path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/parser
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/parser')
8 files changed, 1654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/MagicVariableTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/MagicVariableTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfcdafde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/MagicVariableTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ * This file is intended to test magic variables in the parser
+ * It was inspired by Raymond & Matěj Grabovský commenting about r66200
+ *
+ * As of february 2011, it only tests some revisions and date related
+ * magic variables.
+ *
+ * @author Antoine Musso
+ * @copyright Copyright © 2011, Antoine Musso
+ * @file
+ */
+/** */
+class MagicVariableTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /** Will contains a parser object*/
+ private $testParser = null;
+ /**
+ * An array of magicword returned as type integer by the parser
+ * They are usually returned as a string for i18n since we support
+ * persan numbers for example, but some magic explicitly return
+ * them as integer.
+ * @see MagicVariableTest::assertMagic()
+ */
+ private $expectedAsInteger = array(
+ 'revisionday',
+ 'revisionmonth1',
+ );
+ /** setup a basic parser object */
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $contLang = Language::factory( 'en' );
+ $this->setMwGlobals( array(
+ 'wgLanguageCode' => 'en',
+ 'wgContLang' => $contLang,
+ ) );
+ $this->testParser = new Parser();
+ $this->testParser->Options( ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $contLang ) );
+ # initialize parser output
+ $this->testParser->clearState();
+ # Needs a title to do magic word stuff
+ $title = Title::newFromText( 'Tests' );
+ $title->mRedirect = false; # Else it needs a db connection just to check if it's a redirect (when deciding the page language)
+ $this->testParser->setTitle( $title );
+ }
+ /** destroy parser (TODO: is it really neded?)*/
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ unset( $this->testParser );
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ ############### TESTS #############################################
+ # @todo FIXME:
+ # - those got copy pasted, we can probably make them cleaner
+ # - tests are lacking useful messages
+ # day
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Days */
+ function testCurrentdayIsUnPadded( $day ) {
+ $this->assertUnPadded( 'currentday', $day );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Days */
+ function testCurrentdaytwoIsZeroPadded( $day ) {
+ $this->assertZeroPadded( 'currentday2', $day );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Days */
+ function testLocaldayIsUnPadded( $day ) {
+ $this->assertUnPadded( 'localday', $day );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Days */
+ function testLocaldaytwoIsZeroPadded( $day ) {
+ $this->assertZeroPadded( 'localday2', $day );
+ }
+ # month
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Months */
+ function testCurrentmonthIsZeroPadded( $month ) {
+ $this->assertZeroPadded( 'currentmonth', $month );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Months */
+ function testCurrentmonthoneIsUnPadded( $month ) {
+ $this->assertUnPadded( 'currentmonth1', $month );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Months */
+ function testLocalmonthIsZeroPadded( $month ) {
+ $this->assertZeroPadded( 'localmonth', $month );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Months */
+ function testLocalmonthoneIsUnPadded( $month ) {
+ $this->assertUnPadded( 'localmonth1', $month );
+ }
+ # revision day
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Days */
+ function testRevisiondayIsUnPadded( $day ) {
+ $this->assertUnPadded( 'revisionday', $day );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Days */
+ function testRevisiondaytwoIsZeroPadded( $day ) {
+ $this->assertZeroPadded( 'revisionday2', $day );
+ }
+ # revision month
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Months */
+ function testRevisionmonthIsZeroPadded( $month ) {
+ $this->assertZeroPadded( 'revisionmonth', $month );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider MediaWikiProvide::Months */
+ function testRevisionmonthoneIsUnPadded( $month ) {
+ $this->assertUnPadded( 'revisionmonth1', $month );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Rough tests for {{SERVERNAME}} magic word
+ * Bug 31176
+ */
+ function testServernameFromDifferentProtocols() {
+ global $wgServer;
+ $saved_wgServer = $wgServer;
+ $wgServer = 'http://localhost/';
+ $this->assertMagic( 'localhost', 'servername' );
+ $wgServer = 'https://localhost/';
+ $this->assertMagic( 'localhost', 'servername' );
+ $wgServer = '//localhost/'; # bug 31176
+ $this->assertMagic( 'localhost', 'servername' );
+ $wgServer = $saved_wgServer;
+ }
+ ############### HELPERS ############################################
+ /** assertion helper expecting a magic output which is zero padded */
+ PUBLIC function assertZeroPadded( $magic, $value ) {
+ $this->assertMagicPadding( $magic, $value, '%02d' );
+ }
+ /** assertion helper expecting a magic output which is unpadded */
+ PUBLIC function assertUnPadded( $magic, $value ) {
+ $this->assertMagicPadding( $magic, $value, '%d' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main assertion helper for magic variables padding
+ * @param $magic string Magic variable name
+ * @param $value mixed Month or day
+ * @param $format string sprintf format for $value
+ */
+ private function assertMagicPadding( $magic, $value, $format ) {
+ # Initialize parser timestamp as year 2010 at 12h34 56s.
+ # month and day are given by the caller ($value). Month < 12!
+ if ( $value > 12 ) {
+ $month = $value % 12;
+ } else {
+ $month = $value;
+ }
+ $this->setParserTS(
+ sprintf( '2010%02d%02d123456', $month, $value )
+ );
+ # please keep the following commented line of code. It helps debugging.
+ //print "\nDEBUG (value $value):" . sprintf( '2010%02d%02d123456', $value, $value ) . "\n";
+ # format expectation and test it
+ $expected = sprintf( $format, $value );
+ $this->assertMagic( $expected, $magic );
+ }
+ /** helper to set the parser timestamp and revision timestamp */
+ private function setParserTS( $ts ) {
+ $this->testParser->Options()->setTimestamp( $ts );
+ $this->testParser->mRevisionTimestamp = $ts;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assertion helper to test a magic variable output
+ */
+ private function assertMagic( $expected, $magic ) {
+ if ( in_array( $magic, $this->expectedAsInteger ) ) {
+ $expected = (int)$expected;
+ }
+ # Generate a message for the assertion
+ $msg = sprintf( "Magic %s should be <%s:%s>",
+ $magic,
+ $expected,
+ gettype( $expected )
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ $expected,
+ $this->testParser->getVariableValue( $magic ),
+ $msg
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/MediaWikiParserTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/MediaWikiParserTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..067a7c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/MediaWikiParserTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+require_once( __DIR__ . '/NewParserTest.php' );
+ * The UnitTest must be either a class that inherits from MediaWikiTestCase
+ * or a class that provides a public static suite() method which returns
+ * an PHPUnit_Framework_Test object
+ *
+ * @group Parser
+ * @group Database
+ */
+class MediaWikiParserTest {
+ public static function suite() {
+ global $wgParserTestFiles;
+ $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite;
+ foreach ( $wgParserTestFiles as $filename ) {
+ $testsName = basename( $filename, '.txt' );
+ /* This used to be ucfirst( basename( dirname( $filename ) ) )
+ * and then was ucfirst( basename( $filename, '.txt' )
+ * but that didn't work with names like foo.tests.txt
+ */
+ $className = str_replace( '.', '_', ucfirst( $testsName ) );
+ eval( "/** @group Database\n@group Parser\n*/ class $className extends NewParserTest { protected \$file = '" . strtr( $filename, array( "'" => "\\'", '\\' => '\\\\' ) ) . "'; } " );
+ $parserTester = new $className( $testsName );
+ $suite->addTestSuite( new ReflectionClass ( $parserTester ) );
+ }
+ return $suite;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf6931a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/NewParserTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+ * Although marked as a stub, can work independently.
