mRequest = $request = $this->getRequest();
$this->mSourceType = $request->getVal( 'wpSourceType', 'file' );
$this->mUpload = UploadBase::createFromRequest( $request );
$this->mUploadClicked = $request->wasPosted()
&& ( $request->getCheck( 'wpUpload' )
|| $request->getCheck( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning' ) );
// Guess the desired name from the filename if not provided
$this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getText( 'wpDestFile' );
if ( !$this->mDesiredDestName && $request->getFileName( 'wpUploadFile' ) !== null ) {
$this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getFileName( 'wpUploadFile' );
$this->mLicense = $request->getText( 'wpLicense' );
$this->mDestWarningAck = $request->getText( 'wpDestFileWarningAck' );
$this->mIgnoreWarning = $request->getCheck( 'wpIgnoreWarning' )
|| $request->getCheck( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning' );
$this->mWatchthis = $request->getBool( 'wpWatchthis' ) && $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn();
$this->mCopyrightStatus = $request->getText( 'wpUploadCopyStatus' );
$this->mCopyrightSource = $request->getText( 'wpUploadSource' );
$this->mForReUpload = $request->getBool( 'wpForReUpload' ); // updating a file
$commentDefault = '';
$commentMsg = wfMessage( 'upload-default-description' )->inContentLanguage();
if ( !$this->mForReUpload && !$commentMsg->isDisabled() ) {
$commentDefault = $commentMsg->plain();
$this->mComment = $request->getText( 'wpUploadDescription', $commentDefault );
$this->mCancelUpload = $request->getCheck( 'wpCancelUpload' )
|| $request->getCheck( 'wpReUpload' ); // b/w compat
// If it was posted check for the token (no remote POST'ing with user credentials)
$token = $request->getVal( 'wpEditToken' );
$this->mTokenOk = $this->getUser()->matchEditToken( $token );
$this->uploadFormTextTop = '';
$this->uploadFormTextAfterSummary = '';
* This page can be shown if uploading is enabled.
* Handle permission checking elsewhere in order to be able to show
* custom error messages.
* @param User $user
* @return bool
public function userCanExecute( User $user ) {
return UploadBase::isEnabled() && parent::userCanExecute( $user );
* Special page entry point
* @param string $par
public function execute( $par ) {
# Check uploading enabled
if ( !UploadBase::isEnabled() ) {
throw new ErrorPageError( 'uploaddisabled', 'uploaddisabledtext' );
# Check permissions
$user = $this->getUser();
$permissionRequired = UploadBase::isAllowed( $user );
if ( $permissionRequired !== true ) {
throw new PermissionsError( $permissionRequired );
# Check blocks
if ( $user->isBlocked() ) {
throw new UserBlockedError( $user->getBlock() );
# Check whether we actually want to allow changing stuff
# Unsave the temporary file in case this was a cancelled upload
if ( $this->mCancelUpload ) {
if ( !$this->unsaveUploadedFile() ) {
# Something went wrong, so unsaveUploadedFile showed a warning
# Process upload or show a form
if (
$this->mTokenOk && !$this->mCancelUpload &&
( $this->mUpload && $this->mUploadClicked )
) {
} else {
# Backwards compatibility hook
if ( !wfRunHooks( 'UploadForm:initial', array( &$this ) ) ) {
wfDebug( "Hook 'UploadForm:initial' broke output of the upload form\n" );
$this->showUploadForm( $this->getUploadForm() );
# Cleanup
if ( $this->mUpload ) {
* Show the main upload form
* @param HTMLForm|string $form An HTMLForm instance or HTML string to show
protected function showUploadForm( $form ) {
# Add links if file was previously deleted
if ( $this->mDesiredDestName ) {
if ( $form instanceof HTMLForm ) {
} else {
$this->getOutput()->addHTML( $form );
* Get an UploadForm instance with title and text properly set.
