/* * Expandable search for Vector */ jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) { /* Browser Support */ var map = { // Left-to-right languages ltr: { // Collapsible Nav is broken in Opera < 9.6 and Konqueror < 4 msie: [['>=', 8]], blackberry: false, ipod: false, iphone: false, ps3: false }, // Right-to-left languages rtl: { msie: [['>=', 8]], blackberry: false, ipod: false, iphone: false, ps3: false } }; if ( !$.client.test( map ) ) { return true; } $( '#searchInput' ) .expandableField( { beforeExpand: function ( context ) { // Animate the containers border $( this ) .parent() .animate( { borderTopColor: '#a0d8ff', borderLeftColor: '#a0d8ff', borderRightColor: '#a0d8ff', borderBottomColor: '#a0d8ff' }, 'fast' ); }, beforeCondense: function ( context ) { // Animate the containers border $( this ) .parent() .animate( { borderTopColor: '#aaaaaa', borderLeftColor: '#aaaaaa', borderRightColor: '#aaaaaa', borderBottomColor: '#aaaaaa' }, 'fast' ); }, afterExpand: function ( context ) { // Trigger the collapsible tabs resize handler if ( $.collapsibleTabs ) { $.collapsibleTabs.handleResize(); } }, afterCondense: function ( context ) { // Trigger the collapsible tabs resize handler if ( $.collapsibleTabs ) { $.collapsibleTabs.handleResize(); } }, expandToLeft: !$( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) } ) .css( 'float', $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) ? 'right' : 'left' ) .siblings( 'button' ) .css( 'float', $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) ? 'right' : 'left' ); } );