group, 'label' );
if ( label ) {
- $group.append( '<span class="label">' + label + '</div>' );
+ var $label = $( '<span />' )
+ .addClass( 'label' )
+ .html( label );
+ $group.append( $label );
var empty = true;
if ( 'tools' in group ) {
for ( var tool in ) {
- tool = $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildTool( context, tool,[tool] );
+ tool = $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildTool( context, tool,[tool] );
if ( tool ) {
// Consider a group with only hidden tools empty as well
// .is( ':visible' ) always returns false because tool is not attached to the DOM yet
- empty = empty && tool.css( 'display' ) == 'none';
+ empty = empty && tool.css( 'display' ) === 'none';
$group.append( tool );
if ( empty ) {
- $group.hide();
+ $group.addClass( 'empty' );
return $group;
- buildTool : function( context, id, tool ) {
+ buildTool : function ( context, id, tool ) {
if ( 'filters' in tool ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < tool.filters.length; i++ ) {
if ( $( tool.filters[i] ).size() === 0 ) {
@@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ fn: {
$.wikiEditor.imgPath + 'toolbar/'
if ( typeof offsetOrIcon === 'object' ) {
- $button = $( '<a/>' )
+ $button = $( '<a>' )
.attr( {
'href' : '#',
'title' : label,
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ fn: {
if ( !$button ) {
- $button = $( '<img/>' )
+ $button = $( '<img>' )
.attr( {
'src' : src,
'width' : 22,
@@ -344,15 +343,15 @@ fn: {
.data( 'action', tool.action )
.data( 'context', context )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
+ .mousedown( function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
- .click( function( e ) {
+ .click( function ( e ) {
- $(this).data( 'context' ), $(this).data( 'action' ), $(this)
+ $( this ).data( 'context' ), $( this ).data( 'action' ), $( this )
return false;
@@ -360,31 +359,31 @@ fn: {
return $button;
case 'select':
- var $select = $( '<div/>' )
+ var $select = $( '<div>' )
.attr( { 'rel' : id, 'class' : 'tool tool-select' } );
- var $options = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'options' );
+ var $options = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'options' );
if ( 'list' in tool ) {
for ( var option in tool.list ) {
var optionLabel = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( tool.list[option], 'label' );
- $( '<a/>' )
+ $( '<a>' )
.data( 'action', tool.list[option].action )
.data( 'context', context )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
+ .mousedown( function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
- .click( function( e ) {
+ .click( function ( e ) {
- $(this).data( 'context' ), $(this).data( 'action' ), $(this)
+ $( this ).data( 'context' ), $( this ).data( 'action' ), $( this )
// Hide the dropdown
// Sanity check: if this somehow gets called while the dropdown
// is hidden, don't show it
- if ( $(this).parent().is( ':visible' ) ) {
- $(this).parent().animate( { 'opacity': 'toggle' }, 'fast' );
+ if ( $( this ).parent().is( ':visible' ) ) {
+ $( this ).parent().animate( { 'opacity': 'toggle' }, 'fast' );
return false;
@@ -395,19 +394,19 @@ fn: {
- $select.append( $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'menu' ).append( $options ) );
- $select.append( $( '<a/>' )
+ $select.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'menu' ).append( $options ) );
+ $select.append( $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'label' )
.text( label )
.data( 'options', $options )
.attr( 'href', '#' )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
+ .mousedown( function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
- .click( function( e ) {
- $(this).data( 'options' ).animate( { 'opacity': 'toggle' }, 'fast' );
+ .click( function ( e ) {
+ $( this ).data( 'options' ).animate( { 'opacity': 'toggle' }, 'fast' );
return false;
} )
@@ -417,27 +416,27 @@ fn: {
return null;
- buildBookmark : function( context, id, page ) {
+ buildBookmark : function ( context, id, page ) {
var label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( page, 'label' );
- return $( '<div/>' )
