$block ) { foreach ( $block as $key ) { if ( array_key_exists( $key, $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) ) { $sortedMessages[$blockName][$key] = $sortedMessages['unknown'][$key]; unset( $sortedMessages['unknown'][$key] ); } } } # Write all the messages $messagesText = "\$messages = array(\n"; foreach( $sortedMessages as $block => $messages ) { # Skip if it's the block of unknown messages - handle that in the end of file if ( $block == 'unknown' ) { continue; } # Write the block $messagesText .= writeMessagesBlock( $block, $wgBlockComments[$block], $messages, $ignoredComments ); } ksort( $sortedMessages['unknown'] ); $messagesText .= writeMessagesBlock( 'unknown', 'Unknown messages', $sortedMessages['unknown'], $ignoredComments ); # Write the unknown messages, alphabetically sorted $messagesText .= ");\n"; return $messagesText; } /** * Write a block of messages to PHP. * * @param $name The block name. * @param $comment The block comment. * @param $messages The block messages. * @param $ignoredComments Show comments about ignored and optional messages? (For English.) * * @return The block, formatted in PHP. */ function writeMessagesBlock( $name, $comment, $messages, $ignoredComments ) { global $wgMessageComments, $wgMessagseWithDollarSigns; global $wgIgnoredMessages, $wgOptionalMessages; $blockText = ''; # Skip the block if it includes no messages if ( empty( $messages ) ) { return ''; } # Format the block comment (if exists); check for multiple lines comments if ( !empty( $comment ) ) { if ( strpos( $comment, "\n" ) === false ) { $blockText .= "# $comment\n"; } else { $blockText .= "/*\n$comment\n*/\n"; } } # Get max key length $maxKeyLength = 0; foreach( array_keys( $messages ) as $key ) { if ( strlen( $key ) > $maxKeyLength ) { $maxKeyLength = strlen( $key ); } } # Format the messages foreach( $messages as $key => $value ) { # Add the key name $blockText .= "'$key'"; # Add the appropriate block whitespace for ( $i = 1; $i <= ( $maxKeyLength - strlen( $key ) ); $i++ ) { $blockText .= ' '; } # Refer to the value $blockText .= ' => '; # Check for the appropriate apostrophe and add the value if ( strpos( $value, "'" ) === false ) { $blockText .= "'$value'"; } elseif ( strpos( $value, '"' ) === false && !in_array( $key, $wgMessagseWithDollarSigns ) ) { $blockText .= "\"$value\""; } else { $blockText .= "'" . str_replace( "'", "\'", $value ) . "'"; } # Comma $blockText .= ','; $ignoredComment = "don't translate or duplicate this message to other languages"; $optionalComment = "only translate this message to other languages if you have to change it"; $showIgnoredOrOptionalComment = in_array( $key, $wgIgnoredMessages ) || in_array( $key, $wgOptionalMessages ); if ( $ignoredComments ) { if ( array_key_exists( $key, $wgMessageComments ) ) { $blockText .= ' # ' . $wgMessageComments[$key]; if ( $showIgnoredOrOptionalComment ) { $blockText .= '; '; } } elseif ( $showIgnoredOrOptionalComment ) { $blockText .= ' # '; } if ( in_array( $key, $wgIgnoredMessages ) ) { $blockText .= $ignoredComment; } elseif ( in_array( $key, $wgOptionalMessages ) ) { $blockText .= $optionalComment; } } elseif ( array_key_exists( $key, $wgMessageComments ) ) { $blockText .= ' # ' . $wgMessageComments[$key]; } # Newline $blockText .= "\n"; } # Newline to end the block $blockText .= "\n"; return $blockText; } ?>