getPrefixedText() ), $revision->getId() ); $wgMemc->delete( $key ); } } /** * Shows page information on GET request. * * @return string Page information that will be added to the output */ public function onView() { $content = ''; // Validate revision $oldid = $this->page->getOldID(); if ( $oldid ) { $revision = $this->page->getRevisionFetched(); // Revision is missing if ( $revision === null ) { return $this->msg( 'missing-revision', $oldid )->parse(); } // Revision is not current if ( !$revision->isCurrent() ) { return $this->msg( 'pageinfo-not-current' )->plain(); } } // Page header if ( !$this->msg( 'pageinfo-header' )->isDisabled() ) { $content .= $this->msg( 'pageinfo-header' )->parse(); } // Hide "This page is a member of # hidden categories" explanation $content .= Html::element( 'style', array(), '.mw-hiddenCategoriesExplanation { display: none; }' ) . "\n"; // Hide "Templates used on this page" explanation $content .= Html::element( 'style', array(), '.mw-templatesUsedExplanation { display: none; }' ) . "\n"; // Get page information $pageInfo = $this->pageInfo(); // Allow extensions to add additional information Hooks::run( 'InfoAction', array( $this->getContext(), &$pageInfo ) ); // Render page information foreach ( $pageInfo as $header => $infoTable ) { // Messages: // pageinfo-header-basic, pageinfo-header-edits, pageinfo-header-restrictions, // pageinfo-header-properties, pageinfo-category-info $content .= $this->makeHeader( $this->msg( "pageinfo-${header}" )->escaped() ) . "\n"; $table = "\n"; foreach ( $infoTable as $infoRow ) { $name = ( $infoRow[0] instanceof Message ) ? $infoRow[0]->escaped() : $infoRow[0]; $value = ( $infoRow[1] instanceof Message ) ? $infoRow[1]->escaped() : $infoRow[1]; $id = ( $infoRow[0] instanceof Message ) ? $infoRow[0]->getKey() : null; $table = $this->addRow( $table, $name, $value, $id ) . "\n"; } $content = $this->addTable( $content, $table ) . "\n"; } // Page footer if ( !$this->msg( 'pageinfo-footer' )->isDisabled() ) { $content .= $this->msg( 'pageinfo-footer' )->parse(); } // Page credits /*if ( $this->page->exists() ) { $content .= Html::rawElement( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-credits' ), $this->getContributors() ); }*/ return $content; } /** * Creates a header that can be added to the output. * * @param string $header The header text. * @return string The HTML. */ protected function makeHeader( $header ) { $spanAttribs = array( 'class' => 'mw-headline', 'id' => Sanitizer::escapeId( $header ) ); return Html::rawElement( 'h2', array(), Html::element( 'span', $spanAttribs, $header ) ); } /** * Adds a row to a table that will be added to the content. * * @param string $table The table that will be added to the content * @param string $name The name of the row * @param string $value The value of the row * @param string $id The ID to use for the 'tr' element * @return string The table with the row added */ protected function addRow( $table, $name, $value, $id ) { return $table . Html::rawElement( 'tr', $id === null ? array() : array( 'id' => 'mw-' . $id ), Html::rawElement( 'td', array( 'style' => 'vertical-align: top;' ), $name ) . Html::rawElement( 'td', array(), $value ) ); } /** * Adds a table to the content that will be added to the output. * * @param string $content The content that will be added to the output * @param string $table The table * @return string The content with the table added */ protected function addTable( $content, $table ) { return $content . Html::rawElement( 'table', array( 'class' => 'wikitable mw-page-info' ), $table ); } /** * Returns page information in an easily-manipulated format. Array keys are used so extensions * may add additional information in arbitrary positions. Array values are arrays with one * element to be rendered as a header, arrays with two elements to be rendered as a table row. * * @return array */ protected function pageInfo() { global $wgContLang, $wgMemc; $user = $this->getUser(); $lang = $this->getLanguage(); $title = $this->getTitle(); $id = $title->getArticleID(); $config = $this->context->getConfig(); $memcKey = wfMemcKey( 'infoaction', sha1( $title->getPrefixedText() ), $this->page->getLatest() ); $pageCounts = $wgMemc->get( $memcKey ); $version = isset( $pageCounts['cacheversion'] ) ? $pageCounts['cacheversion'] : false; if ( $pageCounts === false || $version !