path: root/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php
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1 files changed, 40 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php
index 07853f87..0512a01b 100644
--- a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php
+++ b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ abstract class LockManager {
/** @var Array Map of (resource path => lock type => count) */
protected $locksHeld = array();
+ protected $domain; // string; domain (usually wiki ID)
+ protected $lockTTL; // integer; maximum time locks can be held
/* Lock types; stronger locks have higher values */
const LOCK_SH = 1; // shared lock (for reads)
const LOCK_UW = 2; // shared lock (for reads used to write elsewhere)
@@ -61,14 +64,29 @@ abstract class LockManager {
* Construct a new instance from configuration
+ * $config paramaters include:
+ * - domain : Domain (usually wiki ID) that all resources are relative to [optional]
+ * - lockTTL : Age (in seconds) at which resource locks should expire.
+ * This only applies if locks are not tied to a connection/process.
+ *
* @param $config Array
- public function __construct( array $config ) {}
+ public function __construct( array $config ) {
+ $this->domain = isset( $config['domain'] ) ? $config['domain'] : wfWikiID();
+ if ( isset( $config['lockTTL'] ) ) {
+ $this->lockTTL = max( 1, $config['lockTTL'] );
+ } elseif ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ) {
+ $this->lockTTL = 2*3600;
+ } else {
+ $met = ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ); // this is 0 in CLI mode
+ $this->lockTTL = max( 5*60, 2*(int)$met );
+ }
+ }
* Lock the resources at the given abstract paths
- * @param $paths Array List of resource names
+ * @param array $paths List of resource names
* @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
* @return Status
@@ -82,7 +100,7 @@ abstract class LockManager {
* Unlock the resources at the given abstract paths
- * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param array $paths List of storage paths
* @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
* @return Status
@@ -94,308 +112,46 @@ abstract class LockManager {
- * Get the base 36 SHA-1 of a string, padded to 31 digits
+ * Get the base 36 SHA-1 of a string, padded to 31 digits.
+ * Before hashing, the path will be prefixed with the domain ID.
+ * This should be used interally for lock key or file names.
* @param $path string
* @return string
- final protected static function sha1Base36( $path ) {
- return wfBaseConvert( sha1( $path ), 16, 36, 31 );
+ final protected function sha1Base36Absolute( $path ) {
+ return wfBaseConvert( sha1( "{$this->domain}:{$path}" ), 16, 36, 31 );
- * Lock resources with the given keys and lock type
+ * Get the base 16 SHA-1 of a string, padded to 31 digits.
+ * Before hashing, the path will be prefixed with the domain ID.
+ * This should be used interally for lock key or file names.
- * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
- * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
+ * @param $path string
* @return string
- abstract protected function doLock( array $paths, $type );
+ final protected function sha1Base16Absolute( $path ) {
+ return sha1( "{$this->domain}:{$path}" );
+ }
- * Unlock resources with the given keys and lock type
+ * Lock resources with the given keys and lock type
- * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param array $paths List of storage paths
* @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
* @return string
- abstract protected function doUnlock( array $paths, $type );
- * Self-releasing locks
- *
- * LockManager helper class to handle scoped locks, which
- * release when an object is destroyed or goes out of scope.
- *
- * @ingroup LockManager
- * @since 1.19
- */
-class ScopedLock {
- /** @var LockManager */
- protected $manager;
- /** @var Status */
- protected $status;
- /** @var Array List of resource paths*/
- protected $paths;
- protected $type; // integer lock type
- /**
- * @param $manager LockManager
- * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
- * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
- * @param $status Status
- */
- protected function __construct(
- LockManager $manager, array $paths, $type, Status $status
- ) {
- $this->manager = $manager;
- $this->paths = $paths;
- $this->status = $status;
- $this->type = $type;
- }
+ abstract protected function doLock( array $paths, $type );
- * Get a ScopedLock object representing a lock on resource paths.
- * Any locks are released once this object goes out of scope.
- * The status object is updated with any errors or warnings.
+ * Unlock resources with the given keys and lock type
- * @param $manager LockManager
- * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param array $paths List of storage paths
* @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
- * @param $status Status
- * @return ScopedLock|null Returns null on failure
- */
- public static function factory(
- LockManager $manager, array $paths, $type, Status $status
- ) {
- $lockStatus = $manager->lock( $paths, $type );
- $status->merge( $lockStatus );
- if ( $lockStatus->isOK() ) {
- return new self( $manager, $paths, $type, $status );
- }
- return null;
- }
- function __destruct() {
- $wasOk = $this->status->isOK();
- $this->status->merge( $this->manager->unlock( $this->paths, $this->type ) );
- if ( $wasOk ) {
- // Make sure status is OK, despite any unlockFiles() fatals
- $this->status->setResult( true, $this->status->value );
- }
- }
- * Version of LockManager that uses a quorum from peer servers for locks.
- * The resource space can also be sharded into separate peer groups.
- *
- * @ingroup LockManager
- * @since 1.20
- */
-abstract class QuorumLockManager extends LockManager {
- /** @var Array Map of bucket indexes to peer server lists */
- protected $srvsByBucket = array(); // (bucket index => (lsrv1, lsrv2, ...))
- /**
- * @see LockManager::doLock()
- * @param $paths array
- * @param $type int
- * @return Status
- */
- final protected function doLock( array $paths, $type ) {
- $status = Status::newGood();
- $pathsToLock = array(); // (bucket => paths)
- // Get locks that need to be acquired (buckets => locks)...
- foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
- if ( isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] ) ) {
- ++$this->locksHeld[$path][$type];
- } elseif ( isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][self::LOCK_EX] ) ) {
- $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] = 1;
- } else {
- $bucket = $this->getBucketFromKey( $path );
- $pathsToLock[$bucket][] = $path;
- }
- }
- $lockedPaths = array(); // files locked in this attempt
- // Attempt to acquire these locks...
- foreach ( $pathsToLock as $bucket => $paths ) {
- // Try to acquire the locks for this bucket
- $status->merge( $this->doLockingRequestBucket( $bucket, $paths, $type ) );
- if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
- $status->merge( $this->doUnlock( $lockedPaths, $type ) );
- return $status;
- }
- // Record these locks as active
- foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
- $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] = 1; // locked
- }
- // Keep track of what locks were made in this attempt
- $lockedPaths = array_merge( $lockedPaths, $paths );
- }
- return $status;
- }
- /**
- * @see LockManager::doUnlock()
- * @param $paths array
- * @param $type int
- * @return Status
- */
- final protected function doUnlock( array $paths, $type ) {
- $status = Status::newGood();
- $pathsToUnlock = array();
- foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
- if ( !isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] ) ) {
- $status->warning( 'lockmanager-notlocked', $path );
- } else {
- --$this->locksHeld[$path][$type];
- // Reference count the locks held and release locks when zero
- if ( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] <= 0 ) {
- unset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] );
- $bucket = $this->getBucketFromKey( $path );
- $pathsToUnlock[$bucket][] = $path;
- }
- if ( !count( $this->locksHeld[$path] ) ) {
- unset( $this->locksHeld[$path] ); // no SH or EX locks left for key
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove these specific locks if possible, or at least release
- // all locks once this process is currently not holding any locks.
- foreach ( $pathsToUnlock as $bucket => $paths ) {
- $status->merge( $this->doUnlockingRequestBucket( $bucket, $paths, $type ) );
- }
- if ( !count( $this->locksHeld ) ) {
- $status->merge( $this->releaseAllLocks() );
- }
- return $status;
- }
- /**
- * Attempt to acquire locks with the peers for a bucket.
- * This is all or nothing; if any key is locked then this totally fails.
- *
- * @param $bucket integer
- * @param $paths Array List of resource keys to lock
- * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_EX or LockManager::LOCK_SH
- * @return Status
- */
- final protected function doLockingRequestBucket( $bucket, array $paths, $type ) {
- $status = Status::newGood();
- $yesVotes = 0; // locks made on trustable servers
- $votesLeft = count( $this->srvsByBucket[$bucket] ); // remaining peers
- $quorum = floor( $votesLeft/2 + 1 ); // simple majority
- // Get votes for each peer, in order, until we have enough...
- foreach ( $this->srvsByBucket[$bucket] as $lockSrv ) {
- if ( !$this->isServerUp( $lockSrv ) ) {
- --$votesLeft;
- $status->warning( 'lockmanager-fail-svr-acquire', $lockSrv );
- continue; // server down?
- }
- // Attempt to acquire the lock on this peer
- $status->merge( $this->getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, $paths, $type ) );
- if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
- return $status; // vetoed; resource locked
- }
- ++$yesVotes; // success for this peer
- if ( $yesVotes >= $quorum ) {
- return $status; // lock obtained
- }
- --$votesLeft;
- $votesNeeded = $quorum - $yesVotes;
- if ( $votesNeeded > $votesLeft ) {
- break; // short-circuit
- }
- }
- // At this point, we must not have met the quorum
- $status->setResult( false );
- return $status;
- }
- /**
- * Attempt to release locks with the peers for a bucket
- *
- * @param $bucket integer
- * @param $paths Array List of resource keys to lock
- * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_EX or LockManager::LOCK_SH
- * @return Status
- */
- final protected function doUnlockingRequestBucket( $bucket, array $paths, $type ) {
- $status = Status::newGood();
- foreach ( $this->srvsByBucket[$bucket] as $lockSrv ) {
- if ( !$this->isServerUp( $lockSrv ) ) {
- $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-svr-release', $lockSrv );
- // Attempt to release the lock on this peer
- } else {
- $status->merge( $this->freeLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, $paths, $type ) );
- }
- }
- return $status;
- }
- /**
- * Get the bucket for resource path.
- * This should avoid throwing any exceptions.
- *
- * @param $path string
- * @return integer
- */
- protected function getBucketFromKey( $path ) {
- $prefix = substr( sha1( $path ), 0, 2 ); // first 2 hex chars (8 bits)
- return (int)base_convert( $prefix, 16, 10 ) % count( $this->srvsByBucket );
- }
- /**
- * Check if a lock server is up
- *
- * @param $lockSrv string
- * @return bool
- */
- abstract protected function isServerUp( $lockSrv );
- /**
- * Get a connection to a lock server and acquire locks on $paths
- *
- * @param $lockSrv string
- * @param $paths array
- * @param $type integer
- * @return Status
- */
- abstract protected function getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type );
- /**
- * Get a connection to a lock server and release locks on $paths.
- *
- * Subclasses must effectively implement this or releaseAllLocks().
- *
- * @param $lockSrv string
- * @param $paths array
- * @param $type integer
- * @return Status
- */
- abstract protected function freeLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type );
- /**
- * Release all locks that this session is holding.
- *
- * Subclasses must effectively implement this or freeLocksOnServer().
- *
- * @return Status
+ * @return string
- abstract protected function releaseAllLocks();
+ abstract protected function doUnlock( array $paths, $type );