'Unnerline airtins:', 'tog-highlightbroken' => 'Format brucken airtins like this (alternative: like this?).', 'tog-justify' => 'Justifee paragraphs', 'tog-hideminor' => 'Hide smaa edits in recent chynges', 'tog-hidepatrolled' => 'Hide patrolled edits in recent chynges', 'tog-newpageshidepatrolled' => 'Hide patrolled pages frae the new page list', 'tog-extendwatchlist' => 'Mak watchleet bigger tae shaw aw chynges', 'tog-usenewrc' => 'Enhanced recent chynges (no for aa brousers)', 'tog-numberheadings' => 'Auto-nummer heidins', 'tog-showtoolbar' => 'Shaw edit toolbar', 'tog-editondblclick' => 'Edit pages on dooble-dab (JavaScript)', 'tog-editsection' => 'Enable section editin via [edit] airtins', 'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => 'Enable section editin bi richt-dabbin on section teitles (JavaScript)', 'tog-showtoc' => 'Shaw table o contents (for pages wi mair nor 3 heidins)', 'tog-rememberpassword' => 'Mynd password ower sessions (for a maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})', 'tog-watchcreations' => 'Add pages ye mak tar yer watchleet', 'tog-watchdefault' => 'Add pages ye edit tae yer watchleet', 'tog-watchmoves' => 'Eik pages A move tae ma watchleet', 'tog-watchdeletion' => 'Eik pages A get rid o tae ma watchleet', 'tog-minordefault' => 'Mairk aa edits "smaa" bi defaut', 'tog-previewontop' => 'Shaw scance afore edit box an no efter it', 'tog-previewonfirst' => 'Shaw scance on first edit', 'tog-nocache' => 'Disable page cachin', 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => 'Send me an email on page chynges', 'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => 'Send me an email whan ma uiser collogue page is chynged', 'tog-enotifminoredits' => 'Send me an email for smaa edits o pages an aa', 'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => 'Shaw ma email address in notification mails', 'tog-shownumberswatching' => 'Shaw the nummer o watching uisers', 'tog-fancysig' => 'Raw seignaturs (athoot automatic airtin)', 'tog-externaleditor' => 'Uise external editor bi defaut', 'tog-externaldiff' => 'Uise external diff bi defaut', 'tog-showjumplinks' => 'Enable "loup til" accessibility airtins', 'tog-uselivepreview' => 'Uise leeve preview (JavaScript) (Prattik)', 'tog-forceeditsummary' => 'Gie me a jottin when A dinnae put in a edit summary', 'tog-watchlisthideown' => 'Hide yer ain edits frae yer watchleet', 'tog-watchlisthidebots' => 'Hide bot edits frae yer watchleet', 'tog-watchlisthideminor' => 'Dinna shaw sma edits on ma watchleet', 'tog-watchlisthideliu' => 'Hide edits by loggit in uisers frae the watchleet', 'tog-watchlisthideanons' => 'Hide edits by nameless uisers frae the watchleet', 'tog-watchlisthidepatrolled' => 'Hide patrolled edits frae the watchlist', 'tog-ccmeonemails' => 'Gie me copies o emails A write tae ither uisers', 'tog-diffonly' => 'Dinna shaw page contents ablo diffs', 'tog-showhiddencats' => 'Shaw hidden categories', 'tog-norollbackdiff' => 'Lave oot diff efter rowin back', 'underline-always' => 'Aye', 'underline-never' => 'Niver', 'underline-default' => 'Brouser defaut', # Font style option in Special:Preferences 'editfont-sansserif' => 'Sans-serif font', 'editfont-serif' => 'Serif font', # Dates 'sunday' => 'Sunday', 'monday' => 'Monanday', 'tuesday' => 'Tysday', 'wednesday' => 'Wadensday', 'thursday' => 'Fuirsday', 'friday' => 'Friday', 'saturday' => 'Seturday', 'sun' => 'Sun', 'mon' => 'Mon', 'tue' => 'Tue', 'wed' => 'Wed', 'thu' => 'Thu', 'fri' => 'Fri', 'sat' => 'Sat', 'january' => 'Januar', 'february' => 'Februar', 'march' => 'Mairch', 'april' => 'Apryle', 'may_long' => 'Mey', 'june' => 'Juin', 'july' => 'Julie', 'august' => 'August', 'september' => 'September', 'october' => 'October', 'november' => 'November', 'december' => 'December', 'january-gen' => 'Januar', 'february-gen' => 'February', 'march-gen' => 'March', 'april-gen' => 'Apryle', 'may-gen' => 'May', 'june-gen' => 'Juin', 'july-gen' => 'Julie', 'august-gen' => 'August', 'september-gen' => 'September', 'october-gen' => 'October', 'november-gen' => 'November', 'december-gen' => 'Dizember', 'jan' => 'Jan', 'feb' => 'Feb', 'mar' => 'Mai', 'apr' => 'Apr', 'may' => 'Mey', 'jun' => 'Jui', 'jul' => 'Jul', 'aug' => 'Aug', 'sep' => 'Sep', 'oct' => 'Oct', 'nov' => 'Nov', 'dec' => 'Diz', # Categories related messages 'pagecategories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Category|Categories}}', 'category_header' => 'Pages in category "$1"', 'subcategories' => 'Subcategories', 'category-media-header' => 'Eetems in category "$1"', 'category-empty' => "''This category haes no pages or eetems at the meenit.''", 'hidden-categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Hidden categorie|Hidden categories}}', 'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|This category juist haes the follaein subcategory.