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"category-article-count": "{{PLURAL:$2|This category contains only the following page.|The following {{PLURAL:$1|page is|$1 pages are}} in this category, out of $2 total.}}",
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"searcharticle": "Go",
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"view-pool-error": "Sorry, the servers are overloaded at the moment.\nToo many users are trying to view this page.\nPlease wait a while before you try to access this page again.\n\n$1",
"generic-pool-error": "Sorry, the servers are overloaded at the moment.\nToo many users are trying to view this resource.\nPlease wait a while before you try to access this resource again.",
"pool-timeout": "Timeout waiting for the lock",
"pool-queuefull": "Pool queue is full",
"pool-errorunknown": "Unknown error",
"pool-servererror": "The pool counter service is not available ($1).",
"aboutsite": "About {{SITENAME}}",
"aboutpage": "Project:About",
"copyright": "Content is available under $1 unless otherwise noted.",
"copyrightpage": "{{ns:project}}:Copyrights",
"currentevents": "Current events",
"currentevents-url": "Project:Current events",
"disclaimers": "Disclaimers",
"disclaimerpage": "Project:General disclaimer",
"edithelp": "Editing help",
"edithelppage": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Editing_pages",
"helppage": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Contents",
"mainpage": "Main Page",
"mainpage-description": "Main page",
"policy-url": "Project:Policy",
"portal": "Community portal",
"portal-url": "Project:Community portal",
"privacy": "Privacy policy",
"privacypage": "Project:Privacy policy",
"badaccess": "Permission error",
"badaccess-group0": "You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.",
"badaccess-groups": "The action you have requested is limited to users in {{PLURAL:$2|the group|one of the groups}}: $1.",
"versionrequired": "Version $1 of MediaWiki required",
"versionrequiredtext": "Version $1 of MediaWiki is required to use this page.\nSee [[Special:Version|version page]].",
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"viewdeleted": "View $1?",
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"nosuchactiontext": "The action specified by the URL is invalid.\nYou might have mistyped the URL, or followed an incorrect link.\nThis might also indicate a bug in the software used by {{SITENAME}}.",
"nosuchspecialpage": "No such special page",
"nospecialpagetext": "You have requested an invalid special page.\n\nA list of valid special pages can be found at [[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]].",
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"enterlockreason": "Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate of when the lock will be released",
"readonlytext": "The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal.\n\nThe administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1",
"missing-article": "The database did not find the text of a page that it should have found, named \"$1\" $2.\n\nThis is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a page that has been deleted.\n\nIf this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software.\nPlease report this to an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]], making note of the URL.",
"missingarticle-rev": "(revision#: $1)",
"missingarticle-diff": "(Diff: $1, $2)",
"readonly_lag": "The database has been automatically locked while the slave database servers catch up to the master",
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"filerenameerror": "Could not rename file \"$1\" to \"$2\".",
"filedeleteerror": "Could not delete file \"$1\".",
"directorycreateerror": "Could not create directory \"$1\".",
"filenotfound": "Could not find file \"$1\".",
"unexpected": "Unexpected value: \"$1\"=\"$2\".",
"formerror": "Error: Could not submit form.",
"badarticleerror": "This action cannot be performed on this page.",
"cannotdelete": "The page or file \"$1\" could not be deleted.\nIt may have already been deleted by someone else.",
"cannotdelete-title": "Cannot delete page \"$1\"",
"delete-hook-aborted": "Deletion aborted by hook.\nIt gave no explanation.",
"no-null-revision": "Could not create new null revision for page \"$1\"",
"badtitle": "Bad title",
"badtitletext": "The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title.\nIt may contain one or more characters that cannot be used in titles.",
"perfcached": "The following data is cached and may not be up to date. A maximum of {{PLURAL:$1|one result is|$1 results are}} available in the cache.",
"perfcachedts": "The following data is cached, and was last updated $1. A maximum of {{PLURAL:$4|one result is|$4 results are}} available in the cache.",
"querypage-no-updates": "Updates for this page are currently disabled.\nData here will not presently be refreshed.",
"viewsource": "View source",
"viewsource-title": "View source for $1",
"actionthrottled": "Action throttled",
"actionthrottledtext": "As an anti-spam measure, you are limited from performing this action too many times in a short space of time, and you have exceeded this limit.\nPlease try again in a few minutes.",
"protectedpagetext": "This page has been protected to prevent editing or other actions.",
"viewsourcetext": "You can view and copy the source of this page:",
"viewyourtext": "You can view and copy the source of your edits to this page:",
"protectedinterface": "This page provides interface text for the software on this wiki, and is protected to prevent abuse.\nTo add or change translations for all wikis, please use [//translatewiki.net/ translatewiki.net], the MediaWiki localisation project.",
"editinginterface": "Warning: You are editing a page that is used to provide interface text for the software.\nChanges to this page will affect the appearance of the user interface for other users on this wiki.\nTo add or change translations for all wikis, please use [//translatewiki.net/ translatewiki.net], the MediaWiki localisation project.",
"cascadeprotected": "This page has been protected from editing because it is included in the following {{PLURAL:$1|page, which is|pages, which are}} protected with the \"cascading\" option turned on:\n$2",
"namespaceprotected": "You do not have permission to edit pages in the $1 namespace.",
"customcssprotected": "You do not have permission to edit this CSS page because it contains another user's personal settings.",
"customjsprotected": "You do not have permission to edit this JavaScript page because it contains another user's personal settings.",
"mycustomcssprotected": "You do not have permission to edit this CSS page.",
"mycustomjsprotected": "You do not have permission to edit this JavaScript page.",
"myprivateinfoprotected": "You do not have permission to edit your private information.",
"mypreferencesprotected": "You do not have permission to edit your preferences.",
"ns-specialprotected": "Special pages cannot be edited.",
"titleprotected": "This title has been protected from creation by [[User:$1|$1]].\nThe reason given is \"$2\".",
"filereadonlyerror": "Unable to modify the file \"$1\" because the file repository \"$2\" is in read-only mode.\n\nThe administrator who locked it offered this explanation: \"$3\".",
"invalidtitle-knownnamespace": "Invalid title with namespace \"$2\" and text \"$3\"",
"invalidtitle-unknownnamespace": "Invalid title with unknown namespace number $1 and text \"$2\"",
"exception-nologin": "Not logged in",
"exception-nologin-text": "Please log in to be able to access this page or action.",
"exception-nologin-text-manual": "Please $1 to be able to access this page or action.",
"virus-badscanner": "Bad configuration: Unknown virus scanner: $1",
"virus-scanfailed": "scan failed (code $1)",
"virus-unknownscanner": "unknown antivirus:",
"logouttext": "You are now logged out.\n\nNote that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache.",
"welcomeuser": "Welcome, $1!",
"welcomecreation-msg": "Your account has been created.\nYou can change your {{SITENAME}} [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] if you wish.",
"yourname": "Username:",
"userlogin-yourname": "Username",
"userlogin-yourname-ph": "Enter your username",
"createacct-another-username-ph": "Enter the username",
"createacct-helpusername": "",
"yourpassword": "Password:",
"userlogin-yourpassword": "Password",
"userlogin-yourpassword-ph": "Enter your password",
"createacct-yourpassword-ph": "Enter a password",
"yourpasswordagain": "Retype password:",
"createacct-yourpasswordagain": "Confirm password",
"createacct-yourpasswordagain-ph": "Enter password again",
"remembermypassword": "Remember my login on this browser (for a maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})",
"userlogin-remembermypassword": "Keep me logged in",
"userlogin-signwithsecure": "Use secure connection",
"yourdomainname": "Your domain:",
"password-change-forbidden": "You cannot change passwords on this wiki.",
"externaldberror": "There was either an authentication database error or you are not allowed to update your external account.",
"login": "Log in",
"nav-login-createaccount": "Log in / create account",
"loginprompt": "",
"userlogin": "Log in / create account",
"userloginnocreate": "Log in",
"logout": "Log out",
"userlogout": "Log out",
"userlogout-summary": "",
"notloggedin": "Not logged in",
"userlogin-noaccount": "Don't have an account?",
"userlogin-joinproject": "Join {{SITENAME}}",
"nologin": "Don't have an account? $1.",
"nologinlink": "Create an account",
"createaccount": "Create account",
"gotaccount": "Already have an account? $1.",
"gotaccountlink": "Log in",
"userlogin-resetlink": "Forgotten your login details?",
"userlogin-resetpassword-link": "Forgot your password?",
"helplogin-url": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Logging_in",
"userlogin-helplink2": "Help with logging in",
"userlogin-loggedin": "You are already logged in as {{GENDER:$1|$1}}.\nUse the form below to log in as another user.",
"userlogin-createanother": "Create another account",
"createacct-emailrequired": "Email address",
"createacct-emailoptional": "Email address (optional)",
"createacct-email-ph": "Enter your email address",
"createacct-another-email-ph": "Enter email address",
"createaccountmail": "Use a temporary random password and send it to the specified email address",
"createacct-realname": "Real name (optional)",
"createaccountreason": "Reason:",
"createacct-reason": "Reason",
"createacct-reason-ph": "Why you are creating another account",
"createacct-captcha": "Security check",
"createacct-imgcaptcha-help": "",
"createacct-imgcaptcha-ph": "Enter the text you see above",
"createacct-submit": "Create your account",
"createacct-another-submit": "Create another account",
"createacct-benefit-heading": "{{SITENAME}} is made by people like you.",
"createacct-benefit-icon1": "icon-edits",
"createacct-benefit-head1": "{{NUMBEROFEDITS}}",
"createacct-benefit-body1": "{{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}",
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"createacct-benefit-head2": "{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}",
"createacct-benefit-body2": "{{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}",
"createacct-benefit-icon3": "icon-contributors",
"createacct-benefit-head3": "{{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}",
"createacct-benefit-body3": "recent {{PLURAL:$1|contributor|contributors}}",
"badretype": "The passwords you entered do not match.",
"userexists": "Username entered already in use.\nPlease choose a different name.",
"loginerror": "Login error",
"createacct-error": "Account creation error",
"createaccounterror": "Could not create account: $1",
"nocookiesnew": "The user account was created, but you are not logged in.\n{{SITENAME}} uses cookies to log in users.\nYou have cookies disabled.\nPlease enable them, then log in with your new username and password.",
"nocookieslogin": "{{SITENAME}} uses cookies to log in users.\nYou have cookies disabled.\nPlease enable them and try again.",
"nocookiesfornew": "The user account was not created, as we could not confirm its source.\nEnsure you have cookies enabled, reload this page and try again.",
"nocookiesforlogin": "{{int:nocookieslogin}}",
"noname": "You have not specified a valid username.",
"loginsuccesstitle": "Login successful",
"loginsuccess": "You are now logged in to {{SITENAME}} as \"$1\".",
"nosuchuser": "There is no user by the name \"$1\".\nUsernames are case sensitive.\nCheck your spelling, or [[Special:UserLogin/signup|create a new account]].",
"nosuchusershort": "There is no user by the name \"$1\".\nCheck your spelling.",
"nouserspecified": "You have to specify a username.",
"login-userblocked": "This user is blocked. Login not allowed.",
"wrongpassword": "Incorrect password entered.\nPlease try again.",
"wrongpasswordempty": "Password entered was blank.\nPlease try again.",
"passwordtooshort": "Passwords must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}}.",
"passwordtoolong": "Passwords cannot be longer than {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}}.",
