foreignDb = $mDb; $wikiID = $this->foreignDb->getWikiID(); if ( isset( $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces[ $wikiID ] ) ) { $this->foreignNs = $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces[ $wikiID ]; } else { $this->foreignNs = NS_TIMEDTEXT; } parent::__construct( $query, $moduleName, 'ap' ); } protected function getDB() { return $this->foreignDb; } protected function parseMultiValue( $valueName, $value, $allowMultiple, $allowedValues ) { // foreignnNs might not be defined localy, // catch the undefined error here if ( $valueName == 'apnamespace' && $value == $this->foreignNs && $allowMultiple == false ) { return $this->foreignNs; } return parent::parseMultiValue( $valueName, $value, $allowMultiple, $allowedValues ); } /** * An alternative to titleToKey() that doesn't trim trailing spaces * * * @FIXME: I'M A BIG HACK * * @param string $titlePart Title part with spaces * @return string Title part with underscores */ public function titlePartToKey( $titlePart, $defaultNamespace = NS_MAIN ) { return substr( $this->titleToKey( $titlePart . 'x' ), 0, -1 ); } } class TextHandler { var $remoteNs = null;//lazy init remote Namespace number /** * @var File */ protected $file; function __construct( $file ){ $this->file = $file; } /** * Get the timed text tracks elements as an associative array * @return array|mixed */ function getTracks(){ if( $this->file->isLocal() ){ return $this->getLocalTextSources(); } elseif ( $this->file->getRepo() instanceof ForeignDBViaLBRepo ){ return $this->getForeignDBTextSources(); } else { return $this->getRemoteTextSources(); } } /** * @return bool|int|null */ function getTimedTextNamespace(){ global $wgEnableLocalTimedText; if( $this->file->isLocal() ) { if ( $wgEnableLocalTimedText ) { return NS_TIMEDTEXT; } else { return false; } } elseif( $this->file->repo instanceof ForeignDBViaLBRepo ){ global $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces; $wikiID = $this->file->getRepo()->getSlaveDB()->getWikiID(); if ( isset( $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces[ $wikiID ] ) ) { return $wgTimedTextForeignNamespaces[ $wikiID ]; } // failed to get namespace via ForeignDBViaLBRepo, return NS_TIMEDTEXT return NS_TIMEDTEXT; } else { if( $this->remoteNs !== null ){ return $this->remoteNs; } // Get the namespace data from the image api repo: // fetchImageQuery query caches results $data = $this->file->getRepo()->fetchImageQuery( array( 'meta' =>'siteinfo', 'siprop' => 'namespaces' )); if( isset( $data['query'] ) && isset( $data['query']['namespaces'] ) ){ // get the ~last~ timed text namespace defined foreach( $data['query']['namespaces'] as $ns ){ if( $ns['*'] == 'TimedText' ){ $this->remoteNs = $ns['id']; } } } // Return the remote Ns return $this->remoteNs; } } /** * @return array|bool */ function getTextPagesQuery(){ $ns = $this->getTimedTextNamespace(); if( $ns === false ){ wfDebug("Repo: " . $this->file->repo->getName() . " does not have a TimedText namesapce \n"); // No timed text namespace, don't try to look up timed text tracks return false; } return array( 'action' => 'query', 'list' => 'allpages', 'apnamespace' => $ns, 'aplimit' => 300, 'apprefix' => $this->file->getTitle()->getDBkey() ); } /** * @return array|mixed */ function getRemoteTextSources(){ global $wgMemc; // Use descriptionCacheExpiry as our expire for timed text tracks info if ( $this->file->getRepo()->descriptionCacheExpiry > 0 ) { wfDebug("Attempting to get text tracks from cache..."); $key = $this->file->getRepo()->getLocalCacheKey( 'RemoteTextTracks', 'url', $this->file->getName() ); $obj = $wgMemc->get($key); if ($obj) { wfDebug("success!