var $styles = array();
private $mIndexPolicy = 'index';
private $mFollowPolicy = 'follow';
* Constructor
* Initialise private variables
function __construct() {
global $wgAllowUserJs;
$this->mAllowUserJs = $wgAllowUserJs;
public function redirect( $url, $responsecode = '302' ) {
# Strip newlines as a paranoia check for header injection in PHP<5.1.2
$this->mRedirect = str_replace( "\n", '', $url );
$this->mRedirectCode = $responsecode;
public function getRedirect() {
return $this->mRedirect;
* Set the HTTP status code to send with the output.
* @param int $statusCode
* @return nothing
function setStatusCode( $statusCode ) { $this->mStatusCode = $statusCode; }
* Add a new tag
* To add an http-equiv meta tag, precede the name with "http:"
* @param $name tag name
* @param $val tag value
function addMeta( $name, $val ) {
array_push( $this->mMetatags, array( $name, $val ) );
function addKeyword( $text ) { array_push( $this->mKeywords, $text ); }
function addScript( $script ) { $this->mScripts .= "\t\t".$script; }
function addExtensionStyle( $url ) {
$linkarr = array( 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'href' => $url, 'type' => 'text/css' );
array_push( $this->mExtStyles, $linkarr );
* Add a JavaScript file out of skins/common, or a given relative path.
* @param string $file filename in skins/common or complete on-server path (/foo/bar.js)
function addScriptFile( $file ) {
global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion, $wgJsMimeType;
if( substr( $file, 0, 1 ) == '/' ) {
$path = $file;
} else {
$path = "{$wgStylePath}/common/{$file}";
$this->addScript( "\n" );
* Add a self-contained script tag with the given contents
* @param string $script JavaScript text, no ";
function getScript() {
return $this->mScripts . $this->getHeadItems();
function getHeadItems() {
$s = '';
foreach ( $this->mHeadItems as $item ) {
$s .= $item;
return $s;
function addHeadItem( $name, $value ) {
$this->mHeadItems[$name] = $value;
function hasHeadItem( $name ) {
return isset( $this->mHeadItems[$name] );
function setETag($tag) { $this->mETag = $tag; }
function setArticleBodyOnly($only) { $this->mArticleBodyOnly = $only; }
function getArticleBodyOnly($only) { return $this->mArticleBodyOnly; }
function addLink( $linkarr ) {
# $linkarr should be an associative array of attributes. We'll escape on output.
array_push( $this->mLinktags, $linkarr );
# Get all links added by extensions
function getExtStyle() {
return $this->mExtStyles;
function addMetadataLink( $linkarr ) {
# note: buggy CC software only reads first "meta" link
static $haveMeta = false;
$linkarr['rel'] = ($haveMeta) ? 'alternate meta' : 'meta';
$this->addLink( $linkarr );
$haveMeta = true;
* checkLastModified tells the client to use the client-cached page if
* possible. If sucessful, the OutputPage is disabled so that
* any future call to OutputPage->output() have no effect.
* Side effect: sets mLastModified for Last-Modified header
* @return bool True iff cache-ok headers was sent.
function checkLastModified( $timestamp ) {
global $wgCachePages, $wgCacheEpoch, $wgUser, $wgRequest;
if ( !$timestamp || $timestamp == '19700101000000' ) {
return false;
if( !$wgCachePages ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": CACHE DISABLED\n", false );
return false;
if( $wgUser->getOption( 'nocache' ) ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": USER DISABLED CACHE\n", false );
return false;
$timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $timestamp );
$modifiedTimes = array(
'page' => $timestamp,
'user' => $wgUser->getTouched(),
'epoch' => $wgCacheEpoch
wfRunHooks( 'OutputPageCheckLastModified', array( &$modifiedTimes ) );
$maxModified = max( $modifiedTimes );
$this->mLastModified = wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, $maxModified );
if( empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ) ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": client did not send If-Modified-Since header\n", false );
return false;
# Make debug info
$info = '';
foreach ( $modifiedTimes as $name => $value ) {
if ( $info !== '' ) {
$info .= ', ';
$info .= "$name=" . wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $value );
# IE sends sizes after the date like this:
# Wed, 20 Aug 2003 06:51:19 GMT; length=5202
# this breaks strtotime().
$clientHeader = preg_replace( '/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] );
wfSuppressWarnings(); // E_STRICT system time bitching
$clientHeaderTime = strtotime( $clientHeader );
if ( !$clientHeaderTime ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": unable to parse the client's If-Modified-Since header: $clientHeader\n" );
return false;
$clientHeaderTime = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $clientHeaderTime );
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": client sent If-Modified-Since: " .
wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $clientHeaderTime ) . "\n", false );
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": effective Last-Modified: " .
wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, $maxModified ) . "\n", false );
if( $clientHeaderTime < $maxModified ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": STALE, $info\n", false );
return false;
# Not modified
# Give a 304 response code and disable body output
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": NOT MODIFIED, $info\n", false );
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
$wgRequest->response()->header( "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified" );
// Don't output a compressed blob when using ob_gzhandler;
// it's technically against HTTP spec and seems to confuse
// Firefox when the response gets split over two packets.
return true;
function setPageTitleActionText( $text ) {
$this->mPageTitleActionText = $text;
function getPageTitleActionText () {
if ( isset( $this->mPageTitleActionText ) ) {
return $this->mPageTitleActionText;
* Set the robot policy for the page:
* @param $policy string The literal string to output as the contents of
* the meta tag. Will be parsed according to the spec and output in
* standardized form.
