loadFromRow( $row );
return $rc;
public static function newFromCurRow( $row )
$rc = new RecentChange;
$rc->loadFromCurRow( $row );
$rc->notificationtimestamp = false;
$rc->numberofWatchingusers = false;
return $rc;
* Obtain the recent change with a given rc_id value
* @param $rcid rc_id value to retrieve
* @return RecentChange
public static function newFromId( $rcid ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$res = $dbr->select( 'recentchanges', '*', array( 'rc_id' => $rcid ), __METHOD__ );
if( $res && $dbr->numRows( $res ) > 0 ) {
$row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res );
$dbr->freeResult( $res );
return self::newFromRow( $row );
} else {
return NULL;
* Find the first recent change matching some specific conditions
* @param array $conds Array of conditions
* @param mixed $fname Override the method name in profiling/logs
* @return RecentChange
public static function newFromConds( $conds, $fname = false ) {
if( $fname === false )
$fname = __METHOD__;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$res = $dbr->select(
if( $res instanceof ResultWrapper && $res->numRows() > 0 ) {
$row = $res->fetchObject();
return self::newFromRow( $row );
return null;
# Accessors
function setAttribs( $attribs )
$this->mAttribs = $attribs;
function setExtra( $extra )
$this->mExtra = $extra;
function &getTitle()
if ( $this->mTitle === false ) {
$this->mTitle = Title::makeTitle( $this->mAttribs['rc_namespace'], $this->mAttribs['rc_title'] );
return $this->mTitle;
function getMovedToTitle()
if ( $this->mMovedToTitle === false ) {
$this->mMovedToTitle = Title::makeTitle( $this->mAttribs['rc_moved_to_ns'],
$this->mAttribs['rc_moved_to_title'] );
return $this->mMovedToTitle;
# Writes the data in this object to the database
function save()
global $wgLocalInterwiki, $wgPutIPinRC, $wgRC2UDPAddress,
$wgRC2UDPPort, $wgRC2UDPPrefix, $wgRC2UDPOmitBots;
$fname = 'RecentChange::save';
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
if ( !is_array($this->mExtra) ) {
$this->mExtra = array();
$this->mExtra['lang'] = $wgLocalInterwiki;
if ( !$wgPutIPinRC ) {
$this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] = '';
## If our database is strict about IP addresses, use NULL instead of an empty string
if ( $dbw->strictIPs() and $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] == '' ) {
unset( $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] );
# Fixup database timestamps
$this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']);
$this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time']);
$this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'rc_rc_id_seq' );
## If we are using foreign keys, an entry of 0 for the page_id will fail, so use NULL
if ( $dbw->cascadingDeletes() and $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']==0 ) {
unset ( $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] );
# Insert new row
$dbw->insert( 'recentchanges', $this->mAttribs, $fname );
# Set the ID
$this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->insertId();
# Update old rows, if necessary
if ( $this->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_EDIT ) {
$lastTime = $this->mExtra['lastTimestamp'];
#$now = $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'];
#$curId = $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'];
# Don't bother looking for entries that have probably
# been purged, it just locks up the indexes needlessly.
global $wgRCMaxAge;
$age = time() - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $lastTime );
if( $age < $wgRCMaxAge ) {
# live hack, will commit once tested - kate
# Update rc_this_oldid for the entries which were current
#$oldid = $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid'];
#$ns = $this->mAttribs['rc_namespace'];
#$title = $this->mAttribs['rc_title'];
#$dbw->update( 'recentchanges',
# array( /* SET */
# 'rc_this_oldid' => $oldid
# ), array( /* WHERE */
# 'rc_namespace' => $ns,
# 'rc_title' => $title,
# 'rc_timestamp' => $dbw->timestamp( $lastTime )
# ), $fname
# Update rc_cur_time
#$dbw->update( 'recentchanges', array( 'rc_cur_time' => $now ),
# array( 'rc_cur_id' => $curId ), $fname );
# Notify external application via UDP
if ( $wgRC2UDPAddress && ( !$this->mAttribs['rc_bot'] || !$wgRC2UDPOmitBots ) ) {
$conn = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP );
if ( $conn ) {
$line = $wgRC2UDPPrefix . $this->getIRCLine();
socket_sendto( $conn, $line, strlen($line), 0, $wgRC2UDPAddress, $wgRC2UDPPort );
socket_close( $conn );
# E-mail notifications
global $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker, $wgUser;
if( $wgUseEnotif || $wgShowUpdatedMarker ) {
// Users
if( $this->mAttribs['rc_user'] ) {
$editor = ($wgUser->getId() == $this->mAttribs['rc_user']) ?