|This category haes the follaein {{PLURAL:$1|subcategory|$1 subcategories}}, oot o $2 awthegither.}}', 'category-subcat-count-limited' => 'This category haes the follaein {{PLURAL:$1|subcategory|$1 subcategories}}.', 'category-article-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|This category contains the ae follaein page.|The follaein {{PLURAL:$1|page|$1 pages}} is in this category, oot o $2 total.}}', 'category-article-count-limited' => 'The follaein {{PLURAL:$1|page|$1 pages}} is in this category.', 'category-file-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|This category hauds juist the ae follaein file.|The follaein {{PLURAL:$1|file|$1 files}}s is in this category, oot o $2 total.}}', 'category-file-count-limited' => 'The follaein {{PLURAL:$1|file is|$1 files is}} in this category.', 'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'cont.', 'noindex-category' => 'Noindexed pages', 'about' => 'Aboot', 'article' => 'Content page', 'newwindow' => '(opens in new windae)', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'moredotdotdot' => 'Mair...', 'mypage' => 'Ma page', 'mytalk' => 'Ma collogue', 'anontalk' => 'Collogue for this IP', 'navigation' => 'Navigation', 'and' => ' an', # Cologne Blue skin 'qbfind' => 'Rake', 'qbbrowse' => 'Brouse', 'qbedit' => 'Edit', 'qbpageoptions' => 'This page', 'qbpageinfo' => 'Context', 'qbmyoptions' => 'Ma pages', 'qbspecialpages' => 'Byordinar pages', 'faq' => 'ASQ', 'faqpage' => 'Project:ASQ', # Vector skin 'vector-action-addsection' => 'Add topic', 'vector-action-delete' => 'Delete', 'vector-action-move' => 'Flit', 'vector-action-protect' => 'Fend', 'vector-view-create' => 'Mak', 'vector-view-edit' => 'Edit', 'vector-view-history' => 'See history', 'vector-view-view' => 'Read', 'vector-view-viewsource' => 'View soorce', 'actions' => 'Actions', 'namespaces' => 'Namespaces', 'variants' => 'Variants', 'errorpagetitle' => 'Error', 'returnto' => 'Return tae $1.', 'tagline' => 'Frae {{SITENAME}}', 'help' => 'Help', 'search' => 'Rake', 'searchbutton' => 'Rake', 'go' => 'Gang', 'searcharticle' => 'Gang', 'history' => 'Page history', 'history_short' => 'History', 'updatedmarker' => 'chynged sin ma hindermast visit', 'printableversion' => 'Prent version', 'permalink' => 'Permanent airtin', 'print' => 'Prent', 'edit' => 'Edit', 'create' => 'Mak', 'editthispage' => 'Edit this page', 'create-this-page' => 'Mak this page', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'deletethispage' => 'Delete this page', 'undelete_short' => 'Undelete {{PLURAL:$1|ane edit|$1 edits}}', 'protect' => 'Fend', 'protect_change' => 'chynge', 'protectthispage' => 'Fend this page', 'unprotect' => 'Loose fend', 'unprotectthispage' => 'Loose the fend for this page', 'newpage' => 'New page', 'talkpage' => 'Blether ower this page', 'talkpagelinktext' => 'Collogue', 'specialpage' => 'Byordinar Page', 'personaltools' => 'Personal tuils', 'postcomment' => 'Eik a message', 'articlepage' => 'Leuk at content page', 'talk' => 'Collogue', 'views' => 'Views', 'toolbox' => 'Tuilkist', 'userpage' => 'View uiser page', 'projectpage' => 'View project page', 'imagepage' => 'look ower image page', 'mediawikipage' => 'View message page', 'templatepage' => 'View template page', 'viewhelppage' => 'View help page', 'categorypage' => 'Scance category page', 'viewtalkpage' => 'Scance ower collogue', 'otherlanguages' => 'In ither leids', 'redirectedfrom' => '(Reguidit frae $1)', 'redirectpagesub' => 'Redirect page', 'lastmodifiedat' => 'This page wis hindermaist chynged $2, $1.', 'viewcount' => 'This page haes been accesst $1 {{PLURAL:$1|once|$1 times}}.', 'protectedpage' => 'Protectit page', 'jumpto' => 'Lowp tae:', 'jumptonavigation' => 'navigation', 'jumptosearch' => 'rake', # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 'aboutsite' => 'Aboot {{SITENAME}}', 'aboutpage' => 'Project:Aboot', 'copyright' => 'Aa text is available unner $1', 'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:Copyrichts', 'currentevents' => 'Gaun on the nou', 'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Gaun on the nou', 'disclaimers' => 'Disclamation', 'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:General_disclamation', 'edithelp' => 'Editin help', 'edithelppage' => 'Help:Editin', 'helppage' => 'Help:Contents', 'mainpage' => 'Main Page', 'mainpage-description' => 'Main Page', 'policy-url' => 'Project:Policy', 'portal' => 'Commonty yett', 'portal-url' => 'Project:Commonty Yett', 'privacy' => 'Privacy policy', 'privacypage' => 'Project:Privacy policy', 'badaccess' => 'Permeission mishanter', 'badaccess-group0' => 'WARNIN: Ye arnae alloued tae dae whit you hae requestit!', 'badaccess-groups' => 'The action ye hae requestit is limitit tae uisers in {{PLURAL:$2|the group|ane o the groups}}: $1.', 'versionrequired' => 'Version $1 of MediaWiki requirit', 'versionrequiredtext' => 'Version $1 o