* @return null
public function setRobotPolicy( $policy ) {
$policy = explode( ',', $policy );
$policy = array_map( 'trim', $policy );
# The default policy is follow, so if nothing is said explicitly, we
# do that.
if( in_array( 'nofollow', $policy ) ) {
$this->mFollowPolicy = 'nofollow';
} else {
$this->mFollowPolicy = 'follow';
if( in_array( 'noindex', $policy ) ) {
$this->mIndexPolicy = 'noindex';
} else {
$this->mIndexPolicy = 'index';
* Set the index policy for the page, but leave the follow policy un-
* touched.
* @param $policy string Either 'index' or 'noindex'.
* @return null
public function setIndexPolicy( $policy ) {
$policy = trim( $policy );
if( in_array( $policy, array( 'index', 'noindex' ) ) ) {
$this->mIndexPolicy = $policy;
* Set the follow policy for the page, but leave the index policy un-
* touched.
* @param $policy string Either 'follow' or 'nofollow'.
* @return null
public function setFollowPolicy( $policy ) {
$policy = trim( $policy );
if( in_array( $policy, array( 'follow', 'nofollow' ) ) ) {
$this->mFollowPolicy = $policy;
public function setHTMLTitle( $name ) { $this->mHTMLtitle = $name; }
public function setPageTitle( $name ) {
global $wgContLang;
$name = $wgContLang->convert( $name, true );
$this->mPagetitle = $name;
$taction = $this->getPageTitleActionText();
if( !empty( $taction ) ) {
$name .= ' - '.$taction;
$this->setHTMLTitle( wfMsg( 'pagetitle', $name ) );
public function getHTMLTitle() { return $this->mHTMLtitle; }
public function getPageTitle() { return $this->mPagetitle; }
public function setSubtitle( $str ) { $this->mSubtitle = /*$this->parse(*/$str/*)*/; } // @bug 2514
public function appendSubtitle( $str ) { $this->mSubtitle .= /*$this->parse(*/$str/*)*/; } // @bug 2514
public function getSubtitle() { return $this->mSubtitle; }
public function isArticle() { return $this->mIsarticle; }
public function setPrintable() { $this->mPrintable = true; }
public function isPrintable() { return $this->mPrintable; }
public function setSyndicated( $show = true ) { $this->mShowFeedLinks = $show; }
public function isSyndicated() { return $this->mShowFeedLinks; }
public function setFeedAppendQuery( $val ) { $this->mFeedLinksAppendQuery = $val; }
public function getFeedAppendQuery() { return $this->mFeedLinksAppendQuery; }
public function setOnloadHandler( $js ) { $this->mOnloadHandler = $js; }
public function getOnloadHandler() { return $this->mOnloadHandler; }
public function disable() { $this->mDoNothing = true; }
public function isDisabled() { return $this->mDoNothing; }
public function setArticleRelated( $v ) {
$this->mIsArticleRelated = $v;
if ( !$v ) {
$this->mIsarticle = false;
public function setArticleFlag( $v ) {
$this->mIsarticle = $v;
if ( $v ) {
$this->mIsArticleRelated = $v;
public function isArticleRelated() { return $this->mIsArticleRelated; }
public function getLanguageLinks() { return $this->mLanguageLinks; }
public function addLanguageLinks($newLinkArray) {
$this->mLanguageLinks += $newLinkArray;
public function setLanguageLinks($newLinkArray) {
$this->mLanguageLinks = $newLinkArray;
public function getCategoryLinks() {
return $this->mCategoryLinks;
* Add an array of categories, with names in the keys
public function addCategoryLinks( $categories ) {
global $wgUser, $wgContLang;
if ( !is_array( $categories ) || count( $categories ) == 0 ) {
# Add the links to a LinkBatch
$arr = array( NS_CATEGORY => $categories );
$lb = new LinkBatch;
$lb->setArray( $arr );
# Fetch existence plus the hiddencat property
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$pageTable = $dbr->tableName( 'page' );
$where = $lb->constructSet( 'page', $dbr );
$propsTable = $dbr->tableName( 'page_props' );
$sql = "SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_len, page_is_redirect, pp_value
FROM $pageTable LEFT JOIN $propsTable ON pp_propname='hiddencat' AND pp_page=page_id WHERE $where";
$res = $dbr->query( $sql, __METHOD__ );
# Add the results to the link cache
$lb->addResultToCache( LinkCache::singleton(), $res );
# Set all the values to 'normal'. This can be done with array_fill_keys in PHP 5.2.0+
$categories = array_combine( array_keys( $categories ),
array_fill( 0, count( $categories ), 'normal' ) );
# Mark hidden categories
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
if ( isset( $row->pp_value ) ) {
