{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Jeroen De Dauw", "Jon Harald Søby", "Meno25", "Purodha", "SPQRobin", "Shirayuki", "Siebrand", "The Evil IP address", "Umherirrender", "Yekrats", "Liuxinyu970226" ] }, "nuke": "{{doc-special|Nuke}}\nThe Nuke extension allows for sysops to delete a large number of pages (\"Mass delete\").\nFor more information, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Nuke\n{{Identical|Mass delete}}", "action-nuke": "{{doc-action|nuke}}", "nuke-desc": "{{desc|name=Nuke|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Nuke}}\nThe Nuke extension allows for sysops to delete a large number of pages (\"Mass delete\").", "nuke-nopages": "Used if there are no pages to delete and the username is not empty.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - a username\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Nuke-nopages-global}}", "nuke-list": "This message refers to:\n* the comment (reason) field which has the label {{msg-mw|deletecomment}}\n* the button labeled {{msg-mw|nuke-submit-delete}}.\nParameters:\n* $1 - username\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Nuke-list-multiple}}", "nuke-list-multiple": "This message refers to:\n* the comment (reason) field which has the label {{msg-mw|deletecomment}}\n* the button labeled {{msg-mw|nuke-submit-delete}}.\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Nuke-list}}", "nuke-defaultreason": "Reason for deletion in logs. {{msg-mw|nuke-multiplepeople}} is used when pages created by multiple people are deleted.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - a username or IP address, with a link to their contributions", "nuke-multiplepeople": "Reason for deletion in logs, when pages created by multiple users were deleted.\n\n{{msg-mw|nuke-defaultreason}} is used when pages created by only 1 user are deleted.", "nuke-tools": "Used as intro text for the Nuke (mass deletion) form.", "nuke-submit-user": "{{Identical|Go}}", "nuke-toggleinvert": "Used to invert checkbox selection.\n{{Identical|Invert}}", "nuke-submit-delete": "Submit button to delete the selected pages.", "right-nuke": "{{doc-right|nuke}}", "nuke-select": "Parameters:\n* $1 - two links: {{msg-mw|Powersearch-toggleall}} and {{msg-mw|Powersearch-togglenone}} which respectively selects all pages and de-selects all\npages\n{{Identical|Select}}", "nuke-userorip": "Used as label for \"target\" input box.", "nuke-maxpages": "Used as label for \"nuke limit\" input box.", "nuke-editby": "This message is followed by {{msg-mw|Comma-separator}} and {{msg-mw|Nuke-viewchanges}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - a username", "nuke-deleted": "Used as success result of deletion. Parameters:\n* $1 - page title\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Nuke-not-deleted}}", "nuke-not-deleted": "Used as failure result of deletion. Parameters:\n* $1 - page title\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Nuke-deleted}}", "nuke-delete-more": "Used at the bottom of the Nuke (mass deletion) result page.", "nuke-pattern": "Used as label for \"nuke pattern\" input box.", "nuke-nopages-global": "Used if there are no pages to delete and the username is empty.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Nuke-nopages}}", "nuke-viewchanges": "Used as link text.\n\nThe link points to History page of the page.\n\nThis message follows:\n* {{msg-mw|nuke-editby}} and {{msg-mw|comma-separator}}\n* or empty string (if username is empty).\n{{Identical|View changes}}", "nuke-namespace": "Label shown on [[Special:Nuke]] in front of the namespace input that allows choosing a namespace to filter the search by", "nuke-linkoncontribs": "Used as link text which is used on [[Special:Contributions]] and [[Special:DeletedContributions]].\n\nOnly added if a user has rights to nuke pages.\n\nThe link has the tooltip {{msg-mw|Nuke-linkoncontribs-text}}.\n{{Identical|Mass delete}}", "nuke-linkoncontribs-text": "Tooltip for the link which is labeled {{msg-mw|Nuke-linkoncontribs}}." }