* @param string $message HTML string to add to the form
* @param string $sessionKey Session key in case this is a stashed upload
* @param bool $hideIgnoreWarning Whether to hide "ignore warning" check box
* @return UploadForm
protected function getUploadForm( $message = '', $sessionKey = '', $hideIgnoreWarning = false ) {
# Initialize form
$context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() );
$context->setTitle( $this->getPageTitle() ); // Remove subpage
$form = new UploadForm( array(
'watch' => $this->getWatchCheck(),
'forreupload' => $this->mForReUpload,
'sessionkey' => $sessionKey,
'hideignorewarning' => $hideIgnoreWarning,
'destwarningack' => (bool)$this->mDestWarningAck,
'description' => $this->mComment,
'texttop' => $this->uploadFormTextTop,
'textaftersummary' => $this->uploadFormTextAfterSummary,
'destfile' => $this->mDesiredDestName,
), $context );
# Check the token, but only if necessary
if (
!$this->mTokenOk && !$this->mCancelUpload &&
( $this->mUpload && $this->mUploadClicked )
) {
$form->addPreText( $this->msg( 'session_fail_preview' )->parse() );
# Give a notice if the user is uploading a file that has been deleted or moved
# Note that this is independent from the message 'filewasdeleted' that requires JS
$desiredTitleObj = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $this->mDesiredDestName );
$delNotice = ''; // empty by default
if ( $desiredTitleObj instanceof Title && !$desiredTitleObj->exists() ) {
LogEventsList::showLogExtract( $delNotice, array( 'delete', 'move' ),
'', array( 'lim' => 10,
'conds' => array( "log_action != 'revision'" ),
'showIfEmpty' => false,
'msgKey' => array( 'upload-recreate-warning' ) )
$form->addPreText( $delNotice );
# Add text to form
$form->addPreText( '
' .
$this->msg( 'uploadtext', array( $this->mDesiredDestName ) )->parseAsBlock() .
' );
# Add upload error message
$form->addPreText( $message );
# Add footer to form
$uploadFooter = $this->msg( 'uploadfooter' );
if ( !$uploadFooter->isDisabled() ) {
$form->addPostText( '\n" );
return $form;
* Shows the "view X deleted revivions link""
protected function showViewDeletedLinks() {
$title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $this->mDesiredDestName );
$user = $this->getUser();
// Show a subtitle link to deleted revisions (to sysops et al only)
if ( $title instanceof Title ) {
$count = $title->isDeleted();
if ( $count > 0 && $user->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
$restorelink = Linker::linkKnown(
SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Undelete', $title->getPrefixedText() ),
$this->msg( 'restorelink' )->numParams( $count )->escaped()
$link = $this->msg( $user->isAllowed( 'delete' ) ? 'thisisdeleted' : 'viewdeleted' )
->rawParams( $restorelink )->parseAsBlock();
$this->getOutput()->addHTML( "{$link}
" );
* Stashes the upload and shows the main upload form.
* Note: only errors that can be handled by changing the name or
* description should be redirected here. It should be assumed that the
* file itself is sane and has passed UploadBase::verifyFile. This
* essentially means that UploadBase::VERIFICATION_ERROR and
* UploadBase::EMPTY_FILE should not be passed here.
* @param string $message HTML message to be passed to mainUploadForm
protected function showRecoverableUploadError( $message ) {
$sessionKey = $this->mUpload->stashSession();
$message = '' . $this->msg( 'uploaderror' )->escaped() . "
\n" .
'' . $message . "
$form = $this->getUploadForm( $message, $sessionKey );
$form->setSubmitText( $this->msg( 'upload-tryagain' )->escaped() );
$this->showUploadForm( $form );
* Stashes the upload, shows the main form, but adds a "continue anyway button".
* Also checks whether there are actually warnings to display.