$categories[$row->page_title] = 'hidden';
# Add the remaining categories to the skin
if ( wfRunHooks( 'OutputPageMakeCategoryLinks', array( &$this, $categories, &$this->mCategoryLinks ) ) ) {
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
foreach ( $categories as $category => $type ) {
$origcategory = $category;
$title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $category );
$wgContLang->findVariantLink( $category, $title, true );
if ( $category != $origcategory )
if ( array_key_exists( $category, $categories ) )
$text = $wgContLang->convertHtml( $title->getText() );
$this->mCategoryLinks[$type][] = $sk->makeLinkObj( $title, $text );
public function setCategoryLinks($categories) {
$this->mCategoryLinks = array();
public function suppressQuickbar() { $this->mSuppressQuickbar = true; }
public function isQuickbarSuppressed() { return $this->mSuppressQuickbar; }
public function disallowUserJs() { $this->mAllowUserJs = false; }
public function isUserJsAllowed() { return $this->mAllowUserJs; }
public function prependHTML( $text ) { $this->mBodytext = $text . $this->mBodytext; }
public function addHTML( $text ) { $this->mBodytext .= $text; }
public function clearHTML() { $this->mBodytext = ''; }
public function getHTML() { return $this->mBodytext; }
public function debug( $text ) { $this->mDebugtext .= $text; }
/* @deprecated */
public function setParserOptions( $options ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
return $this->parserOptions( $options );
public function parserOptions( $options = null ) {
if ( !$this->mParserOptions ) {
$this->mParserOptions = new ParserOptions;
return wfSetVar( $this->mParserOptions, $options );
* Set the revision ID which will be seen by the wiki text parser
* for things such as embedded {{REVISIONID}} variable use.
* @param mixed $revid an integer, or NULL
* @return mixed previous value
public function setRevisionId( $revid ) {
$val = is_null( $revid ) ? null : intval( $revid );
return wfSetVar( $this->mRevisionId, $val );
public function getRevisionId() {
return $this->mRevisionId;
* Convert wikitext to HTML and add it to the buffer
* Default assumes that the current page title will
* be used.
* @param string $text
* @param bool $linestart
public function addWikiText( $text, $linestart = true ) {
global $wgTitle;
$this->addWikiTextTitle($text, $wgTitle, $linestart);
public function addWikiTextWithTitle($text, &$title, $linestart = true) {
$this->addWikiTextTitle($text, $title, $linestart);
function addWikiTextTitleTidy($text, &$title, $linestart = true) {
$this->addWikiTextTitle( $text, $title, $linestart, true );
public function addWikiTextTitle($text, &$title, $linestart, $tidy = false) {
global $wgParser;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
wfIncrStats( 'pcache_not_possible' );
$popts = $this->parserOptions();
$oldTidy = $popts->setTidy( $tidy );
$parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $text, $title, $popts,
$linestart, true, $this->mRevisionId );
$popts->setTidy( $oldTidy );
$this->addParserOutput( $parserOutput );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
* @todo document
* @param ParserOutput object &$parserOutput
public function addParserOutputNoText( &$parserOutput ) {
global $wgTitle, $wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl, $wgContentNamespaces;
$this->mLanguageLinks += $parserOutput->getLanguageLinks();
$this->addCategoryLinks( $parserOutput->getCategories() );
$this->mNewSectionLink = $parserOutput->getNewSection();
$this->mHideNewSectionLink = $parserOutput->getHideNewSection();
if( is_null( $wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl ) ) {
$bannedNamespaces = $wgContentNamespaces;
} else {
$bannedNamespaces = $wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl;
if( !in_array( $wgTitle->getNamespace(), $bannedNamespaces ) ) {
# FIXME (bug 14900): This overrides $wgArticleRobotPolicies, and it
# shouldn't
$this->setIndexPolicy( $parserOutput->getIndexPolicy() );
$this->addKeywords( $parserOutput );
$this->mParseWarnings = $parserOutput->getWarnings();
if ( $parserOutput->getCacheTime() == -1 ) {
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mNoGallery = $parserOutput->getNoGallery();
$this->mHeadItems = array_merge( $this->mHeadItems, (array)$parserOutput->mHeadItems );
// Versioning...
