path: root/resources/src/mediawiki.libs/mediawiki.libs.jpegmeta.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/src/mediawiki.libs/mediawiki.libs.jpegmeta.js')
1 files changed, 737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resources/src/mediawiki.libs/mediawiki.libs.jpegmeta.js b/resources/src/mediawiki.libs/mediawiki.libs.jpegmeta.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3ed88c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/src/mediawiki.libs/mediawiki.libs.jpegmeta.js
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+ * This is JsJpegMeta v1.0
+ * From:
+ * From:
+ *
+ * Ported to MediaWiki ResourceLoader by Bryan Tong Minh
+ * Changes:
+ * - Add closure.
+ * - Add this.JpegMeta assignment to expose it as global.
+ * - Add mw.libs.jpegmeta wrapper.
+ */
+( function () {
+ /*
+ Copyright (c) 2009 Ben Leslie
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ */
+ /*
+ This JavaScript library is used to parse meta-data from files
+ with mime-type image/jpeg.
+ Include it with something like:
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="jpegmeta.js"></script>
+ This adds a single 'module' object called 'JpegMeta' to the global
+ namespace.
+ Public Functions
+ ----------------
+ JpegMeta.parseNum - parse unsigned integers from binary data
+ JpegMeta.parseSnum - parse signed integers from binary data
+ Public Classes
+ --------------
+ JpegMeta.Rational - A rational number class
+ JpegMeta.JfifSegment
+ JpegMeta.ExifSegment
+ JpegMeta.JpegFile - Primary class for Javascript parsing
+ */
+ var JpegMeta = {};
+ // MediaWiki: Expose as global
+ this.JpegMeta = JpegMeta;
+ /*
+ parse an unsigned number of size bytes at offset in some binary string data.
+ If endian
+ is "<" parse the data as little endian, if endian
+ is ">" parse as big-endian.
+ */
+ JpegMeta.parseNum = function parseNum(endian, data, offset, size) {
+ var i;
+ var ret;
+ var big_endian = (endian === ">");
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ if (size === undefined) size = data.length - offset;
+ for (big_endian ? i = offset : i = offset + size - 1;
+ big_endian ? i < offset + size : i >= offset;
+ big_endian ? i++ : i--) {
+ ret <<= 8;
+ ret += data.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ /*
+ parse an signed number of size bytes at offset in some binary string data.
+ If endian
+ is "<" parse the data as little endian, if endian
+ is ">" parse as big-endian.
+ */
+ JpegMeta.parseSnum = function parseSnum(endian, data, offset, size) {
+ var i;
+ var ret;
+ var neg;
+ var big_endian = (endian === ">");
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ if (size === undefined) size = data.length - offset;
+ for (big_endian ? i = offset : i = offset + size - 1;
+ big_endian ? i < offset + size : i >= offset;
+ big_endian ? i++ : i--) {
+ if (neg === undefined) {
+ /* Negative if top bit is set */
+ neg = (data.charCodeAt(i) & 0x80) === 0x80;
+ }
+ ret <<= 8;
+ /* If it is negative we invert the bits */
+ ret += neg ? ~data.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff: data.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ if (neg) {
+ /* If it is negative we do two's complement */
+ ret += 1;
+ ret *= -1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ /* Rational number class */
+ JpegMeta.Rational = function Rational(num, den)
+ {
+ this.num = num;
+ this.den = den || 1;
+ return this;
+ };
+ /* Rational number methods */
+ JpegMeta.Rational.prototype.toString = function toString() {
+ if (this.num === 0) {
+ return "" + this.num;
+ }
+ if (this.den === 1) {
+ return "" + this.num;
+ }
+ if (this.num === 1) {
+ return this.num + " / " + this.den;
+ }
+ return this.num / this.den; // + "/" + this.den;
+ };
