* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
* @file
* @ingroup SpecialPage
* implements Special:Search - Run text & title search and display the output
* @ingroup SpecialPage
class SpecialSearch extends SpecialPage {
* Current search profile. Search profile is just a name that identifies
* the active search tab on the search page (content, help, discussions...)
* For users tt replaces the set of enabled namespaces from the query
* string when applicable. Extensions can add new profiles with hooks
* with custom search options just for that profile.
* null|string
protected $profile;
function getProfile() { return $this->profile; }
/// Search engine
protected $searchEngine;
/// Search engine type, if not default
protected $searchEngineType;
/// For links
protected $extraParams = array();
/// No idea, apparently used by some other classes
protected $mPrefix;
* @var int
protected $limit, $offset;
* @var array
protected $namespaces;
function getNamespaces() { return $this->namespaces; }
* @var bool
protected $searchRedirects;
* @var string
protected $didYouMeanHtml, $fulltext;
const NAMESPACES_CURRENT = 'sense';
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct( 'Search' );
* Entry point
* @param string $par or null
public function execute( $par ) {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$out->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.special' );
// Strip underscores from title parameter; most of the time we'll want
// text form here. But don't strip underscores from actual text params!
$titleParam = str_replace( '_', ' ', $par );
$request = $this->getRequest();
// Fetch the search term
$search = str_replace( "\n", " ", $request->getText( 'search', $titleParam ) );
$this->searchEngineType = $request->getVal( 'srbackend' );
if ( $request->getVal( 'fulltext' )
|| !is_null( $request->getVal( 'offset' ) )
|| !is_null( $request->getVal( 'searchx' ) ) )
$this->showResults( $search );
} else {
$this->goResult( $search );
* Set up basic search parameters from the request and user settings.
* @see tests/phpunit/includes/specials/SpecialSearchTest.php
public function load() {
$request = $this->getRequest();
list( $this->limit, $this->offset ) = $request->getLimitOffset( 20, 'searchlimit' );
$this->mPrefix = $request->getVal( 'prefix', '' );
$user = $this->getUser();
# Extract manually requested namespaces
$nslist = $this->powerSearch( $request );
if ( !count( $nslist ) ) {
# Fallback to user preference
$nslist = SearchEngine::userNamespaces( $user );
$profile = null;
if ( !count( $nslist ) ) {
$profile = 'default';
$profile = $request->getVal( 'profile', $profile );
$profiles = $this->getSearchProfiles();
if ( $profile === null ) {
// BC with old request format
$profile = 'advanced';
foreach ( $profiles as $key => $data ) {
if ( $nslist === $data['namespaces'] && $key !== 'advanced' ) {
$profile = $key;
$this->namespaces = $nslist;
} elseif ( $profile === 'advanced' ) {
$this->namespaces = $nslist;
} else {
if ( isset( $profiles[$profile]['namespaces'] ) ) {
$this->namespaces = $profiles[$profile]['namespaces'];
} else {
// Unknown profile requested
$profile = 'default';
$this->namespaces = $profiles['default']['namespaces'];
// Redirects defaults to true, but we don't know whether it was ticked of or just missing
$default = $request->getBool( 'profile' ) ? 0 : 1;
$this->searchRedirects = $request->getBool( 'redirs', $default ) ? 1 : 0;
$this->didYouMeanHtml = ''; # html of did you mean... link
$this->fulltext = $request->getVal( 'fulltext' );
$this->profile = $profile;
* If an exact title match can be found, jump straight ahead to it.
* @param $term String
public function goResult( $term ) {
$this->setupPage( $term );
# Try to go to page as entered.
$t = Title::newFromText( $term );
# If the string cannot be used to create a title
if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
$this->showResults( $term );