+ return $( '<div>' )
.text( label )
.attr( 'rel', id )
.data( 'context', context )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
+ .mousedown( function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
- .click( function( event ) {
- $(this).parent().parent().find( '.page' ).hide();
- $(this).parent().parent().find( '.page-' + $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ).show();
- $(this).siblings().removeClass( 'current' );
- $(this).addClass( 'current' );
- var section = $(this).parent().parent().attr( 'rel' );
+ .click( function ( event ) {
+ $( this ).parent().parent().find( '.page' ).hide();
+ $( this ).parent().parent().find( '.page-' + $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ).show();
+ $( this ).siblings().removeClass( 'current' );
+ $( this ).addClass( 'current' );
+ var section = $( this ).parent().parent().attr( 'rel' );
- 'wikiEditor-' + $(this).data( 'context' ).instance + '-booklet-' + section + '-page',
- $(this).attr( 'rel' ),
+ 'wikiEditor-' + $( this ).data( 'context' ).instance + '-booklet-' + section + '-page',
+ $( this ).attr( 'rel' ),
{ expires: 30, path: '/' }
@@ -446,9 +445,9 @@ fn: {
return false;
} );
- buildPage : function( context, id, page ) {
- var html;
- var $page = $( '<div/>' ).attr( {
+ buildPage : function ( context, id, page ) {
+ var html, i;
+ var $page = $( '<div>' ).attr( {
'class' : 'page page-' + id,
'rel' : id
} );
@@ -461,15 +460,15 @@ fn: {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildHeading( context, page.headings );
if ( 'rows' in page ) {
- for ( var i = 0; i < page.rows.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < page.rows.length; i++ ) {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildRow( context, page.rows[i] );
- $page.html( html + '</table>');
+ $page.html( html + '</table>' );
case 'characters':
$page.addClass( 'page-characters' );
- var $characters = $( '<div/>' ).data( 'context', context ).data( 'actions', {} );
+ var $characters = $( '<div>' ).data( 'context', context ).data( 'actions', {} );
var actions = $ 'actions' );
if ( 'language' in page ) {
$characters.attr( 'lang', page.language );
@@ -484,23 +483,23 @@ fn: {
if ( 'characters' in page ) {
html = '';
- for ( var i = 0; i < page.characters.length; i++ ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < page.characters.length; i++ ) {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildCharacter( page.characters[i], actions );
.html( html )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
+ .mousedown( function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
- .click( function( e ) {
+ .click( function ( e ) {
- $(this).parent().data( 'context' ),
- $(this).parent().data( 'actions' )[$(this).attr( 'rel' )],
- $(this)
+ $( this ).parent().data( 'context' ),
+ $( this ).parent().data( 'actions' )[$( this ).attr( 'rel' )],
+ $( this )
return false;
@@ -511,23 +510,23 @@ fn: {
return $page;
- buildHeading : function( context, headings ) {
+ buildHeading : function ( context, headings ) {
var html = '<tr>';
for ( var i = 0; i< headings.length; i++ ) {
html += '<th>' + $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( headings[i], ['html', 'text'] ) + '</th>';
return html + '</tr>';
- buildRow : function( context, row ) {
+ buildRow : function ( context, row ) {
var html = '<tr>';
for ( var cell in row ) {
- html += '<td class="cell cell-' + cell + '" valign="top"><span>' +
+ html += '<td class="cell cell-' + cell + '"><span>' +
$.wikiEditor.autoMsg( row[cell], ['html', 'text'] ) + '</span></td>';
return html + '</tr>';
- buildCharacter : function( character, actions ) {
- if ( typeof character == 'string' ) {
+ buildCharacter : function ( character, actions ) {
+ if ( typeof character === 'string' ) {
character = {
'label' : character,
'action' : {
@@ -564,18 +563,19 @@ fn: {
return mw.html.element( 'span', { 'rel': character.label }, character.label );
- mw.log( "A character for the toolbar was undefined. This is not supposed to happen. Double check the config." );
- return ""; // bug 31673; also an additional fix for bug 24208...
