* Simple lock server daemon that accepts lock/unlock requests
class LockServerDaemon {
/** @var resource */
protected $sock; // socket to listen/accept on
/** @var Array */
protected $sessions = array(); // (session => resource)
/** @var Array */
protected $deadSessions = array(); // (session => UNIX timestamp)
/** @var LockHolder */
protected $lockHolder;
protected $address; // string IP address
protected $port; // integer
protected $authKey; // string key
protected $lockTimeout; // integer number of seconds
protected $maxBacklog; // integer
protected $maxClients; // integer
protected $startTime; // integer UNIX timestamp
protected $ticks = 0; // integer counter
/* @var LockServerDaemon */
protected static $instance = null;
* @params $config Array
* @return LockServerDaemon
public static function init( array $config ) {
if ( self::$instance ) {
throw new Exception( 'LockServer already initialized.' );
foreach ( array( 'address', 'port', 'authKey' ) as $par ) {
if ( !isset( $config[$par] ) ) {
die( "Usage: php LockServerDaemon.php " .
--port --authkey " .
"[--lockTimeout ] " .
"[--maxLocks ] [--maxClients ] [--maxBacklog ]"
self::$instance = new self( $config );
return self::$instance;
* @params $config Array
protected function __construct( array $config ) {
// Required parameters...
$this->address = $config['address'];
$this->port = $config['port'];
$this->authKey = $config['authKey'];
// Parameters with defaults...
$this->lockTimeout = isset( $config['lockTimeout'] )
? (int)$config['lockTimeout']
: 60;
$this->maxClients = isset( $config['maxClients'] )
? (int)$config['maxClients']
: 1000; // less than default FD_SETSIZE
$this->maxBacklog = isset( $config['maxBacklog'] )
? (int)$config['maxBacklog']
: 100;
$maxLocks = isset( $config['maxLocks'] )
? (int)$config['maxLocks']
: 10000;
$this->lockHolder = new LockHolder( $maxLocks );
* @return void
protected function setupServerSocket() {
if ( !function_exists( 'socket_create' ) ) {
throw new Exception( "PHP sockets extension missing from PHP CLI mode." );
$sock = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP );
if ( $sock === false ) {
throw new Exception( "socket_create(): " . socket_strerror( socket_last_error() ) );
socket_set_option( $sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1 ); // bypass 2MLS
socket_set_nonblock( $sock ); // don't block on accept()
if ( socket_bind( $sock, $this->address, $this->port ) === false ) {
throw new Exception( "socket_bind(): " .
socket_strerror( socket_last_error( $sock ) ) );
} elseif ( socket_listen( $sock, $this->maxBacklog ) === false ) {
throw new Exception( "socket_listen(): " .
socket_strerror( socket_last_error( $sock ) ) );
$this->sock = $sock;
$this->startTime = time();
* Entry-point function that listens to the server socket, accepts
* new clients, and recieves/responds to requests to lock resources.
public function main() {
$this->setupServerSocket(); // setup listening socket
$socketArray = new SocketArray(); // sockets being serviced
$socketArray->addSocket( $this->sock ); // add listening socket
do {
list( $read, $write ) = $socketArray->socketsForSelect();
if ( socket_select( $read, $write, $except = NULL, NULL ) < 1 ) {
continue; // wait
// Check if there is a client trying to connect...
if ( in_array( $this->sock, $read ) && $socketArray->size() < $this->maxClients ) {
$newSock = socket_accept( $this->sock );
if ( $newSock ) {
socket_set_option( $newSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1 );
socket_set_nonblock( $newSock ); // don't block on read()/write()
$socketArray->addSocket( $newSock );
// Loop through all the clients that have data to read...
foreach ( $read as $read_sock ) {
if ( $read_sock === $this->sock ) {
continue; // skip listening socket
// Avoids PHP_NORMAL_READ per
$data = socket_read( $read_sock, 65535 );
// Check if the client is disconnected
if ( $data === false || $data === '' ) {
$socketArray->closeSocket( $read_sock );
$this->recordDeadSocket( $read_sock ); // remove session
// Check if we reached the end of a message
} elseif ( substr( $data, -1 ) === "\n" ) {
// Newline is the last char (given ping-pong message usage)
$cmd = $socketArray->readRcvBuffer( $read_sock ) . $data;
// Perform the requested command...
$response = $this->doCommand( rtrim( $cmd ), $read_sock );
// Send the response to the client...