MediaWiki is requirit tae uise this page. Tak a keek at the [[Special:Version|version page]].', 'ok' => 'Okay', 'retrievedfrom' => 'Taen frae "$1"', 'youhavenewmessages' => 'Ye hae $1 ($2).', 'newmessageslink' => 'new messages', 'newmessagesdifflink' => 'diff wi last-but-ane reveision', 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'Ye hae neow messages on $1', 'editsection' => 'edit', 'editold' => 'edit', 'viewsourceold' => 'ken soorce', 'editlink' => 'edit', 'viewsourcelink' => 'Scance ower the source', 'editsectionhint' => 'Edit section: $1', 'toc' => 'Table o contents', 'showtoc' => 'shaw', 'hidetoc' => 'scouk', 'thisisdeleted' => 'View or cower $1?', 'viewdeleted' => 'View $1?', 'restorelink' => '{{PLURAL:$1|one delete edit|$1 delete edits}}', 'feedlinks' => 'Feed:', 'feed-invalid' => "This feeds subscrieve's teep isnae habile.", 'feed-unavailable' => 'Syndication feeds isna available', 'site-rss-feed' => '$1 RSS Feed', 'site-atom-feed' => '$1 Atom Feed', 'page-rss-feed' => '"$1" RSS Feed', 'page-atom-feed' => '"$1" Atom Feed', 'red-link-title' => '$1 (page disna exist)', # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 'nstab-main' => 'Page', 'nstab-user' => 'Uiser page', 'nstab-media' => 'Eetem page', 'nstab-special' => 'Byordinar page', 'nstab-project' => 'Project page', 'nstab-image' => 'Eimage', 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Message', 'nstab-template' => 'Template', 'nstab-help' => 'Help page', 'nstab-category' => 'Category', # Main script and global functions 'nosuchaction' => 'Nae sic action', 'nosuchactiontext' => "The action specifiee'd bi the URL isna recognised Ye micht hae mistyped the URL, or follaed a wrang link This micht forby be caused by a bug in the saftware uised by {{SITENAME}}.", 'nosuchspecialpage' => 'Nae sic byordinar page', 'nospecialpagetext' => 'Ye hae requestit an invalid byordinar page. A leet o valid byordinar pages can be funnd at [[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]].', # General errors 'error' => 'Error', 'databaseerror' => 'Database error', 'dberrortext' => 'A database query syntax error haes occurt. This micht indicate a bug in the saftware. The last attemptit database query wis:
$1frae athin function "$2". Database returned error "$3: $4".', 'dberrortextcl' => 'A database query syntax error haes occurt. The last attemptit database query wis: "$1" frae athin function "$2". Database returned error "$3: $4".', 'laggedslavemode' => 'Warning: Page micht nae contain recent updates', 'readonly' => 'Database lockit', 'enterlockreason' => "Enter a raeson for the lock, includin an estimate o whan the lock'll be lowsed", 'readonlytext' => "The databae is lockit tae new entries an ither modifeecations the nou, likely for routine database maintenance; efter that it'll be back tae normal. The adminstration that lockit it gied this explanation: $1", 'missing-article' => 'The database didna find the text o a page that it shuid hae fund, cawed "$1" $2. Maistly this is caused by follaein an ootdated diff or history link tae a page that haes been delete. If this isna the case, you micht hae fund a bug in the saftware. Please lat an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]] ken aboot this, makin note o the URL.', 'missingarticle-rev' => '(revision#: $1)', 'missingarticle-diff' => '(Diff: $1, $2)', 'readonly_lag' => 'The database haes been autaematically lockit while the sclave database servers catch up tae the maister', 'internalerror' => 'Internal mishanter', 'internalerror_info' => 'Internal error: $1', 'filecopyerror' => 'Cuidna copy file "$1" tae "$2".', 'filerenameerror' => 'Cuidna rename file "$1" tae "$2".', 'filedeleteerror' => 'Cuidna delete file "$1".', 'directorycreateerror' => 'Culdnae mak directory "$1".', 'filenotfound' => 'Cuidna fin file "$1".', 'fileexistserror' => 'Culdnae write tae file "$1": file is already here', 'unexpected' => 'Vailyie isnae expectit: "$1"="$2".', 'formerror' => 'Error: cuidna submit form', 'badarticleerror' => 'This action canna be duin tae this page.', 'cannotdelete' => "Cuidna delete the page or eimage specifee'd. (It micht hae aareadies been delete bi some ither bodie.)", 'badtitle' => 'Bad teitle', 'badtitletext' => 'The requestit page teitle wis invalid, tuim, or a wranglie airtit inter-leid or inter-wiki teitle. It mibbe haes ane or mair chairacters that canna be uised in teitles.', 'perfcached' => 'The follaeing data is cached an michtna be richt up tae date:', 'perfcachedts' => 'The followin data is cached, an wis hindermaist chynged $1.', 'querypage-no-updates' => 'Updates for this page ar disablit at the meenit. Data here wilnae be refreshit at the meenit.', 'wrong_wfQuery_params' => 'Wrang parameters tae wfQuery()
Please mynd that ither wabsteids micht airt til an eimage wi a direct URL, an sae micht still be leetit here but be in aictive uiss.