+ JpegMeta.Rational.prototype.asFloat = function asFloat() {
+ return this.num / this.den;
+ };
+ /* MetaGroup class */
+ JpegMeta.MetaGroup = function MetaGroup(fieldName, description) {
+ this.fieldName = fieldName;
+ this.description = description;
+ this.metaProps = {};
+ return this;
+ };
+ JpegMeta.MetaGroup.prototype._addProperty = function _addProperty(fieldName, description, value) {
+ var property = new JpegMeta.MetaProp(fieldName, description, value);
+ this[property.fieldName] = property;
+ this.metaProps[property.fieldName] = property;
+ };
+ JpegMeta.MetaGroup.prototype.toString = function toString() {
+ return "[MetaGroup " + this.description + "]";
+ };
+ /* MetaProp class */
+ JpegMeta.MetaProp = function MetaProp(fieldName, description, value) {
+ this.fieldName = fieldName;
+ this.description = description;
+ this.value = value;
+ return this;
+ };
+ JpegMeta.MetaProp.prototype.toString = function toString() {
+ return "" + this.value;
+ };
+ /* JpegFile class */
+ JpegMeta.JpegFile = function JpegFile(binary_data, filename) {
+ /* Change this to EOI if we want to parse. */
+ var break_segment = this._SOS;
+ this.metaGroups = {};
+ this._binary_data = binary_data;
+ this.filename = filename;
+ /* Go through and parse. */
+ var pos = 0;
+ var pos_start_of_segment = 0;
+ var delim;
+ var mark;
+ var _mark;
+ var segsize;
+ var headersize;
+ var mark_code;
+ var mark_fn;
+ /* Check to see if this looks like a JPEG file */
+ if (this._binary_data.slice(0, 2) !== this._SOI_MARKER) {
+ throw new Error("Doesn't look like a JPEG file. First two bytes are " +
+ this._binary_data.charCodeAt(0) + "," +
+ this._binary_data.charCodeAt(1) + ".");
+ }
+ pos += 2;
+ while (pos < this._binary_data.length) {
+ delim = this._binary_data.charCodeAt(pos++);
+ mark = this._binary_data.charCodeAt(pos++);
+ pos_start_of_segment = pos;
+ if (delim != this._DELIM) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (mark === break_segment) {
+ break;
+ }
+ headersize = JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos, 2);
+ /* Find the end */
+ pos += headersize;
+ while (pos < this._binary_data.length) {
+ delim = this._binary_data.charCodeAt(pos++);
+ if (delim == this._DELIM) {
+ _mark = this._binary_data.charCodeAt(pos++);
+ if (_mark != 0x0) {
+ pos -= 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ segsize = pos - pos_start_of_segment;
+ if (this._markers[mark]) {
+ mark_code = this._markers[mark][0];
+ mark_fn = this._markers[mark][1];
+ } else {
+ mark_code = "UNKN";
+ mark_fn = undefined;
+ }
+ if (mark_fn) {
+ this[mark_fn](mark, pos_start_of_segment + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.general === undefined) {
+ throw Error("Invalid JPEG file.");
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return "[JpegFile " + this.filename + " " +
+ this.general.type + " " +
+ this.general.pixelWidth + "x" +
+ this.general.pixelHeight +
+ " Depth: " + this.general.depth + "]";
+ };
+ /* Some useful constants */
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._SOI_MARKER = '\xff\xd8';
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._DELIM = 0xff;
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._EOI = 0xd9;
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._SOS = 0xda;
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._sofHandler = function _sofHandler (mark, pos) {
+ if (this.general !== undefined) {
+ throw Error("Unexpected multiple-frame image");
+ }
+ this._addMetaGroup("general", "General");
+ this.general._addProperty("depth", "Depth", JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos, 1));
+ this.general._addProperty("pixelHeight", "Pixel Height", JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos + 1, 2));
