 * Created on Aug 29, 2014
 * Copyright © 2014 Brad Jorsch <bjorsch@wikimedia.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * @file

 * Class to output help for an API module
 * @since 1.25 completely rewritten
 * @ingroup API
class ApiHelp extends ApiBase {
	public function execute() {
		$params = $this->extractRequestParams();
		$modules = array();

		foreach ( $params['modules'] as $path ) {
			$modules[] = $this->getModuleFromPath( $path );

		// Get the help
		$context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getMain()->getContext() );
		$context->setSkin( SkinFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeSkin( 'apioutput' ) );
		$context->setLanguage( $this->getMain()->getLanguage() );
		$context->setTitle( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ApiHelp' ) );
		$out = new OutputPage( $context );
		$out->setCopyrightUrl( 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Copyright' );
		$context->setOutput( $out );

		self::getHelp( $context, $modules, $params );

		// Grab the output from the skin
		$html = ob_get_clean();

		$result = $this->getResult();
		if ( $params['wrap'] ) {
			$data = array(
				'mime' => 'text/html',
				'help' => $html,
			ApiResult::setSubelementsList( $data, 'help' );
			$result->addValue( null, $this->getModuleName(), $data );
		} else {
			$result->addValue( null, 'text', $html, ApiResult::NO_SIZE_CHECK );
			$result->addValue( null, 'mime', 'text/html', ApiResult::NO_SIZE_CHECK );

	 * Generate help for the specified modules
	 * Help is placed into the OutputPage object returned by
	 * $context->getOutput().
	 * Recognized options include:
	 *  - headerlevel: (int) Header tag level
	 *  - nolead: (bool) Skip the inclusion of api-help-lead
	 *  - noheader: (bool) Skip the inclusion of the top-level section headers
	 *  - submodules: (bool) Include help for submodules of the current module
	 *  - recursivesubmodules: (bool) Include help for submodules recursively
	 *  - helptitle: (string) Title to link for additional modules' help. Should contain $1.
	 *  - toc: (bool) Include a table of contents
	 * @param IContextSource $context
	 * @param ApiBase[]|ApiBase $modules
	 * @param array $options Formatting options (described above)
	 * @return string
	public static function getHelp( IContextSource $context, $modules, array $options ) {
		global $wgMemc, $wgContLang;

		if ( !is_array( $modules ) ) {
			$modules = array( $modules );

		$out = $context->getOutput();
		$out->addModules( 'mediawiki.apihelp' );
		if ( !empty( $options['toc'] ) ) {
			$out->addModules( 'mediawiki.toc' );
		$out->setPageTitle( $context->msg( 'api-help-title' ) );

		$cacheKey = null;
		if ( count( $modules ) == 1 && $modules[0] instanceof ApiMain &&
			$options['recursivesubmodules'] && $context->getLanguage() === $wgContLang
		) {
			$cacheHelpTimeout = $context->getConfig()->get( 'APICacheHelpTimeout' );
			if ( $cacheHelpTimeout > 0 ) {
				// Get help text from cache if present
				$cacheKey = wfMemcKey( 'apihelp', $modules[0]->getModulePath(),
					(int)!empty( $options['toc'] ),
					str_replace( ' ', '_', SpecialVersion::getVersion( 'nodb' ) ) );
				$cached = $wgMemc->get( $cacheKey );
				if ( $cached ) {
					$out->addHTML( $cached );
		if ( $out->getHTML() !== '' ) {
			// Don't save to cache, there's someone else's content in the page
			// already
			$cacheKey = null;

		$options['recursivesubmodules'] = !empty( $options['recursivesubmodules'] );
		$options['submodules'] = $options['recursivesubmodules'] || !empty( $options['submodules'] );

		// Prepend lead
		if ( empty( $options['nolead'] ) ) {
			$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-lead' );
			if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) {
				$out->addHTML( $msg->parseAsBlock() );

		$haveModules = array();
		$html = self::getHelpInternal( $context, $modules, $options, $haveModules );
		if ( !empty( $options['toc'] ) && $haveModules ) {
			$out->addHTML( Linker::generateTOC( $haveModules, $context->getLanguage() ) );
		$out->addHTML( $html );

		$helptitle = isset( $options['helptitle'] ) ? $options['helptitle'] : null;
		$html = self::fixHelpLinks( $out->getHTML(), $helptitle, $haveModules );
		$out->addHTML( $html );

		if ( $cacheKey !== null ) {
			$wgMemc->set( $cacheKey, $out->getHTML(), $cacheHelpTimeout );

