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Diffstat (limited to 'languages/i18n/ang.json')
-rw-r--r-- | languages/i18n/ang.json | 131 |
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/languages/i18n/ang.json b/languages/i18n/ang.json index c3bcbf62..9221af9b 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/ang.json +++ b/languages/i18n/ang.json @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ "Spacebirdy", "Tsepelcory", "Wōdenhelm", - "아라" + "아라", + "Dpk" ] }, "tog-underline": "Mearc under hlencan:", @@ -29,8 +30,8 @@ "tog-watchmoves": "Ēacnian mīn behealdungtæl mid trametum and ymelum þā ic wege.", "tog-watchdeletion": "Ēacnian mīn behealdungæl mid trametum and ymelum þā ic forlēose.", "tog-minordefault": "Mearcian ealla adihtunga lytela tō gewunan", - "tog-previewontop": "Īwan fōrebysene ofer adihtunge mearce", - "tog-previewonfirst": "Īwan fōrebysene on forman adihtunge", + "tog-previewontop": "Īwan forebysene ofer adihtunge mearce", + "tog-previewonfirst": "Īwan forebysene on forman adihtunge", "tog-enotifwatchlistpages": "Sendan mē spearcǣrend þǣr tramet oþþe ymele on mīnum behealdungtæle sīe andwended.", "tog-enotifusertalkpages": "Sendan mē spearcǣrend þǣr mīnes brūcendtrametes mōtung sī andwended", "tog-enotifminoredits": "Sendan mē spearcǣrend þǣr trametas oþþe ymelan sīen efne lyt andwended.", @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ "tog-shownumberswatching": "Īwan þæt rīm behealdendra brūcenda", "tog-oldsig": "Genge selfmearc:", "tog-fancysig": "Dōn selfmearce tō wikitexte (lēas ǣr gedōnes hlencan)", - "tog-uselivepreview": "Notian rihte īwde fōrebysene (on costnunge)", + "tog-uselivepreview": "Notian rihte īwedre forebysene", "tog-forceeditsummary": "Cȳðan mē þǣr ic ne wrīte adihtunge sceortnesse", "tog-watchlisthideown": "Hȳdan mīna adihtunga wiþ þæt behealdungtæl", "tog-watchlisthidebots": "Hȳdan searuþrǣla adihtunga wiþ þæt behealdungtæl", @@ -63,14 +64,14 @@ "sunday": "Sunnandæg", "monday": "Mōnandæg", "tuesday": "Tīwesdæg", - "wednesday": "Wēdnesdæg", + "wednesday": "Wōdnesdæg", "thursday": "Þunresdæg", "friday": "Frigedæg", "saturday": "Sæterndæg", "sun": "Sun", "mon": "Mōn", "tue": "Tīw", - "wed": "Wēd", + "wed": "Wōd", "thu": "Þun", "fri": "Fri", "sat": "Sæt", @@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ "actions": "Fremmunga", "namespaces": "Namstedas", "variants": "Missenlīcnessa", + "navigation-heading": "Sōcne getæl", "errorpagetitle": "Wōh", "returnto": "Gān eft tō $1", "tagline": "Fram {{SITENAME}}", @@ -175,12 +177,15 @@ "permalink": "Fæst hlenca", "print": "Ūtmǣlan", "view": "Sihþ", + "view-foreign": "Sihþ on $1", "edit": "Adihtan", "create": "Scieppan", + "create-local": "Besettan stōwlice gemearcunge", "editthispage": "Adihtan þisne tramet", "create-this-page": "Scieppan þisne tramet", "delete": "Forlēosan", "deletethispage": "Forlēosan þisne tramet", + "undeletethispage": "Undōn þā forlēosunge þisses trametes", "undelete_short": "Scieppan {{PLURAL:$1|āne adihtunge|$1 adihtunga}} eft", "viewdeleted_short": "Sēon {{PLURAL:$1|āne forlorene adihtunge|$1 forlorenra adihtunga}}", "protect": "Beorgan", @@ -208,6 +213,7 @@ "otherlanguages": "On ōðrum sprǣcum", "redirectedfrom": "(Edlǣded fram $1)", "redirectpagesub": "Edlǣdunge tramet", + "redirectto": "Edlǣdan tō:", "lastmodifiedat": "Man nīwanost wende þisne