+ *
+ * @group Database
+ * @group Parser
+ * @group Stub
+ */
+class NewParserTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ static protected $articles = array(); // Array of test articles defined by the tests
+ /* The data provider is run on a different instance than the test, so it must be static
+ * When running tests from several files, all tests will see all articles.
+ */
+ static protected $backendToUse;
+ public $keepUploads = false;
+ public $runDisabled = false;
+ public $runParsoid = false;
+ public $regex = '';
+ public $showProgress = true;
+ public $savedInitialGlobals = array();
+ public $savedWeirdGlobals = array();
+ public $savedGlobals = array();
+ public $hooks = array();
+ public $functionHooks = array();
+ //Fuzz test
+ public $maxFuzzTestLength = 300;
+ public $fuzzSeed = 0;
+ public $memoryLimit = 50;
+ protected $file = false;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ global $wgNamespaceProtection, $wgNamespaceAliases;
+ global $wgHooks, $IP;
+ parent::setUp();
+ //Setup CLI arguments
+ if ( $this->getCliArg( 'regex=' ) ) {
+ $this->regex = $this->getCliArg( 'regex=' );
+ } else {
+ # Matches anything
+ $this->regex = '';
+ }
+ $this->keepUploads = $this->getCliArg( 'keep-uploads' );
+ $tmpGlobals = array();
+ $tmpGlobals['wgLanguageCode'] = 'en';
+ $tmpGlobals['wgContLang'] = Language::factory( 'en' );
+ $tmpGlobals['wgScript'] = '/index.php';
+ $tmpGlobals['wgScriptPath'] = '/';
+ $tmpGlobals['wgArticlePath'] = '/wiki/$1';
+ $tmpGlobals['wgStyleSheetPath'] = '/skins';
+ $tmpGlobals['wgStylePath'] = '/skins';
+ $tmpGlobals['wgThumbnailScriptPath'] = false;
+ $tmpGlobals['wgLocalFileRepo'] = array(
+ 'class' => 'LocalRepo',
+ 'name' => 'local',
+ 'url' => '',
+ 'hashLevels' => 2,
+ 'transformVia404' => false,
+ 'backend' => 'local-backend'
+ );
+ $tmpGlobals['wgForeignFileRepos'] = array();
+ $tmpGlobals['wgEnableParserCache'] = false;
+ $tmpGlobals['wgHooks'] = $wgHooks;
+ $tmpGlobals['wgDeferredUpdateList'] = array();
+ $tmpGlobals['wgMemc'] = wfGetMainCache();
+ $tmpGlobals['messageMemc'] = wfGetMessageCacheStorage();
+ $tmpGlobals['parserMemc'] = wfGetParserCacheStorage();
+ // $tmpGlobals['wgContLang'] = new StubContLang;
+ $tmpGlobals['wgUser'] = new User;
+ $context = new RequestContext();
+ $tmpGlobals['wgLang'] = $context->getLanguage();
+ $tmpGlobals['wgOut'] = $context->getOutput();
+ $tmpGlobals['wgParser'] = new StubObject( 'wgParser', $GLOBALS['wgParserConf']['class'], array( $GLOBALS['wgParserConf'] ) );
+ $tmpGlobals['wgRequest'] = $context->getRequest();
+ if ( $GLOBALS['wgStyleDirectory'] === false ) {
+ $tmpGlobals['wgStyleDirectory'] = "$IP/skins";
+ }
+ foreach ( $tmpGlobals as $var => $val ) {
+ if ( array_key_exists( $var, $GLOBALS ) ) {
+ $this->savedInitialGlobals[$var] = $GLOBALS[$var];
+ }
+ $GLOBALS[$var] = $val;
+ }
+ $this->savedWeirdGlobals['mw_namespace_protection'] = $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI];
+ $this->savedWeirdGlobals['image_alias'] = $wgNamespaceAliases['Image'];
+ $this->savedWeirdGlobals['image_talk_alias'] = $wgNamespaceAliases['Image_talk'];
+ $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI] = 'editinterface';
+ $wgNamespaceAliases['Image'] = NS_FILE;
+ $wgNamespaceAliases['Image_talk'] = NS_FILE_TALK;
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ foreach ( $this->savedInitialGlobals as $var => $val ) {
+ $GLOBALS[$var] = $val;
+ }
+ global $wgNamespaceProtection, $wgNamespaceAliases;
+ $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_MEDIAWIKI] = $this->savedWeirdGlobals['mw_namespace_protection'];
+ $wgNamespaceAliases['Image'] = $this->savedWeirdGlobals['image_alias'];
+ $wgNamespaceAliases['Image_talk'] = $this->savedWeirdGlobals['image_talk_alias'];
+ // Restore backends
+ RepoGroup::destroySingleton();
+ FileBackendGroup::destroySingleton();
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ function addDBData() {
+ $this->tablesUsed[] = 'site_stats';
+ $this->tablesUsed[] = 'interwiki';
+ # disabled for performance
+ #$this->tablesUsed[] = 'image';
+ # Hack: insert a few Wikipedia in-project interwiki prefixes,
+ # for testing inter-language links
+ $this->db->insert( 'interwiki', array(
+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'wikipedia',
+ 'iw_url' => '$1',
+ 'iw_api' => '',
+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
+ 'iw_local' => 0 ),
+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'meatball',
+ 'iw_url' => '$1',
+ 'iw_api' => '',
+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
+ 'iw_local' => 0 ),
+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'zh',
+ 'iw_url' => '$1',
+ 'iw_api' => '',
+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'es',
+ 'iw_url' => '$1',
+ 'iw_api' => '',
+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'fr',
+ 'iw_url' => '$1',
+ 'iw_api' => '',
+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
+ array( 'iw_prefix' => 'ru',
+ 'iw_url' => '$1',
+ 'iw_api' => '',
+ 'iw_wikiid' => '',
+ 'iw_local' => 1 ),
+ /**
+ * @todo Fixme! Why are we inserting duplicate data here? Shouldn't
+ * need this IGNORE or shouldn't need the insert at all.
+ */
+ ), __METHOD__, array( 'IGNORE' )
+ );
+ # Update certain things in site_stats
+ $this->db->insert( 'site_stats',
+ array( 'ss_row_id' => 1, 'ss_images' => 2, 'ss_good_articles' => 1 ),
+ __METHOD__
+ );
+ # Reinitialise the LocalisationCache to match the database state
+ Language::getLocalisationCache()->unloadAll();
+ # Clear the message cache
+ MessageCache::singleton()->clear();
+ $user = User::newFromId( 0 );
+ LinkCache::singleton()->clear(); # Avoids the odd failure at creating the nullRevision
+ # Upload DB table entries for files.
+ # We will upload the actual files later. Note that if anything causes LocalFile::load()
+ # to be triggered before then, it will break via maybeUpgrade() setting the fileExists
+ # member to false and storing it in cache.