', 'unusedcategoriestext' => 'The follaein category pages exists, tho nae ither airticle or category maks uiss o thaim.', 'notargettitle' => 'Nae target', 'notargettext' => "Ye hivna specifee'd a tairget page or uiser tae perform this function on.", 'pager-newer-n' => '{{PLURAL:$1|newer 1|newer $1}}', 'pager-older-n' => '{{PLURAL:$1|older 1|older $1}}', # Book sources 'booksources' => 'Beuk sources', 'booksources-search-legend' => 'Search fur book sources', 'booksources-go' => 'Gang', # Special:Log 'specialloguserlabel' => 'Uiser:', 'speciallogtitlelabel' => 'Teitle:', 'log' => 'Logs', 'all-logs-page' => 'Aw public logs', 'alllogstext' => 'Combined display o uplaid, deletion, protection, blockin, an administrator logs. Ye can narra doon the view bi walin a log type, the uiser name, or the affectit page.', 'logempty' => 'Nae matchin items in log.', # Special:AllPages 'allpages' => 'Aa pages', 'alphaindexline' => '$1 tae $2', 'nextpage' => 'Neist page ($1)', 'prevpage' => 'Page afore ($1)', 'allpagesfrom' => 'Shaw pages stairtin at:', 'allarticles' => 'Aa airticles', 'allinnamespace' => 'Aa pages ($1 namespace)', 'allnotinnamespace' => 'Aa pages (nae in $1 namespace)', 'allpagesprev' => 'Afore-gaun', 'allpagesnext' => 'Neist', 'allpagessubmit' => 'Gang', 'allpagesprefix' => 'Shaw pages wi prefix:', 'allpagesbadtitle' => 'The page teitle gien wis wrang or haed a cross-lied or cross-wiki prefix. It micht hae ane or twa characters that canna be uised in teitles', 'allpages-bad-ns' => '{{SITENAME}} disna hae a namespace "$1".', # Special:Categories 'categories' => 'Categories', 'categoriespagetext' => 'The follaein categories exist in the wiki. [[Special:UnusedCategories|Unused categories]] are not shown here. Also see [[Special:WantedCategories|wanted categories]].', 'special-categories-sort-count' => 'sairt bi coont', 'special-categories-sort-abc' => 'sairt by the alphabet', # Special:DeletedContributions 'sp-deletedcontributions-contribs' => 'contreibutions', # Special:LinkSearch 'linksearch-ns' => 'Namespace:', 'linksearch-ok' => 'Rake', 'linksearch-line' => '$1 is linked from $2', # Special:ListUsers 'listusers-submit' => 'Shaw', 'listusers-blocked' => '(blockit)', # Special:Log/newusers 'newuserlogpage' => 'Uiser creation log', 'newuserlog-create-entry' => 'New uiser accoont', # Special:ListGroupRights 'listgrouprights-members' => '(leet o members)', # E-mail user 'mailnologin' => 'Nae send address', 'mailnologintext' => 'Ye maun be [[Special:UserLogin|loggit in]] an hae a valid e-mail address in yer [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] tae send e-mail til ither uisers.', 'emailuser' => 'E-mail this uiser', 'noemailtitle' => 'Nae e-mail address', 'noemailtext' => "This uiser haesna specifee'd a valid e-mail address, or haes chuisen no tae receive e-mail frae ither uisers.", 'emailmessage' => 'Message:', # Watchlist 'watchlist' => 'Ma watchleet', 'mywatchlist' => 'Ma watchleet', 'watchlistfor2' => 'For $1 $2', 'nowatchlist' => 'Ye hivna onie eitems on yer watchleet.', 'watchnologin' => 'Nae loggit in', 'watchnologintext' => 'Ye maun be [[Special:UserLogin|loggit in]] tae modify yer watchleet.', 'addedwatchtext' => "The page \"Gin ye want ti remuve the page frae yer watchleet later, dab \"Stop watching\" in the sidebar.",
'removedwatchtext' => 'The page "[[:$1]]" haes been remuved frae yer watchleet.',
'watch' => 'Watch',
'watchthispage' => 'Leuk ower this page',
'unwatch' => 'Unwatch',
'notanarticle' => 'No a content page',
'watchnochange' => 'Nane o yer watched items were edited in the time period displayed.',
'watchlist-details' => "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 page|$1 pages}} on yer watchleet, nae countin' collogue pages.",
'watchlistcontains' => 'Yer watchleet contains $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}.',
'iteminvalidname' => "Trouble wi eitem '$1', invalid name...",
'wlnote' => "Ablo is the lest $1 {{PLURAL:$1|chynge|chynges}} in the lest {{PLURAL:$2|hour|'''$2''' hours}}.",
'wlshowlast' => 'Shaw lest $1 hours $2 days $3',
'watchlist-options' => 'Watchleet options',
# Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it is in the process of watching
'watching' => 'Watchin...',
'unwatching' => 'Unwatchin...',
'enotif_reset' => 'Merk aa pages visitit',
'changed' => 'chynged',
'created' => 'creatit',
'enotif_subject' => '{{SITENAME}} page $PAGETITLE haes been $CHANGEDORCREATED bi $PAGEEDITOR',
'enotif_lastvisited' => 'Hae a leuk at $1 for aa chynges sin yer last visit.',
# Delete
'deletepage' => 'Delete page',
'excontent' => "content wis: '$1'",
'excontentauthor' => "content wis: '$1' (an the ae contreibutor wis '[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]')",
'exbeforeblank' => "content afore blankin wis: '$1'",
'exblank' => 'page wis tuim',
'delete-confirm' => 'Delete "$1"',
'delete-legend' => 'Delete',
'historywarning' => "Warnin: The page ye're aboot tae delete haes a history:",
'confirmdeletetext' => "Ye'r aboot tae permanently delete a page or eimage alang wi aa its history frae the database.
