getVal( 'diff' );
$diffOnly = $wgRequest->getBool( 'diffonly', $wgUser->getOption( 'diffonly' ) );
if ( isset( $diff ) && $diffOnly )
return Article::view();
if(!wfRunHooks('CategoryPageView', array(&$this))) return;
if ( NS_CATEGORY == $this->mTitle->getNamespace() ) {
# If the article we've just shown is in the "Image" namespace,
# follow it with the history list and link list for the image
# it describes.
if ( NS_CATEGORY == $this->mTitle->getNamespace() ) {
* This page should not be cached if 'from' or 'until' has been used
* @return bool
function isFileCacheable() {
global $wgRequest;
return ( ! Article::isFileCacheable()
|| $wgRequest->getVal( 'from' )
|| $wgRequest->getVal( 'until' )
) ? false : true;
function openShowCategory() {
# For overloading
function closeShowCategory() {
global $wgOut, $wgRequest;
$from = $wgRequest->getVal( 'from' );
$until = $wgRequest->getVal( 'until' );
$viewer = new CategoryViewer( $this->mTitle, $from, $until );
$wgOut->addHTML( $viewer->getHTML() );
class CategoryViewer {
var $title, $limit, $from, $until,
$articles, $articles_start_char,
$children, $children_start_char,
$showGallery, $gallery,
/** Category object for this page */
private $cat;
function __construct( $title, $from = '', $until = '' ) {
global $wgCategoryPagingLimit;
$this->title = $title;
$this->from = $from;
$this->until = $until;
$this->limit = $wgCategoryPagingLimit;
$this->cat = Category::newFromName( $title->getDBKey() );
* Format the category data list.
* @param string $from -- return only sort keys from this item on
* @param string $until -- don't return keys after this point.
* @return string HTML output
* @private
function getHTML() {
global $wgOut, $wgCategoryMagicGallery, $wgCategoryPagingLimit;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$this->showGallery = $wgCategoryMagicGallery && !$wgOut->mNoGallery;
$r = $this->getCategoryTop() .
$this->getSubcategorySection() .
$this->getPagesSection() .
$this->getImageSection() .
// Give a proper message if category is empty
if ( $r == '' ) {
$r = wfMsgExt( 'category-empty', array( 'parse' ) );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $r;
function clearCategoryState() {
$this->articles = array();
$this->articles_start_char = array();
$this->children = array();
$this->children_start_char = array();
if( $this->showGallery ) {
$this->gallery = new ImageGallery();
function getSkin() {
if ( !$this->skin ) {
global $wgUser;
$this->skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
return $this->skin;
* Add a subcategory to the internal lists, using a Category object
function addSubcategoryObject( $cat, $sortkey, $pageLength ) {
$title = $cat->getTitle();
$this->addSubcategory( $title, $sortkey, $pageLength );
* Add a subcategory to the internal lists, using a title object
* @deprectated kept for compatibility, please use addSubcategoryObject instead
function addSubcategory( $title, $sortkey, $pageLength ) {
global $wgContLang;
// Subcategory; strip the 'Category' namespace from the link text.
$this->children[] = $this->getSkin()->makeKnownLinkObj(
$title, $wgContLang->convertHtml( $title->getText() ) );
$this->children_start_char[] = $this->getSubcategorySortChar( $title, $sortkey );
* Get the character to be used for sorting subcategories.
* If there's a link from Category:A to Category:B, the sortkey of the resulting
* entry in the categorylinks table is Category:A, not A, which it SHOULD be.
* Workaround: If sortkey == "Category:".$title, than use $title for sorting,
* else use sortkey...
function getSubcategorySortChar( $title, $sortkey ) {
global $wgContLang;
if( $title->getPrefixedText() == $sortkey ) {
$firstChar = $wgContLang->firstChar( $title->getDBkey() );
} else {
$firstChar = $wgContLang->firstChar( $sortkey );
return $wgContLang->convert( $firstChar );
* Add a page in the image namespace
function addImage( Title $title, $sortkey, $pageLength, $isRedirect = false ) {
if ( $this->showGallery ) {
if( $this->flip ) {
$this->gallery->insert( $title );
} else {
$this->gallery->add( $title );
} else {
$this->addPage( $title, $sortkey, $pageLength, $isRedirect );
* Add a miscellaneous page
function addPage( $title, $sortkey, $pageLength, $isRedirect = false ) {
global $wgContLang;
$this->articles[] = $isRedirect
? '' . $this->getSkin()->makeKnownLinkObj( $title ) . ''
: $this->getSkin()->makeSizeLinkObj( $pageLength, $title );
$this->articles_start_char[] = $wgContLang->convert( $wgContLang->firstChar( $sortkey ) );
function finaliseCategoryState() {
if( $this->flip ) {
$this->children = array_reverse( $this->children );
$this->children_start_char = array_reverse( $this->children_start_char );
$this->articles = array_reverse( $this->articles );
$this->articles_start_char = array_reverse( $this->articles_start_char );
function doCategoryQuery() {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
if( $this->from != '' ) {
$pageCondition = 'cl_sortkey >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $this->from );
$this->flip = false;
} elseif( $this->until != '' ) {
$pageCondition = 'cl_sortkey < ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $this->until );
$this->flip = true;
} else {
$pageCondition = '1 = 1';
$this->flip = false;
$res = $dbr->select(
array( 'page', 'categorylinks', 'category' ),
array( 'page_title', 'page_namespace', 'page_len', 'page_is_redirect', 'cl_sortkey',
'cat_id', 'cat_title', 'cat_subcats', 'cat_pages', 'cat_files' ),
array( $pageCondition,
'cl_to' => $this->title->getDBkey() ),
array( 'ORDER BY' => $this->flip ? 'cl_sortkey DESC' : 'cl_sortkey',
'USE INDEX' => array( 'categorylinks' => 'cl_sortkey' ),
'LIMIT' => $this->limit + 1 ),
array( 'categorylinks' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 'cl_from = page_id' ),
'category' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'cat_title = page_title AND page_namespace = ' . NS_CATEGORY ) ) );
$count = 0;
$this->nextPage = null;
while( $x = $dbr->fetchObject ( $res ) ) {
if( ++$count > $this->limit ) {
// We've reached the one extra which shows that there are
// additional pages to be had. Stop here...
$this->nextPage = $x->cl_sortkey;
$title = Title::makeTitle( $x->page_namespace, $x->page_title );
if( $title->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY ) {
$cat = Category::newFromRow( $x, $title );
$this->addSubcategoryObject( $cat, $x->cl_sortkey, $x->page_len );
} elseif( $this->showGallery && $title->getNamespace() == NS_IMAGE ) {
$this->addImage( $title, $x->cl_sortkey, $x->page_len, $x->page_is_redirect );
} else {
$this->addPage( $title, $x->cl_sortkey, $x->page_len, $x->page_is_redirect );
$dbr->freeResult( $res );
function getCategoryTop() {
$r = '';
if( $this->until != '' ) {
$r .= $this->pagingLinks( $this->title, $this->nextPage, $this->until, $this->limit );
} elseif( $this->nextPage != '' || $this->from != '' ) {
$r .= $this->pagingLinks( $this->title, $this->from, $this->nextPage, $this->limit );
return $r == ''
? $r
: "
\n" . $r;
function getSubcategorySection() {
# Don't show subcategories section if there are none.
$r = '';
$rescnt = count( $this->children );
$dbcnt = $this->cat->getSubcatCount();
$countmsg = $this->getCountMessage( $rescnt, $dbcnt, 'subcat' );
if( $rescnt > 0 ) {
# Showing subcategories
$r .= "
$atColumnTop = true;
// output all articles in category
for ($index = $startChunk ;
$index < $endChunk && $index < count($articles);
$index++ )
// check for change of starting letter or begining of chunk
if ( ($index == $startChunk) ||
($articles_start_char[$index] != $articles_start_char[$index - 1]) )
if( $atColumnTop ) {
$atColumnTop = false;
} else {
$r .= "\n";
$cont_msg = "";
if ( $articles_start_char[$index] == $prev_start_char )
$cont_msg = ' ' . wfMsgHtml( 'listingcontinuesabbrev' );
$r .= "" . htmlspecialchars( $articles_start_char[$index] ) . "$cont_msg\n
| \n";
$r .= '