foreach ( (array)$parserOutput->mTemplateIds as $ns => $dbks ) {
if ( isset( $this->mTemplateIds[$ns] ) ) {
$this->mTemplateIds[$ns] = $dbks + $this->mTemplateIds[$ns];
} else {
$this->mTemplateIds[$ns] = $dbks;
// Page title
if( ( $dt = $parserOutput->getDisplayTitle() ) !== false )
$this->setPageTitle( $dt );
else if ( ( $title = $parserOutput->getTitleText() ) != '' )
$this->setPageTitle( $title );
// Hooks registered in the object
global $wgParserOutputHooks;
foreach ( $parserOutput->getOutputHooks() as $hookInfo ) {
list( $hookName, $data ) = $hookInfo;
if ( isset( $wgParserOutputHooks[$hookName] ) ) {
call_user_func( $wgParserOutputHooks[$hookName], $this, $parserOutput, $data );
wfRunHooks( 'OutputPageParserOutput', array( &$this, $parserOutput ) );
* @todo document
* @param ParserOutput &$parserOutput
function addParserOutput( &$parserOutput ) {
$this->addParserOutputNoText( $parserOutput );
$text = $parserOutput->getText();
wfRunHooks( 'OutputPageBeforeHTML',array( &$this, &$text ) );
$this->addHTML( $text );
* Add wikitext to the buffer, assuming that this is the primary text for a page view
* Saves the text into the parser cache if possible.
* @param string $text
* @param Article $article
* @param bool $cache
* @deprecated Use Article::outputWikitext
public function addPrimaryWikiText( $text, $article, $cache = true ) {
global $wgParser, $wgUser;
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
$popts = $this->parserOptions();
$parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $text, $article->mTitle,
$popts, true, true, $this->mRevisionId );
if ( $cache && $article && $parserOutput->getCacheTime() != -1 ) {
$parserCache = ParserCache::singleton();
$parserCache->save( $parserOutput, $article, $popts);
$this->addParserOutput( $parserOutput );
* @deprecated use addWikiTextTidy()
public function addSecondaryWikiText( $text, $linestart = true ) {
global $wgTitle;
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
$this->addWikiTextTitleTidy($text, $wgTitle, $linestart);
* Add wikitext with tidy enabled
public function addWikiTextTidy( $text, $linestart = true ) {
global $wgTitle;
$this->addWikiTextTitleTidy($text, $wgTitle, $linestart);
* Add the output of a QuickTemplate to the output buffer
* @param QuickTemplate $template
public function addTemplate( &$template ) {
$this->addHTML( ob_get_contents() );
* Parse wikitext and return the HTML.
* @param string $text
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
* @param bool $interface ??
public function parse( $text, $linestart = true, $interface = false ) {
global $wgParser, $wgTitle;
if( is_null( $wgTitle ) ) {
throw new MWException( 'Empty $wgTitle in ' . __METHOD__ );
$popts = $this->parserOptions();
if ( $interface) { $popts->setInterfaceMessage(true); }
$parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $text, $wgTitle, $popts,
$linestart, true, $this->mRevisionId );
if ( $interface) { $popts->setInterfaceMessage(false); }
return $parserOutput->getText();
/** Parse wikitext, strip paragraphs, and return the HTML. */
public function parseInline( $text, $linestart = true, $interface = false ) {
$parsed = $this->parse( $text, $linestart, $interface );
$m = array();
if ( preg_match( '/^
(.*)\n?<\/p>\n?/sU', $parsed, $m ) ) {
$parsed = $m[1];
return $parsed;
* @param Article $article
* @param User $user
* @return bool True if successful, else false.
public function tryParserCache( &$article ) {
$parserCache = ParserCache::singleton();
$parserOutput = $parserCache->get( $article, $this->parserOptions() );
if ( $parserOutput !== false ) {
$this->addParserOutput( $parserOutput );
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @param int $maxage Maximum cache time on the Squid, in seconds.
public function setSquidMaxage( $maxage ) {
$this->mSquidMaxage = $maxage;
* Use enableClientCache(false) to force it to send nocache headers
* @param $state ??