# If there's an exact or very near match, jump right there.
$t = SearchEngine::getNearMatch( $term );
if ( !wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchGo', array( &$t, &$term ) ) ) {
# Hook requested termination
if ( !is_null( $t ) ) {
$this->getOutput()->redirect( $t->getFullURL() );
# No match, generate an edit URL
$t = Title::newFromText( $term );
if ( !is_null( $t ) ) {
global $wgGoToEdit;
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchNogomatch', array( &$t ) );
wfDebugLog( 'nogomatch', $t->getText(), false );
# If the feature is enabled, go straight to the edit page
if ( $wgGoToEdit ) {
$this->getOutput()->redirect( $t->getFullURL( array( 'action' => 'edit' ) ) );
$this->showResults( $term );
* @param $term String
public function showResults( $term ) {
global $wgDisableTextSearch, $wgSearchForwardUrl, $wgContLang, $wgScript;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$search = $this->getSearchEngine();
$search->setLimitOffset( $this->limit, $this->offset );
$search->setNamespaces( $this->namespaces );
$search->showRedirects = $this->searchRedirects; // BC
$search->setFeatureData( 'list-redirects', $this->searchRedirects );
$search->prefix = $this->mPrefix;
$term = $search->transformSearchTerm( $term );
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchSetupEngine', array( $this, $this->profile, $search ) );
$this->setupPage( $term );
$out = $this->getOutput();
if ( $wgDisableTextSearch ) {
if ( $wgSearchForwardUrl ) {
$url = str_replace( '$1', urlencode( $term ), $wgSearchForwardUrl );
$out->redirect( $url );
} else {
Xml::openElement( 'fieldset' ) .
Xml::element( 'legend', null, $this->msg( 'search-external' )->text() ) .
Xml::element( 'p', array( 'class' => 'mw-searchdisabled' ), $this->msg( 'searchdisabled' )->text() ) .
$this->msg( 'googlesearch' )->rawParams(
htmlspecialchars( $term ),
$this->msg( 'searchbutton' )->escaped()
)->text() .
Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' )
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
$t = Title::newFromText( $term );
// fetch search results
$rewritten = $search->replacePrefixes( $term );
$titleMatches = $search->searchTitle( $rewritten );
if ( !( $titleMatches instanceof SearchResultTooMany ) ) {
$textMatches = $search->searchText( $rewritten );
$textStatus = null;
if ( $textMatches instanceof Status ) {
$textStatus = $textMatches;
$textMatches = null;
// did you mean... suggestions
if ( $textMatches && !$textStatus && $textMatches->hasSuggestion() ) {
$st = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' );
# mirror Go/Search behavior of original request ..
$didYouMeanParams = array( 'search' => $textMatches->getSuggestionQuery() );
if ( $this->fulltext != null ) {
$didYouMeanParams['fulltext'] = $this->fulltext;
$stParams = array_merge(
$suggestionSnippet = $textMatches->getSuggestionSnippet();
if ( $suggestionSnippet == '' ) {
$suggestionSnippet = null;
$suggestLink = Linker::linkKnown(
$this->didYouMeanHtml = '
' . $this->msg( 'search-suggest' )->rawParams( $suggestLink )->text() . '
if ( !wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchResultsPrepend', array( $this, $out, $term ) ) ) {
# Hook requested termination
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
// start rendering the page
'id' => ( $this->profile === 'advanced' ? 'powersearch' : 'search' ),
'method' => 'get',
'action' => $wgScript
Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'id' => 'mw-search-top-table', 'cellpadding' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0 ) ) .
Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
Xml::openElement( 'td' ) . "\n" .
$this->shortDialog( $term ) .
Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
Xml::closeElement( 'table' )
// Sometimes the search engine knows there are too many hits
if ( $titleMatches instanceof SearchResultTooMany ) {
$out->wrapWikiMsg( "==$1==\n", 'toomanymatches' );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
$filePrefix = $wgContLang->getFormattedNsText( NS_FILE ) . ':';
if ( trim( $term ) === '' || $filePrefix === trim( $term ) ) {
$out->addHTML( $this->formHeader( $term, 0, 0 ) );
$out->addHtml( $this->getProfileForm( $this->profile, $term ) );
$out->addHTML( '' );
// Empty query -- straight view of search form
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
// Get number of results
$titleMatchesNum = $titleMatches ? $titleMatches->numRows() : 0;
$textMatchesNum = $textMatches ? $textMatches->numRows() : 0;
// Total initial query matches (possible false positives)
$num = $titleMatchesNum + $textMatchesNum;
// Get total actual results (after second filtering, if any)
$numTitleMatches = $titleMatches && !is_null( $titleMatches->getTotalHits() ) ?
$titleMatches->getTotalHits() : $titleMatchesNum;
$numTextMatches = $textMatches && !is_null( $textMatches->getTotalHits() ) ?