+ $image = wfLocalFile( Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, 'Foobar.jpg' ) );
+ if ( !$this->db->selectField( 'image', '1', array( 'img_name' => $image->getName() ) ) ) {
+ $image->recordUpload2(
+ '', // archive name
+ 'Upload of some lame file',
+ 'Some lame file',
+ array(
+ 'size' => 12345,
+ 'width' => 1941,
+ 'height' => 220,
+ 'bits' => 24,
+ 'media_type' => MEDIATYPE_BITMAP,
+ 'mime' => 'image/jpeg',
+ 'metadata' => serialize( array() ),
+ 'sha1' => wfBaseConvert( '', 16, 36, 31 ),
+ 'fileExists' => true ),
+ $this->db->timestamp( '20010115123500' ), $user
+ );
+ }
+ # This image will be blacklisted in [[MediaWiki:Bad image list]]
+ $image = wfLocalFile( Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, 'Bad.jpg' ) );
+ if ( !$this->db->selectField( 'image', '1', array( 'img_name' => $image->getName() ) ) ) {
+ $image->recordUpload2(
+ '', // archive name
+ 'zomgnotcensored',
+ 'Borderline image',
+ array(
+ 'size' => 12345,
+ 'width' => 320,
+ 'height' => 240,
+ 'bits' => 24,
+ 'media_type' => MEDIATYPE_BITMAP,
+ 'mime' => 'image/jpeg',
+ 'metadata' => serialize( array() ),
+ 'sha1' => wfBaseConvert( '', 16, 36, 31 ),
+ 'fileExists' => true ),
+ $this->db->timestamp( '20010115123500' ), $user
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ //ParserTest setup/teardown functions
+ /**
+ * Set up the global variables for a consistent environment for each test.
+ * Ideally this should replace the global configuration entirely.
+ */
+ protected function setupGlobals( $opts = array(), $config = '' ) {
+ global $wgFileBackends;
+ # Find out values for some special options.
+ $lang =
+ self::getOptionValue( 'language', $opts, 'en' );
+ $variant =
+ self::getOptionValue( 'variant', $opts, false );
+ $maxtoclevel =
+ self::getOptionValue( 'wgMaxTocLevel', $opts, 999 );
+ $linkHolderBatchSize =
+ self::getOptionValue( 'wgLinkHolderBatchSize', $opts, 1000 );
+ $uploadDir = $this->getUploadDir();
+ if ( $this->getCliArg( 'use-filebackend=' ) ) {
+ if ( self::$backendToUse ) {
+ $backend = self::$backendToUse;
+ } else {
+ $name = $this->getCliArg( 'use-filebackend=' );
+ $useConfig = array();
+ foreach ( $wgFileBackends as $conf ) {
+ if ( $conf['name'] == $name ) {
+ $useConfig = $conf;
+ }
+ }
+ $useConfig['name'] = 'local-backend'; // swap name
+ $class = $conf['class'];
+ self::$backendToUse = new $class( $useConfig );
+ $backend = self::$backendToUse;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $backend = new FSFileBackend( array(
+ 'name' => 'local-backend',
+ 'lockManager' => 'nullLockManager',
+ 'containerPaths' => array(
+ 'local-public' => "$uploadDir",
+ 'local-thumb' => "$uploadDir/thumb",
+ )
+ ) );
+ }
+ $settings = array(
+ 'wgServer' => '',
+ 'wgScript' => '/index.php',
+ 'wgScriptPath' => '/',
+ 'wgArticlePath' => '/wiki/$1',
+ 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' => '/extensions',
+ 'wgActionPaths' => array(),
+ 'wgLocalFileRepo' => array(
+ 'class' => 'LocalRepo',
+ 'name' => 'local',
+ 'url' => '',
+ 'hashLevels' => 2,
+ 'transformVia404' => false,
+ 'backend' => $backend
+ ),
+ 'wgEnableUploads' => self::getOptionValue( 'wgEnableUploads', $opts, true ),
+ 'wgStylePath' => '/skins',
+ 'wgStyleSheetPath' => '/skins',
+ 'wgSitename' => 'MediaWiki',
+ 'wgLanguageCode' => $lang,
+ 'wgDBprefix' => $this->db->getType() != 'oracle' ? 'unittest_' : 'ut_',
+ 'wgRawHtml' => isset( $opts['rawhtml'] ),
+ 'wgLang' => null,
+ 'wgContLang' => null,
+ 'wgNamespacesWithSubpages' => array( NS_MAIN => isset( $opts['subpage'] ) ),
+ 'wgMaxTocLevel' => $maxtoclevel,
+ 'wgCapitalLinks' => true,
+ 'wgNoFollowLinks' => true,
+ 'wgNoFollowDomainExceptions' => array(),
+ 'wgThumbnailScriptPath' => false,
+ 'wgUseImageResize' => true,
+ 'wgUseTeX' => isset( $opts['math'] ),
+ 'wgMathDirectory' => $uploadDir . '/math',
+ 'wgLocaltimezone' => 'UTC',
+ 'wgAllowExternalImages' => true,
+ 'wgUseTidy' => false,
+ 'wgDefaultLanguageVariant' => $variant,
+ 'wgVariantArticlePath' => false,
+ 'wgGroupPermissions' => array( '*' => array(
+ 'createaccount' => true,
+ 'read' => true,
+ 'edit' => true,
+ 'createpage' => true,
+ 'createtalk' => true,
+ ) ),
+ 'wgNamespaceProtection' => array( NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'editinterface' ),
+ 'wgDefaultExternalStore' => array(),
+ 'wgForeignFileRepos' => array(),
+ 'wgLinkHolderBatchSize' => $linkHolderBatchSize,
+ 'wgExperimentalHtmlIds' => false,
+ 'wgExternalLinkTarget' => false,
+ 'wgAlwaysUseTidy' => false,
+ 'wgHtml5' => true,
+ 'wgWellFormedXml' => true,
+ 'wgAllowMicrodataAttributes' => true,
+ 'wgAdaptiveMessageCache' => true,
+ 'wgUseDatabaseMessages' => true,
+ );
+ if ( $config ) {
+ $configLines = explode( "\n", $config );
+ foreach ( $configLines as $line ) {
+ list( $var, $value ) = explode( '=', $line, 2 );
+ $settings[$var] = eval( "return $value;" ); //???
+ }
+ }
+ $this->savedGlobals = array();
+ /** @since 1.20 */
+ wfRunHooks( 'ParserTestGlobals', array( &$settings ) );
+ foreach ( $settings as $var => $val ) {
+ if ( array_key_exists( $var, $GLOBALS ) ) {
+ $this->savedGlobals[$var] = $GLOBALS[$var];
+ }
+ $GLOBALS[$var] = $val;
+ }
+ $langObj = Language::factory( $lang );
+ $GLOBALS['wgContLang'] = $langObj;
+ $context = new RequestContext();
+ $GLOBALS['wgLang'] = $context->getLanguage();
+ $GLOBALS['wgMemc'] = new EmptyBagOStuff;
+ $GLOBALS['wgOut'] = $context->getOutput();
+ $GLOBALS['wgUser'] = $context->getUser();
+ global $wgHooks;
+ $wgHooks['ParserTestParser'][] = 'ParserTestParserHook::setup';
+ $wgHooks['ParserGetVariableValueTs'][] = 'ParserTest::getFakeTimestamp';
+ MagicWord::clearCache();
+ RepoGroup::destroySingleton();
+ FileBackendGroup::destroySingleton();
+ # Create dummy files in storage
+ $this->setupUploads();
+ # Publish the articles after we have the final language set
+ $this->publishTestArticles();
+ # The entries saved into RepoGroup cache with previous globals will be wrong.
+ RepoGroup::destroySingleton();
+ FileBackendGroup::destroySingleton();
+ MessageCache::destroyInstance();
+ return $context;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get an FS upload directory (only applies to FSFileBackend)
+ *
+ * @return String: the directory
+ */
+ protected function getUploadDir() {
+ if ( $this->keepUploads ) {
+ $dir = wfTempDir() . '/mwParser-images';
+ if ( is_dir( $dir ) ) {
+ return $dir;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dir = wfTempDir() . "/mwParser-" . mt_rand() . "-images";
+ }
+ // wfDebug( "Creating upload directory $dir\n" );
+ if ( file_exists( $dir ) ) {
+ wfDebug( "Already exists!\n" );
+ return $dir;
+ }
+ return $dir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a dummy uploads directory which will contain a couple
+ * of files in order to pass existence tests.