== self::CACHE_VERSION ) { // Get page information that would be too "expensive" to retrieve by normal means $pageCounts = $this->pageCounts( $title ); $pageCounts['cacheversion'] = self::CACHE_VERSION; $wgMemc->set( $memcKey, $pageCounts ); } // Get page properties $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $result = $dbr->select( 'page_props', array( 'pp_propname', 'pp_value' ), array( 'pp_page' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); $pageProperties = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $pageProperties[$row->pp_propname] = $row->pp_value; } // Basic information $pageInfo = array(); $pageInfo['header-basic'] = array(); // Display title $displayTitle = $title->getPrefixedText(); if ( !empty( $pageProperties['displaytitle'] ) ) { $displayTitle = $pageProperties['displaytitle']; } $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-display-title' ), $displayTitle ); // Is it a redirect? If so, where to? if ( $title->isRedirect() ) { $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-redirectsto' ), Linker::link( $this->page->getRedirectTarget() ) . $this->msg( 'word-separator' )->escaped() . $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( Linker::link( $this->page->getRedirectTarget(), $this->msg( 'pageinfo-redirectsto-info' )->escaped(), array(), array( 'action' => 'info' ) ) )->escaped() ); } // Default sort key $sortKey = $title->getCategorySortkey(); if ( !empty( $pageProperties['defaultsort'] ) ) { $sortKey = $pageProperties['defaultsort']; } $sortKey = htmlspecialchars( $sortKey ); $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-default-sort' ), $sortKey ); // Page length (in bytes) $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-length' ), $lang->formatNum( $title->getLength() ) ); // Page ID (number not localised, as it's a database ID) $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-article-id' ), $id ); // Language in which the page content is (supposed to be) written $pageLang = $title->getPageLanguage()->getCode(); if ( $config->get( 'PageLanguageUseDB' ) && $this->getTitle()->userCan( 'pagelang', $this->getUser() ) ) { // Link to Special:PageLanguage with pre-filled page title if user has permissions $titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'PageLanguage', $title->getPrefixedText() ); $langDisp = Linker::link( $titleObj, $this->msg( 'pageinfo-language' )->escaped() ); } else { // Display just the message $langDisp = $this->msg( 'pageinfo-language' )->escaped(); } $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $langDisp, Language::fetchLanguageName( $pageLang, $lang->getCode() ) . ' ' . $this->msg( 'parentheses', $pageLang )->escaped() ); // Content model of the page $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-content-model' ), htmlspecialchars( ContentHandler::getLocalizedName( $title->getContentModel() ) ) ); // Search engine status $pOutput = new ParserOutput(); if ( isset( $pageProperties['noindex'] ) ) { $pOutput->setIndexPolicy( 'noindex' ); } if ( isset( $pageProperties['index'] ) ) { $pOutput->setIndexPolicy( 'index' ); } // Use robot policy logic $policy = $this->page->getRobotPolicy( 'view', $pOutput ); $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( // Messages: pageinfo-robot-index, pageinfo-robot-noindex $this->msg( 'pageinfo-robot-policy' ), $this->msg( "pageinfo-robot-${policy['index']}" ) ); $unwatchedPageThreshold = $config->get( 'UnwatchedPageThreshold' ); if ( $user->isAllowed( 'unwatchedpages' ) || ( $unwatchedPageThreshold !== false && $pageCounts['watchers'] >= $unwatchedPageThreshold ) ) { // Number of page watchers $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-watchers' ), $lang->formatNum( $pageCounts['watchers'] ) ); } elseif ( $unwatchedPageThreshold !== false ) { $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-watchers' ), $this->msg( 'pageinfo-few-watchers' )->numParams( $unwatchedPageThreshold ) ); } // Redirects to this page $whatLinksHere = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Whatlinkshere', $title->getPrefixedText() ); $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( Linker::link( $whatLinksHere, $this->msg( 'pageinfo-redirects-name' )->escaped(), array(), array( 'hidelinks' => 1, 'hidetrans' => 1, 'hideimages' => $title->getNamespace() == NS_FILE ) ), $this->msg( 'pageinfo-redirects-value' ) ->numParams( count( $title->getRedirectsHere() ) ) ); // Is it counted as a content page? if ( $this->page->isCountable() ) { $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-contentpage' ), $this->msg( 'pageinfo-contentpage-yes' ) ); } // Subpages of this page, if subpages are enabled for the current NS if ( MWNamespace::hasSubpages( $title->getNamespace() ) ) { $prefixIndex = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Prefixindex', $title->getPrefixedText() . '/' ); $pageInfo['header-basic'][] = array( Linker::link( $prefixIndex, $this->msg( 'pageinfo-subpages-name' )->escaped() ), $this->msg( 'pageinfo-subpages-value' ) ->numParams( $pageCounts['subpages']['total'], $pageCounts['subpages']['redirects'], $pageCounts['subpages']['nonredirects'] ) ); } if ( $title->inNamespace( NS_CATEGORY ) ) { $category = Category::newFromTitle( $title ); $pageInfo['category-info'] = array( array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-category-pages' ), $lang->formatNum( $category->getPageCount() ) ), array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-category-subcats' ), $lang->formatNum( $category->getSubcatCount() ) ), array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-category-files' ), $lang->formatNum( $category->getFileCount() ) ) ); } // Page protection $pageInfo['header-restrictions'] = array(); // Is this page affected by the cascading protection of something which includes it? if ( $title->isCascadeProtected() ) { $cascadingFrom = ''; $sources = $title->getCascadeProtectionSources(); // Array deferencing is in PHP 5.4 :( foreach ( $sources[0] as $sourceTitle ) { $cascadingFrom .