Please confirm that ye intend tae dae this, that ye unnerstaun the consequences,
an that ye'r daein this in accord wi [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}]].",
'actioncomplete' => 'Action duin',
'actionfailed' => 'Action failed',
'deletedtext' => '"$1" haes been delete. See $2 for a record o recent deletions.',
'deletedarticle' => 'deletit "[[$1]]"',
'dellogpage' => 'Deletion log',
'dellogpagetext' => 'Ablo is a leet o the maist recent deletions.',
'deletionlog' => 'deletion log',
'reverted' => 'Revertit tae aulder reveision',
'deletecomment' => 'Raeson:',
'deletereasonotherlist' => 'Ither raeson',
# Rollback
'rollback' => 'Row back edits',
'rollback_short' => 'Rowback',
'rollbacklink' => 'rowback',
'rollbackfailed' => 'Rowback failed',
'cantrollback' => 'Canna revert edit; last contreibutor is the ae author o this page.',
'alreadyrolled' => 'Canna rowback last edit o [[$1]] bi [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); some ither bodie haes editit or rowed back the page aareadies. Last edit wis bi [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]).',
'editcomment' => "The edit comment wis: \"''\$1''\".",
'revertpage' => 'Revertit edit o [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]), chynged back tae last version bi [[User:$1|$1]]',
# Protect
'protectlogpage' => 'Fend log',
'protectlogtext' => 'Ablo is a leet o page locks/unlocks. See the [[Special:ProtectedPages|protected pages list]] for the list of currently operational page protections.',
'protectedarticle' => 'protectit "[[$1]]"',
'unprotectedarticle' => 'unprotectit "[[$1]]"',
'protect-title' => 'Protectin "$1"',
'prot_1movedto2' => '[[$1]] flittit til [[$2]]',
'protectcomment' => 'Raeson:',
'protectexpiry' => 'Expires:',
'protect-text' => "Ye can see an chynge the protection level here for the page '''$1'''.",
'protect-default' => 'Allow aw uisers',
'protect-level-autoconfirmed' => 'Baur new and unregistered uisers',
'protect-level-sysop' => 'Juist administrators',
'protect-othertime' => 'Ither time:',
'protect-othertime-op' => 'ither time',
'protect-expiry-options' => '2 oor:2 hours,1 day:1 day,3 days:3 days,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year,infinite:infinite',
# Restrictions (nouns)
'restriction-edit' => 'Edit',
'restriction-move' => 'Flit',
'restriction-create' => 'Mak',
'restriction-upload' => 'Uplaid',
# Undelete
'undelete' => 'Restore delete page',
'undeletepage' => 'View an restore delete pages',
'viewdeletedpage' => 'View delete pages',
'undeletepagetext' => 'The follaein pages haev bin deleted but are aye in the archive an
can be restored. The archive micht be redd oot noo an then.',
'undeletehistory' => 'Gin ye restore the page, aa reveisions will be restored til the history.
Gin a neow page wi the same name haes bin created syne the deletion, the restored
reveisions will appear in the aulder history, an the current reveision o the live page winna be autaematically replaced.',
'undeletehistorynoadmin' => 'This airticle haes been delete. The raeson for deletion is
shawn in the summary ablo, alang wi parteeculars o the uisers that haed editit this page
afore it wis delete. The actual text o thir deletit reveisions is available tae admeenistrators juist.',
'undeletelink' => 'view/restore',
'undeleteviewlink' => 'view',
'undeletedrevisions' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1 reveision|$1 reveisions}} restored',
'cannotundelete' => 'Undelete didna wirk; some ither bodie micht hae aareadies undeletit the page.',
# Namespace form on various pages
'namespace' => 'Namespace:',
'invert' => 'Invert selection',
'blanknamespace' => '(Main)',
# Contributions
'contributions' => 'Uiser contreibutions',
'contributions-title' => 'Uiser contreibutions fer $1',
'mycontris' => 'Ma contreibutions',
'contribsub2' => 'For $1 ($2)',
'nocontribs' => 'Nae chynges wis funnd matchin thae criteria.',
'uctop' => ' (tap)',
'month' => 'Frae month (an afore):',
'year' => 'Frae year (an afore):',
'sp-contributions-newbies' => "Shaw contreibutions o' freish accounts ainlie",
'sp-contributions-blocklog' => 'block log',
'sp-contributions-uploads' => 'uploads',
'sp-contributions-logs' => 'logs',
'sp-contributions-talk' => 'collogue',
'sp-contributions-search' => 'Rake fur contreibutions',
'sp-contributions-username' => 'IP address or uisername:',
'sp-contributions-toponly' => 'Ainlie shaw edits that are latest revisions',
'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Rake',
# What links here
'whatlinkshere' => 'Whit airts tae here',
'whatlinkshere-title' => 'Pages that link to "$1"',
'whatlinkshere-page' => 'Page:',
'linkshere' => "The follaein pages airts tae '''[[:$1]]''':",
'nolinkshere' => "Nae pages airt tae '''[[:$1]]'''.",
'isredirect' => 'reguidal page',
'istemplate' => 'transclusion',
'isimage' => 'file link',
'whatlinkshere-prev' => '{{PLURAL:$1|previous|previous $1}}',
'whatlinkshere-next' => '{{PLURAL:$1|next|next $1}}',
'whatlinkshere-links' => '← links',
'whatlinkshere-hideredirs' => '$1 redirects',
'whatlinkshere-hidetrans' => '$1 transclusions',
'whatlinkshere-hidelinks' => '$1 links',
'whatlinkshere-hideimages' => '$1 image links',
'whatlinkshere-filters' => 'Filters',
# Block/unblock
'blockip' => 'Block uiser',
'blockiptext' => 'Uise the form ablo tae block write access frae a specific IP address or uisername. This shuid be duin juist tae prevent vandalism, and in accord wi [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|policy]]. Fill in a specific raeson ablo (for exemplar, citin parteicular pages that wis damaged).',
'ipadressorusername' => 'IP Address or uisername',
'ipbreason' => 'Raeson:',
'ipbsubmit' => 'Block this uiser',
'ipbother' => 'Ither time',
'ipboptions' => '2 hours:2 hours,1 day:1 day,3 days:3 days,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year,indefinite:infinite',
'ipbotheroption' => 'ither',
'badipaddress' => 'That IP address is nae guid',
'blockipsuccesssub' => 'Block succeedit',
'blockipsuccesstext' => '[[Special:Contributions/$1|$1]] haes been blockit.
