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MediaWiki {$mwVersion} internal error


Supported PHP versions

Please consider upgrading your copy of PHP. PHP versions less than 5.3.0 are no longer supported by the PHP Group and will not receive security or bugfix updates.

If for some reason you are unable to upgrade your PHP version, you will need to download an older version of MediaWiki from our website. See our compatibility page for details of which versions are compatible with prior versions of PHP.

External dependencies

MediaWiki now also has some external dependencies that need to be installed via composer or from a separate git repo. Please see for help on installing the required components.

HTML; // Handle everything that's not index.php } else { // So nothing thinks this is JS or CSS $finalOutput = ( $type == 'load.php' ) ? "/* $message */" : $message; header( "$protocol 500 MediaWiki configuration Error" ); } echo "$finalOutput\n"; die( 1 ); }