mQuery = $params['query'];
$this->mNs = $params['namespace'];
$this->mProt = $params['protocol'];
function __construct( $name = 'LinkSearch' ) {
parent::__construct( $name );
function isCacheable() {
return false;
function execute( $par ) {
global $wgUrlProtocols, $wgMiserMode;
$out = $this->getOutput();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$target = $request->getVal( 'target', $par );
$namespace = $request->getIntorNull( 'namespace', null );
$protocols_list = array();
foreach( $wgUrlProtocols as $prot ) {
if ( $prot !== '//' ) {
$protocols_list[] = $prot;
$target2 = $target;
$protocol = '';
$pr_sl = strpos($target2, '//' );
$pr_cl = strpos($target2, ':' );
if ( $pr_sl ) {
// For protocols with '//'
$protocol = substr( $target2, 0 , $pr_sl+2 );
$target2 = substr( $target2, $pr_sl+2 );
} elseif ( !$pr_sl && $pr_cl ) {
// For protocols without '//' like 'mailto:'
$protocol = substr( $target2, 0 , $pr_cl+1 );
$target2 = substr( $target2, $pr_cl+1 );
} elseif ( $protocol == '' && $target2 != '' ) {
// default
$protocol = 'http://';
if ( $protocol != '' && !in_array( $protocol, $protocols_list ) ) {
// unsupported protocol, show original search request
$target2 = $target;
$protocol = '';
$out->addWikiMsg( 'linksearch-text', '' . $this->getLang()->commaList( $wgUrlProtocols ) . '' );
$s = Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'id' => 'mw-linksearch-form', 'method' => 'get', 'action' => $GLOBALS['wgScript'] ) ) .
Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDbKey() ) .
' .
Xml::closeElement( 'form' );
$out->addHTML( $s );
if( $target != '' ) {
$this->setParams( array(
'query' => $target2,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'protocol' => $protocol ) );
parent::execute( $par );
if( $this->mMungedQuery === false )
$out->addWikiMsg( 'linksearch-error' );
* Disable RSS/Atom feeds
function isSyndicated() {
return false;
* Return an appropriately formatted LIKE query and the clause
* @return array
static function mungeQuery( $query, $prot ) {
$field = 'el_index';
$rv = LinkFilter::makeLikeArray( $query , $prot );
if ( $rv === false ) {
// LinkFilter doesn't handle wildcard in IP, so we'll have to munge here.
if (preg_match('/^(:?[0-9]{1,3}\.)+\*\s*$|^(:?[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]*\*\s*$/', $query)) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$rv = array( $prot . rtrim( $query, " \t*" ), $dbr->anyString() );
$field = 'el_to';
return array( $rv, $field );
function linkParameters() {
global $wgMiserMode;
$params = array();
$params['target'] = $this->mProt . $this->mQuery;
if( isset( $this->mNs ) && !$wgMiserMode ) {
$params['namespace'] = $this->mNs;
return $params;
function getQueryInfo() {
global $wgMiserMode;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
// strip everything past first wildcard, so that
// index-based-only lookup would be done
list( $this->mMungedQuery, $clause ) = self::mungeQuery(
$this->mQuery, $this->mProt );
if( $this->mMungedQuery === false )
// Invalid query; return no results
return array( 'tables' => 'page', 'fields' => 'page_id', 'conds' => '0=1' );
$stripped = LinkFilter::keepOneWildcard( $this->mMungedQuery );
$like = $dbr->buildLike( $stripped );
$retval = array (
'tables' => array ( 'page', 'externallinks' ),
'fields' => array ( 'page_namespace AS namespace',
'page_title AS title',
'el_index AS value', 'el_to AS url' ),
'conds' => array ( 'page_id = el_from',
"$clause $like" ),
'options' => array( 'USE INDEX' => $clause )
if ( isset( $this->mNs ) && !$wgMiserMode ) {
$retval['conds']['page_namespace'] = $this->mNs;
return $retval;
function formatResult( $skin, $result ) {
$title = Title::makeTitle( $result->namespace, $result->title );
$url = $result->url;
$pageLink = Linker::linkKnown( $title );
$urlLink = Linker::makeExternalLink( $url, $url );
return wfMsgHtml( 'linksearch-line', $urlLink, $pageLink );
* Override to check query validity.
function doQuery( $offset = false, $limit = false ) {
list( $this->mMungedQuery, ) = LinkSearchPage::mungeQuery( $this->mQuery, $this->mProt );
if( $this->mMungedQuery === false ) {
$this->getOutput()->addWikiMsg( 'linksearch-error' );
} else {
// For debugging
// Generates invalid xhtml with patterns that contain --
//$this->getOutput()->addHTML( "\n\n" );
parent::doQuery( $offset, $limit );
* Override to squash the ORDER BY.
* We do a truncated index search, so the optimizer won't trust
* it as good enough for optimizing sort. The implicit ordering
* from the scan will usually do well enough for our needs.
function getOrderFields() {
return array();