$socketArray->appendSndBuffer( $read_sock, $response . "\n" );
// Otherwise, we just have more message data to append
} elseif ( !$socketArray->appendRcvBuffer( $read_sock, $data ) ) {
$socketArray->closeSocket( $read_sock ); // too big
$this->recordDeadSocket( $read_sock ); // remove session
// Loop through all the clients that have data to write...
foreach ( $write as $write_sock ) {
$bytes = socket_write( $write_sock, $socketArray->readSndBuffer( $write_sock ) );
// Check if the client is disconnected
if ( $bytes === false ) {
$socketArray->closeSocket( $write_sock );
$this->recordDeadSocket( $write_sock ); // remove session
// Otherwise, truncate these bytes from the start of the write buffer
} else {
$socketArray->consumeSndBuffer( $write_sock, $bytes );
// Prune dead locks every few socket events...
if ( ++$this->ticks >= 9 ) {
$this->ticks = 0;
} while ( true );
* @param $data string
* @param $sourceSock resource
* @return string
protected function doCommand( $data, $sourceSock ) {
$cmdArr = $this->getCommand( $data );
if ( is_string( $cmdArr ) ) {
return $cmdArr; // error
list( $function, $session, $type, $resources ) = $cmdArr;
// On first command, track the session => sock correspondence
if ( !isset( $this->sessions[$session] ) ) {
$this->sessions[$session] = $sourceSock;
unset( $this->deadSessions[$session] ); // renew if dead
if ( $function === 'ACQUIRE' ) {
return $this->lockHolder->lock( $session, $type, $resources );
} elseif ( $function === 'RELEASE' ) {
return $this->lockHolder->unlock( $session, $type, $resources );
} elseif ( $function === 'RELEASE_ALL' ) {
return $this->lockHolder->release( $session );
} elseif ( $function === 'STAT' ) {
return $this->stat();
* @param $data string
* @return Array
protected function getCommand( $data ) {
$m = explode( ':', $data ); //
if ( count( $m ) == 5 ) {
list( $session, $key, $command, $type, $values ) = $m;
if ( sha1( $session . $command . $type . $values . $this->authKey ) !== $key ) {
return 'BAD_KEY';
} elseif ( strlen( $session ) !== 32 ) {
return 'BAD_SESSION';
$values = explode( '|', $values );
if ( $command === 'ACQUIRE' ) {
$needsLockArgs = true;
} elseif ( $command === 'RELEASE' ) {
$needsLockArgs = true;
} elseif ( $command === 'RELEASE_ALL' ) {
$needsLockArgs = false;
} elseif ( $command === 'STAT' ) {
$needsLockArgs = false;
} else {
return 'BAD_COMMAND';
if ( $needsLockArgs ) {
if ( $type !== 'SH' && $type !== 'EX' ) {
return 'BAD_TYPE';
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
if ( strlen( $value ) !== 31 ) {
return 'BAD_FORMAT';
return array( $command, $session, $type, $values );
return 'BAD_FORMAT';
* Remove a socket's corresponding session from tracking and
* store it in the dead session tracking if it still has locks.
* @param $socket resource
* @return bool
protected function recordDeadSocket( $socket ) {
$session = array_search( $socket, $this->sessions );
if ( $session !== false ) {
unset( $this->sessions[$session] );
// Record recently killed sessions that still have locks
if ( $this->lockHolder->sessionHasLocks( $session ) ) {
$this->deadSessions[$session] = time();
return true;
return false;
* Clear locks for sessions that have been dead for a while
* @return integer Number of sessions purged
protected function purgeExpiredLocks() {
$count = 0;
$now = time();
foreach ( $this->deadSessions as $session => $timestamp ) {
if ( ( $now - $timestamp ) > $this->lockTimeout ) {
$this->lockHolder->release( $session );
unset( $this->deadSessions[$session] );
return $count;
* Get the current timestamp and memory usage
* @return string
protected function stat() {
return ( time() - $this->startTime ) . ':' . memory_get_usage();
* LockServerDaemon helper class that keeps track socket states
class SocketArray {
/* @var Array */
protected $clients = array(); // array of client sockets
/* @var Array */
protected $rBuffers = array(); // corresponding socket read buffers
/* @var Array */
protected $wBuffers = array(); // corresponding socket write buffers
const BUFFER_SIZE = 65535;
* @return Array (list of sockets to read, list of sockets to write)
public function socketsForSelect() {
$rSockets = array();
$wSockets = array();
foreach ( $this->clients as $key => $socket ) {
if ( $this->wBuffers[$key] !== '' ) {
$wSockets[] = $socket; // wait for writing to unblock
} else {
$rSockets[] = $socket; // wait for reading to unblock
return array( $rSockets, $wSockets );
* @return integer Number of client sockets
public function size() {
return count( $this->clients );
* @param $sock resource
* @return bool
public function addSocket( $sock ) {
$this->clients[] = $sock;
$this->rBuffers[] = '';
$this->wBuffers[] = '';
return true;
* @param $sock resource
* @return bool
public function closeSocket( $sock ) {
$key = array_search( $sock, $this->clients );
if ( $key === false ) {