* @param array $warnings
* @return bool True if warnings were displayed, false if there are no
* warnings and it should continue processing
protected function showUploadWarning( $warnings ) {
# If there are no warnings, or warnings we can ignore, return early.
# mDestWarningAck is set when some javascript has shown the warning
# to the user. mForReUpload is set when the user clicks the "upload a
# new version" link.
if ( !$warnings || ( count( $warnings ) == 1
&& isset( $warnings['exists'] )
&& ( $this->mDestWarningAck || $this->mForReUpload ) )
) {
return false;
$sessionKey = $this->mUpload->stashSession();
$warningHtml = '' . $this->msg( 'uploadwarning' )->escaped() . "
. '';
foreach ( $warnings as $warning => $args ) {
if ( $warning == 'badfilename' ) {
$this->mDesiredDestName = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $args )->getText();
if ( $warning == 'exists' ) {
$msg = "\t- " . self::getExistsWarning( $args ) . "
} elseif ( $warning == 'duplicate' ) {
$msg = $this->getDupeWarning( $args );
} elseif ( $warning == 'duplicate-archive' ) {
if ( $args === '' ) {
$msg = "\t- " . $this->msg( 'file-deleted-duplicate-notitle' )->parse()
. "
} else {
$msg = "\t- " . $this->msg( 'file-deleted-duplicate',
Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $args )->getPrefixedText() )->parse()
. "
} else {
if ( $args === true ) {
$args = array();
} elseif ( !is_array( $args ) ) {
$args = array( $args );
$msg = "\t- " . $this->msg( $warning, $args )->parse() . "
$warningHtml .= $msg;
$warningHtml .= "
$warningHtml .= $this->msg( 'uploadwarning-text' )->parseAsBlock();
$form = $this->getUploadForm( $warningHtml, $sessionKey, /* $hideIgnoreWarning */ true );
$form->setSubmitText( $this->msg( 'upload-tryagain' )->text() );
$form->addButton( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning', $this->msg( 'ignorewarning' )->text() );
$form->addButton( 'wpCancelUpload', $this->msg( 'reuploaddesc' )->text() );
$this->showUploadForm( $form );
# Indicate that we showed a form
return true;
* Show the upload form with error message, but do not stash the file.
* @param string $message HTML string
protected function showUploadError( $message ) {
$message = '' . $this->msg( 'uploadwarning' )->escaped() . "
\n" .
'' . $message . "
$this->showUploadForm( $this->getUploadForm( $message ) );
* Do the upload.
* Checks are made in SpecialUpload::execute()
protected function processUpload() {
// Fetch the file if required
$status = $this->mUpload->fetchFile();
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
$this->showUploadError( $this->getOutput()->parse( $status->getWikiText() ) );
if ( !wfRunHooks( 'UploadForm:BeforeProcessing', array( &$this ) ) ) {
wfDebug( "Hook 'UploadForm:BeforeProcessing' broke processing the file.\n" );
// This code path is deprecated. If you want to break upload processing
// do so by hooking into the appropriate hooks in UploadBase::verifyUpload
// and UploadBase::verifyFile.
// If you use this hook to break uploading, the user will be returned
// an empty form with no error message whatsoever.
// Upload verification
$details = $this->mUpload->verifyUpload();
if ( $details['status'] != UploadBase::OK ) {
$this->processVerificationError( $details );
// Verify permissions for this title
$permErrors = $this->mUpload->verifyTitlePermissions( $this->getUser() );
if ( $permErrors !== true ) {
$code = array_shift( $permErrors[0] );
$this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( $code, $permErrors[0] )->parse() );
$this->mLocalFile = $this->mUpload->getLocalFile();
// Check warnings if necessary
if ( !$this->mIgnoreWarning ) {
$warnings = $this->mUpload->checkWarnings();
if ( $this->showUploadWarning( $warnings ) ) {
// Get the page text if this is not a reupload
if ( !$this->mForReUpload ) {
$pageText = self::getInitialPageText( $this->mComment, $this->mLicense,
$this->mCopyrightStatus, $this->mCopyrightSource );
} else {
$pageText = false;
$status = $this->mUpload->performUpload(
if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
$this->showUploadError( $this->getOutput()->parse( $status->getWikiText() ) );
// Success, redirect to description page
$this->mUploadSuccessful = true;
wfRunHooks( 'SpecialUploadComplete', array( &$this ) );
$this->getOutput()->redirect( $this->mLocalFile->getTitle()->getFullURL() );
* Get the initial image page text based on a comment and optional file status information
* @param string $comment
* @param string $license
* @param string $copyStatus
* @param string $source
* @return string
* @todo Use Config obj instead of globals
public static function getInitialPageText( $comment = '', $license = '',
$copyStatus = '', $source = ''
) {
global $wgUseCopyrightUpload, $wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg;
$msg = array();
/* These messages are transcluded into the actual text of the description page.