$wgUser : User::newFromID( $this->mAttribs['rc_user'] );
// Anons
} else {
$editor = ($wgUser->getName() == $this->mAttribs['rc_user_text']) ?
$wgUser : User::newFromName( $this->mAttribs['rc_user_text'], false );
# FIXME: this would be better as an extension hook
$enotif = new EmailNotification();
$title = Title::makeTitle( $this->mAttribs['rc_namespace'], $this->mAttribs['rc_title'] );
$enotif->notifyOnPageChange( $editor, $title,
$this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid'] );
# Notify extensions
wfRunHooks( 'RecentChange_save', array( &$this ) );
* Mark a given change as patrolled
* @param mixed $change RecentChange or corresponding rc_id
* @returns integer number of affected rows
public static function markPatrolled( $change ) {
$rcid = $change instanceof RecentChange
? $change->mAttribs['rc_id']
: $change;
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
'rc_patrolled' => 1
'rc_id' => $rcid
return $dbw->affectedRows();
# Makes an entry in the database corresponding to an edit
public static function notifyEdit( $timestamp, &$title, $minor, &$user, $comment,
$oldId, $lastTimestamp, $bot, $ip = '', $oldSize = 0, $newSize = 0,
$newId = 0)
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = wfGetIP();
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = '';
$rc = new RecentChange;
$rc->mAttribs = array(
'rc_timestamp' => $timestamp,
'rc_cur_time' => $timestamp,
'rc_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(),
'rc_title' => $title->getDBkey(),
'rc_type' => RC_EDIT,
'rc_minor' => $minor ? 1 : 0,
'rc_cur_id' => $title->getArticleID(),
'rc_user' => $user->getId(),
'rc_user_text' => $user->getName(),
'rc_comment' => $comment,
'rc_this_oldid' => $newId,
'rc_last_oldid' => $oldId,
'rc_bot' => $bot ? 1 : 0,
'rc_moved_to_ns' => 0,
'rc_moved_to_title' => '',
'rc_ip' => $ip,
'rc_patrolled' => 0,
'rc_new' => 0, # obsolete
'rc_old_len' => $oldSize,
'rc_new_len' => $newSize,
'rc_deleted' => 0,
'rc_logid' => 0,
'rc_log_type' => null,
'rc_log_action' => '',
'rc_params' => ''
$rc->mExtra = array(
'prefixedDBkey' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'lastTimestamp' => $lastTimestamp,
'oldSize' => $oldSize,
'newSize' => $newSize,
return( $rc->mAttribs['rc_id'] );
* Makes an entry in the database corresponding to page creation
* Note: the title object must be loaded with the new id using resetArticleID()
* @todo Document parameters and return
public static function notifyNew( $timestamp, &$title, $minor, &$user, $comment, $bot,
$ip='', $size = 0, $newId = 0 )
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = wfGetIP();
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = '';
$rc = new RecentChange;
$rc->mAttribs = array(
'rc_timestamp' => $timestamp,
'rc_cur_time' => $timestamp,
'rc_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(),
'rc_title' => $title->getDBkey(),
'rc_type' => RC_NEW,
'rc_minor' => $minor ? 1 : 0,
'rc_cur_id' => $title->getArticleID(),
'rc_user' => $user->getId(),
'rc_user_text' => $user->getName(),
'rc_comment' => $comment,
'rc_this_oldid' => $newId,
'rc_last_oldid' => 0,
'rc_bot' => $bot ? 1 : 0,
'rc_moved_to_ns' => 0,
'rc_moved_to_title' => '',
'rc_ip' => $ip,
'rc_patrolled' => 0,
'rc_new' => 1, # obsolete
'rc_old_len' => 0,
'rc_new_len' => $size,
'rc_deleted' => 0,
'rc_logid' => 0,
'rc_log_type' => null,
'rc_log_action' => '',
'rc_params' => ''
$rc->mExtra = array(
'prefixedDBkey' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'lastTimestamp' => 0,
'oldSize' => 0,
'newSize' => $size
return( $rc->mAttribs['rc_id'] );
# Makes an entry in the database corresponding to a rename
public static function notifyMove( $timestamp, &$oldTitle, &$newTitle, &$user, $comment, $ip='', $overRedir = false )
global $wgRequest;
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = wfGetIP();
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = '';
$rc = new RecentChange;
$rc->mAttribs = array(
'rc_timestamp' => $timestamp,
'rc_cur_time' => $timestamp,
'rc_namespace' => $oldTitle->getNamespace(),
