return '
'.wfMsg('disambiguationstext', $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($this->getDisambiguationPageObj()))."
function getSQL() {
$dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
list( $page, $pagelinks, $templatelinks) = $dbr->tableNamesN( 'page', 'pagelinks', 'templatelinks' );
$dMsgText = wfMsgForContent('disambiguationspage');
$linkBatch = new LinkBatch;
# If the text can be treated as a title, use it verbatim.
# Otherwise, pull the titles from the links table
$dp = Title::newFromText($dMsgText);
if( $dp ) {
if($dp->getNamespace() != NS_TEMPLATE) {
# FIXME we assume the disambiguation message is a template but
# the page can potentially be from another namespace :/
wfDebug("Mediawiki:disambiguationspage message does not refer to a template!\n");
$linkBatch->addObj( $dp );
} else {
# Get all the templates linked from the Mediawiki:Disambiguationspage
$disPageObj = $this->getDisambiguationPageObj();
$res = $dbr->select(
array('pagelinks', 'page'),
array('page_id = pl_from', 'pl_namespace' => NS_TEMPLATE,
'page_namespace' => $disPageObj->getNamespace(), 'page_title' => $disPageObj->getDBkey()),
'DisambiguationsPage::getSQL' );
while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
$linkBatch->addObj( Title::makeTitle( NS_TEMPLATE, $row->pl_title ));
$dbr->freeResult( $res );
$set = $linkBatch->constructSet( '', $dbr );
if( $set === false ) {
$set = 'FALSE'; # We must always return a valid sql query, but this way DB will always quicly return an empty result
wfDebug("Mediawiki:disambiguationspage message does not link to any templates!\n");
$sql = "SELECT 'Disambiguations' AS \"type\", pb.page_namespace AS namespace,"
." pb.page_title AS title, la.pl_from AS value"
." FROM {$templatelinks} AS lb, {$page} AS pb, {$pagelinks} AS la, {$page} AS pa"
." WHERE $set" # disambiguation template(s)
.' AND pa.page_id = la.pl_from'
.' AND pa.page_namespace = ' . NS_MAIN # Limit to just articles in the main namespace
.' AND pb.page_id = lb.tl_from'
.' AND pb.page_namespace = la.pl_namespace'
.' AND pb.page_title = la.pl_title'
.' ORDER BY lb.tl_namespace, lb.tl_title';
return $sql;
function getOrder() {
return '';
function formatResult( $skin, $result ) {
global $wgContLang;
$title = Title::newFromId( $result->value );
$dp = Title::makeTitle( $result->namespace, $result->title );
$from = $skin->makeKnownLinkObj( $title,'');
$edit = $skin->makeBrokenLinkObj( $title, "(".wfMsg("qbedit").")" , 'redirect=no');
$arr = $wgContLang->getArrow();
$to = $skin->makeKnownLinkObj( $dp,'');
return "$from $edit $arr $to";
* Constructor
function wfSpecialDisambiguations() {
list( $limit, $offset ) = wfCheckLimits();
$sd = new DisambiguationsPage();
return $sd->doQuery( $offset, $limit );