run(); } public function executeGenerator($resultPageSet) { $this->run($resultPageSet); } protected function prepareQuery($randstr, $limit, $namespace, &$resultPageSet, $redirect) { $this->resetQueryParams(); $this->addTables('page'); $this->addOption('LIMIT', $limit); $this->addWhereFld('page_namespace', $namespace); $this->addWhereRange('page_random', 'newer', $randstr, null); $this->addWhereFld('page_is_redirect', $redirect); $this->addOption('USE INDEX', 'page_random'); if(is_null($resultPageSet)) $this->addFields(array('page_id', 'page_title', 'page_namespace')); else $this->addFields($resultPageSet->getPageTableFields()); } protected function runQuery(&$resultPageSet) { $db = $this->getDB(); $res = $this->select(__METHOD__); $count = 0; while($row = $db->fetchObject($res)) { $count++; if(is_null($resultPageSet)) { // Prevent duplicates if(!in_array($row->page_id, $this->pageIDs)) { $fit = $this->getResult()->addValue( array('query', $this->getModuleName()), null, $this->extractRowInfo($row)); if(!$fit) # We can't really query-continue a random list. # Return an insanely high value so # $count < $limit is false return 1E9; $this->pageIDs[] = $row->page_id; } } else $resultPageSet->processDbRow($row); } $db->freeResult($res); return $count; } public function run($resultPageSet = null) { $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $result = $this->getResult(); $this->pageIDs = array(); $this->prepareQuery(wfRandom(), $params['limit'], $params['namespace'], $resultPageSet, $params['redirect']); $count = $this->runQuery($resultPageSet); if($count < $params['limit']) { /* We got too few pages, we probably picked a high value * for page_random. We'll just take the lowest ones, see * also the comment in Title::getRandomTitle() */ $this->prepareQuery(0, $params['limit'] - $count, $params['namespace'], $resultPageSet, $params['redirect']); $this->runQuery($resultPageSet); } if(is_null($resultPageSet)) { $result->setIndexedTagName_internal(array('query', $this->getModuleName()), 'page'); } } private function extractRowInfo($row) { $title = Title::makeTitle($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title); $vals = array(); $vals['id'] = intval($row->page_id); ApiQueryBase::addTitleInfo($vals, $title); return $vals; } public function getCacheMode( $params ) { return 'public'; } public function getAllowedParams() { return array ( 'namespace' => array( ApiBase :: PARAM_TYPE => 'namespace', ApiBase :: PARAM_ISMULTI => true ), 'limit' => array ( ApiBase :: PARAM_TYPE => 'limit', ApiBase :: PARAM_DFLT => 1, ApiBase :: PARAM_MIN => 1, ApiBase :: PARAM_MAX => 10, ApiBase :: PARAM_MAX2 => 20 ), 'redirect' => false, ); } public function getParamDescription() { return array ( 'namespace' => 'Return pages in these namespaces only', 'limit' => 'Limit how many random pages will be returned', 'redirect' => 'Load a random redirect instead of a random page' ); } public function getDescription() { return array( 'Get a set of random pages', 'NOTE: Pages are listed in a fixed sequence, only the starting point is random. This means that if, for example, "Main Page" is the first ', ' random page on your list, "List of fictional monkeys" will *always* be second, "List of people on stamps of Vanuatu" third, etc.', 'NOTE: If the number of pages in the namespace is lower than rnlimit, you will get fewer pages. You will not get the same page twice.' ); } protected function getExamples() { return 'api.php?action=query&list=random&rnnamespace=0&rnlimit=2'; } public function getVersion() { return __CLASS__ . ': $Id: ApiQueryRandom.php overlordq$'; } }