addWikiText( wfMsg( 'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' ) );
$fname = "wfSpecialAllMessages";
wfProfileIn( $fname );
wfProfileIn( "$fname-setup");
$ot = $wgRequest->getText( 'ot' );
$navText = wfMsg( 'allmessagestext' );
# Make sure all extension messages are available
$first = true;
$sortedArray = array_merge( Language::getMessagesFor( 'en' ), $wgMessageCache->getExtensionMessagesFor( 'en' ) );
ksort( $sortedArray );
$messages = array();
foreach ( $sortedArray as $key => $value ) {
$messages[$key]['enmsg'] = $value;
$messages[$key]['statmsg'] = wfMsgNoDb( $key );
$messages[$key]['msg'] = wfMsg ( $key );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-setup" );
wfProfileIn( "$fname-output" );
if ($ot == 'php') {
$navText .= makePhp($messages);
$wgOut->addHTML('PHP | HTML
} else {
$wgOut->addHTML( 'PHP | HTML' );
$wgOut->addWikiText( $navText );
$wgOut->addHTML( makeHTMLText( $messages ) );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-output" );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
function makePhp($messages) {
global $wgLang;
$txt = "\n\n\$messages = array(\n";
foreach( $messages as $key => $m ) {
if($wgLang->getCode() != 'en' and $m['msg'] == $m['enmsg'] ) {
//if (strstr($m['msg'],"\n")) {
// $txt.='/* ';
// $comment=' */';
//} else {
// $txt .= '#';
// $comment = '';
} elseif ( wfEmptyMsg( $key, $m['msg'] ) ) {
$m['msg'] = '';
$comment = ' #empty';
} else {
$comment = '';
$txt .= "'$key' => '" . preg_replace( "/(?getSkin();
$talk = $wgLang->getNsText( NS_TALK );
$mwnspace = $wgLang->getNsText( NS_MEDIAWIKI );
$mwtalk = $wgLang->getNsText( NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK );
$input = wfElement( 'input', array(
'type' => 'text',
'id' => 'allmessagesinput',
'onkeyup' => 'allmessagesfilter()',),
$checkbox = wfElement( 'input', array(
'type' => 'button',
'value' => wfMsgHtml( 'allmessagesmodified' ),
'id' => 'allmessagescheckbox',
'onclick' => 'allmessagesmodified()',),
$txt = '' .
wfMsgHtml('allmessagesfilter') . " {$input}{$checkbox} " . '';
$txt .= "
" . wfMsgHtml('allmessagesname') . " |
" . wfMsgHtml('allmessagesdefault') . " |
" . wfMsgHtml('allmessagescurrent') . " |
wfProfileIn( "$fname-check" );
# This is a nasty hack to avoid doing independent existence checks
# without sending the links and table through the slow wiki parser.
$pageExists = array(
NS_MEDIAWIKI => array(),
$dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$page = $dbr->tableName( 'page' );
$sql = "SELECT page_namespace,page_title FROM $page WHERE page_namespace IN (" . NS_MEDIAWIKI . ", " . NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK . ")";
$res = $dbr->query( $sql );
while( $s = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
$pageExists[$s->page_namespace][$s->page_title] = true;
$dbr->freeResult( $res );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-check" );
wfProfileIn( "$fname-output" );
$i = 0;
foreach( $messages as $key => $m ) {
$title = $wgLang->ucfirst( $key );
if($wgLang->getCode() != $wgContLang->getCode())
$title.= '/' . $wgLang->getCode();
$titleObj =& Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIAWIKI, $title );
$talkPage =& Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK, $title );
$changed = ($m['statmsg'] != $m['msg']);
$message = htmlspecialchars( $m['statmsg'] );
$mw = htmlspecialchars( $m['msg'] );
#$pageLink = $sk->makeLinkObj( $titleObj, htmlspecialchars( $key ) );
#$talkLink = $sk->makeLinkObj( $talkPage, htmlspecialchars( $talk ) );
if( isset( $pageExists[NS_MEDIAWIKI][$title] ) ) {
$pageLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $titleObj, "" . htmlspecialchars( $key ) . "" );
} else {
$pageLink = $sk->makeBrokenLinkObj( $titleObj, "" . htmlspecialchars( $key ) . "" );
if( isset( $pageExists[NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK][$title] ) ) {
$talkLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $talkPage, htmlspecialchars( $talk ) );
} else {
$talkLink = $sk->makeBrokenLinkObj( $talkPage, htmlspecialchars( $talk ) );
$anchor = 'msg_' . htmlspecialchars( strtolower( $title ) );
$anchor = "";
if($changed) {
$txt .= "
$anchor$pageLink $talkLink
} else {
$txt .= "
$anchor$pageLink $talkLink
$txt .= "
wfProfileOut( "$fname-output" );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $txt;