See [[Special:BlockList|IP block leet]] tae review blocks.',
'ipb-unblock-addr' => 'Unblock $1',
'unblockip' => 'Unblock uiser',
'unblockiptext' => 'Uise the form ablo tae restore screivin richts
tae an afore-blockit IP address or uisername.',
'ipblocklist' => 'Blockit uisers',
'anononlyblock' => 'anon. juist',
'createaccountblock' => 'accoont-makkin blockit',
'blocklink' => 'block',
'unblocklink' => 'unblock',
'change-blocklink' => 'chynge block',
'contribslink' => 'contreibs',
'autoblocker' => 'Autaematically blockit syne yer IP address haes been uised recently bi "[[User:$1|$1]]". The raeson gien for $1\'s block is "\'\'$2\'\'"',
'blocklogpage' => 'Block log',
'blocklogentry' => 'blockit [[$1]] wi an expiry time o $2 $3',
'blocklogtext' => 'This is a log o uiser blockin an unblockin actions. Autaematically blockit IP addresses isna leetit. See the [[Special:BlockList|IP block leet]] for the leet o bans and blocks on the gae the nou.',
'unblocklogentry' => 'unblockit $1',
'block-log-flags-nocreate' => 'accoont-makkin blockit',
'range_block_disabled' => 'The administrator abeility tae mak range blocks is disabled.',
'proxyblockreason' => 'Yer IP address haes been blockit sith it is an open proxy. Please contact yer Internet service provider or tech support an inform them o this serious security problem.',
'proxyblocksuccess' => 'Duin',
'sorbsreason' => 'Yer IP address is leetit as an open proxy in the DNSBL.',
'sorbs_create_account_reason' => 'Yer IP address is leetit as an open proxy in the DNSBL. Ye canna mak an accoont',
# Developer tools
'unlockdb' => 'Lowse database',
'lockdbtext' => "Lockin the database will suspend the abeility o aa uisers tae edit pages, chynge thair preferences, edit thair watchleets, an ither things requirin chynges in the database. Please confirm that this is whit ye intend tae dae, an that ye'll unlock the database whan yer maintenance is duin.",
'unlockdbtext' => 'Lowsin the database will gie back the abeility for aa uisers tae edit pages, chynge their preferences, edit their watchleets, an ither things needin chynges in the database. Please confirm that this is whit ye ettle tae dae.',
'lockconfirm' => 'Aye, A raellie want tae lock the database.',
'unlockconfirm' => 'Aye, A raelly want tae lowse the database.',
'locknoconfirm' => 'Ye didna tick the confirmation box.',
'lockdbsuccesssub' => 'Database lock fine',
'unlockdbsuccesssub' => 'Database lowsed',
'lockdbsuccesstext' => 'The database haes been lockit.
Mynd an tak the lock aff efter yer maintenance is feinisht.',
'unlockdbsuccesstext' => 'The database haes bin lowsed.',
'databasenotlocked' => 'The database isna lockit.',
# Move page
'move-page-legend' => 'Flit page',
'movepagetext' => "Uisin the form ablo will rename a page, flittin aa its history tae the new name.
The auld teitle will become a reguidal page tae the new teitle.
Airtins tae the auld page teitle willna be chynged;
be siccar tae check for dooble or brucken reguidals.
You ar responsible for makkin siccar that airtins continues tae pynt whaur thay ar supposed tae gang.
Mynd that the page '''willna''' be flittit gin the'r aareadies a page at the new teitle, unless it is tuim or a reguidal and haes nae past edit history.
This means that ye can rename a page back tae whaur it wis juist renamed frae gin ye mak a mistak, an ye canna owerwrite an existin page
This can be a drastic and unexpectit chynge for a popular page;
please be siccar ye unnerstaun the consequences o this afore proceedin.",
'movepagetalktext' => "The associate Collogue page, gin onie, will be autaematically flittit alang wi it '''unless:''' *Ye'r flittin the page across namespaces, *A collogue page that isna tuim aareadies exists unner the new name, or *Ye tak the tick oot o the box ablo. In thae cases, ye maun flit or merge the page manually later gin ye hae saicont thochts.",
'movearticle' => 'Flit page:',
'movenologin' => 'No loggit in',
'movenologintext' => 'Ye maun be a registert uiser an [[Special:UserLogin|loggit in]] tae flit a page.',
'newtitle' => 'Tae new teitle',
'movepagebtn' => 'Flit page',
'pagemovedsub' => 'Flittin succeedit',
'articleexists' => "A page o that name aareadies exists, or the name ye'v waled isna guid. Please wale anither name.",
'talkexists' => 'The page itsel wis flittit fine, but the collogue page cuidna be flittit sith ane aareadies exists at the new teitle. Please merge thaim manually.',
'movedto' => 'flittit ti',
'movetalk' => 'Flit "collogue" page an aa, gin it\'s applicable.',
'1movedto2' => '[[$1]] flittit til [[$2]]',
'1movedto2_redir' => '[[$1]] flittit til [[$2]] ower reguidal',
'movelogpage' => 'Flit log',
'movelogpagetext' => "A leet o pages that's flitted is ablo.",
'movereason' => 'Raeson:',
'revertmove' => 'revert',
'delete_and_move' => 'Delete an flit',
'delete_and_move_text' => '==Deletion caad for==
The destination airticle "[[:$1]]" aareadies exists. Div ye want tae delete it for tae mak wey for the flittin?',
'delete_and_move_confirm' => 'Aye, delete the page',
'delete_and_move_reason' => 'Delete for tae mak wey for flittin',
'selfmove' => 'Ootgaun an incomin teitles is the same; canna flit a page ower itsel.',
# Export
'export' => 'Export pages',
'exporttext' => 'Ye can export the text an editin history o a parteicular page or set o pages wappit in some XML. In the futur, this micht can be importit intae anither wiki runnin MediaWiki saftware, altho the\'r nae support for this featur in the current version.
Tae export airticle pages, enter the teitles in the text box ablo, ae teitle tae ilka line, an wale whither ye want the current version alang wi aa auld versions, wi the page history lines, or the current version juist, wi wittins anent the last edit.
