* The HTML form for Special:MergeHistory, which allows users with the appropriate
* permissions to view and restore deleted content.
* @addtogroup SpecialPage
class MergehistoryForm {
var $mAction, $mTarget, $mDest, $mTimestamp, $mTargetID, $mDestID, $mComment;
var $mTargetObj, $mDestObj;
function MergehistoryForm( $request, $par = "" ) {
global $wgUser;
$this->mAction = $request->getVal( 'action' );
$this->mTarget = $request->getVal( 'target' );
$this->mDest = $request->getVal( 'dest' );
$this->mSubmitted = $request->getBool( 'submitted' );
$this->mTargetID = intval( $request->getVal( 'targetID' ) );
$this->mDestID = intval( $request->getVal( 'destID' ) );
$this->mTimestamp = $request->getVal( 'mergepoint' );
if( !preg_match("/[0-9]{14}/",$this->mTimestamp) ) {
$this->mTimestamp = '';
$this->mComment = $request->getText( 'wpComment' );
$this->mMerge = $request->wasPosted() && $wgUser->matchEditToken( $request->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ) );
// target page
if( $this->mSubmitted ) {
$this->mTargetObj = Title::newFromURL( $this->mTarget );
$this->mDestObj = Title::newFromURL( $this->mDest );
} else {
$this->mTargetObj = null;
$this->mDestObj = null;
* As we use the same small set of messages in various methods and that
* they are called often, we call them once and save them in $this->message
function preCacheMessages() {
// Precache various messages
if( !isset( $this->message ) ) {
$this->message['last'] = wfMsgExt( 'last', array( 'escape') );
function execute() {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
$wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsgHtml( "mergehistory" ) );
if( $this->mTargetID && $this->mDestID && $this->mAction=="submit" && $this->mMerge ) {
return $this->merge();
if ( !$this->mSubmitted ) {
$errors = array();
if ( !$this->mTargetObj instanceof Title ) {
$errors[] = wfMsgExt( 'mergehistory-invalid-source', array( 'parse' ) );
} elseif( !$this->mTargetObj->exists() ) {
$errors[] = wfMsgExt( 'mergehistory-no-source', array( 'parse' ),
wfEscapeWikiText( $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText() )
if ( !$this->mDestObj instanceof Title) {
$errors[] = wfMsgExt( 'mergehistory-invalid-destination', array( 'parse' ) );
} elseif( !$this->mDestObj->exists() ) {
$errors[] = wfMsgExt( 'mergehistory-no-destination', array( 'parse' ),
wfEscapeWikiText( $this->mDestObj->getPrefixedText() )
// TODO: warn about target = dest?
if ( count( $errors ) ) {
$wgOut->addHTML( implode( "\n", $errors ) );
} else {
function showMergeForm() {
global $wgOut, $wgScript;
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'mergehistory-header' );
Xml::openElement( 'form', array(
'method' => 'get',
'action' => $wgScript ) ) .
' .
'' );
private function showHistory() {
global $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgUser, $wgOut;
$this->sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
$wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( "mergehistory" ) );
# List all stored revisions
$revisions = new MergeHistoryPager( $this, array(), $this->mTargetObj, $this->mDestObj );
$haveRevisions = $revisions && $revisions->getNumRows() > 0;
$titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( "Mergehistory" );
$action = $titleObj->getLocalURL( "action=submit" );
# Start the form here
$top = Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $action, 'id' => 'merge' ) );
$wgOut->addHtml( $top );
if( $haveRevisions ) {
# Format the user-visible controls (comment field, submission button)
# in a nice little table
$align = $wgContLang->isRtl() ? 'left' : 'right';
$table =
Xml::openElement( 'fieldset' ) .
Xml::openElement( 'table' ) .
" .
wfMsgExt( 'mergehistory-merge', array('parseinline'),
$this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText(), $this->mDestObj->getPrefixedText() ) .
" |
" .
Xml::label( wfMsg( 'undeletecomment' ), 'wpComment' ) .
