$request = $this->getRequest();
$type = $request->getVal( $this->IdType );
$level = $request->getVal( $this->IdLevel );
$sizetype = $request->getVal( 'sizetype' );
$size = $request->getIntOrNull( 'size' );
$NS = $request->getIntOrNull( 'namespace' );
$pager = new ProtectedTitlesPager( $this, array(), $type, $level, $NS, $sizetype, $size );
$this->getOutput()->addHTML( $this->showOptions( $NS, $type, $level ) );
if ( $pager->getNumRows() ) {
$pager->getNavigationBar() .
' . $pager->getBody() . '
' .
} else {
$this->getOutput()->addWikiMsg( 'protectedtitlesempty' );
* Callback function to output a restriction
* @param object $row Database row
* @return string
function formatRow( $row ) {
$title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $row->pt_namespace, $row->pt_title );
if ( !$title ) {
return Html::rawElement(
array( 'class' => 'mw-invalidtitle' ),
) . "\n";
$link = Linker::link( $title );
$description_items = array();
// Messages: restriction-level-sysop, restriction-level-autoconfirmed
$protType = $this->msg( 'restriction-level-' . $row->pt_create_perm )->escaped();
$description_items[] = $protType;
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
$expiry = strlen( $row->pt_expiry ) ?
$lang->formatExpiry( $row->pt_expiry, TS_MW ) :
if ( $expiry !== 'infinity' ) {
$user = $this->getUser();
$description_items[] = $this->msg(
$lang->userTimeAndDate( $expiry, $user ),
$lang->userDate( $expiry, $user ),
$lang->userTime( $expiry, $user )
// @todo i18n: This should use a comma separator instead of a hard coded comma, right?
return '' . $lang->specialList( $link, implode( $description_items, ', ' ) ) . "\n";
* @param int $namespace
* @param string $type
* @param string $level
* @return string
* @private
function showOptions( $namespace, $type = 'edit', $level ) {
$action = htmlspecialchars( wfScript() );
$title = $this->getPageTitle();
$special = htmlspecialchars( $title->getPrefixedDBkey() );
return "";
* Prepare the namespace filter drop-down; standard namespace
* selector, sans the MediaWiki namespace
* @param string|null $namespace Pre-select namespace
* @return string
function getNamespaceMenu( $namespace = null ) {
return Html::namespaceSelector(
'selected' => $namespace,
'all' => '',
'label' => $this->msg( 'namespace' )->text()
), array(
'name' => 'namespace',
'id' => 'namespace',
'class' => 'namespaceselector',
* @param string $pr_level Determines which option is selected as default
* @return string Formatted HTML
* @private
function getLevelMenu( $pr_level ) {
// Temporary array
$m = array( $this->msg( 'restriction-level-all' )->text() => 0 );
$options = array();
// First pass to load the log names
foreach ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'RestrictionLevels' ) as $type ) {
if ( $type != '' && $type != '*' ) {
// Messages: restriction-level-sysop, restriction-level-autoconfirmed
$text = $this->msg( "restriction-level-$type" )->text();
$m[$text] = $type;
// Is there only one level (aside from "all")?
if ( count( $m ) <= 2 ) {
return '';
// Third pass generates sorted XHTML content
foreach ( $m as $text => $type ) {
$selected = ( $type == $pr_level );
$options[] = Xml::option( $text, $type, $selected );
return Xml::label( $this->msg( 'restriction-level' )->text(), $this->IdLevel ) . ' ' .
Xml::tags( 'select',
array( 'id' => $this->IdLevel, 'name' => $this->IdLevel ),
implode( "\n", $options ) );
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'maintenance';
* @todo document
* @ingroup Pager
class ProtectedTitlesPager extends AlphabeticPager {
public $mForm, $mConds;
function __construct( $form, $conds = array(), $type, $level, $namespace,
$sizetype = '', $size = 0
) {
$this->mForm = $form;
$this->mConds = $conds;
$this->level = $level;
$this->namespace = $namespace;
$this->size = intval( $size );
parent::__construct( $form->getContext() );
function getStartBody() {
# Do a link batch query
$this->mResult->seek( 0 );
$lb = new LinkBatch;
foreach ( $this->mResult as $row ) {
$lb->add( $row->pt_namespace, $row->pt_title );
return '';
* @return Title
function getTitle() {
return $this->mForm->getTitle();
function formatRow( $row ) {
return $this->mForm->formatRow( $row );
* @return array
function getQueryInfo() {
$conds = $this->mConds;
$conds[] = 'pt_expiry > ' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->mDb->timestamp() ) .
' OR pt_expiry IS NULL';
if ( $this->level ) {
$conds['pt_create_perm'] = $this->level;
if ( !is_null( $this->namespace ) ) {
$conds[] = 'pt_namespace=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->namespace );
return array(
'tables' => 'protected_titles',
'fields' => array( 'pt_namespace', 'pt_title', 'pt_create_perm',
'pt_expiry', 'pt_timestamp' ),
'conds' => $conds
function getIndexField() {
return 'pt_timestamp';