getOption( 'watchlisttoken' ); if (!$wlToken) { $wlToken = sha1( mt_rand() . microtime( true ) ); $wgUser->setOption( 'watchlisttoken', $wlToken ); $wgUser->saveSettings(); } global $wgFeedClasses; $apiParams = array( 'action' => 'feedwatchlist', 'allrev' => 'allrev', 'wlowner' => $wgUser->getName(), 'wltoken' => $wlToken ); $feedTemplate = wfScript('api').'?'; foreach( $wgFeedClasses as $format => $class ) { $theseParams = $apiParams + array( 'feedformat' => $format ); $url = $feedTemplate . wfArrayToCGI( $theseParams ); $wgOut->addFeedLink( $format, $url ); } $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $specialTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Watchlist' ); $wgOut->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' ); # Anons don't get a watchlist if( $wgUser->isAnon() ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'watchnologin' ) ); $llink = $skin->linkKnown( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' ), wfMsgHtml( 'loginreqlink' ), array(), array( 'returnto' => $specialTitle->getPrefixedText() ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsgWikiHtml( 'watchlistanontext', $llink ) ); return; } $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'watchlist' ) ); $sub = wfMsgExt( 'watchlistfor2', array( 'parseinline', 'replaceafter' ), $wgUser->getName(), WatchlistEditor::buildTools( $wgUser->getSkin() ) ); $wgOut->setSubtitle( $sub ); if( ( $mode = WatchlistEditor::getMode( $wgRequest, $par ) ) !== false ) { $editor = new WatchlistEditor(); $editor->execute( $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $mode ); return; } $uid = $wgUser->getId(); if( ($wgEnotifWatchlist || $wgShowUpdatedMarker) && $wgRequest->getVal( 'reset' ) && $wgRequest->wasPosted() ) { $wgUser->clearAllNotifications( $uid ); $wgOut->redirect( $specialTitle->getFullUrl() ); return; } $defaults = array( /* float */ 'days' => floatval( $wgUser->getOption( 'watchlistdays' ) ), /* 3.0 or 0.5, watch further below */ /* bool */ 'hideMinor' => (int)$wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideminor' ), /* bool */ 'hideBots' => (int)$wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthidebots' ), /* bool */ 'hideAnons' => (int)$wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideanons' ), /* bool */ 'hideLiu' => (int)$wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideliu' ), /* bool */ 'hidePatrolled' => (int)$wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthidepatrolled' ), /* bool */ 'hideOwn' => (int)$wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideown' ), /* ? */ 'namespace' => 'all', /* ? */ 'invert' => false, ); extract($defaults); # Extract variables from the request, falling back to user preferences or # other default values if these don't exist $prefs['days'] = floatval( $wgUser->getOption( 'watchlistdays' ) ); $prefs['hideminor'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideminor' ); $prefs['hidebots'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthidebots' ); $prefs['hideanons'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideanons' ); $prefs['hideliu'] = $wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideliu' ); $prefs['hideown' ] = $wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthideown' ); $prefs['hidepatrolled' ] = $wgUser->getBoolOption( 'watchlisthidepatrolled' ); # Get query variables $days = $wgRequest->getVal( 'days' , $prefs['days'] ); $hideMinor = $wgRequest->getBool( 'hideMinor', $prefs['hideminor'] ); $hideBots = $wgRequest->getBool( 'hideBots' , $prefs['hidebots'] ); $hideAnons = $wgRequest->getBool( 'hideAnons', $prefs['hideanons'] ); $hideLiu = $wgRequest->getBool( 'hideLiu' , $prefs['hideliu'] ); $hideOwn = $wgRequest->getBool( 'hideOwn' , $prefs['hideown'] ); $hidePatrolled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'hidePatrolled' , $prefs['hidepatrolled'] ); # Get namespace value, if supplied, and prepare a WHERE fragment $nameSpace = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'namespace' ); $invert = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'invert' ); if( !is_null( $nameSpace ) ) { $nameSpace = intval( $nameSpace ); if( $invert && $nameSpace !