" |
" .
Xml::input( 'wpComment', 50, $this->mComment ) .
" |
" .
Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'mergehistory-submit' ), array( 'name' => 'merge', 'id' => 'mw-merge-submit' ) ) .
" |
" .
Xml::closeElement( 'table' ) .
Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' );
$wgOut->addHtml( $table );
$wgOut->addHTML( "" . wfMsgHtml( "mergehistory-list" ) . "
\n" );
if( $haveRevisions ) {
$wgOut->addHTML( $revisions->getNavigationBar() );
$wgOut->addHTML( "" );
$wgOut->addHTML( $revisions->getBody() );
$wgOut->addHTML( "
" );
$wgOut->addHTML( $revisions->getNavigationBar() );
} else {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( "mergehistory-empty" );
# Show relevant lines from the deletion log:
$wgOut->addHTML( "" . htmlspecialchars( LogPage::logName( 'merge' ) ) . "
\n" );
$logViewer = new LogViewer(
new LogReader(
new FauxRequest(
array( 'page' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText(),
'type' => 'merge' ) ) ) );
$logViewer->showList( $wgOut );
# Slip in the hidden controls here
# When we submit, go by page ID to avoid some nasty but unlikely collisions.
# Such would happen if a page was renamed after the form loaded, but before submit
$misc = Xml::hidden( 'targetID', $this->mTargetObj->getArticleID() );
$misc .= Xml::hidden( 'destID', $this->mDestObj->getArticleID() );
$misc .= Xml::hidden( 'target', $this->mTarget );
$misc .= Xml::hidden( 'dest', $this->mDest );
$misc .= Xml::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken() );
$misc .= Xml::closeElement( 'form' );
$wgOut->addHtml( $misc );
return true;
function formatRevisionRow( $row ) {
global $wgUser, $wgLang;
$rev = new Revision( $row );
$stxt = '';
$last = $this->message['last'];
$ts = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->rev_timestamp );
$checkBox = wfRadio( "mergepoint", $ts, false );
$pageLink = $this->sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $rev->getTitle(),
htmlspecialchars( $wgLang->timeanddate( $ts ) ), 'oldid=' . $rev->getID() );
if( $rev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) ) {
$pageLink = '' . $pageLink . '';
# Last link
if( !$rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) )
$last = $this->message['last'];
else if( isset($this->prevId[$row->rev_id]) )
$last = $this->sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $rev->getTitle(), $this->message['last'],
"&diff=" . $row->rev_id . "&oldid=" . $this->prevId[$row->rev_id] );
$userLink = $this->sk->revUserTools( $rev );
if(!is_null($size = $row->rev_len)) {
if($size == 0)
$stxt = wfMsgHtml('historyempty');
$stxt = wfMsgHtml('historysize', $wgLang->formatNum( $size ) );
$comment = $this->sk->revComment( $rev );
return "$checkBox ($last) $pageLink . . $userLink $stxt $comment";
* Fetch revision text link if it's available to all users
* @return string
function getPageLink( $row, $titleObj, $ts, $target ) {
global $wgLang;
if( !$this->userCan($row, Revision::DELETED_TEXT) ) {
return '' . $wgLang->timeanddate( $ts, true ) . '';
} else {
$link = $this->sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $titleObj,
$wgLang->timeanddate( $ts, true ), "target=$target×tamp=$ts" );
if( $this->isDeleted($row, Revision::DELETED_TEXT) )
$link = '' . $link . '';
return $link;