$textMatches->getTotalHits() : $textMatchesNum;
// get total number of results if backend can calculate it
$totalRes = 0;
if ( $titleMatches && !is_null( $titleMatches->getTotalHits() ) ) {
$totalRes += $titleMatches->getTotalHits();
if ( $textMatches && !is_null( $textMatches->getTotalHits() ) ) {
$totalRes += $textMatches->getTotalHits();
// show number of results and current offset
$out->addHTML( $this->formHeader( $term, $num, $totalRes ) );
$out->addHtml( $this->getProfileForm( $this->profile, $term ) );
$out->addHtml( Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) );
$out->addHtml( "" );
// prev/next links
if ( $num || $this->offset ) {
// Show the create link ahead
$this->showCreateLink( $t );
$prevnext = $this->getLanguage()->viewPrevNext( $this->getTitle(), $this->offset, $this->limit,
$this->powerSearchOptions() + array( 'search' => $term ),
max( $titleMatchesNum, $textMatchesNum ) < $this->limit
//$out->addHTML( "\n" );
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchResults', array( $term, &$titleMatches, &$textMatches ) );
} else {
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchNoResults', array( $term ) );
$out->parserOptions()->setEditSection( false );
if ( $titleMatches ) {
if ( $numTitleMatches > 0 ) {
$out->wrapWikiMsg( "==$1==\n", 'titlematches' );
$out->addHTML( $this->showMatches( $titleMatches ) );
if ( $textMatches && !$textStatus ) {
// output appropriate heading
if ( $numTextMatches > 0 && $numTitleMatches > 0 ) {
// if no title matches the heading is redundant
$out->wrapWikiMsg( "==$1==\n", 'textmatches' );
} elseif ( $totalRes == 0 ) {
# Don't show the 'no text matches' if we received title matches
# $out->wrapWikiMsg( "==$1==\n", 'notextmatches' );
// show interwiki results if any
if ( $textMatches->hasInterwikiResults() ) {
$out->addHTML( $this->showInterwiki( $textMatches->getInterwikiResults(), $term ) );
// show results
if ( $numTextMatches > 0 ) {
$out->addHTML( $this->showMatches( $textMatches ) );
if ( $num === 0 ) {
if ( $textStatus ) {
$out->addHTML( '
' .
htmlspecialchars( $textStatus->getWikiText( 'search-error' ) ) . '
' );
} else {
$out->wrapWikiMsg( "
array( 'search-nonefound', wfEscapeWikiText( $term ) ) );
$this->showCreateLink( $t );
$out->addHtml( "
" );
if ( $num || $this->offset ) {
$out->addHTML( "\n" );
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchResultsAppend', array( $this, $out, $term ) );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
* @param $t Title
protected function showCreateLink( $t ) {
// show direct page/create link if applicable
// Check DBkey !== '' in case of fragment link only.
if ( is_null( $t ) || $t->getDBkey() === '' ) {
// invalid title
// preserve the paragraph for margins etc...
$this->getOutput()->addHtml( '' );
if ( $t->isKnown() ) {
$messageName = 'searchmenu-exists';
} elseif ( $t->userCan( 'create', $this->getUser() ) ) {
$messageName = 'searchmenu-new';
} else {
$messageName = 'searchmenu-new-nocreate';
$params = array( $messageName, wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getPrefixedText() ) );
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchCreateLink', array( $t, &$params ) );
// Extensions using the hook might still return an empty $messageName
if ( $messageName ) {
$this->getOutput()->wrapWikiMsg( "\n$1
", $params );
} else {
// preserve the paragraph for margins etc...
$this->getOutput()->addHtml( '' );
* @param $term string
protected function setupPage( $term ) {
# Should advanced UI be used?
$this->searchAdvanced = ( $this->profile === 'advanced' );
$out = $this->getOutput();
if ( strval( $term ) !== '' ) {
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'searchresults' ) );
$out->setHTMLTitle( $this->msg( 'pagetitle' )->rawParams(
$this->msg( 'searchresults-title' )->rawParams( $term )->text()
) );
// add javascript specific to special:search
$out->addModules( 'mediawiki.special.search' );
* Extract "power search" namespace settings from the request object,
* returning a list of index numbers to search.