+ *
+ * @return String: the directory
+ */
+ protected function setupUploads() {
+ global $IP;
+ $base = $this->getBaseDir();
+ $backend = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo()->getBackend();
+ $backend->prepare( array( 'dir' => "$base/local-public/3/3a" ) );
+ $backend->store( array(
+ 'src' => "$IP/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg", 'dst' => "$base/local-public/3/3a/Foobar.jpg"
+ ) );
+ $backend->prepare( array( 'dir' => "$base/local-public/0/09" ) );
+ $backend->store( array(
+ 'src' => "$IP/skins/monobook/headbg.jpg", 'dst' => "$base/local-public/0/09/Bad.jpg"
+ ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restore default values and perform any necessary clean-up
+ * after each test runs.
+ */
+ protected function teardownGlobals() {
+ $this->teardownUploads();
+ foreach ( $this->savedGlobals as $var => $val ) {
+ $GLOBALS[$var] = $val;
+ }
+ RepoGroup::destroySingleton();
+ LinkCache::singleton()->clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove the dummy uploads directory
+ */
+ private function teardownUploads() {
+ if ( $this->keepUploads ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $base = $this->getBaseDir();
+ // delete the files first, then the dirs.
+ self::deleteFiles(
+ array(
+ "$base/local-public/3/3a/Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/180px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/200px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/640px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/120px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/1280px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/20px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/270px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/300px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/30px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/360px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/400px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/40px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/70px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/3/3a/Foobar.jpg/960px-Foobar.jpg",
+ "$base/local-public/0/09/Bad.jpg",
+ "$base/local-thumb/0/09/Bad.jpg",
+ "$base/local-public/math/f/a/5/fa50b8b616463173474302ca3e63586b.png",
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete the specified files, if they exist.
+ * @param $files Array: full paths to files to delete.
+ */
+ private static function deleteFiles( $files ) {
+ $backend = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo()->getBackend();
+ foreach ( $files as $file ) {
+ $backend->delete( array( 'src' => $file ), array( 'force' => 1 ) );
+ }
+ foreach ( $files as $file ) {
+ $tmp = $file;
+ while ( $tmp = FileBackend::parentStoragePath( $tmp ) ) {
+ if ( !$backend->clean( array( 'dir' => $tmp ) )->isOK() ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function getBaseDir() {
+ return 'mwstore://local-backend';
+ }
+ public function parserTestProvider() {
+ if ( $this->file === false ) {
+ global $wgParserTestFiles;
+ $this->file = $wgParserTestFiles[0];
+ }
+ return new TestFileIterator( $this->file, $this );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the file from whose tests will be run by this instance
+ */
+ public function setParserTestFile( $filename ) {
+ $this->file = $filename;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group medium
+ * @dataProvider parserTestProvider
+ */
+ public function testParserTest( $desc, $input, $result, $opts, $config ) {
+ if ( $this->regex != '' && !preg_match( '/' . $this->regex . '/', $desc ) ) {
+ $this->assertTrue( true ); // XXX: don't flood output with "test made no assertions"
+ //$this->markTestSkipped( 'Filtered out by the user' );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !$this->isWikitextNS( NS_MAIN ) ) {
+ // parser tests frequently assume that the main namespace contains wikitext.
+ // @todo: When setting up pages, force the content model. Only skip if
+ // $wgtContentModelUseDB is false.
+ $this->markTestSkipped( "Main namespace does not support wikitext,"
+ . "skipping parser test: $desc" );
+ }
+ wfDebug( "Running parser test: $desc\n" );
+ $opts = $this->parseOptions( $opts );
+ $context = $this->setupGlobals( $opts, $config );
+ $user = $context->getUser();
+ $options = ParserOptions::newFromContext( $context );
+ if ( isset( $opts['title'] ) ) {
+ $titleText = $opts['title'];
+ } else {
+ $titleText = 'Parser test';
+ }
+ $local = isset( $opts['local'] );
+ $preprocessor = isset( $opts['preprocessor'] ) ? $opts['preprocessor'] : null;
+ $parser = $this->getParser( $preprocessor );
+ $title = Title::newFromText( $titleText );
+ if ( isset( $opts['pst'] ) ) {
+ $out = $parser->preSaveTransform( $input, $title, $user, $options );
+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['msg'] ) ) {
+ $out = $parser->transformMsg( $input, $options, $title );
+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['section'] ) ) {
+ $section = $opts['section'];
+ $out = $parser->getSection( $input, $section );
+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['replace'] ) ) {
+ $section = $opts['replace'][0];
+ $replace = $opts['replace'][1];
+ $out = $parser->replaceSection( $input, $section, $replace );
+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['comment'] ) ) {
+ $out = Linker::formatComment( $input, $title, $local );
+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['preload'] ) ) {
+ $out = $parser->getpreloadText( $input, $title, $options );
+ } else {
+ $output = $parser->parse( $input, $title, $options, true, true, 1337 );
+ $out = $output->getText();
+ if ( isset( $opts['showtitle'] ) ) {
+ if ( $output->getTitleText() ) {
+ $title = $output->getTitleText();
+ }
+ $out = "$title\n$out";
+ }
+ if ( isset( $opts['ill'] ) ) {
+ $out = $this->tidy( implode( ' ', $output->getLanguageLinks() ) );
+ } elseif ( isset( $opts['cat'] ) ) {
+ $outputPage = $context->getOutput();
+ $outputPage->addCategoryLinks( $output->getCategories() );
+ $cats = $outputPage->getCategoryLinks();
+ if ( isset( $cats['normal'] ) ) {
+ $out = $this->tidy( implode( ' ', $cats['normal'] ) );
+ } else {
+ $out = '';
+ }
+ }
+ $parser->mPreprocessor = null;
+ $result = $this->tidy( $result );
+ }
+ $this->teardownGlobals();
+ $this->assertEquals( $result, $out, $desc );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run a fuzz test series
+ * Draw input from a set of test files
+ *
+ * @todo fixme Needs some work to not eat memory until the world explodes
+ *
+ * @group ParserFuzz
+ */
+ function testFuzzTests() {
+ global $wgParserTestFiles;
+ $files = $wgParserTestFiles;
+ if ( $this->getCliArg( 'file=' ) ) {
+ $files = array( $this->getCliArg( 'file=' ) );
+ }
+ $dict = $this->getFuzzInput( $files );
+ $dictSize = strlen( $dict );
+ $logMaxLength = log( $this->maxFuzzTestLength );
+ ini_set( 'memory_limit', $this->memoryLimit * 1048576 );
+ $user = new User;
+ $opts = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user );
+ $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Parser_test' );
+ $id = 1;
+ while ( true ) {
+ // Generate test input
+ mt_srand( ++$this->fuzzSeed );
+ $totalLength = mt_rand( 1, $this->maxFuzzTestLength );
+ $input = '';
+ while ( strlen( $input ) < $totalLength ) {