== 'all' ) $nameSpaceClause = "rc_namespace != $nameSpace"; else $nameSpaceClause = "rc_namespace = $nameSpace"; } else { $nameSpace = ''; $nameSpaceClause = ''; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE, 'watchlist' ); $recentchanges = $dbr->tableName( 'recentchanges' ); $watchlistCount = $dbr->selectField( 'watchlist', 'COUNT(*)', array( 'wl_user' => $uid ), __METHOD__ ); // Adjust for page X, talk:page X, which are both stored separately, // but treated together $nitems = floor($watchlistCount / 2); if( is_null($days) || !is_numeric($days) ) { $big = 1000; /* The magical big */ if($nitems > $big) { # Set default cutoff shorter $days = $defaults['days'] = (12.0 / 24.0); # 12 hours... } else { $days = $defaults['days']; # default cutoff for shortlisters } } else { $days = floatval($days); } // Dump everything here $nondefaults = array(); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'days' , $days , $defaults, $nondefaults); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'hideMinor', (int)$hideMinor, $defaults, $nondefaults ); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'hideBots' , (int)$hideBots , $defaults, $nondefaults); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'hideAnons', (int)$hideAnons, $defaults, $nondefaults ); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'hideLiu' , (int)$hideLiu , $defaults, $nondefaults ); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'hideOwn' , (int)$hideOwn , $defaults, $nondefaults); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'namespace', $nameSpace , $defaults, $nondefaults); wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( 'hidePatrolled', (int)$hidePatrolled, $defaults, $nondefaults ); if( $nitems == 0 ) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'nowatchlist' ); return; } # Possible where conditions $conds = array(); if( $days > 0 ) { $conds[] = "rc_timestamp > '".$dbr->timestamp( time() - intval( $days * 86400 ) )."'"; } # If the watchlist is relatively short, it's simplest to zip # down its entirety and then sort the results. # If it's relatively long, it may be worth our while to zip # through the time-sorted page list checking for watched items. # Up estimate of watched items by 15% to compensate for talk pages... # Toggles if( $hideOwn ) { $conds[] = "rc_user != $uid"; } if( $hideBots ) { $conds[] = 'rc_bot = 0'; } if( $hideMinor ) { $conds[] = 'rc_minor = 0'; } if( $hideLiu ) { $conds[] = 'rc_user = 0'; } if( $hideAnons ) { $conds[] = 'rc_user != 0'; } if ( $wgUser->useRCPatrol() && $hidePatrolled ) { $conds[] = 'rc_patrolled != 1'; } if( $nameSpaceClause ) { $conds[] = $nameSpaceClause; } # Toggle watchlist content (all recent edits or just the latest) if( $wgUser->getOption( 'extendwatchlist' )) { $limitWatchlist = intval( $wgUser->getOption( 'wllimit' ) ); $usePage = false; } else { # Top log Ids for a page are not stored $conds[] = 'rc_this_oldid=page_latest OR rc_type=' . RC_LOG; $limitWatchlist = 0; $usePage = true; } # Show a message about slave lag, if applicable if( ( $lag = $dbr->getLag() ) > 0 ) $wgOut->showLagWarning( $lag ); # Create output form $form = Xml::fieldset( wfMsg( 'watchlist-options' ), false, array( 'id' => 'mw-watchlist-options' ) ); # Show watchlist header $form .= wfMsgExt( 'watchlist-details', array( 'parseinline' ), $wgLang->formatNum( $nitems ) ); if( $wgUser->getOption( 'enotifwatchlistpages' ) && $wgEnotifWatchlist) { $form .= wfMsgExt( 'wlheader-enotif', 'parse' ) . "\n"; } if( $wgShowUpdatedMarker ) { $form .= Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $specialTitle->getLocalUrl(), 'id' => 'mw-watchlist-resetbutton' ) ) . wfMsgExt( 'wlheader-showupdated', array( 'parseinline' ) ) . ' ' . Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'enotif_reset' ), array( 'name' => 'dummy' ) ) . Html::hidden( 'reset', 'all' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'form' ); } $form .= '
'; $form .= Xml::label( wfMsg( 'namespace' ), 'namespace' ) . ' '; $form .= Xml::namespaceSelector( $nameSpace, '' ) . ' '; $form .= Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg('invert'), 'invert', 'nsinvert', $invert ) . ' '; $form .= Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'allpagessubmit' ) ) . '
