From 08aa4418c30cfc18ccc69a0f0f9cb9e17be6c196 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre Schmitz <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 09:28:15 +0200
Subject: Update to MediaWiki 1.21.1

 tests/phpunit/includes/ExtraParserTest.php | 169 -----------------------------
 1 file changed, 169 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/phpunit/includes/ExtraParserTest.php

(limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/ExtraParserTest.php')

diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/ExtraParserTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/ExtraParserTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 903a6d25..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/includes/ExtraParserTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- * Parser-related tests that don't suit for parserTests.txt
- */
-class ExtraParserTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
-	function setUp() {
-		global $wgMemc;
-		global $wgContLang;
-		global $wgShowDBErrorBacktrace;
-		global $wgLanguageCode;
-		global $wgAlwaysUseTidy;
-		$wgShowDBErrorBacktrace = true;
-		$wgLanguageCode = 'en';
-		$wgContLang = new Language( 'en' );
-		$wgMemc = new EmptyBagOStuff;
-		$wgAlwaysUseTidy = false;
-		$this->options = new ParserOptions;
-		$this->options->setTemplateCallback( array( __CLASS__, 'statelessFetchTemplate' ) );
-		$this->parser = new Parser;
-		MagicWord::clearCache();
-	}
-	// Bug 8689 - Long numeric lines kill the parser
-	function testBug8689() {
-		global $wgLang;
-		global $wgUser;
-		$longLine = '1.' . str_repeat( '1234567890', 100000 ) . "\n";
-		if ( $wgLang === null ) $wgLang = new Language;
-		$t = Title::newFromText( 'Unit test' );
-		$options = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $wgUser );
-		$this->assertEquals( "<p>$longLine</p>",
-			$this->parser->parse( $longLine, $t, $options )->getText() );
-	}
-	/* Test the parser entry points */
-	function testParse() {
-		$title = Title::newFromText( __FUNCTION__ );
-		$parserOutput = $this->parser->parse( "Test\n{{Foo}}\n{{Bar}}" , $title, $this->options );
-		$this->assertEquals( "<p>Test\nContent of <i>Template:Foo</i>\nContent of <i>Template:Bar</i>\n</p>", $parserOutput->getText() );
-	}
-	function testPreSaveTransform() {
-		global $wgUser;
-		$title = Title::newFromText( __FUNCTION__ );
-		$outputText = $this->parser->preSaveTransform( "Test\r\n{{subst:Foo}}\n{{Bar}}", $title, $wgUser, $this->options );
-		$this->assertEquals( "Test\nContent of ''Template:Foo''\n{{Bar}}", $outputText );
-	}
-	function testPreprocess() {
-		$title = Title::newFromText( __FUNCTION__ );
-		$outputText = $this->parser->preprocess( "Test\n{{Foo}}\n{{Bar}}" , $title, $this->options );
-		$this->assertEquals( "Test\nContent of ''Template:Foo''\nContent of ''Template:Bar''", $outputText );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * cleanSig() makes all templates substs and removes tildes
-	 */
-	function testCleanSig() {
-		global $wgCleanSignatures;
-		$oldCleanSignature = $wgCleanSignatures;
-		$wgCleanSignatures = true;
-		$title = Title::newFromText( __FUNCTION__ );
-		$outputText = $this->parser->cleanSig( "{{Foo}} ~~~~" );
-		$wgCleanSignatures = $oldCleanSignature;
-		$this->assertEquals( "{{SUBST:Foo}} ", $outputText );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * cleanSig() should do nothing if disabled
-	 */
-	function testCleanSigDisabled() {
-		global $wgCleanSignatures;
-		$oldCleanSignature = $wgCleanSignatures;
-		$wgCleanSignatures = false;
-		$title = Title::newFromText( __FUNCTION__ );
-		$outputText = $this->parser->cleanSig( "{{Foo}} ~~~~" );
-		$wgCleanSignatures = $oldCleanSignature;
-		$this->assertEquals( "{{Foo}} ~~~~", $outputText );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * cleanSigInSig() just removes tildes
-	 * @dataProvider provideStringsForCleanSigInSig
-	 */
-	function testCleanSigInSig( $in, $out ) {
-		$this->assertEquals( Parser::cleanSigInSig( $in), $out );
-	}
-	function provideStringsForCleanSigInSig() {
-		return array(
-			array( "{{Foo}} ~~~~", "{{Foo}} " ),
-			array( "~~~", "" ),
-			array( "~~~~~", "" ),
-		);
-	}
-	function testGetSection() {
-		$outputText2 = $this->parser->getSection( "Section 0\n== Heading 1 ==\nSection 1\n=== Heading 2 ===\nSection 2\n== Heading 3 ==\nSection 3\n", 2 );
-		$outputText1 = $this->parser->getSection( "Section 0\n== Heading 1 ==\nSection 1\n=== Heading 2 ===\nSection 2\n== Heading 3 ==\nSection 3\n", 1 );
-		$this->assertEquals( "=== Heading 2 ===\nSection 2", $outputText2 );
-		$this->assertEquals( "== Heading 1 ==\nSection 1\n=== Heading 2 ===\nSection 2", $outputText1 );
-	}
-	function testReplaceSection() {
-		$outputText = $this->parser->replaceSection( "Section 0\n== Heading 1 ==\nSection 1\n=== Heading 2 ===\nSection 2\n== Heading 3 ==\nSection 3\n", 1, "New section 1" );
-		$this->assertEquals( "Section 0\nNew section 1\n\n== Heading 3 ==\nSection 3", $outputText );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Templates and comments are not affected, but noinclude/onlyinclude is.
-	 */
-	function testGetPreloadText() {
-		$title = Title::newFromText( __FUNCTION__ );
-		$outputText = $this->parser->getPreloadText( "{{Foo}}<noinclude> censored</noinclude> information <!-- is very secret -->", $title, $this->options );
-		$this->assertEquals( "{{Foo}} information <!-- is very secret -->", $outputText );
-	}
-	static function statelessFetchTemplate( $title, $parser=false ) {
-		$text = "Content of ''" . $title->getFullText() . "''";
-		$deps = array();
-		return array(
-			'text' => $text,
-			'finalTitle' => $title,
-			'deps' => $deps );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @group Database
-	 */
-	function testTrackingCategory() {
-		$title = Title::newFromText( __FUNCTION__ );
-		$catName =  wfMessage( 'broken-file-category' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
-		$cat = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $catName );
-		$expected = array( $cat->getDBkey() );
-		$parserOutput = $this->parser->parse( "[[file:nonexistent]]" , $title, $this->options );
-		$result = $parserOutput->getCategoryLinks();
-		$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @group Database
-	 */
-	function testTrackingCategorySpecial() {
-		// Special pages shouldn't have tracking cats.
-		$title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Contributions' );
-		$parserOutput = $this->parser->parse( "[[file:nonexistent]]" , $title, $this->options );
-		$result = $parserOutput->getCategoryLinks();
-		$this->assertEmpty( $result );
-	}
- }
cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf