" */
protected $mMetatags = array();
/** @var array */
protected $mLinktags = array();
/** @var bool */
protected $mCanonicalUrl = false;
* @var array Additional stylesheets. Looks like this is for extensions.
* Might be replaced by resource loader.
protected $mExtStyles = array();
* @var string Should be private - has getter and setter. Contains
* the HTML title */
public $mPagetitle = '';
* @var string Contains all of the "
" content. Should be private we
* got set/get accessors and the append() method.
public $mBodytext = '';
* Holds the debug lines that will be output as comments in page source if
* $wgDebugComments is enabled. See also $wgShowDebug.
* @deprecated since 1.20; use MWDebug class instead.
public $mDebugtext = '';
/** @var string Stores contents of "" tag */
private $mHTMLtitle = '';
* @var bool Is the displayed content related to the source of the
* corresponding wiki article.
private $mIsarticle = false;
/** @var bool Stores "article flag" toggle. */
private $mIsArticleRelated = true;
* @var bool We have to set isPrintable(). Some pages should
* never be printed (ex: redirections).
private $mPrintable = false;
* @var array Contains the page subtitle. Special pages usually have some
* links here. Don't confuse with site subtitle added by skins.
private $mSubtitle = array();
/** @var string */
public $mRedirect = '';
/** @var int */
protected $mStatusCode;
* @var string Variable mLastModified and mEtag are used for sending cache control.
* The whole caching system should probably be moved into its own class.
protected $mLastModified = '';
* Contains an HTTP Entity Tags (see RFC 2616 section 3.13) which is used
* as a unique identifier for the content. It is later used by the client
* to compare its cached version with the server version. Client sends
* headers If-Match and If-None-Match containing its locally cached ETAG value.
* To get more information, you will have to look at HTTP/1.1 protocol which
* is properly described in RFC 2616 : http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616
private $mETag = false;
/** @var array */
protected $mCategoryLinks = array();
/** @var array */
protected $mCategories = array();
/** @var array */
protected $mIndicators = array();
/** @var array Array of Interwiki Prefixed (non DB key) Titles (e.g. 'fr:Test page') */
private $mLanguageLinks = array();
* Used for JavaScript (pre resource loader)
* @todo We should split JS / CSS.
* mScripts content is inserted as is in "" by Skin. This might
* contain either a link to a stylesheet or inline CSS.
private $mScripts = '';
/** @var string Inline CSS styles. Use addInlineStyle() sparingly */
protected $mInlineStyles = '';
* @var string Used by skin template.
* Example: $tpl->set( 'displaytitle', $out->mPageLinkTitle );
public $mPageLinkTitle = '';
/** @var array Array of elements in "". Parser might add its own headers! */
protected $mHeadItems = array();
// @todo FIXME: Next 5 variables probably come from the resource loader
/** @var array */
protected $mModules = array();
/** @var array */
protected $mModuleScripts = array();
/** @var array */
protected $mModuleStyles = array();
/** @var ResourceLoader */
protected $mResourceLoader;
/** @var array */
protected $mJsConfigVars = array();
/** @var array */
protected $mTemplateIds = array();
/** @var array */
protected $mImageTimeKeys = array();
/** @var string */
public $mRedirectCode = '';
protected $mFeedLinksAppendQuery = null;
/** @var array
* What level of 'untrustworthiness' is allowed in CSS/JS modules loaded on this page?
* @see ResourceLoaderModule::$origin
* ResourceLoaderModule::ORIGIN_ALL is assumed unless overridden;
protected $mAllowedModules = array(
ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED => ResourceLoaderModule::ORIGIN_ALL,
/** @var bool Whether output is disabled. If this is true, the 'output' method will do nothing. */
protected $mDoNothing = false;
// Parser related.
/** @var int */
protected $mContainsNewMagic = 0;
* lazy initialised, use parserOptions()
* @var ParserOptions
protected $mParserOptions = null;
* Handles the Atom / RSS links.
* We probably only support Atom in 2011.
* @see $wgAdvertisedFeedTypes
private $mFeedLinks = array();
// Gwicke work on squid caching? Roughly from 2003.
protected $mEnableClientCache = true;
/** @var bool Flag if output should only contain the body of the article. */
private $mArticleBodyOnly = false;
/** @var bool */
protected $mNewSectionLink = false;
/** @var bool */
protected $mHideNewSectionLink = false;
* @var bool Comes from the parser. This was probably made to load CSS/JS
* only if we had "". Used directly in CategoryPage.php.
* Looks like resource loader can replace this.
public $mNoGallery = false;
/** @var string */
private $mPageTitleActionText = '';
/** @var array */
private $mParseWarnings = array();
/** @var int Cache stuff. Looks like mEnableClientCache */
protected $mSquidMaxage = 0;
* @var bool Controls if anti-clickjacking / frame-breaking headers will
* be sent. This should be done for pages where edit actions are possible.
* Setters: $this->preventClickjacking() and $this->allowClickjacking().
protected $mPreventClickjacking = true;
/** @var int To include the variable {{REVISIONID}} */
private $mRevisionId = null;
/** @var string */
private $mRevisionTimestamp = null;
/** @var array */
protected $mFileVersion = null;
* @var array An array of stylesheet filenames (relative from skins path),
* with options for CSS media, IE conditions, and RTL/LTR direction.
* For internal use; add settings in the skin via $this->addStyle()
* Style again! This seems like a code duplication since we already have
* mStyles. This is what makes Open Source amazing.
protected $styles = array();
* Whether jQuery is already handled.
protected $mJQueryDone = false;
private $mIndexPolicy = 'index';
private $mFollowPolicy = 'follow';
private $mVaryHeader = array(
'Accept-Encoding' => array( 'list-contains=gzip' ),
* If the current page was reached through a redirect, $mRedirectedFrom contains the Title
* of the redirect.
* @var Title
private $mRedirectedFrom = null;
* Additional key => value data
private $mProperties = array();
* @var string|null ResourceLoader target for load.php links. If null, will be omitted
private $mTarget = null;
* @var bool Whether parser output should contain table of contents
private $mEnableTOC = true;
* @var bool Whether parser output should contain section edit links
private $mEnableSectionEditLinks = true;
* @var string|null The URL to send in a element with rel=copyright
private $copyrightUrl;
* Constructor for OutputPage. This should not be called directly.
* Instead a new RequestContext should be created and it will implicitly create
* a OutputPage tied to that context.
* @param IContextSource|null $context
function __construct( IContextSource $context = null ) {
if ( $context === null ) {
# Extensions should use `new RequestContext` instead of `new OutputPage` now.
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' );
} else {
$this->setContext( $context );
* Redirect to $url rather than displaying the normal page
* @param string $url URL
* @param string $responsecode HTTP status code
public function redirect( $url, $responsecode = '302' ) {
# Strip newlines as a paranoia check for header injection in PHP<5.1.2
$this->mRedirect = str_replace( "\n", '', $url );
$this->mRedirectCode = $responsecode;
* Get the URL to redirect to, or an empty string if not redirect URL set
* @return string
public function getRedirect() {
return $this->mRedirect;
* Set the copyright URL to send with the output.
* Empty string to omit, null to reset.
* @since 1.26
* @param string|null $url
public function setCopyrightUrl( $url ) {
$this->copyrightUrl = $url;
* Set the HTTP status code to send with the output.
* @param int $statusCode
public function setStatusCode( $statusCode ) {
$this->mStatusCode = $statusCode;
* Add a new "" tag
* To add an http-equiv meta tag, precede the name with "http:"
* @param string $name Tag name
* @param string $val Tag value
function addMeta( $name, $val ) {
array_push( $this->mMetatags, array( $name, $val ) );
* Returns the current tags
* @since 1.25
* @return array
public function getMetaTags() {
return $this->mMetatags;
* Add a new \ tag to the page header.
* Note: use setCanonicalUrl() for rel=canonical.
* @param array $linkarr Associative array of attributes.
function addLink( array $linkarr ) {
array_push( $this->mLinktags, $linkarr );
* Returns the current tags
* @since 1.25
* @return array
public function getLinkTags() {
return $this->mLinktags;
* Add a new \ with "rel" attribute set to "meta"
* @param array $linkarr Associative array mapping attribute names to their
* values, both keys and values will be escaped, and the
* "rel" attribute will be automatically added
function addMetadataLink( array $linkarr ) {
$linkarr['rel'] = $this->getMetadataAttribute();
$this->addLink( $linkarr );
* Set the URL to be used for the . This should be used
* in preference to addLink(), to avoid duplicate link tags.
* @param string $url
function setCanonicalUrl( $url ) {
$this->mCanonicalUrl = $url;
* Returns the URL to be used for the if
* one is set.
* @since 1.25
* @return bool|string
public function getCanonicalUrl() {
return $this->mCanonicalUrl;
* Get the value of the "rel" attribute for metadata links
* @return string
public function getMetadataAttribute() {
# note: buggy CC software only reads first "meta" link
static $haveMeta = false;
if ( $haveMeta ) {
return 'alternate meta';
} else {
$haveMeta = true;
return 'meta';
* Add raw HTML to the list of scripts (including \" to "<script>foo&bar</script>"
# but leave "foobar" alone
$nameWithTags = Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences( Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags( $name ) );
$this->mPagetitle = $nameWithTags;
# change "foo&bar" to "foo&bar"
$this->msg( 'pagetitle' )->rawParams( Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $nameWithTags ) )
* Return the "page title", i.e. the content of the \
* @return string
public function getPageTitle() {
return $this->mPagetitle;
* Set the Title object to use
* @param Title $t
public function setTitle( Title $t ) {
$this->getContext()->setTitle( $t );
* Replace the subtitle with $str
* @param string|Message $str New value of the subtitle. String should be safe HTML.
public function setSubtitle( $str ) {
$this->addSubtitle( $str );
* Add $str to the subtitle
* @deprecated since 1.19; use addSubtitle() instead
* @param string|Message $str String or Message to add to the subtitle
public function appendSubtitle( $str ) {
$this->addSubtitle( $str );
* Add $str to the subtitle
* @param string|Message $str String or Message to add to the subtitle. String should be safe HTML.
public function addSubtitle( $str ) {
if ( $str instanceof Message ) {
$this->mSubtitle[] = $str->setContext( $this->getContext() )->parse();
} else {
$this->mSubtitle[] = $str;
* Build message object for a subtitle containing a backlink to a page
* @param Title $title Title to link to
* @param array $query Array of additional parameters to include in the link
* @return Message
* @since 1.25
public static function buildBacklinkSubtitle( Title $title, $query = array() ) {
if ( $title->isRedirect() ) {
$query['redirect'] = 'no';
return wfMessage( 'backlinksubtitle' )
->rawParams( Linker::link( $title, null, array(), $query ) );
* Add a subtitle containing a backlink to a page
* @param Title $title Title to link to
* @param array $query Array of additional parameters to include in the link
public function addBacklinkSubtitle( Title $title, $query = array() ) {
$this->addSubtitle( self::buildBacklinkSubtitle( $title, $query ) );
* Clear the subtitles
public function clearSubtitle() {
$this->mSubtitle = array();
* Get the subtitle
* @return string
public function getSubtitle() {
return implode( " \n\t\t\t\t", $this->mSubtitle );
* Set the page as printable, i.e. it'll be displayed with all
* print styles included
public function setPrintable() {
$this->mPrintable = true;
* Return whether the page is "printable"
* @return bool
public function isPrintable() {
return $this->mPrintable;
* Disable output completely, i.e. calling output() will have no effect
public function disable() {
$this->mDoNothing = true;
* Return whether the output will be completely disabled
* @return bool
public function isDisabled() {
return $this->mDoNothing;
* Show an "add new section" link?
* @return bool
public function showNewSectionLink() {
return $this->mNewSectionLink;
* Forcibly hide the new section link?
* @return bool
public function forceHideNewSectionLink() {
return $this->mHideNewSectionLink;
* Add or remove feed links in the page header
* This is mainly kept for backward compatibility, see OutputPage::addFeedLink()
* for the new version
* @see addFeedLink()
* @param bool $show True: add default feeds, false: remove all feeds
public function setSyndicated( $show = true ) {
if ( $show ) {
$this->setFeedAppendQuery( false );
} else {
$this->mFeedLinks = array();
* Add default feeds to the page header
* This is mainly kept for backward compatibility, see OutputPage::addFeedLink()
* for the new version
* @see addFeedLink()
* @param string $val Query to append to feed links or false to output
* default links
public function setFeedAppendQuery( $val ) {
$this->mFeedLinks = array();
foreach ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'AdvertisedFeedTypes' ) as $type ) {
$query = "feed=$type";
if ( is_string( $val ) ) {
$query .= '&' . $val;
$this->mFeedLinks[$type] = $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL( $query );
* Add a feed link to the page header
* @param string $format Feed type, should be a key of $wgFeedClasses
* @param string $href URL
public function addFeedLink( $format, $href ) {
if ( in_array( $format, $this->getConfig()->get( 'AdvertisedFeedTypes' ) ) ) {
$this->mFeedLinks[$format] = $href;
* Should we output feed links for this page?
* @return bool
public function isSyndicated() {
return count( $this->mFeedLinks ) > 0;
* Return URLs for each supported syndication format for this page.
* @return array Associating format keys with URLs
public function getSyndicationLinks() {
return $this->mFeedLinks;
* Will currently always return null
* @return null
public function getFeedAppendQuery() {
return $this->mFeedLinksAppendQuery;
* Set whether the displayed content is related to the source of the
* corresponding article on the wiki
* Setting true will cause the change "article related" toggle to true
* @param bool $v
public function setArticleFlag( $v ) {
$this->mIsarticle = $v;
if ( $v ) {
$this->mIsArticleRelated = $v;
* Return whether the content displayed page is related to the source of
* the corresponding article on the wiki
* @return bool
public function isArticle() {
return $this->mIsarticle;
* Set whether this page is related an article on the wiki
* Setting false will cause the change of "article flag" toggle to false
* @param bool $v
public function setArticleRelated( $v ) {
$this->mIsArticleRelated = $v;
if ( !$v ) {
$this->mIsarticle = false;
* Return whether this page is related an article on the wiki
* @return bool
public function isArticleRelated() {
return $this->mIsArticleRelated;
* Add new language links
* @param array $newLinkArray Associative array mapping language code to the page
* name
public function addLanguageLinks( array $newLinkArray ) {
$this->mLanguageLinks += $newLinkArray;
* Reset the language links and add new language links
* @param array $newLinkArray Associative array mapping language code to the page
* name
public function setLanguageLinks( array $newLinkArray ) {
$this->mLanguageLinks = $newLinkArray;
* Get the list of language links
* @return array Array of Interwiki Prefixed (non DB key) Titles (e.g. 'fr:Test page')
public function getLanguageLinks() {
return $this->mLanguageLinks;
* Add an array of categories, with names in the keys
* @param array $categories Mapping category name => sort key
public function addCategoryLinks( array $categories ) {
global $wgContLang;
if ( !is_array( $categories ) || count( $categories ) == 0 ) {
# Add the links to a LinkBatch
$arr = array( NS_CATEGORY => $categories );
$lb = new LinkBatch;
$lb->setArray( $arr );
# Fetch existence plus the hiddencat property
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$fields = array( 'page_id', 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_len',
'page_is_redirect', 'page_latest', 'pp_value' );
if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'ContentHandlerUseDB' ) ) {
$fields[] = 'page_content_model';
$res = $dbr->select( array( 'page', 'page_props' ),
$lb->constructSet( 'page', $dbr ),
array( 'page_props' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', array(
'pp_propname' => 'hiddencat',
'pp_page = page_id'
) ) )
# Add the results to the link cache
$lb->addResultToCache( LinkCache::singleton(), $res );
