execute(); } /** * * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage SpecialPage */ class LoginForm { const SUCCESS = 0; const NO_NAME = 1; const ILLEGAL = 2; const WRONG_PLUGIN_PASS = 3; const NOT_EXISTS = 4; const WRONG_PASS = 5; const EMPTY_PASS = 6; const RESET_PASS = 7; var $mName, $mPassword, $mRetype, $mReturnTo, $mCookieCheck, $mPosted; var $mAction, $mCreateaccount, $mCreateaccountMail, $mMailmypassword; var $mLoginattempt, $mRemember, $mEmail, $mDomain, $mLanguage; /** * Constructor * @param webrequest $request A webrequest object passed by reference */ function LoginForm( &$request ) { global $wgLang, $wgAllowRealName, $wgEnableEmail; global $wgAuth; $this->mType = $request->getText( 'type' ); $this->mName = $request->getText( 'wpName' ); $this->mPassword = $request->getText( 'wpPassword' ); $this->mRetype = $request->getText( 'wpRetype' ); $this->mDomain = $request->getText( 'wpDomain' ); $this->mReturnTo = $request->getVal( 'returnto' ); $this->mCookieCheck = $request->getVal( 'wpCookieCheck' ); $this->mPosted = $request->wasPosted(); $this->mCreateaccount = $request->getCheck( 'wpCreateaccount' ); $this->mCreateaccountMail = $request->getCheck( 'wpCreateaccountMail' ) && $wgEnableEmail; $this->mMailmypassword = $request->getCheck( 'wpMailmypassword' ) && $wgEnableEmail; $this->mLoginattempt = $request->getCheck( 'wpLoginattempt' ); $this->mAction = $request->getVal( 'action' ); $this->mRemember = $request->getCheck( 'wpRemember' ); $this->mLanguage = $request->getText( 'uselang' ); if( $wgEnableEmail ) { $this->mEmail = $request->getText( 'wpEmail' ); } else { $this->mEmail = ''; } if( $wgAllowRealName ) { $this->mRealName = $request->getText( 'wpRealName' ); } else { $this->mRealName = ''; } if( !$wgAuth->validDomain( $this->mDomain ) ) { $this->mDomain = 'invaliddomain'; } $wgAuth->setDomain( $this->mDomain ); # When switching accounts, it sucks to get automatically logged out if( $this->mReturnTo == $wgLang->specialPage( 'Userlogout' ) ) { $this->mReturnTo = ''; } } function execute() { if ( !is_null( $this->mCookieCheck ) ) { $this->onCookieRedirectCheck( $this->mCookieCheck ); return; } else if( $this->mPosted ) { if( $this->mCreateaccount ) { return $this->addNewAccount(); } else if ( $this->mCreateaccountMail ) { return $this->addNewAccountMailPassword(); } else if ( $this->mMailmypassword ) { return $this->mailPassword(); } else if ( ( 'submitlogin' == $this->mAction ) || $this->mLoginattempt ) { return $this->processLogin(); } } $this->mainLoginForm( '' ); } /** * @private */ function addNewAccountMailPassword() { global $wgOut; if ('' == $this->mEmail) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'noemail', htmlspecialchars( $this->mName ) ) ); return; } $u = $this->addNewaccountInternal(); if ($u == NULL) { return; } // Wipe the initial password and mail a temporary one $u->setPassword( null ); $u->saveSettings(); $result = $this->mailPasswordInternal( $u, false ); wfRunHooks( 'AddNewAccount', array( $u ) ); $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'accmailtitle' ) ); $wgOut->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' ); $wgOut->setArticleRelated( false ); if( WikiError::isError( $result ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'mailerror', $result->getMessage() ) ); } else { $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'accmailtext', $u->getName(), $u->getEmail() ) ); $wgOut->returnToMain( false ); } $u = 0; } /** * @private */ function addNewAccount() { global $wgUser, $wgEmailAuthentication; # Create the account and abort if there's a problem doing so $u = $this->addNewAccountInternal(); if( $u == NULL ) return; # If we showed up language selection links, and one was in use, be # smart (and sensible) and save that language as the user's preference global $wgLoginLanguageSelector; if( $wgLoginLanguageSelector && $this->mLanguage ) $u->setOption( 'language', $this->mLanguage ); # Save user settings and send out an email authentication message if needed $u->saveSettings(); if( $wgEmailAuthentication && User::isValidEmailAddr( $u->getEmail() ) ) { global $wgOut; $error = $u->sendConfirmationMail(); if( WikiError::isError( $error ) ) { $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'confirmemail_sendfailed', $error->getMessage() ) ); } else { $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'confirmemail_oncreate' ) ); } } # If not logged in, assume the new account as the current one and set session cookies # then show a "welcome" message or a "need cookies" message as needed if( $wgUser->isAnon() ) { $wgUser = $u; $wgUser->setCookies(); wfRunHooks( 'AddNewAccount', array( $wgUser ) ); if( $this->hasSessionCookie() ) { return $this->successfulLogin( wfMsg( 'welcomecreation', $wgUser->getName() ), false ); } else { return $this->cookieRedirectCheck( 'new' ); } } else { # Confirm that the account was created global $wgOut; $self = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' ); $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsgHtml( 'accountcreated' ) ); $wgOut->setArticleRelated( false ); $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' ); $wgOut->addHtml( wfMsgWikiHtml( 'accountcreatedtext', $u->getName() ) ); $wgOut->returnToMain( $self->getPrefixedText() ); wfRunHooks( 'AddNewAccount', array( $u ) ); return true; } } /** * @private */ function addNewAccountInternal() { global $wgUser, $wgOut; global $wgEnableSorbs, $wgProxyWhitelist; global $wgMemc, $wgAccountCreationThrottle; global $wgAuth, $wgMinimalPasswordLength; // If the user passes an invalid domain, something is fishy if( !$wgAuth->validDomain( $this->mDomain ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'wrongpassword' ) ); return false; } // If we are not allowing users to login locally, we should // be checking to see if the user is actually able to // authenticate to the authentication server before they // create an account (otherwise, they can create a local account // and login as any domain user). We only need to check this for // domains that aren't local. if( 'local' != $this->mDomain && '' != $this->mDomain ) { if( !$wgAuth->canCreateAccounts() && ( !$wgAuth->userExists( $this->mName ) || !$wgAuth->authenticate( $this->mName, $this->mPassword ) ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'wrongpassword' ) ); return false; } } if ( wfReadOnly() ) { $wgOut->readOnlyPage(); return false; } if (!$wgUser->isAllowedToCreateAccount()) { $this->userNotPrivilegedMessage(); return false; } $ip = wfGetIP(); if ( $wgEnableSorbs && !in_array( $ip, $wgProxyWhitelist ) && $wgUser->inSorbsBlacklist( $ip ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'sorbs_create_account_reason' ) . ' (' . htmlspecialchars( $ip ) . ')' ); return; } $name = trim( $this->mName ); $u = User::newFromName( $name, 'creatable' ); if ( is_null( $u ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'noname' ) ); return false; } if ( 0 != $u->idForName() ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'userexists' ) ); return false; } if ( 0 != strcmp( $this->mPassword, $this->mRetype ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'badretype' ) ); return false; } if ( !$wgUser->isValidPassword( $this->mPassword ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'passwordtooshort', $wgMinimalPasswordLength ) ); return false; } $abortError = ''; if( !wfRunHooks( 'AbortNewAccount', array( $u, &$abortError ) ) ) { // Hook point to add extra creation throttles and blocks wfDebug( "LoginForm::addNewAccountInternal: a hook blocked creation\n" ); $this->mainLoginForm( $abortError ); return false; } if ( $wgAccountCreationThrottle ) { $key = wfMemcKey( 'acctcreate', 'ip', $ip ); $value = $wgMemc->incr( $key ); if ( !$value ) { $wgMemc->set( $key, 1, 86400 ); } if ( $value > $wgAccountCreationThrottle ) { $this->throttleHit( $wgAccountCreationThrottle ); return false; } } if( !