+ $logHairLength = mt_rand( 0, 1000000 ) / 1000000 * $logMaxLength;
+ $hairLength = min( intval( exp( $logHairLength ) ), $dictSize );
+ $offset = mt_rand( 0, $dictSize - $hairLength );
+ $input .= substr( $dict, $offset, $hairLength );
+ }
+ $this->setupGlobals();
+ $parser = $this->getParser();
+ // Run the test
+ try {
+ $parser->parse( $input, $title, $opts );
+ $this->assertTrue( true, "Test $id, fuzz seed {$this->fuzzSeed}" );
+ } catch ( Exception $exception ) {
+ $input_dump = sprintf( "string(%d) \"%s\"\n", strlen( $input ), $input );
+ $this->assertTrue( false, "Test $id, fuzz seed {$this->fuzzSeed}. \n\nInput: $input_dump\n\nError: {$exception->getMessage()}\n\nBacktrace: {$exception->getTraceAsString()}" );
+ }
+ $this->teardownGlobals();
+ $parser->__destruct();
+ if ( $id % 100 == 0 ) {
+ $usage = intval( memory_get_usage( true ) / $this->memoryLimit / 1048576 * 100 );
+ //echo "{$this->fuzzSeed}: $numSuccess/$numTotal (mem: $usage%)\n";
+ if ( $usage > 90 ) {
+ $ret = "Out of memory:\n";
+ $memStats = $this->getMemoryBreakdown();
+ foreach ( $memStats as $name => $usage ) {
+ $ret .= "$name: $usage\n";
+ }
+ throw new MWException( $ret );
+ }
+ }
+ $id++;
+ }
+ }
+ //Various getter functions
+ /**
+ * Get an input dictionary from a set of parser test files
+ */
+ function getFuzzInput( $filenames ) {
+ $dict = '';
+ foreach ( $filenames as $filename ) {
+ $contents = file_get_contents( $filename );
+ preg_match_all( '/!!\s*input\n(.*?)\n!!\s*result/s', $contents, $matches );
+ foreach ( $matches[1] as $match ) {
+ $dict .= $match . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $dict;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a memory usage breakdown
+ */
+ function getMemoryBreakdown() {
+ $memStats = array();
+ foreach ( $GLOBALS as $name => $value ) {
+ $memStats['$' . $name] = strlen( serialize( $value ) );
+ }
+ $classes = get_declared_classes();
+ foreach ( $classes as $class ) {
+ $rc = new ReflectionClass( $class );
+ $props = $rc->getStaticProperties();
+ $memStats[$class] = strlen( serialize( $props ) );
+ $methods = $rc->getMethods();
+ foreach ( $methods as $method ) {
+ $memStats[$class] += strlen( serialize( $method->getStaticVariables() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ $functions = get_defined_functions();
+ foreach ( $functions['user'] as $function ) {
+ $rf = new ReflectionFunction( $function );
+ $memStats["$function()"] = strlen( serialize( $rf->getStaticVariables() ) );
+ }
+ asort( $memStats );
+ return $memStats;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a Parser object
+ */
+ function getParser( $preprocessor = null ) {
+ global $wgParserConf;
+ $class = $wgParserConf['class'];
+ $parser = new $class( array( 'preprocessorClass' => $preprocessor ) + $wgParserConf );
+ wfRunHooks( 'ParserTestParser', array( &$parser ) );
+ return $parser;
+ }
+ //Various action functions
+ public function addArticle( $name, $text, $line ) {
+ self::$articles[$name] = array( $text, $line );
+ }
+ public function publishTestArticles() {
+ if ( empty( self::$articles ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach ( self::$articles as $name => $info ) {
+ list( $text, $line ) = $info;
+ ParserTest::addArticle( $name, $text, $line, 'ignoreduplicate' );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Steal a callback function from the primary parser, save it for
+ * application to our scary parser. If the hook is not installed,
+ * abort processing of this file.
+ *
+ * @param $name String
+ * @return Bool true if tag hook is present
+ */
+ public function requireHook( $name ) {
+ global $wgParser;
+ $wgParser->firstCallInit(); // make sure hooks are loaded.
+ return isset( $wgParser->mTagHooks[$name] );
+ }
+ public function requireFunctionHook( $name ) {
+ global $wgParser;
+ $wgParser->firstCallInit(); // make sure hooks are loaded.
+ return isset( $wgParser->mFunctionHooks[$name] );
+ }
+ //Various "cleanup" functions
+ /**
+ * Run the "tidy" command on text if the $wgUseTidy
+ * global is true
+ *
+ * @param $text String: the text to tidy
+ * @return String
+ */
+ protected function tidy( $text ) {
+ global $wgUseTidy;
+ if ( $wgUseTidy ) {
+ $text = MWTidy::tidy( $text );
+ }
+ return $text;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove last character if it is a newline
+ */
+ public function removeEndingNewline( $s ) {
+ if ( substr( $s, -1 ) === "\n" ) {
+ return substr( $s, 0, -1 );
+ } else {
+ return $s;
+ }
+ }
+ //Test options parser functions
+ protected function parseOptions( $instring ) {
+ $opts = array();
+ // foo
+ // foo=bar
+ // foo="bar baz"
+ // foo=[[bar baz]]
+ // foo=bar,"baz quux"
+ $regex = '/\b
+ ([\w-]+) # Key
+ \b
+ (?:\s*
+ = # First sub-value
+ \s*
+ (
+ "
+ [^"]* # Quoted val
+ "
+ |
+ \[\[
+ [^]]* # Link target
+ \]\]
+ |
+ [\w-]+ # Plain word
+ )
+ (?:\s*
+ , # Sub-vals 1..N
+ \s*
+ (
+ "[^"]*" # Quoted val
+ |
+ \[\[[^]]*\]\] # Link target
+ |
+ [\w-]+ # Plain word
+ )
+ )*
+ )?
+ /x';
+ if ( preg_match_all( $regex, $instring, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
+ foreach ( $matches as $bits ) {
+ array_shift( $bits );
+ $key = strtolower( array_shift( $bits ) );
+ if ( count( $bits ) == 0 ) {
+ $opts[$key] = true;
+ } elseif ( count( $bits ) == 1 ) {
+ $opts[$key] = $this->cleanupOption( array_shift( $bits ) );
+ } else {
+ // Array!
+ $opts[$key] = array_map( array( $this, 'cleanupOption' ), $bits );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $opts;
+ }
+ protected function cleanupOption( $opt ) {
+ if ( substr( $opt, 0, 1 ) == '"' ) {
+ return substr( $opt, 1, -1 );
+ }
+ if ( substr( $opt, 0, 2 ) == '[[' ) {
+ return substr( $opt, 2, -2 );
+ }
+ return $opt;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use a regex to find out the value of an option
+ * @param $key String: name of option val to retrieve
+ * @param $opts Options array to look in
+ * @param $default Mixed: default value returned if not found
+ */
+ protected static function getOptionValue( $key, $opts, $default ) {
+ $key = strtolower( $key );
+ if ( isset( $opts[$key] ) ) {
+ return $opts[$key];
+ } else {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserMethodsTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserMethodsTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50fe0e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserMethodsTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+class ParserMethodsTest extends MediaWikiLangTestCase {
+ public static function providePreSaveTransform() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'hello this is ~~~',
+ "hello this is [[Special:Contributions/|]]",
+ ),
+ array( 'hello \'\'this\'\' is <nowiki>~~~</nowiki>',
+ 'hello \'\'this\'\' is <nowiki>~~~</nowiki>',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider providePreSaveTransform
+ */
+ public function testPreSaveTransform( $text, $expected ) {
+ global $wgParser;
+ $title = Title::newFromText( str_replace( '::', '__', __METHOD__ ) );
+ $user = new User();
+ $user->setName( "" );
+ $popts = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user );
+ $text = $wgParser->preSaveTransform( $text, $title, $user, $popts );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $text );
+ }
+ public function testCallParserFunction() {
+ global $wgParser;
+ // Normal parses test passing PPNodes. Test passing an array.