"password-name-match": "Your password must be different from your username.",
"password-login-forbidden": "The use of this username and password has been forbidden.",
"mailmypassword": "Reset password",
"passwordremindertitle": "New temporary password for {{SITENAME}}",
"passwordremindertext": "Someone (probably you, from IP address $1) requested a new\npassword for {{SITENAME}} ($4). A temporary password for user\n\"$2\" has been created and was set to \"$3\". If this was your\nintent, you will need to log in and choose a new password now.\nYour temporary password will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|one day|$5 days}}.\n\nIf someone else made this request, or if you have remembered your password,\nand you no longer wish to change it, you may ignore this message and\ncontinue using your old password.",
"noemail": "There is no email address recorded for user \"$1\".",
"noemailcreate": "You need to provide a valid email address.",
"passwordsent": "A new password has been sent to the email address registered for \"$1\".\nPlease log in again after you receive it.",
"blocked-mailpassword": "Your IP address is blocked from editing, and so is not allowed to use the password recovery function to prevent abuse.",
"eauthentsent": "A confirmation email has been sent to the specified email address.\nBefore any other email is sent to the account, you will have to follow the instructions in the email, to confirm that the account is actually yours.",
"throttled-mailpassword": "A password reset email has already been sent, within the last {{PLURAL:$1|hour|$1 hours}}.\nTo prevent abuse, only one password reset email will be sent per {{PLURAL:$1|hour|$1 hours}}.",
"loginstart": "",
"loginend": "",
"loginend-https": "",
"signupstart": "{{int:loginstart}}",
"signupend": "{{int:loginend}}",
"signupend-https": "",
"mailerror": "Error sending mail: $1",
"acct_creation_throttle_hit": "Visitors to this wiki using your IP address have created {{PLURAL:$1|1 account|$1 accounts}} in the last day, which is the maximum allowed in this time period.\nAs a result, visitors using this IP address cannot create any more accounts at the moment.",
"emailauthenticated": "Your email address was confirmed on $2 at $3.",
"emailnotauthenticated": "Your email address is not yet confirmed.\nNo email will be sent for any of the following features.",
"noemailprefs": "Specify an email address in your preferences for these features to work.",
"emailconfirmlink": "Confirm your email address",
"invalidemailaddress": "The email address cannot be accepted as it appears to have an invalid format.\nPlease enter a well-formatted address or empty that field.",
"cannotchangeemail": "Account email addresses cannot be changed on this wiki.",
"emaildisabled": "This site cannot send emails.",
"emailsender": "{{SITENAME}}",
"accountcreated": "Account created",
"accountcreatedtext": "The user account for [[{{ns:User}}:$1|$1]] ([[{{ns:User talk}}:$1|talk]]) has been created.",
"createaccount-title": "Account creation for {{SITENAME}}",
"createaccount-text": "Someone created an account for your email address on {{SITENAME}} ($4) named \"$2\", with password \"$3\".\nYou should log in and change your password now.\n\nYou may ignore this message, if this account was created in error.",
"login-throttled": "You have made too many recent login attempts.\nPlease wait $1 before trying again.",
"login-abort-generic": "Your login was unsuccessful - Aborted",
"login-migrated-generic": "Your account has been migrated, and your username no longer exist on this wiki.",
"loginlanguagelabel": "Language: $1",
"loginlanguagelinks": "* {{#language:de}}|de\n* {{#language:en}}|en\n* {{#language:eo}}|eo\n* {{#language:fr}}|fr\n* {{#language:es}}|es\n* {{#language:it}}|it\n* {{#language:nl}}|nl",
"suspicious-userlogout": "Your request to log out was denied because it looks like it was sent by a broken browser or caching proxy.",
"createacct-another-realname-tip": "Real name is optional.\nIf you choose to provide it, this will be used for giving the user attribution for their work.",
"pt-login": "Log in",
"pt-login-button": "Log in",
"pt-createaccount": "Create account",
"pt-userlogout": "Log out",
"pear-mail-error": "$1",
"php-mail-error": "$1",
"php-mail-error-unknown": "Unknown error in PHP's mail() function.",
"user-mail-no-addy": "Tried to send email without an email address.",
"user-mail-no-body": "Tried to send email with an empty or unreasonably short body.",
"changepassword": "Change password",
"changepassword-summary": "",
"resetpass_announce": "To finish logging in, you must set a new password.",
"resetpass_text": "",
"resetpass_header": "Change account password",
"oldpassword": "Old password:",
"newpassword": "New password:",
"retypenew": "Retype new password:",
"resetpass_submit": "Set password and log in",
"changepassword-success": "Your password has been changed successfully!",
"changepassword-throttled": "You have made too many recent login attempts.\nPlease wait $1 before trying again.",
"resetpass_forbidden": "Passwords cannot be changed",
"resetpass-no-info": "You must be logged in to access this page directly.",
"resetpass-submit-loggedin": "Change password",
"resetpass-submit-cancel": "Cancel",
"resetpass-wrong-oldpass": "Invalid temporary or current password.\nYou may have already successfully changed your password or requested a new temporary password.",
"resetpass-recycled": "Please reset your password to something other than your current password.",
"resetpass-temp-emailed": "You logged in with a temporary emailed code.\nTo finish logging in, you must set a new password here:",
"resetpass-temp-password": "Temporary password:",
"resetpass-abort-generic": "Password change has been aborted by an extension.",
"resetpass-expired": "Your password has expired. Please set a new password to log in.",
"resetpass-expired-soft": "Your password has expired and needs to be reset. Please choose a new password now, or click \"{{int:resetpass-submit-cancel}}\" to reset it later.",
"resetpass-validity-soft": "Your password is not valid: $1\n\nPlease choose a new password now, or click \"{{int:resetpass-submit-cancel}}\" to reset it later.",
"passwordreset": "Reset password",
"passwordreset-text-one": "Complete this form to receive a temporary password via email.",
"passwordreset-text-many": "{{PLURAL:$1|Fill in one of the fields to receive a temporary password via email.}}",
"passwordreset-legend": "Reset password",
"passwordreset-disabled": "Password resets have been disabled on this wiki.",
"passwordreset-emaildisabled": "Email features have been disabled on this wiki.",
"passwordreset-username": "Username:",
"passwordreset-domain": "Domain:",
"passwordreset-capture": "View the resulting email?",
"passwordreset-capture-help": "If you check this box, the email (with the temporary password) will be shown to you as well as being sent to the user.",
"passwordreset-email": "Email address:",
"passwordreset-emailtitle": "Account details on {{SITENAME}}",
"passwordreset-emailtext-ip": "Someone (probably you, from IP address $1) requested a reset of your\npassword for {{SITENAME}} ($4). The following user {{PLURAL:$3|account is|accounts are}}\nassociated with this email address:\n\n$2\n\n{{PLURAL:$3|This temporary password|These temporary passwords}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|one day|$5 days}}.\nYou should log in and choose a new password now. If someone else made this\nrequest, or if you have remembered your original password, and you no longer\nwish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old\npassword.",
"passwordreset-emailtext-user": "User $1 on {{SITENAME}} requested a reset of your password for {{SITENAME}}\n($4). The following user {{PLURAL:$3|account is|accounts are}} associated with this email address:\n\n$2\n\n{{PLURAL:$3|This temporary password|These temporary passwords}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|one day|$5 days}}.\nYou should log in and choose a new password now. If someone else made this\nrequest, or if you have remembered your original password, and you no longer\nwish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old\npassword.",
"passwordreset-emailelement": "Username: $1\nTemporary password: $2",
"passwordreset-emailsent": "A password reset email has been sent.",
"passwordreset-emailsent-capture": "A password reset email has been sent, which is shown below.",
"passwordreset-emailerror-capture": "A password reset email was generated, which is shown below, but sending it to the {{GENDER:$2|user}} failed: $1",
"changeemail": "Change email address",
"changeemail-summary": "",
"changeemail-text": "Complete this form to change your email address. You will need to enter your password to confirm this change.",
"changeemail-no-info": "You must be logged in to access this page directly.",
"changeemail-oldemail": "Current email address:",
"changeemail-newemail": "New email address:",
"changeemail-none": "(none)",
"changeemail-password": "Your {{SITENAME}} password:",
"changeemail-submit": "Change email",
"changeemail-throttled": "You have made too many login attempts.\nPlease wait $1 before trying again.",
"resettokens": "Reset tokens",
"resettokens-summary": "",
"resettokens-text": "You can reset tokens which allow access to certain private data associated with your account here.\n\nYou should do it if you accidentally shared them with someone or if your account has been compromised.",
"resettokens-no-tokens": "There are no tokens to reset.",
"resettokens-legend": "Reset tokens",
"resettokens-tokens": "Tokens:",
"resettokens-token-label": "$1 (current value: $2)",
"resettokens-watchlist-token": "Token for the web feed (Atom/RSS) of [[Special:Watchlist|changes to pages on your watchlist]]",
"resettokens-done": "Tokens reset.",
"resettokens-resetbutton": "Reset selected tokens",
"bold_sample": "Bold text",
"bold_tip": "Bold text",
"italic_sample": "Italic text",
"italic_tip": "Italic text",
"link_sample": "Link title",
"link_tip": "Internal link",
"extlink_sample": "http://www.example.com link title",
"extlink_tip": "External link (remember http:// prefix)",
"headline_sample": "Headline text",
"headline_tip": "Level 2 headline",
"nowiki_sample": "Insert non-formatted text here",
"nowiki_tip": "Ignore wiki formatting",
"image_sample": "Example.jpg",
"image_tip": "Embedded file",
"media_sample": "Example.ogg",
"media_tip": "File link",
"sig_tip": "Your signature with timestamp",
"hr_tip": "Horizontal line (use sparingly)",
"summary": "Summary:",
"subject": "Subject/headline:",
"minoredit": "This is a minor edit",
"watchthis": "Watch this page",
"savearticle": "Save page",
"preview": "Preview",
"showpreview": "Show preview",
"showdiff": "Show changes",
"blankarticle": "Warning: The page you are creating is blank.\nIf you click \"{{int:savearticle}}\" again, the page will be created without any content.",
"anoneditwarning": "Warning: You are not logged in. Your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If you [$1 log in] or [$2 create an account], your edits will be attributed to your username, along with other benefits.",
"anonpreviewwarning": "You are not logged in. Saving will record your IP address in this page's edit history.",
"missingsummary": "Reminder: You have not provided an edit summary.\nIf you click \"{{int:savearticle}}\" again, your edit will be saved without one.",
"missingcommenttext": "Please enter a comment below.",
"missingcommentheader": "Reminder: You have not provided a subject/headline for this comment.\nIf you click \"{{int:savearticle}}\" again, your edit will be saved without one.",
"summary-preview": "Summary preview:",
"subject-preview": "Subject/headline preview:",
"blockedtitle": "User is blocked",
"blockedtext": "Your username or IP address has been blocked.\n\nThe block was made by $1.\nThe reason given is $2.\n\n* Start of block: $8\n* Expiry of block: $6\n* Intended blockee: $7\n\nYou can contact $1 or another [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|administrator]] to discuss the block.\nYou cannot use the \"email this user\" feature unless a valid email address is specified in your [[Special:Preferences|account preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it.\nYour current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5.\nPlease include all above details in any queries you make.",
"autoblockedtext": "Your IP address has been automatically blocked because it was used by another user, who was blocked by $1.\nThe reason given is:\n\n:$2\n\n* Start of block: $8\n* Expiry of block: $6\n* Intended blockee: $7\n\nYou may contact $1 or one of the other [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|administrators]] to discuss the block.\n\nNote that you may not use the \"email this user\" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] and you have not been blocked from using it.\n\nYour current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5.\nPlease include all above details in any queries you make.",
"blockednoreason": "no reason given",
"whitelistedittext": "Please $1 to edit pages.",
"confirmedittext": "You must confirm your email address before editing pages.\nPlease set and validate your email address through your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]].",
