if ( $image->wasDeleted() ) {
# If the file existed before and was deleted, warn the user of this
# Don't bother doing so if the image exists now, however
$ltitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log' );
$llink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $ltitle, wfMsgHtml( 'deletionlog' ), 'type=delete&page=' . $nt->getPrefixedUrl() );
$warning .= wfOpenElement( 'li' ) . wfMsgWikiHtml( 'filewasdeleted', $llink ) . wfCloseElement( 'li' );
if( $warning != '' ) {
* Stash the file in a temporary location; the user can choose
* to let it through and we'll complete the upload then.
return $this->uploadWarning( $warning );
* Try actually saving the thing...
* It will show an error form on failure.
$hasBeenMunged = !empty( $this->mSessionKey ) || $this->mRemoveTempFile;
if( $this->saveUploadedFile( $this->mUploadSaveName,
$hasBeenMunged ) ) {
* Update the upload log and create the description page
* if it's a new file.
$img = Image::newFromName( $this->mUploadSaveName );
$success = $img->recordUpload( $this->mUploadOldVersion,
$this->mWatchthis );
if ( $success ) {
wfRunHooks( 'UploadComplete', array( &$img ) );
} else {
// Image::recordUpload() fails if the image went missing, which is
// unlikely, hence the lack of a specialised message
$wgOut->showFileNotFoundError( $this->mUploadSaveName );
* Move the uploaded file from its temporary location to the final
* destination. If a previous version of the file exists, move
* it into the archive subdirectory.
* @todo If the later save fails, we may have disappeared the original file.
* @param string $saveName
* @param string $tempName full path to the temporary file
* @param bool $useRename if true, doesn't check that the source file
* is a PHP-managed upload temporary
function saveUploadedFile( $saveName, $tempName, $useRename = false ) {
global $wgOut, $wgAllowCopyUploads;
if ( !$useRename AND $wgAllowCopyUploads AND $this->mSourceType == 'web' ) $useRename = true;
$fname= "SpecialUpload::saveUploadedFile";
$dest = wfImageDir( $saveName );
$archive = wfImageArchiveDir( $saveName );
if ( !is_dir( $dest ) ) wfMkdirParents( $dest );
if ( !is_dir( $archive ) ) wfMkdirParents( $archive );
$this->mSavedFile = "{$dest}/{$saveName}";
if( is_file( $this->mSavedFile ) ) {
$this->mUploadOldVersion = gmdate( 'YmdHis' ) . "!{$saveName}";
$success = rename( $this->mSavedFile, "${archive}/{$this->mUploadOldVersion}" );
if( ! $success ) {
$wgOut->showFileRenameError( $this->mSavedFile,
"${archive}/{$this->mUploadOldVersion}" );
return false;
else wfDebug("$fname: moved file ".$this->mSavedFile." to ${archive}/{$this->mUploadOldVersion}\n");
else {
$this->mUploadOldVersion = '';
$success = $useRename
? rename( $tempName, $this->mSavedFile )
: move_uploaded_file( $tempName, $this->mSavedFile );
if( ! $success ) {
$wgOut->showFileCopyError( $tempName, $this->mSavedFile );
return false;
} else {
wfDebug("$fname: wrote tempfile $tempName to ".$this->mSavedFile."\n");
chmod( $this->mSavedFile, 0644 );
return true;
* Stash a file in a temporary directory for later processing
* after the user has confirmed it.
* If the user doesn't explicitly cancel or accept, these files
* can accumulate in the temp directory.
* @param string $saveName - the destination filename
* @param string $tempName - the source temporary file to save
* @return string - full path the stashed file, or false on failure
* @access private
function saveTempUploadedFile( $saveName, $tempName ) {
global $wgOut;
$archive = wfImageArchiveDir( $saveName, 'temp' );
if ( !is_dir ( $archive ) ) wfMkdirParents( $archive );
$stash = $archive . '/' . gmdate( "YmdHis" ) . '!' . $saveName;
$success = $this->mRemoveTempFile
? rename( $tempName, $stash )
: move_uploaded_file( $tempName, $stash );
if ( !$success ) {
$wgOut->showFileCopyError( $tempName, $stash );
return false;
return $stash;
* Stash a file in a temporary directory for later processing,
* and save the necessary descriptive info into the session.
* Returns a key value which will be passed through a form
* to pick up the path info on a later invocation.
* @return int
* @access private
function stashSession() {
$stash = $this->saveTempUploadedFile(
$this->mUploadSaveName, $this->mUploadTempName );
if( !$stash ) {
# Couldn't save the file.
return false;
$key = mt_rand( 0, 0x7fffffff );
$_SESSION['wsUploadData'][$key] = array(
'mUploadTempName' => $stash,
'mUploadSize' => $this->mUploadSize,
'mOname' => $this->mOname );
return $key;
* Remove a temporarily kept file stashed by saveTempUploadedFile().