* @param $request WebRequest
* @return Array
protected function powerSearch( &$request ) {
$arr = array();
foreach ( SearchEngine::searchableNamespaces() as $ns => $name ) {
if ( $request->getCheck( 'ns' . $ns ) ) {
$arr[] = $ns;
return $arr;
* Reconstruct the 'power search' options for links
* @return Array
protected function powerSearchOptions() {
$opt = array();
$opt['redirs'] = $this->searchRedirects ? 1 : 0;
if ( $this->profile !== 'advanced' ) {
$opt['profile'] = $this->profile;
} else {
foreach ( $this->namespaces as $n ) {
$opt['ns' . $n] = 1;
return $opt + $this->extraParams;
* Show whole set of results
* @param $matches SearchResultSet
* @return string
protected function showMatches( &$matches ) {
global $wgContLang;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$terms = $wgContLang->convertForSearchResult( $matches->termMatches() );
$out = "";
$infoLine = $matches->getInfo();
if ( !is_null( $infoLine ) ) {
$out .= "\n\n";
$out .= "\n";
$result = $matches->next();
while ( $result ) {
$out .= $this->showHit( $result, $terms );
$result = $matches->next();
$out .= "
// convert the whole thing to desired language variant
$out = $wgContLang->convert( $out );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $out;
* Format a single hit result
* @param $result SearchResult
* @param array $terms terms to highlight
* @return string
protected function showHit( $result, $terms ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
if ( $result->isBrokenTitle() ) {
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return "\n";
$t = $result->getTitle();
$titleSnippet = $result->getTitleSnippet( $terms );
if ( $titleSnippet == '' ) {
$titleSnippet = null;
$link_t = clone $t;
wfRunHooks( 'ShowSearchHitTitle',
array( &$link_t, &$titleSnippet, $result, $terms, $this ) );
$link = Linker::linkKnown(
//If page content is not readable, just return the title.
//This is not quite safe, but better than showing excerpts from non-readable pages
//Note that hiding the entry entirely would screw up paging.
if ( !$t->userCan( 'read', $this->getUser() ) ) {
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return "{$link}\n";
// If the page doesn't *exist*... our search index is out of date.
// The least confusing at this point is to drop the result.
// You may get less results, but... oh well. :P
if ( $result->isMissingRevision() ) {
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return "\n";
// format redirects / relevant sections
$redirectTitle = $result->getRedirectTitle();
$redirectText = $result->getRedirectSnippet( $terms );
$sectionTitle = $result->getSectionTitle();
$sectionText = $result->getSectionSnippet( $terms );
$redirect = '';
if ( !is_null( $redirectTitle ) ) {
if ( $redirectText == '' ) {
$redirectText = null;
$redirect = "" .
$this->msg( 'search-redirect' )->rawParams(
Linker::linkKnown( $redirectTitle, $redirectText ) )->text() .
$section = '';
if ( !is_null( $sectionTitle ) ) {
if ( $sectionText == '' ) {
$sectionText = null;
$section = "" .
$this->msg( 'search-section' )->rawParams(
Linker::linkKnown( $sectionTitle, $sectionText ) )->text() .
// format text extract
$extract = "" . $result->getTextSnippet( $terms ) . "
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
// format score
if ( is_null( $result->getScore() ) ) {
// Search engine doesn't report scoring info
$score = '';
} else {
$percent = sprintf( '%2.1f', $result->getScore() * 100 );
$score = $this->msg( 'search-result-score' )->numParams( $percent )->text()
. ' - ';
// format description
$byteSize = $result->getByteSize();
$wordCount = $result->getWordCount();
$timestamp = $result->getTimestamp();
$size = $this->msg( 'search-result-size', $lang->formatSize( $byteSize ) )
->numParams( $wordCount )->escaped();
if ( $t->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY ) {
$cat = Category::newFromTitle( $t );
$size = $this->msg( 'search-result-category-size' )
->numParams( $cat->getPageCount(), $cat->getSubcatCount(), $cat->getFileCount() )
$date = $lang->userTimeAndDate( $timestamp, $this->getUser() );
// link to related articles if supported
$related = '';
if ( $result->hasRelated() ) {
$st = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' );
$stParams = array_merge(
'search' => $this->msg( 'searchrelated' )->inContentLanguage()->text() .
