NS_SPECIAL => 'Aptaca',
NS_TALK => 'Prilara',
NS_USER => 'Favesik',
NS_USER_TALK => 'Favesikprilara',
NS_PROJECT_TALK => '$1 prilara',
NS_FILE => 'Ewava',
NS_FILE_TALK => 'Ewavaprilara',
NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki prilara',
NS_TEMPLATE => 'Teza',
NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Tezaprilara',
NS_HELP => 'Pomara',
NS_HELP_TALK => 'Pomaraprilara',
NS_CATEGORY => 'Loma',
NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Lomaprilara',
$specialPageAliases = array(
'Allmessages' => array( 'Stakseem' ),
'Allpages' => array( 'Bueem' ),
'Ancientpages' => array( 'SavsafBueem' ),
'Booksources' => array( 'NevaKliteem' ),
'BrokenRedirects' => array( 'EmpayanGraskakseem' ),
'Categories' => array( 'Lomeem' ),
'Confirmemail' => array( 'EmailManeGruyera' ),
'Contributions' => array( 'Webekseem' ),
'Deadendpages' => array( 'AxodafBueem' ),
'DoubleRedirects' => array( 'JontolafGraskakseem' ),
'Emailuser' => array( 'FavesikEmailMane' ),
'Export' => array( 'Divburera' ),
'Fewestrevisions' => array( 'Lebetayan' ),
'Import' => array( 'Koburera' ),
'Listadmins' => array( 'Ristusikeem' ),
'Listbots' => array( 'Stiernikeem' ),
'Listfiles' => array( 'Ewaveem' ),
'Listredirects' => array( 'Graskakseem' ),
'Listusers' => array( 'Favesikeem' ),
'Lonelypages' => array( 'GluyasikiiskafBueem' ),
'Longpages' => array( 'AbrotcafBueem' ),
'MIMEsearch' => array( 'MIMEAneyara' ),
'Mostcategories' => array( 'Lolomakiraf' ),
'Mostimages' => array( 'Lodewavakiraf' ),
'Mostlinked' => array( 'Logluyasikikiraf' ),
'Mostlinkedcategories' => array( 'LogluyasikirafLomeem' ),
'Mostlinkedtemplates' => array( 'LogluyasikikirafTezeem' ),
'Mostrevisions' => array( 'Lobetayan' ),
'Movepage' => array( 'BuArrundara' ),
'Mycontributions' => array( 'JinafWebekseem' ),
'Mypage' => array( 'JinafuBu' ),
'Mytalk' => array( 'JinafaPrilara' ),
'Newimages' => array( 'WarzafEwaveem' ),
'Newpages' => array( 'WarzafBueem' ),
'Popularpages' => array( 'LorupenBueem' ),
'Preferences' => array( 'Lodamaceem' ),
'Protectedpages' => array( 'NendanBueem' ),
'Protectedtitles' => array( 'NendanVergumvelteem' ),
'Randompage' => array( 'Xuyavabu' ),
'Randomredirect' => array( 'XuyavafaGraskara' ),
'Recentchanges' => array( 'NoeltafBetakseem' ),
'Revisiondelete' => array( 'BetaraSulara' ),
'Search' => array( 'Aneyara' ),
'Shortpages' => array( 'TrelafBueem' ),
'Specialpages' => array( 'AptafBueem' ),
'Statistics' => array( 'Enkopaceem' ),
'Uncategorizedcategories' => array( 'LomiskafLomeem' ),
'Uncategorizedimages' => array( 'LomiskafEwaveem' ),
'Uncategorizedpages' => array( 'LomiskafBueem' ),
'Uncategorizedtemplates' => array( 'LomiskafTezeem' ),
'Undelete' => array( 'Dimsulara' ),
'Unusedcategories' => array( 'MefavenLomeem' ),
'Unusedimages' => array( 'MefavenEwaveem' ),
'Unusedtemplates' => array( 'MefavenTezeem' ),
'Unwatchedpages' => array( 'MerupenBueem' ),
'Upload' => array( 'Kalvajara' ),
'Userrights' => array( 'FavesikRokeem' ),
'Version' => array( 'Siatos' ),
'Wantedcategories' => array( 'ErunLomeem' ),
'Wantedpages' => array( 'ErunBueem', 'EmpayanGluyasikieem' ),
'Watchlist' => array( 'Suzdasiki' ),
$messages = array(
# User preference toggles
'tog-underline' => 'Levconhani gluyasiki se',
'tog-justify' => 'Emaven kuparkieem',
'tog-hideminor' => 'Palsera va Noeltaf betakseem mezolonaf',
'tog-hidepatrolled' => 'Palsera va fieyen betaks div noeltaf betakseem',
'tog-newpageshidepatrolled' => 'Palsera va fieyenu bu mal vexala dem warzafu bu',
'tog-extendwatchlist' => 'Divatcera va suzdasiki ta nedira va kot rorewan betaks',
'tog-usenewrc' => 'Noeltaf betakseem tulogijayan (kucilas va Javascript)',
'tog-numberheadings' => 'Mivaskafa vergumveltotukara',
'tog-showtoolbar' => 'Nedira va tidexekak ke betararude',
'tog-editondblclick' => 'Ta bubetara tolon vulegal (JavaScript tir adraf)',
'tog-editsection' => 'Betara va gabot kan "[Betara]" gluyasiki',
'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => 'Betara va gabot talton vulegason
va gabotvergumvelt',
'tog-showtoc' => 'Nedira va ugak
(icde teliz dem lo 3 gabot)',
'tog-rememberpassword' => 'Mo bati nedisiki va jinaf remravlem setiker (cugon $1 {{PLURAL:$1|viel|viel}})',
'tog-watchcreations' => 'Kosuzdasikira va jinon betayan bueem',
'tog-watchdefault' => 'Va jinon reduyun ik betayan telizeem suzdá',
'tog-watchmoves' => 'Kosuzdasikira va jinon arrundayan bueem',
'tog-watchdeletion' => 'Kosuzdasikira va jinon sulayan bueem',
'tog-minordefault' => 'Jinaf betakseem omavon mezolonon zo torigid',
'tog-previewontop' => 'Abdinedira nediwer vamoe sutelaxo',
'tog-previewonfirst' => 'Nedira va abdinedira bal taneafa betara',
'tog-nocache' => 'Gritegirara va bupreyutasiki',
'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => 'Moi da betara va jinafi suzdasiki zo staksá !',
'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => 'Moi da betara va jinafu favesikbu pu jin staksar !',
'tog-enotifminoredits' => 'Icde bubetamara dere zo staksá !',
'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => 'Divnedira va jinaf email mane koe staksara',
'tog-shownumberswatching' => 'Va ota va rupes favesik nedir !',
'tog-oldsig' => 'Tisa sugdara',
'tog-fancysig' => 'Krafiara va sugdaks wetce wikitext (a mivaskafi gluyasiki)',
'tog-uselivepreview' => 'Favera va abdiwira (JavaScript) (bagalon)',
'tog-forceeditsummary' => 'Zo walzé viele betaravildeks tir vlardaf !',
'tog-watchlisthideown' => 'Palsera va jinaf suzdasikif betakseem',
'tog-watchlisthidebots' => 'Palsera va suzdasikif stiernaf betakseem',
'tog-watchlisthideminor' => 'Palsera va suzdasikif betamakseem',
'tog-ccmeonemails' => 'Va ksudaks va e-mail jinon stakseyen pu ar favesik yo pu jin staksel',
'tog-diffonly' => 'Vleve amidaceem bucek me zo nedir !',
'tog-showhiddencats' => 'Nedira va palsen lomeem',
'underline-always' => 'Kotviele',
'underline-never' => 'Meviele',
'underline-default' => 'Omavafi exulesiki',
# Dates
'sunday' => 'taneaviel',
'monday' => 'toleaviel',
'tuesday' => 'bareaviel',
'wednesday' => 'balemeaviel',
'thursday' => 'alubeaviel',
'friday' => 'teveaviel',
'saturday' => 'pereaviel',
'sun' => 'Tan-',
'mon' => 'Tol-',
'tue' => 'Bar-',
'wed' => 'Bal-',
'thu' => 'Alu-',
'fri' => 'Tev-',
'sat' => 'Per-',
'january' => 'taneaksat',
'february' => 'toleaksat',
'march' => 'bareaksat',
'april' => 'balemeaksat',
'may_long' => 'alubeaksat',
'june' => 'teveaksat',
'july' => 'pereaksat',
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'september' => 'lerdeaksat',
'october' => 'saneaksat',
'november' => 'santaneaksat',
'december' => 'santoleaksat',
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'february-gen' => 'Toleaksat',
'march-gen' => 'Bareaksat',
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'may-gen' => 'Alubeaksat',
'june-gen' => 'Teveaksat',
'july-gen' => 'Pereaksat',
'august-gen' => 'Anyusteaksat',
'september-gen' => 'Lerdeaksat',
'october-gen' => 'Saneaksat',
'november-gen' => 'Santaneaksat',
'december-gen' => 'Santoleaksat',
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'mar' => '3-at',
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'dec' => '12-at',
# Categories related messages
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'category_header' => 'Lomolkeem « $1 ».',
'subcategories' => 'volveylomeem',
'category-media-header' => 'Ewavaf iyeltakeem koe "$1" loma',
'category-empty' => "''Bata loma va bu ok ewava noelton me ruldar''.",
'hidden-categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Palsena loma|Palsena loma}}',
'hidden-category-category' => 'Palsen lomeem',
'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Bata loma va bata volveyloma anton digir.|Bata loma va bata volveyloma anton digir {{PLURAL:$1|volveyloma|$1 volveyloma}}, anton digir, ke $2 kotron.}}',
'category-subcat-count-limited' => 'Bata loma va {{PLURAL:$1|bata volveyloma|$1 batyona volveyloma}} digir.',
'category-article-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Bata loma va batu bu anton digir.|Batu bu {{PLURAL:$1|tir|$1 tid}} koe bata loma, ke $2 varon.}}',
'category-article-count-limited' => 'Batu {{PLURAL:$1|bu tir|$1 bu tid}} koe noeltafa loma.',
'category-file-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Bata loma va bat iyeltak anton ruldar.|Bat iyeltak {{PLURAL:$1|tir|$1 tid}} koe bata loma, ke $2 varon.}}',
'category-file-count-limited' => 'Bat iyeltak {{PLURAL:$1|tir|$1 tid}} koe noeltafa loma.',
'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'loon',
'noindex-category' => 'Mejlayeyenu bu',
'about' => 'Icdeuca',
'article' => 'Teliz',
'newwindow' => '(ko ar dilk fenkur)',
'cancel' => 'Tumeara',
'moredotdotdot' => 'Ostik...',
'mypage' => 'Jinafu bu',
'mytalk' => 'Jinafo keyaksexo',
'anontalk' => 'Prilara kan IP mane',
'navigation' => 'Bugrablera',
'and' => ' is',
# Cologne Blue skin
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'qbedit' => 'Betara',
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'qbmyoptions' => 'Jinaf ikatcukseem',
