mDescription = "Add a new wiki to the family. Wikimedia specific!"; $this->addArg( 'language', 'Language code of new site, e.g. en' ); $this->addArg( 'site', 'Type of site, e.g. wikipedia' ); $this->addArg( 'dbname', 'Name of database to create, e.g. enwiki' ); $this->addArg( 'domain', 'Domain name of the wiki, e.g.' ); } public function getDbType() { return Maintenance::DB_ADMIN; } public function execute() { global $IP, $wgDefaultExternalStore, $wgNoDBParam; $wgNoDBParam = true; $lang = $this->getArg( 0 ); $site = $this->getArg( 1 ); $dbName = $this->getArg( 2 ); $domain = $this->getArg( 3 ); $languageNames = Language::getLanguageNames(); if ( !isset( $languageNames[$lang] ) ) { $this->error( "Language $lang not found in \$wgLanguageNames", true ); } $name = $languageNames[$lang]; $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $common = "/home/wikipedia/common"; $this->output( "Creating database $dbName for $lang.$site ($name)\n" ); # Set up the database $dbw->query( "SET table_type=Innodb" ); $dbw->query( "CREATE DATABASE $dbName" ); $dbw->selectDB( $dbName ); $this->output( "Initialising tables\n" ); $dbw->sourceFile( $this->getDir() . '/tables.sql' ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/OAI/update_table.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/AntiSpoof/sql/patch-antispoof.mysql.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/CheckUser/cu_changes.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/CheckUser/cu_log.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/TitleKey/titlekey.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/Oversight/hidden.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/GlobalBlocking/localdb_patches/setup-global_block_whitelist.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/AbuseFilter/abusefilter.tables.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/PrefStats/PrefStats.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/ProofreadPage/ProofreadPage.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/ClickTracking/ClickTrackingEvents.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/ClickTracking/ClickTracking.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/UserDailyContribs/UserDailyContribs.sql" ); $dbw->sourceFile( "$IP/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/OptIn/OptIn.sql" ); $dbw->query( "INSERT INTO site_stats(ss_row_id) VALUES (1)" ); # Initialise external storage if ( is_array( $wgDefaultExternalStore ) ) { $stores = $wgDefaultExternalStore; } elseif ( $wgDefaultExternalStore ) { $stores = array( $wgDefaultExternalStore ); } else { $stores = array(); } if ( count( $stores ) ) { global $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgExternalServers; foreach ( $stores as $storeURL ) { $m = array(); if ( !preg_match( '!^DB://(.*)$!', $storeURL, $m ) ) { continue; } $cluster = $m[1]; $this->output( "Initialising external storage $cluster...\n" ); # Hack $wgExternalServers[$cluster][0]['user'] = $wgDBuser; $wgExternalServers[$cluster][0]['password'] = $wgDBpassword; $store = new ExternalStoreDB; $extdb = $store->getMaster( $cluster ); $extdb->query( "SET table_type=InnoDB" ); $extdb->query( "CREATE DATABASE $dbName" ); $extdb->selectDB( $dbName ); # Hack x2 $blobsTable = $store->getTable( $extdb ); $sedCmd = "sed s/blobs\\\\\\>/$blobsTable/ " . $this->getDir() . "/storage/blobs.sql"; $blobsFile = popen( $sedCmd, 'r' ); $extdb->sourceStream( $blobsFile ); pclose( $blobsFile ); $extdb->commit(); } } global $wgTitle, $wgArticle; $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( wfMsgWeirdKey( "mainpage/$lang" ) ); $this->output( "Writing main page to " . $wgTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() . "\n" ); $wgArticle = new Article( $wgTitle ); $ucsite = ucfirst( $site ); $wgArticle->insertNewArticle( $this->getFirstArticle( $ucsite, $name ), '', false, false ); $this->output( "Adding to dblists\n" ); # Add to dblist $file = fopen( "$common/all.dblist", "a" ); fwrite( $file, "$dbName\n" ); fclose( $file ); # Update the sublists shell_exec( "cd $common && ./refresh-dblist" ); # print "Constructing interwiki SQL\n"; # Rebuild interwiki tables # passthru( '/home/wikipedia/conf/interwiki/update' ); $time = wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822 ); // These arguments need to be escaped twice: once for echo and once for at $escDbName = wfEscapeShellArg( wfEscapeShellArg( $dbName ) ); $escTime = wfEscapeShellArg( wfEscapeShellArg( $time ) ); $escUcsite = wfEscapeShellArg( wfEscapeShellArg( $ucsite ) ); $escName = wfEscapeShellArg( wfEscapeShellArg( $name ) ); $escLang = wfEscapeShellArg( wfEscapeShellArg( $lang ) ); $escDomain = wfEscapeShellArg( wfEscapeShellArg( $domain ) ); shell_exec( "echo notifyNewProjects $escDbName $escTime $escUcsite $escName $escLang $escDomain | at now + 15 minutes" ); $this->output( "Script ended. You still have to: * Add any required settings in InitialiseSettings.php * Run sync-common-all * Run /home/wikipedia/conf/interwiki/update " ); } private function getFirstArticle( $ucsite, $name ) { return << [ Wikipedia] | [ Wiktonary] | [ Wikibooks] | [ Wikinews] | [ Wikiquote] | [ Wikisource] [ Wikiversity] See Wikimedia's [[m:|Meta-Wiki]] for the coordination of these projects. [[aa:]] [[ab:]] [[ace:]] [[af:]] [[ak:]] [[als:]] [[am:]] [[an:]] [[ang:]] [[ar:]] [[arc:]] [[arz:]] [[as:]] [[ast:]] [[av:]] [[ay:]] [[az:]] [[ba:]] [[bar:]] [[bat-smg:]] [[bcl:]] [[be:]] [[be-x-old:]] [[bg:]] [[bh:]] [[bi:]] [[bm:]] [[bn:]] [[bo:]] [[bpy:]] [[br:]] [[bs:]] [[bug:]] [[bxr:]] [[ca:]] [[cbk-zam:]] [[cdo:]] [[ce:]] [[ceb:]] [[ch:]] [[cho:]] [[chr:]] [[chy:]] [[ckb:]] [[co:]] [[cr:]] [[crh:]] [[cs:]] [[csb:]] [[cu:]] [[cv:]] [[cy:]] [[da:]] [[de:]] [[diq:]] [[dk:]] [[dsb:]] [[dv:]] [[dz:]] [[ee:]] [[el:]] [[eml:]] [[en:]] [[eo:]] [[es:]] [[et:]] [[eu:]] [[ext:]] [[fa:]] [[ff:]] [[fi:]] [[fiu-vro:]] [[fj:]] [[fo:]] [[fr:]] [[frp:]] [[fur:]] [[fy:]] [[ga:]] [[gan:]] [[gd:]] [[gl:]] [[glk:]] [[gn:]] [[got:]] [[gu:]] [[gv:]] [[ha:]] [[hak:]] [[haw:]] [[he:]] [[hi:]] [[hif:]] [[ho:]] [[hr:]] [[hsb:]] [[ht:]] [[hu:]] [[hy:]] [[hz:]] [[ia:]] [[id:]] [[ie:]] [[ig:]] [[ii:]] [[ik:]] [[ilo:]] [[io:]] [[is:]] [[it:]] [[iu:]] [[ja:]] [[jbo:]] [[jv:]] [[ka:]] [[kaa:]] [[kab:]] [[kg:]] [[ki:]] [[kj:]] [[kk:]] [[kl:]] [[km:]] [[kn:]] [[ko:]] [[kr:]] [[ks:]] [[ksh:]] [[ku:]] [[kv:]] [[kw:]] [[ky:]] [[la:]] [[lad:]] [[lb:]] [[lbe:]] [[lg:]] [[li:]] [[lij:]] [[lmo:]] [[ln:]] [[lo:]] [[lt:]] [[lv:]] [[map-bms:]] [[mdf:]] [[mg:]] [[mh:]] [[mhr:]] [[mi:]] [[mk:]] [[ml:]] [[mn:]] [[mo:]] [[mr:]] [[ms:]] [[mt:]] [[mus:]] [[mwl:]] [[my:]] [[myv:]] [[mzn:]] [[na:]] [[nan:]] [[nap:]] [[nds:]] [[nds-nl:]] [[ne:]] [[new:]] [[ng:]] [[nl:]] [[nn:]] [[no:]] [[nov:]] [[nrm:]] [[nv:]] [[ny:]] [[oc:]] [[om:]] [[or:]] [[os:]] [[pa:]] [[pag:]] [[pam:]] [[pap:]] [[pdc:]] [[pi:]] [[pih:]] [[pl:]] [[pms:]] [[pnt:]] [[pnb:]] [[ps:]] [[pt:]] [[qu:]] [[rm:]] [[rmy:]] [[rn:]] [[ro:]] [[roa-rup:]] [[roa-tara:]] [[ru:]] [[rw:]] [[sa:]] [[sah:]] [[sc:]] [[scn:]] [[sco:]] [[sd:]] [[se:]] [[sg:]] [[sh:]] [[si:]] [[simple:]] [[sk:]] [[sl:]] [[sm:]] [[sn:]] [[so:]] [[sq:]] [[sr:]] [[srn:]] [[ss:]] [[st:]] [[stq:]] [[su:]] [[sv:]] [[sw:]] [[szl:]] [[ta:]] [[te:]] [[tet:]] [[tg:]] [[th:]] [[ti:]] [[tk:]] [[tl:]] [[tn:]] [[to:]] [[tpi:]] [[tr:]] [[ts:]] [[tt:]] [[tum:]] [[tw:]] [[ty:]] [[udm:]] [[ug:]] [[uk:]] [[ur:]] [[uz:]] [[ve:]] [[vec:]] [[vi:]] [[vls:]] [[vo:]] [[wa:]] [[war:]] [[wo:]] [[wuu:]] [[xal:]] [[xh:]] [[yi:]] [[yo:]] [[za:]] [[zea:]] [[zh:]] [[zh-classical:]] [[zh-min-nan:]] [[zh-yue:]] [[zu:]] EOT; } } $maintClass = "AddWiki"; require_once( RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN );