$item ) { $filename = basename( $pathname ); $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '/^(.*)\.i18n\.php$/', $filename, $matches ) ) { $group = $matches[1]; $extFiles[$group] = $pathname; } } } else { global $wgExtensionMessagesFiles; $extFiles = $wgExtensionMessagesFiles; } foreach ( $extFiles as $extension => $locFile ) { $result += self::updateExtensionMessages( $locFile, $extension, $verbose, $extUrl ); } } self::writeHashes(); // And output the result! self::myLog( "Updated {$result} messages in total" ); self::myLog( "Done" ); return true; } /** * Update Extension Messages. * * @param $file String * @param $extension String * @param $verbose Boolean * * @return Integer: the amount of updated messages */ public static function updateExtensionMessages( $file, $extension, $verbose, $extUrl ) { $match = array(); $ok = preg_match( '~^.*/extensions/([^/]+)/(.*)$~U', $file, $match ); if ( !$ok ) { return null; } $ext = $match[1]; $extFile = $match[2]; // Create a full path. $svnfile = str_replace( array( '$1', '$2', '$3', '$4' ), array( $ext, $extFile, urlencode( $ext ), urlencode( $extFile ) ), $extUrl ); // Compare the 2 files. $result = self::compareExtensionFiles( $extension, $svnfile, $file, $verbose ); return $result; } /** * Update the MediaWiki Core Messages. * * @param $verbose Boolean * * @return Integer: the amount of updated messages */ public static function updateMediawikiMessages( $verbose, $coreUrl ) { // Find the changed English strings (as these messages won't be updated in ANY language). $localUrl = Language::getMessagesFileName( 'en' ); $repoUrl = str_replace( array( '$2', '$4' ), array( 'languages/messages/MessagesEn.php', 'languages%2Fmessages%2FMessagesEn.php' ), $coreUrl ); $changedEnglishStrings = self::compareFiles( $repoUrl, $localUrl, $verbose ); // Count the changes. $changedCount = 0; $languages = Language::fetchLanguageNames( null, 'mwfile' ); foreach ( array_keys( $languages ) as $code ) { $localUrl = Language::getMessagesFileName( $code ); // Not prefixed with $IP $filename = Language::getFilename( 'languages/messages/Messages', $code ); $repoUrl = str_replace( array( '$2', '$4' ), array( $filename, urlencode( $filename ) ), $coreUrl ); // Compare the files. $changedCount += self::compareFiles( $repoUrl, $localUrl, $verbose, $changedEnglishStrings, false, true ); } // Log some nice info. self::myLog( "{$changedCount} MediaWiki messages are updated" ); return $changedCount; } /** * Removes all unneeded content from a file and returns it. * * @param $contents String * * @return String */ public static function cleanupFile( $contents ) { // We don't need any PHP tags. $contents = strtr( $contents, array( ' '', '?' . '>' => '' ) ); $results = array(); // And we only want message arrays. preg_match_all( '/\$messages(.*\s)*?\);/', $contents, $results ); // But we want them all in one string. if ( !empty( $results[0] ) && is_array( $results[0] ) ) { $contents = implode( "\n\n", $results[0] ); } else { $contents = ''; } // And we hate the windows vs linux linebreaks. $contents = preg_replace( '/\r\n?/', "\n", $contents ); return $contents; } /** * Returns the contents of a file or false on failiure. * * @param $file String * * @return string or false */ public static function getFileContents( $file ) { global $wgLocalisationUpdateRetryAttempts; $attempts = 0; $filecontents = ''; // Use cURL to get the SVN contents. if ( preg_match( "/^http/", $file ) ) { while ( !$filecontents && $attempts <= $wgLocalisationUpdateRetryAttempts ) { if ( $attempts > 0 ) { $delay = 1; self::myLog( 'Failed to download ' . $file . "; retrying in ${delay}s..." ); sleep( $delay ); } $filecontents = Http::get( $file ); $attempts++; } if ( !$filecontents ) { self::myLog( 'Cannot get the contents of ' . $file . ' (curl)' ); return false; } } else { // otherwise try file_get_contents if ( !