"nosuchsectiontitle": "Cannot find section",
"nosuchsectiontext": "You tried to edit a section that does not exist.\nIt may have been moved or deleted while you were viewing the page.",
"loginreqtitle": "Login required",
"loginreqlink": "log in",
"loginreqpagetext": "Please $1 to view other pages.",
"accmailtitle": "Password sent",
"accmailtext": "A randomly generated password for [[User talk:$1|$1]] has been sent to $2. It can be changed on the [[Special:ChangePassword|change password]] page upon logging in.",
"newarticle": "(New)",
"newarticletext": "You have followed a link to a page that does not exist yet.\nTo create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [$1 help page] for more info).\nIf you are here by mistake, click your browser's back button.",
"newarticletextanon": "{{int:newarticletext|$1}}",
"talkpagetext": "",
"anontalkpagetext": "----\nThis is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet, or who does not use it.\nWe therefore have to use the numerical IP address to identify him/her.\nSuch an IP address can be shared by several users.\nIf you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:UserLogin/signup|create an account]] or [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.",
"noarticletext": "There is currently no text in this page.\nYou can [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|search for this page title]] in other pages,\n[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} search the related logs],\nor [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edit this page].",
"noarticletext-nopermission": "There is currently no text in this page.\nYou can [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|search for this page title]] in other pages, or [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} search the related logs], but you do not have permission to create this page.",
"noarticletextanon": "{{int:noarticletext}}",
"missing-revision": "The revision #$1 of the page named \"{{FULLPAGENAME}}\" does not exist.\n\nThis is usually caused by following an outdated history link to a page that has been deleted.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].",
"userpage-userdoesnotexist": "User account \"$1\" is not registered.\nPlease check if you want to create/edit this page.",
"userpage-userdoesnotexist-view": "User account \"$1\" is not registered.",
"blocked-notice-logextract": "This user is currently blocked.\nThe latest block log entry is provided below for reference:",
"clearyourcache": "Note: After saving, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.\n* Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)\n* Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)\n* Internet Explorer: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5\n* Opera: Clear the cache in Tools → Preferences",
"usercssyoucanpreview": "Tip: Use the \"{{int:showpreview}}\" button to test your new CSS before saving.",
"userjsyoucanpreview": "Tip: Use the \"{{int:showpreview}}\" button to test your new JavaScript before saving.",
"usercsspreview": "Remember that you are only previewing your user CSS.\nIt has not yet been saved!",
"userjspreview": "Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JavaScript.\nIt has not yet been saved!",
"sitecsspreview": "Remember that you are only previewing this CSS.\nIt has not yet been saved!",
"sitejspreview": "Remember that you are only previewing this JavaScript code.\nIt has not yet been saved!",
"userinvalidcssjstitle": "Warning: There is no skin \"$1\".\nCustom .css and .js pages use a lowercase title, e.g. {{ns:user}}:Foo/vector.css as opposed to {{ns:user}}:Foo/Vector.css.",
"updated": "(Updated)",
"note": "Note:",
"previewnote": "Remember that this is only a preview.\nYour changes have not yet been saved!",
"continue-editing": "Go to editing area",
"previewconflict": "This preview reflects the text in the upper text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save.",
"session_fail_preview": "Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data.\nPlease try again.\nIf it still does not work, try [[Special:UserLogout|logging out]] and logging back in.",
"session_fail_preview_html": "Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data.\n\nBecause {{SITENAME}} has raw HTML enabled, the preview is hidden as a precaution against JavaScript attacks.\n\nIf this is a legitimate edit attempt, please try again.\nIf it still does not work, try [[Special:UserLogout|logging out]] and logging back in.",
"token_suffix_mismatch": "Your edit has been rejected because your client mangled the punctuation characters in the edit token.\nThe edit has been rejected to prevent corruption of the page text.\nThis sometimes happens when you are using a buggy web-based anonymous proxy service.",
"edit_form_incomplete": "Some parts of the edit form did not reach the server; double-check that your edits are intact and try again.",
"editing": "Editing $1",
"creating": "Creating $1",
"editingsection": "Editing $1 (section)",
"editingcomment": "Editing $1 (new section)",
"editconflict": "Edit conflict: $1",
"explainconflict": "Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it.\nThe upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists.\nYour changes are shown in the lower text area.\nYou will have to merge your changes into the existing text.\nOnly the text in the upper text area will be saved when you press \"{{int:savearticle}}\".",
"yourtext": "Your text",
"storedversion": "Stored revision",
"nonunicodebrowser": "Warning: Your browser is not Unicode compliant.\nA workaround is in place to allow you to safely edit pages: Non-ASCII characters will appear in the edit box as hexadecimal codes.",
"editingold": "Warning: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page.\nIf you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.",
"yourdiff": "Differences",
"copyrightwarning": "Please note that all contributions to {{SITENAME}} are considered to be released under the $2 (see $1 for details).\nIf you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then do not submit it here.
\nYou are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource.\nDo not submit copyrighted work without permission!",
"copyrightwarning2": "Please note that all contributions to {{SITENAME}} may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors.\nIf you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then do not submit it here.
\nYou are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource (see $1 for details).\nDo not submit copyrighted work without permission!",
"editpage-head-copy-warn": "-",
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"longpageerror": "Error: The text you have submitted is {{PLURAL:$1|one kilobyte|$1 kilobytes}} long, which is longer than the maximum of {{PLURAL:$2|one kilobyte|$2 kilobytes}}.\nIt cannot be saved.",
"readonlywarning": "Warning: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to save your edits right now.\nYou may wish to copy and paste your text into a text file and save it for later.\n\nThe administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1",
"protectedpagewarning": "Warning: This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it.\nThe latest log entry is provided below for reference:",
"semiprotectedpagewarning": "Note: This page has been protected so that only registered users can edit it.\nThe latest log entry is provided below for reference:",
"cascadeprotectedwarning": "Warning: This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it because it is included in the following cascade-protected {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}:",
"titleprotectedwarning": "Warning: This page has been protected so that [[Special:ListGroupRights|specific rights]] are needed to create it.\nThe latest log entry is provided below for reference:",
"templatesused": "{{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used on this page:",
"templatesusedpreview": "{{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used in this preview:",
"templatesusedsection": "{{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} used in this section:",
"template-protected": "(protected)",
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"hiddencategories": "This page is a member of {{PLURAL:$1|1 hidden category|$1 hidden categories}}:",
"edittools": "",
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"nocreatetext": "{{SITENAME}} has restricted the ability to create new pages.\nYou can go back and edit an existing page, or [[Special:UserLogin|log in or create an account]].",
"nocreate-loggedin": "You do not have permission to create new pages.",
"sectioneditnotsupported-title": "Section editing not supported",
"sectioneditnotsupported-text": "Section editing is not supported in this page.",
"permissionserrors": "Permission error",
"permissionserrorstext": "You do not have permission to do that, for the following {{PLURAL:$1|reason|reasons}}:",
"permissionserrorstext-withaction": "You do not have permission to $2, for the following {{PLURAL:$1|reason|reasons}}:",
"recreate-moveddeleted-warn": "Warning: You are recreating a page that was previously deleted.\n\nYou should consider whether it is appropriate to continue editing this page.\nThe deletion and move log for this page are provided here for convenience:",
"moveddeleted-notice": "This page has been deleted.\nThe deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.",
"log-fulllog": "View full log",
"edit-hook-aborted": "Edit aborted by hook.\nIt gave no explanation.",
"edit-gone-missing": "Could not update the page.\nIt appears to have been deleted.",
"edit-conflict": "Edit conflict.",
"edit-no-change": "Your edit was ignored because no change was made to the text.",
"postedit-confirmation-created": "The page has been created.",
"postedit-confirmation-restored": "The page has been restored.",
"postedit-confirmation-saved": "Your edit was saved.",
"edit-already-exists": "Could not create a new page.\nIt already exists.",
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"content-not-allowed-here": "\"$1\" content is not allowed on page [[$2]]",
"editwarning-warning": "Leaving this page may cause you to lose any changes you have made.\nIf you are logged in, you can disable this warning in the \"{{int:prefs-editing}}\" section of your preferences.",
"editpage-notsupportedcontentformat-title": "Content format not supported",
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"content-model-css": "CSS",
"expensive-parserfunction-warning": "Warning: This page contains too many expensive parser function calls.\n\nIt should have less than $2 {{PLURAL:$2|call|calls}}, there {{PLURAL:$1|is now $1 call|are now $1 calls}}.",
"expensive-parserfunction-category": "Pages with too many expensive parser function calls",
"post-expand-template-inclusion-warning": "Warning: Template include size is too large.\nSome templates will not be included.",
"post-expand-template-inclusion-category": "Pages where template include size is exceeded",
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"post-expand-template-argument-category": "Pages containing omitted template arguments",
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"expansion-depth-exceeded-category-desc": "The page exceeds the maximum expansion depth.",
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"undo-success": "The edit can be undone.\nPlease check the comparison below to verify that this is what you want to do, and then save the changes below to finish undoing the edit.",
"undo-failure": "The edit could not be undone due to conflicting intermediate edits.",
"undo-norev": "The edit could not be undone because it does not exist or was deleted.",
"undo-nochange": "The edit appears to have already been undone.",
"undo-summary": "Undo revision $1 by [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|talk]])",
"undo-summary-username-hidden": "Undo revision $1 by a hidden user",
"cantcreateaccounttitle": "Cannot create account",
"cantcreateaccount-text": "Account creation from this IP address ($1) has been blocked by [[User:$3|$3]].\n\nThe reason given by $3 is $2",
"cantcreateaccount-range-text": "Account creation from IP addresses in the range '''$1''', which includes your IP address ('''$4'''), has been blocked by [[User:$3|$3]].\n\nThe reason given by $3 is ''$2''",
"createaccount-hook-aborted": "$1",
"viewpagelogs": "View logs for this page",
"nohistory": "There is no edit history for this page.",
"currentrev": "Latest revision",
"currentrev-asof": "Latest revision as of $1",
"revisionasof": "Revision as of $1",
"revision-info": "Revision as of $1 by {{GENDER:$6|$2}}$7",
"revision-info-current": "-",
"revision-nav": "($1) $2{{int:pipe-separator}}$3 ($4){{int:pipe-separator}}$5 ($6)",
"previousrevision": "← Older revision",
"nextrevision": "Newer revision →",
"currentrevisionlink": "Latest revision",
"cur": "cur",
"next": "next",
"last": "prev",
"page_first": "first",
"page_last": "last",
"histlegend": "Diff selection: Mark the radio boxes of the revisions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom.