# Set all the values to 'normal'.
$categories = array_fill_keys( array_keys( $categories ), 'normal' );
# Mark hidden categories
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
if ( isset( $row->pp_value ) ) {
$categories[$row->page_title] = 'hidden';
# Add the remaining categories to the skin
if ( Hooks::run(
array( &$this, $categories, &$this->mCategoryLinks ) )
) {
foreach ( $categories as $category => $type ) {
$origcategory = $category;
$title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $category );
if ( !$title ) {
$wgContLang->findVariantLink( $category, $title, true );
if ( $category != $origcategory && array_key_exists( $category, $categories ) ) {
$text = $wgContLang->convertHtml( $title->getText() );
$this->mCategories[] = $title->getText();
$this->mCategoryLinks[$type][] = Linker::link( $title, $text );
* Reset the category links (but not the category list) and add $categories
* @param array $categories Mapping category name => sort key
public function setCategoryLinks( array $categories ) {
$this->mCategoryLinks = array();
$this->addCategoryLinks( $categories );
* Get the list of category links, in a 2-D array with the following format:
* $arr[$type][] = $link, where $type is either "normal" or "hidden" (for
* hidden categories) and $link a HTML fragment with a link to the category
* page
* @return array
public function getCategoryLinks() {
return $this->mCategoryLinks;
* Get the list of category names this page belongs to
* @return array Array of strings
public function getCategories() {
return $this->mCategories;
* Add an array of indicators, with their identifiers as array
* keys and HTML contents as values.
* In case of duplicate keys, existing values are overwritten.
* @param array $indicators
* @since 1.25
public function setIndicators( array $indicators ) {
$this->mIndicators = $indicators + $this->mIndicators;
// Keep ordered by key
ksort( $this->mIndicators );
* Get the indicators associated with this page.
* The array will be internally ordered by item keys.
* @return array Keys: identifiers, values: HTML contents
* @since 1.25
public function getIndicators() {
return $this->mIndicators;
* Adds help link with an icon via page indicators.
* Link target can be overridden by a local message containing a wikilink:
* the message key is: lowercase action or special page name + '-helppage'.
* @param string $to Target MediaWiki.org page title or encoded URL.
* @param bool $overrideBaseUrl Whether $url is a full URL, to avoid MW.o.
* @since 1.25
public function addHelpLink( $to, $overrideBaseUrl = false ) {
$this->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.helplink' );
$text = $this->msg( 'helppage-top-gethelp' )->escaped();
if ( $overrideBaseUrl ) {
$helpUrl = $to;
} else {
$toUrlencoded = wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $to ) );
$helpUrl = "//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/$toUrlencoded";
$link = Html::rawElement(
'href' => $helpUrl,
'target' => '_blank',
'class' => 'mw-helplink',
$this->setIndicators( array( 'mw-helplink' => $link ) );
* Do not allow scripts which can be modified by wiki users to load on this page;
* only allow scripts bundled with, or generated by, the software.
* Site-wide styles are controlled by a config setting, since they can be
* used to create a custom skin/theme, but not user-specific ones.
* @todo this should be given a more accurate name
public function disallowUserJs() {
// Site-wide styles are controlled by a config setting, see bug 71621
// for background on why. User styles are never allowed.
if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'AllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages' ) ) {
$styleOrigin = ResourceLoaderModule::ORIGIN_USER_SITEWIDE;
} else {
$styleOrigin = ResourceLoaderModule::ORIGIN_CORE_INDIVIDUAL;
* Show what level of JavaScript / CSS untrustworthiness is allowed on this page
* @see ResourceLoaderModule::$origin
* @param string $type ResourceLoaderModule TYPE_ constant
* @return int ResourceLoaderModule ORIGIN_ class constant
public function getAllowedModules( $type ) {
if ( $type == ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED ) {
return min( array_values( $this->mAllowedModules ) );
} else {
return isset( $this->mAllowedModules[$type] )
? $this->mAllowedModules[$type]
: ResourceLoaderModule::ORIGIN_ALL;
* Set the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed
* @deprecated since 1.24 Raising level of allowed untrusted content is no longer supported.
* Use reduceAllowedModules() instead
* @param string $type ResourceLoaderModule TYPE_ constant
* @param int $level ResourceLoaderModule class constant
public function setAllowedModules( $type, $level ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.24' );
$this->reduceAllowedModules( $type, $level );
* Limit the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed.
* If passed the same or a higher level than the current level of untrustworthiness set, the
* level will remain unchanged.
* @param string $type
* @param int $level ResourceLoaderModule class constant
public function reduceAllowedModules( $type, $level ) {
$this->mAllowedModules[$type] = min( $this->getAllowedModules( $type ), $level );
* Prepend $text to the body HTML
* @param string $text HTML
public function prependHTML( $text ) {
$this->mBodytext = $text . $this->mBodytext;
* Append $text to the body HTML
* @param string $text HTML
public function addHTML( $text ) {
$this->mBodytext .= $text;
* Shortcut for adding an Html::element via addHTML.
* @since 1.19
* @param string $element
* @param array $attribs
* @param string $contents
public function addElement( $element, array $attribs = array(), $contents = '' ) {
$this->addHTML( Html::element( $element, $attribs, $contents ) );
* Clear the body HTML
public function clearHTML() {
$this->mBodytext = '';
* Get the body HTML
* @return string HTML
public function getHTML() {
return $this->mBodytext;
* Get/set the ParserOptions object to use for wikitext parsing
* @param ParserOptions|null $options Either the ParserOption to use or null to only get the
* current ParserOption object
* @return ParserOptions
public function parserOptions( $options = null ) {
if ( !$this->mParserOptions ) {
$this->mParserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromContext( $this->getContext() );
$this->mParserOptions->setEditSection( false );
return wfSetVar( $this->mParserOptions, $options );
* Set the revision ID which will be seen by the wiki text parser
* for things such as embedded {{REVISIONID}} variable use.
* @param int|null $revid An positive integer, or null
* @return mixed Previous value
public function setRevisionId( $revid ) {
$val = is_null( $revid ) ? null : intval( $revid );
return wfSetVar( $this->mRevisionId, $val );
* Get the displayed revision ID
* @return int
public function getRevisionId() {
return $this->mRevisionId;
* Set the timestamp of the revision which will be displayed. This is used
* to avoid a extra DB call in Skin::lastModified().
* @param string|null $timestamp
* @return mixed Previous value
public function setRevisionTimestamp( $timestamp ) {
return wfSetVar( $this->mRevisionTimestamp, $timestamp );
* Get the timestamp of displayed revision.
* This will be null if not filled by setRevisionTimestamp().
