path: root/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/widgets/PopupWidget.js
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1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/widgets/PopupWidget.js b/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/widgets/PopupWidget.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b1f4ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/src/widgets/PopupWidget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ * PopupWidget is a container for content. The popup is overlaid and positioned absolutely.
+ * By default, each popup has an anchor that points toward its origin.
+ * Please see the [OOjs UI documentation on Mediawiki] [1] for more information and examples.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // A popup widget.
+ * var popup = new OO.ui.PopupWidget( {
+ * $content: $( '<p>Hi there!</p>' ),
+ * padded: true,
+ * width: 300
+ * } );
+ *
+ * $( 'body' ).append( popup.$element );
+ * // To display the popup, toggle the visibility to 'true'.
+ * popup.toggle( true );
+ *
+ * [1]:
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @extends OO.ui.Widget
+ * @mixins OO.ui.LabelElement
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
+ * @cfg {number} [width=320] Width of popup in pixels
+ * @cfg {number} [height] Height of popup in pixels. Omit to use the automatic height.
+ * @cfg {boolean} [anchor=true] Show anchor pointing to origin of popup
+ * @cfg {string} [align='center'] Alignment of the popup: `center`, `force-left`, `force-right`, `backwards` or `forwards`.
+ * If the popup is forced-left the popup body is leaning towards the left. For force-right alignment, the body of the
+ * popup is leaning towards the right of the screen.
+ * Using 'backwards' is a logical direction which will result in the popup leaning towards the beginning of the sentence
+ * in the given language, which means it will flip to the correct positioning in right-to-left languages.
+ * Using 'forward' will also result in a logical alignment where the body of the popup leans towards the end of the
+ * sentence in the given language.
+ * @cfg {jQuery} [$container] Constrain the popup to the boundaries of the specified container.
+ * See the [OOjs UI docs on MediaWiki][3] for an example.
+ * [3]:
+ * @cfg {number} [containerPadding=10] Padding between the popup and its container, specified as a number of pixels.
+ * @cfg {jQuery} [$content] Content to append to the popup's body
+ * @cfg {boolean} [autoClose=false] Automatically close the popup when it loses focus.
+ * @cfg {jQuery} [$autoCloseIgnore] Elements that will not close the popup when clicked.
+ * This config option is only relevant if #autoClose is set to `true`. See the [OOjs UI docs on MediaWiki][2]
+ * for an example.
+ * [2]:
+ * @cfg {boolean} [head] Show a popup header that contains a #label (if specified) and close
+ * button.
+ * @cfg {boolean} [padded] Add padding to the popup's body
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget = function OoUiPopupWidget( config ) {
+ // Configuration initialization
+ config = config || {};
+ // Parent constructor
+ this, config );
+ // Properties (must be set before ClippableElement constructor call)
+ this.$body = $( '<div>' );
+ // Mixin constructors
+ this, config );
+ this, $.extend( {}, config, { $clippable: this.$body } ) );
+ // Properties
+ this.$popup = $( '<div>' );
+ this.$head = $( '<div>' );
+ this.$anchor = $( '<div>' );
+ // If undefined, will be computed lazily in updateDimensions()
+ this.$container = config.$container;
+ this.containerPadding = config.containerPadding !== undefined ? config.containerPadding : 10;
+ this.autoClose = !!config.autoClose;
+ this.$autoCloseIgnore = config.$autoCloseIgnore;
+ this.transitionTimeout = null;
+ this.anchor = null;
+ this.width = config.width !== undefined ? config.width : 320;
+ this.height = config.height !== undefined ? config.height : null;
+ this.setAlignment( config.align );
+ this.closeButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { framed: false, icon: 'close' } );
+ this.onMouseDownHandler = this.onMouseDown.bind( this );
+ this.onDocumentKeyDownHandler = this.onDocumentKeyDown.bind( this );
+ // Events
+ this.closeButton.connect( this, { click: 'onCloseButtonClick' } );
+ // Initialization
+ this.toggleAnchor( config.anchor === undefined || config.anchor );
+ this.$body.addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-body' );
+ this.$anchor.addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-anchor' );
+ this.$head
+ .addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-head' )
+ .append( this.$label, this.closeButton.$element );
+ if ( !config.head ) {
+ this.$head.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' );
+ }
+ this.$popup
+ .addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-popup' )