	 * Replace Special:ApiHelp links with links to api.php
	 * @param string $html
	 * @param string|null $helptitle Title to link to rather than api.php, must contain '$1'
	 * @param array $localModules Keys are modules to link within the current page, values are ignored
	 * @return string
	public static function fixHelpLinks( $html, $helptitle = null, $localModules = array() ) {
		$formatter = new HtmlFormatter( $html );
		$doc = $formatter->getDoc();
		$xpath = new DOMXPath( $doc );
		$nodes = $xpath->query( '//a[@href][not(contains(@class,\'apihelp-linktrail\'))]' );
		foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
			$href = $node->getAttribute( 'href' );
			do {
				$old = $href;
				$href = rawurldecode( $href );
			} while ( $old !== $href );
			if ( preg_match( '!Special:ApiHelp/([^&/|#]+)((?:#.*)?)!', $href, $m ) ) {
				if ( isset( $localModules[$m[1]] ) ) {
					$href = $m[2] === '' ? '#' . $m[1] : $m[2];
				} elseif ( $helptitle !== null ) {
					$href = Title::newFromText( str_replace( '$1', $m[1], $helptitle ) . $m[2] )
				} else {
					$href = wfAppendQuery( wfScript( 'api' ), array(
						'action' => 'help',
						'modules' => $m[1],
					) ) . $m[2];
				$node->setAttribute( 'href', $href );
				$node->removeAttribute( 'title' );

		return $formatter->getText();

	 * Wrap a message in HTML with a class.
	 * @param Message $msg
	 * @param string $class
	 * @param string $tag
	 * @return string
	private static function wrap( Message $msg, $class, $tag = 'span' ) {
		return Html::rawElement( $tag, array( 'class' => $class ),

	 * Recursively-called function to actually construct the help
	 * @param IContextSource $context
	 * @param ApiBase[] $modules
	 * @param array $options
	 * @param array &$haveModules
	 * @return string
	private static function getHelpInternal( IContextSource $context, array $modules,
		array $options, &$haveModules
	) {
		$out = '';

		$level = empty( $options['headerlevel'] ) ? 2 : $options['headerlevel'];
		if ( empty( $options['tocnumber'] ) ) {
			$tocnumber = array( 2 => 0 );
		} else {
			$tocnumber = &$options['tocnumber'];

		foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
			$path = $module->getModulePath();
			$module->setContext( $context );
			$help = array(
				'header' => '',
				'flags' => '',
				'description' => '',
				'help-urls' => '',
				'parameters' => '',
				'examples' => '',
				'submodules' => '',

			if ( empty( $options['noheader'] ) || !empty( $options['toc'] ) ) {
				$anchor = $path;
				$i = 1;
				while ( isset( $haveModules[$anchor] ) ) {
					$anchor = $path . '|' . ++$i;

				if ( $module->isMain() ) {
					$header = $context->msg( 'api-help-main-header' )->parse();
				} else {
					$name = $module->getModuleName();
					$header = $module->getParent()->getModuleManager()->getModuleGroup( $name ) .
					if ( $module->getModulePrefix() !== '' ) {
						$header .= ' ' .
							$context->msg( 'parentheses', $module->getModulePrefix() )->parse();
				$haveModules[$anchor] = array(
					'toclevel' => count( $tocnumber ),
					'level' => $level,
					'anchor' => $anchor,
					'line' => $header,
					'number' => join( '.', $tocnumber ),
					'index' => false,
				if ( empty( $options['noheader'] ) ) {
					$help['header'] .= Html::element( 'h' . min( 6, $level ),
						array( 'id' => $anchor, 'class' => 'apihelp-header' ),
			} else {
				$haveModules[$path] = true;

			$links = array();
			$any = false;
			for ( $m = $module; $m !== null; $m = $m->getParent() ) {
				$name = $m->getModuleName();
				if ( $name === 'main_int' ) {
					$name = 'main';

				if ( count( $modules ) === 1 && $m === $modules[0] &&
					!( !empty( $options['submodules'] ) && $m->getModuleManager() )
				) {
					$link = Html::element( 'b', null, $name );
				} else {
					$link = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ApiHelp', $m->getModulePath() )->getLocalURL();
					$link = Html::element( 'a',
						array( 'href' => $link, 'class' => 'apihelp-linktrail' ),
					$any = true;
				array_unshift( $links, $link );
			if ( $any ) {
				$help['header'] .= self::wrap(
					$context->msg( 'parentheses' )
						->rawParams( $context->getLanguage()->pipeList( $links ) ),
					'apihelp-linktrail', 'div'