( $filecontents = file_get_contents( $file ) ) ) { self::myLog( 'Cannot get the contents of ' . $file ); return false; } } return $filecontents; } /** * Returns a pair of arrays containing the messages from two files, or * a pair of nulls if the files don't need to be checked. * * @param $tag String * @param $file1 String * @param $file2 String * @param $verbose Boolean * @param $alwaysGetResult Boolean * * @return array */ public static function loadFilesToCompare( $tag, $file1, $file2, $verbose, $alwaysGetResult = true ) { $file1contents = self::getFileContents( $file1 ); if ( $file1contents === false || $file1contents === '' ) { self::myLog( "Failed to read $file1" ); return array( null, null ); } $file2contents = self::getFileContents( $file2 ); if ( $file2contents === false || $file2contents === '' ) { self::myLog( "Failed to read $file2" ); return array( null, null ); } // Only get the part we need. $file1contents = self::cleanupFile( $file1contents ); $file1hash = md5( $file1contents ); $file2contents = self::cleanupFile( $file2contents ); $file2hash = md5( $file2contents ); // Check if the file has changed since our last update. if ( !$alwaysGetResult ) { if ( !self::checkHash( $file1, $file1hash ) && !self::checkHash( $file2, $file2hash ) ) { self::myLog( "Skipping {$tag} since the files haven't changed since our last update", $verbose ); return array( null, null ); } } // Get the array with messages. $messages1 = self::parsePHP( $file1contents, 'messages' ); if ( !is_array( $messages1 ) ) { if ( strpos( $file1contents, '$messages' ) === false ) { // No $messages array. This happens for some languages that only have a fallback $messages1 = array(); } else { // Broken file? Report and bail self::myLog( "Failed to parse $file1" ); return array( null, null ); } } $messages2 = self::parsePHP( $file2contents, 'messages' ); if ( !is_array( $messages2 ) ) { // Broken file? Report and bail if ( strpos( $file2contents, '$messages' ) === false ) { // No $messages array. This happens for some languages that only have a fallback $messages2 = array(); } else { self::myLog( "Failed to parse $file2" ); return array( null, null ); } } self::saveHash( $file1, $file1hash ); self::saveHash( $file2, $file2hash ); return array( $messages1, $messages2 ); } /** * Compare new and old messages lists, and optionally save the new * messages if they've changed. * * @param $langcode String * @param $old_messages Array * @param $new_messages Array * @param $verbose Boolean * @param $forbiddenKeys Array * @param $saveResults Boolean * * @return array|int */ private static function compareLanguageArrays( $langcode, $old_messages, $new_messages, $verbose, $forbiddenKeys, $saveResults ) { // Get the currently-cached messages, if any $cur_messages = self::readFile( $langcode ); // Update the messages lists with the cached messages $old_messages = array_merge( $old_messages, $cur_messages ); $new_messages = array_merge( $cur_messages, $new_messages ); // Use the old/cached version for any forbidden keys if ( count( $forbiddenKeys ) ) { $new_messages = array_merge( array_diff_key( $new_messages, $forbiddenKeys ), array_intersect_key( $old_messages, $forbiddenKeys ) ); } if ( $saveResults ) { // If anything has changed from the saved version, save the new version if ( $new_messages != $cur_messages ) { // Count added, updated, and deleted messages: // diff( new, cur ) gives added + updated, and diff( cur, new ) // gives deleted + updated. $changed = array_diff_assoc( $new_messages, $cur_messages ) + array_diff_assoc( $cur_messages, $new_messages ); $updates = count( $changed ); self::myLog( "{$updates} messages updated for {$langcode}.", $verbose ); self::writeFile( $langcode, $new_messages ); } else { $updates = 0; } return $updates; } else { // Find all deleted or changed messages $changedStrings = array_diff_assoc( $old_messages, $new_messages ); return $changedStrings; } } /** * Returns an array containing the differences between the files. * * @param $newfile String * @param $oldfile String * @param $verbose Boolean * @param $forbiddenKeys Array * @param $alwaysGetResult Boolean * @param $saveResults Boolean * * @return array|int */ public static function compareFiles( $newfile, $oldfile, $verbose, array $forbiddenKeys = array(), $alwaysGetResult = true, $saveResults = false ) { // Get the languagecode. $langcode = Language::getCodeFromFileName( $newfile, 'Messages' ); list( $new_messages, $old_messages ) = self::loadFilesToCompare( $langcode, $newfile, $oldfile, $verbose, $alwaysGetResult ); if ( $new_messages === null || $old_messages === null ) { return $saveResults ? 