tramet on þǣre $2 tīde þæs $1.", "viewcount": "Þes tramet wæs gesawen {{PLURAL:$1|āne|$1 mǣla}}.", "protectedpage": "Geborgen tramet", @@ -243,6 +249,7 @@ "youhavenewmessagesfromusers": "Þū hafast $1 fram {{PLURAL:$3|ōðrum brūcende|$3 brūcenda}} ($2).", "youhavenewmessagesmanyusers": "Þū hafast $1 fram manigum brūcendum ($2).", "newmessageslinkplural": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwe ǣrendgewrit|999=nīwra ǣrendgewrita}}", + "newmessagesdifflinkplural": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwost andwendung|999=nīwostra andwendunga}}", "youhavenewmessagesmulti": "Þū hæfst nīwu ǣrendu on $1", "editsection": "adihtan", "editold": "adihtan", @@ -253,6 +260,11 @@ "toc": "Innung", "showtoc": "īwan", "hidetoc": "hȳdan", + "collapsible-collapse": "Lytlian", + "collapsible-expand": "Brǣdan", + "confirmable-confirm": "Ƿilt þū þis ƿitodlīce dōn?", + "confirmable-yes": "Gēa", + "confirmable-no": "Nese", "thisisdeleted": "Sēon oþþe nīwian $1?", "viewdeleted": "Sēon $1 lā?", "restorelink": "{{PLURAL:$1|ān forloren ādihtung|$1 forlorenra adihtunga}}", @@ -282,19 +294,36 @@ "nospecialpagetext": "<strong>Þū hafast abiden ungenges syndriges trametes.</strong>\n\nGetæl gengra syndrigra trameta cann man findan be [[Special:SpecialPages|þǣm syndrigra trameta getæle]].", "error": "Wōh", "databaseerror": "Cȳþþuhordes wōh", + "databaseerror-error": "Wōg: $1", "laggedslavemode": "'''Warnung:''' Wēnunga næbbe se tramet nīwlīca nīwunga.", + "readonly": "Ġifhord locen", "enterlockreason": "Wrīt race þǣre forwiernunge and apinsunge þæs tīman on þǣm bēo sēo forwiernung forlǣten", "missingarticle-rev": "(nīwung#: $1)", "internalerror": "Inweard wōh", "internalerror_info": "Inweard wōh: $1", + "filecopyerror": "Nē cūðe biwrītan þā ymelan \"$1\" tō \"$2\".", "filerenameerror": "Ne cūðe ednemnan ymelan \"$1\" tō \"$2\".", + "filedeleteerror": "Ne cūðe forlēosan þā ymelan \"$1\".", "filenotfound": "Ne cūðe findan ymelan \"$1\".", "formerror": "Wōh: ne cūðe cȳþþugewrit forþsendan.", "badarticleerror": "Þēos dǣd ne cann bēon gefremed on þissum tramete.", + "cannotdelete-title": "Ne cann forlēosan þone tramet \"$1\"", "badtitle": "Nā genge titul", + "querypage-no-updates": "Ednīwunga for þissum tramete ne sindon nū gelīfeda. \nCȳþþu hēr ne biþ hraðe ednīwod.", "viewsource": "Sēon fruman", "viewsource-title": "Fruman for $1 sēon", + "protectedpagetext": "Þes tramet wæs geborgen tō wyrnenne ōðerre adihtunge oþþe ōðra dǣda.", + "viewsourcetext": "Þū canst sēon and biwrītan þone fruman þisses trametes:", + "viewyourtext": "Þū canst sēon and biwrītan þone fruman <strong>þīnra adihtunga</strong> tō þissum tramete:", "cascadeprotected": "Þes trament wæs geborgen wiþ adihtunge, for þǣm þe hē is befangen in þissum {{PLURAL:$1|tramente, þe is| tramentum, þe sind}} geborgen settum wyrcende þǣm cyre \"cascading\": $2", + "namespaceprotected": "Þū nafast lēafe tō adihtenne trametas in þǣm <strong>$1</strong> namstede.", + "customcssprotected": "Þū nafast lēafe tō adihtenne þisne CSS tramet for þȳ hē behealdeþ ōðres brūcendes āgna gesetednessa.", + "customjsprotected": "Þū nafast lēafe tō adihtenne þisne JavaScript tramet for þām hē behealdeþ ōðres hādes āgna gesetednessa.", + "mycustomcssprotected": "Þū nafast lēafe tō adihtenne þisne CSS tramet.", + "mycustomjsprotected": "Þū nafast lēafe tō adihtenne