			$help['flags'] .= Html::openElement( 'div',
				array( 'class' => 'apihelp-block apihelp-flags' ) );
			$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-flags' );
			if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) {
				$help['flags'] .= self::wrap(
					$msg->numParams( count( $flags ) ), 'apihelp-block-head', 'div'
			$help['flags'] .= Html::openElement( 'ul' );
			foreach ( $module->getHelpFlags() as $flag ) {
				$help['flags'] .= Html::rawElement( 'li', null,
					self::wrap( $context->msg( "api-help-flag-$flag" ), "apihelp-flag-$flag" )
			$sourceInfo = $module->getModuleSourceInfo();
			if ( $sourceInfo ) {
				if ( isset( $sourceInfo['namemsg'] ) ) {
					$extname = $context->msg( $sourceInfo['namemsg'] )->text();
				} else {
					$extname = $sourceInfo['name'];
				$help['flags'] .= Html::rawElement( 'li', null,
						$context->msg( 'api-help-source', $extname, $sourceInfo['name'] ),

				$link = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Version', 'License/' . $sourceInfo['name'] );
				if ( isset( $sourceInfo['license-name'] ) ) {
					$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-license', $link, $sourceInfo['license-name'] );
				} elseif ( SpecialVersion::getExtLicenseFileName( dirname( $sourceInfo['path'] ) ) ) {
					$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-license-noname', $link );
				} else {
					$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-license-unknown' );
				$help['flags'] .= Html::rawElement( 'li', null,
					self::wrap( $msg, 'apihelp-license' )
			} else {
				$help['flags'] .= Html::rawElement( 'li', null,
					self::wrap( $context->msg( 'api-help-source-unknown' ), 'apihelp-source' )
				$help['flags'] .= Html::rawElement( 'li', null,
					self::wrap( $context->msg( 'api-help-license-unknown' ), 'apihelp-license' )
			$help['flags'] .= Html::closeElement( 'ul' );
			$help['flags'] .= Html::closeElement( 'div' );

			foreach ( $module->getFinalDescription() as $msg ) {
				$msg->setContext( $context );
				$help['description'] .= $msg->parseAsBlock();

			$urls = $module->getHelpUrls();
			if ( $urls ) {
				$help['help-urls'] .= Html::openElement( 'div',
					array( 'class' => 'apihelp-block apihelp-help-urls' )
				$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-help-urls' );
				if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) {
					$help['help-urls'] .= self::wrap(
						$msg->numParams( count( $urls ) ), 'apihelp-block-head', 'div'
				if ( !is_array( $urls ) ) {
					$urls = array( $urls );
				$help['help-urls'] .= Html::openElement( 'ul' );
				foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
					$help['help-urls'] .= Html::rawElement( 'li', null,
						Html::element( 'a', array( 'href' => $url ), $url )
				$help['help-urls'] .= Html::closeElement( 'ul' );
				$help['help-urls'] .= Html::closeElement( 'div' );

			$params = $module->getFinalParams( ApiBase::GET_VALUES_FOR_HELP );
			$groups = array();
			if ( $params ) {
				$help['parameters'] .= Html::openElement( 'div',
					array( 'class' => 'apihelp-block apihelp-parameters' )
				$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-parameters' );
				if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) {
					$help['parameters'] .= self::wrap(
						$msg->numParams( count( $params ) ), 'apihelp-block-head', 'div'
				$help['parameters'] .= Html::openElement( 'dl' );

				$descriptions = $module->getFinalParamDescription();

				foreach ( $params as $name => $settings ) {
					if ( !is_array( $settings ) ) {
						$settings = array( ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => $settings );

					$help['parameters'] .= Html::element( 'dt', null,
						$module->encodeParamName( $name ) );

					// Add description
					$description = array();
					if ( isset( $descriptions[$name] ) ) {
						foreach ( $descriptions[$name] as $msg ) {
							$msg->setContext( $context );
							$description[] = $msg->parseAsBlock();

					// Add usage info
					$info = array();

					// Required?
					if ( !empty( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED] ) ) {
						$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-required' )->parse();

					// Custom info?
					if ( !empty( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_INFO] ) ) {
						foreach ( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_INFO] as $i ) {
							$tag = array_shift( $i );
							$info[] = $context->msg( "apihelp-{$path}-paraminfo-{$tag}" )
								->numParams( count( $i ) )
								->params( $context->getLanguage()->commaList( $i ) )
								->params( $module->getModulePrefix() )