= Html::rawElement( 'li', array(), Linker::linkKnown( $sourceTitle ) ); } $cascadingFrom = Html::rawElement( 'ul', array(), $cascadingFrom ); $pageInfo['header-restrictions'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-protect-cascading-from' ), $cascadingFrom ); } // Is out protection set to cascade to other pages? if ( $title->areRestrictionsCascading() ) { $pageInfo['header-restrictions'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-protect-cascading' ), $this->msg( 'pageinfo-protect-cascading-yes' ) ); } // Page protection foreach ( $title->getRestrictionTypes() as $restrictionType ) { $protectionLevel = implode( ', ', $title->getRestrictions( $restrictionType ) ); if ( $protectionLevel == '' ) { // Allow all users $message = $this->msg( 'protect-default' )->escaped(); } else { // Administrators only // Messages: protect-level-autoconfirmed, protect-level-sysop $message = $this->msg( "protect-level-$protectionLevel" ); if ( $message->isDisabled() ) { // Require "$1" permission $message = $this->msg( "protect-fallback", $protectionLevel )->parse(); } else { $message = $message->escaped(); } } // Messages: restriction-edit, restriction-move, restriction-create, // restriction-upload $pageInfo['header-restrictions'][] = array( $this->msg( "restriction-$restrictionType" ), $message ); } if ( !$this->page->exists() ) { return $pageInfo; } // Edit history $pageInfo['header-edits'] = array(); $firstRev = $this->page->getOldestRevision(); $lastRev = $this->page->getRevision(); $batch = new LinkBatch; if ( $firstRev ) { $firstRevUser = $firstRev->getUserText( Revision::FOR_THIS_USER ); if ( $firstRevUser !== '' ) { $batch->add( NS_USER, $firstRevUser ); $batch->add( NS_USER_TALK, $firstRevUser ); } } if ( $lastRev ) { $lastRevUser = $lastRev->getUserText( Revision::FOR_THIS_USER ); if ( $lastRevUser !== '' ) { $batch->add( NS_USER, $lastRevUser ); $batch->add( NS_USER_TALK, $lastRevUser ); } } $batch->execute(); if ( $firstRev ) { // Page creator $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-firstuser' ), Linker::revUserTools( $firstRev ) ); // Date of page creation $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-firsttime' ), Linker::linkKnown( $title, htmlspecialchars( $lang->userTimeAndDate( $firstRev->getTimestamp(), $user ) ), array(), array( 'oldid' => $firstRev->getId() ) ) ); } if ( $lastRev ) { // Latest editor $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-lastuser' ), Linker::revUserTools( $lastRev ) ); // Date of latest edit $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-lasttime' ), Linker::linkKnown( $title, htmlspecialchars( $lang->userTimeAndDate( $this->page->getTimestamp(), $user ) ), array(), array( 'oldid' => $this->page->getLatest() ) ) ); } // Total number of edits $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-edits' ), $lang->formatNum( $pageCounts['edits'] ) ); // Total number of distinct authors $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-authors' ), $lang->formatNum( $pageCounts['authors'] ) ); // Recent number of edits (within past 30 days) $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-recent-edits', $lang->formatDuration( $config->get( 'RCMaxAge' ) ) ), $lang->formatNum( $pageCounts['recent_edits'] ) ); // Recent number of distinct authors $pageInfo['header-edits'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-recent-authors' ), $lang->formatNum( $pageCounts['recent_authors'] ) ); // Array of MagicWord objects $magicWords = MagicWord::getDoubleUnderscoreArray(); // Array of magic word IDs $wordIDs = $magicWords->names; // Array of IDs => localized magic words $localizedWords = $wgContLang->getMagicWords(); $listItems = array(); foreach ( $pageProperties as $property => $value ) { if ( in_array( $property, $wordIDs ) ) { $listItems[] = Html::element( 'li', array(), $localizedWords[$property][1] ); } } $localizedList = Html::rawElement( 'ul', array(), implode( '', $listItems ) ); $hiddenCategories = $this->page->getHiddenCategories(); if ( count( $listItems ) > 0 || count( $hiddenCategories ) > 0 || $pageCounts['transclusion']['from'] > 0 || $pageCounts['transclusion']['to'] > 0 ) { $options = array( 'LIMIT' => $config->get( 'PageInfoTransclusionLimit' ) ); $transcludedTemplates = $title->getTemplateLinksFrom( $options ); if ( $config->get( 'MiserMode' ) ) { $transcludedTargets = array(); } else { $transcludedTargets = $title->getTemplateLinksTo( $options ); } // Page properties $pageInfo['header-properties'] = array(); // Magic words if ( count( $listItems ) > 0 ) { $pageInfo['header-properties'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-magic-words' )->numParams( count( $listItems ) ), $localizedList ); } // Hidden categories if ( count( $hiddenCategories ) > 0 ) { $pageInfo['header-properties'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-hidden-categories' ) ->numParams( count( $hiddenCategories ) ), Linker::formatHiddenCategories( $hiddenCategories ) ); } // Transcluded templates if ( $pageCounts['transclusion']['from'] > 0 ) { if ( $pageCounts['transclusion']['from'] > count( $transcludedTemplates ) ) { $more = $this->msg( 'morenotlisted' )->escaped(); } else { $more = null; } $pageInfo['header-properties'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-templates' ) ->numParams( $pageCounts['transclusion']['from'] ), Linker::formatTemplates( $transcludedTemplates, false, false, $more ) ); } if ( !$config->get( 'MiserMode' ) && $pageCounts['transclusion']['to'] > 0 ) { if ( $pageCounts['transclusion']['to'] > count( $transcludedTargets ) ) { $more = Linker::link( $whatLinksHere, $this->msg( 'moredotdotdot' )->escaped(), array(), array( 'hidelinks' => 1, 'hideredirs' => 1 ) ); } else { $more = null; } $pageInfo['header-properties'][] = array( $this->msg( 'pageinfo-transclusions' ) ->numParams( $pageCounts['transclusion']['to'] ), Linker::formatTemplates( $transcludedTargets, false, false, $more ) ); } } return $pageInfo; } /** * Returns page counts that would be too "expensive" to retrieve by normal means. * * @param Title $title Title to get counts for * @return array */ protected function pageCounts( Title $title ) { $id = $title->getArticleID(); $config = $this->context->getConfig(); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $result = array(); // Number of page watchers $watchers = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'watchlist', 'COUNT(*)', array( 'wl_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'wl_title' => $title->getDBkey(), ), __METHOD__ ); $result['watchers'] = $watchers; // Total number of edits $edits = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'COUNT(rev_page)', array( 'rev_page' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); $result['edits'] = $edits; // Total number of distinct authors $authors = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'COUNT(DISTINCT rev_user_text)', array( 'rev_page' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); $result['authors'] = $authors; // "Recent" threshold defined by RCMaxAge setting $threshold = $dbr->timestamp( time() - $config->get( 'RCMaxAge' ) ); // Recent number of edits $edits = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'COUNT(rev_page)', array( 'rev_page' => $id, "rev_timestamp >= " . $dbr->addQuotes( $threshold ) ), __METHOD__ ); $result['recent_edits'] = $edits; // Recent number of distinct authors $authors = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'revision', 'COUNT(DISTINCT rev_user_text)', array( 'rev_page' => $id, "rev_timestamp >= " . $dbr->addQuotes( $threshold ) ), __METHOD__ ); $result['recent_authors'] = $authors; // Subpages (if enabled) if ( MWNamespace::hasSubpages( $title->getNamespace() ) ) { $conds = array( 'page_namespace' => $title->getNamespace() ); $conds[] = 'page_title ' . $dbr->buildLike( $title->getDBkey() . '/', $dbr->anyString() ); // Subpages of this page (redirects) $conds['page_is_redirect'] = 1; $result['subpages']['redirects'] = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'page', 'COUNT(page_id)', $conds, __METHOD__ ); // Subpages of this page (non-redirects) $conds['page_is_redirect'] = 0; $result['subpages']['nonredirects'] = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'page', 'COUNT(page_id)', $conds, __METHOD__ ); // Subpages of this page (total) $result['subpages']['total'] = $result['subpages']['redirects'] + $result['subpages']['nonredirects']; } // Counts for the number of transclusion links (to/from) if ( $config->get( 'MiserMode' ) ) { $result['transclusion']['to'] = 0; } else { $result['transclusion']['to'] = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'templatelinks', 'COUNT(tl_from)', array( 'tl_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'tl_title' => $title->getDBkey() ), __METHOD__ ); } $result['transclusion']['from'] = (int)$dbr->selectField( 'templatelinks', 'COUNT(*)', array( 'tl_from' => $title->getArticleID() ), __METHOD__ ); return $result; } /** * Returns the name that goes in the "