'rc_title' => $oldTitle->getDBkey(),
'rc_type' => $overRedir ? RC_MOVE_OVER_REDIRECT : RC_MOVE,
'rc_minor' => 0,
'rc_cur_id' => $oldTitle->getArticleID(),
'rc_user' => $user->getId(),
'rc_user_text' => $user->getName(),
'rc_comment' => $comment,
'rc_this_oldid' => 0,
'rc_last_oldid' => 0,
'rc_bot' => $user->isAllowed( 'bot' ) ? $wgRequest->getBool( 'bot' , true ) : 0,
'rc_moved_to_ns' => $newTitle->getNamespace(),
'rc_moved_to_title' => $newTitle->getDBkey(),
'rc_ip' => $ip,
'rc_new' => 0, # obsolete
'rc_patrolled' => 1,
'rc_old_len' => NULL,
'rc_new_len' => NULL,
'rc_deleted' => 0,
'rc_logid' => 0, # notifyMove not used anymore
'rc_log_type' => null,
'rc_log_action' => '',
'rc_params' => ''
$rc->mExtra = array(
'prefixedDBkey' => $oldTitle->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'lastTimestamp' => 0,
'prefixedMoveTo' => $newTitle->getPrefixedDBkey()
public static function notifyMoveToNew( $timestamp, &$oldTitle, &$newTitle, &$user, $comment, $ip='' ) {
RecentChange::notifyMove( $timestamp, $oldTitle, $newTitle, $user, $comment, $ip, false );
public static function notifyMoveOverRedirect( $timestamp, &$oldTitle, &$newTitle, &$user, $comment, $ip='' ) {
RecentChange::notifyMove( $timestamp, $oldTitle, $newTitle, $user, $comment, $ip, true );
# A log entry is different to an edit in that previous revisions are not kept
public static function notifyLog( $timestamp, &$title, &$user, $actionComment, $ip='',
$type, $action, $target, $logComment, $params, $newId=0 )
global $wgRequest;
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = wfGetIP();
if ( !$ip ) {
$ip = '';
$rc = new RecentChange;
$rc->mAttribs = array(
'rc_timestamp' => $timestamp,
'rc_cur_time' => $timestamp,
'rc_namespace' => $target->getNamespace(),
'rc_title' => $target->getDBkey(),
'rc_type' => RC_LOG,
'rc_minor' => 0,
'rc_cur_id' => $target->getArticleID(),
'rc_user' => $user->getId(),
'rc_user_text' => $user->getName(),
'rc_comment' => $logComment,
'rc_this_oldid' => 0,
'rc_last_oldid' => 0,
'rc_bot' => $user->isAllowed( 'bot' ) ? $wgRequest->getBool( 'bot' , true ) : 0,
'rc_moved_to_ns' => 0,
'rc_moved_to_title' => '',
'rc_ip' => $ip,
'rc_patrolled' => 1,
'rc_new' => 0, # obsolete
'rc_old_len' => NULL,
'rc_new_len' => NULL,
'rc_deleted' => 0,
'rc_logid' => $newId,
'rc_log_type' => $type,
'rc_log_action' => $action,
'rc_params' => $params
$rc->mExtra = array(
'prefixedDBkey' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'lastTimestamp' => 0,
'actionComment' => $actionComment, // the comment appended to the action, passed from LogPage
# Initialises the members of this object from a mysql row object
function loadFromRow( $row )
$this->mAttribs = get_object_vars( $row );
$this->mAttribs["rc_timestamp"] = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $this->mAttribs["rc_timestamp"]);
$this->mExtra = array();
# Makes a pseudo-RC entry from a cur row
function loadFromCurRow( $row )
$this->mAttribs = array(
'rc_timestamp' => wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $row->rev_timestamp),
'rc_cur_time' => $row->rev_timestamp,
'rc_user' => $row->rev_user,
'rc_user_text' => $row->rev_user_text,
'rc_namespace' => $row->page_namespace,
'rc_title' => $row->page_title,
'rc_comment' => $row->rev_comment,
'rc_minor' => $row->rev_minor_edit ? 1 : 0,
'rc_type' => $row->page_is_new ? RC_NEW : RC_EDIT,
'rc_cur_id' => $row->page_id,
'rc_this_oldid' => $row->rev_id,
'rc_last_oldid' => isset($row->rc_last_oldid) ? $row->rc_last_oldid : 0,
'rc_bot' => 0,
'rc_moved_to_ns' => 0,
'rc_moved_to_title' => '',
'rc_ip' => '',
'rc_id' => $row->rc_id,
'rc_patrolled' => $row->rc_patrolled,
'rc_new' => $row->page_is_new, # obsolete
'rc_old_len' => $row->rc_old_len,
'rc_new_len' => $row->rc_new_len,
'rc_params' => isset($row->rc_params) ? $row->rc_params : '',
'rc_log_type' => isset($row->rc_log_type) ? $row->rc_log_type : null,
'rc_log_action' => isset($row->rc_log_action) ? $row->rc_log_action : null,
'rc_log_id' => isset($row->rc_log_id) ? $row->rc_log_id: 0,
// this one REALLY should be set...