In the saicont case ye can uise an airtin forbye, for exemplar [[{{#Special:Export}}/{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]] for the airticle "[[{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]]".',
'exportcuronly' => 'Include juist the current revision, no the fou history',
# Namespace 8 related
'allmessages' => 'Aa seestem messages',
'allmessagesname' => 'Name',
'allmessagesdefault' => 'Defaut text',
'allmessagescurrent' => 'Text the nou',
'allmessagestext' => 'This is a leet o aa seestem messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace.',
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "'''{{ns:special}}:AllMessages''' nae supportit acause '''\$wgUseDatabaseMessages''' is aff.",
# Thumbnails
'thumbnail-more' => 'Eik',
'filemissing' => 'File missin',
'thumbnail_error' => 'Error creating thumbnail: $1',
# Special:Import
'importtext' => 'Please export the file frae the soorce wiki uisin the Special:Export utility, hain it in yer disc an uplaid it here.',
'importnotext' => 'Tuim or nae text',
'importsuccess' => 'Importit fine!',
'importhistoryconflict' => 'Conflictin history revision exists (micht hae importit this page afore)',
'importnosources' => 'Nae transwiki import soorces haes been defined an direct history uplaids is disabled.',
# Tooltip help for the actions
'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'Yer uiser page',
'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => 'Yer collogue page',
'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Ma preferences',
'tooltip-pt-watchlist' => "Th' leet o' pages yer monitoring fur changes",
'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Leet o yer contreibutions',
'tooltip-pt-login' => "It's a guid idea tae log i, but ye dinna hae tae.",
'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Log oot',
'tooltip-ca-talk' => "Discussion aboot th' content page",
'tooltip-ca-edit' => "Ye kin edit this page. Please uise th' preview button afore saving",
'tooltip-ca-addsection' => 'Start a new section',
'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => 'This page is protectit.
You ken view its source',
'tooltip-ca-history' => "Bygane revisions o' this page",
'tooltip-ca-protect' => 'Fend this page',
'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Delete this page',
'tooltip-ca-move' => 'Flit this page',
'tooltip-ca-watch' => 'Add this page tae yer watchleet',
'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => 'Remove this page frum yer watchleet',
'tooltip-search' => 'Rake {{SITENAME}}',
'tooltip-search-go' => "Gang tae a page wi' this exact name if exists",
'tooltip-search-fulltext' => "Search th' pages fur this text",
'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Gang tae the Main Page',
'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Gang tae the Main Page',
'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => 'Gang tae the Main Page',
'tooltip-n-portal' => "Aboot th' project, whit ye kin dae, whaur tae fin' things",
'tooltip-n-currentevents' => "Fin' background speirins oan current events",
'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'The leet o recent chynges in the wiki',
'tooltip-n-randompage' => 'Load a random page',
'tooltip-n-help' => "Th' steid tae fin' oot",
'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => "List o' a' wiki pages that link 'ere",
'tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked' => 'Recent changes in pages linked frae this page',
'tooltip-feed-atom' => 'Atom feed fur this page',
'tooltip-t-contributions' => "View this uiser's contreibutions",
'tooltip-t-emailuser' => 'Send an e-mail to this uiser',
'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Uplaid files',
'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'Leet o byordinar pages',
'tooltip-t-print' => "Printable version o' this page",
'tooltip-t-permalink' => "Permanent link tae this revision o' th' page",
'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => 'Leuk at content page',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-user' => 'View the uiser page',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-special' => "This is a byordinar page, ye cannae edit th' page itself",
'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => 'View the project page',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-image' => 'View the file page',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-template' => 'View the template',
'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => "View th' category page",
'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Mairk this as a smaa edit',
'tooltip-save' => 'Hain yer chynges',
'tooltip-preview' => 'Scance ower yer chynges, please uise this afore hainin!',
'tooltip-diff' => 'Shaw the chynges that you made tae the text.',
'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => 'See the differs atween the twa selectit versions o this page.',
'tooltip-watch' => 'Add this page tae yer watchleet',
'tooltip-rollback' => '"Rowback" reverts edit(s) tae this page o\' th\' lest contributor in yin click',
'tooltip-undo' => "\"Undo\" reverts this edit 'n' opens th' edit form in preview mode. It allows adding a reason in th' summary.",
'tooltip-summary' => 'Enter a short summary',
# Metadata
'notacceptable' => 'The wiki server canna provide data in a format yer client can read.',
# Attribution
'anonymous' => 'Nameless uiser(s) o {{SITENAME}}',
'siteuser' => '{{SITENAME}} uiser $1',
'othercontribs' => 'Based on wark bi $1.',
'others' => 'ithers',
'siteusers' => '{{SITENAME}} uiser(s) $1',
'nocredits' => "The'r nae credit info available for this page.",
# Spam protection
'spamprotectiontext' => 'The page ye wanted tae save wis blockit bi the spam filter. This is maist likely caused bi an airtin til an outby site.',
'spamprotectionmatch' => 'The follaein text is whit triggered wir spam filter: $1',
# Patrolling
'markaspatrolleddiff' => 'Merk as patrolled',
'markaspatrolledtext' => 'Merk this airticle as patrolled',
'markedaspatrolled' => 'Merkit as patrolled',
'markedaspatrolledtext' => 'The selectit reveision haes been merkit as patrolled.',
'rcpatroldisabledtext' => 'The Recent Changes Patrol feature is disabled the nou.',
# Patrol log
'patrol-log-line' => 'marked $1 of $2 patrolled $3',
'patrol-log-diff' => 'revision $1',
# Image deletion
'deletedrevision' => 'Deletit auld revision $1.',
# Browsing diffs
'previousdiff' => '← Aulder edit',
'nextdiff' => 'Newer edit →',
# Media information
'mediawarning' => "'''Warnin''': This file micht haud mislushious code; bi executin it yer seestem micht be compromised.",
'imagemaxsize' => 'Limit eimages on eimage description pages tae:',
'file-info-size' => '$1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4',
'file-nohires' => 'Na higher resolution available.',
'svg-long-desc' => 'SVG file, nominally $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3',
'show-big-image' => 'Full resolution',
# Special:NewFiles
'newimages' => 'Gallery o new files',
'imagelisttext' => 'Ablo is a leet o $1 {{PLURAL:$1|eimage|eimages}} sortit $2.',
'noimages' => 'Naething tae see.',
'ilsubmit' => 'Rake',
'bydate' => 'bi date',
# Bad image list
'bad_image_list' => "Th' format is as follows:
Ainlie list items (lines starting wi' *) are considered. Th' foremaist link oan a line mist be a link tae a ill image. Ony subsequent links oan th' same line are considered tae be exceptions, i,e., pages whaur th' image kin occur inline.",
# Metadata
'metadata' => 'Metadata',
'metadata-help' => "This file contains additional speirins, likelie added frae th' digital camera or scanner used tae create or digitize it.
