$GLOBALS overwrite vulnerability');
# Valid web server entry point, enable includes.
# Please don't move this line to includes/Defines.php. This line essentially
# defines a valid entry point. If you put it in includes/Defines.php, then
# any script that includes it becomes an entry point, thereby defeating
# its purpose.
define( 'MEDIAWIKI', true );
# Load up some global defines.
require_once( './includes/Defines.php' );
# LocalSettings.php is the per site customization file. If it does not exit
# the wiki installer need to be launched or the generated file moved from
# ./config/ to ./
if( !file_exists( 'LocalSettings.php' ) ) {
$IP = '.';
require_once( 'includes/DefaultSettings.php' ); # used for printing the version
config/LocalSettings.php to the parent directory.' );
} else {
echo( 'Please
setup the wiki first.' );
getVal( 'action', 'view' );
$title = $wgRequest->getVal( 'title' );
# Send Ajax requests to the Ajax dispatcher.
if ( $wgUseAjax && $action == 'ajax' ) {
require_once( 'AjaxDispatcher.php' );
$dispatcher = new AjaxDispatcher();
$wgTitle = $mediaWiki->checkInitialQueries( $title,$action,$wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgContLang );
if ($wgTitle == NULL) {
unset( $wgTitle );
wfProfileOut( 'main-misc-setup' );
# Setting global variables in mediaWiki
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'Server', $wgServer );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'DisableInternalSearch', $wgDisableInternalSearch );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'action', $action );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'SquidMaxage', $wgSquidMaxage );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'EnableDublinCoreRdf', $wgEnableDublinCoreRdf );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'EnableCreativeCommonsRdf', $wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'CommandLineMode', $wgCommandLineMode );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'UseExternalEditor', $wgUseExternalEditor );
$mediaWiki->setVal( 'DisabledActions', $wgDisabledActions );
$wgArticle = $mediaWiki->initialize ( $wgTitle, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest );
$mediaWiki->finalCleanup ( $wgDeferredUpdateList, $wgLoadBalancer, $wgOut );
# Not sure when $wgPostCommitUpdateList gets set, so I keep this separate from finalCleanup
$mediaWiki->doUpdates( $wgPostCommitUpdateList );
$mediaWiki->restInPeace( $wgLoadBalancer );