'qbspecialpages' => 'Aptaf bueem',
'faq' => 'NEB',
'faqpage' => 'Project:FAQ',
# Vector skin
'vector-action-addsection' => 'Loplekura va detce',
'vector-action-delete' => 'Sulara',
'vector-action-move' => 'Arrundara',
'vector-action-protect' => 'Nendara',
'vector-view-create' => 'Redura',
'vector-view-edit' => 'Betara',
'vector-view-history' => 'Wira va izvot',
'vector-view-view' => 'Belira',
'vector-view-viewsource' => 'klitawira',
'actions' => 'Tegira',
'namespaces' => 'Yoltxo',
'variants' => 'Arapeniks',
'errorpagetitle' => 'Rokla',
'returnto' => 'Dimgrablera va $1 bu.',
'tagline' => 'Teliz mal {{SITENAME}}.',
'help' => 'Pomara',
'search' => 'Aneyara',
'searchbutton' => 'Aneyara',
'go' => 'Rupera',
'searcharticle' => 'Rupera',
'history' => 'Buizvot',
'history_short' => 'Izvot',
'updatedmarker' => 'nuskeyen mali jinafa ironokafa worara',
'printableversion' => 'Rorubian siatos',
'permalink' => 'Elupkafi gluyasiki',
'print' => 'Rubiara',
'edit' => 'Betara',
'create' => 'Redura',
'editthispage' => 'Bubetara',
'create-this-page' => 'Redura va batu bu',
'delete' => 'Sulara',
'deletethispage' => 'Busulara',
'undelete_short' => 'Dimplekura {{PLURAL:$1|tanoy betaks|$1 betaks}}',
'protect' => 'Nendara',
'protect_change' => 'betara',
'protectthispage' => 'Bunendara',
'unprotect' => 'Betara va nendara',
'unprotectthispage' => 'Betara va nendara va batu bu',
'newpage' => 'Warzafu bu',
'talkpage' => 'Prilarabu',
'talkpagelinktext' => 'Keyaksera',
'specialpage' => 'Aptafu bu',
'personaltools' => 'Weltafa xeka',
'postcomment' => 'Warzaf gabot',
'articlepage' => 'Telizwira',
'talk' => 'Keyaksera',
'views' => 'Wira',
'toolbox' => 'Xekak',
'userpage' => 'Favesikbu',
'projectpage' => 'Rupera va abdumimaks bu',
'imagepage' => 'Wira va iyeltakbu',
'mediawikipage' => 'Rupera va staksa bu',
'templatepage' => 'Rupera va teza bu',
'viewhelppage' => 'Rupera va pomara bu',
'categorypage' => 'Rupera va loma bu',
'viewtalkpage' => 'Prilarabu',
'otherlanguages' => 'Ara ava',
'redirectedfrom' => '(Graskan mal $1)',
'redirectpagesub' => 'Bugraskara',
'lastmodifiedat' => 'Ironakafa betara va bu tir ba $2, $1.',
'viewcount' => 'Batu bu {{PLURAL:$1|1-on|$1 -on}} al zo ruper.',
'protectedpage' => 'Nendanu bu',
'jumpto' => 'Grablé kal',
'jumptonavigation' => 'exulera',
'jumptosearch' => 'aneyara',
# All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage).
'aboutsite' => 'Icde {{SITENAME}}',
'aboutpage' => 'Project:Icdeuca',
'copyright' => 'Deraykan cek kare $1.',
'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:Digirarokeem',
'currentevents' => 'Noelaca',
'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Noelafa bifa',
'disclaimers' => 'Walzera',
'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:Jadif walzereem',
'edithelp' => 'Pomara',
'helppage' => 'Help:Pomara',
'mainpage' => 'Emudexo',
'mainpage-description' => 'Emudexo',
'policy-url' => 'Project:Policy',
'portal' => 'Doda',
'portal-url' => 'Project:Dodatuveli',
'privacy' => 'Xoverteem',
'privacypage' => 'Project:Privacy policy',
'badaccess' => 'Noverarokla',
'badaccess-group0' => 'Ta kucilana skura me zo rictal.',
'badaccess-groups' => 'Kucilana skura gan favesik ke {{PLURAL:$2|lospa|tana lospa}} anton zo rictar : $1.',
'versionrequired' => '$1 adraf siatos ke MediaWiki',
'versionrequiredtext' => '$1 siatos ke MediaWiki tir adraf ta favera va batu bu. Voyez [[Special:Version]]',
'ok' => 'Tuenara',
'retrievedfrom' => 'Dimnarin mal « $1 »',
'youhavenewmessages' => 'Va $1 ($2) al kazawal.',
'newmessageslink' => 'warzafa staksa',
'newmessagesdifflink' => 'amid- gu ironokaf siatos',
'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'Rin dil va warzafa staksa moe $1',
'editsection' => 'betara',
'editold' => 'betara',
'viewsourceold' => 'Klitawira',
'editlink' => 'betara',
'viewsourcelink' => 'Klitawira',
'editsectionhint' => 'Betara va $1 gabot',
'toc' => 'Luzeem',
'showtoc' => 'nedira',
'hidetoc' => 'palsera',
'thisisdeleted' => 'Va $1 djunedil oke djudimplekul ?',
'viewdeleted' => 'Va $1 djudisukel ?',
'restorelink' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1|$1}} sulayan betaks',
'feedlinks' => 'Rust',
'feed-invalid' => 'Meenaf rustord.',
'site-rss-feed' => '$1 RSS Rust',
'site-atom-feed' => '$1 Atom Rust',
'page-rss-feed' => '"$1" RSS Rust',
'page-atom-feed' => '"$1" Atom Rust',
'red-link-title' => '$1 (me tisu bu)',
# Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook
'nstab-main' => 'Teliz',
'nstab-user' => 'Favesikbu',
'nstab-media' => 'Kanaca',
'nstab-special' => 'Aptabu',
'nstab-project' => 'Abdumimaks bu',
'nstab-image' => 'Ewava',
'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Staksa',
'nstab-template' => 'Teza',
'nstab-help' => 'Pomara',
'nstab-category' => 'Loma',
# Main script and global functions
'nosuchaction' => 'Megrupena tegira',
'nosuchactiontext' => 'Ruidanaca koe URL gan wiki me zo kagruper.
URL lanon tir ordajaf ok gluyajan.
Batcoba va zvak koe talpeyot ke {{SITENAME}} dere robazer.',
'nosuchspecialpage' => 'Mekruldesu aptafu bu',
'nospecialpagetext' => 'Rin va aptafu bu mekagrupenu gan wiki su erul.
Vexala dem enafu aptafu bu tir rotrasina dene [[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]].',
# General errors
'error' => 'Rokla',
'databaseerror' => 'Origakrokla',
'laggedslavemode' => 'Obral : bu va ironakaf tuenakseem rotir meruldar',
'readonly' => 'Beta elekana nuskera va origak',
'enterlockreason' => 'Va elekaradanda is uldinera va elekaracek bazel',
'readonlytext' => "Les ajouts et mises à jour sur la base de donnée {{SITENAME}} sont actuellement bloqués, probablement pour permettre la maintenance de la base, après quoi, tout rentrera dans l'ordre. Voici la raison pour laquelle l'administrateur a bloqué la base :
'missingarticle-rev' => '(betara#: $1)',
'missingarticle-diff' => '(Amid-: $1, $2)',
'readonly_lag' => 'La base de donnée a été automatiquement bloquée pendant que les serveurs secondaires rattrapent leur retard avec le serveur principal',
'internalerror' => 'Koefa rokla',
'internalerror_info' => 'Koefa rokla : $1',
'fileappenderrorread' => 'Bal loplekura, va "$1" me robelir.',
'fileappenderror' => 'Va "$1" gu "$2" me roloplekur.',
'filecopyerror' => 'Ksudara va « $1 » van « $2 » tir merotisa.',
'filerenameerror' => 'Tolyoltara va « $1 » ton « $2 » tir merotisa.',
'filedeleteerror' => 'Sulara va « $1 » tir merotisa.',
'directorycreateerror' => 'Redura va "$1" bonja me tir.',
'filenotfound' => '« $1 » iyeltak me zo rotrasir.',
'fileexistserror' => 'Sutera va "$1" iyeltak me tir : iyeltak ixam krulder',
'unexpected' => 'Volkena voda : « $1 » = « $2 ».',
'formerror' => 'Rokla : Levplekura va valdig tir merotisa',
'badarticleerror' => 'Bata tegira mo batu bu tir merotisa.',
'cannotdelete' => '"$1" bu oku iyeltak me zo rosular.
Rotir artan ixam al sular.',
'cannotdelete-title' => 'Va "$1" bu me rosular.',
'badtitle' => 'Rotaf vergumvelt',
'badtitletext' => 'Vergumvelt ke erunu bu tir volenafu ok vlardafu ike walavafi gluyasiki me tir enafi',
'perfcached' => 'Vlevef orig yo tid koe palsexo nume me zo ronusked. A maximum of {{PLURAL:$1|one result is|$1 results are}} available in the cache.',
'perfcachedts' => 'Vlevef orig yo tid koe palsexo, ise ironokafa nuskera tir $1. A maximum of {{PLURAL:$4|one result is|$4 results are}} available in the cache.',
'querypage-no-updates' => 'Nuskera va batu bu me noelon flir. Acum origeem me zo divneditir.',
'wrong_wfQuery_params' => 'Mewadaf dor koe wfQuery() dirgara
Fliok : $1
Erura : $2',
'viewsource' => 'Wira va klitakrent',
'viewsource-title' => 'Wira va klita ke $1',
'actionthrottled' => 'Tulokaliana tegira',
'actionthrottledtext' => 'Wetce sabega kev staksavamolavara, rin ta bata skura gemeltamon slikviele zo kimar voxe va bata kimara al kaikayal. Vay artimon lwil !',
'protectedpagetext' => 'Batu bu betaradjison zo nendar.',
'viewsourcetext' => 'Va buklita rowil nume roksudal :',
'viewyourtext' => "Rowil va klita ke '''rinafa betara''' ise ko batu bu roksudal :",
'protectedinterface' => 'Batu bu va walasikikrent ke talpeyot dafur nume ta djira va favejera zo ixatcar.',
'editinginterface' => "'''Obral !''' Rin va bu favenu koe talpeyotwalasiki betal. Betara va batu bu va laviuca ke favesikafi walasiki dolge ar favesik vanolatar. Kalavason, va [//translatewiki.net/wiki/Main_Page?setlang=avk translatewiki.net], va MediaWiki abdumimaks va tulizukara, vay favel.",
'cascadeprotected' => 'Batu bu icde betara zo nendar, kire va vlevefu {{PLURAL:$1|bu|bu}} pasur, danu kan tegisa "stoyakorafa" rotisaca zo nendad : $2',
'namespaceprotected' => "Va bu koe '''$1''' yoltxo me robetal !",
'ns-specialprotected' => 'Aptafu bu tir merobetanu.',
'titleprotected' => "Bat vergumvelt gan [[User:$1|$1]] zo reduranendar.
Batdume : ''$2''.",
# Virus scanner
'virus-scanfailed' => 'rodjeyena drunara ($1 beksa)',
'virus-unknownscanner' => 'megrupena kevkioxeka :',
# Login and logout pages
'logouttext' => 'Rin daletoe til solgluyanaf.
Rin va {{SITENAME}} yoltiskon ware rofavel oke, bifoton kan ar yolt, va int toldogluyal.',
'yourname' => 'Rinaf favesikyolt',
'yourpassword' => 'Rinaf remravlem',
'yourpasswordagain' => 'Va rinaf remravlem tolon bazel',
'remembermypassword' => 'Setikera va jinaf remravlem koe bati nedisiki (kali cugon $1 {{PLURAL:$1|viel|viel}})',
'yourdomainname' => 'Rinaf ind',
'externaldberror' => 'Ont divefa origakrokla va pilkomodara ont va rinafa divefa pata me ronuskel.',
'login' => 'Pilkomodá',
'nav-login-createaccount' => 'Pataredú oke va int dogluyá',
'loginprompt' => 'Ta dogluyara va {{SITENAME}} va koti "cookie" talpeyki gotutegiral.',
'userlogin' => 'Va int dogluyá / pataredú',
'userloginnocreate' => 'Dogluyara',
'logout' => 'Dimgluyá',
'userlogout' => 'Dimgluyara',
'notloggedin' => 'Dogluyariskaf',
'nologin' => "Kas va pata me digil ? '''$1'''.",
'nologinlink' => 'Pataredura',
'createaccount' => 'Warzon pataredú',
'gotaccount' => "Kas va pata ixam digil ? '''$1'''.",
'gotaccountlink' => 'Dogluyara',
'userlogin-resetlink' => 'Rinafa "login" pinta vulkuna ?',
'createaccountmail' => 'kan e-mail',
'createaccountreason' => 'Lazava :',
'badretype' => 'Toloy suteyen remravlem tid menuxaf.',
'userexists' => 'Favesikyolt suteyen ixam zo faver.
Va amidaf yolt vay gonaral.',
'loginerror' => 'Pilkomodajara',
'createaccounterror' => 'Va $1 me ropataredur.',
'nocookiesnew' => "Le compte utilisateur a été créé, mais vous n'êtes pas connecté. {{SITENAME}} utilise des cookies pour la connexion mais vous avez les cookies désactives. Merci de les activer et de vous reconnecter.",
'nocookieslogin' => '{{SITENAME}} utilise des cookies pour la connexion mais vous avez les cookies désactives. Merci de les activer et de vous reconnecter.',
'noname' => 'Va favesikyolt gobazel.',
'loginsuccesstitle' => 'Pilkomodanhara.',
'loginsuccess' => 'Rin wetce « $1 » moe {{SITENAME}} til dogluyarakiraf.',
'nosuchuser' => '« $1 » favesik me krulder.
Sutera va favesikyolt gotir eltaykoranhafa.
Ageltal va rinaf suteks oke [[Special:UserLogin/signup|pataredura]].',
'nosuchusershort' => 'Me tir favesik digis va « $1 » yolt. Va sutekaks ageltal.',
'nouserspecified' => 'Va favesikyolt gobazel !',
'login-userblocked' => 'Bat webesik tir elekayan. Dogluyara menovena.',
'wrongpassword' => 'Remravlem tir volenaf. Tollwil !',
'wrongpasswordempty' => 'Remravlem bazeyen tir vlardaf.Vay tolon bazel !',
'passwordtooshort' => 'Rinaf remravlem tir meenaf ok lotrelaf. Va {{PLURAL:$1|1 staa|$1 staa}} leon goruldar ise gotir amidaf gu favesikyolt.',
'password-name-match' => 'Remravlem gotir amidaf gu favesikyolt.',
'password-login-forbidden' => 'Favera va bat favesikyolt isu remravlem al zukud.',
'mailmypassword' => 'Warzaf staksaremravlem',
'passwordremindertitle' => 'Rinaf warzaf remravlem moe {{SITENAME}}',
'passwordremindertext' => 'Kontan (lanon rin, male $1 IP mane) eruyur da pu rin va warzaf remravlem tori {{SITENAME}} staksev ($4).
Remravlem tori "$2" favesik noelkeon tir "$3".
Va int rodogluyal aze va remravlem robetal.
Ede artan va bata erura al skur oke va rinaf remravlem setikeyel nume mea djubetal, va bata staksa rotafanal nume va rinaf guazaf remravlem wan favel.',
'noemail' => 'Meke internetmane icde « $1 » favesik al zo koverter.',
'noemailcreate' => 'Va enafe e-mail mane gobazel',
'passwordsent' => "Un nouveau mot de passe a été envoyé à l'adresse électronique de l'utilisateur « $1 ».
Veuillez vous identifier dès que vous l'aurez reçu.",
'blocked-mailpassword' => 'Rinafe IP mane icde betara zo elekar nume ta rofaveradjira va fli ta dimplekura va remravlem me rofavel.',
'eauthentsent' => 'Bazene e-mail mane ta gruyera su zo staksar.
Abdi ara staksara va pata, va bazereem ke e-mail gonaskil nume gogruyel da bata pata en tir rinafa.',
'mailerror' => 'Rokla stakseson va e-mail staksa : $1',
'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Worasik va bati wiki dem rinafe IP mane va {{PLURAL:$1|1 pata|$1 pata}} (rictana cugota) bak ironokaf viel ixam al redud.
Acum, worasik dem bate IP mane va lo pata dure mea roredud.',
'emailauthenticated' => 'Rinafe e-mail mane ba $2 $3 tir tugariayan.',
'emailnotauthenticated' => "Rinafe 'email' mane men tir pilkomodayane.