\nLegend: ({{int:cur}}) = difference with latest revision, ({{int:last}}) = difference with preceding revision, {{int:minoreditletter}} = minor edit.",
"history-fieldset-title": "Browse history",
"history-show-deleted": "Deleted only",
"history_copyright": "-",
"histfirst": "oldest",
"histlast": "newest",
"historysize": "({{PLURAL:$1|1 byte|$1 bytes}})",
"historyempty": "(empty)",
"history-feed-title": "Revision history",
"history-feed-description": "Revision history for this page on the wiki",
"history-feed-item-nocomment": "$1 at $2",
"history-feed-empty": "The requested page does not exist.\nIt may have been deleted from the wiki, or renamed.\nTry [[Special:Search|searching on the wiki]] for relevant new pages.",
"rev-deleted-comment": "(edit summary removed)",
"rev-deleted-user": "(username removed)",
"rev-deleted-event": "(log details removed)",
"rev-deleted-user-contribs": "[username or IP address removed - edit hidden from contributions]",
"rev-deleted-text-permission": "This page revision has been deleted.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].",
"rev-suppressed-text-permission": "This page revision has been suppressed.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].",
"rev-deleted-text-unhide": "This page revision has been deleted.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].\nYou can still [$1 view this revision] if you wish to proceed.",
"rev-suppressed-text-unhide": "This page revision has been suppressed.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].\nYou can still [$1 view this revision] if you wish to proceed.",
"rev-deleted-text-view": "This page revision has been deleted.\nYou can view it; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].",
"rev-suppressed-text-view": "This page revision has been suppressed.\nYou can view it; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].",
"rev-deleted-no-diff": "You cannot view this diff because one of the revisions has been deleted.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].",
"rev-suppressed-no-diff": "You cannot view this diff because one of the revisions has been deleted.",
"rev-deleted-unhide-diff": "One of the revisions of this diff has been deleted.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].\nYou can still [$1 view this diff] if you wish to proceed.",
"rev-suppressed-unhide-diff": "One of the revisions of this diff has been suppressed.\nDetails can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].\nYou can still [$1 view this diff] if you wish to proceed.",
"rev-deleted-diff-view": "One of the revisions of this diff has been deleted.\nYou can view this diff; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].",
"rev-suppressed-diff-view": "One of the revisions of this diff has been suppressed.\nYou can view this diff; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].",
"rev-delundel": "change visibility",
"rev-showdeleted": "show",
"revisiondelete": "Delete/undelete revisions",
"revdelete-nooldid-title": "Invalid target revision",
"revdelete-nooldid-text": "You have either not specified a target revision(s) to perform this\nfunction, the specified revision does not exist, or you are attempting to hide the current revision.",
"revdelete-no-file": "The file specified does not exist.",
"revdelete-show-file-confirm": "Are you sure you want to view a deleted revision of the file \"
[[ {{ns:file}}:File.jpg]]
to use the full version of the file\n* [[ {{ns:file}}:File.png|200px|thumb|left|alt text]]
to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with \"alt text\" as description\n* [[ {{ns:media}}:File.ogg]]
for directly linking to the file without displaying the file",
"upload-permitted": "Permitted file types: $1.",
"upload-preferred": "Preferred file types: $1.",
"upload-prohibited": "Prohibited file types: $1.",
"uploadfooter": "-",
"upload-default-description": "-",
"uploadlogpage": "Upload log",
"uploadlogpagetext": "Below is a list of the most recent file uploads.\nSee the [[Special:NewFiles|gallery of new files]] for a more visual overview.",
"filename": "Filename",
"filedesc": "Summary",
"fileuploadsummary": "Summary:",
"filereuploadsummary": "File changes:",
"filestatus": "Copyright status:",
"filesource": "Source:",
"ignorewarning": "Ignore warning and save file anyway",
"ignorewarnings": "Ignore any warnings",
"minlength1": "Filenames must be at least one letter.",
"illegalfilename": "The filename \"$1\" contains characters that are not allowed in page titles.\nPlease rename the file and try uploading it again.",
"filename-toolong": "Filenames may not be longer than 240 bytes.",
"badfilename": "Filename has been changed to \"$1\".",
"filetype-mime-mismatch": "File extension \".$1\" does not match the detected MIME type of the file ($2).",
"filetype-badmime": "Files of the MIME type \"$1\" are not allowed to be uploaded.",
"filetype-bad-ie-mime": "Cannot upload this file because Internet Explorer would detect it as \"$1\", which is a disallowed and potentially dangerous file type.",
"filetype-unwanted-type": "\".$1\" is an unwanted file type.\nPreferred {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2.",
"filetype-banned-type": "\".$1\" {{PLURAL:$4|is not a permitted file type|are not permitted file types}}.\nPermitted {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2.",
"filetype-missing": "The file has no extension (like \".jpg\").",
"empty-file": "The file you submitted was empty.",
"file-too-large": "The file you submitted was too large.",
"filename-tooshort": "The filename is too short.",
"filetype-banned": "This type of file is banned.",
"verification-error": "This file did not pass file verification.",
"hookaborted": "The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension.",
"illegal-filename": "The filename is not allowed.",
"overwrite": "Overwriting an existing file is not allowed.",
"unknown-error": "An unknown error occurred.",
"tmp-create-error": "Could not create temporary file.",
"tmp-write-error": "Error writing temporary file.",
"large-file": "It is recommended that files are no larger than $1;\nthis file is $2.",
"largefileserver": "This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.",
"emptyfile": "The file you uploaded seems to be empty.\nThis might be due to a typo in the filename.\nPlease check whether you really want to upload this file.",
"windows-nonascii-filename": "This wiki does not support filenames with special characters.",
"fileexists": "A file with this name exists already, please check [[:$1]] if {{GENDER:|you}} are not sure if you want to change it.\n[[$1|thumb]]",
"filepageexists": "The description page for this file has already been created at [[:$1]], but no file with this name currently exists.\nThe summary you enter will not appear on the description page.\nTo make your summary appear there, you will need to manually edit it.\n[[$1|thumb]]",
"fileexists-extension": "A file with a similar name exists: [[$2|thumb]]\n* Name of the uploading file: [[:$1]]\n* Name of the existing file: [[:$2]]\nDo you perhaps want to use a more distinctive name?",
"fileexists-thumbnail-yes": "The file seems to be an image of reduced size (thumbnail).\n[[$1|thumb]]\nPlease check the file [[:$1]].\nIf the checked file is the same image of original size it is not necessary to upload an extra thumbnail.",
"file-thumbnail-no": "The filename begins with $1.\nIt seems to be an image of reduced size (thumbnail).\nIf you have this image in full resolution upload this one, otherwise change the filename please.",
"fileexists-forbidden": "A file with this name already exists, and cannot be overwritten.\nIf you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name.\n[[File:$1|thumb|center|$1]]",
"fileexists-shared-forbidden": "A file with this name exists already in the shared file repository.\nIf you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name.\n[[File:$1|thumb|center|$1]]",
"file-exists-duplicate": "This file is a duplicate of the following {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}}:",
"file-deleted-duplicate": "A file identical to this file ([[:$1]]) has previously been deleted.\nYou should check that file's deletion history before proceeding to re-upload it.",
"file-deleted-duplicate-notitle": "A file identical to this file has previously been deleted, and the title has been suppressed.\nYou should ask someone with the ability to view suppressed file data to review the situation before proceeding to re-upload it.",
"uploadwarning": "Upload warning",
"uploadwarning-text": "Please modify the file description below and try again.",
"savefile": "Save file",
"uploadedimage": "uploaded \"[[$1]]\"",
"overwroteimage": "uploaded a new version of \"[[$1]]\"",
"uploaddisabled": "Uploads disabled.",
"copyuploaddisabled": "Upload by URL disabled.",
"uploaddisabledtext": "File uploads are disabled.",
"php-uploaddisabledtext": "File uploads are disabled in PHP.\nPlease check the file_uploads setting.",
"uploadscripted": "This file contains HTML or script code that may be erroneously interpreted by a web browser.",
"uploadscriptednamespace": "This SVG file contains an illegal namespace \"$1\".",
"uploadinvalidxml": "The XML in the uploaded file could not be parsed.",
"uploadvirus": "The file contains a virus!\nDetails: $1",
"uploadjava": "The file is a ZIP file that contains a Java .class file.\nUploading Java files is not allowed because they can cause security restrictions to be bypassed.",
"upload-source": "Source file",
"sourcefilename": "Source filename:",
"sourceurl": "Source URL:",
"destfilename": "Destination filename:",
"upload-maxfilesize": "Maximum file size: $1",
"upload-description": "File description",
"upload-options": "Upload options",
"watchthisupload": "Watch this file",
"filewasdeleted": "A file of this name has been previously uploaded and subsequently deleted.\nYou should check the $1 before proceeding to upload it again.",
"filename-bad-prefix": "The name of the file you are uploading begins with \"$1\", which is a non-descriptive name typically assigned automatically by digital cameras.\nPlease choose a more descriptive name for your file.",
"filename-prefix-blacklist": " # \n# Syntax is as follows:\n# * Everything from a \"#\" character to the end of the line is a comment\n# * Every non-blank line is a prefix for typical filenames assigned automatically by digital cameras\nCIMG # Casio\nDSC_ # Nikon\nDSCF # Fuji\nDSCN # Nikon\nDUW # some mobile phones\nIMG # generic\nJD # Jenoptik\nMGP # Pentax\nPICT # misc.\n #", "upload-success-subj": "Successful upload", "upload-success-msg": "Your upload from [$2] was successful. It is available here: [[:{{ns:file}}:$1]]", "upload-failure-subj": "Upload problem", "upload-failure-msg": "There was a problem with your upload from [$2]:\n\n$1", "upload-warning-subj": "Upload warning", "upload-warning-msg": "There was a problem with your upload from [$2]. You may return to the [[Special:Upload/stash/$1|upload form]] to correct this problem.", "upload-proto-error": "Incorrect protocol", "upload-proto-error-text": "Remote upload requires URLs beginning with
or ftp://
"upload-file-error": "Internal error",
"upload-file-error-text": "An internal error occurred when attempting to create a temporary file on the server.\nPlease contact an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]].",
"upload-misc-error": "Unknown upload error",
"upload-misc-error-text": "An unknown error occurred during the upload.\nPlease verify that the URL is valid and accessible and try again.\nIf the problem persists, contact an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]].",
"upload-too-many-redirects": "The URL contained too many redirects",
"upload-http-error": "An HTTP error occurred: $1",
"upload-copy-upload-invalid-domain": "Copy uploads are not available from this domain.",
"backend-fail-stream": "Could not stream file \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-backup": "Could not backup file \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-notexists": "The file $1 does not exist.",
"backend-fail-hashes": "Could not get file hashes for comparison.",
"backend-fail-notsame": "A non-identical file already exists at \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-invalidpath": "\"$1\" is not a valid storage path.",
"backend-fail-delete": "Could not delete file \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-describe": "Could not change metadata for file \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-alreadyexists": "The file \"$1\" already exists.",
"backend-fail-store": "Could not store file \"$1\" at \"$2\".",
"backend-fail-copy": "Could not copy file \"$1\" to \"$2\".",
"backend-fail-move": "Could not move file \"$1\" to \"$2\".",
"backend-fail-opentemp": "Could not open temporary file.",
"backend-fail-writetemp": "Could not write to temporary file.",
"backend-fail-closetemp": "Could not close temporary file.",