':' . $t->getPrefixedText(),
'fulltext' => $this->msg( 'search' )->text()
$related = ' -- ' . Linker::linkKnown(
$this->msg( 'search-relatedarticle' )->text(),
// Include a thumbnail for media files...
if ( $t->getNamespace() == NS_FILE ) {
$img = wfFindFile( $t );
if ( $img ) {
$thumb = $img->transform( array( 'width' => 120, 'height' => 120 ) );
if ( $thumb ) {
$desc = $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $img->getShortDesc() )->escaped();
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
// Float doesn't seem to interact well with the bullets.
// Table messes up vertical alignment of the bullets.
// Bullets are therefore disabled (didn't look great anyway).
return "" .
'' .
'' .
'' .
$thumb->toHtml( array( 'desc-link' => true ) ) .
' | ' .
'' .
$link .
$extract .
" {$score}{$desc} - {$date}{$related} " .
' | ' .
' .
' .
$html = null;
if ( wfRunHooks( 'ShowSearchHit', array(
$this, $result, $terms,
&$link, &$redirect, &$section, &$extract,
&$score, &$size, &$date, &$related,
) ) ) {
$html = "{$link} {$redirect} {$section}
{$extract}\n" .
"{$score}{$size} - {$date}{$related}
" .
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $html;
* Show results from other wikis
* @param $matches SearchResultSet
* @param $query String
* @return string
protected function showInterwiki( &$matches, $query ) {
global $wgContLang;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$terms = $wgContLang->convertForSearchResult( $matches->termMatches() );
$out = "" .
$this->msg( 'search-interwiki-caption' )->text() . "
$out .= "
// work out custom project captions
$customCaptions = array();
$customLines = explode( "\n", $this->msg( 'search-interwiki-custom' )->text() ); // format per line :
foreach ( $customLines as $line ) {
$parts = explode( ":", $line, 2 );
if ( count( $parts ) == 2 ) { // validate line
$customCaptions[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
$prev = null;
$result = $matches->next();
while ( $result ) {
$out .= $this->showInterwikiHit( $result, $prev, $terms, $query, $customCaptions );
$prev = $result->getInterwikiPrefix();
$result = $matches->next();
// TODO: should support paging in a non-confusing way (not sure how though, maybe via ajax)..
$out .= "
// convert the whole thing to desired language variant
$out = $wgContLang->convert( $out );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $out;
* Show single interwiki link
* @param $result SearchResult
* @param $lastInterwiki String
* @param $terms Array
* @param $query String
* @param array $customCaptions iw prefix -> caption
* @return string
protected function showInterwikiHit( $result, $lastInterwiki, $terms, $query, $customCaptions ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
if ( $result->isBrokenTitle() ) {
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return "\n";
$t = $result->getTitle();
$titleSnippet = $result->getTitleSnippet( $terms );
if ( $titleSnippet == '' ) {
$titleSnippet = null;
$link = Linker::linkKnown(
// format redirect if any
$redirectTitle = $result->getRedirectTitle();
$redirectText = $result->getRedirectSnippet( $terms );
$redirect = '';
if ( !is_null( $redirectTitle ) ) {
if ( $redirectText == '' ) {
$redirectText = null;
$redirect = "" .
$this->msg( 'search-redirect' )->rawParams(
Linker::linkKnown( $redirectTitle, $redirectText ) )->text() .
$out = "";
// display project name
if ( is_null( $lastInterwiki ) || $lastInterwiki != $t->getInterwiki() ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $t->getInterwiki(), $customCaptions ) ) {
// captions from 'search-interwiki-custom'
$caption = $customCaptions[$t->getInterwiki()];
} else {
// default is to show the hostname of the other wiki which might suck
// if there are many wikis on one hostname
$parsed = wfParseUrl( $t->getFullURL() );
$caption = $this->msg( 'search-interwiki-default', $parsed['host'] )->text();
// "more results" link (special page stuff could be localized, but we might not know target lang)
$searchTitle = Title::newFromText( $t->getInterwiki() . ":Special:Search" );
$searchLink = Linker::linkKnown(
$this->msg( 'search-interwiki-more' )->text(),
'search' => $query,
'fulltext' => 'Search'
$out .= "
$out .= "- {$link} {$redirect}
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $out;
* @param $profile
* @param $term
* @return String
protected function getProfileForm( $profile, $term ) {
// Hidden stuff
$opts = array();
$opts['redirs'] = $this->searchRedirects;
$opts['profile'] = $this->profile;
if ( $profile === 'advanced' ) {
return $this->powerSearchBox( $term, $opts );
} else {
$form = '';
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchProfileForm', array( $this, &$form, $profile, $term, $opts ) );
return $form;
* Generates the power search box at [[Special:Search]]
* @param string $term search term
* @param $opts array
* @return String: HTML form
protected function powerSearchBox( $term, $opts ) {
global $wgContLang;
// Groups namespaces into rows according to subject
$rows = array();
foreach ( SearchEngine::searchableNamespaces() as $namespace => $name ) {
$subject = MWNamespace::getSubject( $namespace );
if ( !array_key_exists( $subject, $rows ) ) {
$rows[$subject] = "";
$name = $wgContLang->getConverter()->convertNamespace( $namespace );
if ( $name == '' ) {
$name = $this->msg( 'blanknamespace' )->text();
$rows[$subject] .=
'td', array( 'style' => 'white-space: nowrap' )
) .