Meka 'email' staksa icde vlevefa staava zo staksatar.",
'noemailprefs' => 'Ta bata kobarastaava se va email mane bazel !',
'emailconfirmlink' => 'Va rinaf e-mail mane gruyel',
'accountcreated' => 'Reduyuna pata',
'accountcreatedtext' => 'Favesikpata ke $1 tir reduyuna.',
'createaccount-title' => 'Pataredura koe {{SITENAME}}',
'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Ava : $1',
# Change password dialog
'resetpass' => 'Va patabeksa betal !',
'resetpass_announce' => "Rin kan ugalorafa 'email' beksa va int pilkomodayal.
Ta da wan zo pilkomodal, va warzaf remravlem batlize gobazel :",
'resetpass_header' => 'Va remravlem gobetal !',
'oldpassword' => 'Savsaf remravlem',
'newpassword' => 'Warzaf remravlem',
'retypenew' => 'Va warzaf remravlem gruyel',
'resetpass_submit' => 'Va beksa bazel nume zo dogluyatal !',
'changepassword-success' => 'Rinaf remravlem kiewatcon su zo betar ! Nume rinafa dogluyara tir...',
'resetpass_forbidden' => 'Kona beksa tir merobetana',
'resetpass-submit-loggedin' => 'Betara va remravlem',
'resetpass-submit-cancel' => 'Kuidera',
'resetpass-temp-password' => 'Ugaloraf remravlem :',
# Special:PasswordReset
'passwordreset' => 'Va remravlem tolbazel',
'passwordreset-legend' => 'Va remravlem tolbazel',
'passwordreset-username' => 'Favesikyolt :',
'passwordreset-domain' => 'Ind',
'passwordreset-email' => 'E-mail mane',
'passwordreset-emailtitle' => 'Pinta va pata dene {{SITENAME}}',
'passwordreset-emailelement' => 'Favesikyolt : $1
Ugaloraf remravlem : $2',
# Special:ChangeEmail
'changeemail' => 'Betara va e-mail mane',
'changeemail-header' => 'Betara va patafe e-mail mane',
'changeemail-oldemail' => 'Noelafe e-mail mane',
'changeemail-newemail' => 'Warzafe e-mail mane',
'changeemail-none' => '(mek)',
'changeemail-submit' => 'Betara va e-mail mane',
'changeemail-cancel' => 'Kuidera',
# Edit page toolbar
'bold_sample' => 'Bold krent',
'bold_tip' => 'Bold krent',
'italic_sample' => 'Italic krent',
'italic_tip' => 'Italic krent',
'link_sample' => 'Vergumveltgluyasiki',
'link_tip' => 'Kofi gluyasiki',
'extlink_sample' => 'http://www.example.com vergumveltgluyasiki',
'extlink_tip' => 'Divafi gluyasiki (va http:// me vulkul)',
'headline_sample' => 'Volveyvergumveltaca',
'headline_tip' => 'Tolvolveyvergumvelt',
'nowiki_sample' => 'Breviziskaf krent batliz cenkal',
'nowiki_tip' => 'Va wiki breviz afaná',
'image_sample' => 'Tula.jpg',
'image_tip' => 'Plekuyuna ewava',
'media_sample' => 'Tula.ogg',
'media_tip' => 'Gluyasiki va iyeltak',
'sig_tip' => 'Rinafa evlakirafa sugdara',
'hr_tip' => 'Zidafi gluyasiki (me faversel)',
# Edit pages
'summary' => 'Vildeks:',
'subject' => 'Detce/vergumvelt:',
'minoredit' => 'Betamaks.',
'watchthis' => 'Va bat teliz suzdá',
'savearticle' => 'Giwara',
'preview' => 'Abdinedira',
'showpreview' => 'Abdinedira',
'showlivepreview' => 'Nedira va abdinedira',
'showdiff' => 'Nedira va betakseem',
'anoneditwarning' => "'''Obral !''' Rin til medogluyayas. Rinafe IP mane ko bubetarizvot zo stragatar.",
'missingcommenttext' => 'Va sebuks vlevon bazel, vay !',
'summary-preview' => 'Abdinedira va vildeks:',
'subject-preview' => 'Abdinedira va detce ik kroj:',
'blockedtitle' => 'Elekan favesik',
'blockedtext' => '\'\'\'Rinafa favesikpata oku IP mane tid elekayane.\'\'\'
Elekara skuyuna gan $1.
Lazava tir \'\'$2\'\'.
* Elekaratoza : $8
* Eleckaratena : $6
* Xialana elekara : $7
Ta keyaksera va $1 ok konar [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|ristusik]] rotuzeral.
Va \'"e-mail" staksara pu bat favesik\' me rofavel vaxede "e-mail" mane tir koe rinaf [[Special:Preferences|lodamaceem]] ise vaon faveson me zo elekayal.
Rinaf tise IP mane tir $3 ise ID elekara tir #$5. Va bate ik bane mane ko kota erura vay bazel !',
'blockednoreason' => 'Meka bazena lazava',
'whitelistedittext' => 'Ta bubetara rin gonaskil ta $1',
'confirmedittext' => 'Abdi bubetara va rinafe e-mail mane gogruyel. Kan rinaf [[Special:Preferences|favesiklodamaceem]] va rinafe e-mail mane vay plekul ise tuenal !',
'nosuchsectiontitle' => 'Me man gabot',
'nosuchsectiontext' => 'Rin yawal da va metis gabot betal.',
'loginreqtitle' => 'Kucilan favesikyolt',
'loginreqlink' => 'dogluyara',
'loginreqpagetext' => '$1 tir adrafa ta da va aru bu rodisukel.',
'accmailtitle' => 'Stakseyen remravlem.',
'accmailtext' => 'Remravlem ke « $1 » al zo stakser pu $2.',
'newarticle' => '(Warzaf)',
'newarticletext' => "Va gluyasiki va metisu bu su vulegal.
Ta buredura, ko vlevef bor toz geltsutel (va [[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|pomarabu]] ta loa giva wil).
Ede batlize roklason tigil, va '''back''' uzadjo ke nedisiki vulegal.",
'anontalkpagetext' => "---- ''Vous êtes sur la page de discussion d'un utilisateur anonyme qui n'a pas encore créé un compte ou qui ne l'utilise pas. Pour cette raison, nous devons utiliser l'adresse IP numérique pour l'identifier. Une adresse de ce type peut être partagée entre plusieurs utilisateurs. Si vous êtes un utilisateur anonyme et si vous constatez que des commentaires qui ne vous concernent pas vous ont été adressés, vous pouvez [[Special:UserLogin|créer un compte ou vous connecter]] afin d'éviter toute future confusion.''",
'noarticletext' => 'Moe batu bu mek krent dure tir.
Vanmiae yonaru bu [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|va man buvergumvelt rotaneyal]],
[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} va gluyan log robetal],
oke [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} va batu bu robetal].',
'noarticletext-nopermission' => 'Dure me krent koe batu bu.
Vanmia yonaru bu [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|va batu bu rotaneyal]],
oke [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|bu={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} va icdef logs rotaneyal].',
'userpage-userdoesnotexist' => '"
Dere, kan rinaf suteks ik suteks male sangiskafa nuyafa klita, anton webel !
'''VA COPYRIGHT SUTEKS ARIEKON MERICTANON VOL WEBEL ! (do not submit copyrighted work without permission!)'''",
'copyrightwarning2' => "Vay stragal da kot webeks va {{SITENAME}} gan ar webesik zo robetar ike zo roataler ike zo rosular. Ede me djumel da rinaf suteks yo zo robetad, vaon batliz me staksel !
Rin dere abdiplekul da va webeks miv suteyel ike mal sangiskafa ok gundafa nuyafa klita ksudal (va $1 loon wil).
'longpageerror' => "'''ROKLA : Atoen krent tir $1 kilobytes. Batcoba tir lodabrotcafa dam $2 kilobytes cuge. In tir merogiwan.'''",
'readonlywarning' => "'''OBRAL : batu bu kiewaginon zo abdinendar, acum va betara dure me rogiwatal. Ko iyeltak ta radimifa giwara va krent roksudal.'''",
'protectedpagewarning' => "'''WALZERA : batu bu zo nendar. Antaf ristus favesik vaon robetar.'''",
'semiprotectedpagewarning' => "'''Straga :''' Batu bu tir ixatcayanu nume antaf vertokayan favesik robetar.",
'cascadeprotectedwarning' => "'''Obral !''' Batu bu tir elekayanu enide anton ristus favesik robetar, kire in stoyakoron rupter. {{PLURAL:$1|stoyafu bu|stoyafu bu se}}",
'titleprotectedwarning' => "'''WALZERA : Batu bu zo ixatcar nume [[Special:ListGroupRights|aptarokeem]] tir adraf gu redura.'''",
'templatesused' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Teza|Teza}} favena koe batu bu',
'templatesusedpreview' => 'Faven tezeem koe bata abdinedira :',
'templatesusedsection' => 'Faven tezeem koe bat gabot :',
'template-protected' => '(nendana)',
'template-semiprotected' => '(nendamana)',
'hiddencategories' => 'Batu bu tir bewafu gu {{PLURAL:$1|1 palsena loma|$1 palsena loma}}:',
'nocreatetext' => '{{SITENAME}} va roredura va warzafu bu irutar.
Rodimal aze va tisu bu robetal oke [[Special:UserLogin|va int rodogluyal oke ropataredul]].',
'nocreate-loggedin' => 'Rin va warzafu bu me ronoredul.',
'permissionserrors' => 'Rictajaks',
'permissionserrorstext' => 'Ta mana askira me zo rictal, golde {{PLURAL:$1|lazava|lazava se}}:',
'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => 'Rin icde $2 me zo rictal, {{PLURAL:$1|yoke|yoke}} :',
'recreate-moveddeleted-warn' => "'''Obral: Rin va sulayanu bu djutolredul.'''
Gokrafial ede tolredura va batu bu tir vodanyaf.
Sulara \"log\" va batu bu krafiason batlize zo nedir :",
'moveddeleted-notice' => 'Sulayanu bu.
"Log" sulara va batu bu vleveon vuesteson zo nedir.',
'edit-conflict' => 'Rupera va koboda.',
'edit-already-exists' => 'Buredura tir merotisa.
Bu ixam krulder.',
# Parser/template warnings
'expensive-parserfunction-category' => 'Bu dem slika rozara va exulerafli',
'post-expand-template-inclusion-warning' => "'''Obral !:''' Lum ke toefa teza mantarsaf.
Konaka teza me di zo kodoplekud.",
'post-expand-template-inclusion-category' => 'Bu dem lumars ke dofa teza',
'post-expand-template-argument-warning' => "'''Obral !''' Batu bu va tanoya lumarsafa tezafa dusiva iclo ruldar.
Bata dusiva zo tiolteyed.",
'post-expand-template-argument-category' => 'Bu ruldasu va vulkuna tezadusiva',
# "Undo" feature
'undo-success' => 'Betaks tir rodimaskin. Va vlevefa dolunhera vay stujel nume ageltal da batcoba tir rinafa djumaskina aze ta tenukera va dimaskira va betara va vlevef betakseem giwal.',
'undo-failure' => 'Betaks me zo rodimaskir golde kobodas walif betaks yo.',
'undo-norev' => 'Dimbetara tir merotisa golde metira ok sulara.',
'undo-summary' => 'Dimaskira va $1 betaks ke [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Prilara]])',
# Account creation failure
'cantcreateaccounttitle' => 'Pataredura me tir',
'cantcreateaccount-text' => "Pataredura male bate IP ('''$1''') mane gan [[User:$3|$3]] zo elekayar.
Bazeyena lazava ke $3 tir ''$2''.",
# History pages
'viewpagelogs' => 'Wira va "logs" ke batu bu',
'nohistory' => 'Nedoy izvot va batu bu.',
'currentrev' => 'Noelaf siatos',
'currentrev-asof' => 'Noeltaf betaks va $1',
'revisionasof' => 'Siatos ba $1',
'revision-info' => 'Dimplekura va $1 gan $2',
'previousrevision' => '← Abdif siatos',
'nextrevision' => 'Radimif siatos →',
'currentrevisionlink' => 'Wira va noelaf siatos',
'cur' => 'noel-',
'next' => 'radi-',
'last' => 'iron-',
'page_first' => 'tane-',
'page_last' => 'iron-',
'histlegend' => 'Pebusiki : (noel-) = amiduca gu noelaf siatos ,
(iron-) = amiduca gu abdif siatos, m = betamaks',
'history-fieldset-title' => 'Izvotexulera',
'history-show-deleted' => 'Va anton sulaks',
'histfirst' => 'Tel losavsaf',
'histlast' => 'Ironokaf',
'historysize' => '({{PLURAL:$1|1 byte|$1 bytes}})',
'historyempty' => '(vlardaf)',
# Revision feed
'history-feed-title' => 'Betarizvot',
'history-feed-description' => 'Betarizvot va batu wikibu',
'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1 koe $2',
'history-feed-empty' => 'Erunu bu me tir.
Ont zo sulayar ont zo yoltayar.