public function enableClientCache( $state ) {
return wfSetVar( $this->mEnableClientCache, $state );
function getCacheVaryCookies() {
global $wgCookiePrefix, $wgCacheVaryCookies;
static $cookies;
if ( $cookies === null ) {
$cookies = array_merge(
wfRunHooks('GetCacheVaryCookies', array( $this, &$cookies ) );
return $cookies;
function uncacheableBecauseRequestVars() {
global $wgRequest;
return $wgRequest->getText('useskin', false) === false
&& $wgRequest->getText('uselang', false) === false;
* Check if the request has a cache-varying cookie header
* If it does, it's very important that we don't allow public caching
function haveCacheVaryCookies() {
global $wgRequest;
$cookieHeader = $wgRequest->getHeader( 'cookie' );
if ( $cookieHeader === false ) {
return false;
$cvCookies = $this->getCacheVaryCookies();
foreach ( $cvCookies as $cookieName ) {
# Check for a simple string match, like the way squid does it
if ( strpos( $cookieHeader, $cookieName ) ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": found $cookieName\n" );
return true;
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": no cache-varying cookies found\n" );
return false;
/** Get a complete X-Vary-Options header */
public function getXVO() {
$cvCookies = $this->getCacheVaryCookies();
$xvo = 'X-Vary-Options: Accept-Encoding;list-contains=gzip,Cookie;';
$first = true;
foreach ( $cvCookies as $cookieName ) {
if ( $first ) {
$first = false;
} else {
$xvo .= ';';
$xvo .= 'string-contains=' . $cookieName;
return $xvo;
public function sendCacheControl() {
global $wgUseSquid, $wgUseESI, $wgUseETag, $wgSquidMaxage, $wgRequest;
$response = $wgRequest->response();
if ($wgUseETag && $this->mETag)
$response->header("ETag: $this->mETag");
# don't serve compressed data to clients who can't handle it
# maintain different caches for logged-in users and non-logged in ones
$response->header( 'Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie' );
# Add an X-Vary-Options header for Squid with Wikimedia patches
$response->header( $this->getXVO() );
if( !$this->uncacheableBecauseRequestVars() && $this->mEnableClientCache ) {
if( $wgUseSquid && session_id() == '' &&
! $this->isPrintable() && $this->mSquidMaxage != 0 && !$this->haveCacheVaryCookies() )
if ( $wgUseESI ) {
# We'll purge the proxy cache explicitly, but require end user agents
# to revalidate against the proxy on each visit.
# Surrogate-Control controls our Squid, Cache-Control downstream caches
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": proxy caching with ESI; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age=2678400+2678400, content="ESI/1.0"');
$response->header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age='.$wgSquidMaxage.'+'.$this->mSquidMaxage.', content="ESI/1.0"');
$response->header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We'll purge the proxy cache for anons explicitly, but require end user agents
# to revalidate against the proxy on each visit.
# IMPORTANT! The Squid needs to replace the Cache-Control header with
# Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": local proxy caching; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( "Cache-Control: s-maxage=2678400, must-revalidate, max-age=0" );
$response->header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage='.$this->mSquidMaxage.', must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We do want clients to cache if they can, but they *must* check for updates
# on revisiting the page.
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": private caching; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
$response->header( 'Expires: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', 0 ) . ' GMT' );
$response->header( "Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=0" );
if($this->mLastModified) {
$response->header( "Last-Modified: {$this->mLastModified}" );
} else {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": no caching **\n", false );
# In general, the absence of a last modified header should be enough to prevent
# the client from using its cache. We send a few other things just to make sure.
$response->header( 'Expires: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', 0 ) . ' GMT' );
$response->header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate' );
$response->header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
* Finally, all the text has been munged and accumulated into
* the object, let's actually output it:
public function output() {
global $wgUser, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgRequest;
global $wgContLanguageCode, $wgDebugRedirects, $wgMimeType;
global $wgJsMimeType, $wgUseAjax, $wgAjaxWatch;
global $wgEnableMWSuggest, $wgUniversalEditButton;
global $wgArticle, $wgTitle;
if( $this->mDoNothing ){
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
if ( '' != $this->mRedirect ) {
# Standards require redirect URLs to be absolute
$this->mRedirect = wfExpandUrl( $this->mRedirect );
if( $this->mRedirectCode == '301') {
if( !$wgDebugRedirects ) {
$wgRequest->response()->header("HTTP/1.1 {$this->mRedirectCode} Moved Permanently");
$this->mLastModified = wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822 );
$wgRequest->response()->header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if( $wgDebugRedirects ) {
$url = htmlspecialchars( $this->mRedirect );
print "\n
return $text;
* Display a page stating that the Wiki is in read-only mode,
* and optionally show the source of the page that the user
* was trying to edit. Should only be called (for this
* purpose) after wfReadOnly() has returned true.
* For historical reasons, this function is _also_ used to
* show the error message when a user tries to edit a page
* they are not allowed to edit. (Unless it's because they're
* blocked, then we show blockedPage() instead.) In this
* case, the second parameter should be set to true and a list
* of reasons supplied as the third parameter.
* @todo Needs to be split into multiple functions.
* @param string $source Source code to show (or null).
* @param bool $protected Is this a permissions error?