* Thus, forcing them as content messages makes the upload to produce an int: template
* instead of hardcoding it there in the uploader language.
foreach ( array( 'license-header', 'filedesc', 'filestatus', 'filesource' ) as $msgName ) {
if ( in_array( $msgName, (array)$wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg ) ) {
$msg[$msgName] = "{{int:$msgName}}";
} else {
$msg[$msgName] = wfMessage( $msgName )->inContentLanguage()->text();
if ( $wgUseCopyrightUpload ) {
$licensetxt = '';
if ( $license != '' ) {
$licensetxt = '== ' . $msg['license-header'] . " ==\n" . '{{' . $license . '}}' . "\n";
$pageText = '== ' . $msg['filedesc'] . " ==\n" . $comment . "\n" .
'== ' . $msg['filestatus'] . " ==\n" . $copyStatus . "\n" .
"$licensetxt" .
'== ' . $msg['filesource'] . " ==\n" . $source;
} else {
if ( $license != '' ) {
$filedesc = $comment == '' ? '' : '== ' . $msg['filedesc'] . " ==\n" . $comment . "\n";
$pageText = $filedesc .
'== ' . $msg['license-header'] . " ==\n" . '{{' . $license . '}}' . "\n";
} else {
$pageText = $comment;
return $pageText;
* See if we should check the 'watch this page' checkbox on the form
* based on the user's preferences and whether we're being asked
* to create a new file or update an existing one.
* In the case where 'watch edits' is off but 'watch creations' is on,
* we'll leave the box unchecked.
* Note that the page target can be changed *on the form*, so our check
* state can get out of sync.
* @return bool|string
protected function getWatchCheck() {
if ( $this->getUser()->getOption( 'watchdefault' ) ) {
// Watch all edits!
return true;
$desiredTitleObj = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $this->mDesiredDestName );
if ( $desiredTitleObj instanceof Title && $this->getUser()->isWatched( $desiredTitleObj ) ) {
// Already watched, don't change that
return true;
$local = wfLocalFile( $this->mDesiredDestName );
if ( $local && $local->exists() ) {
// We're uploading a new version of an existing file.
// No creation, so don't watch it if we're not already.
return false;
} else {
// New page should get watched if that's our option.
return $this->getUser()->getOption( 'watchcreations' );
* Provides output to the user for a result of UploadBase::verifyUpload
* @param array $details Result of UploadBase::verifyUpload
* @throws MWException
protected function processVerificationError( $details ) {
switch ( $details['status'] ) {
/** Statuses that only require name changing **/
$this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'minlength1' )->escaped() );
case UploadBase::ILLEGAL_FILENAME:
$this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'illegalfilename',
$details['filtered'] )->parse() );
case UploadBase::FILENAME_TOO_LONG:
$this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'filename-toolong' )->escaped() );
case UploadBase::FILETYPE_MISSING:
$this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'filetype-missing' )->parse() );
$this->showRecoverableUploadError( $this->msg( 'windows-nonascii-filename' )->parse() );
/** Statuses that require reuploading **/
case UploadBase::EMPTY_FILE:
$this->showUploadError( $this->msg( 'emptyfile' )->escaped() );
case UploadBase::FILE_TOO_LARGE:
$this->showUploadError( $this->msg( 'largefileserver' )->escaped() );
case UploadBase::FILETYPE_BADTYPE:
$msg = $this->msg( 'filetype-banned-type' );
if ( isset( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) ) {
$msg->params( $this->getLanguage()->commaList( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) );
} else {
$msg->params( $details['finalExt'] );
$extensions = array_unique( $this->getConfig()->get( 'FileExtensions' ) );
$msg->params( $this->getLanguage()->commaList( $extensions ),
count( $extensions ) );
// Add PLURAL support for the first parameter. This results
// in a bit unlogical parameter sequence, but does not break
// old translations
if ( isset( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) ) {
$msg->params( count( $details['blacklistedExt'] ) );
} else {
$msg->params( 1 );
$this->showUploadError( $msg->parse() );
unset( $details['status'] );
$code = array_shift( $details['details'] );
$this->showUploadError( $this->msg( $code, $details['details'] )->parse() );
case UploadBase::HOOK_ABORTED:
if ( is_array( $details['error'] ) ) { # allow hooks to return error details in an array
$args = $details['error'];
$error = array_shift( $args );
} else {
$error = $details['error'];
$args = null;
$this->showUploadError( $this->msg( $error, $args )->parse() );
throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": Unknown value `{$details['status']}`" );
* Remove a temporarily kept file stashed by saveTempUploadedFile().