þisne JavaScript tramet.", + "myprivateinfoprotected": "Þū nafast lēafe tō adihtenne þīne āgnan cȳþþu.", + "mypreferencesprotected": "Þū nafast lēafe tō adihtenne þīna foreberunga.", + "ns-specialprotected": "Syndrige trametas ne cunnon wesan adihted.", "exception-nologin": "Ne inloggod", "virus-badscanner": "Yfel gesetedness: Uncūþ wyrmsēcend: <em>$1</em>", "virus-unknownscanner": "uncūþ andgund:", @@ -346,11 +375,18 @@ "acct_creation_throttle_hit": "Nēosiende tō þissum wici, þe þīnne IP-Stōwe brȳcþ, hæfþ gesett {{PLURAL:$1|1 hordcleofan|$1 hordcleofan}} in þǣm læsten dæge. Þu ne canst settan ǣnige māran. Þǣrfram ne cunnon Nēosiende, þe þisne IP-Stōwe brȳcþ, settan ǣnige hordcleofan māran on þisse handhwīle.", "accountcreated": "Scōp reccinge", "loginlanguagelabel": "Sprǣc: $1", + "pt-login": "Inmeldian", + "pt-login-button": "Inmeldian", + "pt-createaccount": "Ūtmeldian", + "pt-userlogout": "Ūtmeldian", + "changepassword": "Andwendan þafungword", "oldpassword": "Eald þafungword:", "newpassword": "Nīwe þafungword:", "retypenew": "Wrīt nīwe þafungword eft:", "resetpass-submit-loggedin": "Andwendan þafungword", "resetpass-submit-cancel": "Undōn", + "passwordreset": "Settan þafungword eft", + "passwordreset-legend": "Settan þafungword eft", "passwordreset-username": "Brūcendnama:", "bold_sample": "Þicce traht", "bold_tip": "Þicce traht", @@ -375,10 +411,10 @@ "minoredit": "Þēos is lytel adihtung", "watchthis": "Behealdan þisne tramet", "savearticle": "Hordian tramet", - "preview": "Fōrebysen", - "showpreview": "Īwan fōrebysene", + "preview": "Forebysen", + "showpreview": "Īwan forebysene", "showdiff": "Īwan andwendunga", - 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"previewnote": "'''Beþenc þe þis is gīet efne fōrebysen.'''\nÞīna andwendunga gīet ne sind hordoda!", + "previewnote": "<strong>Beþenc þe þis is gīet efne forebysen.</strong>\nÞīna andwendunga gīet ne sind hordoda!", "editing": "Adihtende $1", + "creating": "Scipþ nū $1", "editingsection": "Adihtende $1 (dǣl)", "editingcomment": "Adihtende $1 (nīwe dǣl)", "editconflict": "Adihtunge wiþdǣd: $1", @@ -403,7 +440,7 @@ "yourdiff": "Fǣgnessa", "copyrightwarning2": "Bidde behielde þæt man mæg ealla forðunga tō {{SITENAME}}\nādihtan, hweorfan, oþþe forniman.\nGif þū ne wille man þīn gewrit ādihtan unmildheorte, þonne hīe hēr ne forþsendan.<br />\nÞū behǣtst ēac þæt þū selfa þis write, oþþe efenlǣhtest of sumre\nfolclicum āgnunge oþþe gelīcum frēom horde (sēo $1 for āscungum).\n'''Ne forþsend efenlǣhtscielded weorc būtan þafunge!'''", "templatesused": "{{PLURAL:$1|Þēos bysen is|Þās bysena sind}} gebrocen on þissum tramete:", - "templatesusedpreview": "{{PLURAL:$1|Þēos bysen is|Þās bysena sind}} gebrocen on þisre fōrebysene:", + "templatesusedpreview": "{{PLURAL:$1|Þēos bysen is|Þās bysena sind}} gebrocen on þisre forebysene:", "template-protected": "(geborgen)", "template-semiprotected": "(sāmborgen)", "hiddencategories": "Þes tramet is gesibb {{PLURAL:$1|1 gehȳdedum flocce|$1 gehȳdedra flocca}}:", @@ -411,6 +448,7 @@ "permissionserrors": "Þafunge wōh", "permissionserrorstext-withaction": "Þū ne hæfst þafunge tō $2, for {{PLURAL:$1|þisre race|þissum racum}}:", "recreate-moveddeleted-warn": "'''Warnung: Þū edsciepst tramet þe wæs ǣr forloren.'''\n\nÞu sceoldest smēagan, hwæðer hit gerādlīc sīe, forþ tō gānne mid þǣre adihtunge þisses trametes.