getVal( 'action' ) === 'purge'; if ( $purge && $wgUser->isAllowed('purge') ) { $messageMemc->delete( $timekey ); $messageMemc->delete( $key ); } } public static function checkFeedOutput( $type ) { global $wgFeed, $wgOut, $wgFeedClasses; if ( !$wgFeed ) { global $wgOut; $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'feed-unavailable' ); return false; } if( !isset( $wgFeedClasses[$type] ) ) { wfHttpError( 500, "Internal Server Error", "Unsupported feed type." ); return false; } return true; } /** * Format a diff for the newsfeed */ public static function formatDiff( $row ) { global $wgUser; $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( $row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title ); $timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->rc_timestamp ); $actiontext = ''; if( $row->rc_type == RC_LOG ) { if( $row->rc_deleted & LogPage::DELETED_ACTION ) { $actiontext = wfMsgHtml('rev-deleted-event'); } else { $actiontext = LogPage::actionText( $row->rc_log_type, $row->rc_log_action, $titleObj, $wgUser->getSkin(), LogPage::extractParams($row->rc_params,true,true) ); } } return self::formatDiffRow( $titleObj, $row->rc_last_oldid, $row->rc_this_oldid, $timestamp, ($row->rc_deleted & Revision::DELETED_COMMENT) ? wfMsgHtml('rev-deleted-comment') : $row->rc_comment, $actiontext ); } public static function formatDiffRow( $title, $oldid, $newid, $timestamp, $comment, $actiontext='' ) { global $wgFeedDiffCutoff, $wgContLang, $wgUser; wfProfileIn( __FUNCTION__ ); $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); # log enties $completeText = '
' . implode( ' ', array_filter( array( $actiontext, $skin->formatComment( $comment ) ) ) ) . "
\n"; //NOTE: Check permissions for anonymous users, not current user. // No "privileged" version should end up in the cache. // Most feed readers will not log in anway. $anon = new User(); $accErrors = $title->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'read', $anon, true ); if( $title->getNamespace() >= 0 && !$accErrors ) { if( $oldid ) { wfProfileIn( __FUNCTION__."-dodiff" ); #$diffText = $de->getDiff( wfMsg( 'revisionasof', # $wgContLang->timeanddate( $timestamp ) ), # wfMsg( 'currentrev' ) ); // Don't bother generating the diff if we won't be able to show it if ( $wgFeedDiffCutoff > 0 ) { $de = new DifferenceEngine( $title, $oldid, $newid ); $diffText = $de->getDiff( wfMsg( 'previousrevision' ), // hack wfMsg( 'revisionasof', $wgContLang->timeanddate( $timestamp ) ) ); } if ( ( strlen( $diffText ) > $wgFeedDiffCutoff ) || ( $wgFeedDiffCutoff <= 0 ) ) { // Omit large diffs $diffLink = $title->escapeFullUrl( 'diff=' . $newid . '&oldid=' . $oldid ); $diffText = '' . htmlspecialchars( wfMsgForContent( 'showdiff' ) ) . ''; } elseif ( $diffText === false ) { // Error in diff engine, probably a missing revision $diffText = "Can't load revision $newid
"; } else { // Diff output fine, clean up any illegal UTF-8 $diffText = UtfNormal::cleanUp( $diffText ); $diffText = self::applyDiffStyle( $diffText ); } wfProfileOut( __FUNCTION__."-dodiff" ); } else { $rev = Revision::newFromId( $newid ); if( is_null( $rev ) ) { $newtext = ''; } else { $newtext = $rev->getText(); } $diffText = '' . wfMsg( 'newpage' ) . '
' . '