Ta ropasusu warzafu bu yo va [[Special:Search|aneyara ko wiki]] yawal.',
# Revision deletion
'rev-deleted-comment' => '(tiolteyen sebuks)',
'rev-deleted-user' => '(tiolteyen favesikyolt)',
'rev-deleted-event' => '(tiolteyen "log" skuks)',
'rev-delundel' => 'nedira / palsera',
'rev-showdeleted' => 'Nedira',
'revisiondelete' => 'Sulasa ik volsulasa betara',
'revdelete-nooldid-title' => 'Meenafa xalafa betara',
'revdelete-nooldid-text' => 'Ta skura va bati fli, ont rin va jalaf betaks me bazeyel, ont yawayal da va noeltaf betaks palsel.',
'revdelete-no-file' => 'Bazen iyeltak me krulder.',
'revdelete-show-file-submit' => 'En',
'revdelete-selected' => "'''{{PLURAL:$2|Reban betaks|Yon reban betaks}} va [[:$1]]:'''",
'logdelete-selected' => "'''{{PLURAL:\$1|Reban \"log\" bif|Yon reban \"log\" bif}} :'''",
'revdelete-legend' => 'Skus irutareem',
'revdelete-hide-text' => 'Palsera va betaracek',
'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Palsera va iyeltakcek',
'revdelete-hide-name' => 'Palsera va tegira is xala',
'revdelete-hide-comment' => 'Palsera va betarasebusiki',
'revdelete-hide-user' => 'Palsera va sutes favesikyolt iku IP mane',
'revdelete-hide-restricted' => 'Rewara va bat irutareem pu kot ristusik az elekara va bati walasiki',
'revdelete-radio-same' => '(videra)',
'revdelete-radio-set' => 'En',
'revdelete-radio-unset' => 'Me',
'revdelete-suppress' => 'Origsulara mal ristusik lidam artan',
'revdelete-unsuppress' => 'Dimirutara va dimplekun betaks yo',
'revdelete-log' => 'Lazava :',
'revdelete-submit' => 'Ko reban siatos rewar',
'revdelete-success' => "'''Kiewaskinon plekuyuna betarafa rowinuca.'''",
'logdelete-success' => "'''Kiewaskinon plekuyuna bifafa rowinuca.'''",
'revdel-restore' => 'Betara va rowinuca',
'revdel-restore-deleted' => 'Sulayan betaks',
'revdel-restore-visible' => 'Rowin betaks',
'pagehist' => 'Buizvot',
'deletedhist' => 'Sularizvot',
'revdelete-reasonotherlist' => 'Ara lazava',
'revdelete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Betara va sularalazava',
'revdelete-offender' => 'Betasik :',
# Suppression log
'suppressionlog' => 'Sulara "log"',
# History merging
'mergehistory' => 'Joara va buizvot',
'mergehistory-box' => 'Joara va betakseem va toloyu bu :',
'mergehistory-from' => 'Klitabu :',
'mergehistory-into' => 'Jalabu :',
'mergehistory-list' => 'Rojoan betarizvot',
'mergehistory-go' => 'Nedira va rojoan betakseem',
'mergehistory-submit' => 'Joara va betakseem',
'mergehistory-empty' => 'Mek rojoan betaks.',
'mergehistory-success' => '$3 {{PLURAL:$3|betara|betara}} va [[:$1]] joanyayan ko [[:$2]].',
'mergehistory-fail' => 'Skura va jera va izvot tir merotisa, va bu is evladoreem vay tolstujel !',
'mergehistory-no-source' => '$1 klitabu me tir.',
'mergehistory-no-destination' => '$1 jalabu me tir.',
'mergehistory-invalid-source' => 'Klitabu gotir vergumveltanh.',
'mergehistory-invalid-destination' => 'Jalabu gotir enaf vergumvelt.',
'mergehistory-autocomment' => '[[:$1]] jeayan do [[:$2]]',
'mergehistory-comment' => '[[:$1]] jeayan do [[:$2]] : $3',
'mergehistory-same-destination' => 'Buklita is bugraskaxo vol rotid milafo',
'mergehistory-reason' => 'Lazava',
# Merge log
'mergelog' => 'Va "log" joara',
'pagemerge-logentry' => 'joara va [[$1]] ko [[$2]] (betaks yo kali $3)',
'revertmerge' => 'Voljoara',
'mergelogpagetext' => 'Vleveon tir vexala dem tel lonoeltafa joara se va buizvot ko ar.',
# Diffs
'history-title' => 'Va "$1" betarizvot',
'difference-multipage' => '(Amiduca wal batu bu isu banu)',
'lineno' => 'Conya $1:',
'compareselectedversions' => 'Dodisukera va toloy reban siatos',
'showhideselectedversions' => 'Nedira/palsera va reban betaks',
'editundo' => 'dimaskira',
'diff-multi' => '({{PLURAL:$1|1 walif betaks|$1 walif betaks}} gan {{PLURAL:$2|tanoy webesik|$2 webesik}} me zo nedid)',
# Search results
'searchresults' => 'Aneyaradanekseem',
'searchresults-title' => 'Aneyaratrasiks va "$1"',
'searchresulttext' => 'Ta lo giva icde aneyara ko {{SITENAME}}, va [[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|{{int:help}}]] teliz disukel.',
'searchsubtitle' => 'Rin va \'\'\'[[:$1]]\'\'\' aneyayal ([[Special:Prefixindex/$1|kotu bu dem "$1" toza]]{{int:pipe-separator}}[[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|kotu bu gluyasu va "$1"]])',
'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "Rin va '''$1''' aneyayal",
'toomanymatches' => 'Slik trasiks, vay va amidafa aneyara yawal',
'titlematches' => 'Vadjesaceem vanmia vergumvelteem',
'notitlematches' => 'Mek telizvergumvelt ruldas va erune',
'textmatches' => 'Vadjesaceem ko krenteem',
'notextmatches' => 'Mek krentvergumvelt ruldas va erune',
'prevn' => '{{PLURAL:$1|$1}} abduef',
'nextn' => '{{PLURAL:$1|$1}} radimef',
'prevn-title' => 'Abdif $1 {{PLURAL:$1|trasiks|trasiks}}',
'nextn-title' => 'Kaikef $1 {{PLURAL:$1|trasiks|trasiks}}',
'shown-title' => 'Nedira va $1 {{PLURAL:$1|trasiks|trasiks}} tanbuon',
'viewprevnext' => 'Va ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ik ($3) disukel.',
'searchmenu-exists' => "'''Ixam bu yoltkirafu gu \"[[:\$1]]\" dene bati wiki.'''",
'searchmenu-new' => "'''Redura va bu \"[[:\$1]]\" den bati wiki!'''",
'searchprofile-articles' => 'Teliz',
'searchprofile-project' => 'Pomarabu ik abdumimaksbu',
'searchprofile-images' => 'Jonkanaca',
'searchprofile-everything' => 'Kotcoba',
'searchprofile-advanced' => 'Lof',
'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => 'Aneyara ko $1',
'searchprofile-project-tooltip' => 'Aneyara ko $1',
'searchprofile-images-tooltip' => 'Aneyara va iyeltak',
'searchprofile-everything-tooltip' => 'Aneyara va kotaf cek (don prilarabu)',
'searchprofile-advanced-tooltip' => 'Aneyara ko pilkovafo yoltxo',
'search-result-size' => '$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 trogarn|$2 trogarn}})',
'search-result-category-size' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1 bewik|$1 bewik}} ({{PLURAL:$2|1 volveyloma|$2 volveyloma}}, {{PLURAL:$3|1 iyeltak|$3 iyeltak}})',
'search-result-score' => 'Vadjereka : $1%',
'search-redirect' => '(graskara va $1)',
'search-section' => '($1 gabot)',
'search-suggest' => 'Va $1 sugdalayal ?',
'search-interwiki-caption' => 'Beraf abdumimakseem',
'search-interwiki-default' => '$1 trasiks :',
'search-interwiki-more' => '(loon)',
'search-relatedarticle' => 'Skedaf',
'mwsuggest-disable' => 'Gritegirara va AJAX tiavera',
'searcheverything-enable' => 'Aneyara ko koto yoltxo',
'searchrelated' => 'skedaf',
'searchall' => 'kot',
'showingresults' => "Vlevefa nedira va {{PLURAL:$1|'''1''' trasiks|'''$1''' trasiks}} dem #'''$2''' toza.",
'showingresultsnum' => "Nedira va '''$3''' trasiks male #'''$2'''.",
'showingresultsheader' => "{{PLURAL:$5|Trasiks '''$1''' ke '''$3'''|Trasiks '''$1 - $2''' ke '''$3'''}} icde '''$4'''",
'nonefound' => "'''Straga''': Anton yoltxo omavon zo aneyar.
Kan ''all:'' laganeyal ta varafa exulera (gon keyaksexo is teza ikz-), oke wetce abdueosta va galpeno yoltxo favel.",
'search-nonefound' => 'Mek trasiks vas kucilara',
'powersearch' => 'Aneyara',
'powersearch-legend' => 'Aneyapara',
'powersearch-ns' => 'Aneyara koe yoltxo:',
'powersearch-redir' => 'Vexalara va graskara',
'powersearch-field' => 'Aneyara va',
'powersearch-toggleall' => 'Kot',
'powersearch-togglenone' => 'Mek',
'search-external' => 'Divafa aneyara',
'searchdisabled' => "
La fonction de recherche sur l'intégralité du texte a été temporairement désactivée à cause de la grande charge que cela impose au serveur. Nous espérons la rétablir prochainement lorsque nous disposerons d'un serveur plus puissant. En attendant, vous pouvez faire la recherche avec Google:
", # Preferences page 'preferences' => 'Lodamaceem', 'mypreferences' => 'Jinaf lodamaceem', 'prefs-edits' => 'Ota va betaks :', 'prefsnologin' => 'Dogluyariskaf', 'prefsnologintext' => 'Ede va favesiklodamaceem djubetal, gotil [{{fullurl:{{#Special:UserLogin}}|returnto=$1}} dogluyarakiraf].', 'changepassword' => 'Betara va remravlem', 'prefs-skin' => 'Laviuca', 'skin-preview' => 'Abdiwira', 'datedefault' => 'Megelukon', 'prefs-datetime' => 'Evla is bartiv', 'prefs-personal' => 'Ilkagiveem', 'prefs-rc' => 'Noeltaf betakseem', 'prefs-watchlist' => 'Suzdasiki', 'prefs-watchlist-days' => 'Cugafa vielota gonedina koe suzdasiki :', 'prefs-watchlist-days-max' => 'Cugon $1 {{PLURAL:$1|viel|viel}}', 'prefs-watchlist-edits' => 'Betaracugota gonedina koe mantafi suzdasiki :', 'prefs-watchlist-edits-max' => 'Cugafa ota : 1000', 'prefs-misc' => 'Gedrafa lodamaca yo', 'prefs-resetpass' => 'Betara va remravlem', 'prefs-rendering' => 'Laviuca', 'saveprefs' => 'Va lodamaceem tuená', 'resetprefs' => 'Va lodamceem dimplekú', 'prefs-editing' => 'Sutelaxo', 'rows' => 'Emacekeem', 'columns' => 'Brizeem', 'searchresultshead' => 'Nedira va aneyaratrasikseem', 'resultsperpage' => 'Fuxebuon trasiksota', 'recentchangesdays' => 'Gonedin viel se koe noeltaf betakseem :', 'recentchangesdays-max' => '(cugon $1 {{PLURAL:$1|viel|viel}})', 'recentchangescount' => 'Omavon gonedina ota va noeltaf betakseem ik buizvot ik "log" :', 'savedprefs' => 'Lodamaceem su zo giwar.', 'timezonelegend' => 'Bartivxo', 'localtime' => 'Lizukaf bartiv :', 'timezoneoffset' => 'Bartivferenuca :', 'servertime' => 'Bartiv ke zanisiko :', 'guesstimezone' => 'Favera va voda ke exulesiki', 'timezoneregion-africa' => 'Afrika', 'timezoneregion-america' => 'Amerika', 'timezoneregion-antarctica' => 'Antarktika', 'timezoneregion-arctic' => 'Arktika', 'timezoneregion-asia' => 'Asia', 'timezoneregion-atlantic' => 'Atlantika welfa', 'timezoneregion-australia' => 'Australia', 'timezoneregion-europe' => 'Europa', 'timezoneregion-indian' => 'India welfa', 'timezoneregion-pacific' => 'Pacifika welfa', 'allowemail' => 'Tutegirara va e-mail staksara mal ar favesik', 'prefs-searchoptions' => 'Aneyarikatcura', 'prefs-namespaces' => 'Yoltxo', 'defaultns' => 'Omavon, aneyara ko batyono yoltxo :', 'default' => 'omava', 'prefs-files' => 'Iyeltak se', 'youremail' => 'Jinafe internetmane', 'username' => 'Favesikyolt:', 'uid' => 'Favesikaf ID :', 'prefs-memberingroups' => 'Bewik ke {{PLURAL:$1|lospa|lospa}}:', 'yourrealname' => 'Rinaf ageltaf yolt*', 'yourlanguage' => 'Walasikiava', 'yournick' => 'Sugdara tori prilara se (doN'oubliez pas que d'autres sites, comme certains Wikipédias non francophones, peuvent contenir un lien direct vers cette image, et que celle-ci peut être placée dans cette liste alors qu'elle est en réalité utilisée.",
'unusedcategoriestext' => 'Batu lomabu krulded damo da mekaru bu iku loma vaon faver.',
'notargettitle' => 'Me jala',
'notargettext' => 'Va jalafu bu oku favesik bazel.',
'nopagetitle' => 'Meku manu jalabu',
'nopagetext' => 'Bazenu jalabu me tir.',
'pager-newer-n' => '{{PLURAL:$1|lowarzaf 1|lowarzaf $1}}',
'pager-older-n' => '{{PLURAL:$1|loguazaf 1|loguazaf $1}}',
'suppress' => 'Rokla',
# Book sources
'booksources' => 'Vuestes suteks',
'booksources-search-legend' => 'Aneyara va nevaklita',
'booksources-go' => 'Rupera',
# Special:Log
'specialloguserlabel' => 'Favesik:',
'speciallogtitlelabel' => 'Vergumvelt:',
'log' => '"logs"',
'all-logs-page' => '"log" bueem',
'logempty' => 'Mek trasiks koe "log" iyeltak.',
'log-title-wildcard' => 'Aneyara va vergumvelt dem mana toza',
# Special:AllPages
'allpages' => 'Kotaf bueem',
'alphaindexline' => 'male $1 kale $2',
'nextpage' => 'Radimebu ($1)',
'prevpage' => '($1) abdifu bu',
'allpagesfrom' => 'Nedira va bu se male',
'allpagesto' => 'Nedira va bu dem tena male :',
'allarticles' => 'Telizeem',
'allinnamespace' => 'Kotu bu ($1 yoltxo)',
'allnotinnamespace' => 'Kotaf bueem (me koe $1 yoltxo)',
'allpagesprev' => 'Abdifu bu',
'allpagesnext' => 'Radimifu bu',
'allpagessubmit' => 'Tuená',
'allpagesprefix' => 'Nedira va bueem tozakiraf gu :',
'allpages-bad-ns' => '{{SITENAME}} va "$1" yoltxo me digir.',
# Special:Categories
'categories' => 'Bulomeem',
'categoriespagetext' => 'Radimiasa loma se moe wiki krulded.