\n"); return $obj; } wfDebug("miss\n"); } wfDebug("Get text tracks from remote api \n"); $query = $this->getTextPagesQuery(); // Error in getting timed text namespace return empty array; if( $query === false ){ return array(); } $data = $this->file->getRepo()->fetchImageQuery( $query ); $textTracks = $this->getTextTracksFromData( $data ); if ( $data && $this->file->repo->descriptionCacheExpiry > 0 ) { $wgMemc->set( $key, $textTracks, $this->file->repo->descriptionCacheExpiry ); } return $textTracks; } /** * @return array */ function getLocalTextSources(){ global $wgEnableLocalTimedText; if ( $wgEnableLocalTimedText ) { // Init $this->textTracks $params = new FauxRequest( $this->getTextPagesQuery() ); $api = new ApiMain( $params ); $api->execute(); if ( defined( 'ApiResult::META_CONTENT' ) ) { $data = $api->getResult()->getResultData( null, array( 'Strip' => 'all' ) ); } else { $data = $api->getResultData(); } wfDebug(print_r($data, true)); // Get the list of language Names return $this->getTextTracksFromData( $data ); } else { return array(); } } /** * @return array|mixed */ function getForeignDBTextSources(){ // Init $this->textTracks $params = new FauxRequest( $this->getTextPagesQuery() ); $api = new ApiMain( $params ); $api->profileIn(); $query = new ApiQuery( $api, 'foo', 'bar' ); $query->profileIn(); $module = new ForeignApiQueryAllPages( $this->file->getRepo()->getSlaveDB(), $query, 'allpages' ); $module->profileIn(); $module->execute(); $module->profileOut(); $query->profileOut(); $api->profileOut(); if ( defined( 'ApiResult::META_CONTENT' ) ) { $data = $module->getResult()->getResultData( null, array( 'Strip' => 'all' ) ); } else { $data = $module->getResultData(); } // Get the list of language Names return $this->getTextTracksFromData( $data ); } /** * @param $data * @return array */ function getTextTracksFromData( $data ){ $textTracks = array(); $providerName = $this->file->repo->getName(); // commons is called shared in production. normalize it to wikimediacommons if( $providerName == 'shared' ){ $providerName = 'wikimediacommons'; } // Provider name should be the same as the interwiki map // @@todo more testing with this: $langNames = Language::fetchLanguageNames( null, 'mw' ); if( $data['query'] && $data['query']['allpages'] ){ foreach( $data['query']['allpages'] as $page ){ $subTitle = Title::newFromText( $page['title'] ) ; $tileParts = explode( '.', $page['title'] ); if( count( $tileParts) >= 3 ){ $timedTextExtension = array_pop( $tileParts ); $languageKey = array_pop( $tileParts ); $contentType = $this->getContentType( $timedTextExtension ); } else { continue; } // If there is no valid language continue: if( !isset( $langNames[ $languageKey ] ) ){ continue; } $namespacePrefix = "TimedText:"; $textTracks[] = array( 'kind' => 'subtitles', 'data-mwtitle' => $namespacePrefix . $subTitle->getDBkey(), 'data-mwprovider' => $providerName, 'type' => $contentType, // @todo Should eventually add special entry point and output proper WebVTT format: // 'src' => $this->getFullURL( $page['title'], $contentType ), 'srclang' => $languageKey, 'data-dir' => Language::factory( $languageKey )->getDir(), 'label' => wfMessage('timedmedia-subtitle-language', $langNames[ $languageKey ], $languageKey )->text() ); } } return $textTracks; } function getContentType( $timedTextExtension ) { if ( $timedTextExtension === 'srt' ) { return 'text/x-srt'; } else if ( $timedTextExtension === 'vtt' ) { return 'text/vtt'; } return ''; } function getFullURL( $pageTitle, $contentType ){ if( $this->file->isLocal() ) { $subTitle = Title::newFromText( $pageTitle ) ; return $subTitle->getFullURL( array( 'action' => 'raw', 'ctype' => $contentType )); //} elseif( $this->file->repo instanceof ForeignDBViaLBRepo ){ } else { $query = 'title=' . wfUrlencode( $pageTitle ) . '&'; $query .= wfArrayToCgi( array( 'action' => 'raw', 'ctype' => $contentType ) ); // Note: This will return false if scriptDirUrl is not set for repo. return $this->file->repo->makeUrl( $query ); } } }