* @return bool Success
protected function unsaveUploadedFile() {
if ( !( $this->mUpload instanceof UploadFromStash ) ) {
return true;
$success = $this->mUpload->unsaveUploadedFile();
if ( !$success ) {
$this->getOutput()->showFileDeleteError( $this->mUpload->getTempPath() );
return false;
} else {
return true;
/*** Functions for formatting warnings ***/
* Formats a result of UploadBase::getExistsWarning as HTML
* This check is static and can be done pre-upload via AJAX
* @param array $exists The result of UploadBase::getExistsWarning
* @return string Empty string if there is no warning or an HTML fragment
public static function getExistsWarning( $exists ) {
if ( !$exists ) {
return '';
$file = $exists['file'];
$filename = $file->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
$warning = '';
if ( $exists['warning'] == 'exists' ) {
// Exact match
$warning = wfMessage( 'fileexists', $filename )->parse();
} elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'page-exists' ) {
// Page exists but file does not
$warning = wfMessage( 'filepageexists', $filename )->parse();
} elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'exists-normalized' ) {
$warning = wfMessage( 'fileexists-extension', $filename,
$exists['normalizedFile']->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() )->parse();
} elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'thumb' ) {
// Swapped argument order compared with other messages for backwards compatibility
$warning = wfMessage( 'fileexists-thumbnail-yes',
$exists['thumbFile']->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(), $filename )->parse();
} elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'thumb-name' ) {
// Image w/o '180px-' does not exists, but we do not like these filenames
$name = $file->getName();
$badPart = substr( $name, 0, strpos( $name, '-' ) + 1 );
$warning = wfMessage( 'file-thumbnail-no', $badPart )->parse();
} elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'bad-prefix' ) {
$warning = wfMessage( 'filename-bad-prefix', $exists['prefix'] )->parse();
} elseif ( $exists['warning'] == 'was-deleted' ) {
# If the file existed before and was deleted, warn the user of this
$ltitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log' );
$llink = Linker::linkKnown(
wfMessage( 'deletionlog' )->escaped(),
'type' => 'delete',
'page' => $filename
$warning = wfMessage( 'filewasdeleted' )->rawParams( $llink )->parseAsBlock();
return $warning;
* Construct a warning and a gallery from an array of duplicate files.
* @param array $dupes
* @return string
public function getDupeWarning( $dupes ) {
if ( !$dupes ) {
return '';
$gallery = ImageGalleryBase::factory( false, $this->getContext() );
$gallery->setShowBytes( false );
foreach ( $dupes as $file ) {
$gallery->add( $file->getTitle() );
return '' .
wfMessage( 'file-exists-duplicate' )->numParams( count( $dupes ) )->parse() .
$gallery->toHtml() . "\n";
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'media';
* Should we rotate images in the preview on Special:Upload.