+ this.general._addProperty("pixelWidth", "Pixel Width",JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos + 3, 2));
+ this.general._addProperty("type", "Type", this._markers[mark][2]);
+ };
+ /* JFIF idents */
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._JFIF_IDENT = "JFIF\x00";
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._JFXX_IDENT = "JFXX\x00";
+ /* Exif idents */
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._EXIF_IDENT = "Exif\x00";
+ /* TIFF types */
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._types = {
+ /* The format is identifier : ["type name", type_size_in_bytes ] */
+ 1 : ["BYTE", 1],
+ 2 : ["ASCII", 1],
+ 3 : ["SHORT", 2],
+ 4 : ["LONG", 4],
+ 5 : ["RATIONAL", 8],
+ 6 : ["SBYTE", 1],
+ 7 : ["UNDEFINED", 1],
+ 8 : ["SSHORT", 2],
+ 9 : ["SLONG", 4],
+ 10 : ["SRATIONAL", 8],
+ 11 : ["FLOAT", 4],
+ 12 : ["DOUBLE", 8]
+ };
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._tifftags = {
+ /* A. Tags relating to image data structure */
+ 256 : ["Image width", "ImageWidth"],
+ 257 : ["Image height", "ImageLength"],
+ 258 : ["Number of bits per component", "BitsPerSample"],
+ 259 : ["Compression scheme", "Compression",
+ {1 : "uncompressed", 6 : "JPEG compression" }],
+ 262 : ["Pixel composition", "PhotmetricInerpretation",
+ {2 : "RGB", 6 : "YCbCr"}],
+ 274 : ["Orientation of image", "Orientation",
+ /* FIXME: Check the mirror-image / reverse encoding and rotation */
+ {1 : "Normal", 2 : "Reverse?",
+ 3 : "Upside-down", 4 : "Upside-down Reverse",
+ 5 : "90 degree CW", 6 : "90 degree CW reverse",
+ 7 : "90 degree CCW", 8 : "90 degree CCW reverse"}],
+ 277 : ["Number of components", "SamplesPerPixel"],
+ 284 : ["Image data arrangement", "PlanarConfiguration",
+ {1 : "chunky format", 2 : "planar format"}],
+ 530 : ["Subsampling ratio of Y to C", "YCbCrSubSampling"],
+ 531 : ["Y and C positioning", "YCbCrPositioning",
+ {1 : "centered", 2 : "co-sited"}],
+ 282 : ["X Resolution", "XResolution"],
+ 283 : ["Y Resolution", "YResolution"],
+ 296 : ["Resolution Unit", "ResolutionUnit",
+ {2 : "inches", 3 : "centimeters"}],
+ /* B. Tags realting to recording offset */
+ 273 : ["Image data location", "StripOffsets"],
+ 278 : ["Number of rows per strip", "RowsPerStrip"],
+ 279 : ["Bytes per compressed strip", "StripByteCounts"],
+ 513 : ["Offset to JPEG SOI", "JPEGInterchangeFormat"],
+ 514 : ["Bytes of JPEG Data", "JPEGInterchangeFormatLength"],
+ /* C. Tags relating to image data characteristics */
+ 301 : ["Transfer function", "TransferFunction"],
+ 318 : ["White point chromaticity", "WhitePoint"],
+ 319 : ["Chromaticities of primaries", "PrimaryChromaticities"],
+ 529 : ["Color space transformation matrix coefficients", "YCbCrCoefficients"],
+ 532 : ["Pair of black and white reference values", "ReferenceBlackWhite"],
+ /* D. Other tags */
+ 306 : ["Date and time", "DateTime"],
+ 270 : ["Image title", "ImageDescription"],
+ 271 : ["Make", "Make"],
+ 272 : ["Model", "Model"],
+ 305 : ["Software", "Software"],
+ 315 : ["Person who created the image", "Artist"],
+ 316 : ["Host Computer", "HostComputer"],
+ 33432 : ["Copyright holder", "Copyright"],
+ 34665 : ["Exif tag", "ExifIfdPointer"],
+ 34853 : ["GPS tag", "GPSInfoIfdPointer"]
+ };
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._exiftags = {
+ /* Tag Support Levels (2) - 0th IFX Exif Private Tags */
+ /* A. Tags Relating to Version */
+ 36864 : ["Exif Version", "ExifVersion"],
+ 40960 : ["FlashPix Version", "FlashpixVersion"],
+ /* B. Tag Relating to Image Data Characteristics */
+ 40961 : ["Color Space", "ColorSpace"],
+ /* C. Tags Relating to Image Configuration */
+ 37121 : ["Meaning of each component", "ComponentsConfiguration"],
+ 37122 : ["Compressed Bits Per Pixel", "CompressedBitsPerPixel"],