					// Type documentation
					if ( !isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] ) ) {
						$dflt = isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] )
							? $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT]
							: null;
						if ( is_bool( $dflt ) ) {
							$settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] = 'boolean';
						} elseif ( is_string( $dflt ) || is_null( $dflt ) ) {
							$settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] = 'string';
						} elseif ( is_int( $dflt ) ) {
							$settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] = 'integer';
					if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] ) ) {
						$type = $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE];
						$multi = !empty( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI] );
						$hintPipeSeparated = true;
						$count = ApiBase::LIMIT_SML2 + 1;

						if ( is_array( $type ) ) {
							$count = count( $type );
							$links = isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_VALUE_LINKS] )
								? $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_VALUE_LINKS]
								: array();
							$type = array_map( function ( $v ) use ( $links ) {
								$ret = wfEscapeWikiText( $v );
								if ( isset( $links[$v] ) ) {
									$ret = "[[{$links[$v]}|$ret]]";
								return $ret;
							}, $type );
							$i = array_search( '', $type, true );
							if ( $i === false ) {
								$type = $context->getLanguage()->commaList( $type );
							} else {
								unset( $type[$i] );
								$type = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-list-can-be-empty' )
									->numParams( count( $type ) )
									->params( $context->getLanguage()->commaList( $type ) )
							$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-list' )
								->params( $multi ? 2 : 1 )
								->params( $type )
							$hintPipeSeparated = false;
						} else {
							switch ( $type ) {
								case 'submodule':
									$groups[] = $name;
									if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP] ) ) {
										$map = $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP];
										ksort( $map );
										$submodules = array();
										foreach ( $map as $v => $m ) {
											$submodules[] = "[[Special:ApiHelp/{$m}|{$v}]]";
									} else {
										$submodules = $module->getModuleManager()->getNames( $name );
										sort( $submodules );
										$prefix = $module->isMain()
											? '' : ( $module->getModulePath() . '+' );
										$submodules = array_map( function ( $name ) use ( $prefix ) {
											return "[[Special:ApiHelp/{$prefix}{$name}|{$name}]]";
										}, $submodules );
									$count = count( $submodules );
									$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-list' )
										->params( $multi ? 2 : 1 )
										->params( $context->getLanguage()->commaList( $submodules ) )
									$hintPipeSeparated = false;
									// No type message necessary, we have a list of values.
									$type = null;

								case 'namespace':
									$namespaces = MWNamespace::getValidNamespaces();
									$count = count( $namespaces );
									$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-list' )
										->params( $multi ? 2 : 1 )
										->params( $context->getLanguage()->commaList( $namespaces ) )
									$hintPipeSeparated = false;
									// No type message necessary, we have a list of values.
									$type = null;

								case 'limit':
									if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2] ) ) {
										$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-limit2' )
											->numParams( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] )
											->numParams( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2] )
									} else {
										$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-limit' )
											->numParams( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] )

								case 'integer':
									// Possible messages:
									// api-help-param-integer-min,
									// api-help-param-integer-max,
									// api-help-param-integer-minmax
									$suffix = '';
									$min = $max = 0;
									if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MIN] ) ) {
										$suffix .= 'min';
										$min = $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MIN];
									if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] ) ) {
										$suffix .= 'max';
										$max = $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX];
									if ( $suffix !== '' ) {
										$info[] =
											$context->msg( "api-help-param-integer-$suffix" )
												->params( $multi ? 2 : 1 )
												->numParams( $min, $max )

								case 'upload':
									$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-upload' )
									// No type message necessary, api-help-param-upload should handle it.
									$type = null;

								case 'string':
								case 'text':
									// Displaying a type message here would be useless.
									$type = null;

						// Add type. Messages for grep: api-help-param-type-limit
						// api-help-param-type-integer api-help-param-type-boolean
						// api-help-param-type-timestamp api-help-param-type-user
						// api-help-param-type-password
						if ( is_string( $type ) ) {
							$msg = $context->msg( "api-help-param-type-$type" );
							if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) {
								$info[] = $msg->params( $multi ? 2 : 1 )->parse();

						if ( $multi ) {
							$extra = array();
							if ( $hintPipeSeparated ) {
								$extra[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-multi-separate' )->parse();
							if ( $count > ApiBase::LIMIT_SML1 ) {
								$extra[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-multi-max' )
									->numParams( ApiBase::LIMIT_SML1, ApiBase::LIMIT_SML2 )
							if ( $extra ) {
								$info[] = join( ' ', $extra );