"backend-fail-read": "Could not read file \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-create": "Could not write file \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-maxsize": "Could not write file \"$1\" because it is larger than {{PLURAL:$2|one byte|$2 bytes}}.",
"backend-fail-readonly": "The storage backend \"$1\" is currently read-only. The reason given is: \"$2\"",
"backend-fail-synced": "The file \"$1\" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends",
"backend-fail-connect": "Could not connect to storage backend \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-internal": "An unknown error occurred in storage backend \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-contenttype": "Could not determine the content type of the file to store at \"$1\".",
"backend-fail-batchsize": "The storage backend was given a batch of $1 file {{PLURAL:$1|operation|operations}}; the limit is $2 {{PLURAL:$2|operation|operations}}.",
"backend-fail-usable": "Could not read or write file \"$1\" due to insufficient permissions or missing directories/containers.",
"filejournal-fail-dbconnect": "Could not connect to the journal database for storage backend \"$1\".",
"filejournal-fail-dbquery": "Could not update the journal database for storage backend \"$1\".",
"lockmanager-notlocked": "Could not unlock \"$1\"; it is not locked.",
"lockmanager-fail-closelock": "Could not close lock file for \"$1\".",
"lockmanager-fail-deletelock": "Could not delete lock file for \"$1\".",
"lockmanager-fail-acquirelock": "Could not acquire lock for \"$1\".",
"lockmanager-fail-openlock": "Could not open lock file for \"$1\".",
"lockmanager-fail-releaselock": "Could not release lock for \"$1\".",
"lockmanager-fail-db-bucket": "Could not contact enough lock databases in bucket $1.",
"lockmanager-fail-db-release": "Could not release locks on database $1.",
"lockmanager-fail-svr-acquire": "Could not acquire locks on server $1.",
"lockmanager-fail-svr-release": "Could not release locks on server $1.",
"zip-file-open-error": "An error was encountered when opening the file for ZIP checks.",
"zip-wrong-format": "The specified file was not a ZIP file.",
"zip-bad": "The file is a corrupt or otherwise unreadable ZIP file.\nIt cannot be properly checked for security.",
"zip-unsupported": "The file is a ZIP file that uses ZIP features not supported by MediaWiki.\nIt cannot be properly checked for security.",
"uploadstash": "Upload stash",
"uploadstash-summary": "This page provides access to files that are uploaded or in the process of uploading, but are not yet published to the wiki. These files are not visible to anyone but the user who uploaded them.",
"uploadstash-clear": "Clear stashed files",
"uploadstash-nofiles": "You have no stashed files.",
"uploadstash-badtoken": "Performing of that action was unsuccessful, perhaps because your editing credentials expired. Try again.",
"uploadstash-errclear": "Clearing the files was unsuccessful.",
"uploadstash-refresh": "Refresh the list of files",
"invalid-chunk-offset": "Invalid chunk offset",
"img-auth-accessdenied": "Access denied",
"img-auth-nopathinfo": "Missing PATH_INFO.\nYour server is not set up to pass this information.\nIt may be CGI-based and cannot support img_auth.\nSee https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Image_Authorization.",
"img-auth-notindir": "Requested path is not in the configured upload directory.",
"img-auth-badtitle": "Unable to construct a valid title from \"$1\".",
"img-auth-nologinnWL": "You are not logged in and \"$1\" is not in the whitelist.",
"img-auth-nofile": "File \"$1\" does not exist.",
"img-auth-isdir": "You are trying to access a directory \"$1\".\nOnly file access is allowed.",
"img-auth-streaming": "Streaming \"$1\".",
"img-auth-public": "The function of img_auth.php is to output files from a private wiki.\nThis wiki is configured as a public wiki.\nFor optimal security, img_auth.php is disabled.",
"img-auth-noread": "User does not have access to read \"$1\".",
"http-invalid-url": "Invalid URL: $1",
"http-invalid-scheme": "URLs with the \"$1\" scheme are not supported.",
"http-request-error": "HTTP request failed due to unknown error.",
"http-read-error": "HTTP read error.",
"http-timed-out": "HTTP request timed out.",
"http-curl-error": "Error fetching URL: $1",
"http-bad-status": "There was a problem during the HTTP request: $1 $2",
"upload-curl-error6": "Could not reach URL",
"upload-curl-error6-text": "The URL provided could not be reached.\nPlease double-check that the URL is correct and the site is up.",
"upload-curl-error28": "Upload timeout",
"upload-curl-error28-text": "The site took too long to respond.\nPlease check the site is up, wait a short while and try again.\nYou may want to try at a less busy time.",
"license": "Licensing:",
"license-header": "Licensing",
"nolicense": "None selected",
"licenses": "-",
"licenses-edit": "Edit license options",
"license-nopreview": "(Preview not available)",
"upload_source_url": "(your chosen file from a valid, publicly accessible URL)",
"upload_source_file": "(your chosen file from your computer)",
"listfiles-delete": "delete",
"listfiles-summary": "This special page shows all uploaded files.",
"listfiles_search_for": "Search for media name:",
"imgfile": "file",
"listfiles": "File list",
"listfiles_thumb": "Thumbnail",
"listfiles_date": "Date",
"listfiles_name": "Name",
"listfiles_user": "User",
"listfiles_size": "Size",
"listfiles_description": "Description",
"listfiles_count": "Versions",
"listfiles-show-all": "Include old versions of images",
"listfiles-latestversion": "Current version",
"listfiles-latestversion-yes": "Yes",
"listfiles-latestversion-no": "No",
"file-anchor-link": "File",
"filehist": "File history",
"filehist-help": "Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.",
"filehist-deleteall": "delete all",
"filehist-deleteone": "delete",
"filehist-revert": "revert",
"filehist-current": "current",
"filehist-datetime": "Date/Time",
"filehist-thumb": "Thumbnail",
"filehist-thumbtext": "Thumbnail for version as of $1",
"filehist-nothumb": "No thumbnail",
"filehist-user": "User",
"filehist-dimensions": "Dimensions",
"filehist-filesize": "File size",
"filehist-comment": "Comment",
"imagelinks": "File usage",
"linkstoimage": "The following {{PLURAL:$1|page links|$1 pages link}} to this file:",
"linkstoimage-more": "More than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page links|pages link}} to this file.\nThe following list shows the {{PLURAL:$1|first page link|first $1 page links}} to this file only.\nA [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$2|full list]] is available.",
"nolinkstoimage": "There are no pages that link to this file.",
"morelinkstoimage": "View [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|more links]] to this file.",
"linkstoimage-redirect": "$1 (file redirect) $2",
"duplicatesoffile": "The following {{PLURAL:$1|file is a duplicate|$1 files are duplicates}} of this file ([[Special:FileDuplicateSearch/$2|more details]]):",
"sharedupload": "This file is from $1 and may be used by other projects.",
"sharedupload-desc-there": "This file is from $1 and may be used by other projects.\nPlease see the [$2 file description page] for further information.",
"sharedupload-desc-here": "This file is from $1 and may be used by other projects.\nThe description on its [$2 file description page] there is shown below.",
"sharedupload-desc-edit": "This file is from $1 and may be used by other projects.\nMaybe you want to edit the description on its [$2 file description page] there.",
"sharedupload-desc-create": "This file is from $1 and may be used by other projects.\nMaybe you want to edit the description on its [$2 file description page] there.",
"shareddescriptionfollows": "-",
"filepage-nofile": "No file by this name exists.",
"filepage-nofile-link": "No file by this name exists, but you can [$1 upload it].",
"uploadnewversion-linktext": "Upload a new version of this file",
"shared-repo-from": "from $1",
"shared-repo": "a shared repository",
"shared-repo-name-wikimediacommons": "Wikimedia Commons",
"filepage.css": "/* CSS placed here is included on the file description page, also included on foreign client wikis */",
"upload-disallowed-here": "You cannot overwrite this file.",
"filerevert": "Revert $1",
"filerevert-legend": "Revert file",
"filerevert-intro": "You are about to revert the file [[Media:$1|$1]] to the [$4 version as of $3, $2].",
"filerevert-comment": "Reason:",
"filerevert-defaultcomment": "Reverted to version as of $2, $1",
"filerevert-submit": "Revert",
"filerevert-success": "[[Media:$1|$1]] has been reverted to the [$4 version as of $3, $2].",
"filerevert-badversion": "There is no previous local version of this file with the provided timestamp.",
"filedelete": "Delete $1",
"filedelete-legend": "Delete file",
"filedelete-intro": "You are about to delete the file [[Media:$1|$1]] along with all of its history.",
"filedelete-intro-old": "You are deleting the version of [[Media:$1|$1]] as of [$4 $3, $2].",
"filedelete-comment": "Reason:",
"filedelete-submit": "Delete",
"filedelete-success": "$1 has been deleted.",
"filedelete-success-old": "The version of [[Media:$1|$1]] as of $3, $2 has been deleted.",
"filedelete-nofile": "$1 does not exist.",
"filedelete-nofile-old": "There is no archived version of $1 with the specified attributes.",
"filedelete-otherreason": "Other/additional reason:",
"filedelete-reason-otherlist": "Other reason",
"filedelete-reason-dropdown": "*Common delete reasons\n** Copyright violation\n** Duplicated file",
"filedelete-edit-reasonlist": "Edit delete reasons",
"filedelete-maintenance": "Deletion and restoration of files temporarily disabled during maintenance.",
"filedelete-maintenance-title": "Cannot delete file",
"mimesearch": "MIME search",
"mimesearch-summary": "This page enables the filtering of files for their MIME type.\nInput: contenttype/subtype or contenttype/*, e.g. image/jpeg
"mimetype": "MIME type:",
"download": "download",
"unwatchedpages": "Unwatched pages",
"unwatchedpages-summary": "",
"listredirects": "List of redirects",
"listredirects-summary": "",
"listduplicatedfiles": "List of files with duplicates",
"listduplicatedfiles-summary": "This is a list of files where the most recent version of the file is a duplicate of the most recent version of some other file. Only local files are considered.",
"listduplicatedfiles-entry": "[[:File:$1|$1]] has [[$3|{{PLURAL:$2|a duplicate|$2 duplicates}}]].",
"unusedtemplates": "Unused templates",
"unusedtemplates-summary": "",
"unusedtemplatestext": "This page lists all pages in the {{ns:template}} namespace that are not included in another page.\nRemember to check for other links to the templates before deleting them.",
"unusedtemplateswlh": "other links",
"randompage": "Random page",
"randompage-nopages": "There are no pages in the following {{PLURAL:$2|namespace|namespaces}}: $1.",
"randompage-url": "Special:Random",
"randomincategory": "Random page in category",
"randomincategory-invalidcategory": "\"$1\" is not a valid category name.",
"randomincategory-nopages": "There are no pages in the [[:Category:$1|$1]] category.",
"randomincategory-category": "Category:",
"randomincategory-legend": "Random page in category",
"randomredirect": "Random redirect",
"randomredirect-nopages": "There are no redirects in the namespace \"$1\".",
"statistics": "Statistics",
"statistics-summary": "",
"statistics-header-pages": "Page statistics",
"statistics-header-edits": "Edit statistics",
"statistics-header-views": "View statistics",
"statistics-header-users": "User statistics",
"statistics-header-hooks": "Other statistics",
"statistics-articles": "Content pages",
"statistics-pages": "Pages",
"statistics-pages-desc": "All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.",
"statistics-files": "Uploaded files",
"statistics-edits": "Page edits since {{SITENAME}} was set up",
"statistics-edits-average": "Average edits per page",
"statistics-views-total": "Views total",
"statistics-views-total-desc": "Views to non-existing pages and special pages are not included",
"statistics-views-peredit": "Views per edit",
"statistics-users": "Registered [[Special:ListUsers|users]]",
"statistics-users-active": "Active users",
"statistics-users-active-desc": "Users who have performed an action in the last {{PLURAL:$1|day|$1 days}}",
"statistics-mostpopular": "Most viewed pages",
"statistics-footer": "",
"pageswithprop": "Pages with a page property",
"pageswithprop-summary": "",
"pageswithprop-legend": "Pages with a page property",
"pageswithprop-text": "This page lists pages that use a particular page property.",
"pageswithprop-prop": "Property name:",
"pageswithprop-submit": "Go",
"pageswithprop-prophidden-long": "long text property value hidden ($1)",
"pageswithprop-prophidden-binary": "binary property value hidden ($1)",