+ 40962 : ["Pixel X Dimension", "PixelXDimension"],
+ 40963 : ["Pixel Y Dimension", "PixelYDimension"],
+ /* D. Tags Relating to User Information */
+ 37500 : ["Manufacturer notes", "MakerNote"],
+ 37510 : ["User comments", "UserComment"],
+ /* E. Tag Relating to Related File Information */
+ 40964 : ["Related audio file", "RelatedSoundFile"],
+ /* F. Tags Relating to Date and Time */
+ 36867 : ["Date Time Original", "DateTimeOriginal"],
+ 36868 : ["Date Time Digitized", "DateTimeDigitized"],
+ 37520 : ["DateTime subseconds", "SubSecTime"],
+ 37521 : ["DateTimeOriginal subseconds", "SubSecTimeOriginal"],
+ 37522 : ["DateTimeDigitized subseconds", "SubSecTimeDigitized"],
+ /* G. Tags Relating to Picture-Taking Conditions */
+ 33434 : ["Exposure time", "ExposureTime"],
+ 33437 : ["FNumber", "FNumber"],
+ 34850 : ["Exposure program", "ExposureProgram"],
+ 34852 : ["Spectral sensitivity", "SpectralSensitivity"],
+ 34855 : ["ISO Speed Ratings", "ISOSpeedRatings"],
+ 34856 : ["Optoelectric coefficient", "OECF"],
+ 37377 : ["Shutter Speed", "ShutterSpeedValue"],
+ 37378 : ["Aperture Value", "ApertureValue"],
+ 37379 : ["Brightness", "BrightnessValue"],
+ 37380 : ["Exposure Bias Value", "ExposureBiasValue"],
+ 37381 : ["Max Aperture Value", "MaxApertureValue"],
+ 37382 : ["Subject Distance", "SubjectDistance"],
+ 37383 : ["Metering Mode", "MeteringMode"],
+ 37384 : ["Light Source", "LightSource"],
+ 37385 : ["Flash", "Flash"],
+ 37386 : ["Focal Length", "FocalLength"],
+ 37396 : ["Subject Area", "SubjectArea"],
+ 41483 : ["Flash Energy", "FlashEnergy"],
+ 41484 : ["Spatial Frequency Response", "SpatialFrequencyResponse"],
+ 41486 : ["Focal Plane X Resolution", "FocalPlaneXResolution"],
+ 41487 : ["Focal Plane Y Resolution", "FocalPlaneYResolution"],
+ 41488 : ["Focal Plane Resolution Unit", "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit"],
+ 41492 : ["Subject Location", "SubjectLocation"],
+ 41493 : ["Exposure Index", "ExposureIndex"],
+ 41495 : ["Sensing Method", "SensingMethod"],
+ 41728 : ["File Source", "FileSource"],
+ 41729 : ["Scene Type", "SceneType"],
+ 41730 : ["CFA Pattern", "CFAPattern"],
+ 41985 : ["Custom Rendered", "CustomRendered"],
+ 41986 : ["Exposure Mode", "Exposure Mode"],
+ 41987 : ["White Balance", "WhiteBalance"],
+ 41988 : ["Digital Zoom Ratio", "DigitalZoomRatio"],
+ 41990 : ["Scene Capture Type", "SceneCaptureType"],
+ 41991 : ["Gain Control", "GainControl"],
+ 41992 : ["Contrast", "Contrast"],
+ 41993 : ["Saturation", "Saturation"],
+ 41994 : ["Sharpness", "Sharpness"],
+ 41995 : ["Device settings description", "DeviceSettingDescription"],
+ 41996 : ["Subject distance range", "SubjectDistanceRange"],
+ /* H. Other Tags */
+ 42016 : ["Unique image ID", "ImageUniqueID"],
+ 40965 : ["Interoperability tag", "InteroperabilityIFDPointer"]
+ };
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._gpstags = {
+ /* A. Tags Relating to GPS */
+ 0 : ["GPS tag version", "GPSVersionID"],
+ 1 : ["North or South Latitude", "GPSLatitudeRef"],
+ 2 : ["Latitude", "GPSLatitude"],
+ 3 : ["East or West Longitude", "GPSLongitudeRef"],
+ 4 : ["Longitude", "GPSLongitude"],
+ 5 : ["Altitude reference", "GPSAltitudeRef"],
+ 6 : ["Altitude", "GPSAltitude"],
+ 7 : ["GPS time (atomic clock)", "GPSTimeStamp"],
+ 8 : ["GPS satellites usedd for measurement", "GPSSatellites"],
+ 9 : ["GPS receiver status", "GPSStatus"],
+ 10 : ["GPS mesaurement mode", "GPSMeasureMode"],
+ 11 : ["Measurement precision", "GPSDOP"],
+ 12 : ["Speed unit", "GPSSpeedRef"],
+ 13 : ["Speed of GPS receiver", "GPSSpeed"],
+ 14 : ["Reference for direction of movement", "GPSTrackRef"],
+ 15 : ["Direction of movement", "GPSTrack"],
+ 16 : ["Reference for direction of image", "GPSImgDirectionRef"],
+ 17 : ["Direction of image", "GPSImgDirection"],