* @return string|null
public function getRevisionTimestamp() {
return $this->mRevisionTimestamp;
* Set the displayed file version
* @param File|bool $file
* @return mixed Previous value
public function setFileVersion( $file ) {
$val = null;
if ( $file instanceof File && $file->exists() ) {
$val = array( 'time' => $file->getTimestamp(), 'sha1' => $file->getSha1() );
return wfSetVar( $this->mFileVersion, $val, true );
* Get the displayed file version
* @return array|null ('time' => MW timestamp, 'sha1' => sha1)
public function getFileVersion() {
return $this->mFileVersion;
* Get the templates used on this page
* @return array (namespace => dbKey => revId)
* @since 1.18
public function getTemplateIds() {
return $this->mTemplateIds;
* Get the files used on this page
* @return array (dbKey => array('time' => MW timestamp or null, 'sha1' => sha1 or ''))
* @since 1.18
public function getFileSearchOptions() {
return $this->mImageTimeKeys;
* Convert wikitext to HTML and add it to the buffer
* Default assumes that the current page title will be used.
* @param string $text
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
* @param bool $interface Is this text in the user interface language?
* @throws MWException
public function addWikiText( $text, $linestart = true, $interface = true ) {
$title = $this->getTitle(); // Work around E_STRICT
if ( !$title ) {
throw new MWException( 'Title is null' );
$this->addWikiTextTitle( $text, $title, $linestart, /*tidy*/false, $interface );
* Add wikitext with a custom Title object
* @param string $text Wikitext
* @param Title $title
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
public function addWikiTextWithTitle( $text, &$title, $linestart = true ) {
$this->addWikiTextTitle( $text, $title, $linestart );
* Add wikitext with a custom Title object and tidy enabled.
* @param string $text Wikitext
* @param Title $title
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
function addWikiTextTitleTidy( $text, &$title, $linestart = true ) {
$this->addWikiTextTitle( $text, $title, $linestart, true );
* Add wikitext with tidy enabled
* @param string $text Wikitext
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
public function addWikiTextTidy( $text, $linestart = true ) {
$title = $this->getTitle();
$this->addWikiTextTitleTidy( $text, $title, $linestart );
* Add wikitext with a custom Title object
* @param string $text Wikitext
* @param Title $title
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
* @param bool $tidy Whether to use tidy
* @param bool $interface Whether it is an interface message
* (for example disables conversion)
public function addWikiTextTitle( $text, Title $title, $linestart,
$tidy = false, $interface = false
) {
global $wgParser;
$popts = $this->parserOptions();
$oldTidy = $popts->setTidy( $tidy );
$popts->setInterfaceMessage( (bool)$interface );
$parserOutput = $wgParser->getFreshParser()->parse(
$text, $title, $popts,
$linestart, true, $this->mRevisionId
$popts->setTidy( $oldTidy );
$this->addParserOutput( $parserOutput );
* Add a ParserOutput object, but without Html.
* @deprecated since 1.24, use addParserOutputMetadata() instead.
* @param ParserOutput $parserOutput
public function addParserOutputNoText( $parserOutput ) {
$this->addParserOutputMetadata( $parserOutput );
* Add all metadata associated with a ParserOutput object, but without the actual HTML. This
* includes categories, language links, ResourceLoader modules, effects of certain magic words,
* and so on.
* @since 1.24
* @param ParserOutput $parserOutput
public function addParserOutputMetadata( $parserOutput ) {
$this->mLanguageLinks += $parserOutput->getLanguageLinks();
$this->addCategoryLinks( $parserOutput->getCategories() );
$this->setIndicators( $parserOutput->getIndicators() );
$this->mNewSectionLink = $parserOutput->getNewSection();
$this->mHideNewSectionLink = $parserOutput->getHideNewSection();
$this->mParseWarnings = $parserOutput->getWarnings();
if ( !$parserOutput->isCacheable() ) {
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mNoGallery = $parserOutput->getNoGallery();
$this->mHeadItems = array_merge( $this->mHeadItems, $parserOutput->getHeadItems() );
$this->addModules( $parserOutput->getModules() );
$this->addModuleScripts( $parserOutput->getModuleScripts() );
$this->addModuleStyles( $parserOutput->getModuleStyles() );
$this->addJsConfigVars( $parserOutput->getJsConfigVars() );
$this->mPreventClickjacking = $this->mPreventClickjacking
|| $parserOutput->preventClickjacking();
// Template versioning...
foreach ( (array)$parserOutput->getTemplateIds() as $ns => $dbks ) {
if ( isset( $this->mTemplateIds[$ns] ) ) {
$this->mTemplateIds[$ns] = $dbks + $this->mTemplateIds[$ns];
} else {
$this->mTemplateIds[$ns] = $dbks;
// File versioning...
foreach ( (array)$parserOutput->getFileSearchOptions() as $dbk => $data ) {
$this->mImageTimeKeys[$dbk] = $data;
// Hooks registered in the object
$parserOutputHooks = $this->getConfig()->get( 'ParserOutputHooks' );
foreach ( $parserOutput->getOutputHooks() as $hookInfo ) {
list( $hookName, $data ) = $hookInfo;
if ( isset( $parserOutputHooks[$hookName] ) ) {
call_user_func( $parserOutputHooks[$hookName], $this, $parserOutput, $data );
// enable OOUI if requested via ParserOutput
if ( $parserOutput->getEnableOOUI() ) {
// Link flags are ignored for now, but may in the future be
// used to mark individual language links.
$linkFlags = array();
Hooks::run( 'LanguageLinks', array( $this->getTitle(), &$this->mLanguageLinks, &$linkFlags ) );
Hooks::run( 'OutputPageParserOutput', array( &$this, $parserOutput ) );
* Add the HTML and enhancements for it (like ResourceLoader modules) associated with a
* ParserOutput object, without any other metadata.
* @since 1.24
* @param ParserOutput $parserOutput
public function addParserOutputContent( $parserOutput ) {
$this->addParserOutputText( $parserOutput );
$this->addModules( $parserOutput->getModules() );
$this->addModuleScripts( $parserOutput->getModuleScripts() );
$this->addModuleStyles( $parserOutput->getModuleStyles() );
$this->addJsConfigVars( $parserOutput->getJsConfigVars() );
* Add the HTML associated with a ParserOutput object, without any metadata.
* @since 1.24
* @param ParserOutput $parserOutput
public function addParserOutputText( $parserOutput ) {
$text = $parserOutput->getText();
Hooks::run( 'OutputPageBeforeHTML', array( &$this, &$text ) );
$this->addHTML( $text );
* Add everything from a ParserOutput object.
* @param ParserOutput $parserOutput
function addParserOutput( $parserOutput ) {
$this->addParserOutputMetadata( $parserOutput );
$parserOutput->setTOCEnabled( $this->mEnableTOC );
// Touch section edit links only if not previously disabled
if ( $parserOutput->getEditSectionTokens() ) {
$parserOutput->setEditSectionTokens( $this->mEnableSectionEditLinks );
$this->addParserOutputText( $parserOutput );
* Add the output of a QuickTemplate to the output buffer
* @param QuickTemplate $template
public function addTemplate( &$template ) {
$this->addHTML( $template->getHTML() );
* Parse wikitext and return the HTML.
* @param string $text
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
* @param bool $interface Use interface language ($wgLang instead of
* $wgContLang) while parsing language sensitive magic words like GRAMMAR and PLURAL.
* This also disables LanguageConverter.
* @param Language $language Target language object, will override $interface
* @throws MWException
* @return string HTML
public function parse( $text, $linestart = true, $interface = false, $language = null ) {
global $wgParser;
if ( is_null( $this->getTitle() ) ) {
throw new MWException( 'Empty $mTitle in ' . __METHOD__ );
$popts = $this->parserOptions();
if ( $interface ) {
$popts->setInterfaceMessage( true );
if ( $language !== null ) {
$oldLang = $popts->setTargetLanguage( $language );
$parserOutput = $wgParser->getFreshParser()->parse(
$text, $this->getTitle(), $popts,
$linestart, true, $this->mRevisionId
if ( $interface ) {
$popts->setInterfaceMessage( false );
if ( $language !== null ) {
$popts->setTargetLanguage( $oldLang );
return $parserOutput->getText();
* Parse wikitext, strip paragraphs, and return the HTML.