* This controls js: mw.config.get( 'wgFileCanRotate' )
* @todo What about non-BitmapHandler handled files?
static public function rotationEnabled() {
$bitmapHandler = new BitmapHandler();
return $bitmapHandler->autoRotateEnabled();
* Sub class of HTMLForm that provides the form section of SpecialUpload
class UploadForm extends HTMLForm {
protected $mWatch;
protected $mForReUpload;
protected $mSessionKey;
protected $mHideIgnoreWarning;
protected $mDestWarningAck;
protected $mDestFile;
protected $mComment;
protected $mTextTop;
protected $mTextAfterSummary;
protected $mSourceIds;
protected $mMaxFileSize = array();
protected $mMaxUploadSize = array();
public function __construct( array $options = array(), IContextSource $context = null ) {
$this->mWatch = !empty( $options['watch'] );
$this->mForReUpload = !empty( $options['forreupload'] );
$this->mSessionKey = isset( $options['sessionkey'] ) ? $options['sessionkey'] : '';
$this->mHideIgnoreWarning = !empty( $options['hideignorewarning'] );
$this->mDestWarningAck = !empty( $options['destwarningack'] );
$this->mDestFile = isset( $options['destfile'] ) ? $options['destfile'] : '';
$this->mComment = isset( $options['description'] ) ?
$options['description'] : '';
$this->mTextTop = isset( $options['texttop'] )
? $options['texttop'] : '';
$this->mTextAfterSummary = isset( $options['textaftersummary'] )
? $options['textaftersummary'] : '';
$sourceDescriptor = $this->getSourceSection();
$descriptor = $sourceDescriptor
+ $this->getDescriptionSection()
+ $this->getOptionsSection();
wfRunHooks( 'UploadFormInitDescriptor', array( &$descriptor ) );
parent::__construct( $descriptor, $context, 'upload' );
# Add a link to edit MediaWik:Licenses
if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'editinterface' ) ) {
$licensesLink = Linker::link(
Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIAWIKI, 'Licenses' ),
$this->msg( 'licenses-edit' )->escaped(),
array( 'action' => 'edit' )
$editLicenses = '' . $licensesLink . '
$this->addFooterText( $editLicenses, 'description' );
# Set some form properties
$this->setSubmitText( $this->msg( 'uploadbtn' )->text() );
$this->setSubmitName( 'wpUpload' );
# Used message keys: 'accesskey-upload', 'tooltip-upload'
$this->setSubmitTooltip( 'upload' );
$this->setId( 'mw-upload-form' );
# Build a list of IDs for javascript insertion
$this->mSourceIds = array();
foreach ( $sourceDescriptor as $field ) {
if ( !empty( $field['id'] ) ) {
$this->mSourceIds[] = $field['id'];
* Get the descriptor of the fieldset that contains the file source
* selection. The section is 'source'
* @return array Descriptor array
protected function getSourceSection() {
if ( $this->mSessionKey ) {
return array(
'SessionKey' => array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'default' => $this->mSessionKey,
'SourceType' => array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'default' => 'Stash',
$canUploadByUrl = UploadFromUrl::isEnabled()
&& ( UploadFromUrl::isAllowed( $this->getUser() ) === true )
&& $this->getConfig()->get( 'CopyUploadsFromSpecialUpload' );
$radio = $canUploadByUrl;
$selectedSourceType = strtolower( $this->getRequest()->getText( 'wpSourceType', 'File' ) );
$descriptor = array();
if ( $this->mTextTop ) {
$descriptor['UploadFormTextTop'] = array(
'type' => 'info',
'section' => 'source',
'default' => $this->mTextTop,
'raw' => true,
$this->mMaxUploadSize['file'] = UploadBase::getMaxUploadSize( 'file' );
# Limit to upload_max_filesize unless we are running under HipHop and
# that setting doesn't exist
if ( !wfIsHHVM() ) {
$this->mMaxUploadSize['file'] = min( $this->mMaxUploadSize['file'],
wfShorthandToInteger( ini_get( 'upload_max_filesize' ) ),
wfShorthandToInteger( ini_get( 'post_max_size' ) )
$descriptor['UploadFile'] = array(
'class' => 'UploadSourceField',
'section' => 'source',
'type' => 'file',
'id' => 'wpUploadFile',
'radio-id' => 'wpSourceTypeFile',
'label-message' => 'sourcefilename',
'upload-type' => 'File',
'radio' => &$radio,
'help' => $this->msg( 'upload-maxfilesize',
$this->getContext()->getLanguage()->formatSize( $this->mMaxUploadSize['file'] )
)->parse() .