+ $title = Title::newFromText( str_replace( '::', '__', __METHOD__ ) );
+ $wgParser->startExternalParse( $title, new ParserOptions(), Parser::OT_HTML );
+ $frame = $wgParser->getPreprocessor()->newFrame();
+ $ret = $wgParser->callParserFunction( $frame, '#tag',
+ array( 'pre', 'foo', 'style' => 'margin-left: 1.6em' )
+ );
+ $ret['text'] = $wgParser->mStripState->unstripBoth( $ret['text'] );
+ $this->assertSame( array(
+ 'found' => true,
+ 'text' => '<pre style="margin-left: 1.6em">foo</pre>',
+ ), $ret, 'callParserFunction works for {{#tag:pre|foo|style=margin-left: 1.6em}}' );
+ }
+ // TODO: Add tests for cleanSig() / cleanSigInSig(), getSection(), replaceSection(), getPreloadText()
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserOutputTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserOutputTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68f77ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserOutputTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+class ParserOutputTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ function dataIsLinkInternal() {
+ return array(
+ // Different domains
+ array( false, '', '' ),
+ // Same domains
+ array( true, '', '' ),
+ array( true, '', '' ),
+ array( true, '//', '//' ),
+ // Same domain different cases
+ array( true, '', 'http://EXAMPLE.ORG' ),
+ // Paths, queries, and fragments are not relevant
+ array( true, '', '' ),
+ array( true, '', '' ),
+ array( true, '', '' ),
+ // Different protocols
+ array( false, '', '' ),
+ array( false, '', '' ),
+ // Protocol relative servers always match http and https links
+ array( true, '//', '' ),
+ array( true, '//', '' ),
+ // But they don't match strange things like this
+ array( false, '//', 'irc://' ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test to make sure ParserOutput::isLinkInternal behaves properly
+ * @dataProvider dataIsLinkInternal
+ */
+ function testIsLinkInternal( $shouldMatch, $server, $url ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $shouldMatch, ParserOutput::isLinkInternal( $server, $url ) );
+ }
+ public function testExtensionData() {
+ $po = new ParserOutput();
+ $po->setExtensionData( "one", "Foo" );
+ $this->assertEquals( "Foo", $po->getExtensionData( "one" ) );
+ $this->assertNull( $po->getExtensionData( "spam" ) );
+ $po->setExtensionData( "two", "Bar" );
+ $this->assertEquals( "Foo", $po->getExtensionData( "one" ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( "Bar", $po->getExtensionData( "two" ) );
+ $po->setExtensionData( "one", null );
+ $this->assertNull( $po->getExtensionData( "one" ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( "Bar", $po->getExtensionData( "two" ) );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserPreloadTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserPreloadTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e16b407e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/ParserPreloadTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * Basic tests for Parser::getPreloadText
+ * @author Antoine Musso
+ */
+class ParserPreloadTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ private $testParser;
+ private $testParserOptions;
+ private $title;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ global $wgContLang;
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->testParserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang );
+ $this->testParser = new Parser();
+ $this->testParser->Options( $this->testParserOptions );
+ $this->testParser->clearState();
+ $this->title = Title::newFromText( 'Preload Test' );
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ parent::tearDown();
+ unset( $this->testParser );
+ unset( $this->title );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers Parser::getPreloadText
+ */
+ function testPreloadSimpleText() {
+ $this->assertPreloaded( 'simple', 'simple' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers Parser::getPreloadText
+ */
+ function testPreloadedPreIsUnstripped() {
+ $this->assertPreloaded(
+ '<pre>monospaced</pre>',
+ '<pre>monospaced</pre>',
+ '<pre> in preloaded text must be unstripped (bug 27467)'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers Parser::getPreloadText
+ */
+ function testPreloadedNowikiIsUnstripped() {
+ $this->assertPreloaded(
+ '<nowiki>[[Dummy title]]</nowiki>',
+ '<nowiki>[[Dummy title]]</nowiki>',
+ '<nowiki> in preloaded text must be unstripped (bug 27467)'
+ );
+ }
+ function assertPreloaded( $expected, $text, $msg = '' ) {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expected,
+ $this->testParser->getPreloadText(
+ $text,
+ $this->title,
+ $this->testParserOptions
+ ),
+ $msg
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/PreprocessorTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/PreprocessorTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c51a1dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/PreprocessorTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+class PreprocessorTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ var $mTitle = 'Page title';
+ var $mPPNodeCount = 0;
+ var $mOptions;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ global $wgParserConf, $wgContLang;
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->mOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang );
+ $name = isset( $wgParserConf['preprocessorClass'] ) ? $wgParserConf['preprocessorClass'] : 'Preprocessor_DOM';
+ $this->mPreprocessor = new $name( $this );
+ }
+ function getStripList() {
+ return array( 'gallery', 'display map' /* Used by Maps, see r80025 CR */, '/foo' );
+ }
+ function provideCases() {
+ return array(
+ array( "Foo", "<root>Foo</root>" ),
+ array( "<!-- Foo -->", "<root><comment>&lt;!-- Foo --&gt;</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "<!-- Foo --><!-- Bar -->", "<root><comment>&lt;!-- Foo --&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!-- Bar --&gt;</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "<!-- Foo --> <!-- Bar -->", "<root><comment>&lt;!-- Foo --&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!-- Bar --&gt;</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "<!-- Foo --> \n <!-- Bar -->", "<root><comment>&lt;!-- Foo --&gt;</comment> \n <comment>&lt;!-- Bar --&gt;</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "<!-- Foo --> \n <!-- Bar -->\n", "<root><comment>&lt;!-- Foo --&gt;</comment> \n<comment> &lt;!-- Bar --&gt;\n</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "<!-- Foo --> <!-- Bar -->\n", "<root><comment>&lt;!-- Foo --&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!-- Bar --&gt;</comment>\n</root>" ),
+ array( "<!-->Bar", "<root><comment>&lt;!--&gt;Bar</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "<!-- Comment -- comment", "<root><comment>&lt;!-- Comment -- comment</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "== Foo ==\n <!-- Bar -->\n== Baz ==\n", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== Foo ==</h>\n<comment> &lt;!-- Bar --&gt;\n</comment><h level=\"2\" i=\"2\">== Baz ==</h>\n</root>" ),
+ array( "<gallery/>", "<root><ext><name>gallery</name><attr></attr></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "Foo <gallery/> Bar", "<root>Foo <ext><name>gallery</name><attr></attr></ext> Bar</root>" ),
+ array( "<gallery></gallery>", "<root><ext><name>gallery</name><attr></attr><inner></inner><close>&lt;/gallery&gt;</close></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "<foo> <gallery></gallery>", "<root>&lt;foo&gt; <ext><name>gallery</name><attr></attr><inner></inner><close>&lt;/gallery&gt;</close></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "<foo> <gallery><gallery></gallery>", "<root>&lt;foo&gt; <ext><name>gallery</name><attr></attr><inner>&lt;gallery&gt;</inner><close>&lt;/gallery&gt;</close></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "<noinclude> Foo bar </noinclude>", "<root><ignore>&lt;noinclude&gt;</ignore> Foo bar <ignore>&lt;/noinclude&gt;</ignore></root>" ),
+ array( "<noinclude>\n{{Foo}}\n</noinclude>", "<root><ignore>&lt;noinclude&gt;</ignore>\n<template lineStart=\"1\"><title>Foo</title></template>\n<ignore>&lt;/noinclude&gt;</ignore></root>" ),
+ array( "<noinclude>\n{{Foo}}\n</noinclude>\n", "<root><ignore>&lt;noinclude&gt;</ignore>\n<template lineStart=\"1\"><title>Foo</title></template>\n<ignore>&lt;/noinclude&gt;</ignore>\n</root>" ),
+ array( "<gallery>foo bar", "<root><ext><name>gallery</name><attr></attr><inner>foo bar</inner></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "<{{foo}}>", "<root>&lt;<template><title>foo</title></template>&gt;</root>" ),
+ array( "<{{{foo}}}>", "<root>&lt;<tplarg><title>foo</title></tplarg>&gt;</root>" ),
+ array( "<gallery></gallery</gallery>", "<root><ext><name>gallery</name><attr></attr><inner>&lt;/gallery</inner><close>&lt;/gallery&gt;</close></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "=== Foo === ", "<root><h level=\"3\" i=\"1\">=== Foo === </h></root>" ),
+ array( "==<!-- -->= Foo === ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">==<comment>&lt;!-- --&gt;</comment>= Foo === </h></root>" ),
+ array( "=== Foo ==<!-- -->= ", "<root><h level=\"1\" i=\"1\">=== Foo ==<comment>&lt;!-- --&gt;</comment>= </h></root>" ),
+ array( "=== Foo ===<!-- -->\n", "<root><h level=\"3\" i=\"1\">=== Foo ===<comment>&lt;!-- --&gt;</comment></h>\n</root>" ),
