/** * This plugin provides a way to build a wiki-text editing user interface around a textarea. * * @example To intialize without any modules: * $( 'div#edittoolbar' ).wikiEditor(); * * @example To initialize with one or more modules, or to add modules after it's already been initialized: * $( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'toolbar', { ... config ... } ); * */ /*jshint onevar:false, boss:true */ ( function ( $, mw ) { var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, /** * Array of language codes. */ fallbackChain = ( function () { var isRTL = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ), chain = mw.language.getFallbackLanguageChain(); // Do not fallback to 'en' if ( chain.length >= 2 && !/^en-/.test( chain[chain.length - 2] ) ) { chain.pop(); } if ( isRTL ) { chain.push( 'default-rtl' ); } chain.push( 'default' ); return chain; } )(); /** * Global static object for wikiEditor that provides generally useful functionality to all modules and contexts. */ $.wikiEditor = { /** * For each module that is loaded, static code shared by all instances is loaded into this object organized by * module name. The existance of a module in this object only indicates the module is available. To check if a * module is in use by a specific context check the context.modules object. */ modules: {}, /** * A context can be extended, such as adding iframe support, on a per-wikiEditor instance basis. */ extensions: {}, /** * In some cases like with the iframe's HTML file, it's convienent to have a lookup table of all instances of the * WikiEditor. Each context contains an instance field which contains a key that corrosponds to a reference to the * textarea which the WikiEditor was build around. This way, by passing a simple integer you can provide a way back * to a specific context. */ instances: [], /** * For each browser name, an array of conditions that must be met are supplied in [operaton, value]-form where * operation is a string containing a JavaScript compatible binary operator and value is either a number to be * compared with $.browser.versionNumber or a string to be compared with $.browser.version. If a browser is not * specifically mentioned, we just assume things will work. */ browsers: { // Left-to-right languages ltr: { // The toolbar layout is broken in IE6 msie: [['>=', 7]], // Layout issues in FF < 2 firefox: [['>=', 2]], // Text selection bugs galore opera: [['>=', 9.6]], // jQuery minimums safari: [['>=', 3]], chrome: [['>=', 3]], netscape: [['>=', 9]], blackberry: false, ipod: [['>=', 6]], iphone: [['>=', 6]] }, // Right-to-left languages rtl: { // The toolbar layout is broken in IE 7 in RTL mode, and IE6 in any mode msie: [['>=', 8]], // Layout issues in FF < 2 firefox: [['>=', 2]], // Text selection bugs galore opera: [['>=', 9.6]], // jQuery minimums safari: [['>=', 3]], chrome: [['>=', 3]], netscape: [['>=', 9]], blackberry: false, ipod: [['>=', 6]], iphone: [['>=', 6]] } }, /** * Path to images - this is a bit messy, and it would need to change if this code (and images) gets moved into the * core - or anywhere for that matter... */ imgPath: mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/WikiEditor/modules/images/', /** * Checks the current browser against the browsers object to determine if the browser has been black-listed or not. * Because these rules are often very complex, the object contains configurable operators and can check against * either the browser version number or string. This process also involves checking if the current browser is amung * those which we have configured as compatible or not. If the browser was not configured as comptible we just go on * assuming things will work - the argument here is to prevent the need to update the code when a new browser comes * to market. The assumption here is that any new browser will be built on an existing engine or be otherwise so * similar to another existing browser that things actually do work as expected. The merrits of this argument, which * is essentially to blacklist rather than whitelist are debateable, but at this point we've decided it's the more * "open-web" way to go. * @param module Module object, defaults to $.wikiEditor */ isSupported: function ( module ) { // Fallback to the wikiEditor browser map if no special map is provided in the module var mod = module && 'browsers' in module ? module : $.wikiEditor; // Check for and make use of cached value and early opportunities to bail if ( typeof mod.supported !== 'undefined' ) { // Cache hit return mod.supported; } // Run a browser support test and then cache and return the result return mod.supported = $.client.test( mod.browsers ); }, /** * Checks if a module has a specific requirement * @param module Module object * @param requirement String identifying requirement */ isRequired: function ( module, requirement ) { if ( typeof module.req !== 'undefined' ) { for ( var req in module.req ) { if ( module.req[req] === requirement ) { return true; } } } return false; }, /** * Provides a way to extract messages from objects. Wraps a mediaWiki.message( ... ).plain() call. * * @param object Object to extract messages from * @param property String of name of property which contains the message. This should be the base name of the * property, which means that in the case of the object { this: 'that', fooMsg: 'bar' }, passing property as 'this' * would return the raw text 'that', while passing property as 'foo' would return the internationalized message * with the key 'bar'. */ autoMsg: function ( object, property ) { var i, p; // Accept array of possible properties, of which the first one found will be used if ( typeof property === 'object' ) { for ( i in property ) { if ( property[i] in object || property[i] + 'Msg' in object ) { property = property[i]; break; } } } if ( property in object ) { return object[property]; } else if ( property + 'Msg' in object ) { p = object[property + 'Msg']; if ( $.isArray( p ) && p.length >= 2 ) { return mw.message.apply( mw.message, p ).plain(); } else { return mw.message( p ).plain(); } } else { return ''; } }, /** * Provides a way to extract a property of an object in a certain language, falling back on the property keyed as * 'default' or 'default-rtl'. If such key doesn't exist, the object itself is considered the actual value, which * should ideally be the case so that you may use a string or object of any number of strings keyed by language * with a default. * * @param object Object to extract property from */ autoLang: function ( object ) { var i, key; for ( i = 0; i < fallbackChain.length; i++ ) { key = fallbackChain[i]; if ( hasOwn.call( object, key ) ) { return object[key]; } } return object; }, /** * Provides a way to extract the path of an icon in a certain language, automatically appending a version number for * caching purposes and prepending an image path when icon paths are relative. * * @param icon Icon object from e.g. toolbar config * @param path Default icon path, defaults to $.wikiEditor.imgPath */ autoIcon: function ( icon, path ) { var src = $.wikiEditor.autoLang( icon ); path = path || $.wikiEditor.imgPath; // Prepend path if src is not absolute if ( src.substr( 0, 7 ) !