\nÞæt forlēosunge and wegunge ealdhord þisses trametes is hēr geīeht for behēfnesse:", + "moveddeleted-notice": "Þes tramet wæs forloren.\nÞæt forlēosunge and wǣgunge stǣr þæs trametes is geīwed hēr.", "viewpagelogs": "Sēon þisses trametes ealdhold", "nohistory": "Nis nān adihtunge stǣr for þissum tramete.", "currentrev-asof": "Nīwost fadung on þǣre $3. tīde þæs $2.", @@ -421,6 +459,8 @@ "cur": "nū", "next": "nīehst", "last": "ǣr", + "page_first": "ǣrost", + "page_last": "ǣrra", "history-fieldset-title": "Sēcan stǣr", "histfirst": "ieldeste", "histlast": "nīwoste", @@ -448,6 +488,7 @@ "mergehistory-reason": "Racu:", "revertmerge": "Settan þā geānlǣcinge on bæc", "history-title": "Ednīwunga stǣr for \"$1\"", + "difference-title": "Fǣgness betweox fadungum \"$1\"", "lineno": "$1. līne:", "compareselectedversions": "Bemetan gecorena ednīwunga", "editundo": "undōn", @@ -461,8 +502,10 @@ "searchprofile-articles": "Innunge trametas", "searchprofile-images": "Missenendebyrdness", "searchprofile-everything": "Gehwæt", + "searchprofile-advanced": "Manigfeald", "searchprofile-articles-tooltip": "Sēcan in $1", "searchprofile-images-tooltip": "Sēcan ymelan", + "searchprofile-everything-tooltip": "Sēcan geond ealla innunga (ēac mōtungum)", "search-result-size": "$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 word|$2 worda}})", "search-redirect": "(edlǣded fram \"$1\")", "search-section": "(dǣl $1)", @@ -473,13 +516,14 @@ "searchrelated": "gesibb", "searchall": "eall", "showingresults": "Īewan under oþ <b>$1</b> tōhīgunga onginnenda mid #<b>$2</b>.", + "search-nonefound": "Ne cūðe findan þæt þū woldest.", "powersearch-legend": "Manigfeald sēcung", "powersearch-ns": "Sēcan in namstedum:", "search-external": "Ūtanweard sōcn", - "preferences": "Fōreberunga", - "mypreferences": "Mīna fōreberunga", + "preferences": "Foreberunga", + "mypreferences": "Foreberunga", "prefs-skin": "Scynn", - "skin-preview": "Fōrebysen", + "skin-preview": "Forebysen", "prefs-rc": "Nīwa andwendunga", "prefs-watchlist": "Wæccgetæl", "saveprefs": "Hordian", @@ -487,7 +531,7 @@ "columns": "Sȳla:", "searchresultshead": "Sōcn", "recentchangescount": "Hū mæniga adihtunga to īwenne gewunelīce:", - "savedprefs": "Þīna fōreberunga wurdon gehordod.", + "savedprefs": "Þīna foreberunga wurdon gehordod.", "timezonelegend": "Tīdgeard", "servertime": "Þegntōles tīd is nū:", "default": "gewunelic", @@ -522,20 +566,32 @@ "rightslog": "Brūcenda riht cranic", "action-edit": "adihtan þisne tramet", "nchanges": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|andwendung|andwendunga}}", + "enhancedrc-history": "stǣr", "recentchanges": "Nīwa andwendunga", "recentchanges-legend": "Nīwra andwendunga cyras", + "recentchanges-summary": "Sēon þā nīwostan andwendunga þisses wiki on þissum tramete", "recentchanges-feed-description": "Īwan þā nīwostan andwendunga þæs wiki mid þissum strēame", "recentchanges-label-newpage": "Þēos adihtung scōp nīwne tramet", "recentchanges-label-minor": "Þēos is lytel adihtung", "recentchanges-label-bot": "Searuþrǣl fremede þās adihtunge", + "recentchanges-label-plusminus": "Þæs trametes micelness wæs andwended þȳs rīme grēatbitena", "recentchanges-legend-newpage": "{{int:recentchanges-label-newpage}} (seoh ēac [[Special:NewPages|getæl nīwra trameta]])", "rcnotefrom": "Niðer sind þā andwendunga fram <strong>$2</strong> (mǣst īweþ <strong>$1</strong>).", "rclistfrom": "Īwan nīwa andwendunga fram $3 $2 and siþþan", "rcshowhideminor": "$1 lytela adihtunga", + "rcshowhideminor-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhideminor-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhidebots": "$1 searuþrǣlas", + "rcshowhidebots-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhidebots-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhideliu": "$1 brūcendas on nambēc", + "rcshowhideliu-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhideanons": "$1 uncūðe brūcendas", + "rcshowhideanons-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhideanons-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhidemine": "$1 mīna adihtunga", + "rcshowhidemine-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhidemine-hide": "Hȳdan", "rclinks": "Īwan þā nīwostan $1 andwendunga in þissum nīehstum $2 daga<br />$3", "diff": "scēad", "hist": "stǣr", @@ -570,7 +626,7 @@ "license": "Lēaf:", "license-header": "Lēaf:", "nolicense": "Nān is gecoren", - "license-nopreview": "(Fōrebysen nis gearu)", + "license-nopreview": "(Forebysen nis gearu)", "listfiles-summary": "Þes syndriga tramet īweþ ealla forþ gehladena ymelan.", "listfiles_search_for": "Sēcan missenendebyrdnesse naman:", "imgfile": "ymele", @@ -602,7 +658,9 @@ "morelinkstoimage": "Sēon [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|mā hlencan]] tō þisre ymelan.", "duplicatesoffile": "{{PLURAL:$1|Sēol folgiende ymele is gelīcnes|Þā folgiendan ymelan sind gelīcnessa}} þisse ymelan (seoh [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch/$2|mā cȳþþe ymbe þis]]):", "sharedupload": "Þēos ymele is fram $1 and man mæg hīe brūcan on ōðrum weorcum.", + "sharedupload-desc-here": "Þēos ymele is fram $1 and cann wesan gebrocen fram ōðrum weorcum. Sēo amearcung on hire [$2 tramete ymelan amearcunge] þǣr is hēr geīwed.", "uploadnewversion-linktext": "Hladan nīwe fadunge þisse ymelan forþ", + "upload-disallowed-here": "Þū ne canst wrītan ofer þisse ymelan.", "filerevert-legend": "Settan ymelan on bæc", "filedelete-submit": "Forlēosan", "unusedtemplateswlh": "ōðre hlencan", @@ -611,7 +669,6 @@ "statistics-articles": "Innunge trametas", "statistics-pages": "Trametas", "statistics-users-active": "Hwate brūcendas", - "statistics-mostpopular": "Gesawenoste trametas", "doubleredirects": "Twifealda edlǣdunga", "brokenredirects": "Gebrocena edlǣdunga", "brokenredirectstext": "Þā folgiendan edlǣdunga gāþ tō æfweardum trametum.", @@ -626,7 +683,6 @@ "specialpage-empty": "Nis þǣr nāht þe āh cȳðan þes tramet.", "lonelypages": "Ealdorlēase trametas", "unusedimages": "Īdela ymelan", - "popularpages": "Folclīce trametas", "wantedcategories": "Gewilnode floccas", "wantedpages": "Gewilnode trametas", "mostlinked": "Trametas mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena", @@ -645,7 +701,7 @@ "pager-older-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|ieldre 1|ieldran $1}}", "booksources": "Bōcfruman", "booksources-search-legend": "Sēcan bōcfruman", - "booksources-go": "Gān", + "booksources-search": "Sēcan", "booksources-text": "Niðer is getæl hlencena tō ōðrum webstedum þe cīpaþ nīwa and gebrocena bēc, and wēninga hæbben ēac mā cȳþþu ymbe bēc þe þu sēcst:", "specialloguserlabel": "Gelǣstende brūcend:", "speciallogtitlelabel": "Ende (trametes titul oþþe brūcendes nama):", @@ -689,7 +745,7 @@ "unwatchthispage": "Ablinnan behealdunge", "watchlist-details": "{{PLURAL:$1|Þǣr is $1 tramet|Þǣr sind $1 trameta}} on þīnum behealdunggetæle, nā sunderlīce arīmedum mōtunga trametum.", "wlnote": "Niðer {{PLURAL:$1|is sēo nīwoste andwendung|sind þā nīwostan '''$1''' andwendunga}} in {{PLURAL:$2|þǣre latostan tīde|þǣm latostan '''$2''' tīda}}, fram: $3, $4.", - "wlshowlast": "Īwan þā nīwostan $1 tīda $2 daga $3", + "wlshowlast": "Īwan þā nīwostan $1 tīda $2 daga", "watchlist-options": "Behealdungtæles cyras", "watching": "Behealdende...", "unwatching": "Ablinnende behealdunge...", @@ -702,14 +758,13 @@ "deletepage": "Forlēosan tramet", "excontent": "innung wæs: \"$1\"", "excontentauthor": "innung wæs: '$1' (and se āna forðiend wæs \"[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]\")", - "historywarning": "'''Warnung''': Se tramet þe þū wilt forlēosan hafaþ stǣr mid nēan $1 {{PLURAL:$1|fadunge|fadunga}}:", + "historywarning": "<strong>Warnung:</strong> Se tramet þe þū wilt forlēosan hafaþ stǣr mid $1 {{PLURAL:$1|fadunge|fadunga}}:", "actioncomplete": "Dǣd is fulfyled", "dellogpage": "Forlēosunge ealdhord", "deletionlog": "forlēosunge ealdhord", "deletecomment": "Racu:", "deleteotherreason": "Ōðra/nīehst racu:", "deletereasonotherlist": "Ōðru racu", - "rollback_short": "Settan on bæc", "rollbacklink": "settan on bæc", "rollbackfailed": "Bæcsettung tōsǣlde", "editcomment": "Þǣre adihtunge se cwide wæs: \"''$1''\".", @@ -773,7 +828,7 @@ "whatlinkshere-hidetrans": "$1 bysene nytta", "whatlinkshere-hidelinks": "$1 hlencan", "whatlinkshere-filters": "Sifan", - "blockip": "Fortȳnan brūcend", + "blockip": "Fortȳnan {{GENDER:$1|brūcend|brūcicgan}}", "ipbreason": "Racu:", "ipbreason-dropdown": "*Gemǣna fortȳnungraca\n** Insettung falsre cȳþþe\n** Animung innunge of trametum\n** Spammlice hlencab tō ūtweardum webbstedum\n** Insettung gedofes oþþe dwolunge in trametas\n** Hwōpende gebǣru oþþe tirgung\n** Miswendung manigra reccinga\n** Uncwēme brūcendnama", "ipbsubmit": "Fortȳnan þisne brūcend", @@ -819,11 +874,12 @@ "import-noarticle": "Nān tramet tō inbringenne!", "tooltip-pt-userpage": "Þīn brūcendtramet", "tooltip-pt-mytalk": "Þīn mōtung", - "tooltip-pt-preferences": "Þīna fōreberunga", + "tooltip-pt-preferences": "Þīna foreberunga", "tooltip-pt-watchlist": "Getæl trameta þā behieltst þū ymbe andwendunga", "tooltip-pt-mycontris": "Getæl þīnra forðunga", "tooltip-pt-login": "Man þē byldeþ to inmeldienne; þēah, þis nis abeden", "tooltip-pt-logout": "Ūtmeldian", + "tooltip-pt-createaccount": "Þū āhst wyrcan grīman tō brūcenne, ac þū ne þearft þæt dōn.", "tooltip-ca-talk": "Mōtung ymbe þone innunge tramet", "tooltip-ca-edit": "Þū meaht þisne tramet adihtan. Brūc lā þone fōrebysene cnæpp ǣr þū hordie.", "tooltip-ca-addsection": "Beginnan nīwne dǣl", @@ -870,10 +926,12 @@ "tooltip-compareselectedversions": "Sēon þā gescēad betweonan þǣm twǣm gecorenum fadungum þisses trametes", "tooltip-watch": "Ēacnian þīn behealdungtæl mid þissum tramete", "tooltip-undo": "\"Undōn\" undēþ þās adihtunge and openaþ þǣre adihtunge bysene tō fōrebysene. Man cann secgan race on þǣre sceortnesse.", + "tooltip-summary": "Wrītan sceorte gemearcunge", "anonymous": "{{PLURAL:$1|uncūþ brūcend|uncūðra brūcenda}} of {{SITENAME}}", "siteuser": "{{SITENAME}}n