[[Special:UnusedCategories|Unused categories]] are not shown here.
Also see [[Special:WantedCategories|wanted categories]].',
'categoriesfrom' => 'Nedira va loma tozakirafa gu :',
'special-categories-sort-count' => 'Otafa mubera',
'special-categories-sort-abc' => 'Abavafa mubera',
# Special:DeletedContributions
'deletedcontributions' => 'Sulayan favesikaf webeks',
# Special:LinkSearch
'linksearch' => 'Divafi gluyasiki',
'linksearch-ns' => 'Yoltxo :',
'linksearch-ok' => 'Aneyara',
'linksearch-line' => '$1 gluyan mal $2',
# Special:ListUsers
'listusersfrom' => 'Fintara va favesikeem male :',
'listusers-submit' => 'Nedira',
'listusers-noresult' => 'Mek trasiyin favesik.',
# Special:ListGroupRights
'listgrouprights' => 'Rokeem ke favesiklospa',
'listgrouprights-group' => 'Lospa',
'listgrouprights-rights' => 'Rokeem',
'listgrouprights-helppage' => 'Help:Losparokeem',
'listgrouprights-members' => '(bewikeem)',
'listgrouprights-addgroup' => 'Roloplekur va {{PLURAL:$2|lospa|lospa}}: $1',
'listgrouprights-removegroup' => 'Rosular va {{PLURAL:$2|lospa|lospa}}: $1',
'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' => 'Va kota lospa roloplekur',
'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' => 'Va kota lospa rosular',
# Email user
'mailnologin' => 'Meke mane',
'mailnologintext' => 'Rin gotil [[Special:UserLogin|dogluyarakiraf]]
is bazeyes va wadafe internetmane ko rinaf [[Special:Preferences|lodamaceem]]
ta da pu ar favesik rostaksal.',
'emailuser' => 'Staksara va bat favesik',
'emailpage' => 'E-mail staksara va tel favesik',
'emailpagetext' => "Si cet utilisateur a indiqué une adresse électronique valide dans ses préférences, le formulaire ci-dessous lui enverra un message.
L'adresse électronique que vous avez indiquée dans vos préférences apparaîtra dans le champ « Expéditeur » de votre message afin que le destinataire puisse vous répondre.",
'usermailererror' => 'E-mail rokla :',
'defemailsubject' => 'internettwa staksayana mal {{SITENAME}}',
'noemailtitle' => 'Me internetmane',
'noemailtext' => "Cet utilisateur n'a pas spécifié d'adresse électronique valide ou a choisi de ne pas recevoir de courrier électronique des autres utilisateurs.",
'nowikiemailtitle' => 'Meke e-mail mane rictane',
'emailfrom' => 'Male :',
'emailto' => 'Staksanik:',
'emailsubject' => 'Detce :',
'emailmessage' => 'Staksa :',
'emailsend' => 'Staksara',
'emailccme' => 'Va ksudaks ke jinafa staksa "e-mail"-on staksal !',
'emailccsubject' => 'Ksudaks va rinafa staksa van $1 : $2',
'emailsent' => 'Staksanaca',
'emailsenttext' => 'Staksanhara.',
# Watchlist
'watchlist' => 'Suzdasiki',
'mywatchlist' => 'Jinafi suzdasiki',
'watchlistfor2' => 'Va $1 $2',
'nowatchlist' => 'Rinafi suzdasiki va nedoy teliz ruldar.',
'watchlistanontext' => 'Ta wira ik betara va ra ke rinafi suzdasiki vay $1.',
'watchnologin' => 'Dogluyariskaf',
'watchnologintext' => 'Ta betara va suzdasiki gotil [[Special:UserLogin|dogluyarakiraf]].',
'addedwatchtext' => "« $1 » bu ko rinafi [[Special:Watchlist|Suzdasiki]] fu zo loplekur.
Va moniyaf betareem va batu bu is dofu prilarabu batlize zo bonjatad, ise ta lokaliafa tcalutera telu '''ton bold''' koe bu dem [[Special:RecentChanges|noeltaf betakseem]] turowinaweter.
Ta sulara va batu bu div rinafi suzdasiki, koe grablexo va « Mea suzdá » vulegal.",
'removedwatchtext' => '« [[:$1]] » bu div rinafi suzdasiki al zo sular.',
'watch' => 'Suzdá',
'watchthispage' => 'Va batu bu suzdá',
'unwatch' => 'Mea suzdá',
'unwatchthispage' => 'Va batu bu mea suzdá',
'notanarticle' => 'Nedoy teliz',
'notvisiblerev' => 'Betaks sulayan',
'watchlist-details' => '{{PLURAL:$1|$1 bu|$1 bu}} koe rinafi suzdasiki rade prilarabueem.',
'wlheader-enotif' => 'Email walzera tir tegisa.',
'wlheader-showupdated' => "Bu betayanu vielu rin ironokon worayal tir '''sulatcalakorafu'''.",
'watchmethod-recent' => 'ageltara va noeltaf betakseem va suzdan bueem',
'watchmethod-list' => 'ageltara va suzdan bueem icde noeltafa betara',
'watchlistcontains' => 'Rinafi suzdasiki va $1 bu ruldar',
'iteminvalidname' => 'Zvak icde « $1 » teliz : yolt tir mewadaf...',
'wlnote' => "Vleveon tid tela '''$1''' ironokafa betara mali '''$2''' ironokaf bartiv.",
'wlshowlast' => 'Nedira va ironokaf $1 bartiv isu $2 viel isu $3',
'watchlist-options' => 'Suzdasikiolkeem',
# Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it is in the process of watching
'watching' => 'Nedis...',
'unwatching' => 'Menedis...',
'enotif_mailer' => '{{SITENAME}} Kowalzesi Staksasiki',
'enotif_reset' => 'Va kotu woranu bu tcalar',
'enotif_impersonal_salutation' => '{{SITENAME}} favesik',
'enotif_lastvisited' => 'Va $1 disukel ta da va kot betaks mali ironokafa worara wil.',
'enotif_lastdiff' => 'Ta wira va bat betaks va $1 disukel.',
'enotif_anon_editor' => '$1 yoltiskaf favesik',
'enotif_body' => 'Dear $WATCHINGUSERNAME,
The {{SITENAME}} page $PAGETITLE has been $CHANGEDORCREATED on $PAGEEDITDATE by $PAGEEDITOR, see $PAGETITLE_URL for the current version.
Contact the editor:
There will be no other notifications in case of further changes unless you visit this page.
You could also reset the notification flags for all your watched pages on your watchlist.
Your friendly {{SITENAME}} notification system
To change your watchlist settings, visit
Feedback and further assistance:
'created' => 'reduyun',
'changed' => 'betayan',
# Delete
'deletepage' => 'Busulara',
'confirm' => 'Gruyé',
'excontent' => 'ruldas va « $1 »',
'excontentauthor' => "cek tiyir : '$1' (is tanaf webesik tiyir '$2')",
'exbeforeblank' => 'Abdi tuvlardara, batu bu ruldayar va : $1',
'exblank' => 'vlardafu bu',
'delete-confirm' => 'Sulara va "$1"',
'delete-legend' => 'Sulara',
'historywarning' => 'Obral : Telu bu rinon sulatanu va izvot digir :',
'confirmdeletetext' => 'Rin va bu is varaf izvot fu sulal.
Vay gruyel da djuskul ise va maletireem vangrupel ise tarkason va [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|xoverteem]] askil !',
'actioncomplete' => 'Skuyuna sulara',
'actionfailed' => 'Rodjeyesa tegira',
'deletedtext' => '« $1 » tir sulayan.
Ta vexala dem noeltaf sulareem va $2 disukel.',
'dellogpage' => 'Izvot va sulareem',
'dellogpagetext' => 'Tir tela vexala dem noeltaf sulareem.
Bazen bartiv tir tel ke zanisiko.',
'deletionlog' => 'izvot va sulareem',
'reverted' => 'Dimplekura va tel abdif siatos',
'deletecomment' => 'Lazava :',
'deleteotherreason' => 'Ara ik loplekufa lazava :',
'deletereasonotherlist' => 'Ara lazava',
'deletereason-dropdown' => '*Giltafa sularalazava
** Erura ke sutesik
** Aksara va sutesikroka
** Apkara',
'delete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Betara va sularalazava',
'delete-toobig' => 'Batu bu va izvotap (lo $1 {{PLURAL:$1|betara|betara}}) digir. Ta djira va waltafa empara va {{SITENAME}} sulara va manu bu zo irutar.',
'delete-warning-toobig' => 'Batu bu va izvotap (lo $1 {{PLURAL:$1|betara|betara}}) digir. Sulara va manu bu va skura ke origak ke {{SITENAME}} rotempar, acum obrason diotel !',
# Rollback
'rollback' => 'nabildara va betareem',
'rollback_short' => 'Nabildara',
'rollbacklink' => 'nabildara',
'rollbackfailed' => 'Rodjeyesa nabildara',
'cantrollback' => 'Impossible de révoquer : dernier auteur est le seul à avoir modifié cet article',
'alreadyrolled' => 'Dimplekura va ironokafa betara va "$1" teliz gan [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Prilara]]) me zo roskur; artan va teliz ixam al betar oke al dimplekur.
Ironokafa betara gan [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Prilara]]) zo skuyur.',
'editcomment' => "Betaravildeks tiyir : ''« $1 »''.",
'revertpage' => 'Dimplekuyun betakseem ke [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Prilara]]); dim ironokaf siatos ke [[User:$1|$1]]',
'rollback-success' => 'Dimplekun betaks yo gan $1; dimpira ko ironokaf siatos ke $2.',
# Protect
'protectlogpage' => 'Izvot va nendareem',
'protectlogtext' => 'Vleveon tir elekan is dimelekayan bueem. Ta vexala dem noelaf skus nendareem, va [[Special:ProtectedPages|nendan bueem]] wil.',
'protectedarticle' => 'va « $1 » al nendar',
'modifiedarticleprotection' => 'betayana nendareka va "[[$1]]"',
'unprotectedarticle' => 'va « $1 » al dimnendar',
'protect-title' => 'Nendara va « $1 »',
'prot_1movedto2' => '$1 arbureyen kal $2',
'protect-legend' => 'Va nendara gruyel',
'protectcomment' => 'Elekaradanda :',
'protectexpiry' => 'Edjatena :',
'protect_expiry_invalid' => 'Edjatena me tir enafa.',
'protect_expiry_old' => 'Edjatena tir abdiugalafa.',
'protect-text' => "Rin va nendareka ke '''$1''' bu batlize rowil nume robetal.",
'protect-locked-access' => "Rinafa pata va betara va nendareka me rictar.
Noeltaf plekukseem ke '''$1''' bu batlize tid :",
'protect-cascadeon' => 'Batu bu zo nendar kire va {{PLURAL:$1|bu disu|bu yo disu}} va tegisa stoyakorafa nendara pasur. Rin va nendareka va batu bu robetal vexe batcoba va stoyakorafa nendara me vanolatar.',
'protect-default' => 'Va kot favesik nover',
'protect-fallback' => 'Kucilara va "$1" rictara',
'protect-level-autoconfirmed' => 'Elekara va warzaf ik patiskaf favesik',
'protect-level-sysop' => 'Anton ristusik',
'protect-summary-cascade' => 'stoyakoron',
'protect-expiring' => 'edjatena ba $1 (UTC)',
'protect-cascade' => 'Nendan bueem dene batu bu (stoyakorafa nendara)',
'protect-cantedit' => 'Va nendarekeem va batu bu me robetal kire va betararoka me deraykal.',
'protect-expiry-options' => '1 bartiv:1 hour,1 viel:1 day,1 perka:1 week,2 perka:2 weeks,1 aksat:1 month,3 aksat:3 months,6 aksat:6 months,1 tanda:1 year,kotabon:infinite',
'restriction-type' => 'Rictara :',
'restriction-level' => 'Irutareka :',
'minimum-size' => 'Volcugaf lum',
'maximum-size' => 'Cugaf lum:',
'pagesize' => '(byte)',
# Restrictions (nouns)
'restriction-edit' => 'Betara',
'restriction-move' => 'Arrundara',
'restriction-create' => 'Redura',
'restriction-upload' => 'Kalvajara',
# Restriction levels
'restriction-level-sysop' => 'ennendan',
'restriction-level-autoconfirmed' => 'nendaman',
'restriction-level-all' => 'beta eka',
# Undelete
'undelete' => 'Dimplekura va sulayanu bu',
'undeletepage' => 'Disukera va sulayanu bu is dimplekura',
'viewdeletedpage' => 'Disukera va sulayanu bu se',
'undeletepagetext' => 'Batu {{PLURAL:$1|bu|$1 bu}} al zo sular tir koe badona nume zo rodimplekur.
Badona rekolon zo gotuvlardar.',
'undeleterevisions' => '$1 fardudjayana betara',
'undeletehistory' => "Ede rin va bu co-dimplekul, kota betara ko izvot zo co-dimplekur.