* @access private
* @return success
function unsaveUploadedFile() {
global $wgOut;
$success = unlink( $this->mUploadTempName );
if ( ! $success ) {
$wgOut->showFileDeleteError( $this->mUploadTempName );
return false;
} else {
return true;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Show some text and linkage on successful upload.
* @access private
function showSuccess() {
global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgContLang;
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
$ilink = $sk->makeMediaLink( $this->mUploadSaveName, Image::imageUrl( $this->mUploadSaveName ) );
$dname = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_IMAGE ) . ':'.$this->mUploadSaveName;
$dlink = $sk->makeKnownLink( $dname, $dname );
$wgOut->addHTML( '
' . wfMsgHtml( 'successfulupload' ) . "
\n" );
$text = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'fileuploaded', $ilink, $dlink );
$wgOut->addHTML( $text );
$wgOut->returnToMain( false );
* @param string $error as HTML
* @access private
function uploadError( $error ) {
global $wgOut;
$wgOut->addHTML( "
" . wfMsgHtml( 'uploadwarning' ) . "
\n" );
$wgOut->addHTML( "{$error}\n" );
* There's something wrong with this file, not enough to reject it
* totally but we require manual intervention to save it for real.
* Stash it away, then present a form asking to confirm or cancel.
* @param string $warning as HTML
* @access private
function uploadWarning( $warning ) {
global $wgOut;
global $wgUseCopyrightUpload;
$this->mSessionKey = $this->stashSession();
if( !$this->mSessionKey ) {
# Couldn't save file; an error has been displayed so let's go.
$wgOut->addHTML( "
" . wfMsgHtml( 'uploadwarning' ) . "
\n" );
$wgOut->addHTML( "
\n" );
$save = wfMsgHtml( 'savefile' );
$reupload = wfMsgHtml( 'reupload' );
$iw = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'ignorewarning' );
$reup = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'reuploaddesc' );
$titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Upload' );
$action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL( 'action=submit' );
if ( $wgUseCopyrightUpload )
$copyright = "
mUploadCopyStatus ) . "\" />
mUploadSource ) . "\" />
} else {
$copyright = "";
$wgOut->addHTML( "
\n" );
* Displays the main upload form, optionally with a highlighted
* error message up at the top.
* @param string $msg as HTML
* @access private
function mainUploadForm( $msg='' ) {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
global $wgUseCopyrightUpload;
global $wgRequest, $wgAllowCopyUploads;
if( !wfRunHooks( 'UploadForm:initial', array( &$this ) ) )
wfDebug( "Hook 'UploadForm:initial' broke output of the upload form" );
return false;
$cols = intval($wgUser->getOption( 'cols' ));
$ew = $wgUser->getOption( 'editwidth' );
if ( $ew ) $ew = " style=\"width:100%\"";
else $ew = '';
if ( '' != $msg ) {
$sub = wfMsgHtml( 'uploaderror' );
$wgOut->addHTML( "
' );
$sourcefilename = wfMsgHtml( 'sourcefilename' );
$destfilename = wfMsgHtml( 'destfilename' );
$summary = wfMsgWikiHtml( 'fileuploadsummary' );
$licenses = new Licenses();
$license = wfMsgHtml( 'license' );
$nolicense = wfMsgHtml( 'nolicense' );
$licenseshtml = $licenses->getHtml();
$ulb = wfMsgHtml( 'uploadbtn' );
$titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Upload' );
$action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL();
$encDestFile = htmlspecialchars( $this->mDestFile );
$watchChecked =
( $wgUser->getOption( 'watchdefault' ) ||
( $wgUser->getOption( 'watchcreations' ) && $this->mDestFile == '' ) )
? 'checked="checked"'
: '';
// Prepare form for upload or upload/copy
if( $wgAllowCopyUploads && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'upload_by_url' ) ) {
$filename_form =
"" .
"mDestFile?"":"onchange='fillDestFilename(\"wpUploadFile\")' ") . "size='40' />" .
wfMsgHTML( 'upload_source_file' ) . " " .
"" .
"mDestFile?"":"onchange='fillDestFilename(\"wpUploadFileURL\")' ") . "size='40' DISABLED />" .
wfMsgHtml( 'upload_source_url' ) ;
} else {
$filename_form =
"mDestFile?"":"onchange='fillDestFilename(\"wpUploadFile\")' ") .
"size='40' />" .
"" ;
$wgOut->addHTML( "
" );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Split a file into a base name and all dot-delimited 'extensions'
* on the end. Some web server configurations will fall back to
* earlier pseudo-'extensions' to determine type and execute
* scripts, so the blacklist needs to check them all.