brūcend $1", "others": "ōðru", "anonusers": "{{SITENAME}} {{PLURAL:$2|uncūþ brūcend|uncūðra brūcenda}} $1", + "pageinfo-toolboxlink": "Trametes cȳþþu", "previousdiff": "← Ieldre adihtung", "nextdiff": "Nīwre adihtung →", "imagemaxsize": "Mǣst biliðes micelness:<br />''(for ymelena amearcunga trametum)''", @@ -882,6 +940,9 @@ "file-nohires": "Þǣr nis nǣnig māre micelness.", "svg-long-desc": "SVG ymele, rihte $1 × $2 pixela, ymelan micelness: $3", "show-big-image": "Frumlicu ymele", + "show-big-image-preview": "Micelness þisre forebysene: $1.", + "show-big-image-other": "{{PLURAL:$2|Ōðru biliðes micelness|Ōðra biliða micelnessa}}: $1.", + "show-big-image-size": "$1 be $2 dotta", "imagelisttext": "Niðer is getæl '''$1''' {{PLURAL:$1|ymelan|ymelena}}, endebyrded on $2.", "noimages": "Nāht tō sēonne.", "ilsubmit": "Sēcan", @@ -892,10 +953,20 @@ "exif-imagewidth": "Wīdnes", "exif-imagelength": "Hīehþ", "exif-compression": "Ȝeþryccungmōd", + "exif-orientation": "Gebīgedness", "exif-ycbcrpositioning": "Y and C gesetednes", + "exif-xresolution": "Wīdnesse micelness", + "exif-yresolution": "Hēahþu micelness", + "exif-datetime": "Tælmearc and tīd þǣre ymelan andwendunge", "exif-imagedescription": "Biliðes nama", + "exif-make": "Biliðfōndes wyrhta", + "exif-model": "Biliþfōndes fadung", + "exif-software": "Weorcwrithyrst þe wæs gebrocen", "exif-artist": "Fruma", + "exif-colorspace": "Bleohmearc", "exif-usercomment": "Brūcendes trahtnunga", + "exif-datetimeoriginal": "Tælmearc and tīd þǣre wyrcunge þǣre cȳþþu", + "exif-datetimedigitized": "Tælmearc and tīd þǣre awendunge tō spearctellenda ymelan", "exif-exposuretime": "Blicestīd", "exif-brightnessvalue": "APEX beorhtness", "exif-lightsource": "Lēohtfruma", @@ -908,6 +979,7 @@ "exif-gpsmeasuremode": "Mētungmōd", "exif-gpsimgdirection": "Rihtung þæs biliðes", "exif-compression-1": "Unȝeþrycced", + "exif-orientation-1": "Gewunelic", "exif-meteringmode-0": "Uncūþ", "exif-meteringmode-1": "Geþēawisc", "exif-meteringmode-6": "Sām", @@ -931,7 +1003,6 @@ "exif-gpslongitude-e": "Ēast lengu", "exif-gpslongitude-w": "West lengu", "exif-gpsdirection-t": "Sōþ rihtung", - "watchlistall2": "eall", "namespacesall": "eall", "monthsall": "eall", "confirmemail_body": "Hwilchwega, gewēne þu of IP stōwe $1, hæfþ in namanbēc gestt ǣnne hordcleofan\n\"$2\" mid þissum e-ǣrendes naman on {{SITENAME}}n.\n\nTō āsēðenne þæt þes hordcleofa tō þē gebyraþ and tō openienne\ne-ǣrenda hwilcnessa on {{SITENAME}}n, opena þisne bend in þīnum webbscēawere:\n\n$3\n\nGif þis is *nā* þū, ne folga þisne bend.\n\n$5\n\nÞēos āsēðungrūn forealdaþ æt $4.", @@ -957,7 +1028,7 @@ "version-other": "Ōðer", "version-hooks": "Anglas", "version-hook-name": "Angelnama", - "version-version": "($1. fadung)", + "version-version": "($1)", "fileduplicatesearch-filename": "Ymelan nama:", "fileduplicatesearch-submit": "Sēcan", "specialpages": "Syndrige trametas", @@ -967,5 +1038,9 @@ "tags-edit": "adihtan", "htmlform-submit": "Forþsendan", "htmlform-reset": "Undōn andwendunga", - "htmlform-selectorother-other": "Ōðer" + "htmlform-selectorother-other": "Ōðer", + "logentry-delete-delete": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|forlēas}} tramet $3", + "logentry-newusers-create": "Brūcendes grīma $1 wæs {{GENDER:$2|geworht}}", + "revdelete-summary": "ādihtscortnes", + "searchsuggest-search": "Sēcan" } |