+ 18 : ["Geodetic survey data used", "GPSMapDatum"],
+ 19 : ["Reference for latitude of destination", "GPSDestLatitudeRef"],
+ 20 : ["Latitude of destination", "GPSDestLatitude"],
+ 21 : ["Reference for longitude of destination", "GPSDestLongitudeRef"],
+ 22 : ["Longitude of destination", "GPSDestLongitude"],
+ 23 : ["Reference for bearing of destination", "GPSDestBearingRef"],
+ 24 : ["Bearing of destination", "GPSDestBearing"],
+ 25 : ["Reference for distance to destination", "GPSDestDistanceRef"],
+ 26 : ["Distance to destination", "GPSDestDistance"],
+ 27 : ["Name of GPS processing method", "GPSProcessingMethod"],
+ 28 : ["Name of GPS area", "GPSAreaInformation"],
+ 29 : ["GPS Date", "GPSDateStamp"],
+ 30 : ["GPS differential correction", "GPSDifferential"]
+ };
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._markers = {
+ /* Start Of Frame markers, non-differential, Huffman coding */
+ 0xc0: ["SOF0", "_sofHandler", "Baseline DCT"],
+ 0xc1: ["SOF1", "_sofHandler", "Extended sequential DCT"],
+ 0xc2: ["SOF2", "_sofHandler", "Progressive DCT"],
+ 0xc3: ["SOF3", "_sofHandler", "Lossless (sequential)"],
+ /* Start Of Frame markers, differential, Huffman coding */
+ 0xc5: ["SOF5", "_sofHandler", "Differential sequential DCT"],
+ 0xc6: ["SOF6", "_sofHandler", "Differential progressive DCT"],
+ 0xc7: ["SOF7", "_sofHandler", "Differential lossless (sequential)"],
+ /* Start Of Frame markers, non-differential, arithmetic coding */
+ 0xc8: ["JPG", null, "Reserved for JPEG extensions"],
+ 0xc9: ["SOF9", "_sofHandler", "Extended sequential DCT"],
+ 0xca: ["SOF10", "_sofHandler", "Progressive DCT"],
+ 0xcb: ["SOF11", "_sofHandler", "Lossless (sequential)"],
+ /* Start Of Frame markers, differential, arithmetic coding */
+ 0xcd: ["SOF13", "_sofHandler", "Differential sequential DCT"],
+ 0xce: ["SOF14", "_sofHandler", "Differential progressive DCT"],
+ 0xcf: ["SOF15", "_sofHandler", "Differential lossless (sequential)"],
+ /* Huffman table specification */
+ 0xc4: ["DHT", null, "Define Huffman table(s)"],
+ 0xcc: ["DAC", null, "Define arithmetic coding conditioning(s)"],
+ /* Restart interval termination" */
+ 0xd0: ["RST0", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “0”"],
+ 0xd1: ["RST1", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “1”"],
+ 0xd2: ["RST2", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “2”"],
+ 0xd3: ["RST3", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “3”"],
+ 0xd4: ["RST4", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “4”"],
+ 0xd5: ["RST5", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “5”"],
+ 0xd6: ["RST6", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “6”"],
+ 0xd7: ["RST7", null, "Restart with modulo 8 count “7”"],
+ /* Other markers */
+ 0xd8: ["SOI", null, "Start of image"],
+ 0xd9: ["EOI", null, "End of image"],
+ 0xda: ["SOS", null, "Start of scan"],
+ 0xdb: ["DQT", null, "Define quantization table(s)"],
+ 0xdc: ["DNL", null, "Define number of lines"],
+ 0xdd: ["DRI", null, "Define restart interval"],
+ 0xde: ["DHP", null, "Define hierarchical progression"],
+ 0xdf: ["EXP", null, "Expand reference component(s)"],
+ 0xe0: ["APP0", "_app0Handler", "Reserved for application segments"],
+ 0xe1: ["APP1", "_app1Handler"],
+ 0xe2: ["APP2", null],
+ 0xe3: ["APP3", null],
+ 0xe4: ["APP4", null],
+ 0xe5: ["APP5", null],
+ 0xe6: ["APP6", null],
+ 0xe7: ["APP7", null],
+ 0xe8: ["APP8", null],
+ 0xe9: ["APP9", null],
+ 0xea: ["APP10", null],
+ 0xeb: ["APP11", null],
+ 0xec: ["APP12", null],
+ 0xed: ["APP13", null],
+ 0xee: ["APP14", null],
+ 0xef: ["APP15", null],
+ 0xf0: ["JPG0", null], /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
+ 0xf1: ["JPG1", null],
+ 0xf2: ["JPG2", null],
+ 0xf3: ["JPG3", null],