Si une nouvelle page avec le même nom a été créée depuis la suppression, les révisions restaurées apparaîtront dans l'historique antérieur et la version courante ne sera pas automatiquement remplacée.",
'undelete-revision' => 'Sulayana betara va $1 (ba $4 ke $5) gan $3 :',
'undelete-nodiff' => 'Mek abdif betaks trasin.',
'undeletebtn' => 'Skura va dimplekura !',
'undeletelink' => 'wira ik dimplekura',
'undeleteviewlink' => 'wira',
'undeletereset' => 'Tolplekura',
'undeletecomment' => 'Sebuks :',
'undeletedrevisions' => '$1 siatos dimplekuyun',
'undeletedrevisions-files' => '$1 betaks isu $2 iyeltak zo dimplekuyud',
'undeletedfiles' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1|$1}} dimplekuyun iyeltak',
'cannotundelete' => 'Volsulara al rodjer ; artan va bu lanon taneon al volsular.',
'undelete-header' => 'Wira va [[Special:Log/delete|"log" sularamunsteks]] icde noelton sulayanu bu se.',
'undelete-search-box' => 'Aneyara va sulayanu bu',
'undelete-search-prefix' => 'Nedira va bueem dem toza :',
'undelete-search-submit' => 'Aneyara',
'undelete-no-results' => 'Nedoyu trasiyinu vadjesu bu koe sularak.',
'undelete-cleanup-error' => 'Rokla sulason va "$1" mefaven kofukayan iyeltak.',
'undelete-error-short' => 'Rokla dimsulason va $1 iyeltak',
'undelete-error-long' => 'Rokla se dimsulason va iyeltak :
'undelete-show-file-submit' => 'En',
# Namespace form on various pages
'namespace' => 'Yoltxo:',
'invert' => 'Tukevolara va rebara',
'blanknamespace' => '(Nelkaxo)',
# Contributions
'contributions' => 'Webereem ke favesik',
'contributions-title' => 'Favesikwebekseem icde $1',
'mycontris' => 'Jinaf webekseem',
'contribsub2' => 'Ke $1 ($2)',
'nocontribs' => 'Meka betara vadjesa va bata luda se al zo trasir.',
'uctop' => ' (ironokaf)',
'month' => 'Mali aksat (is logaveon) :',
'year' => 'Mali ilana (is logaveon) :',
'sp-contributions-newbies' => 'Anton nedira va warzafavesikaf webekseem',
'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => 'Tori warzaf favesikeem',
'sp-contributions-blocklog' => 'Elekara va "log" bu',
'sp-contributions-deleted' => 'Sulayan favesikaf webeks',
'sp-contributions-uploads' => 'kalvajara',
'sp-contributions-logs' => '"logs"',
'sp-contributions-talk' => 'Prilara',
'sp-contributions-userrights' => 'Pofera va favesikrokeem',
'sp-contributions-search' => 'Aneyara va webeks',
'sp-contributions-username' => 'IP mane ok favesikyolt :',
'sp-contributions-toponly' => 'Antafa nedira va ironokaf betakseem',
'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Aneyara',
# What links here
'whatlinkshere' => 'Gluyarakiraf bueem',
'whatlinkshere-title' => 'Bu gluyasu va "$1"',
'whatlinkshere-page' => 'Bu :',
'linkshere' => "Van batu bu vlevef bueem va gluyasiki ruldar : '''[[:$1]]'''",
'nolinkshere' => "Van batu bu nedoyu bu va gluyasiki ruldar : '''[[:$1]]'''",
'nolinkshere-ns' => "Koe kiblayano yoltxo meku bu gluyasikikirafu gu '''[[:$1]]'''.",
'isredirect' => 'graskarabu',
'istemplate' => 'kodoplekura',
'isimage' => 'skedasiki va ewava',
'whatlinkshere-prev' => '{{PLURAL:$1|abduef|abduef $1}}',
'whatlinkshere-next' => '{{PLURAL:$1|radimef|radimef $1}}',
'whatlinkshere-links' => '← gluyasiki',
'whatlinkshere-hideredirs' => '$1 graskara',
'whatlinkshere-hidetrans' => '$1 "transclusion"',
'whatlinkshere-hidelinks' => '$1 gluyasiki',
'whatlinkshere-hideimages' => '$1 skedasiki va ewava',
'whatlinkshere-filters' => 'Espasiki',
# Block/unblock
'blockip' => 'Elekara va IP mane ok favesik',
'blockip-legend' => 'Elekara va favesik',
'blockiptext' => 'Ta suterafa elekara va vansara male pilkovafe IP mane ok favesikyolt va vlevefa erurateza favel !
Mana sabegara zo goskur ta weyonara va cidara is dotrakason va [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|gotarkan vexeem]].
Va lazavanha (tulon ozwason va cidayanu bu se) vlevon bazel !',
'ipadressorusername' => 'IP mane ok favesikyolt',
'ipbexpiry' => 'Elekaracek',
'ipbreason' => 'Elekaradanda :',
'ipbreasonotherlist' => 'Ardume',
'ipbcreateaccount' => 'Djira va pataredura',
'ipbemailban' => 'Djira va favesik icde "email" staksera',
'ipbsubmit' => 'Elekara va bate mane',
'ipbother' => 'Arviele :',
'ipboptions' => '2 bartiv:2 hours,1 viel:1 day,3 viel:3 days,1 perka:1 week,2 perka:2 weeks,1 aksat:1 month,3 aksat:3 months,6 aksat:6 months,1 tanda:1 year,kotabon:infinite',
'ipbotheroption' => 'ar',
'ipbotherreason' => 'Ardume/lodume :',
'badipaddress' => 'IP mane tir mewadafe.',
'blockipsuccesssub' => 'Elekanhara',
'blockipsuccesstext' => "L'adresse IP « $1 » a été bloquée.
Vous pouvez consulter sur cette [[Special:BlockList|page]] la liste des adresses IP bloquées.",
'ipb-edit-dropdown' => 'Betara va elekaralazava',
'ipb-unblock-addr' => 'Va $1 dimelekara',
'ipb-unblock' => 'Dimelekara va favesikyolt ok IP mane',
'ipb-blocklist' => 'Wira va tis elekareem',
'ipb-blocklist-contribs' => 'Webereem ke $1',
'unblockip' => 'Grielekara va IP mane',
'unblockiptext' => 'Ta dimplekura va rosutera va vlevef valdig favel
male abdion elekayane IP mane.',
'ipusubmit' => 'Grielekara va bate mane',
'unblocked' => '[[User:$1|$1]] su zo dimelekar',
'unblocked-id' => 'Dimelekara va $1 su zo skur',
'ipblocklist' => 'Elekayan webesik',
'ipblocklist-legend' => 'Trasira va elekan favesik',
'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Aneyara',
'infiniteblock' => 'parmaf',
'expiringblock' => 'tenuwer ba $1 $2',
'anononlyblock' => 'anton yoltiskik',
'noautoblockblock' => "gritegirayan 'autoblock'",
'createaccountblock' => 'pataredura zo elekar',
'emailblock' => 'e-mail elekan',
'ipblocklist-empty' => 'Meka elekara.',
'ipblocklist-no-results' => 'Erune IP mane ok favesikyolt me tid elekayan.',
'blocklink' => 'elekara',
'unblocklink' => 'grielekara',
'change-blocklink' => 'Betara va elekara',
'contribslink' => 'webekseem',
'autoblocker' => 'Bloqué automatiquement parce que vous partagez une adresse IP avec « $1 ». Raison : « $2 ».',
'blocklogpage' => 'Elekara log',
'blocklogentry' => 'Elekan [[$1]] kali $2 ke $3 evledja',
'blocklogtext' => 'Ceci est la trace des blocages et déblocages des utilisateurs. Les adresses IP automatiquement bloquées ne sont pas listées. Consultez la [[Special:BlockList|liste des utilisateurs bloqués]] pour voir qui est actuellement effectivement bloqué.',
'unblocklogentry' => 'grielekara va « $1 »',
'block-log-flags-anononly' => 'anton yoltiskaf favesik',
'block-log-flags-nocreate' => 'Pataredura gritegirana',
'block-log-flags-noemail' => 'e-mail elekan',
'ipb_expiry_invalid' => "temps d'expiration invalide.",
'ipb_already_blocked' => '"$1" ixam tir elekan',
'ip_range_invalid' => 'IP elega mewadafa.',
'proxyblocker' => 'Elekasiki va proxy',
'proxyblockreason' => "Votre ip a été bloquée car c'est un proxy ouvert. Merci de contacter votre fournisseur d'accès internet ou votre support technique et de l'informer de ce problème de sécurité.",
'sorbsreason' => "Rinafe IP mane wetce fenkunafi 'proxy' koe DNSBL faveni gan {{SITENAME}} zo vexalar.",
# Developer tools
'lockdb' => 'Ixatcara va origak',
'unlockdb' => 'Dimixatcara va origak',
'lockdbtext' => "Le verrouillage de la base de données empêchera tous les utilisateurs de modifier des pages, de sauvegarder leurs préférences, de modifier leur liste de suivi et d'effectuer toutes les autres opérations nécessitant des modifications dans la base de données.
Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire et que vous débloquerez la base dès que votre opération de maintenance sera terminée.",
'unlockdbtext' => "Le déverrouillage de la base de données permettra à nouveau à tous les utilisateurs de modifier des pages, de mettre à jour leurs préférences et leur liste de suivi, ainsi que d'effectuer les autres opérations nécessitant des modifications dans la base de données.
Veuillez confirmer que c'est bien là ce que vous voulez faire.",
'lockconfirm' => 'Oui, je confirme que je souhaite verrouiller la base de données.',
'unlockconfirm' => 'Oui, je confirme que je souhaite déverrouiller la base de données.',
'lockbtn' => 'Ixatcara va origak',
'unlockbtn' => 'Dimixatcara va origak',
'locknoconfirm' => 'Rin va gruyerakiray me al prakel.',
'lockdbsuccesssub' => 'Ixatcanhara va origak.',
'unlockdbsuccesssub' => 'Dimixatcayan origak.',
'lockdbsuccesstext' => "Origak ke {{SITENAME}} al zo ixatcar.
N'oubliez pas de la déverrouiller lorsque vous aurez terminé votre opération de maintenance.",
'unlockdbsuccesstext' => 'La base de données de {{SITENAME}} est déverrouillée.',
'databasenotlocked' => 'Origak me zo ixatcar.',
# Move page
'move-page' => 'Arrundara va $1',
'move-page-legend' => 'Va teliz tolyoltá',
'movepagetext' => "Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour renommer un article (et sa page de discussion, le cas échéant), en déplaçant toutes ses versions antérieures vers le nouveau nom.
Vous pouvez mettre à jour les redirections qui pointent sur l’ancien titre automatiquement. Si vous ne le faites pas, assurez-vous qu’il n’y ait pas de redirections [[Special:DoubleRedirects|doubles]] ou [[Special:BrokenRedirects|rompues]]. Vous êtes responsable de vous assurer que les liens continuent de pointer aux bons endroits.
Notez que la page ne sera '''pas''' déplacée s’il y a déjà une page au nouveau titre, à moins que cette dernière ne soit vide ou une redirection, et qu’elle soit sans historique. Ceci vous permet de revenir en arrière en cas d’erreur, et vous empêche d’écraser les pages existantes.
Il peut s’agir d’un changement radical et inattendu pour un article souvent consulté ; assurez-vous que vous en comprenez bien les conséquences avant de procéder.",
'movepagetalktext' => "La page de discussion associée, si présente, sera automatiquement renommée avec '''sauf si:'''
*Vous renommez une page vers un autre espace,
*Une page de discussion existe déjà avec le nouveau nom, ou
*Vous avez désélectionné le bouton ci-dessous.
Dans ce cas, vous devrez renommer ou fusionner la page manuellement si vous le désirez.",
'movearticle' => 'Tolyoltara va teliz',
'movenologin' => 'Dogluyariskaf',
'movenologintext' => 'Ede rin va teliz co-djutolyoltal, wetce koverteyen favesik gotil [[Special:UserLogin|dogluyarakiraf]].',
'movenotallowed' => 'Rin va bu me ronovarrundal.',
'cant-move-user-page' => 'Rin va favesikbu (rade volveybu) me ronovarrundal.',
'cant-move-to-user-page' => 'Rin va bu ika favesikbu (rade favesikafu volveybu) me ronovarrundal.',
'newtitle' => 'Warzaf vergumvelt',
'move-watch' => 'Busuzdara',
'movepagebtn' => 'Tolyoltara va teliz',
'pagemovedsub' => 'Tolyoltanhara',
'movepage-moved' => '\'\'\'"$1" zo arrundayar kal "$2"\'\'\'',
'articleexists' => 'Milvergumveltaf teliz ixam krulder, oke kiblayan vergumvelt tir meenaf. Va ar kiblal !',
'cantmove-titleprotected' => 'Va bu me milinde rotarrundal kire warzaf vergumvelt icde redura zo nendar',
'talkexists' => "La page elle-même a été déplacée avec succès, mais la page de discussion n'a pas pu être déplacée car il en existait déjà une sous le nouveau nom. S'il vous plait, fusionnez les manuellement.",
'movedto' => 'Tolyoltayan ton',
'movetalk' => "Renommer aussi la page « discussion », s'il y a lieu.",
'move-subpages' => 'Arrundara va volveybueem',
'move-talk-subpages' => 'Arrundara va volveybueem ke prilarabu',
'movepage-page-exists' => '$1 bu ixam tir nume me balkon zo rotolsuter.',
'movepage-page-moved' => '$1 bu ko $2 su zo arrundar.',
'movepage-page-unmoved' => '$1 bu ko $2 me al zo rotarrundar.',
'movelogpage' => 'Arrundara va "log" bu',
'movelogpagetext' => 'Vleveon vexala dem arrundayanu bu se.',
'movereason' => 'Lazava :',
'revertmove' => 'dimplekura',
'delete_and_move' => 'Sulara is arplekura',
'delete_and_move_text' => '==Sulara eruna==
"[[:$1]]" kalefu bu ixam krulder.