$wgAuth->addUser( $u, $this->mPassword ) ) { $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'externaldberror' ) ); return false; } # Update user count $ssUpdate = new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); $ssUpdate->doUpdate(); return $this->initUser( $u ); } /** * Actually add a user to the database. * Give it a User object that has been initialised with a name. * * @param $u User object. * @return User object. * @private */ function initUser( $u ) { $u->addToDatabase(); $u->setPassword( $this->mPassword ); $u->setEmail( $this->mEmail ); $u->setRealName( $this->mRealName ); $u->setToken(); global $wgAuth; $wgAuth->initUser( $u ); $u->setOption( 'rememberpassword', $this->mRemember ? 1 : 0 ); $u->saveSettings(); return $u; } /** * Internally authenticate the login request. * * This may create a local account as a side effect if the * authentication plugin allows transparent local account * creation. * * @public */ function authenticateUserData() { global $wgUser, $wgAuth; if ( '' == $this->mName ) { return self::NO_NAME; } $u = User::newFromName( $this->mName ); if( is_null( $u ) || !User::isUsableName( $u->getName() ) ) { return self::ILLEGAL; } if ( 0 == $u->getID() ) { global $wgAuth; /** * If the external authentication plugin allows it, * automatically create a new account for users that * are externally defined but have not yet logged in. */ if ( $wgAuth->autoCreate() && $wgAuth->userExists( $u->getName() ) ) { if ( $wgAuth->authenticate( $u->getName(), $this->mPassword ) ) { $u = $this->initUser( $u ); } else { return self::WRONG_PLUGIN_PASS; } } else { return self::NOT_EXISTS; } } else { $u->load(); } if (!$u->checkPassword( $this->mPassword )) { if( $u->checkTemporaryPassword( $this->mPassword ) ) { // The e-mailed temporary password should not be used // for actual logins; that's a very sloppy habit, // and insecure if an attacker has a few seconds to // click "search" on someone's open mail reader. // // Allow it to be used only to reset the password // a single time to a new value, which won't be in // the user's e-mail archives. // // For backwards compatibility, we'll still recognize // it at the login form to minimize surprises for // people who have been logging in with a temporary // password for some time. // // As a side-effect, we can authenticate the user's // e-mail address if it's not already done, since // the temporary password was sent via e-mail. // if( !$u->isEmailConfirmed() ) { $u->confirmEmail(); } // At this point we just return an appropriate code // indicating that the UI should show a password // reset form; bot interfaces etc will probably just // fail cleanly here. // return self::RESET_PASS; } else { return '' == $this->mPassword ? self::EMPTY_PASS : self::WRONG_PASS; } } else { $wgAuth->updateUser( $u ); $wgUser = $u; return self::SUCCESS; } } function processLogin() { global $wgUser, $wgAuth; switch ($this->authenticateUserData()) { case self::SUCCESS: # We've verified now, update the real record if( (bool)$this->mRemember != (bool)$wgUser->getOption( 'rememberpassword' ) ) { $wgUser->setOption( 'rememberpassword', $this->mRemember ? 1 : 0 ); $wgUser->saveSettings(); } else { $wgUser->invalidateCache(); } $wgUser->setCookies(); if( $this->hasSessionCookie() ) { return $this->successfulLogin( wfMsg( 'loginsuccess', $wgUser->getName() ) ); } else { return $this->cookieRedirectCheck( 'login' ); } break; case self::NO_NAME: case self::ILLEGAL: $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'noname' ) ); break; case self::WRONG_PLUGIN_PASS: $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'wrongpassword' ) ); break; case self::NOT_EXISTS: $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'nosuchuser', htmlspecialchars( $this->mName ) ) ); break; case self::WRONG_PASS: $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'wrongpassword' ) ); break; case self::EMPTY_PASS: $this->mainLoginForm( wfMsg( 'wrongpasswordempty' ) ); break; case self::RESET_PASS: $this->resetLoginForm( wfMsg( 'resetpass_announce' ) ); break; default: wfDebugDieBacktrace( "Unhandled case value" ); } } function resetLoginForm( $error ) { global $wgOut; $wgOut->addWikiText( "