+ .append( this.$head, this.$body );
+ this.$element
+ .addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget' )
+ .append( this.$popup, this.$anchor );
+ // Move content, which was added to #$element by OO.ui.Widget, to the body
+ if ( config.$content instanceof jQuery ) {
+ this.$body.append( config.$content );
+ }
+ if ( config.padded ) {
+ this.$body.addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-body-padded' );
+ }
+ // Initially hidden - using #toggle may cause errors if subclasses override toggle with methods
+ // that reference properties not initialized at that time of parent class construction
+ // TODO: Find a better way to handle post-constructor setup
+ this.visible = false;
+ this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' );
+/* Setup */
+OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.PopupWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
+OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.PopupWidget, OO.ui.LabelElement );
+OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.PopupWidget, OO.ui.ClippableElement );
+/* Methods */
+ * Handles mouse down events.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e Mouse down event
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.onMouseDown = function ( e ) {
+ if (
+ this.isVisible() &&
+ !$.contains( this.$element[ 0 ], ) &&
+ ( !this.$autoCloseIgnore || !this.$autoCloseIgnore.has( ).length )
+ ) {
+ this.toggle( false );
+ }
+ * Bind mouse down listener.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.bindMouseDownListener = function () {
+ // Capture clicks outside popup
+ this.getElementWindow().addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.onMouseDownHandler, true );
+ * Handles close button click events.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.onCloseButtonClick = function () {
+ if ( this.isVisible() ) {
+ this.toggle( false );
+ }
+ * Unbind mouse down listener.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.unbindMouseDownListener = function () {
+ this.getElementWindow().removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.onMouseDownHandler, true );
+ * Handles key down events.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {KeyboardEvent} e Key down event
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.onDocumentKeyDown = function ( e ) {
+ if (
+ e.which === OO.ui.Keys.ESCAPE &&
+ this.isVisible()
+ ) {
+ this.toggle( false );
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ * Bind key down listener.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.bindKeyDownListener = function () {
+ this.getElementWindow().addEventListener( 'keydown', this.onDocumentKeyDownHandler, true );
+ * Unbind key down listener.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.unbindKeyDownListener = function () {
+ this.getElementWindow().removeEventListener( 'keydown', this.onDocumentKeyDownHandler, true );
+ * Show, hide, or toggle the visibility of the anchor.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} [show] Show anchor, omit to toggle
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.toggleAnchor = function ( show ) {
+ show = show === undefined ? !this.anchored : !!show;
+ if ( this.anchored !== show ) {
+ if ( show ) {
+ this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-anchored' );
+ } else {
+ this.$element.removeClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-anchored' );
+ }
+ this.anchored = show;
+ }
+ * Check if the anchor is visible.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} Anchor is visible
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.hasAnchor = function () {
+ return this.anchor;
+ * @inheritdoc
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.toggle = function ( show ) {
+ show = show === undefined ? !this.isVisible() : !!show;
+ var change = show !== this.isVisible();
+ // Parent method
+ this, show );
+ if ( change ) {
+ if ( show ) {
+ if ( this.autoClose ) {
+ this.bindMouseDownListener();
+ this.bindKeyDownListener();
+ }
+ this.updateDimensions();
+ this.toggleClipping( true );
+ } else {
+ this.toggleClipping( false );
+ if ( this.autoClose ) {
+ this.unbindMouseDownListener();
+ this.unbindKeyDownListener();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ * Set the size of the popup.
+ *
+ * Changing the size may also change the popup's position depending on the alignment.
+ *
+ * @param {number} width Width in pixels
+ * @param {number} height Height in pixels
+ * @param {boolean} [transition=false] Use a smooth transition
+ * @chainable
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.setSize = function ( width, height, transition ) {
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height !== undefined ? height : null;
+ if ( this.isVisible() ) {
+ this.updateDimensions( transition );
+ }
+ * Update the size and position.