* @param string $text
* @param bool $linestart Is this the start of a line?
* @param bool $interface Use interface language ($wgLang instead of
* $wgContLang) while parsing language sensitive magic
* words like GRAMMAR and PLURAL
* @return string HTML
public function parseInline( $text, $linestart = true, $interface = false ) {
$parsed = $this->parse( $text, $linestart, $interface );
return Parser::stripOuterParagraph( $parsed );
* Set the value of the "s-maxage" part of the "Cache-control" HTTP header
* @param int $maxage Maximum cache time on the Squid, in seconds.
public function setSquidMaxage( $maxage ) {
$this->mSquidMaxage = $maxage;
* Use enableClientCache(false) to force it to send nocache headers
* @param bool $state
* @return bool
public function enableClientCache( $state ) {
return wfSetVar( $this->mEnableClientCache, $state );
* Get the list of cookies that will influence on the cache
* @return array
function getCacheVaryCookies() {
static $cookies;
if ( $cookies === null ) {
$config = $this->getConfig();
$cookies = array_merge(
$config->get( 'CookiePrefix' ) . 'Token',
$config->get( 'CookiePrefix' ) . 'LoggedOut',
$config->get( 'CacheVaryCookies' )
Hooks::run( 'GetCacheVaryCookies', array( $this, &$cookies ) );
return $cookies;
* Check if the request has a cache-varying cookie header
* If it does, it's very important that we don't allow public caching
* @return bool
function haveCacheVaryCookies() {
$cookieHeader = $this->getRequest()->getHeader( 'cookie' );
if ( $cookieHeader === false ) {
return false;
$cvCookies = $this->getCacheVaryCookies();
foreach ( $cvCookies as $cookieName ) {
# Check for a simple string match, like the way squid does it
if ( strpos( $cookieHeader, $cookieName ) !== false ) {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": found $cookieName\n" );
return true;
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": no cache-varying cookies found\n" );
return false;
* Add an HTTP header that will influence on the cache
* @param string $header Header name
* @param string[]|null $option Options for X-Vary-Options. Possible options are:
* - "string-contains=$XXX" varies on whether the header value as a string
* contains $XXX as a substring.
* - "list-contains=$XXX" varies on whether the header value as a
* comma-separated list contains $XXX as one of the list items.
public function addVaryHeader( $header, array $option = null ) {
if ( !array_key_exists( $header, $this->mVaryHeader ) ) {
$this->mVaryHeader[$header] = array();
if ( !is_array( $option ) ) {
$option = array();
$this->mVaryHeader[$header] = array_unique( array_merge( $this->mVaryHeader[$header], $option ) );
* Return a Vary: header on which to vary caches. Based on the keys of $mVaryHeader,
* such as Accept-Encoding or Cookie
* @return string
public function getVaryHeader() {
return 'Vary: ' . join( ', ', array_keys( $this->mVaryHeader ) );
* Get a complete X-Vary-Options header
* @return string
public function getXVO() {
$cvCookies = $this->getCacheVaryCookies();
$cookiesOption = array();
foreach ( $cvCookies as $cookieName ) {
$cookiesOption[] = 'string-contains=' . $cookieName;
$this->addVaryHeader( 'Cookie', $cookiesOption );
$headers = array();
foreach ( $this->mVaryHeader as $header => $option ) {
$newheader = $header;
if ( is_array( $option ) && count( $option ) > 0 ) {
$newheader .= ';' . implode( ';', $option );
$headers[] = $newheader;
$xvo = 'X-Vary-Options: ' . implode( ',', $headers );
return $xvo;
* bug 21672: Add Accept-Language to Vary and XVO headers
* if there's no 'variant' parameter existed in GET.
* For example:
* /w/index.php?title=Main_page should always be served; but
* /w/index.php?title=Main_page&variant=zh-cn should never be served.
function addAcceptLanguage() {
$title = $this->getTitle();
if ( !$title instanceof Title ) {
$lang = $title->getPageLanguage();
if ( !$this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'variant' ) && $lang->hasVariants() ) {
$variants = $lang->getVariants();
$aloption = array();
foreach ( $variants as $variant ) {
if ( $variant === $lang->getCode() ) {
} else {
$aloption[] = 'string-contains=' . $variant;
// IE and some other browsers use BCP 47 standards in
// their Accept-Language header, like "zh-CN" or "zh-Hant".
// We should handle these too.
$variantBCP47 = wfBCP47( $variant );
if ( $variantBCP47 !== $variant ) {
$aloption[] = 'string-contains=' . $variantBCP47;
$this->addVaryHeader( 'Accept-Language', $aloption );
* Set a flag which will cause an X-Frame-Options header appropriate for
* edit pages to be sent. The header value is controlled by
* $wgEditPageFrameOptions.
* This is the default for special pages. If you display a CSRF-protected
* form on an ordinary view page, then you need to call this function.
* @param bool $enable
public function preventClickjacking( $enable = true ) {
$this->mPreventClickjacking = $enable;
* Turn off frame-breaking. Alias for $this->preventClickjacking(false).
* This can be called from pages which do not contain any CSRF-protected
* HTML form.
public function allowClickjacking() {
$this->mPreventClickjacking = false;
* Get the prevent-clickjacking flag
* @since 1.24
* @return bool
public function getPreventClickjacking() {
return $this->mPreventClickjacking;
* Get the X-Frame-Options header value (without the name part), or false
* if there isn't one. This is used by Skin to determine whether to enable
* JavaScript frame-breaking, for clients that don't support X-Frame-Options.
* @return string
public function getFrameOptions() {
$config = $this->getConfig();
if ( $config->get( 'BreakFrames' ) ) {
return 'DENY';
} elseif ( $this->mPreventClickjacking && $config->get( 'EditPageFrameOptions' ) ) {
return $config->get( 'EditPageFrameOptions' );
return false;
* Send cache control HTTP headers
public function sendCacheControl() {
$response = $this->getRequest()->response();
$config = $this->getConfig();
if ( $config->get( 'UseETag' ) && $this->mETag ) {
$response->header( "ETag: $this->mETag" );
$this->addVaryHeader( 'Cookie' );
# don't serve compressed data to clients who can't handle it
# maintain different caches for logged-in users and non-logged in ones
$response->header( $this->getVaryHeader() );
if ( $config->get( 'UseXVO' ) ) {
# Add an X-Vary-Options header for Squid with Wikimedia patches
$response->header( $this->getXVO() );
if ( $this->mEnableClientCache ) {
if (
$config->get( 'UseSquid' ) && session_id() == '' && !$this->isPrintable() &&
$this->mSquidMaxage != 0 && !$this->haveCacheVaryCookies()
) {
if ( $config->get( 'UseESI' ) ) {
# We'll purge the proxy cache explicitly, but require end user agents
# to revalidate against the proxy on each visit.
# Surrogate-Control controls our Squid, Cache-Control downstream caches
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": proxy caching with ESI; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", 'log' );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age=2678400+2678400, content="ESI/1.0"');
$response->header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age=' . $config->get( 'SquidMaxage' )
. '+' . $this->mSquidMaxage . ', content="ESI/1.0"' );
$response->header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We'll purge the proxy cache for anons explicitly, but require end user agents
# to revalidate against the proxy on each visit.
# IMPORTANT! The Squid needs to replace the Cache-Control header with
# Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": local proxy caching; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", 'log' );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( "Cache-Control: s-maxage=2678400, must-revalidate, max-age=0" );
$response->header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage=' . $this->mSquidMaxage
. ', must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We do want clients to cache if they can, but they *must* check for updates