"doubleredirects": "Double redirects",
"doubleredirects-summary": "",
"doubleredirectstext": "This page lists pages that redirect to other redirect pages.\nEach row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the target of the second redirect, which is usually the \"real\" target page to which the first redirect should point.\n$1
(defaults to http:// if no protocol is specified).",
"linksearch-line": "$1 is linked from $2",
"linksearch-error": "Wildcards may appear only at the start of the hostname.",
"listusersfrom": "Display users starting at:",
"listusers-submit": "Show",
"listusers-noresult": "No user found.",
"listusers-blocked": "(blocked)",
"activeusers": "Active users list",
"activeusers-summary": "",
"activeusers-intro": "This is a list of users who had some kind of activity within the last $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}.",
"activeusers-count": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|action|actions}} in the last {{PLURAL:$3|day|$3 days}}",
"activeusers-from": "Display users starting at:",
"activeusers-hidebots": "Hide bots",
"activeusers-hidesysops": "Hide administrators",
"activeusers-noresult": "No users found.",
"listgrouprights": "User group rights",
"listgrouprights-summary": "The following is a list of user groups defined on this wiki, with their associated access rights.\nThere may be [[{{MediaWiki:Listgrouprights-helppage}}|additional information]] about individual rights.",
"listgrouprights-key": "Legend:\n* Granted right\n* Revoked right",
"listgrouprights-group": "Group",
"listgrouprights-rights": "Rights",
"listgrouprights-helppage": "Help:Group rights",
"listgrouprights-members": "(list of members)",
"listgrouprights-right-display": "$1 ($2)
"listgrouprights-right-revoked": "$1 ($2)
"listgrouprights-addgroup": "Add {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}}: $1",
"listgrouprights-removegroup": "Remove {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}}: $1",
"listgrouprights-addgroup-all": "Add all groups",
"listgrouprights-removegroup-all": "Remove all groups",
"listgrouprights-addgroup-self": "Add {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}} to own account: $1",
"listgrouprights-removegroup-self": "Remove {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}} from own account: $1",
"listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all": "Add all groups to own account",
"listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all": "Remove all groups from own account",
"listgrouprights-namespaceprotection-header": "Namespace restrictions",
"listgrouprights-namespaceprotection-namespace": "Namespace",
"listgrouprights-namespaceprotection-restrictedto": "Right(s) allowing user to edit",
"trackingcategories": "Tracking categories",
"trackingcategories-summary": "This page lists tracking categories which are automatically populated by the MediaWiki software. Their names can be changed by altering the relevant system messages in the {{ns:8}} namespace.",
"trackingcategories-msg": "Tracking category",
"trackingcategories-name": "Message name",
"trackingcategories-desc": "Category inclusion criteria",
"noindex-category-desc": "The page is not indexed by robots because it has the magic word __NOINDEX__
on it and is in a namespace where that flag is allowed.",
"index-category-desc": "The page has a __INDEX__
on it (and is in a namespace where that flag is allowed), and hence is indexed by robots where it normally wouldn't be.",
"post-expand-template-inclusion-category-desc": "The page size is bigger than $wgMaxArticleSize
after expanding all the templates, so some templates were not expanded.",
"post-expand-template-argument-category-desc": "The page is bigger than $wgMaxArticleSize
after expanding a template argument (something in triple braces, like {{{Foo}}}
"expensive-parserfunction-category-desc": "The page uses too many expensive parser functions (like #ifexist
). See [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit].",
"broken-file-category-desc": "The page contains a broken file link (a link to embed a file when the file does not exist).",
"hidden-category-category-desc": "The category contains __HIDDENCAT__
in its page content, which prevents it from showing up in the category links box on pages by default.",
"trackingcategories-nodesc": "No description available.",
"trackingcategories-disabled": "Category is disabled",
"mailnologin": "No send address",
"mailnologintext": "You must be [[Special:UserLogin|logged in]] and have a valid email address in your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] to send email to other users.",
"emailuser": "Email this user",
"emailuser-title-target": "Email this {{GENDER:$1|user}}",
"emailuser-title-notarget": "Email user",
"emailuser-summary": "",
"emailpage": "Email user",
"emailpagetext": "You can use the form below to send an email message to this {{GENDER:$1|user}}.\nThe email address you entered in [[Special:Preferences|your user preferences]] will appear as the \"From\" address of the email, so the recipient will be able to reply directly to you.",
"defemailsubject": "{{SITENAME}} email from user \"$1\"",
"usermaildisabled": "User email disabled",
"usermaildisabledtext": "You cannot send email to other users on this wiki",
"noemailtitle": "No email address",
"noemailtext": "This user has not specified a valid email address.",
"nowikiemailtext": "This user has chosen not to receive email from other users.",
"emailnotarget": "Non-existent or invalid username for recipient.",
"emailtarget": "Enter username of recipient",
"emailusername": "Username:",
"emailusernamesubmit": "Submit",
"email-legend": "Send an email to another {{SITENAME}} user",
"emailfrom": "From:",
"emailto": "To:",
"emailsubject": "Subject:",
"emailmessage": "Message:",
"emailsend": "Send",
"emailccme": "Email me a copy of my message.",
"emailccsubject": "Copy of your message to $1: $2",
"emailsent": "Email sent",
"emailsenttext": "Your email message has been sent.",
"emailuserfooter": "This email was sent by $1 to $2 by the \"Email user\" function at {{SITENAME}}.",
"usermessage-summary": "Leaving system message.",
"usermessage-editor": "System messenger",
"usermessage-template": "MediaWiki:UserMessage",
"watchlist": "Watchlist",
"watchlist-summary": "",
"mywatchlist": "Watchlist",
"watchlistfor2": "For $1 $2",
"nowatchlist": "You have no items on your watchlist.",
"watchlistanontext": "Please log in to view or edit items on your watchlist.",
"watchnologin": "Not logged in",
"addwatch": "Add to watchlist",
"addedwatchtext": "The page \"[[:$1]]\" has been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]].\nFuture changes to this page and its associated talk page will be listed there.",
"addedwatchtext-short": "The page \"$1\" has been added to your watchlist.",
"removewatch": "Remove from watchlist",
"removedwatchtext": "The page \"[[:$1]]\" has been removed from [[Special:Watchlist|your watchlist]].",
"removedwatchtext-short": "The page \"$1\" has been removed from your watchlist.",
"watch": "Watch",
"watchthispage": "Watch this page",
"unwatch": "Unwatch",
"unwatchthispage": "Stop watching",
"notanarticle": "Not a content page",
"notvisiblerev": "The last revision by a different user has been deleted",
"watchlist-details": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 page|$1 pages}} on your watchlist, not separately counting talk pages.",
"wlheader-enotif": "Email notification is enabled.",
"wlheader-showupdated": "Pages that have been changed since you last visited them are shown in bold.",
"wlnote": "Below {{PLURAL:$1|is the last change|are the last $1 changes}} in the last {{PLURAL:$2|hour|$2 hours}}, as of $3, $4.",
"wlshowlast": "Show last $1 hours $2 days $3",
"watchlist-options": "Watchlist options",
"watching": "Watching...",
"unwatching": "Unwatching...",
"watcherrortext": "An error occurred while changing your watchlist settings for \"$1\".",
"enotif_reset": "Mark all pages visited",
"enotif_impersonal_salutation": "{{SITENAME}} user",
"enotif_subject_deleted": "{{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} by $2",
"enotif_subject_created": "{{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|created}} by $2",
"enotif_subject_moved": "{{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|moved}} by $2",
"enotif_subject_restored": "{{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|restored}} by $2",
"enotif_subject_changed": "{{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|changed}} by $2",
"enotif_body_intro_deleted": "The {{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} on $PAGEEDITDATE by $2, see $3.",
"enotif_body_intro_created": "The {{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|created}} on $PAGEEDITDATE by $2, see $3 for the current revision.",
"enotif_body_intro_moved": "The {{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|moved}} on $PAGEEDITDATE by $2, see $3 for the current revision.",
"enotif_body_intro_restored": "The {{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|restored}} on $PAGEEDITDATE by $2, see $3 for the current revision.",
"enotif_body_intro_changed": "The {{SITENAME}} page $1 has been {{GENDER:$2|changed}} on $PAGEEDITDATE by $2, see $3 for the current revision.",
"enotif_lastvisited": "See $1 for all changes since your last visit.",
"enotif_lastdiff": "See $1 to view this change.",
"enotif_anon_editor": "anonymous user $1",
"enotif_body": "Dear $WATCHINGUSERNAME,\n\n$PAGEINTRO $NEWPAGE\n\nEditor's summary: $PAGESUMMARY $PAGEMINOREDIT\n\nContact the editor:\nmail: $PAGEEDITOR_EMAIL\nwiki: $PAGEEDITOR_WIKI\n\nThere will be no other notifications in case of further activity unless you visit this page while logged in. You could also reset the notification flags for all your watched pages on your watchlist.\n\nYour friendly {{SITENAME}} notification system\n\n--\nTo change your email notification settings, visit\n{{canonicalurl:{{#special:Preferences}}}}\n\nTo change your watchlist settings, visit\n{{canonicalurl:{{#special:EditWatchlist}}}}\n\nTo delete the page from your watchlist, visit\n$UNWATCHURL\n\nFeedback and further assistance:\n$HELPPAGE",
"created": "created",
"changed": "changed",
"deletepage": "Delete page",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"excontent": "content was: \"$1\"",
"excontentauthor": "content was: \"$1\" (and the only contributor was \"[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]\")",
"exbeforeblank": "content before blanking was: \"$1\"",
"delete-confirm": "Delete \"$1\"",
"delete-legend": "Delete",
"historywarning": "Warning: The page you are about to delete has a history with $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}:",
"confirmdeletetext": "You are about to delete a page along with all of its history.\nPlease confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|the policy]].",
"actioncomplete": "Action complete",
"actionfailed": "Action failed",
"deletedtext": "\"$1\" has been deleted.\nSee $2 for a record of recent deletions.",
"dellogpage": "Deletion log",
"dellogpagetext": "Below is a list of the most recent deletions.",
"deletionlog": "deletion log",
"reverted": "Reverted to earlier revision",
"deletecomment": "Reason:",
"deleteotherreason": "Other/additional reason:",
"deletereasonotherlist": "Other reason",
"deletereason-dropdown": "* Common delete reasons\n** Spam\n** Vandalism\n** Copyright violation\n** Author request\n** Broken redirect",
"delete-edit-reasonlist": "Edit deletion reasons",
"delete-toobig": "This page has a large edit history, over $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}.\nDeletion of such pages has been restricted to prevent accidental disruption of {{SITENAME}}.",
"delete-warning-toobig": "This page has a large edit history, over $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}.\nDeleting it may disrupt database operations of {{SITENAME}};\nproceed with caution.",
"deleteprotected": "You cannot delete this page because it has been protected.",
"deleting-backlinks-warning": "'''Warning:''' [[Special:WhatLinksHere/{{FULLPAGENAME}}|Other pages]] link to or transclude the page you are about to delete.",
"rollback": "Roll back edits",
"rollback_short": "Rollback",
"rollbacklink": "rollback",
"rollbacklinkcount": "rollback $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}",
"rollbacklinkcount-morethan": "rollback more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}",
"rollbackfailed": "Rollback failed",
"cantrollback": "Cannot revert edit;\nlast contributor is only author of this page.",
"alreadyrolled": "Cannot rollback last edit of [[:$1]] by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|talk]]{{int:pipe-separator}}[[Special:Contributions/$2|{{int:contribslink}}]]);\nsomeone else has edited or rolled back the page already.\n\nThe last edit to the page was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|talk]]{{int:pipe-separator}}[[Special:Contributions/$3|{{int:contribslink}}]]).",