'; $form .= Html::hidden( 'days', $days ); if( $hideMinor ) $form .= Html::hidden( 'hideMinor', 1 ); if( $hideBots ) $form .= Html::hidden( 'hideBots', 1 ); if( $hideAnons ) $form .= Html::hidden( 'hideAnons', 1 ); if( $hideLiu ) $form .= Html::hidden( 'hideLiu', 1 ); if( $hideOwn ) $form .= Html::hidden( 'hideOwn', 1 ); $form .= Xml::closeElement( 'form' ); $form .= Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' ); $wgOut->addHTML( $form ); # If there's nothing to show, stop here if( $numRows == 0 ) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'watchnochange' ); return; } /* End bottom header */ /* Do link batch query */ $linkBatch = new LinkBatch; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $userNameUnderscored = str_replace( ' ', '_', $row->rc_user_text ); if ( $row->rc_user != 0 ) { $linkBatch->add( NS_USER, $userNameUnderscored ); } $linkBatch->add( NS_USER_TALK, $userNameUnderscored ); $linkBatch->add( $row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title ); } $linkBatch->execute(); $dbr->dataSeek( $res, 0 ); $list = ChangesList::newFromUser( $wgUser ); $list->setWatchlistDivs(); $s = $list->beginRecentChangesList(); $counter = 1; foreach ( $res as $obj ) { # Make RC entry $rc = RecentChange::newFromRow( $obj ); $rc->counter = $counter++; if ( $wgShowUpdatedMarker ) { $updated = $obj->wl_notificationtimestamp; } else { $updated = false; } if ($wgRCShowWatchingUsers && $wgUser->getOption( 'shownumberswatching' )) { $rc->numberofWatchingusers = $dbr->selectField( 'watchlist', 'COUNT(*)', array( 'wl_namespace' => $obj->rc_namespace, 'wl_title' => $obj->rc_title, ), __METHOD__ ); } else { $rc->numberofWatchingusers = 0; } $s .= $list->recentChangesLine( $rc, $updated, $counter ); } $s .= $list->endRecentChangesList(); $wgOut->addHTML( $s ); } function wlShowHideLink( $options, $message, $name, $value ) { global $wgUser; $showLinktext = wfMsgHtml( 'show' ); $hideLinktext = wfMsgHtml( 'hide' ); $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Watchlist' ); $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $label = $value ? $showLinktext : $hideLinktext; $options[$name] = 1 - (int) $value; return wfMsgHtml( $message, $skin->linkKnown( $title, $label, array(), $options ) ); } function wlHoursLink( $h, $page, $options = array() ) { global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $title = Title::newFromText( $wgContLang->specialPage( $page ) ); $options['days'] = ($h / 24.0); $s = $sk->linkKnown( $title, $wgLang->formatNum( $h ), array(), $options ); return $s; } function wlDaysLink( $d, $page, $options = array() ) { global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $title = Title::newFromText( $wgContLang->specialPage( $page ) ); $options['days'] = $d; $message = ($d ? $wgLang->formatNum( $d ) : wfMsgHtml( 'watchlistall2' ) ); $s = $sk->linkKnown( $title, $message, array(), $options ); return $s; } /** * Returns html */ function wlCutoffLinks( $days, $page = 'Watchlist', $options = array() ) { global $wgLang; $hours = array( 1, 2, 6, 12 ); $days = array( 1, 3, 7 ); $i = 0; foreach( $hours as $h ) { $hours[$i++] = wlHoursLink( $h, $page, $options ); } $i = 0; foreach( $days as $d ) { $days[$i++] = wlDaysLink( $d, $page, $options ); } return wfMsgExt('wlshowlast', array('parseinline', 'replaceafter'), $wgLang->pipeList( $hours ), $wgLang->pipeList( $days ), wlDaysLink( 0, $page, $options ) ); } /** * Count the number of items on a user's watchlist * * @param $user User object * @param $talk Boolean: include talk pages * @return Integer */ function wlCountItems( &$user, $talk = true ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE, 'watchlist' ); # Fetch the raw count $res = $dbr->select( 'watchlist', 'COUNT(*) AS count', array( 'wl_user' => $user->mId ), 'wlCountItems' ); $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ); $count = $row->count; # Halve to remove talk pages if needed if( !$talk ) $count = floor( $count / 2 ); return( $count ); }