/* * Section Edit Links for Vector */ ( function( $, mw ) { var eventBase = 'ext.vector.sectionEditLinks-bucket:'; var cookieBase = 'ext.vector.sectionEditLinks-'; if ( mw.config.get( 'wgVectorSectionEditLinksBucketTest', false ) ) { // If the version in the client's cookie doesn't match wgVectorSectionEditLinksExperiment, then // we need to disregard the bucket they may already be in to ensure accurate redistribution var currentExperiment = $.cookie( cookieBase + 'experiment' ); var experiment = Number( mw.config.get( 'wgVectorSectionEditLinksExperiment', 0 ) ); var bucket = null; if ( currentExperiment === null || Number( currentExperiment ) != experiment ) { $.cookie( cookieBase + 'experiment', experiment ); } else { bucket = $.cookie( cookieBase + 'bucket' ); } if ( bucket === null ) { // Percentage chance of being tracked var odds = Math.min( 100, Math.max( 0, Number( mw.config.get( 'wgVectorSectionEditLinksLotteryOdds', 0 ) ) ) ); // 0 = not tracked, 1 = tracked with old version, 2 = tracked with new version bucket = ( Math.random() * 100 ) < odds ? Number( Math.random() < 0.5 ) + 1 : 0; $.cookie( cookieBase + 'bucket', bucket, { 'path': '/', 'expires': 30 } ); // If we are going to track this person from now on, let's also track which bucket we put // them into and when if ( bucket > 0 && 'trackAction' in $ ) { $.trackAction( eventBase + bucket + '@' + experiment ); } } } if ( bucket > 0 ) { // Transform the targets of section edit links to route through the click tracking API var session = $.cookie( 'clicktracking-session' ); $( 'span.editsection a, #ca-edit a' ).each( function() { var event = eventBase + bucket + '@' + experiment; if ( $(this).is( '#ca-edit a' ) ) { event += '-tab'; } var href = $( this ).attr( 'href' ); var editUrl = href + ( href.indexOf( '?' ) >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + $.param( { 'clicktrackingsession': session, 'clicktrackingevent': event + '-save' } ); $(this).attr( 'href', $.trackActionURL( editUrl, event + '-click' ) ); } ); if ( bucket == 2 ) { // Move the link over to be next to the heading text and style it with an icon $( 'span.mw-headline' ).each( function() { $(this) .after( $( '' ) .append( $(this) .prev( 'span.editsection' ) .find( 'a' ) .each( function() { var text = $(this).text(); $(this).text( text.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + text.substr( 1 ) ); } ) .detach() ) ) .prev( 'span.editsection' ) .remove(); } ); } } } )( jQuery, mediaWiki );