"editcomment": "The edit summary was: \"''$1''\".",
"revertpage": "Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|talk]]) to last revision by [[User:$1|$1]]",
"revertpage-nouser": "Reverted edits by a hidden user to last revision by {{GENDER:$1|[[User:$1|$1]]}}",
"rollback-success": "Reverted edits by $1;\nchanged back to last revision by $2.",
"sessionfailure-title": "Session failure",
"sessionfailure": "There seems to be a problem with your login session;\nthis action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking.\nGo back to the previous page, reload that page and then try again.",
"protectlogpage": "Protection log",
"protectlogtext": "Below is a list of changes to page protections.\nSee the [[Special:ProtectedPages|protected pages list]] for the list of currently operational page protections.",
"protectedarticle": "protected \"[[$1]]\"",
"modifiedarticleprotection": "changed protection level for \"[[$1]]\"",
"unprotectedarticle": "removed protection from \"[[$1]]\"",
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"protect-title-notallowed": "View protection level of \"$1\"",
"prot_1movedto2": "[[$1]] moved to [[$2]]",
"protect-badnamespace-title": "Non-protectable namespace",
"protect-badnamespace-text": "Pages in this namespace cannot be protected.",
"protect-norestrictiontypes-text": "This page cannot be protected as there are no restriction types available.",
"protect-norestrictiontypes-title": "Non-protectable page",
"protect-legend": "Confirm protection",
"protectcomment": "Reason:",
"protectexpiry": "Expires:",
"protect_expiry_invalid": "Expiry time is invalid.",
"protect_expiry_old": "Expiry time is in the past.",
"protect-unchain-permissions": "Unlock further protect options",
"protect-text": "Here you may view and change the protection level for the page $1.",
"protect-locked-blocked": "You cannot change protection levels while blocked.\nHere are the current settings for the page $1:",
"protect-locked-dblock": "Protection levels cannot be changed due to an active database lock.\nHere are the current settings for the page $1:",
"protect-locked-access": "Your account does not have permission to change page protection levels.\nHere are the current settings for the page $1:",
"protect-cascadeon": "This page is currently protected because it is included in the following {{PLURAL:$1|page, which has|pages, which have}} cascading protection turned on.\nChanges to this page's protection level will not affect the cascading protection.",
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"protect-level-sysop": "Allow only administrators",
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"protect-cantedit": "You cannot change the protection levels of this page because you do not have permission to edit it.",
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"protect-existing-expiry-infinity": "Existing expiry time: infinite",
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"protect-otherreason-op": "Other reason",
"protect-dropdown": "*Common protection reasons\n** Excessive vandalism\n** Excessive spamming\n** Counter-productive edit warring\n** High traffic page",
"protect-edit-reasonlist": "Edit protection reasons",
"protect-expiry-options": "1 hour:1 hour,1 day:1 day,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year,infinite:infinite",
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"pagesize": "(bytes)",
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"restriction-level-all": "any level",
"undelete": "View deleted pages",
"undelete-summary": "",
"undeletepage": "View and restore deleted pages",
"undeletepagetitle": "The following consists of deleted revisions of [[:$1|$1]].",
"viewdeletedpage": "View deleted pages",
"undeletepagetext": "The following {{PLURAL:$1|page has been deleted but is|$1 pages have been deleted but are}} still in the archive and can be restored.\nThe archive may be periodically cleaned out.",
"undelete-fieldset-title": "Restore revisions",
"undeleteextrahelp": "To restore the page's entire history, leave all checkboxes deselected and click {{int:undeletebtn}}.\nTo perform a selective restoration, check the boxes corresponding to the revisions to be restored, and click {{int:undeletebtn}}.",
"undeleterevisions": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}} archived",
"undeletehistory": "If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history.\nIf a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored revisions will appear in the prior history.",
"undeleterevdel": "Undeletion will not be performed if it will result in the top page or file revision being partially deleted.\nIn such cases, you must uncheck or unhide the newest deleted revision.",
"undeletehistorynoadmin": "This page has been deleted.\nThe reason for deletion is shown in the summary below, along with details of the users who had edited this page before deletion.\nThe actual text of these deleted revisions is only available to administrators.",
"undelete-revision": "Deleted revision of $1 (as of $4, at $5) by $3:",
"undeleterevision-missing": "Invalid or missing revision.\nYou may have a bad link, or the revision may have been restored or removed from the archive.",
"undelete-nodiff": "No previous revision found.",
"undeletebtn": "Restore",
"undeletelink": "view/restore",
"undeleteviewlink": "view",
"undeleteinvert": "Invert selection",
"undeletecomment": "Reason:",
"undeletedrevisions": "{{PLURAL:$1|1 revision|$1 revisions}} restored",
"undeletedrevisions-files": "{{PLURAL:$1|1 revision|$1 revisions}} and {{PLURAL:$2|1 file|$2 files}} restored",
"undeletedfiles": "{{PLURAL:$1|1 file|$1 files}} restored",
"cannotundelete": "Undelete failed:\n$1",
"undeletedpage": "$1 has been restored\n\nConsult the [[Special:Log/delete|deletion log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations.",
"undelete-header": "See [[Special:Log/delete|the deletion log]] for recently deleted pages.",
"undelete-search-title": "Search deleted pages",
"undelete-search-box": "Search deleted pages",
"undelete-search-prefix": "Show pages starting with:",
"undelete-search-submit": "Search",
"undelete-no-results": "No matching pages found in the deletion archive.",
"undelete-filename-mismatch": "Cannot undelete file revision with timestamp $1: Filename mismatch.",
"undelete-bad-store-key": "Cannot undelete file revision with timestamp $1: File was missing before deletion.",
"undelete-cleanup-error": "Error deleting unused archive file \"$1\".",
"undelete-missing-filearchive": "Unable to restore file archive ID $1 because it is not in the database.\nIt may have already been undeleted.",
"undelete-error": "Error undeleting page",
"undelete-error-short": "Error undeleting file: $1",
"undelete-error-long": "Errors were encountered while undeleting the file:\n\n$1",
"undelete-show-file-confirm": "Are you sure you want to view the deleted revision of the file \"\n#Put regular expression fragments (just the part that goes between the //) below\n#These will be matched with the URLs of external (hotlinked) images\n#Those that match will be displayed as images, otherwise only a link to the image will be shown\n#Lines beginning with # are treated as comments\n#This is case-insensitive\n\n#Put all regex fragments above this line. Leave this line exactly as it is", "tags": "Valid change tags", "tags-summary": "", "tag-filter": "[[Special:Tags|Tag]] filter:", "tag-filter-submit": "Filter", "tag-list-wrapper": "([[Special:Tags|{{PLURAL:$1|Tag|Tags}}]]: $2)", "tags-title": "Tags", "tags-intro": "This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning.", "tags-tag": "Tag name", "tags-display-header": "Appearance on change lists", "tags-description-header": "Full description of meaning", "tags-active-header": "Active?", "tags-hitcount-header": "Tagged changes", "tags-active-yes": "Yes", "tags-active-no": "No", "tags-edit": "edit", "tags-hitcount": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|change|changes}}", "comparepages": "Compare pages", "comparepages-summary": "", "compare-page1": "Page 1", "compare-page2": "Page 2", "compare-rev1": "Revision 1", "compare-rev2": "Revision 2", "compare-submit": "Compare", "compare-invalid-title": "The title you specified is invalid.", "compare-title-not-exists": "The title you specified does not exist.", "compare-revision-not-exists": "The revision you specified does not exist.", "dberr-problems": "Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.", "dberr-again": "Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.", "dberr-info": "(Cannot contact the database server: $1)", "dberr-info-hidden": "(Cannot contact the database server)", "dberr-usegoogle": "You can try searching via Google in the meantime.", "dberr-outofdate": "Note that their indexes of our content may be out of date.", "dberr-cachederror": "This is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date.", "htmlform-invalid-input": "There are problems with some of your input.", "htmlform-select-badoption": "The value you specified is not a valid option.", "htmlform-int-invalid": "The value you specified is not an integer.", "htmlform-float-invalid": "The value you specified is not a number.", "htmlform-int-toolow": "The value you specified is below the minimum of $1.", "htmlform-int-toohigh": "The value you specified is above the maximum of $1.", "htmlform-required": "This value is required.", "htmlform-submit": "Submit", "htmlform-reset": "Undo changes", "htmlform-selectorother-other": "Other", "htmlform-no": "No", "htmlform-yes": "Yes", "htmlform-chosen-placeholder": "Select an option", "htmlform-cloner-create": "Add more", "htmlform-cloner-delete": "Remove", "htmlform-cloner-required": "At least one value is required.", "sqlite-has-fts": "$1 with full-text search support", "sqlite-no-fts": "$1 without full-text search support", "logentry-delete-delete": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} page $3", "logentry-delete-restore": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|restored}} page $3", "logentry-delete-event": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a log event|$5 log events}} on $3: $4", "logentry-delete-revision": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a revision|$5 revisions}} on page $3: $4", "logentry-delete-event-legacy": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of log events on $3", "logentry-delete-revision-legacy": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of revisions on page $3", "logentry-suppress-delete": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|suppressed}} page $3", "logentry-suppress-event": "$1 secretly {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a log event|$5 log events}} on $3: $4", "logentry-suppress-revision": "$1 secretly {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a revision|$5 revisions}} on page $3: $4", "logentry-suppress-event-legacy": "$1 secretly {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of log events on $3", "logentry-suppress-revision-legacy": "$1 secretly {{GENDER:$2|changed}} visibility of revisions on page $3", "revdelete-content-hid": "content hidden", "revdelete-summary-hid": "edit summary hidden", "revdelete-uname-hid": "username hidden", "revdelete-content-unhid": "content unhidden", "revdelete-summary-unhid": "edit summary unhidden", "revdelete-uname-unhid": "username unhidden", "revdelete-restricted": "applied restrictions to administrators", "revdelete-unrestricted": "removed restrictions for administrators", "logentry-move-move": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4", "logentry-move-move-noredirect": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4 without leaving a redirect", "logentry-move-move_redir": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4 over redirect", "logentry-move-move_redir-noredirect": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} page $3 to $4 over a redirect without leaving a redirect", "logentry-patrol-patrol": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|marked}} revision $4 of page $3 patrolled", "logentry-patrol-patrol-auto": "$1 automatically {{GENDER:$2|marked}} revision $4 of page $3 patrolled", "logentry-newusers-newusers": "User account $1 was {{GENDER:$2|created}}", "logentry-newusers-create": "User account $1 was {{GENDER:$2|created}}", "logentry-newusers-create2": "User account $3 was {{GENDER:$2|created}} by $1", "logentry-newusers-byemail": "User account $3 was {{GENDER:$2|created}} by $1 and password was sent by email", "logentry-newusers-autocreate": "User account $1 was {{GENDER:$2|created}} automatically", "logentry-rights-rights": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} group membership for $3 from $4 to $5", "logentry-rights-rights-legacy": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|changed}} group membership for $3", "logentry-rights-autopromote": "$1 was automatically {{GENDER:$2|promoted}} from $4 to $5", "logentry-upload-upload": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|uploaded}} $3", "logentry-upload-overwrite": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|uploaded}} a new version of $3", "logentry-upload-revert": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|uploaded}} $3", "rightsnone": "(none)", "revdelete-logentry": "changed revision visibility of \"[[$1]]\"", "logdelete-logentry": "changed event visibility of \"[[$1]]\"", "revdelete-content": "content", "revdelete-summary": "edit summary", "revdelete-uname": "username", "revdelete-hid": "hid $1", "revdelete-unhid": "unhid $1", "revdelete-log-message": "$1 for $2 {{PLURAL:$2|revision|revisions}}", "logdelete-log-message": "$1 for $2 {{PLURAL:$2|event|events}}", "deletedarticle": "deleted \"[[$1]]\"", "suppressedarticle": "suppressed \"[[$1]]\"", "undeletedarticle": "restored \"[[$1]]\"", "patrol-log-line": "marked $1 of $2 patrolled $3", "patrol-log-auto": "(automatic)", "patrol-log-diff": "revision $1", "1movedto2": "moved [[$1]] to [[$2]]", "1movedto2_redir": "moved [[$1]] to [[$2]] over redirect", "move-redirect-suppressed": "redirect suppressed", "newuserlog-create-entry": "New user account", "newuserlog-create2-entry": "created new account $1", "newuserlog-autocreate-entry": "Account created automatically", "rightslogentry": "changed group membership for $1 from $2 to $3", "rightslogentry-autopromote": "was automatically promoted from $2 to $3", "feedback-bugornote": "If you are ready to describe a technical problem in detail please [$1 report a bug].