$this->msg( 'word-separator' )->escaped() .
$this->msg( 'upload_source_file' )->escaped(),
'checked' => $selectedSourceType == 'file',
if ( $canUploadByUrl ) {
$this->mMaxUploadSize['url'] = UploadBase::getMaxUploadSize( 'url' );
$descriptor['UploadFileURL'] = array(
'class' => 'UploadSourceField',
'section' => 'source',
'id' => 'wpUploadFileURL',
'radio-id' => 'wpSourceTypeurl',
'label-message' => 'sourceurl',
'upload-type' => 'url',
'radio' => &$radio,
'help' => $this->msg( 'upload-maxfilesize',
$this->getContext()->getLanguage()->formatSize( $this->mMaxUploadSize['url'] )
)->parse() .
$this->msg( 'word-separator' )->escaped() .
$this->msg( 'upload_source_url' )->escaped(),
'checked' => $selectedSourceType == 'url',
wfRunHooks( 'UploadFormSourceDescriptors', array( &$descriptor, &$radio, $selectedSourceType ) );
$descriptor['Extensions'] = array(
'type' => 'info',
'section' => 'source',
'default' => $this->getExtensionsMessage(),
'raw' => true,
return $descriptor;
* Get the messages indicating which extensions are preferred and prohibitted.
* @return string HTML string containing the message
protected function getExtensionsMessage() {
# Print a list of allowed file extensions, if so configured. We ignore
# MIME type here, it's incomprehensible to most people and too long.
$config = $this->getConfig();
if ( $config->get( 'CheckFileExtensions' ) ) {
if ( $config->get( 'StrictFileExtensions' ) ) {
# Everything not permitted is banned
$extensionsList =
'' .
array_unique( $config->get( 'FileExtensions' ) )
)->parseAsBlock() .
} else {
# We have to list both preferred and prohibited
$extensionsList =
'' .
array_unique( $config->get( 'FileExtensions' ) )
)->parseAsBlock() .
\n" .
'' .
array_unique( $config->get( 'FileBlacklist' ) )
)->parseAsBlock() .
} else {
# Everything is permitted.
$extensionsList = '';
return $extensionsList;
* Get the descriptor of the fieldset that contains the file description
* input. The section is 'description'
* @return array Descriptor array
protected function getDescriptionSection() {
$config = $this->getConfig();
if ( $this->mSessionKey ) {
$stash = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo()->getUploadStash();
try {
$file = $stash->getFile( $this->mSessionKey );
} catch ( MWException $e ) {
$file = null;
if ( $file ) {
global $wgContLang;
$mto = $file->transform( array( 'width' => 120 ) );
'' .
Html::element( 'img', array(
'src' => $mto->getUrl(),
'class' => 'thumbimage',
) ) . '
', 'description' );
$descriptor = array(
'DestFile' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'section' => 'description',
'id' => 'wpDestFile',
'label-message' => 'destfilename',
'size' => 60,
'default' => $this->mDestFile,
# @todo FIXME: Hack to work around poor handling of the 'default' option in HTMLForm
'nodata' => strval( $this->mDestFile ) !== '',
'UploadDescription' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'section' => 'description',
'id' => 'wpUploadDescription',
'label-message' => $this->mForReUpload
? 'filereuploadsummary'
: 'fileuploadsummary',
'default' => $this->mComment,
'cols' => $this->getUser()->getIntOption( 'cols' ),
'rows' => 8,
if ( $this->mTextAfterSummary ) {
$descriptor['UploadFormTextAfterSummary'] = array(
'type' => 'info',
'section' => 'description',
'default' => $this->mTextAfterSummary,
'raw' => true,
$descriptor += array(
'EditTools' => array(
'type' => 'edittools',
'section' => 'description',
'message' => 'edittools-upload',
if ( $this->mForReUpload ) {
$descriptor['DestFile']['readonly'] = true;
} else {
$descriptor['License'] = array(
'type' => 'select',
'class' => 'Licenses',
'section' => 'description',
'id' => 'wpLicense',
'label-message' => 'license',