Kas ta askira va darka ta arrundara va in djusulal ?',
'delete_and_move_confirm' => 'En, va bu sulal !',
'delete_and_move_reason' => 'Sulayan ta dark ta arrundara',
'selfmove' => 'Malef vergumvelt isu kalef tid mil;
bu ika int me zo rotarrundar.',
'imageinvalidfilename' => 'Jalaf iyeltakyolt tir meenaf',
# Export
'export' => 'Budivburera',
'exporttext' => 'Kan XML breviz va krent is izvot ke tanu bu ik bulospa rodivburel; ko ari wiki flisi kan MediaWiki talpey daneks bam rokoburer ike rotartazukar ike ta pilkafa unera rogiwar.',
'exportcuronly' => 'Anton divburera va izvotiskaf noelaf siatos',
'export-submit' => 'Divburera',
'export-addcattext' => 'Buloplekura mal loma :',
'export-addcat' => 'Loplekura',
'export-download' => 'Iyeltakkorafa giwara',
'export-templates' => 'Kodoplekura va teza',
# Namespace 8 related
'allmessages' => 'Vexala dem bolkstakseem',
'allmessagesname' => 'Yolt',
'allmessagesdefault' => 'Omavaf krent',
'allmessagescurrent' => 'Noelaf krent',
'allmessagestext' => 'Batcoba tir vexala dem bolkstakseem koe MediaWiki yoltxo.
Va [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Localisation MediaWiki Localisation] is [//translatewiki.net translatewiki.net] vay woral ede va tulizukara va Mediawiki co-rowebel.',
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "Batu bu me zo rofaver kire '''\$wgUseDatabaseMessages''' mea tir tegis.",
# Thumbnails
'thumbnail-more' => 'Tulogijara',
'filemissing' => 'Gracaf iyeltak',
'thumbnail_error' => 'Va $1 aluk redujara',
'djvu_page_error' => 'DjVu bu dive kima',
'djvu_no_xml' => 'XML Vexalara va DjVu iyeltak tir merotisa',
'thumbnail_invalid_params' => 'Meenaf alukdor',
'thumbnail_dest_directory' => 'Redura va kalbonja tir merotisa',
# Special:Import
'import' => 'Bukoburera',
'importinterwiki' => 'Transwiki koburera',
'import-interwiki-source' => 'Wiki ik bu klita :',
'import-interwiki-history' => 'Ksudara va kot izvotsiatos ke batu bu',
'import-interwiki-submit' => 'Koburera',
'import-interwiki-namespace' => 'Graskarafo yoltxo :',
'import-upload-filename' => 'Iyeltakyolt :',
'import-comment' => 'Sebuks :',
'importtext' => 'Exportez un fichier depuis le wiki source en utilisant la fonction Special:Export, sauvez la page sur votre disque puis envoyez là ici.',
'importstart' => 'Kobures va bu...',
'import-revision-count' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|betaks|betaks}}',
'importnopages' => 'Nedoyu gokoburenu bu.',
'importfailed' => 'Koburejera : $1',
'importunknownsource' => 'Megrupen kobureraf klitord',
'importcantopen' => 'Merotisa fenkura va koburen iyeltak',
'importbadinterwiki' => 'Interwiki gluyasikiji',
'importnotext' => 'Vlardaf ok krentiskaf',
'importsuccess' => 'Koburenhera !',
'importhistoryconflict' => "Il y a un conflit dans l'historique des versions (cette page à peut être déjà été importée avant)",
'importnofile' => 'Mek iyeltak al zo kalvajar.',
'importuploaderrorsize' => 'Kalvajara va iyeltak al rodjer. Bat iyeltak tir logijaf dam rictan kalvajaralum.',
'importuploaderrorpartial' => 'Kalvajara va iyeltak al rodjer. Iyeltak anton pakon al zo kalvajar.',
'import-noarticle' => 'Me gokoburenu bu !',
'xml-error-string' => '$1 moe $2 conha, $3 briz ($4 byte): $5',
# Import log
'importlogpage' => 'Koburera va "log" bu',
'import-logentry-upload' => 'kobureyen [[$1]] kan iyeltakkalvajara',
'import-logentry-upload-detail' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|betaks|betaks}}',
'import-logentry-interwiki-detail' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|betaks|betaks}} male $2',
# Tooltip help for the actions
'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'Jinafu favesikbu',
'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => 'Jinafo keyaksexo',
'tooltip-pt-anontalk' => 'Keyaksera va betaks male bate IP mane',
'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Jinaf lodamaceem',
'tooltip-pt-watchlist' => 'Rinon suzdan betan bueem',
'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Jinaf webekseem',
'tooltip-pt-login' => 'Pataredura zo koldar voxe me tir vrebafa.',
'tooltip-pt-anonlogin' => 'Zo bristul da va int kogluyal, wori batcoba me tir vrebafa.',
'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Voldogluyara',
'tooltip-ca-talk' => 'Keyaksera va telizbu',
'tooltip-ca-edit' => 'Va batu bu robetal. Va "Abdinedira" vulegasiki abdi giwara vay favel !',
'tooltip-ca-addsection' => 'Bokara va warzaf gabot',
'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => 'Batu bu zo nendar. Rin va klita rowil.',
'tooltip-ca-history' => 'Abdif siatoseem ke batu bu.',
'tooltip-ca-protect' => 'Nendara va batu bu',
'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Sulara va batu bu',
'tooltip-ca-undelete' => 'Dimplekura va betakseem va batu bu abdi sulara',
'tooltip-ca-move' => 'Arrundara va batu bu',
'tooltip-ca-watch' => 'Kosuzdasikira va batu bu',
'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => 'Divsuzdasikira va batu bu',
'tooltip-search' => 'Aneyara vanmia bati wiki',
'tooltip-search-go' => 'Ede bu dem bat tageltaf yolt tir kalon grablé',
'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'Aneyara va bu dem bat krent',
'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Emudexo',
'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Va emudexo woral !',
'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => 'Va emudexo woral !',
'tooltip-n-portal' => 'Icde abdumimaks, gonaskinaceem ise lize rotrasil',
'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Trasira va icdefa giva icde noeltaf bifeem',
'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'Noeltaf betakseem koe wiki.',
'tooltip-n-randompage' => 'Vajara va xuyavafu bu',
'tooltip-n-help' => 'Trasixo.',
'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => 'Batliz gluyas wikibueem',
'tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked' => 'Noeltaf betakseem koe kotu bu skedasu va batu bu',
'tooltip-feed-rss' => 'RSS rust icde batu bu',
'tooltip-feed-atom' => 'Atom rust icde batu bu',
'tooltip-t-contributions' => 'Wira va webekseem ke bat favesik',
'tooltip-t-emailuser' => 'Staksara pu bat favesik',
'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Kalvajara va iyeltak',
'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'Aptabueem',
'tooltip-t-print' => 'Rorubian siatos ke batu bu',
'tooltip-t-permalink' => 'Elupkafi gluyasiki va bat busiatos',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => 'Rupera va cekbu',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-user' => 'Wira va favesikbu',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-media' => 'Wira va kanacabu',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-special' => 'Batu bu tis aptafu bu vaon me robetal',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => 'Wira va abdumimaks bu',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-image' => 'Wira va iyeltakbu',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-mediawiki' => 'Wira va bolkstaksa',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-template' => 'Wira va teza',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-help' => 'Wira va pomarabu',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => 'Wira va loma bu',
'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Va bat betamaks tcalá',
'tooltip-save' => 'Va jinaf betaks giwá',
'tooltip-preview' => 'Va rinaf betakseem abdinedil, abdi da giwal va batcoba vay favel !',
'tooltip-diff' => 'Nedira va rinaf krentaf betakseem.',
'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => 'Disukera va amidaceem wal toloy reban siatos ke batu bu.',
'tooltip-watch' => 'Ko intafi suzdasiki va batu bu loplekú',
'tooltip-recreate' => 'Tolredura va bu damo abdifa sulara',
'tooltip-upload' => 'Kalvajara',
'tooltip-rollback' => '"Rollback" kan tanoya vulegara va betaks va batu bu kal ironokaf webesik kuider',
'tooltip-undo' => '"Dimbetara" va bata betara kuider ise va tazukasiki abdiwison fenkur.
Ise va bazera va lazava ko vildeks nover.',
'tooltip-summary' => 'Va vildeksam bazel',
# Metadata
'notacceptable' => 'Ce serveur wiki ne peut pas fournir les données dans un format que votre client est capable de lire.',
# Attribution
'anonymous' => 'Yoltiskaf {{PLURAL:$1|favesik|favesik}} va {{SITENAME}}',
'siteuser' => '$1 favesik va {{SITENAME}}',
'lastmodifiedatby' => 'Batu bu ironokon zo betayar ba $2, $1 gan $3.',
'othercontribs' => 'Omavaf gu kobara ke $1.',
'others' => 'ar',
'siteusers' => '{{PLURAL:$2|favesik|favesik}} $1',
'creditspage' => 'Rostbu',
# Spam protection
'spamprotectiontitle' => 'Filtre de protection anti-polluriels',
'spamprotectiontext' => 'La création ou sauvegarde de la page a été automatiquement bloquée par le filtre anti-polluriel. Ceci est probablement causé par l’inclusion d’un lien vers un site externe apparaissant sur la liste noire.',
'spamprotectionmatch' => 'Le texte suivant a déclenché le détecteur de spam: $1',
'spambot_username' => 'Tucuara va MediaWiki "spam"
MediaWiki spam cleanup',
'spam_reverting' => 'Dimplekura va ironokaf siatos meruldas va gluyasiki do $1',
'spam_blanking' => 'Kot betaks ruldas va gluyasiki do $1, tuvlardara',
# Patrolling
'markaspatrolleddiff' => 'Marquer comme vérifiée',
'markaspatrolledtext' => 'Marquer cet article comme vérifié',
'markedaspatrolled' => 'Marqué comme vérifié',
'markedaspatrolledtext' => 'La version sélectionnée a été marquée comme vérifiée.',
'rcpatroldisabled' => 'Fiera va Noeltaf Betakseem gritegirana',
'rcpatroldisabledtext' => "La fonctionnalité de surveillance des modifications récentes n'est pas activée.",
'markedaspatrollederror' => 'Va fieks me rotcalar',
'markedaspatrollederrortext' => 'Ta fieyena tcalara va betaks gobazel.',
'markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol' => 'Va intaf betaks fienon me rotcalal.',
# Patrol log
'patrol-log-page' => '"Log" triosusiki va fiereem',
# Image deletion
'deletedrevision' => '$1 sulayan guazaf betaks',
'filedeleteerror-short' => 'Rokla sulason va $1 iyeltak',
'filedeleteerror-long' => 'Rokla se sokiyisa sulason va iyeltak :
'filedelete-missing' => '"$1" iyeltak me rosular kire me krulder.',
'filedelete-old-unregistered' => '"$1" bazen betaks me tir koe origak.',
'filedelete-current-unregistered' => '"$1" bazen iyeltak me tir koe origak.',
# Browsing diffs
'previousdiff' => '← Abdifa amidaca',
'nextdiff' => 'Radimifa amidaca →',
# Media information
'thumbsize' => 'Aluklum :',
'widthheightpage' => '$1 × $2, $3 {{PLURAL:$3|bu|bu}}',
'file-info' => 'iyeltakaldo : $1, MIME ord : $2',
'file-info-size' => '$1 × $2 pixel, iyeltakaldo : $3, MIME ord : $4',
'file-nohires' => 'Me roderaykan logijaf lum.',
'svg-long-desc' => 'SVG iyeltak, prekson $1 × $2 pixels, iyeltakaldo : $3',
'show-big-image' => 'Geltraf lum',
# Special:NewFiles
'newimages' => 'Warzaf ewaviyeltak yo',
'imagelisttext' => "Tir vexala dem '''$1''' {{PLURAL:$1|iyeltak|iyeltak}} $2 pulana.",
'newimages-summary' => 'Batu aptafu bu va ironokaf kalvajayan iyeltakeem nedir.',
'newimages-legend' => 'Espara',
'newimages-label' => 'Iyeltak (ok ki) :',
'showhidebots' => '($1 stiernik)',
'noimages' => 'Mecoba rowina',
'ilsubmit' => 'Aneyara',
'bydate' => 'kan evla',
'sp-newimages-showfrom' => 'Nedira va warzaf iyeltak mali $1 ba $2',
# Bad image list
'bad_image_list' => 'Breviz tir bat :
Anton vexalolk (conya dem * toza) zo krafiar. Teli taneafi gluyasiki moe conya lanon tir van ewavaja.
Kotari milconyafi gluyasiki roklon zo krafiar.',
# Metadata
'metadata' => 'Veyorigeem',
'metadata-help' => 'Bat iyeltak va loplekufa giva ruldar. Bata giva male reduso ok tuotukaso wanuyasiko iku ksudasiko lanon zo loplekuyur. Ede iyeltak malion di zo betayar, konaka pinta va betayana ewava rotir me co-tcazenyed.',
'metadata-expand' => 'Nedira va pintapeem',
'metadata-collapse' => 'Palsera va pintapeem',
'metadata-fields' => 'Ewavafa rapta vexalana koe bata staksa ko ewavabu zo kodoplekutud. Ara rapta omavon zo palseter.