'rc_deleted' => isset($row->rc_deleted) ? $row->rc_deleted: 0,
$this->mExtra = array();
* Get an attribute value
* @param $name Attribute name
* @return mixed
public function getAttribute( $name ) {
return isset( $this->mAttribs[$name] ) ? $this->mAttribs[$name] : NULL;
* Gets the end part of the diff URL associated with this object
* Blank if no diff link should be displayed
function diffLinkTrail( $forceCur )
if ( $this->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_EDIT ) {
$trail = "curid=" . (int)($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']) .
"&oldid=" . (int)($this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid']);
if ( $forceCur ) {
$trail .= '&diff=0' ;
} else {
$trail .= '&diff=' . (int)($this->mAttribs['rc_this_oldid']);
} else {
$trail = '';
return $trail;
function cleanupForIRC( $text ) {
return str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("", ""), $text);
function getIRCLine() {
global $wgUseRCPatrol;
// FIXME: Would be good to replace these 2 extract() calls with something more explicit
// e.g. list ($rc_type, $rc_id) = array_values ($this->mAttribs); [or something like that]
if ( $rc_type == RC_LOG ) {
$titleObj = Title::newFromText( "Log/$rc_log_type", NS_SPECIAL );
} else {
$titleObj =& $this->getTitle();
$title = $titleObj->getPrefixedText();
$title = $this->cleanupForIRC( $title );
// FIXME: *HACK* these should be getFullURL(), hacked for SSL madness --brion 2005-12-26
if ( $rc_type == RC_LOG ) {
$url = '';
} elseif ( $rc_new && $wgUseRCPatrol ) {
$url = $titleObj->getInternalURL("rcid=$rc_id");
} else if ( $rc_new ) {
$url = $titleObj->getInternalURL();
} else if ( $wgUseRCPatrol ) {
$url = $titleObj->getInternalURL("diff=$rc_this_oldid&oldid=$rc_last_oldid&rcid=$rc_id");
} else {
$url = $titleObj->getInternalURL("diff=$rc_this_oldid&oldid=$rc_last_oldid");
if ( isset( $oldSize ) && isset( $newSize ) ) {
$szdiff = $newSize - $oldSize;
if ($szdiff < -500) {
$szdiff = "\002$szdiff\002";
} elseif ($szdiff >= 0) {
$szdiff = '+' . $szdiff ;
$szdiff = '(' . $szdiff . ')' ;
} else {
$szdiff = '';
$user = $this->cleanupForIRC( $rc_user_text );
if ( $rc_type == RC_LOG ) {
$logTargetText = $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
$comment = $this->cleanupForIRC( str_replace($logTargetText,"\00302$logTargetText\00310",$actionComment) );
$flag = $rc_log_action;
} else {
$comment = $this->cleanupForIRC( $rc_comment );
$flag = ($rc_new ? "N" : "") . ($rc_minor ? "M" : "") . ($rc_bot ? "B" : "");
# see http://www.irssi.org/documentation/formats for some colour codes. prefix is \003,
# no colour (\003) switches back to the term default
$fullString = "\00314[[\00307$title\00314]]\0034 $flag\00310 " .
"\00302$url\003 \0035*\003 \00303$user\003 \0035*\003 $szdiff \00310$comment\003\n";
return $fullString;
* Returns the change size (HTML).
* The lengths can be given optionally.
function getCharacterDifference( $old = 0, $new = 0 ) {
global $wgRCChangedSizeThreshold, $wgLang;
if( $old === 0 ) {
$old = $this->mAttribs['rc_old_len'];
if( $new === 0 ) {
$new = $this->mAttribs['rc_new_len'];
if( $old === NULL || $new === NULL ) {
return '';
$szdiff = $new - $old;
$formatedSize = wfMsgExt( 'rc-change-size', array( 'parsemag', 'escape'),
$wgLang->formatNum($szdiff) );
if( $szdiff < $wgRCChangedSizeThreshold ) {
return '(' . $formatedSize . ')';
} elseif( $szdiff === 0 ) {
return '(' . $formatedSize . ')';
} elseif( $szdiff > 0 ) {
return '(+' . $formatedSize . ')';
} else {
return '(' . $formatedSize . ')';