+ mw.log( 'A character for the toolbar was undefined. This is not supposed to happen. Double check the config.' );
+ // bug 31673; also an additional fix for bug 24208...
+ return '';
- buildTab : function( context, id, section ) {
+ buildTab : function ( context, id, section ) {
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
// Re-save cookie
if ( selected !== null ) {
$.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section', selected, { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
var $link =
- $( '<a/>' )
- .addClass( selected == id ? 'current' : null )
+ $( '<a>' )
+ .addClass( selected === id ? 'current' : null )
.attr( {
href: '#',
role: 'button',
@@ -584,96 +584,101 @@ fn: {
} )
.text( $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( section, 'label' ) )
.data( 'context', context )
- .mouseup( function( e ) {
- $(this).blur();
+ .mouseup( function () {
+ $( this ).blur();
} )
- .mousedown( function( e ) {
+ .mousedown( function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
- .click( function( e ) {
+ .click( function ( e ) {
// We have to set aria-pressed over here, as NVDA wont recognize it
// if we do it in the below .each as it seems
- $(this).attr( 'aria-pressed', 'true' );
- $( '.tab > a' ).each( function( i, elem ) {
+ $( this ).attr( 'aria-pressed', 'true' );
+ $( '.tab > a' ).each( function ( i, elem ) {
if ( elem !== ) {
$( elem ).attr( 'aria-pressed', 'false' );
} );
- var $sections = $(this).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.sections' );
+ var $sections = $( this ).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.sections' );
var $section =
- $(this).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.section-' + $(this).parent().attr( 'rel' ) );
- var show = $section.css( 'display' ) == 'none';
+ $( this ).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.section-' + $( this ).parent().attr( 'rel' ) );
+ var show = !$section.hasClass( 'section-visible' );
$section.parent().find( '.section-visible' )
.css( 'position', 'absolute' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' )
.removeClass( 'section-visible' )
- .fadeOut( 'fast', function() { $(this).css( 'position', 'static' ); } );
- $(this).parent().parent().find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'current' );
+ .animate( { opacity: 0 }, 'fast', 'linear', function () {
+ $( this ).addClass( 'section-hidden' ).css( 'position', 'static' );
+ } );
+ $( this ).parent().parent().find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$sections.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
- var animate = function( $that ) {
+ var animate = function ( $that ) {
- .css( 'display', 'block' )
- .animate( { 'height': $section.outerHeight() }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function() {
+ .animate( { 'height': $section.outerHeight() }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function () {
$that.css( 'overflow', 'visible' ).css( 'height', 'auto' );
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
} );
if ( show ) {
- $section.addClass( 'section-visible' )
+ $section.removeClass( 'section-hidden' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' )
- .fadeIn( 'fast' );
+ .animate( {opacity: 100.0}, 'fast', 'linear', function () {
+ $(this).addClass( 'section-visible' );
+ } );
if ( $section.hasClass( 'loading' ) ) {
// Loading of this section was deferred, load it now
- var $that = $(this);
+ var $that = $( this );
$that.addClass( 'current loading' );
- setTimeout( function() {
+ setTimeout( function () {
$section.trigger( 'loadSection' );
animate( $that );
$that.removeClass( 'loading' );
}, 1000 );
} else {
- animate( $(this) );
- $(this).addClass( 'current' );
+ animate( $( this ) );
+ $( this ).addClass( 'current' );
} else {
.css( 'height', $section.outerHeight() )
- .animate( { 'height': 'hide' }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function() {
- $(this).css( { 'overflow': 'visible', 'height': 0 } );
+ .animate( { 'height': 0 }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function () {
+ $( this ).css( { 'overflow': 'visible' } );
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
} );
// Save the currently visible section
- 'wikiEditor-' + $(this).data( 'context' ).instance + '-toolbar-section',
+ 'wikiEditor-' + $( this ).data( 'context' ).instance + '-toolbar-section',
show ? $section.attr( 'rel' ) : null,
{ expires: 30, path: '/' }
return false;
- });
- return $( '<span/>' )
- .attr({
+ } );
+ return $( '<span>' )
+ .attr( {
'class' : 'tab tab-' + id,
'rel' : id
- })
+ } )
.append( $link );
- buildSection: function( context, id, section ) {