If th' file haes bin modified frae tis original state, some details kin nae fully reflect th' modified file.",
'metadata-fields' => "Image metadata fields listed in this message wull be included oan image page display whin th' metadata buird is collapsed. Others wull be hidden by default.
* model
* datetimeoriginal
* exposuretime
* fnumber
* isospeedratings
* focallength
* artist
* copyricht
* imagedescription
* gpslatitude
* gpslongitude
* gpsaltitude",
# EXIF tags
'exif-copyright' => 'Copyricht hauder',
'exif-colorspace' => 'Colour space',
'exif-componentsconfiguration' => 'Meanin o ilka component',
'exif-compressedbitsperpixel' => 'Eimage compression mode',
'exif-brightnessvalue' => 'Brichtness',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-0' => 'disna exist',
'exif-gaincontrol-0' => 'Nane',
'exif-contrast-1' => 'Saft',
# External editor support
'edit-externally' => 'Edit this file uisin an external application',
'edit-externally-help' => '(See the [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:External_editors setup instructions] for mair guidance.)',
# 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages
'watchlistall2' => 'aw',
'namespacesall' => 'aa',
'monthsall' => 'aw',
'limitall' => 'aw',
# E-mail address confirmation
'confirmemail_noemail' => 'Ye dinna hae a valid email address set in yer [[Special:Preferences|uiser preferences]].',
'confirmemail_text' => 'This wiki requires ye tae validate yer e-mail address
afore uisin e-mail featurs. Activate the button ablo tae send a confirmation
mail tae yer address. The mail will include an airtin containing a code; laid the
airtin in yer brouser tae confirm that yer e-mail address is guid.',
'confirmemail_sendfailed' => 'Cuidna send confirmation mail. Hae a leuk at the address for invalid characters.
Mailer returned: $1',
'confirmemail_invalid' => 'Confirmation code nae guid. The code haes mibbe expired.',
'confirmemail_needlogin' => 'Ye maun $1 for tae confirm yer email address.',
'confirmemail_success' => 'Yer e-mail address haes been confirmed. Ye can nou log in an enjoy the wiki.',
'confirmemail_loggedin' => 'Yer e-mail address haes noo been confirmed.',
'confirmemail_error' => 'Something gaed agley hainin yer confirmation.',
'confirmemail_body' => 'A bodie, maist likely you frae IP address $1, haes registert an
accoont "$2" wi this e-mail address on {{SITENAME}}.
Tae confirm that you ar aucht this accoont an activate e-mail featurs
on {{SITENAME}}, open this airtin in yer brouser:
If this *isna* you, dinna follae the airtin.
This confirmation code will end at $4.',
# Delete conflict
'deletedwhileediting' => 'Warnin: This page haes been delete syne ye stertit editin!',
'confirmrecreate' => "Uiser [[User:$1|$1]] ([[User talk:$1|collogue]]) deletit this airticle efter ye stertit editin, giein the raeson:
: ''$2''
Please confirm that ye really want tae recreate this airticle.",
# action=purge
'confirm_purge_button' => 'Aye',
'confirm-purge-top' => 'Clair the cache o this page?',
# Multipage image navigation
'imgmultigo' => 'Gang!',
# Table pager
'table_pager_next' => 'Page aifter',
'table_pager_prev' => 'Page afore',
'table_pager_limit_submit' => 'Gang',
'table_pager_empty' => 'Nae results',
# Auto-summaries
'autosumm-blank' => 'Dichtin aa content frae page',
'autosumm-replace' => "Replacin page wi '$1'",
'autoredircomment' => 'Reguidin tae [[$1]]',
# Watchlist editing tools
'watchlisttools-view' => 'View relevant changes',
'watchlisttools-edit' => 'View an edit watchleet',
'watchlisttools-raw' => 'Edit raw watchleet',
# Core parser functions
'duplicate-defaultsort' => '\'\'\'Wairnin:\'\'\' Default sort key "$2" overrides earlier default sort key "$1".',
# Special:FilePath
'filepath-page' => 'File:',
# Special:FileDuplicateSearch
'fileduplicatesearch-filename' => 'Filename:',
'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => 'Rake',
# Special:SpecialPages
'specialpages' => 'Byordinar pages',
'specialpages-group-users' => 'Uisers an richts',
'specialpages-group-pages' => 'leet o pages',
# External image whitelist
'external_image_whitelist' => ' #Leave this line exactly as it is
#Put regular expression fragments (just the part that goes between the //) below #These will be matched with the URLs of external (hotlinked) images #Those that match will be displayed as images, otherwise only a link to the image will be shown #Lines beginning with # are treated as comments #This is case-insensitive #Put all regex fragments above this line. Leave this line exactly as it is', # Special:Tags 'tag-filter' => '[[Special:Tags|Tag]] filter:', 'tag-filter-submit' => 'Filter', 'tags-edit' => 'edit', # HTML forms 'htmlform-selectorother-other' => 'Ither', );