* @param array $reasons List of reasons for this error, as returned by Title::getUserPermissionsErrors().
public function readOnlyPage( $source = null, $protected = false, $reasons = array(), $action = null ) {
global $wgUser, $wgTitle;
$skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
$this->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
// If no reason is given, just supply a default "I can't let you do
// that, Dave" message. Should only occur if called by legacy code.
if ( $protected && empty($reasons) ) {
$reasons[] = array( 'badaccess-group0' );
if ( !empty($reasons) ) {
// Permissions error
if( $source ) {
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'viewsource' ) );
$this->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'viewsourcefor', $skin->makeKnownLinkObj( $wgTitle ) ) );
} else {
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'badaccess' ) );
$this->addWikiText( $this->formatPermissionsErrorMessage( $reasons, $action ) );
} else {
// Wiki is read only
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'readonly' ) );
$reason = wfReadOnlyReason();
$this->wrapWikiMsg( '
" );
# If the title doesn't exist, it's fairly pointless to print a return
# link to it. After all, you just tried editing it and couldn't, so
# what's there to do there?
if( $wgTitle->exists() ) {
$this->returnToMain( null, $wgTitle );
/** @deprecated */
public function fatalError( $message ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
throw new FatalError( $message );
/** @deprecated */
public function unexpectedValueError( $name, $val ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
throw new FatalError( wfMsg( 'unexpected', $name, $val ) );
/** @deprecated */
public function fileCopyError( $old, $new ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
throw new FatalError( wfMsg( 'filecopyerror', $old, $new ) );
/** @deprecated */
public function fileRenameError( $old, $new ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
throw new FatalError( wfMsg( 'filerenameerror', $old, $new ) );
/** @deprecated */
public function fileDeleteError( $name ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
throw new FatalError( wfMsg( 'filedeleteerror', $name ) );
/** @deprecated */
public function fileNotFoundError( $name ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ );
throw new FatalError( wfMsg( 'filenotfound', $name ) );
public function showFatalError( $message ) {
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( "internalerror" ) );
$this->setRobotPolicy( "noindex,nofollow" );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mRedirect = '';
$this->mBodytext = $message;
public function showUnexpectedValueError( $name, $val ) {
$this->showFatalError( wfMsg( 'unexpected', $name, $val ) );
public function showFileCopyError( $old, $new ) {
$this->showFatalError( wfMsg( 'filecopyerror', $old, $new ) );
public function showFileRenameError( $old, $new ) {
$this->showFatalError( wfMsg( 'filerenameerror', $old, $new ) );
public function showFileDeleteError( $name ) {
$this->showFatalError( wfMsg( 'filedeleteerror', $name ) );
public function showFileNotFoundError( $name ) {
$this->showFatalError( wfMsg( 'filenotfound', $name ) );
* Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title
* @param Title $title Title to link
public function addReturnTo( $title ) {
global $wgUser;
$this->addLink( array( 'rel' => 'next', 'href' => $title->getFullUrl() ) );
$link = wfMsg( 'returnto', $wgUser->getSkin()->makeLinkObj( $title ) );
$this->addHTML( "
\n" );
* Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title,
* or the title indicated in the request, or else the main page
* @param null $unused No longer used
* @param Title $returnto Title to return to
public function returnToMain( $unused = null, $returnto = NULL ) {
global $wgRequest;
if ( $returnto == NULL ) {
$returnto = $wgRequest->getText( 'returnto' );
if ( '' === $returnto ) {
$returnto = Title::newMainPage();
if ( is_object( $returnto ) ) {
$titleObj = $returnto;
} else {
$titleObj = Title::newFromText( $returnto );
if ( !is_object( $titleObj ) ) {
$titleObj = Title::newMainPage();
$this->addReturnTo( $titleObj );
* This function takes the title (first item of mGoodLinks), categories, existing and broken links for the page
* and uses the first 10 of them for META keywords
* @param ParserOutput &$parserOutput
private function addKeywords( &$parserOutput ) {
global $wgTitle;
$this->addKeyword( $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() );
$count = 1;
$links2d =& $parserOutput->getLinks();
if ( !is_array( $links2d ) ) {
foreach ( $links2d as $dbkeys ) {
foreach( $dbkeys as $dbkey => $unused ) {
$this->addKeyword( $dbkey );
if ( ++$count > 10 ) {
break 2;
* @return string The doctype, opening , and head element.