- var $section = $( '<div/>' ).attr( {
+ buildSection: function ( context, id, section ) {
+ var $section = $( '<div>' ).attr( {
'class': section.type + ' section section-' + id,
'rel': id,
id: 'wikiEditor-section-' + id
} );
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
- var show = selected == id;
+ var show = selected === id;
if ( section.deferLoad !== undefined && section.deferLoad && id !== 'main' && !show ) {
// This class shows the spinner and serves as a marker for the click handler in buildTab()
- $section.addClass( 'loading' ).append( $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'spinner' ) );
- $section.bind( 'loadSection', function() {
+ $section.addClass( 'loading' ).append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spinner' ) );
+ $section.bind( 'loadSection', function () {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.reallyBuildSection( context, id, section, $section );
$section.removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
@@ -683,17 +688,17 @@ fn: {
// Show or hide section
if ( id !== 'main' ) {
- $section
- .css( 'display', show ? 'block' : 'none' )
- .attr( 'aria-expanded', show ? 'true' : 'false' );
+ $section.attr( 'aria-expanded', show ? 'true' : 'false' );
if ( show ) {
$section.addClass( 'section-visible' );
+ } else {
+ $section.addClass( 'section-hidden' );
return $section;
- reallyBuildSection: function( context, id, section, $section ) {
+ reallyBuildSection: function ( context, id, section, $section ) {
context.$textarea.trigger( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-buildSection-' + $section.attr( 'rel' ), [section] );
switch ( section.type ) {
case 'toolbar':
@@ -706,8 +711,8 @@ fn: {
case 'booklet':
- var $pages = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'pages' );
- var $index = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'index' );
+ var $pages = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'pages' );
+ var $index = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'index' );
if ( 'pages' in section ) {
for ( var page in section.pages ) {
@@ -723,7 +728,8 @@ fn: {
- updateBookletSelection : function( context, id, $pages, $index ) {
+ updateBookletSelection : function ( context, id, $pages, $index ) {
+ /*jshint eqnull:true */
var cookie = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-booklet-' + id + '-page';
var selected = $.cookie( cookie );
// Re-save cookie
@@ -741,13 +747,13 @@ fn: {
$index.children().removeClass( 'current' );
$selectedIndex.addClass( 'current' );
- build : function( context, config ) {
- var $tabs = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'tabs' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
- var $sections = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'sections' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
- context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.append( $( '<div/>' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ) );
+ build : function ( context, config ) {
+ var $tabs = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'tabs' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
+ var $sections = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'sections' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
+ context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.append( $( '<div>' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ) );
var sectionQueue = [];
for ( var section in config ) {
- if ( section == 'main' ) {
+ if ( section === 'main' ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildSection( context, section, config[section] )
@@ -763,7 +769,7 @@ fn: {
$.eachAsync( sectionQueue, {
'bulk' : 0,
- 'end' : function() {
+ 'end' : function () {
// HACK: Opera doesn't seem to want to redraw after these bits
// are added to the DOM, so we can just FORCE it!
var oldValue = $( 'body' ).css( 'position' );
@@ -772,11 +778,11 @@ fn: {
context.$textarea.trigger( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-doneInitialSections' );
- 'loop' : function( i, s ) {
+ 'loop' : function ( i, s ) {
s.$sections.append( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildSection( s.context,, s.config ) );
- var $section = s.$sections.find( '.section:visible' );
+ var $section = s.$sections.find( '.section-visible' );
if ( $section.size() ) {
- $sections.animate( { 'height': $section.outerHeight() }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function( ) {
+ $sections.animate( { 'height': $section.outerHeight() }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function ( ) {
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
} );