* make
* model
* datetimeoriginal
* exposuretime
* fnumber
* isospeedratings
* focallength
* artist
* copyright
* imagedescription
* gpslatitude
* gpslongitude
* gpsaltitude',
# Exif tags
'exif-imagewidth' => 'Mantuca',
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'exif-datetime' => 'Evla is bartiv va betara va iyeltak',
'exif-imagedescription' => 'Ewavavergumvelt',
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'exif-software' => 'Faven talpeyot',
'exif-artist' => 'Askisik',
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'exif-usercomment' => 'Favesikaf sebuks',
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'exif-filesource' => 'Iyeltakklita',
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'exif-contrast' => 'Kevaxanuca',
'exif-saturation' => 'Keldelanuca',
'exif-sharpness' => 'Gentim',
'exif-imageuniqueid' => 'Tanewava ID',
'exif-gpslatituderef' => 'Lentef ok geef laksiwak',
'exif-gpslatitude' => 'Laksiwak',
'exif-gpslongituderef' => 'Ronef ok taltef wak',
'exif-gpslongitude' => 'Wak',
'exif-gpsaltituderef' => 'Ontinukeka',
'exif-gpsaltitude' => 'Ontinuk',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode' => 'Sabegaracave',
'exif-gpsdop' => 'Sabegarelimuca',
'exif-gpsspeedref' => 'Kaliucolk',
'exif-gpstrackref' => 'Kallizirafa giva',
'exif-gpstrack' => 'Lizirania',
'exif-gpsimgdirectionref' => 'Ewavaniafa giva',
'exif-gpsimgdirection' => 'Ewavania',
'exif-gpsdestlatituderef' => 'Kallaksiwakafa giva',
'exif-gpsdestlatitude' => 'Kof laksiwak',
'exif-gpsdestlongituderef' => 'Kalwakafa giva',
'exif-gpsdestlongitude' => 'Kof wak',
'exif-gpsdestdistanceref' => 'Kalsolumafa giva',
'exif-gpsdestdistance' => 'Kofa soluma',
'exif-gpsdatestamp' => 'GPS evla',
# Exif attributes
'exif-compression-1' => 'Raxivariskafa',
'exif-unknowndate' => 'Megrupena evla',
'exif-orientation-1' => 'Preksafa',
'exif-orientation-2' => 'Inversée horizontalement',
'exif-orientation-3' => 'Tournée de 180°',
'exif-orientation-4' => 'Inversée verticalement',
'exif-orientation-5' => 'Tournée de 90° à gauche et inversée verticalement',
'exif-orientation-6' => 'Tournée de 90° à droite',
'exif-orientation-7' => 'Tournée de 90° à droite et inversée verticalement',
'exif-orientation-8' => 'Tournée de 90° à gauche',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-0' => "n'existe pas",
'exif-exposureprogram-0' => 'Metentuyun',
'exif-exposureprogram-1' => 'Nubedaf',
'exif-exposureprogram-2' => 'Preksaf talpey',
'exif-exposureprogram-3' => 'Abdukuca ke fenkura',
'exif-exposureprogram-4' => 'Abdukuca ke budesiki',
'exif-subjectdistance-value' => '$1 metrolk',
'exif-meteringmode-0' => 'Megrupen',
'exif-meteringmode-1' => 'Mialuk',
'exif-meteringmode-5' => 'Fum',
'exif-meteringmode-6' => 'Pakaf',
'exif-meteringmode-255' => 'Ar',
'exif-lightsource-0' => 'Megrupen',
'exif-lightsource-1' => 'Afiz',
'exif-lightsource-4' => 'Divafira',
'exif-lightsource-9' => 'Sazanh',
'exif-lightsource-10' => 'Rujodaf saz',
'exif-lightsource-11' => 'Izga',
'exif-lightsource-17' => 'A preksayafi afi',
'exif-lightsource-18' => 'B preksayafi afi',
'exif-lightsource-19' => 'C preksayafi afi',
'exif-lightsource-255' => 'Ara afiklita',
'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2' => "'inch'",
'exif-sensingmethod-1' => 'Metentun',
'exif-customrendered-0' => 'Preksafa abduaxa',
'exif-customrendered-1' => 'Favesikafa abduaxa',
'exif-exposuremode-0' => 'Mivaskafa konedira',
'exif-exposuremode-1' => 'Nubedafa konedira',
'exif-scenecapturetype-0' => 'Preksayon',
'exif-scenecapturetype-1' => 'Patctoykoron',
'exif-scenecapturetype-2' => 'Deltkoron',
'exif-scenecapturetype-3' => 'Mielnakila',
'exif-gaincontrol-0' => 'Mek',
'exif-gaincontrol-1' => 'Lopoamara',
'exif-gaincontrol-2' => 'Lopoapara',
'exif-gaincontrol-3' => 'Lepoamara',
'exif-gaincontrol-4' => 'Lepoapara',
'exif-contrast-0' => 'Prekson',
'exif-contrast-1' => 'Omon',
'exif-contrast-2' => 'Ontinon',
'exif-saturation-0' => 'Prekson',
'exif-saturation-1' => 'Keldelamara',
'exif-saturation-2' => 'Keldelapara',
'exif-sharpness-0' => 'Prekson',
'exif-sharpness-1' => 'Omon',
'exif-sharpness-2' => 'Ontinon',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-0' => 'Megrupenon',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-2' => 'Budera va wira',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-3' => 'Solumawira',
# Pseudotags used for GPSLatitudeRef and GPSDestLatitudeRef
'exif-gpslatitude-n' => 'Lentelaksiwak',
'exif-gpslatitude-s' => 'Gelaksiwak',
# Pseudotags used for GPSLongitudeRef and GPSDestLongitudeRef
'exif-gpslongitude-e' => 'Ronewak',
'exif-gpslongitude-w' => 'Taltewak',
'exif-gpsstatus-a' => 'Dun sabeson',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode-2' => '2-lumafa sabera',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode-3' => '3-lumafa sabera',
# Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef
'exif-gpsspeed-k' => 'Bartivon decitmetrolk se',
'exif-gpsspeed-m' => "Bartivon 'mile'",
'exif-gpsspeed-n' => 'Webokeem',
# Pseudotags used for GPSTrackRef, GPSImgDirectionRef and GPSDestBearingRef
'exif-gpsdirection-t' => 'Ageltania',
'exif-gpsdirection-m' => 'Zatnia',
# External editor support
'edit-externally' => 'Betara va bat iyeltak faveson va divef talpey',
'edit-externally-help' => '(Ta lo giva va [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:External_editors setup instructions] disukel !)',
# 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages
'watchlistall2' => 'kot',
'namespacesall' => 'koto',
'monthsall' => 'kot',
# Email address confirmation
'confirmemail' => 'Va e-mail gruyel',
'confirmemail_noemail' => 'Bazene "email" mane koe rinaf [[Special:Preferences|favesikaf lodamaceem]] me tir enafe.',
'confirmemail_text' => "Ce wiki nécessite la vérification de votre adresse email avant de pouvoir utiliser toute fonction de messagerie. Utilisez le bouton ci dessous pour envoyer un email de confirmation à votre adresse. L'email contiendra un lien contenant un code, chargez ce lien dans votre navigateur pour valider votre adresse.",
'confirmemail_send' => 'Envoyer un code de confirmation',
'confirmemail_sent' => 'Email de confirmation envoyé',
'confirmemail_oncreate' => "Gruyerafa beksa pu rinafe 'email' mane su zo staksar.
Ta pilkomodara bata beksa tir mevrebafa vexe ta tutegirara va 'email' fli koe wiki zo godafur.",
'confirmemail_sendfailed' => '{{SITENAME}} va gruyes e-mail me rostaksel.
Va rinafe e-mail mane vay ageltal !
Rodjeyesi staksasiki : $1',
'confirmemail_invalid' => 'Code de confirmation incorrect. Le code a peut être expiré',
'confirmemail_needlogin' => 'Ta gruyera va "email" mane rin va $1 olegal.',
'confirmemail_success' => 'Votre email est confirmée. Vous pouvez maintenant vous connecter et profiter du wiki.',
'confirmemail_loggedin' => 'Votre adresse est maintenant confirmée',
'confirmemail_error' => 'Un problème est survenu en voulant enregistrer votre confirmation',
'confirmemail_subject' => "Confirmation d'email pour {{SITENAME}}",
'confirmemail_body' => 'Someone, probably you, from IP address $1,
has registered an account "$2" with this e-mail address on {{SITENAME}}.
To confirm that this account really does belong to you and activate
e-mail features on {{SITENAME}}, open this link in your browser:
If you did *not* register the account, follow this link
to cancel the e-mail address confirmation:
This confirmation code will expire at $4.',
'confirmemail_invalidated' => "Waljoana gruyera va 'e-mail' mane",
'invalidateemail' => "Kuidera va 'email' gruyera",
# Scary transclusion
'scarytranscludetoolong' => '[URL tir abrotcarsaf]',
# Delete conflict
'deletedwhileediting' => "'''Obral''' : Batu bu zo sulayar vielu toz betayal !",
'recreate' => 'Tolredura',
# action=purge
'confirm_purge_button' => 'En',
'confirm-purge-top' => 'Palsexo ke batu bu zo gokarler ?',
# Multipage image navigation
'imgmultipageprev' => '← abduebu',
'imgmultipagenext' => 'radimebu →',
'imgmultigo' => 'Askí !',
'imgmultigoto' => 'Grablera kal $1 bu',
# Table pager
'ascending_abbrev' => 'tid-',
'descending_abbrev' => 'tit-',
'table_pager_next' => 'Radimefu bu',
'table_pager_prev' => 'Abduefu bu',
'table_pager_first' => 'Taneafu bu',
'table_pager_last' => 'Ironokafu bu',
'table_pager_limit' => 'Nedira va buon $1 ra',
'table_pager_limit_submit' => 'Askira',
'table_pager_empty' => 'Nedoy trasiks',
# Auto-summaries
'autosumm-blank' => 'Sulas va bucek',
'autosumm-replace' => "Ikaplekura va bu kan '$1'",
'autoredircomment' => 'Graskara va [[$1]]',
'autosumm-new' => "Warzafu bu kan '$1'",
# Live preview
'livepreview-loading' => 'Vajas…',
'livepreview-ready' => 'Vajas... Gadion !',
'livepreview-failed' => 'Geltrafa abdiwira keluyuna ! Va preksafa abdiwira lwil !',
'livepreview-error' => 'Keluyuna dogluyara va : $1 "$2". Va preksafa abdiwira lwil !',
# Friendlier slave lag warnings
'lag-warn-normal' => 'Betaks skuyun weti le $1 {{PLURAL:$1|verast|verast}} batliz me zo kovexalatar.',
# Watchlist editor
'watchlistedit-numitems' => 'Rinafi suzdasiki va {{PLURAL:$1|1 vergumvelt|$1 vergumvelt}} ruldar, luke prilarabueem.',
'watchlistedit-noitems' => 'Rinafi suzdasiki va mek vergumvelt ruldar.',
'watchlistedit-normal-title' => 'Betara va suzdasiki',
'watchlistedit-normal-legend' => 'Divsuzdasikira va vergumvelt',
'watchlistedit-normal-submit' => 'Tioltera va vergumvelt',
'watchlistedit-normal-done' => '$1 vergumvelt kou rinafi suzdasiki su zo tiolted :',
'watchlistedit-raw-title' => 'Betara va rilafi suzdasiki',
'watchlistedit-raw-legend' => 'Betara va rilafi suzdasiki',
'watchlistedit-raw-titles' => 'Vergumvelteem :',
'watchlistedit-raw-submit' => 'Nuskera va suzdasiki',
'watchlistedit-raw-done' => 'Rinafi suzdasiki su zo nusker.',
'watchlistedit-raw-added' => '$1 vergumvelt su zo loplekud :',
'watchlistedit-raw-removed' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1 vergumvelt al zo arrundar |$1 vergumvelt al zo arrundad}} :',
# Watchlist editing tools
'watchlisttools-view' => 'Wira va icdef betakseem',
'watchlisttools-edit' => 'Wira va suzdasiki isu betara',
'watchlisttools-raw' => 'Betara va suzdasiki',
# Core parser functions
'unknown_extension_tag' => '"$1" megrupena divatcenafa tcala',
'duplicate-defaultsort' => '\'\'\'OBRAL !\'\'\' "$2" omavafa muberamarna va "$1" tela abdifa selur.',
# Special:Version
'version' => 'Siatos',
'version-extensions' => 'Inkeyeni divatcesiki se',
'version-specialpages' => 'Aptaf bueem',
'version-parserhooks' => 'Exulerademi',
'version-variables' => 'Remvodeem',
'version-other' => 'Ar',
'version-hooks' => 'Demi se',
'version-parser-extensiontags' => 'Exulerafa divatcenafa tcala',
'version-parser-function-hooks' => 'Exuleraflidemi',
'version-hook-name' => 'Demiyolt',
'version-hook-subscribedby' => 'Wimpayan gan',
'version-version' => '(Siatos $1)',
'version-license' => 'Sorta',
'version-software' => 'Inkeyen talpeyot',
'version-software-product' => 'Warzeks',
'version-software-version' => 'Siatos',
# Special:FileDuplicateSearch
'fileduplicatesearch' => 'Aneyara va jontolaf iyeltak',
'fileduplicatesearch-legend' => 'Aneyara va jontolaca',
'fileduplicatesearch-filename' => 'Iyeltakyolt :',
'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => 'Aneyara',
'fileduplicatesearch-result-1' => '"$1" iyeltak va miltafa jontoloca me digir.',
# Special:SpecialPages
'specialpages' => 'Aptaf bueem',
'specialpages-group-other' => 'Ar aptabueem',
'specialpages-group-login' => 'Figara / dimfigara',
'specialpages-group-changes' => 'Noeltaf betakseem isu "log"',
'specialpages-group-users' => 'Favesikeem is rokeem',
'specialpages-group-highuse' => 'Nhofapanu bu',
'specialpages-group-pages' => 'Buvexala',
'specialpages-group-pagetools' => 'Buxekeem',
'specialpages-group-wiki' => 'Wiki origeem isu xekeem',
'specialpages-group-redirects' => 'Graskara va aptabu',
'specialpages-group-spam' => 'Spam xekeem',
# Special:BlankPage
'blankpage' => 'Butuvlardara',
# Special:Tags
'tag-filter' => '[[Special:Tags|Tag]] espara:',
# New logging system
'revdelete-restricted' => 'irutara rewana pu ristusik',
'revdelete-unrestricted' => 'irutara tiolteyena pu ristusik',
'rightsnone' => '(mek)',