+ *
+ * Only use this to keep the popup properly anchored. Use #setSize to change the size, and this will
+ * be called automatically.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} [transition=false] Use a smooth transition
+ * @chainable
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.updateDimensions = function ( transition ) {
+ var popupOffset, originOffset, containerLeft, containerWidth, containerRight,
+ popupLeft, popupRight, overlapLeft, overlapRight, anchorWidth,
+ align = this.align,
+ widget = this;
+ if ( !this.$container ) {
+ // Lazy-initialize $container if not specified in constructor
+ this.$container = $( this.getClosestScrollableElementContainer() );
+ }
+ // Set height and width before measuring things, since it might cause our measurements
+ // to change (e.g. due to scrollbars appearing or disappearing)
+ this.$popup.css( {
+ width: this.width,
+ height: this.height !== null ? this.height : 'auto'
+ } );
+ // If we are in RTL, we need to flip the alignment, unless it is center
+ if ( align === 'forwards' || align === 'backwards' ) {
+ if ( this.$container.css( 'direction' ) === 'rtl' ) {
+ align = ( { forwards: 'force-left', backwards: 'force-right' } )[ this.align ];
+ } else {
+ align = ( { forwards: 'force-right', backwards: 'force-left' } )[ this.align ];
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute initial popupOffset based on alignment
+ popupOffset = this.width * ( { 'force-left': -1, center: -0.5, 'force-right': 0 } )[ align ];
+ // Figure out if this will cause the popup to go beyond the edge of the container
+ originOffset = this.$element.offset().left;
+ containerLeft = this.$container.offset().left;
+ containerWidth = this.$container.innerWidth();
+ containerRight = containerLeft + containerWidth;
+ popupLeft = popupOffset - this.containerPadding;
+ popupRight = popupOffset + this.containerPadding + this.width + this.containerPadding;
+ overlapLeft = ( originOffset + popupLeft ) - containerLeft;
+ overlapRight = containerRight - ( originOffset + popupRight );
+ // Adjust offset to make the popup not go beyond the edge, if needed
+ if ( overlapRight < 0 ) {
+ popupOffset += overlapRight;
+ } else if ( overlapLeft < 0 ) {
+ popupOffset -= overlapLeft;
+ }
+ // Adjust offset to avoid anchor being rendered too close to the edge
+ // $anchor.width() doesn't work with the pure CSS anchor (returns 0)
+ // TODO: Find a measurement that works for CSS anchors and image anchors
+ anchorWidth = this.$anchor[ 0 ].scrollWidth * 2;
+ if ( popupOffset + this.width < anchorWidth ) {
+ popupOffset = anchorWidth - this.width;
+ } else if ( -popupOffset < anchorWidth ) {
+ popupOffset = -anchorWidth;
+ }
+ // Prevent transition from being interrupted
+ clearTimeout( this.transitionTimeout );
+ if ( transition ) {
+ // Enable transition
+ this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-transitioning' );
+ }
+ // Position body relative to anchor
+ this.$popup.css( 'margin-left', popupOffset );
+ if ( transition ) {
+ // Prevent transitioning after transition is complete
+ this.transitionTimeout = setTimeout( function () {
+ widget.$element.removeClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-transitioning' );
+ }, 200 );
+ } else {
+ // Prevent transitioning immediately
+ this.$element.removeClass( 'oo-ui-popupWidget-transitioning' );
+ }
+ // Reevaluate clipping state since we've relocated and resized the popup
+ this.clip();
+ return this;
+ * Set popup alignment
+ * @param {string} align Alignment of the popup, `center`, `force-left`, `force-right`,
+ * `backwards` or `forwards`.
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.setAlignment = function ( align ) {
+ // Validate alignment and transform deprecated values
+ if ( [ 'left', 'right', 'force-left', 'force-right', 'backwards', 'forwards', 'center' ].indexOf( align ) > -1 ) {
+ this.align = { left: 'force-right', right: 'force-left' }[ align ] || align;
+ } else {
+ this.align = 'center';
+ }
+ * Get popup alignment
+ * @return {string} align Alignment of the popup, `center`, `force-left`, `force-right`,
+ * `backwards` or `forwards`.
+ */
+OO.ui.PopupWidget.prototype.getAlignment = function () {
+ return this.align;