+ 0xf4: ["JPG4", null],
+ 0xf5: ["JPG5", null],
+ 0xf6: ["JPG6", null],
+ 0xf7: ["JPG7", null],
+ 0xf8: ["JPG8", null],
+ 0xf9: ["JPG9", null],
+ 0xfa: ["JPG10", null],
+ 0xfb: ["JPG11", null],
+ 0xfc: ["JPG12", null],
+ 0xfd: ["JPG13", null],
+ 0xfe: ["COM", null], /* Comment */
+ /* Reserved markers */
+ 0x01: ["JPG13", null] /* For temporary private use in arithmetic coding */
+ /* 02 -> bf are reserverd */
+ };
+ /* Private methods */
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._addMetaGroup = function _addMetaGroup(name, description) {
+ var group = new JpegMeta.MetaGroup(name, description);
+ this[group.fieldName] = group;
+ this.metaGroups[group.fieldName] = group;
+ return group;
+ };
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._parseIfd = function _parseIfd(endian, _binary_data, base, ifd_offset, tags, name, description) {
+ var num_fields = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, base + ifd_offset, 2);
+ /* Per tag variables */
+ var i, j;
+ var tag_base;
+ var tag_field;
+ var type, type_field, type_size;
+ var num_values;
+ var value_offset;
+ var value;
+ var _val;
+ var num;
+ var den;
+ var group;
+ group = this._addMetaGroup(name, description);
+ for (var i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
+ /* parse the field */
+ tag_base = base + ifd_offset + 2 + (i * 12);
+ tag_field = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, tag_base, 2);
+ type_field = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, tag_base + 2, 2);
+ num_values = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, tag_base + 4, 4);
+ value_offset = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, tag_base + 8, 4);
+ if (this._types[type_field] === undefined) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ type = this._types[type_field][0];
+ type_size = this._types[type_field][1];
+ if (type_size * num_values <= 4) {
+ /* Data is in-line */
+ value_offset = tag_base + 8;
+ } else {
+ value_offset = base + value_offset;
+ }
+ /* Read the value */
+ if (type == "UNDEFINED") {
+ value = _binary_data.slice(value_offset, value_offset + num_values);
+ } else if (type == "ASCII") {
+ value = _binary_data.slice(value_offset, value_offset + num_values);
+ value = value.split('\x00')[0];
+ /* strip trail nul */
+ } else {
+ value = new Array();
+ for (j = 0; j < num_values; j++, value_offset += type_size) {
+ if (type == "BYTE" || type == "SHORT" || type == "LONG") {
+ value.push(JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, value_offset, type_size));
+ }
+ if (type == "SBYTE" || type == "SSHORT" || type == "SLONG") {
+ value.push(JpegMeta.parseSnum(endian, _binary_data, value_offset, type_size));
+ }
+ if (type == "RATIONAL") {
+ num = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, value_offset, 4);
+ den = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, _binary_data, value_offset + 4, 4);
+ value.push(new JpegMeta.Rational(num, den));
+ }
+ if (type == "SRATIONAL") {
+ num = JpegMeta.parseSnum(endian, _binary_data, value_offset, 4);
+ den = JpegMeta.parseSnum(endian, _binary_data, value_offset + 4, 4);
+ value.push(new JpegMeta.Rational(num, den));
+ }
+ value.push();
+ }
+ if (num_values === 1) {
+ value = value[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if (tags[tag_field] !== undefined) {
+ group._addProperty(tags[tag_field][1], tags[tag_field][0], value);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._jfifHandler = function _jfifHandler(mark, pos) {
+ if (this.jfif !== undefined) {
+ throw Error("Multiple JFIF segments found");
+ }
+ this._addMetaGroup("jfif", "JFIF");
+ this.jfif._addProperty("version_major", "Version Major", this._binary_data.charCodeAt(pos + 5));