+ array( "=== Foo ===<!-- --> <!-- -->\n", "<root><h level=\"3\" i=\"1\">=== Foo ===<comment>&lt;!-- --&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!-- --&gt;</comment></h>\n</root>" ),
+ array( "== Foo ==\n== Bar == \n", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== Foo ==</h>\n<h level=\"2\" i=\"2\">== Bar == </h>\n</root>" ),
+ array( "===========", "<root><h level=\"5\" i=\"1\">===========</h></root>" ),
+ array( "Foo\n=\n==\n=\n", "<root>Foo\n=\n==\n=\n</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title></template></root>" ),
+ array( "\n{{Foo}}", "<root>\n<template lineStart=\"1\"><title>Foo</title></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|bar}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>bar</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|bar}}a", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>bar</value></part></template>a</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|bar|baz}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>bar</value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value>baz</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|1=bar}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name>1</name>=<value>bar</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|=bar}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name></name>=<value>bar</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|bar=baz}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name>bar</name>=<value>baz</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|{{bar}}=baz}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name><template><title>bar</title></template></name>=<value>baz</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|1=bar|baz}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name>1</name>=<value>bar</value></part><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>baz</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|1=bar|2=baz}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name>1</name>=<value>bar</value></part><part><name>2</name>=<value>baz</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|bar|foo=baz}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>bar</value></part><part><name>foo</name>=<value>baz</value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{1}}}", "<root><tplarg><title>1</title></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{1|}}}", "<root><tplarg><title>1</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value></value></part></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{Foo}}}", "<root><tplarg><title>Foo</title></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{Foo|}}}", "<root><tplarg><title>Foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value></value></part></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{Foo|bar|baz}}}", "<root><tplarg><title>Foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>bar</value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value>baz</value></part></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{<!-- -->{Foo}}", "<root>{<comment>&lt;!-- --&gt;</comment>{Foo}}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{{{Foobar}}}}", "<root>{<tplarg><title>Foobar</title></tplarg>}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{{ {{Foo}} }}}", "<root><tplarg><title> <template><title>Foo</title></template> </title></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{{ {{{Foo}}} }}", "<root><template><title> <tplarg><title>Foo</title></tplarg> </title></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{{{Foo}}}}}", "<root><template><title><tplarg><title>Foo</title></tplarg></title></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{{{Foo}} }}}", "<root><tplarg><title><template><title>Foo</title></template> </title></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{{{{Foo}}}}}}", "<root><tplarg><title><tplarg><title>Foo</title></tplarg></title></tplarg></root>" ),
+ array( "{{{{{{Foo}}}}}", "<root>{<template><title><tplarg><title>Foo</title></tplarg></title></template></root>" ),
+ array( "[[[Foo]]", "<root>[[[Foo]]</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|[[[[bar]]|baz]]}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>[[[[bar]]|baz]]</value></part></template></root>" ), // This test is important, since it means the difference between having the [[ rule stacked or not
+ array( "{{Foo|[[[[bar]|baz]]}}", "<root>{{Foo|[[[[bar]|baz]]}}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|Foo [[[[bar]|baz]]}}", "<root>{{Foo|Foo [[[[bar]|baz]]}}</root>" ),
+ array( "Foo <display map>Bar</display map >Baz", "<root>Foo <ext><name>display map</name><attr></attr><inner>Bar</inner><close>&lt;/display map &gt;</close></ext>Baz</root>" ),
+ array( "Foo <display map foo>Bar</display map >Baz", "<root>Foo <ext><name>display map</name><attr> foo</attr><inner>Bar</inner><close>&lt;/display map &gt;</close></ext>Baz</root>" ),
+ array( "Foo <gallery bar=\"baz\" />", "<root>Foo <ext><name>gallery</name><attr> bar=&quot;baz&quot; </attr></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "Foo <gallery bar=\"1\" baz=2 />", "<root>Foo <ext><name>gallery</name><attr> bar=&quot;1&quot; baz=2 </attr></ext></root>" ),
+ array( "</foo>Foo<//foo>", "<root><ext><name>/foo</name><attr></attr><inner>Foo</inner><close>&lt;//foo&gt;</close></ext></root>" ), # Worth blacklisting IMHO
+ array( "{{#ifexpr: ({{{1|1}}} = 2) | Foo | Bar }}", "<root><template><title>#ifexpr: (<tplarg><title>1</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>1</value></part></tplarg> = 2) </title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value> Foo </value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value> Bar </value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{#if: {{{1|}}} | Foo | {{Bar}} }}", "<root><template><title>#if: <tplarg><title>1</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value></value></part></tplarg> </title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value> Foo </value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value> <template><title>Bar</title></template> </value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{#if: {{{1|}}} | Foo | [[Bar]] }}", "<root><template><title>#if: <tplarg><title>1</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value></value></part></tplarg> </title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value> Foo </value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value> [[Bar]] </value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{#if: {{{1|}}} | [[Foo]] | Bar }}", "<root><template><title>#if: <tplarg><title>1</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value></value></part></tplarg> </title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value> [[Foo]] </value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value> Bar </value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{#if: {{{1|}}} | 1 | {{#if: {{{1|}}} | 2 | 3 }} }}", "<root><template><title>#if: <tplarg><title>1</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value></value></part></tplarg> </title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value> 1 </value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value> <template><title>#if: <tplarg><title>1</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value></value></part></tplarg> </title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value> 2 </value></part><part><name index=\"2\" /><value> 3 </value></part></template> </value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{ {{Foo}}", "<root>{{ <template><title>Foo</title></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foobar {{Foo}} {{Bar}} {{Baz}} ", "<root>{{Foobar <template><title>Foo</title></template> <template><title>Bar</title></template> <template><title>Baz</title></template> </root>" ),
+ array( "[[Foo]] |", "<root>[[Foo]] |</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|Bar|", "<root>{{Foo|Bar|</root>" ),
+ array( "[[Foo]", "<root>[[Foo]</root>" ),
+ array( "[[Foo|Bar]", "<root>[[Foo|Bar]</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo| [[Bar] }}", "<root>{{Foo| [[Bar] }}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo| [[Bar|Baz] }}", "<root>{{Foo| [[Bar|Baz] }}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|bar=[[baz]}}", "<root>{{Foo|bar=[[baz]}}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{foo|", "<root>{{foo|</root>" ),
+ array( "{{foo|}", "<root>{{foo|}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{foo|} }}", "<root><template><title>foo</title><part><name index=\"1\" /><value>} </value></part></template></root>" ),
+ array( "{{foo|bar=|}", "<root>{{foo|bar=|}</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|} Bar=", "<root>{{Foo|} Bar=</root>" ),
+ array( "{{Foo|} Bar=}}", "<root><template><title>Foo</title><part><name>} Bar</name>=<value></value></part></template></root>" ),
+ /* array( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/QuoteQuran.txt' ), file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/QuoteQuranExpanded.txt' ) ), */
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get XML preprocessor tree from the preprocessor (which may not be the
+ * native XML-based one).