in_array( $namespace, $this->namespaces )
) .
Xml::closeElement( 'td' );
$rows = array_values( $rows );
$numRows = count( $rows );
// Lays out namespaces in multiple floating two-column tables so they'll
// be arranged nicely while still accommodating different screen widths
$namespaceTables = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i += 4 ) {
$namespaceTables .= Xml::openElement(
array( 'cellpadding' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0 )
for ( $j = $i; $j < $i + 4 && $j < $numRows; $j++ ) {
$namespaceTables .= Xml::tags( 'tr', null, $rows[$j] );
$namespaceTables .= Xml::closeElement( 'table' );
$showSections = array( 'namespaceTables' => $namespaceTables );
// Show redirects check only if backend supports it
if ( $this->getSearchEngine()->supports( 'list-redirects' ) ) {
$showSections['redirects'] =
Xml::checkLabel( $this->msg( 'powersearch-redir' )->text(), 'redirs', 'redirs', $this->searchRedirects );
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchPowerBox', array( &$showSections, $term, $opts ) );
$hidden = '';
unset( $opts['redirs'] );
foreach ( $opts as $key => $value ) {
$hidden .= Html::hidden( $key, $value );
// Return final output
return Xml::openElement(
array( 'id' => 'mw-searchoptions', 'style' => 'margin:0em;' )
) .
Xml::element( 'legend', null, $this->msg( 'powersearch-legend' )->text() ) .
Xml::tags( 'h4', null, $this->msg( 'powersearch-ns' )->parse() ) .
Html::element( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-search-togglebox' ) ) .
Xml::element( 'div', array( 'class' => 'divider' ), '', false ) .
implode( Xml::element( 'div', array( 'class' => 'divider' ), '', false ), $showSections ) .
$hidden .
Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' );
* @return array
protected function getSearchProfiles() {
// Builds list of Search Types (profiles)
$nsAllSet = array_keys( SearchEngine::searchableNamespaces() );
$profiles = array(
'default' => array(
'message' => 'searchprofile-articles',
'tooltip' => 'searchprofile-articles-tooltip',
'namespaces' => SearchEngine::defaultNamespaces(),
'namespace-messages' => SearchEngine::namespacesAsText(
'images' => array(
'message' => 'searchprofile-images',
'tooltip' => 'searchprofile-images-tooltip',
'namespaces' => array( NS_FILE ),
'help' => array(
'message' => 'searchprofile-project',
'tooltip' => 'searchprofile-project-tooltip',
'namespaces' => SearchEngine::helpNamespaces(),
'namespace-messages' => SearchEngine::namespacesAsText(
'all' => array(
'message' => 'searchprofile-everything',
'tooltip' => 'searchprofile-everything-tooltip',
'namespaces' => $nsAllSet,
'advanced' => array(
'message' => 'searchprofile-advanced',
'tooltip' => 'searchprofile-advanced-tooltip',
'namespaces' => self::NAMESPACES_CURRENT,
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialSearchProfiles', array( &$profiles ) );
foreach ( $profiles as &$data ) {
if ( !is_array( $data['namespaces'] ) ) {
sort( $data['namespaces'] );
return $profiles;
* @param $term
* @param $resultsShown
* @param $totalNum
* @return string
protected function formHeader( $term, $resultsShown, $totalNum ) {
$out = Xml::openElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-search-formheader' ) );
$bareterm = $term;
if ( $this->startsWithImage( $term ) ) {
// Deletes prefixes
$bareterm = substr( $term, strpos( $term, ':' ) + 1 );
$profiles = $this->getSearchProfiles();
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
// Outputs XML for Search Types
$out .= Xml::openElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'search-types' ) );
$out .= Xml::openElement( 'ul' );
foreach ( $profiles as $id => $profile ) {
if ( !isset( $profile['parameters'] ) ) {
$profile['parameters'] = array();
$profile['parameters']['profile'] = $id;
$tooltipParam = isset( $profile['namespace-messages'] ) ?