== 'http://' && src.substr( 0, 8 ) !== 'https://' && src[0] !== '/' ) { src = path + src; } return src + '?' + mw.loader.getVersion( 'jquery.wikiEditor' ); }, /** * Get the sprite offset for a language if available, icon for a language if available, or the default offset or icon, * in that order of preference. * @param icon Icon object, see autoIcon() * @param offset Offset object * @param path Icon path, see autoIcon() */ autoIconOrOffset: function ( icon, offset, path ) { var i, key, src; path = path || $.wikiEditor.imgPath; for ( i = 0; i < fallbackChain.length; i++ ) { key = fallbackChain[i]; if ( offset && hasOwn.call( offset, key ) ) { return offset[key]; } if ( icon && hasOwn.call( icon, key ) ) { src = icon[key]; // Prepend path if src is not absolute if ( src.substr( 0, 7 ) !== 'http://' && src.substr( 0, 8 ) !== 'https://' && src[0] !== '/' ) { src = path + src; } return src + '?' + mw.loader.getVersion( 'jquery.wikiEditor' ); } } return offset || icon; } }; /** * jQuery plugin that provides a way to initialize a wikiEditor instance on a textarea. */ $.fn.wikiEditor = function () { // Skip any further work when running in browsers that are unsupported if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported() ) { return $( this ); } // Save browser profile for detailed tests. var profile = $.client.profile(); /* Initialization */ // The wikiEditor context is stored in the element's data, so when this function gets called again we can pick up right // where we left off var context = $( this ).data( 'wikiEditor-context' ); // On first call, we need to set things up, but on all following calls we can skip right to the API handling if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) { // Star filling the context with useful data - any jQuery selections, as usual should be named with a preceding $ context = { // Reference to the textarea element which the wikiEditor is being built around '$textarea': $( this ), // Container for any number of mutually exclusive views that are accessible by tabs 'views': {}, // Container for any number of module-specific data - only including data for modules in use on this context 'modules': {}, // General place to shouve bits of data into 'data': {}, // Unique numeric ID of this instance used both for looking up and differentiating instances of wikiEditor 'instance': $.wikiEditor.instances.push( $( this ) ) - 1, // Saved selection state for old IE (<=10) 'savedSelection': null, // List of extensions active on this context 'extensions': [] }; /** * Externally Accessible API * * These are available using calls to $( selection ).wikiEditor( call, data ) where selection is a jQuery selection * of the textarea that the wikiEditor instance was built around. */ context.api = { /** * Activates a module on a specific context with optional configuration data. * * @param data Either a string of the name of a module to add without any additional configuration parameters, * or an object with members keyed with module names and valued with configuration objects. */ 'addModule': function ( context, data ) { var module, call, modules = {}; if ( typeof data === 'string' ) { modules[data] = {}; } else if ( typeof data === 'object' ) { modules = data; } for ( module in modules ) { // Check for the existance of an available / supported module with a matching name and a create function if ( typeof module === 'string' && typeof $.wikiEditor.modules[module] !== 'undefined' && $.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) ) { // Extend the context's core API with this module's own API calls if ( 'api' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) { for ( call in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].api ) { // Modules may not overwrite existing API functions - first come, first serve if ( !( call in context.api ) ) { context.api[call] = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].api[call]; } } } // Activate the module on this context if ( 'fn' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] && 'create' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].fn ) { // Add a place for the module to put it's own stuff context.modules[module] = {}; // Tell the module to create itself on the context $.wikiEditor.modules[module].fn.create( context, modules[module] ); } } } } }; /** * Event Handlers * * These act as filters returning false if the event should be ignored or returning true if it should be passed * on to all modules. This is also where we can attach some extra information to the events. */ context.evt = { /* Empty until extensions add some; see jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js for examples. */ }; /* Internal Functions */ context.fn = { /** * Executes core event filters as well as event handlers provided by modules. */ trigger: function ( name, event ) { // Workaround for a scrolling bug in IE8 (bug 61908) if ( profile.name === 'msie' && profile.versionNumber === 8 ) { context.$textarea.css( 'width', context.$textarea.parent().width() ); } // Event is an optional argument, but from here on out, at least the type field should be dependable if ( typeof event === 'undefined' ) { event = { 'type': 'custom' }; } // Ensure there's a place for extra information to live if ( typeof event.data === 'undefined' ) { event.data = {}; } // Allow filtering to occur if ( name in context.evt ) { if ( !context.evt[name]( event ) ) { return false; } } var returnFromModules = null; // they return null by default // Pass the event around to all modules activated on this context for ( var module in context.modules ) { if ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules && 'evt' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] && name in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].evt ) { var ret = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].evt[name]( context, event ); if ( ret !== null ) { // if 1 returns false, the end result is false if ( returnFromModules === null ) { returnFromModules = ret; } else { returnFromModules = returnFromModules && ret; } } } } if ( returnFromModules !== null ) { return returnFromModules; } else { return true; } }, /** * Adds a button to the UI */ addButton: function ( options ) { // Ensure that buttons and tabs are visible context.$controls.show(); context.$buttons.show(); return $( '