if ( $config->get( 'UseCopyrightUpload' ) ) {
$descriptor['UploadCopyStatus'] = array(
'type' => 'text',
'section' => 'description',
'id' => 'wpUploadCopyStatus',
'label-message' => 'filestatus',
$descriptor['UploadSource'] = array(
'type' => 'text',
'section' => 'description',
'id' => 'wpUploadSource',
'label-message' => 'filesource',
return $descriptor;
* Get the descriptor of the fieldset that contains the upload options,
* such as "watch this file". The section is 'options'
* @return array Descriptor array
protected function getOptionsSection() {
$user = $this->getUser();
if ( $user->isLoggedIn() ) {
$descriptor = array(
'Watchthis' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'id' => 'wpWatchthis',
'label-message' => 'watchthisupload',
'section' => 'options',
'default' => $this->mWatch,
if ( !$this->mHideIgnoreWarning ) {
$descriptor['IgnoreWarning'] = array(
'type' => 'check',
'id' => 'wpIgnoreWarning',
'label-message' => 'ignorewarnings',
'section' => 'options',
$descriptor['DestFileWarningAck'] = array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'id' => 'wpDestFileWarningAck',
'default' => $this->mDestWarningAck ? '1' : '',
if ( $this->mForReUpload ) {
$descriptor['ForReUpload'] = array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'id' => 'wpForReUpload',
'default' => '1',
return $descriptor;
* Add the upload JS and show the form.
public function show() {
* Add upload JS to the OutputPage
protected function addUploadJS() {
$config = $this->getConfig();
$useAjaxDestCheck = $config->get( 'UseAjax' ) && $config->get( 'AjaxUploadDestCheck' );
$useAjaxLicensePreview = $config->get( 'UseAjax' ) &&
$config->get( 'AjaxLicensePreview' ) && $config->get( 'EnableAPI' );
$this->mMaxUploadSize['*'] = UploadBase::getMaxUploadSize();
$scriptVars = array(
'wgAjaxUploadDestCheck' => $useAjaxDestCheck,
'wgAjaxLicensePreview' => $useAjaxLicensePreview,
'wgUploadAutoFill' => !$this->mForReUpload &&
// If we received mDestFile from the request, don't autofill
// the wpDestFile textbox
$this->mDestFile === '',
'wgUploadSourceIds' => $this->mSourceIds,
'wgStrictFileExtensions' => $config->get( 'StrictFileExtensions' ),
'wgCapitalizeUploads' => MWNamespace::isCapitalized( NS_FILE ),
'wgMaxUploadSize' => $this->mMaxUploadSize,
$out = $this->getOutput();
$out->addJsConfigVars( $scriptVars );
$out->addModules( array(
'mediawiki.action.edit', // For support
'mediawiki.special.upload', // Extras for thumbnail and license preview.
) );
* Empty function; submission is handled elsewhere.
* @return bool False
function trySubmit() {
return false;
* A form field that contains a radio box in the label
class UploadSourceField extends HTMLTextField {
* @param array $cellAttributes
* @return string
function getLabelHtml( $cellAttributes = array() ) {
$id = $this->mParams['id'];
$label = Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => $id ), $this->mLabel );
if ( !empty( $this->mParams['radio'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $this->mParams['radio-id'] ) ) {
$radioId = $this->mParams['radio-id'];
} else {
// Old way. For the benefit of extensions that do not define
// the 'radio-id' key.
$radioId = 'wpSourceType' . $this->mParams['upload-type'];
$attribs = array(
'name' => 'wpSourceType',
'type' => 'radio',
'id' => $radioId,
'value' => $this->mParams['upload-type'],
if ( !empty( $this->mParams['checked'] ) ) {
$attribs['checked'] = 'checked';
$label .= Html::element( 'input', $attribs );
return Html::rawElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) + $cellAttributes, $label );
* @return int
function getSize() {
return isset( $this->mParams['size'] )
? $this->mParams['size']
: 60;