* @return array
function splitExtensions( $filename ) {
$bits = explode( '.', $filename );
$basename = array_shift( $bits );
return array( $basename, $bits );
* Perform case-insensitive match against a list of file extensions.
* Returns true if the extension is in the list.
* @param string $ext
* @param array $list
* @return bool
function checkFileExtension( $ext, $list ) {
return in_array( strtolower( $ext ), $list );
* Perform case-insensitive match against a list of file extensions.
* Returns true if any of the extensions are in the list.
* @param array $ext
* @param array $list
* @return bool
function checkFileExtensionList( $ext, $list ) {
foreach( $ext as $e ) {
if( in_array( strtolower( $e ), $list ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Verifies that it's ok to include the uploaded file
* @param string $tmpfile the full path of the temporary file to verify
* @param string $extension The filename extension that the file is to be served with
* @return mixed true of the file is verified, a WikiError object otherwise.
function verify( $tmpfile, $extension ) {
#magically determine mime type
$magic=& MimeMagic::singleton();
$mime= $magic->guessMimeType($tmpfile,false);
$fname= "SpecialUpload::verify";
#check mime type, if desired
global $wgVerifyMimeType;
if ($wgVerifyMimeType) {
#check mime type against file extension
if( !$this->verifyExtension( $mime, $extension ) ) {
return new WikiErrorMsg( 'uploadcorrupt' );
#check mime type blacklist
global $wgMimeTypeBlacklist;
if( isset($wgMimeTypeBlacklist) && !is_null($wgMimeTypeBlacklist)
&& $this->checkFileExtension( $mime, $wgMimeTypeBlacklist ) ) {
return new WikiErrorMsg( 'filetype-badmime', htmlspecialchars( $mime ) );
#check for htmlish code and javascript
if( $this->detectScript ( $tmpfile, $mime, $extension ) ) {
return new WikiErrorMsg( 'uploadscripted' );
* Scan the uploaded file for viruses
$virus= $this->detectVirus($tmpfile);
if ( $virus ) {
return new WikiErrorMsg( 'uploadvirus', htmlspecialchars($virus) );
wfDebug( "$fname: all clear; passing.\n" );
return true;
* Checks if the mime type of the uploaded file matches the file extension.
* @param string $mime the mime type of the uploaded file
* @param string $extension The filename extension that the file is to be served with
* @return bool
function verifyExtension( $mime, $extension ) {
$fname = 'SpecialUpload::verifyExtension';
$magic =& MimeMagic::singleton();
if ( ! $mime || $mime == 'unknown' || $mime == 'unknown/unknown' )
if ( ! $magic->isRecognizableExtension( $extension ) ) {
wfDebug( "$fname: passing file with unknown detected mime type; unrecognized extension '$extension', can't verify\n" );
return true;
} else {
wfDebug( "$fname: rejecting file with unknown detected mime type; recognized extension '$extension', so probably invalid file\n" );
return false;
$match= $magic->isMatchingExtension($extension,$mime);
if ($match===NULL) {
wfDebug( "$fname: no file extension known for mime type $mime, passing file\n" );
return true;
} elseif ($match===true) {
wfDebug( "$fname: mime type $mime matches extension $extension, passing file\n" );
#TODO: if it's a bitmap, make sure PHP or ImageMagic resp. can handle it!
return true;
} else {
wfDebug( "$fname: mime type $mime mismatches file extension $extension, rejecting file\n" );
return false;
/** Heuristig for detecting files that *could* contain JavaScript instructions or
* things that may look like HTML to a browser and are thus
* potentially harmful. The present implementation will produce false positives in some situations.
* @param string $file Pathname to the temporary upload file
* @param string $mime The mime type of the file
* @param string $extension The extension of the file
* @return bool true if the file contains something looking like embedded scripts
function detectScript($file, $mime, $extension) {
global $wgAllowTitlesInSVG;
#ugly hack: for text files, always look at the entire file.
#For binarie field, just check the first K.
if (strpos($mime,'text/')===0) $chunk = file_get_contents( $file );
else {
$fp = fopen( $file, 'rb' );
$chunk = fread( $fp, 1024 );
fclose( $fp );
$chunk= strtolower( $chunk );
if (!$chunk) return false;
#decode from UTF-16 if needed (could be used for obfuscation).
if (substr($chunk,0,2)=="\xfe\xff") $enc= "UTF-16BE";
elseif (substr($chunk,0,2)=="\xff\xfe") $enc= "UTF-16LE";
else $enc= NULL;
if ($enc) $chunk= iconv($enc,"ASCII//IGNORE",$chunk);
$chunk= trim($chunk);
#FIXME: convert from UTF-16 if necessarry!