# on revisiting the page.
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": private caching; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", 'log' );
$response->header( 'Expires: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', 0 ) . ' GMT' );
$response->header( "Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=0" );
if ( $this->mLastModified ) {
$response->header( "Last-Modified: {$this->mLastModified}" );
} else {
wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": no caching **\n", 'log' );
# In general, the absence of a last modified header should be enough to prevent
# the client from using its cache. We send a few other things just to make sure.
$response->header( 'Expires: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', 0 ) . ' GMT' );
$response->header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate' );
$response->header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
* Finally, all the text has been munged and accumulated into
* the object, let's actually output it:
public function output() {
if ( $this->mDoNothing ) {
$response = $this->getRequest()->response();
$config = $this->getConfig();
if ( $this->mRedirect != '' ) {
# Standards require redirect URLs to be absolute
$this->mRedirect = wfExpandUrl( $this->mRedirect, PROTO_CURRENT );
$redirect = $this->mRedirect;
$code = $this->mRedirectCode;
if ( Hooks::run( "BeforePageRedirect", array( $this, &$redirect, &$code ) ) ) {
if ( $code == '301' || $code == '303' ) {
if ( !$config->get( 'DebugRedirects' ) ) {
$response->statusHeader( $code );
$this->mLastModified = wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822 );
if ( $config->get( 'VaryOnXFP' ) ) {
$this->addVaryHeader( 'X-Forwarded-Proto' );
$response->header( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" );
if ( $config->get( 'DebugRedirects' ) ) {
$url = htmlspecialchars( $redirect );
print "\n\nRedirect\n\n\n";
print "
print "\n\n";
} else {
$response->header( 'Location: ' . $redirect );
} elseif ( $this->mStatusCode ) {
$response->statusHeader( $this->mStatusCode );
# Buffer output; final headers may depend on later processing
$response->header( 'Content-type: ' . $config->get( 'MimeType' ) . '; charset=UTF-8' );
$response->header( 'Content-language: ' . $config->get( 'LanguageCode' ) );
// Avoid Internet Explorer "compatibility view" in IE 8-10, so that
// jQuery etc. can work correctly.
$response->header( 'X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge' );
// Prevent framing, if requested
$frameOptions = $this->getFrameOptions();
if ( $frameOptions ) {
$response->header( "X-Frame-Options: $frameOptions" );
if ( $this->mArticleBodyOnly ) {
echo $this->mBodytext;
} else {
$sk = $this->getSkin();
// add skin specific modules
$modules = $sk->getDefaultModules();
// Enforce various default modules for all skins
$coreModules = array(
// Keep this list as small as possible
// Support for high-density display images if enabled
if ( $config->get( 'ResponsiveImages' ) ) {
$coreModules[] = 'mediawiki.hidpi';
$this->addModules( $coreModules );
foreach ( $modules as $group ) {
$this->addModules( $group );
MWDebug::addModules( $this );
// Hook that allows last minute changes to the output page, e.g.
// adding of CSS or Javascript by extensions.
Hooks::run( 'BeforePageDisplay', array( &$this, &$sk ) );
// This hook allows last minute changes to final overall output by modifying output buffer
Hooks::run( 'AfterFinalPageOutput', array( $this ) );
* Actually output something with print.
* @param string $ins The string to output
* @deprecated since 1.22 Use echo yourself.
public function out( $ins ) {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.22' );
print $ins;
* Produce a "user is blocked" page.
* @deprecated since 1.18
function blockedPage() {
throw new UserBlockedError( $this->getUser()->mBlock );
* Prepare this object to display an error page; disable caching and
* indexing, clear the current text and redirect, set the page's title
* and optionally an custom HTML title (content of the "" tag).
* @param string|Message $pageTitle Will be passed directly to setPageTitle()
* @param string|Message $htmlTitle Will be passed directly to setHTMLTitle();
* optional, if not passed the "" attribute will be
* based on $pageTitle
public function prepareErrorPage( $pageTitle, $htmlTitle = false ) {
$this->setPageTitle( $pageTitle );
if ( $htmlTitle !== false ) {
$this->setHTMLTitle( $htmlTitle );
$this->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mRedirect = '';
* Output a standard error page
* showErrorPage( 'titlemsg', 'pagetextmsg' );
* showErrorPage( 'titlemsg', 'pagetextmsg', array( 'param1', 'param2' ) );
* showErrorPage( 'titlemsg', $messageObject );
* showErrorPage( $titleMessageObject, $messageObject );
* @param string|Message $title Message key (string) for page title, or a Message object
* @param string|Message $msg Message key (string) for page text, or a Message object
* @param array $params Message parameters; ignored if $msg is a Message object
public function showErrorPage( $title, $msg, $params = array() ) {
if ( !$title instanceof Message ) {
$title = $this->msg( $title );
$this->prepareErrorPage( $title );
if ( $msg instanceof Message ) {
if ( $params !== array() ) {
trigger_error( 'Argument ignored: $params. The message parameters argument '
. 'is discarded when the $msg argument is a Message object instead of '
. 'a string.', E_USER_NOTICE );
$this->addHTML( $msg->parseAsBlock() );
} else {
$this->addWikiMsgArray( $msg, $params );
* Output a standard permission error page
* @param array $errors Error message keys
* @param string $action Action that was denied or null if unknown
public function showPermissionsErrorPage( array $errors, $action = null ) {
// For some action (read, edit, create and upload), display a "login to do this action"
// error if all of the following conditions are met:
// 1. the user is not logged in
// 2. the only error is insufficient permissions (i.e. no block or something else)
// 3. the error can be avoided simply by logging in
if ( in_array( $action, array( 'read', 'edit', 'createpage', 'createtalk', 'upload' ) )
&& $this->getUser()->isAnon() && count( $errors ) == 1 && isset( $errors[0][0] )
&& ( $errors[0][0] == 'badaccess-groups' || $errors[0][0] == 'badaccess-group0' )
&& ( User::groupHasPermission( 'user', $action )
|| User::groupHasPermission( 'autoconfirmed', $action ) )
) {
$displayReturnto = null;
# Due to bug 32276, if a user does not have read permissions,
# $this->getTitle() will just give Special:Badtitle, which is
# not especially useful as a returnto parameter. Use the title
# from the request instead, if there was one.
$request = $this->getRequest();
$returnto = Title::newFromURL( $request->getVal( 'title', '' ) );
if ( $action == 'edit' ) {
$msg = 'whitelistedittext';
$displayReturnto = $returnto;
} elseif ( $action == 'createpage' || $action == 'createtalk' ) {
$msg = 'nocreatetext';
} elseif ( $action == 'upload' ) {
$msg = 'uploadnologintext';
} else { # Read
$msg = 'loginreqpagetext';
$displayReturnto = Title::newMainPage();
$query = array();
if ( $returnto ) {
$query['returnto'] = $returnto->getPrefixedText();
if ( !$request->wasPosted() ) {
$returntoquery = $request->getValues();
unset( $returntoquery['title'] );
unset( $returntoquery['returnto'] );
unset( $returntoquery['returntoquery'] );
$query['returntoquery'] = wfArrayToCgi( $returntoquery );
$loginLink = Linker::linkKnown(
SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' ),
$this->msg( 'loginreqlink' )->escaped(),
$this->prepareErrorPage( $this->msg( 'loginreqtitle' ) );
$this->addHTML( $this->msg( $msg )->rawParams( $loginLink )->parse() );
# Don't return to a page the user can't read otherwise
# we'll end up in a pointless loop
if ( $displayReturnto && $displayReturnto->userCan( 'read', $this->getUser() ) ) {
$this->returnToMain( null, $displayReturnto );
} else {
$this->prepareErrorPage( $this->msg( 'permissionserrors' ) );
$this->addWikiText( $this->formatPermissionsErrorMessage( $errors, $action ) );
* Display an error page indicating that a given version of MediaWiki is
* required to use it
* @param mixed $version The version of MediaWiki needed to use the page
public function versionRequired( $version ) {
$this->prepareErrorPage( $this->msg( 'versionrequired', $version ) );
$this->addWikiMsg( 'versionrequiredtext', $version );
* Display an error page noting that a given permission bit is required.