function merge() {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
# Get the titles directly from the IDs, in case the target page params
# were spoofed. The queries are done based on the IDs, so it's best to
# keep it consistent...
$targetTitle = Title::newFromID( $this->mTargetID );
$destTitle = Title::newFromID( $this->mDestID );
if( is_null($targetTitle) || is_null($destTitle) )
return false; // validate these
if( $targetTitle->getArticleID() == $destTitle->getArticleId() )
return false;
# Verify that this timestamp is valid
# Must be older than the destination page
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
# Get timestamp into DB format
$this->mTimestamp = $this->mTimestamp ? $dbw->timestamp($this->mTimestamp) : '';
$maxtimestamp = $dbw->selectField( 'revision', 'MIN(rev_timestamp)',
array('rev_page' => $this->mDestID ),
__METHOD__ );
# Destination page must exist with revisions
if( !$maxtimestamp ) {
return false;
# Leave the latest version no matter what
$lasttime = $dbw->selectField( array('page','revision'),
array('page_id' => $this->mTargetID, 'page_latest = rev_id' ),
__METHOD__ );
# Take the most restrictive of the twain
$maxtimestamp = ($lasttime < $maxtimestamp) ? $lasttime : $maxtimestamp;
// $this->mTimestamp must be less than $maxtimestamp
if( $this->mTimestamp >= $maxtimestamp ) {
return false;
# Update the revisions
if( $this->mTimestamp ) {
$timewhere = "rev_timestamp <= {$this->mTimestamp}";
$TimestampLimit = wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$this->mTimestamp);
} else {
$timewhere = "rev_timestamp < {$maxtimestamp}";
$TimestampLimit = wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$maxtimestamp);
$dbw->update( 'revision',
array( 'rev_page' => $this->mDestID ),
array( 'rev_page' => $this->mTargetID,
$timewhere ),
__METHOD__ );
# Check if this did anything
if( !$count = $dbw->affectedRows() ) {
return false;
# Update our logs
$log = new LogPage( 'merge' );
$log->addEntry( 'merge', $targetTitle, $this->mComment,
array($destTitle->getPrefixedText(),$TimestampLimit) );
$wgOut->addHtml( wfMsgExt( 'mergehistory-success', array('parseinline'),
$targetTitle->getPrefixedText(), $destTitle->getPrefixedText(), $count ) );
wfRunHooks( 'ArticleMergeComplete', array( $targetTitle, $destTitle ) );
return true;
class MergeHistoryPager extends ReverseChronologicalPager {
public $mForm, $mConds;
function __construct( $form, $conds = array(), $title, $title2 ) {
$this->mForm = $form;
$this->mConds = $conds;
$this->title = $title;
$this->articleID = $title->getArticleID();
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$maxtimestamp = $dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'MIN(rev_timestamp)',
array('rev_page' => $title2->getArticleID() ),
__METHOD__ );
$this->maxTimestamp = $maxtimestamp;
function getStartBody() {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
# Do a link batch query
$this->mResult->seek( 0 );
$batch = new LinkBatch();
# Give some pointers to make (last) links
$this->mForm->prevId = array();
while( $row = $this->mResult->fetchObject() ) {
$batch->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $row->rev_user_text ) );
$batch->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER_TALK, $row->rev_user_text ) );
$rev_id = isset($rev_id) ? $rev_id : $row->rev_id;
if( $rev_id > $row->rev_id )
$this->mForm->prevId[$rev_id] = $row->rev_id;
else if( $rev_id < $row->rev_id )
$this->mForm->prevId[$row->rev_id] = $rev_id;
$rev_id = $row->rev_id;
$this->mResult->seek( 0 );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return '';
function formatRow( $row ) {
$block = new Block;
return $this->mForm->formatRevisionRow( $row );
function getQueryInfo() {
$conds = $this->mConds;
$conds['rev_page'] = $this->articleID;
$conds[] = "rev_timestamp < {$this->maxTimestamp}";
# Skip the latest one, as that could cause problems
if( $page = $this->title->getLatestRevID() )
$conds[] = "rev_id != {$page}";
return array(
'tables' => array('revision'),
'fields' => array( 'rev_minor_edit', 'rev_timestamp', 'rev_user', 'rev_user_text', 'rev_comment',
'rev_id', 'rev_page', 'rev_text_id', 'rev_len', 'rev_deleted' ),
'conds' => $conds
function getIndexField() {
return 'rev_timestamp';