wfDebug("SpecialUpload::detectScript: checking for embedded scripts and HTML stuff\n");
#check for HTML doctype
if (eregi("addHTML( "
Bad configuration: unknown virus scanner: $wgAntivirus
\n" ); #LOCALIZE
return "unknown antivirus: $wgAntivirus";
#look up scanner configuration
$virus_scanner= $wgAntivirusSetup[$wgAntivirus]["command"]; #command pattern
$virus_scanner_codes= $wgAntivirusSetup[$wgAntivirus]["codemap"]; #exit-code map
$msg_pattern= $wgAntivirusSetup[$wgAntivirus]["messagepattern"]; #message pattern
$scanner= $virus_scanner; #copy, so we can resolve the pattern
if (strpos($scanner,"%f")===false) $scanner.= " ".wfEscapeShellArg($file); #simple pattern: append file to scan
else $scanner= str_replace("%f",wfEscapeShellArg($file),$scanner); #complex pattern: replace "%f" with file to scan
wfDebug("$fname: running virus scan: $scanner \n");
#execute virus scanner
$code= false;
#NOTE: there's a 50 line workaround to make stderr redirection work on windows, too.
# that does not seem to be worth the pain.
# Ask me (Duesentrieb) about it if it's ever needed.
$output = array();
if (wfIsWindows()) exec("$scanner",$output,$code);
else exec("$scanner 2>&1",$output,$code);
$exit_code= $code; #remember for user feedback
if ($virus_scanner_codes) { #map exit code to AV_xxx constants.
if (isset($virus_scanner_codes[$code])) {
$code= $virus_scanner_codes[$code]; # explicit mapping
} else if (isset($virus_scanner_codes["*"])) {
$code= $virus_scanner_codes["*"]; # fallback mapping
if ($code===AV_SCAN_FAILED) { #scan failed (code was mapped to false by $virus_scanner_codes)
wfDebug("$fname: failed to scan $file (code $exit_code).\n");
if ($wgAntivirusRequired) { return "scan failed (code $exit_code)"; }
else { return NULL; }
else if ($code===AV_SCAN_ABORTED) { #scan failed because filetype is unknown (probably imune)
wfDebug("$fname: unsupported file type $file (code $exit_code).\n");
return NULL;
else if ($code===AV_NO_VIRUS) {
wfDebug("$fname: file passed virus scan.\n");
return false; #no virus found
else {
$output= join("\n",$output);
$output= trim($output);
if (!$output) $output= true; #if there's no output, return true
else if ($msg_pattern) {
$groups= array();
if (preg_match($msg_pattern,$output,$groups)) {
if ($groups[1]) $output= $groups[1];
wfDebug("$fname: FOUND VIRUS! scanner feedback: $output");
return $output;
* Check if the temporary file is MacBinary-encoded, as some uploads
* from Internet Explorer on Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X will be.
* If so, the data fork will be extracted to a second temporary file,
* which will then be checked for validity and either kept or discarded.
* @access private
function checkMacBinary() {
$macbin = new MacBinary( $this->mUploadTempName );
if( $macbin->isValid() ) {
$dataFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), "WikiMacBinary" );
$dataHandle = fopen( $dataFile, 'wb' );
wfDebug( "SpecialUpload::checkMacBinary: Extracting MacBinary data fork to $dataFile\n" );
$macbin->extractData( $dataHandle );
$this->mUploadTempName = $dataFile;
$this->mUploadSize = $macbin->dataForkLength();
// We'll have to manually remove the new file if it's not kept.
$this->mRemoveTempFile = true;
* If we've modified the upload file we need to manually remove it
* on exit to clean up.
* @access private
function cleanupTempFile() {
if( $this->mRemoveTempFile && file_exists( $this->mUploadTempName ) ) {
wfDebug( "SpecialUpload::cleanupTempFile: Removing temporary file $this->mUploadTempName\n" );
unlink( $this->mUploadTempName );
* Check if there's an overwrite conflict and, if so, if restrictions
* forbid this user from performing the upload.
* @return mixed true on success, WikiError on failure
* @access private
function checkOverwrite( $name ) {
$img = Image::newFromName( $name );
if( is_null( $img ) ) {
// Uh... this shouldn't happen ;)
// But if it does, fall through to previous behavior
return false;
$error = '';
if( $img->exists() ) {
global $wgUser, $wgOut;
if( $img->isLocal() ) {
if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'reupload' ) ) {
$error = 'fileexists-forbidden';
} else {
if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'reupload' ) ||
!$wgUser->isAllowed( 'reupload-shared' ) ) {
$error = "fileexists-shared-forbidden";
if( $error ) {
$errorText = wfMsg( $error, wfEscapeWikiText( $img->getName() ) );
return new WikiError( $wgOut->parse( $errorText ) );
// Rockin', go ahead and upload
return true;