* @deprecated since 1.18, just throw the exception directly
* @param string $permission Key required
* @throws PermissionsError
public function permissionRequired( $permission ) {
throw new PermissionsError( $permission );
* Produce the stock "please login to use the wiki" page
* @deprecated since 1.19; throw the exception directly
public function loginToUse() {
throw new PermissionsError( 'read' );
* Format a list of error messages
* @param array $errors Array of arrays returned by Title::getUserPermissionsErrors
* @param string $action Action that was denied or null if unknown
* @return string The wikitext error-messages, formatted into a list.
public function formatPermissionsErrorMessage( array $errors, $action = null ) {
if ( $action == null ) {
$text = $this->msg( 'permissionserrorstext', count( $errors ) )->plain() . "\n\n";
} else {
$action_desc = $this->msg( "action-$action" )->plain();
$text = $this->msg(
count( $errors ),
)->plain() . "\n\n";
if ( count( $errors ) > 1 ) {
$text .= '
return $text;
* Display a page stating that the Wiki is in read-only mode.
* Should only be called after wfReadOnly() has returned true.
* Historically, this function was used to show the source of the page that the user
* was trying to edit and _also_ permissions error messages. The relevant code was
* moved into EditPage in 1.19 (r102024 / d83c2a431c2a) and removed here in 1.25.
* @deprecated since 1.25; throw the exception directly
* @throws ReadOnlyError
public function readOnlyPage() {
if ( func_num_args() > 0 ) {
throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ' no longer accepts arguments since 1.25.' );
throw new ReadOnlyError;
* Turn off regular page output and return an error response
* for when rate limiting has triggered.
* @deprecated since 1.25; throw the exception directly
public function rateLimited() {
wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.25' );
throw new ThrottledError;
* Show a warning about slave lag
* If the lag is higher than $wgSlaveLagCritical seconds,
* then the warning is a bit more obvious. If the lag is
* lower than $wgSlaveLagWarning, then no warning is shown.
* @param int $lag Slave lag
public function showLagWarning( $lag ) {
$config = $this->getConfig();
if ( $lag >= $config->get( 'SlaveLagWarning' ) ) {
$message = $lag < $config->get( 'SlaveLagCritical' )
? 'lag-warn-normal'
: 'lag-warn-high';
$wrap = Html::rawElement( 'div', array( 'class' => "mw-{$message}" ), "\n$1\n" );
$this->wrapWikiMsg( "$wrap\n", array( $message, $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( $lag ) ) );
public function showFatalError( $message ) {
$this->prepareErrorPage( $this->msg( 'internalerror' ) );
$this->addHTML( $message );
public function showUnexpectedValueError( $name, $val ) {
$this->showFatalError( $this->msg( 'unexpected', $name, $val )->text() );
public function showFileCopyError( $old, $new ) {
$this->showFatalError( $this->msg( 'filecopyerror', $old, $new )->text() );
public function showFileRenameError( $old, $new ) {
$this->showFatalError( $this->msg( 'filerenameerror', $old, $new )->text() );
public function showFileDeleteError( $name ) {
$this->showFatalError( $this->msg( 'filedeleteerror', $name )->text() );
public function showFileNotFoundError( $name ) {
$this->showFatalError( $this->msg( 'filenotfound', $name )->text() );
* Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title
* @param Title $title Title to link
* @param array $query Query string parameters
* @param string $text Text of the link (input is not escaped)
* @param array $options Options array to pass to Linker
public function addReturnTo( $title, array $query = array(), $text = null, $options = array() ) {
$link = $this->msg( 'returnto' )->rawParams(
Linker::link( $title, $text, array(), $query, $options ) )->escaped();
$this->addHTML( "
\n" );
* Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title,
* or the title indicated in the request, or else the main page
* @param mixed $unused
* @param Title|string $returnto Title or String to return to
* @param string $returntoquery Query string for the return to link
public function returnToMain( $unused = null, $returnto = null, $returntoquery = null ) {
if ( $returnto == null ) {
$returnto = $this->getRequest()->getText( 'returnto' );
if ( $returntoquery == null ) {
$returntoquery = $this->getRequest()->getText( 'returntoquery' );
if ( $returnto === '' ) {
$returnto = Title::newMainPage();
if ( is_object( $returnto ) ) {
$titleObj = $returnto;
} else {
$titleObj = Title::newFromText( $returnto );
if ( !is_object( $titleObj ) ) {
$titleObj = Title::newMainPage();
$this->addReturnTo( $titleObj, wfCgiToArray( $returntoquery ) );
* @param Skin $sk The given Skin
* @param bool $includeStyle Unused
* @return string The doctype, opening "", and head element.
public function headElement( Skin $sk, $includeStyle = true ) {
global $wgContLang;
$userdir = $this->getLanguage()->getDir();
$sitedir = $wgContLang->getDir();
$ret = Html::htmlHeader( $sk->getHtmlElementAttributes() );
if ( $this->getHTMLTitle() == '' ) {
$this->setHTMLTitle( $this->msg( 'pagetitle', $this->getPageTitle() )->inContentLanguage() );
$openHead = Html::openElement( 'head' );
if ( $openHead ) {
# Don't bother with the newline if $head == ''
$ret .= "$openHead\n";
if ( !Html::isXmlMimeType( $this->getConfig()->get( 'MimeType' ) ) ) {
// Add
// This should be before since it defines the charset used by
// text including the text inside .
// The spec recommends defining XHTML5's charset using the XML declaration
// instead of meta.
// Our XML declaration is output by Html::htmlHeader.
// http://www.whatwg.org/html/semantics.html#attr-meta-http-equiv-content-type
// http://www.whatwg.org/html/semantics.html#charset
$ret .= Html::element( 'meta', array( 'charset' => 'UTF-8' ) ) . "\n";
$ret .= Html::element( 'title', null, $this->getHTMLTitle() ) . "\n";
$ret .= $this->getInlineHeadScripts() . "\n";
$ret .= $this->buildCssLinks() . "\n";
$ret .= $this->getExternalHeadScripts() . "\n";
foreach ( $this->getHeadLinksArray() as $item ) {
$ret .= $item . "\n";
foreach ( $this->mHeadItems as $item ) {
$ret .= $item . "\n";
$closeHead = Html::closeElement( 'head' );
if ( $closeHead ) {
$ret .= "$closeHead\n";
$bodyClasses = array();
$bodyClasses[] = 'mediawiki';
# Classes for LTR/RTL directionality support
$bodyClasses[] = $userdir;
$bodyClasses[] = "sitedir-$sitedir";
if ( $this->getLanguage()->capitalizeAllNouns() ) {
# A class is probably not the best way to do this . . .
$bodyClasses[] = 'capitalize-all-nouns';
$bodyClasses[] = $sk->getPageClasses( $this->getTitle() );
$bodyClasses[] = 'skin-' . Sanitizer::escapeClass( $sk->getSkinName() );
$bodyClasses[] =
'action-' . Sanitizer::escapeClass( Action::getActionName( $this->getContext() ) );
$bodyAttrs = array();
// While the implode() is not strictly needed, it's used for backwards compatibility
// (this used to be built as a string and hooks likely still expect that).