public function headElement( Skin $sk ) {
global $wgDocType, $wgDTD, $wgContLanguageCode, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgMimeType;
global $wgXhtmlDefaultNamespace, $wgXhtmlNamespaces;
global $wgUser, $wgContLang, $wgUseTrackbacks, $wgTitle, $wgStyleVersion;
$this->addMeta( "http:Content-type", "$wgMimeType; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}" );
$this->addStyle( 'common/wikiprintable.css', 'print' );
$sk->setupUserCss( $this );
$ret = '';
if( $wgMimeType == 'text/xml' || $wgMimeType == 'application/xhtml+xml' || $wgMimeType == 'application/xml' ) {
$ret .= "\n";
$ret .= "\n";
if ( '' == $this->getHTMLTitle() ) {
$this->setHTMLTitle( wfMsg( 'pagetitle', $this->getPageTitle() ));
$rtl = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? " dir='RTL'" : '';
$ret .= " $ns) {
$ret .= "xmlns:{$tag}=\"{$ns}\" ";
$ret .= "xml:lang=\"$wgContLanguageCode\" lang=\"$wgContLanguageCode\" $rtl>\n";
$ret .= "\n" . htmlspecialchars( $this->getHTMLTitle() ) . "\n\t\t";
$ret .= implode( "\t\t", array(
$sk->getHeadScripts( $this->mAllowUserJs ),
if( $sk->usercss ){
$ret .= "";
if ($wgUseTrackbacks && $this->isArticleRelated())
$ret .= $wgTitle->trackbackRDF();
$ret .= "\n";
return $ret;
protected function addDefaultMeta() {
global $wgVersion;
$this->addMeta( 'http:Content-Style-Type', 'text/css' ); //bug 15835
$this->addMeta( 'generator', "MediaWiki $wgVersion" );
$p = "{$this->mIndexPolicy},{$this->mFollowPolicy}";
if( $p !== 'index,follow' ) {
// Only show if it's different from the default robots policy
$this->addMeta( 'robots', $p );
if ( count( $this->mKeywords ) > 0 ) {
$strip = array(
"/<.*?" . ">/" => '',
"/_/" => ' '
$this->addMeta( 'keywords', preg_replace(array_keys($strip), array_values($strip),implode( ",", $this->mKeywords ) ) );
* @return string HTML tag links to be put in the header.
public function getHeadLinks() {
global $wgRequest, $wgFeed;
// Ideally this should happen earlier, somewhere. :P
$tags = array();
foreach ( $this->mMetatags as $tag ) {
if ( 0 == strcasecmp( 'http:', substr( $tag[0], 0, 5 ) ) ) {
$a = 'http-equiv';
$tag[0] = substr( $tag[0], 5 );
} else {
$a = 'name';
$tags[] = Xml::element( 'meta',
$a => $tag[0],
'content' => $tag[1] ) );
foreach ( $this->mLinktags as $tag ) {
$tags[] = Xml::element( 'link', $tag );
if( $wgFeed ) {
global $wgTitle;
foreach( $this->getSyndicationLinks() as $format => $link ) {
# Use the page name for the title (accessed through $wgTitle since
# there's no other way). In principle, this could lead to issues
# with having the same name for different feeds corresponding to
# the same page, but we can't avoid that at this low a level.
$tags[] = $this->feedLink(
wfMsg( "page-{$format}-feed", $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() ) ); # Used messages: 'page-rss-feed' and 'page-atom-feed' (for an easier grep)
# Recent changes feed should appear on every page (except recentchanges,
# that would be redundant). Put it after the per-page feed to avoid
# changing existing behavior. It's still available, probably via a
# menu in your browser. Some sites might have a different feed they'd
# like to promote instead of the RC feed (maybe like a "Recent New Articles"
# or "Breaking news" one). For this, we see if $wgOverrideSiteFeed is defined.
# If so, use it instead.
global $wgOverrideSiteFeed, $wgSitename, $wgFeedClasses;
$rctitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Recentchanges' );
if ( $wgOverrideSiteFeed ) {
foreach ( $wgOverrideSiteFeed as $type => $feedUrl ) {
$tags[] = $this->feedLink (
htmlspecialchars( $feedUrl ),
wfMsg( "site-{$type}-feed", $wgSitename ) );
else if ( $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() != $rctitle->getPrefixedText() ) {
foreach( $wgFeedClasses as $format => $class ) {
$tags[] = $this->feedLink(
$rctitle->getLocalURL( "feed={$format}" ),
wfMsg( "site-{$format}-feed", $wgSitename ) ); # For grep: 'site-rss-feed', 'site-atom-feed'.
return implode( "\n\t\t", $tags ) . "\n";
* Return URLs for each supported syndication format for this page.
* @return array associating format keys with URLs
public function getSyndicationLinks() {
global $wgTitle, $wgFeedClasses;
$links = array();
if( $this->isSyndicated() ) {
if( is_string( $this->getFeedAppendQuery() ) ) {
$appendQuery = "&" . $this->getFeedAppendQuery();
} else {
$appendQuery = "";
foreach( $wgFeedClasses as $format => $class ) {
$links[$format] = $wgTitle->getLocalUrl( "feed=$format{$appendQuery}" );
return $links;
* Generate a for an RSS feed.
private function feedLink( $type, $url, $text ) {
return Xml::element( 'link', array(
'rel' => 'alternate',
'type' => "application/$type+xml",
'title' => $text,
'href' => $url ) );
* Add a local or specified stylesheet, with the given media options.
* Meant primarily for internal use...
* @param $media -- to specify a media type, 'screen', 'printable', 'handheld' or any.