\nOtherwise, you can use the easy form below. Your comment will be added to the page \"[$3 $2]\", along with your username.", "feedback-subject": "Subject:", "feedback-message": "Message:", "feedback-cancel": "Cancel", "feedback-submit": "Submit Feedback", "feedback-adding": "Adding feedback to page...", "feedback-error1": "Error: Unrecognized result from API", "feedback-error2": "Error: Edit failed", "feedback-error3": "Error: No response from API", "feedback-thanks": "Thanks! Your feedback has been posted to the page \"[$2 $1]\".", "feedback-close": "Done", "feedback-bugcheck": "Great! Just check that it is not already one of the [$1 known bugs].", "feedback-bugnew": "I checked. Report a new bug", "searchsuggest-search": "Search", "searchsuggest-containing": "containing...", "api-error-badaccess-groups": "You are not permitted to upload files to this wiki.", "api-error-badtoken": "Internal error: Bad token.", "api-error-copyuploaddisabled": "Uploading by URL is disabled on this server.", "api-error-duplicate": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is [$2 another file]|are [$2 some other files]}} already on the site with the same content.", "api-error-duplicate-archive": "There {{PLURAL:$1|was [$2 another file]|were [$2 some other files]}} already on the site with the same content, but {{PLURAL:$1|it was|they were}} deleted.", "api-error-duplicate-archive-popup-title": "Duplicate {{PLURAL:$1|file that has|files that have}} already been deleted.", "api-error-duplicate-popup-title": "Duplicate {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}}.", "api-error-empty-file": "The file you submitted was empty.", "api-error-emptypage": "Creating new, empty pages is not allowed.", "api-error-fetchfileerror": "Internal error: Something went wrong while fetching the file.", "api-error-fileexists-forbidden": "A file with name \"$1\" already exists, and cannot be overwritten.", "api-error-fileexists-shared-forbidden": "A file with name \"$1\" already exists in the shared file repository, and cannot be overwritten.", "api-error-file-too-large": "The file you submitted was too large.", "api-error-filename-tooshort": "The filename is too short.", "api-error-filetype-banned": "This type of file is banned.", "api-error-filetype-banned-type": "$1 {{PLURAL:$4|is not a permitted file type|are not permitted file types}}. Permitted {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2.", "api-error-filetype-missing": "The filename is missing an extension.", "api-error-hookaborted": "The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension.", "api-error-http": "Internal error: Unable to connect to server.", "api-error-illegal-filename": "The filename is not allowed.", "api-error-internal-error": "Internal error: Something went wrong with processing your upload on the wiki.", "api-error-invalid-file-key": "Internal error: File was not found in temporary storage.", "api-error-missingparam": "Internal error: Missing parameters on request.", "api-error-missingresult": "Internal error: Could not determine if the copy succeeded.", "api-error-mustbeloggedin": "You must be logged in to upload files.", "api-error-mustbeposted": "Internal error: Request requires HTTP POST.", "api-error-noimageinfo": "The upload succeeded, but the server did not give us any information about the file.", "api-error-nomodule": "Internal error: No upload module set.", "api-error-ok-but-empty": "Internal error: No response from server.", "api-error-overwrite": "Overwriting an existing file is not allowed.", "api-error-stashfailed": "Internal error: Server failed to store temporary file.", "api-error-publishfailed": "Internal error: Server failed to publish temporary file.", "api-error-stasherror": "There was an error while uploading the file to stash.", "api-error-timeout": "The server did not respond within the expected time.", "api-error-unclassified": "An unknown error occurred.", "api-error-unknown-code": "Unknown error: \"$1\".", "api-error-unknown-error": "Internal error: Something went wrong when trying to upload your file.", "api-error-unknown-warning": "Unknown warning: \"$1\".", "api-error-unknownerror": "Unknown error: \"$1\".", "api-error-uploaddisabled": "Uploading is disabled on this wiki.", "api-error-verification-error": "This file might be corrupt, or have the wrong extension.", "duration-seconds": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}", "duration-minutes": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|minute|minutes}}", "duration-hours": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|hour|hours}}", "duration-days": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}", "duration-weeks": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|week|weeks}}", "duration-years": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|year|years}}", "duration-decades": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|decade|decades}}", "duration-centuries": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|century|centuries}}", "duration-millennia": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|millennium|millennia}}", "rotate-comment": "Image rotated by $1 {{PLURAL:$1|degree|degrees}} clockwise", "limitreport-title": "Parser profiling data:", "limitreport-cputime": "CPU time usage", "limitreport-cputime-value": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}", "limitreport-walltime": "Real time usage", "limitreport-walltime-value": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}", "limitreport-ppvisitednodes": "Preprocessor visited node count", "limitreport-ppvisitednodes-value": "$1/$2", "limitreport-ppgeneratednodes": "Preprocessor generated node count", "limitreport-ppgeneratednodes-value": "$1/$2", "limitreport-postexpandincludesize": "Post-expand include size", "limitreport-postexpandincludesize-value": "$1/$2 {{PLURAL:$2|byte|bytes}}", "limitreport-templateargumentsize": "Template argument size", "limitreport-templateargumentsize-value": "$1/$2 {{PLURAL:$2|byte|bytes}}", "limitreport-expansiondepth": "Highest expansion depth", "limitreport-expansiondepth-value": "$1/$2", "limitreport-expensivefunctioncount": "Expensive parser function count", "limitreport-expensivefunctioncount-value": "$1/$2", "expandtemplates": "Expand templates", "expand_templates_intro": "This special page takes text and expands all templates in it recursively.\nIt also expands supported parser functions like\n
{{ #language:…}}
and variables like\n{{ CURRENTDAY}}
.\nIn fact, it expands pretty much everything in double-braces.",
"expand_templates_title": "Context title, for {{FULLPAGENAME}}, etc.:",
"expand_templates_input": "Input text:",
"expand_templates_output": "Result",
"expand_templates_xml_output": "XML output",
"expand_templates_html_output": "Raw HTML output",
"expand_templates_ok": "OK",
"expand_templates_remove_comments": "Remove comments",
"expand_templates_remove_nowiki": "Suppress $wgDefaultSkin
as $1
, is not available.\n\nYour installation seems to include the following skins. See [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skin_configuration Manual: Skin configuration] for information how to enable them and choose the default.\n\n$2\n\n; If you have just installed MediaWiki:\n: You probably installed from git, or directly from the source code using some other method. This is expected. Try installing some skins from [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:All_skins mediawiki.org's skin directory], by:\n:* Downloading the [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download tarball installer], which comes with several skins and extensions. You can copy and paste the skins/
directory from it.\n:* Cloning one of the mediawiki/skins/*
repositories via git into the skins/
directory of your MediaWiki installation.\n: Doing this should not interfere with your git repository if you're a MediaWiki developer.\n\n; If you have just upgraded MediaWiki:\n: MediaWiki 1.24 and newer no longer automatically enables installed skins (see [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skin_autodiscovery Manual: Skin autodiscovery]). You can paste the following lines into LocalSettings.php
to enable all currently installed skins:\n\n$3\n\n; If you have just modified
:\n: Double-check the skin names for typos.",
"default-skin-not-found-no-skins": "Whoops! The default skin for your wiki, defined in $wgDefaultSkin
as $1
, is not available.\n\nYou have no installed skins.\n\n; If you have just installed or upgraded MediaWiki:\n: You probably installed from git, or directly from the source code using some other method. This is expected. MediaWiki 1.24 and newer doesn't include any skins in the main repository. Try installing some skins from [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:All_skins mediawiki.org's skin directory], by:\n:* Downloading the [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download tarball installer], which comes with several skins and extensions. You can copy and paste the skins/
directory from it.\n:* Cloning one of the mediawiki/skins/*
repositories via git into the skins/
directory of your MediaWiki installation.\n: Doing this should not interfere with your git repository if you're a MediaWiki developer. See [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skin_configuration Manual: Skin configuration] for information how to enable skins and choose the default.\n",
"default-skin-not-found-row-enabled": "* $1
/ $2 (enabled)",
"default-skin-not-found-row-disabled": "* $1
/ $2 ('''disabled''')",
"mediastatistics": "Media statistics",
"mediastatistics-summary": "Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.",
"mediastatistics-nfiles": "$1 ($2%)",
"mediastatistics-nbytes": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 byte|$1 bytes}} ($2; $3%)",
"mediastatistics-table-mimetype": "MIME type",
"mediastatistics-table-extensions": "Possible extensions",
"mediastatistics-table-count": "Number of files",
"mediastatistics-table-totalbytes": "Combined size",
"mediastatistics-header-unknown": "Unknown",
"mediastatistics-header-bitmap": "Bitmap images",
"mediastatistics-header-drawing": "Drawings (vector images)",
"mediastatistics-header-audio": "Audio",
"mediastatistics-header-video": "Videos",
"mediastatistics-header-multimedia": "Rich media",
"mediastatistics-header-office": "Office",
"mediastatistics-header-text": "Textual",
"mediastatistics-header-executable": "Executables",
"mediastatistics-header-archive": "Compressed formats",
"json-warn-trailing-comma": "$1 trailing {{PLURAL:$1|comma was|commas were}} removed from JSON",
"json-error-unknown": "There was a problem with the JSON. Error: $1",
"json-error-depth": "The maximum stack depth has been exceeded",
"json-error-state-mismatch": "Invalid or malformed JSON",
"json-error-ctrl-char": "Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded",
"json-error-syntax": "Syntax error",
"json-error-utf8": "Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded",
"json-error-recursion": "One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded",
"json-error-inf-or-nan": "One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded",
"json-error-unsupported-type": "A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given"