if ( $par === null ) {
// No framework specified
$out->setStatusCode( 404 );
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'javascripttest' ) );
$this->msg( 'javascripttest-pagetext-noframework' )->parseAsBlock()
. $this->getFrameworkListHtml()
// Determine framework and mode
$pars = explode( '/', $par, 2 );
$framework = $pars[0];
if ( !in_array( $framework, self::$frameworks ) ) {
// Framework not found
$out->setStatusCode( 404 );
. $this->msg( 'javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework' )
->plaintextParams( $par )->parseAsBlock()
. '
. $this->getFrameworkListHtml()
// This special page is disabled by default ($wgEnableJavaScriptTest), and contains
// no sensitive data. In order to allow TestSwarm to embed it into a test client window,
// we need to allow iframing of this page.
$this->msg( 'javascripttest-backlink' )
->rawParams( Linker::linkKnown( $this->getPageTitle() ) )
// Custom actions
if ( isset( $pars[1] ) ) {
$action = $pars[1];
if ( !in_array( $action, array( 'export', 'plain' ) ) ) {
$out->setStatusCode( 404 );
. $this->msg( 'javascripttest-pagetext-unknownaction' )
->plaintextParams( $action )->parseAsBlock()
. '
$method = $action . ucfirst( $framework );
$out->addModules( 'mediawiki.special.javaScriptTest' );
$method = 'view' . ucfirst( $framework );
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg(
// Messages: javascripttest-qunit-name
$this->msg( "javascripttest-$framework-name" )->plain()
) );
* Get a list of frameworks (including introduction paragraph and links
* to the framework run pages)
* @return string HTML
private function getFrameworkListHtml() {
$list = '';
foreach ( self::$frameworks as $framework ) {
$list .= Html::rawElement(
$this->getPageTitle( $framework ),
// Message: javascripttest-qunit-name
$this->msg( "javascripttest-$framework-name" )->escaped()
$list .= '
return $this->msg( 'javascripttest-pagetext-frameworks' )->rawParams( $list )
* Wrap HTML contents in a summary container.
* @param string $html HTML contents to be wrapped
* @return string HTML
private function wrapSummaryHtml( $html ) {
return "$html
* Run the test suite on the Special page.
* Rendered by OutputPage and Skin.
private function viewQUnit() {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$modules = $out->getResourceLoader()->getTestModuleNames( 'qunit' );
$summary = $this->msg( 'javascripttest-qunit-intro' )
->params( '' )
$baseHtml = <<
$out->addHtml( $this->wrapSummaryHtml( $summary ) . $baseHtml );
// The testrunner configures QUnit and essentially depends on it. However, test suites
// are reusable in environments that preload QUnit (or a compatibility interface to
// another framework). Therefore we have to load it ourselves.
$out->addHtml( Html::inlineScript(
Xml::encodeJsCall( 'mw.loader.using', array(
array( 'jquery.qunit', 'jquery.qunit.completenessTest' ),
new XmlJsCode(
'function () {' . Xml::encodeJsCall( 'mw.loader.load', array( $modules ) ) . '}'
) )
) );
* Generate self-sufficient JavaScript payload to run the tests elsewhere.
* Includes startup module to request modules from ResourceLoader.
* Note: This modifies the registry to replace 'jquery.qunit' with an
* empty module to allow external environment to preload QUnit with any
* neccecary framework adapters (e.g. Karma). Loading it again would
* re-define QUnit and dereference event handlers from Karma.
private function exportQUnit() {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$rl = $out->getResourceLoader();
$query = array(
'lang' => $this->getLanguage()->getCode(),
'skin' => $this->getSkin()->getSkinName(),
'debug' => ResourceLoader::inDebugMode() ? 'true' : 'false',
$embedContext = new ResourceLoaderContext( $rl, new FauxRequest( $query ) );
$query['only'] = 'scripts';
$startupContext = new ResourceLoaderContext( $rl, new FauxRequest( $query ) );
$modules = $rl->getTestModuleNames( 'qunit' );
// The below is essentially a pure-javascript version of OutputPage::getHeadScripts.
$startup = $rl->makeModuleResponse( $startupContext, array(
'startup' => $rl->getModule( 'startup' ),
) );
// Embed page-specific mw.config variables.
// The current Special page shouldn't be relevant to tests, but various modules (which
// are loaded before the test suites), reference mw.config while initialising.
$code = ResourceLoader::makeConfigSetScript( $out->getJSVars() );
// Embed private modules as they're not allowed to be loaded dynamically
$code .= $rl->makeModuleResponse( $embedContext, array(
'user.options' => $rl->getModule( 'user.options' ),
'user.tokens' => $rl->getModule( 'user.tokens' ),
) );
$code .= Xml::encodeJsCall( 'mw.loader.load', array( $modules ) );
header( 'Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8' );
header( 'Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
echo $startup;
echo "\n";
// Note: The following has to be wrapped in a script tag because the startup module also
// writes a script tag (the one loading mediawiki.js). Script tags are synchronous, block
// each other, and run in order. But they don't nest. The code appended after the startup
// module runs before the added script tag is parsed and executed.
echo Xml::encodeJsCall( 'document.write', array( Html::inlineScript( $code ) ) );
private function plainQUnit() {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$url = $this->getPageTitle( 'qunit/export' )->getFullURL( array(
'debug' => ResourceLoader::inDebugMode() ? 'true' : 'false',
) );
$styles = $out->makeResourceLoaderLink(
'jquery.qunit', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES, false
// Use 'raw' since this is a plain HTML page without ResourceLoader
$scripts = $out->makeResourceLoaderLink(
'jquery.qunit', ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS, false, array( 'raw' => 'true' )
$head = trim( $styles['html'] . $scripts['html'] );
$html = <<
$html .= "\n" . Html::linkedScript( $url );
header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' );
echo $html;
* Return an array of subpages that this special page will accept.
* @return string[] subpages
public function getSubpagesForPrefixSearch() {
return self::$frameworks;
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'other';