+ *
+ * @param string $wikiText
+ * @return string
+ */
+ function preprocessToXml( $wikiText ) {
+ if ( method_exists( $this->mPreprocessor, 'preprocessToXml' ) ) {
+ return $this->normalizeXml( $this->mPreprocessor->preprocessToXml( $wikiText ) );
+ }
+ $dom = $this->mPreprocessor->preprocessToObj( $wikiText );
+ if ( is_callable( array( $dom, 'saveXML' ) ) ) {
+ return $dom->saveXML();
+ } else {
+ return $this->normalizeXml( $dom->__toString() );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Normalize XML string to the form that a DOMDocument saves out.
+ *
+ * @param string $xml
+ * @return string
+ */
+ function normalizeXml( $xml ) {
+ return preg_replace( '!<([a-z]+)/>!', '<$1></$1>', str_replace( ' />', '/>', $xml ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideCases
+ */
+ function testPreprocessorOutput( $wikiText, $expectedXml ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $this->normalizeXml( $expectedXml ), $this->preprocessToXml( $wikiText ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * These are more complex test cases taken out of wiki articles.
+ */
+ function provideFiles() {
+ return array(
+ array( "QuoteQuran" ), # GFDL + CC-BY-SA by Striver
+ array( "Factorial" ), # GFDL + CC-BY-SA by Polonium
+ array( "All_system_messages" ), # GPL text generated by MediaWiki
+ array( "Fundraising" ), # GFDL + CC-BY-SA, copied there by Sky Harbor.
+ array( "NestedTemplates" ), # bug 27936
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideFiles
+ */
+ function testPreprocessorOutputFiles( $filename ) {
+ $folder = __DIR__ . "/../../../parser/preprocess";
+ $wikiText = file_get_contents( "$folder/$filename.txt" );
+ $output = $this->preprocessToXml( $wikiText );
+ $expectedFilename = "$folder/$filename.expected";
+ if ( file_exists( $expectedFilename ) ) {
+ $expectedXml = $this->normalizeXml( file_get_contents( $expectedFilename ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedXml, $output );
+ } else {
+ $tempFilename = tempnam( $folder, "$filename." );
+ file_put_contents( $tempFilename, $output );
+ $this->markTestIncomplete( "File $expectedFilename missing. Output stored as $tempFilename" );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests from Bug 28642 ·
+ */
+ function provideHeadings() {
+ return array( /* These should become headings: */
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--><!--c2-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--><!--c2-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--><!--c2--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--><!--c2--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> <!--c2-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> <!--c2--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> <!--c2--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--><!--c2--><!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> <!--c2--><!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--><!--c2--> <!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> <!--c2--> <!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--><!--c2--><!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> <!--c2--><!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--><!--c2--> <!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> <!--c2--> <!--c3-->", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment></h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--><!--c2--><!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> <!--c2--><!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--><!--c2--> <!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> <!--c2--> <!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--><!--c2--><!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> <!--c2--><!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--><!--c2--> <!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> <!--c2--> <!--c3--> ", "<root><h level=\"2\" i=\"1\">== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </h></root>" ),
+ /* These are not working: */
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> <!--c2-->", "<root>== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "== h == <!--c1--> <!--c2-->", "<root>== h == <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment></root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> <!--c2--> ", "<root>== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment> </root>" ),
+ array( "== h == x <!--c1--><!--c2--><!--c3--> ", "<root>== h == x <comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--> x <!--c2--><!--c3--> ", "<root>== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment> x <comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> </root>" ),
+ array( "== h ==<!--c1--><!--c2--><!--c3--> x ", "<root>== h ==<comment>&lt;!--c1--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c2--&gt;</comment><comment>&lt;!--c3--&gt;</comment> x </root>" ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideHeadings
+ */
+ function testHeadings( $wikiText, $expectedXml ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $this->normalizeXml( $expectedXml ), $this->preprocessToXml( $wikiText ) );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/TagHooksTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/TagHooksTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed600790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/parser/TagHooksTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ * @group Parser
+ */
+class TagHookTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ public static function provideValidNames() {
+ return array( array( 'foo' ), array( 'foo-bar' ), array( 'foo_bar' ), array( 'FOO-BAR' ), array( 'foo bar' ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideBadNames() {
+ return array( array( "foo<bar" ), array( "foo>bar" ), array( "foo\nbar" ), array( "foo\rbar" ) );
+ }
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgAlwaysUseTidy', false );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideValidNames
+ */
+ function testTagHooks( $tag ) {
+ global $wgParserConf, $wgContLang;
+ $parser = new Parser( $wgParserConf );
+ $parser->setHook( $tag, array( $this, 'tagCallback' ) );
+ $parserOutput = $parser->parse( "Foo<$tag>Bar</$tag>Baz", Title::newFromText( 'Test' ), ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( "<p>FooOneBaz\n</p>", $parserOutput->getText() );
+ $parser->mPreprocessor = null; # Break the Parser <-> Preprocessor cycle
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideBadNames
+ * @expectedException MWException
+ */
+ function testBadTagHooks( $tag ) {
+ global $wgParserConf, $wgContLang;
+ $parser = new Parser( $wgParserConf );
+ $parser->setHook( $tag, array( $this, 'tagCallback' ) );
+ $parser->parse( "Foo<$tag>Bar</$tag>Baz", Title::newFromText( 'Test' ), ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang ) );
+ $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown.' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideValidNames
+ */
+ function testFunctionTagHooks( $tag ) {
+ global $wgParserConf, $wgContLang;
+ $parser = new Parser( $wgParserConf );
+ $parser->setFunctionTagHook( $tag, array( $this, 'functionTagCallback' ), 0 );
+ $parserOutput = $parser->parse( "Foo<$tag>Bar</$tag>Baz", Title::newFromText( 'Test' ), ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( "<p>FooOneBaz\n</p>", $parserOutput->getText() );
+ $parser->mPreprocessor = null; # Break the Parser <-> Preprocessor cycle
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideBadNames
+ * @expectedException MWException
+ */
+ function testBadFunctionTagHooks( $tag ) {
+ global $wgParserConf, $wgContLang;
+ $parser = new Parser( $wgParserConf );
+ $parser->setFunctionTagHook( $tag, array( $this, 'functionTagCallback' ), SFH_OBJECT_ARGS );
+ $parser->parse( "Foo<$tag>Bar</$tag>Baz", Title::newFromText( 'Test' ), ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang ) );
+ $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown.' );
+ }
+ function tagCallback( $text, $params, $parser ) {
+ return str_rot13( $text );
+ }
+ function functionTagCallback( &$parser, $frame, $code, $attribs ) {
+ return str_rot13( $code );
+ }