mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] >= $watched
? 'mw-changeslist-line-watched' : 'mw-changeslist-line-not-watched';
$html = $this->formatChangeLine( $rc, $classes, $watched );
if ( $this->watchlist ) {
$classes[] = Sanitizer::escapeClass( 'watchlist-' .
$rc->mAttribs['rc_namespace'] . '-' . $rc->mAttribs['rc_title'] );
if ( !wfRunHooks( 'OldChangesListRecentChangesLine', array( &$this, &$html, $rc, &$classes ) ) ) {
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return false;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
$dateheader = ''; // $html now contains only
..., for hooks' convenience.
$this->insertDateHeader( $dateheader, $rc->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] );
return "$dateheader" . $html . "\n";
* @param RecentChange $rc
* @param string[] &$classes
* @param boolean $watched
* @return string
private function formatChangeLine( RecentChange $rc, array &$classes, $watched ) {
$html = '';
if ( $rc->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] ) {
$logtitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log', $rc->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] );
$this->insertLog( $html, $logtitle, $rc->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] );
// Log entries (old format) or log targets, and special pages
} elseif ( $rc->mAttribs['rc_namespace'] == NS_SPECIAL ) {
list( $name, $htmlubpage ) = SpecialPageFactory::resolveAlias( $rc->mAttribs['rc_title'] );
if ( $name == 'Log' ) {
$this->insertLog( $html, $rc->getTitle(), $htmlubpage );
// Regular entries
} else {
$unpatrolled = $this->showAsUnpatrolled( $rc );
$this->insertDiffHist( $html, $rc, $unpatrolled );
# M, N, b and ! (minor, new, bot and unpatrolled)
$html .= $this->recentChangesFlags(
'newpage' => $rc->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_NEW,
'minor' => $rc->mAttribs['rc_minor'],
'unpatrolled' => $unpatrolled,
'bot' => $rc->mAttribs['rc_bot']
$this->insertArticleLink( $html, $rc, $unpatrolled, $watched );
# Edit/log timestamp
$this->insertTimestamp( $html, $rc );
# Bytes added or removed
if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'RCShowChangedSize' ) ) {
$cd = $this->formatCharacterDifference( $rc );
if ( $cd !== '' ) {
$html .= $cd . ' . . ';
if ( $rc->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_LOG ) {
$html .= $this->insertLogEntry( $rc );
} else {
# User tool links
$this->insertUserRelatedLinks( $html, $rc );
# LTR/RTL direction mark
$html .= $this->getLanguage()->getDirMark();
$html .= $this->insertComment( $rc );
# Tags
$this->insertTags( $html, $rc, $classes );
# Rollback
$this->insertRollback( $html, $rc );
# For subclasses
$this->insertExtra( $html, $rc, $classes );
# How many users watch this page
if ( $rc->numberofWatchingusers > 0 ) {
$html .= ' ' . $this->numberofWatchingusers( $rc->numberofWatchingusers );
return $html;