* @param $conditional -- for IE conditional comments, specifying an IE version
* @param $dir -- set to 'rtl' or 'ltr' for direction-specific sheets
public function addStyle( $style, $media='', $condition='', $dir='' ) {
$options = array();
if( $media )
$options['media'] = $media;
if( $condition )
$options['condition'] = $condition;
if( $dir )
$options['dir'] = $dir;
$this->styles[$style] = $options;
* Build a set of s for the stylesheets specified in the $this->styles array.
* These will be applied to various media & IE conditionals.
public function buildCssLinks() {
$links = array();
foreach( $this->styles as $file => $options ) {
$link = $this->styleLink( $file, $options );
if( $link )
$links[] = $link;
return implode( "\n\t\t", $links );
protected function styleLink( $style, $options ) {
global $wgRequest;
if( isset( $options['dir'] ) ) {
global $wgContLang;
$siteDir = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
if( $siteDir != $options['dir'] )
return '';
if( isset( $options['media'] ) ) {
$media = $this->transformCssMedia( $options['media'] );
if( is_null( $media ) ) {
return '';
} else {
$media = '';
if( substr( $style, 0, 1 ) == '/' ||
substr( $style, 0, 5 ) == 'http:' ||
substr( $style, 0, 6 ) == 'https:' ) {
$url = $style;
} else {
global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion;
$url = $wgStylePath . '/' . $style . '?' . $wgStyleVersion;
$attribs = array(
'rel' => 'stylesheet',
'href' => $url,
'type' => 'text/css' );
if( $media ) {
$attribs['media'] = $media;
$link = Xml::element( 'link', $attribs );
if( isset( $options['condition'] ) ) {
$condition = htmlspecialchars( $options['condition'] );
$link = "";
return $link;
function transformCssMedia( $media ) {
global $wgRequest, $wgHandheldForIPhone;
// Switch in on-screen display for media testing
$switches = array(
'printable' => 'print',
'handheld' => 'handheld',
foreach( $switches as $switch => $targetMedia ) {
if( $wgRequest->getBool( $switch ) ) {
if( $media == $targetMedia ) {
$media = '';
} elseif( $media == 'screen' ) {
return null;
// Expand longer media queries as iPhone doesn't grok 'handheld'
if( $wgHandheldForIPhone ) {
$mediaAliases = array(
'screen' => 'screen and (min-device-width: 481px)',
'handheld' => 'handheld, only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)',
if( isset( $mediaAliases[$media] ) ) {
$media = $mediaAliases[$media];
return $media;
* Turn off regular page output and return an error reponse
* for when rate limiting has triggered.
public function rateLimited() {
global $wgTitle;
$this->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,follow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mRedirect = '';
$this->addWikiMsg( 'actionthrottledtext' );
$this->returnToMain( null, $wgTitle );
* Show an "add new section" link?
* @return bool
public function showNewSectionLink() {
return $this->mNewSectionLink;
* Forcibly hide the new section link?
* @return bool
public function forceHideNewSectionLink() {
return $this->mHideNewSectionLink;
* Show a warning about slave lag
* If the lag is higher than $wgSlaveLagCritical seconds,
* then the warning is a bit more obvious. If the lag is
* lower than $wgSlaveLagWarning, then no warning is shown.
* @param int $lag Slave lag
public function showLagWarning( $lag ) {
global $wgSlaveLagWarning, $wgSlaveLagCritical;
if( $lag >= $wgSlaveLagWarning ) {
$message = $lag < $wgSlaveLagCritical
? 'lag-warn-normal'
: 'lag-warn-high';
$warning = wfMsgExt( $message, 'parse', $lag );
$this->addHTML( "
\n" );
* Add a wikitext-formatted message to the output.
* This is equivalent to:
* $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsgNoTrans( ... ) )
public function addWikiMsg( /*...*/ ) {
$args = func_get_args();
$name = array_shift( $args );
$this->addWikiMsgArray( $name, $args );
* Add a wikitext-formatted message to the output.
* Like addWikiMsg() except the parameters are taken as an array
* instead of a variable argument list.
* $options is passed through to wfMsgExt(), see that function for details.
public function addWikiMsgArray( $name, $args, $options = array() ) {
$options[] = 'parse';
$text = wfMsgExt( $name, $options, $args );
$this->addHTML( $text );
* This function takes a number of message/argument specifications, wraps them in
* some overall structure, and then parses the result and adds it to the output.
* In the $wrap, $1 is replaced with the first message, $2 with the second, and so
* on. The subsequent arguments may either be strings, in which case they are the
* message names, or an arrays, in which case the first element is the message name,
* and subsequent elements are the parameters to that message.
* The special named parameter 'options' in a message specification array is passed
* through to the $options parameter of wfMsgExt().
* Don't use this for messages that are not in users interface language.
* For example:
* $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg( '
', 'some-error' );
* Is equivalent to:
* $wgOut->addWikiText( '