$bodyAttrs['class'] = implode( ' ', $bodyClasses );
// Allow skins and extensions to add body attributes they need
$sk->addToBodyAttributes( $this, $bodyAttrs );
Hooks::run( 'OutputPageBodyAttributes', array( $this, $sk, &$bodyAttrs ) );
$ret .= Html::openElement( 'body', $bodyAttrs ) . "\n";
return $ret;
* Get a ResourceLoader object associated with this OutputPage
* @return ResourceLoader
public function getResourceLoader() {
if ( is_null( $this->mResourceLoader ) ) {
$this->mResourceLoader = new ResourceLoader(
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'resourceloader' )
return $this->mResourceLoader;
* Construct neccecary html and loader preset states to load modules on a page.
* Use getHtmlFromLoaderLinks() to convert this array to HTML.
* @param array|string $modules One or more module names
* @param string $only ResourceLoaderModule TYPE_ class constant
* @param array $extraQuery [optional] Array with extra query parameters for the request
* @return array A list of HTML strings and array of client loader preset states
public function makeResourceLoaderLink( $modules, $only, array $extraQuery = array() ) {
$modules = (array)$modules;
$links = array(
// List of html strings
'html' => array(),
// Associative array of module names and their states
'states' => array(),
if ( !count( $modules ) ) {
return $links;
if ( count( $modules ) > 1 ) {
// Remove duplicate module requests
$modules = array_unique( $modules );
// Sort module names so requests are more uniform
sort( $modules );
if ( ResourceLoader::inDebugMode() ) {
// Recursively call us for every item
foreach ( $modules as $name ) {
$link = $this->makeResourceLoaderLink( $name, $only, $extraQuery );
$links['html'] = array_merge( $links['html'], $link['html'] );
$links['states'] += $link['states'];
return $links;
if ( !is_null( $this->mTarget ) ) {
$extraQuery['target'] = $this->mTarget;
// Create keyed-by-source and then keyed-by-group list of module objects from modules list
$sortedModules = array();
$resourceLoader = $this->getResourceLoader();
foreach ( $modules as $name ) {
$module = $resourceLoader->getModule( $name );
# Check that we're allowed to include this module on this page
if ( !$module
|| ( $module->getOrigin() > $this->getAllowedModules( ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS )
&& $only == ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS )
|| ( $module->getOrigin() > $this->getAllowedModules( ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES )
&& $only == ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES )
|| ( $module->getOrigin() > $this->getAllowedModules( ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED )
&& $only == ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED )
|| ( $this->mTarget && !in_array( $this->mTarget, $module->getTargets() ) )
) {
$sortedModules[$module->getSource()][$module->getGroup()][$name] = $module;
foreach ( $sortedModules as $source => $groups ) {
foreach ( $groups as $group => $grpModules ) {
// Special handling for user-specific groups
$user = null;
if ( ( $group === 'user' || $group === 'private' ) && $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn() ) {
$user = $this->getUser()->getName();
// Create a fake request based on the one we are about to make so modules return
// correct timestamp and emptiness data
$query = ResourceLoader::makeLoaderQuery(
array(), // modules; not determined yet
null, // version; not determined yet
$only === ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED ? null : $only,
$this->getRequest()->getBool( 'handheld' ),
$context = new ResourceLoaderContext( $resourceLoader, new FauxRequest( $query ) );
// Extract modules that know they're empty and see if we have one or more
// raw modules
$isRaw = false;
foreach ( $grpModules as $key => $module ) {
// Inline empty modules: since they're empty, just mark them as 'ready' (bug 46857)
// If we're only getting the styles, we don't need to do anything for empty modules.
if ( $module->isKnownEmpty( $context ) ) {
unset( $grpModules[$key] );
if ( $only !== ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES ) {
$links['states'][$key] = 'ready';
$isRaw |= $module->isRaw();
// If there are no non-empty modules, skip this group
if ( count( $grpModules ) === 0 ) {
// Inline private modules. These can't be loaded through load.php for security
// reasons, see bug 34907. Note that these modules should be loaded from
// getExternalHeadScripts() before the first loader call. Otherwise other modules can't
// properly use them as dependencies (bug 30914)
if ( $group === 'private' ) {
if ( $only == ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES ) {
$links['html'][] = Html::inlineStyle(
$resourceLoader->makeModuleResponse( $context, $grpModules )
} else {
$links['html'][] = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript(
$resourceLoader->makeModuleResponse( $context, $grpModules )
// Special handling for the user group; because users might change their stuff
// on-wiki like user pages, or user preferences; we need to find the highest
// timestamp of these user-changeable modules so we can ensure cache misses on change
// This should NOT be done for the site group (bug 27564) because anons get that too
// and we shouldn't be putting timestamps in Squid-cached HTML
$version = null;
if ( $group === 'user' ) {
$query['version'] = $resourceLoader->getCombinedVersion( $context, array_keys( $grpModules ) );
$query['modules'] = ResourceLoader::makePackedModulesString( array_keys( $grpModules ) );
$moduleContext = new ResourceLoaderContext( $resourceLoader, new FauxRequest( $query ) );
$url = $resourceLoader->createLoaderURL( $source, $moduleContext, $extraQuery );
// Automatically select style/script elements
if ( $only === ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES ) {
$link = Html::linkedStyle( $url );
} else {
if ( $context->getRaw() || $isRaw ) {
// Startup module can't load itself, needs to use tags to put in "".
* @return string HTML fragment
function getInlineHeadScripts() {
$links = array();
// Client profile classes for . Allows for easy hiding/showing of UI components.
// Must be done synchronously on every page to avoid flashes of wrong content.
// Note: This class distinguishes MediaWiki-supported JavaScript from the rest.
// The "rest" includes browsers that support JavaScript but not supported by our runtime.
// For the performance benefit of the majority, this is added unconditionally here and is
// then fixed up by the startup module for unsupported browsers.
$links[] = Html::inlineScript(
'document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className'
. '.replace( /(^|\s)client-nojs(\s|$)/, "$1client-js$2" );'
// Load config before anything else
$links[] = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript(
ResourceLoader::makeConfigSetScript( $this->getJSVars() )
// Load embeddable private modules before any loader links
// This needs to be TYPE_COMBINED so these modules are properly wrapped
// in mw.loader.implement() calls and deferred until mw.user is available
$embedScripts = array( 'user.options' );
$links[] = $this->makeResourceLoaderLink( $embedScripts, ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED );
// Separate user.tokens as otherwise caching will be allowed (T84960)
$links[] = $this->makeResourceLoaderLink( 'user.tokens', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED );
// Modules requests - let the client calculate dependencies and batch requests as it likes
// Only load modules that have marked themselves for loading at the top
$modules = $this->getModules( true, 'top' );
if ( $modules ) {
$links[] = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript(
Xml::encodeJsCall( 'mw.loader.load', array( $modules ) )
// "Scripts only" modules marked for top inclusion
$links[] = $this->makeResourceLoaderLink(
$this->getModuleScripts( true, 'top' ),
return self::getHtmlFromLoaderLinks( $links );
* JS stuff to put at the 'bottom', which goes at the bottom of the ``.
* These are modules marked with position 'bottom', legacy scripts ($this->mScripts),
* site JS, and user JS.
* @param bool $unused Previously used to let this method change its output based
* on whether it was called by getExternalHeadScripts() or getBottomScripts().
* @return string
function getScriptsForBottomQueue( $unused = null ) {
// Scripts "only" requests marked for bottom inclusion
// If we're in the , use load() calls rather than