+ this.jfif._addProperty("version_minor", "Version Minor", this._binary_data.charCodeAt(pos + 6));
+ this.jfif._addProperty("version", "JFIF Version", this.jfif.version_major.value + "." + this.jfif.version_minor.value);
+ this.jfif._addProperty("units", "Density Unit", this._binary_data.charCodeAt(pos + 7));
+ this.jfif._addProperty("Xdensity", "X density", JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos + 8, 2));
+ this.jfif._addProperty("Ydensity", "Y Density", JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos + 10, 2));
+ this.jfif._addProperty("Xthumbnail", "X Thumbnail", JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos + 12, 1));
+ this.jfif._addProperty("Ythumbnail", "Y Thumbnail", JpegMeta.parseNum(">", this._binary_data, pos + 13, 1));
+ };
+ /* Handle app0 segments */
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._app0Handler = function app0Handler(mark, pos) {
+ var ident = this._binary_data.slice(pos, pos + 5);
+ if (ident == this._JFIF_IDENT) {
+ this._jfifHandler(mark, pos);
+ } else if (ident == this._JFXX_IDENT) {
+ /* Don't handle JFXX Ident yet */
+ } else {
+ /* Don't know about other idents */
+ }
+ };
+ /* Handle app1 segments */
+ this.JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._app1Handler = function _app1Handler(mark, pos) {
+ var ident = this._binary_data.slice(pos, pos + 5);
+ if (ident == this._EXIF_IDENT) {
+ this._exifHandler(mark, pos + 6);
+ } else {
+ /* Don't know about other idents */
+ }
+ };
+ /* Handle exif segments */
+ JpegMeta.JpegFile.prototype._exifHandler = function _exifHandler(mark, pos) {
+ if (this.exif !== undefined) {
+ throw new Error("Multiple JFIF segments found");
+ }
+ /* Parse this TIFF header */
+ var endian;
+ var magic_field;
+ var ifd_offset;
+ var primary_ifd, exif_ifd, gps_ifd;
+ var endian_field = this._binary_data.slice(pos, pos + 2);
+ /* Trivia: This 'I' is for Intel, the 'M' is for Motorola */
+ if (endian_field === "II") {
+ endian = "<";
+ } else if (endian_field === "MM") {
+ endian = ">";
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Malformed TIFF meta-data. Unknown endianess: " + endian_field);
+ }
+ magic_field = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, this._binary_data, pos + 2, 2);
+ if (magic_field !== 42) {
+ throw new Error("Malformed TIFF meta-data. Bad magic: " + magic_field);
+ }
+ ifd_offset = JpegMeta.parseNum(endian, this._binary_data, pos + 4, 4);
+ /* Parse 0th IFD */
+ this._parseIfd(endian, this._binary_data, pos, ifd_offset, this._tifftags, "tiff", "TIFF");
+ if (this.tiff.ExifIfdPointer) {
+ this._parseIfd(endian, this._binary_data, pos, this.tiff.ExifIfdPointer.value, this._exiftags, "exif", "Exif");
+ }
+ if (this.tiff.GPSInfoIfdPointer) {
+ this._parseIfd(endian, this._binary_data, pos, this.tiff.GPSInfoIfdPointer.value, this._gpstags, "gps", "GPS");
+ if (this.gps.GPSLatitude) {
+ var latitude;
+ latitude = this.gps.GPSLatitude.value[0].asFloat() +
+ (1 / 60) * this.gps.GPSLatitude.value[1].asFloat() +
+ (1 / 3600) * this.gps.GPSLatitude.value[2].asFloat();
+ if (this.gps.GPSLatitudeRef.value === "S") {
+ latitude = -latitude;
+ }
+ this.gps._addProperty("latitude", "Dec. Latitude", latitude);
+ }
+ if (this.gps.GPSLongitude) {
+ var longitude;
+ longitude = this.gps.GPSLongitude.value[0].asFloat() +
+ (1 / 60) * this.gps.GPSLongitude.value[1].asFloat() +
+ (1 / 3600) * this.gps.GPSLongitude.value[2].asFloat();
+ if (this.gps.GPSLongitudeRef.value === "W") {
+ longitude = -longitude;
+ }
+ this.gps._addProperty("longitude", "Dec. Longitude", longitude);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // MediaWiki: Add mw.libs wrapper
+ mw.libs.jpegmeta = function( fileReaderResult, fileName ) {
+ return new JpegMeta.JpegFile( fileReaderResult, fileName );
+ };
+}() );