$lang->commaList( $profile['namespace-messages'] ) : null;
$out .= Xml::tags(
'class' => $this->profile === $id ? 'current' : 'normal'
$this->msg( $profile['message'] )->text(),
$this->msg( $profile['tooltip'], $tooltipParam )->text(),
$out .= Xml::closeElement( 'ul' );
$out .= Xml::closeElement( 'div' );
// Results-info
if ( $resultsShown > 0 ) {
if ( $totalNum > 0 ) {
$top = $this->msg( 'showingresultsheader' )
->numParams( $this->offset + 1, $this->offset + $resultsShown, $totalNum )
->params( wfEscapeWikiText( $term ) )
->numParams( $resultsShown )
} elseif ( $resultsShown >= $this->limit ) {
$top = $this->msg( 'showingresults' )
->numParams( $this->limit, $this->offset + 1 )
} else {
$top = $this->msg( 'showingresultsnum' )
->numParams( $this->limit, $this->offset + 1, $resultsShown )
$out .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'results-info' ),
Xml::tags( 'ul', null, Xml::tags( 'li', null, $top ) )
$out .= Xml::element( 'div', array( 'style' => 'clear:both' ), '', false );
$out .= Xml::closeElement( 'div' );
return $out;
* @param $term string
* @return string
protected function shortDialog( $term ) {
$out = Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() );
$out .= Html::hidden( 'profile', $this->profile ) . "\n";
// Term box
$out .= Html::input( 'search', $term, 'search', array(
'id' => $this->profile === 'advanced' ? 'powerSearchText' : 'searchText',
'size' => '50',
) ) . "\n";
$out .= Html::hidden( 'fulltext', 'Search' ) . "\n";
$out .= Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'searchbutton' )->text() ) . "\n";
return $out . $this->didYouMeanHtml;
* Make a search link with some target namespaces
* @param $term String
* @param array $namespaces ignored
* @param string $label link's text
* @param string $tooltip link's tooltip
* @param array $params query string parameters
* @return String: HTML fragment
protected function makeSearchLink( $term, $namespaces, $label, $tooltip, $params = array() ) {
$opt = $params;
foreach ( $namespaces as $n ) {
$opt['ns' . $n] = 1;
$opt['redirs'] = $this->searchRedirects;
$stParams = array_merge(
'search' => $term,
'fulltext' => $this->msg( 'search' )->text()
return Xml::element(
'href' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL( $stParams ),
'title' => $tooltip
* Check if query starts with image: prefix
* @param string $term the string to check
* @return Boolean
protected function startsWithImage( $term ) {
global $wgContLang;
$p = explode( ':', $term );
if ( count( $p ) > 1 ) {
return $wgContLang->getNsIndex( $p[0] ) == NS_FILE;
return false;
* Check if query starts with all: prefix
* @param string $term the string to check
* @return Boolean
protected function startsWithAll( $term ) {
$allkeyword = $this->msg( 'searchall' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
$p = explode( ':', $term );
if ( count( $p ) > 1 ) {
return $p[0] == $allkeyword;
return false;
* @since 1.18
* @return SearchEngine
public function getSearchEngine() {
if ( $this->searchEngine === null ) {
$this->searchEngine = $this->searchEngineType ?
SearchEngine::create( $this->searchEngineType ) : SearchEngine::create();
return $this->searchEngine;
* Users of hook SpecialSearchSetupEngine can use this to
* add more params to links to not lose selection when
* user navigates search results.
* @since 1.18
* @param $key
* @param $value
public function setExtraParam( $key, $value ) {
$this->extraParams[$key] = $value;
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'pages';