0 : array(); } return self::compareLanguageArrays( $langcode, $old_messages, $new_messages, $verbose, $forbiddenKeys, $saveResults ); } /** * * @param $extension String * @param $newfile String * @param $oldfile String * @param $verbose Boolean * @param $alwaysGetResult Boolean * @param $saveResults Boolean * * @return Integer: the amount of updated messages */ public static function compareExtensionFiles( $extension, $newfile, $oldfile, $verbose ) { list( $new_messages, $old_messages ) = self::loadFilesToCompare( $extension, $newfile, $oldfile, $verbose, false ); if ( $new_messages === null || $old_messages === null ) { return 0; } // Update counter. $updates = 0; if ( empty( $new_messages['en'] ) ) { $new_messages['en'] = array(); } if ( empty( $old_messages['en'] ) ) { $old_messages['en'] = array(); } // Find the changed english strings. $forbiddenKeys = self::compareLanguageArrays( 'en', $old_messages['en'], $new_messages['en'], $verbose, array(), false ); // Do an update for each language. foreach ( $new_messages as $language => $messages ) { if ( $language == 'en' ) { // Skip english. continue; } if ( !isset( $old_messages[$language] ) ) { $old_messages[$language] = array(); } $updates += self::compareLanguageArrays( $language, $old_messages[$language], $messages, $verbose, $forbiddenKeys, true ); } // And log some stuff. self::myLog( "Updated " . $updates . " messages for the '{$extension}' extension", $verbose ); return $updates; } /** * Checks whether a messages file has a certain hash. * * @todo Swap return values, this is insane * * @param $file string Filename * @param $hash string Hash * * @return bool True if $file does NOT have hash $hash, false if it does */ public static function checkHash( $file, $hash ) { $hashes = self::readFile( 'hashes' ); wfSuppressWarnings(); $return = $hashes[$file] !== $hash; wfRestoreWarnings(); return $return; } /** * @param $file * @param $hash */ public static function saveHash( $file, $hash ) { if ( is_null( self::$newHashes ) ) { self::$newHashes = self::readFile( 'hashes' ); } self::$newHashes[$file] = $hash; } public static function writeHashes() { self::writeFile( 'hashes', self::$newHashes ); } /** * Logs a message. * * @param $log String * @param bool $verbose */ public static function myLog( $log, $verbose = true ) { if ( !$verbose ) { return; } if ( isset( $_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER ) ) { wfDebug( $log . "\n" ); } else { print "$log\n"; } } /** * @param $php * @param $varname * @return bool|array */ public static function parsePHP( $php, $varname ) { try { $reader = new QuickArrayReader( "getVar( $varname ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::myLog( "Failed to read file: " . $e ); return false; } } /** * @param $lang * @return string * @throws MWException */ public static function filename( $lang ) { global $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory, $wgCacheDirectory; $dir = $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory ? $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory : $wgCacheDirectory; if ( !$dir ) { throw new MWException( 'No cache directory configured' ); } return "$dir/l10nupdate-$lang.cache"; } /** * @param $lang * @return mixed */ public static function readFile( $lang ) { if ( !isset( self::$filecache[$lang] ) ) { $file = self::filename( $lang ); wfSuppressWarnings(); $contents = file_get_contents( $file ); wfRestoreWarnings(); if ( $contents === false ) { wfDebug( "Failed to read file '$file'\n" ); $retval = array(); } else { $retval = unserialize( $contents ); if ( $retval === false ) { wfDebug( "Corrupted data in file '$file'\n" ); $retval = array(); } } self::$filecache[$lang] = $retval; } return self::$filecache[$lang]; } /** * @param $lang * @param $var * @throws MWException */ public static function writeFile( $lang, $var ) { $file = self::filename( $lang ); wfSuppressWarnings(); if ( !file_put_contents( $file, serialize( $var ) ) ) { throw new MWException( "Failed to write to file '$file'" ); } wfRestoreWarnings(); self::$filecache[$lang] = $var; } }