					// Add default
					$default = isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] )
						? $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT]
						: null;
					if ( $default === '' ) {
						$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-default-empty' )
					} elseif ( $default !== null && $default !== false ) {
						$info[] = $context->msg( 'api-help-param-default' )
							->params( wfEscapeWikiText( $default ) )

					if ( !array_filter( $description ) ) {
						$description = array( self::wrap(
							$context->msg( 'api-help-param-no-description' ),
						) );

					// Add "deprecated" flag
					if ( !empty( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_DEPRECATED] ) ) {
						$help['parameters'] .= Html::openElement( 'dd',
							array( 'class' => 'info' ) );
						$help['parameters'] .= self::wrap(
							$context->msg( 'api-help-param-deprecated' ),
							'apihelp-deprecated', 'strong'
						$help['parameters'] .= Html::closeElement( 'dd' );

					if ( $description ) {
						$description = join( '', $description );
						$description = preg_replace( '!\s*</([oud]l)>\s*<\1>\s*!', "\n", $description );
						$help['parameters'] .= Html::rawElement( 'dd',
							array( 'class' => 'description' ), $description );

					foreach ( $info as $i ) {
						$help['parameters'] .= Html::rawElement( 'dd', array( 'class' => 'info' ), $i );

				$help['parameters'] .= Html::closeElement( 'dl' );
				$help['parameters'] .= Html::closeElement( 'div' );

			$examples = $module->getExamplesMessages();
			if ( $examples ) {
				$help['examples'] .= Html::openElement( 'div',
					array( 'class' => 'apihelp-block apihelp-examples' ) );
				$msg = $context->msg( 'api-help-examples' );
				if ( !$msg->isDisabled() ) {
					$help['examples'] .= self::wrap(
						$msg->numParams( count( $examples ) ), 'apihelp-block-head', 'div'

				$help['examples'] .= Html::openElement( 'dl' );
				foreach ( $examples as $qs => $msg ) {
					$msg = ApiBase::makeMessage( $msg, $context, array(
					) );

					$link = wfAppendQuery( wfScript( 'api' ), $qs );
					$help['examples'] .= Html::rawElement( 'dt', null, $msg->parse() );
					$help['examples'] .= Html::rawElement( 'dd', null,
						Html::element( 'a', array( 'href' => $link ), "api.php?$qs" )
				$help['examples'] .= Html::closeElement( 'dl' );
				$help['examples'] .= Html::closeElement( 'div' );

			$subtocnumber = $tocnumber;
			$subtocnumber[$level + 1] = 0;
			$suboptions = array(
				'submodules' => $options['recursivesubmodules'],
				'headerlevel' => $level + 1,
				'tocnumber' => &$subtocnumber,
				'noheader' => false,
			) + $options;

			if ( $options['submodules'] && $module->getModuleManager() ) {
				$manager = $module->getModuleManager();
				$submodules = array();
				foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
					$names = $manager->getNames( $group );
					sort( $names );
					foreach ( $names as $name ) {
						$submodules[] = $manager->getModule( $name );
				$help['submodules'] .= self::getHelpInternal( $context, $submodules, $suboptions, $haveModules );
				$numSubmodules = count( $submodules );

			$module->modifyHelp( $help, $suboptions, $haveModules );

			Hooks::run( 'APIHelpModifyOutput', array( $module, &$help, $suboptions, &$haveModules ) );

			$out .= join( "\n", $help );

		return $out;

	public function shouldCheckMaxlag() {
		return false;

	public function isReadMode() {
		return false;

	public function getCustomPrinter() {
		$params = $this->extractRequestParams();
		if ( $params['wrap'] ) {
			return null;

		$main = $this->getMain();
		$errorPrinter = $main->createPrinterByName( $main->getParameter( 'format' ) );
		return new ApiFormatRaw( $main, $errorPrinter );

	public function getAllowedParams() {
		return array(
			'modules' => array(
				ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'main',
				ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
			'submodules' => false,
			'recursivesubmodules' => false,
			'wrap' => false,
			'toc' => false,

	protected function getExamplesMessages() {
		return array(
				=> 'apihelp-help-example-main',
				=> 'apihelp-help-example-recursive',
				=> 'apihelp-help-example-help',
				=> 'apihelp-help-example-query',

	public function getHelpUrls() {
		return array(