return false;
socket_close( $sock );
unset( $this->clients[$key] );
unset( $this->rBuffers[$key] );
unset( $this->wBuffers[$key] );
return true;
* @param $sock resource
* @param $data string
* @return bool
public function appendRcvBuffer( $sock, $data ) {
$key = array_search( $sock, $this->clients );
if ( $key === false ) {
return false;
} elseif ( ( strlen( $this->rBuffers[$key] ) + strlen( $data ) ) > self::BUFFER_SIZE ) {
return false;
$this->rBuffers[$key] .= $data;
return true;
* @param $sock resource
* @return string|bool
public function readRcvBuffer( $sock ) {
$key = array_search( $sock, $this->clients );
if ( $key === false ) {
return false;
$data = $this->rBuffers[$key];
$this->rBuffers[$key] = ''; // consume data
return $data;
* @param $sock resource
* @param $data string
* @return bool
public function appendSndBuffer( $sock, $data ) {
$key = array_search( $sock, $this->clients );
if ( $key === false ) {
return false;
} elseif ( ( strlen( $this->wBuffers[$key] ) + strlen( $data ) ) > self::BUFFER_SIZE ) {
return false;
$this->wBuffers[$key] .= $data;
return true;
* @param $sock resource
* @return bool
public function readSndBuffer( $sock ) {
$key = array_search( $sock, $this->clients );
if ( $key === false ) {
return false;
return $this->wBuffers[$key];
* @param $sock resource
* @param $bytes integer
* @return bool
public function consumeSndBuffer( $sock, $bytes ) {
$key = array_search( $sock, $this->clients );
if ( $key === false ) {
return false;
$this->wBuffers[$key] = (string)substr( $this->wBuffers[$key], $bytes );
return true;
* LockServerDaemon helper class that keeps track of the locks
class LockHolder {
/** @var Array */
protected $shLocks = array(); // (key => session => 1)
/** @var Array */
protected $exLocks = array(); // (key => session)
/** @var Array */
protected $sessionIndexSh = array(); // (session => key => 1)
/** @var Array */
protected $sessionIndexEx = array(); // (session => key => 1)
protected $lockCount = 0; // integer
protected $maxLocks; // integer
* @params $maxLocks integer Maximum number of locks to allow
public function __construct( $maxLocks ) {
$this->maxLocks = $maxLocks;
* @param $session string
* @return bool
public function sessionHasLocks( $session ) {
return isset( $this->sessionIndexSh[$session] )
|| isset( $this->sessionIndexEx[$session] );
* @param $session string
* @param $type string
* @param $keys Array
* @return string
public function lock( $session, $type, array $keys ) {
if ( ( $this->lockCount + count( $keys ) ) > $this->maxLocks ) {
return 'TOO_MANY_LOCKS';
if ( $type === 'SH' ) {
// Check if any keys are already write-locked...
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( isset( $this->exLocks[$key] ) && $this->exLocks[$key] !== $session ) {
return 'CANT_ACQUIRE';
// Acquire the read-locks...
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$this->set_sh_lock( $key, $session );
return 'ACQUIRED';
} elseif ( $type === 'EX' ) {
// Check if any keys are already read-locked or write-locked...
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( isset( $this->exLocks[$key] ) && $this->exLocks[$key] !== $session ) {
return 'CANT_ACQUIRE';
if ( isset( $this->shLocks[$key] ) ) {
foreach ( $this->shLocks[$key] as $otherSession => $x ) {
if ( $otherSession !== $session ) {
return 'CANT_ACQUIRE';
// Acquire the write-locks...
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$this->set_ex_lock( $key, $session );
return 'ACQUIRED';
* @param $session string
* @param $type string
* @param $keys Array
* @return string
public function unlock( $session, $type, array $keys ) {
if ( $type === 'SH' ) {
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$this->unset_sh_lock( $key, $session );
return 'RELEASED';
} elseif ( $type === 'EX' ) {
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$this->unset_ex_lock( $key, $session );
return 'RELEASED';
* @param $session string
* @return string
public function release( $session ) {
if ( isset( $this->sessionIndexSh[$session] ) ) {
foreach ( $this->sessionIndexSh[$session] as $key => $x ) {
$this->unset_sh_lock( $key, $session );
if ( isset( $this->sessionIndexEx[$session] ) ) {
foreach ( $this->sessionIndexEx[$session] as $key => $x ) {
$this->unset_ex_lock( $key, $session );
return 'RELEASED_ALL';
* @param $key string
* @param $session string
* @return void
protected function set_sh_lock( $key, $session ) {
if ( !isset( $this->shLocks[$key][$session] ) ) {
$this->shLocks[$key][$session] = 1;
$this->sessionIndexSh[$session][$key] = 1;
++$this->lockCount; // we are adding a lock
* @param $key string
* @param $session string
* @return void
protected function set_ex_lock( $key, $session ) {
if ( !isset( $this->exLocks[$key][$session] ) ) {
$this->exLocks[$key] = $session;
$this->sessionIndexEx[$session][$key] = 1;
++$this->lockCount; // we are adding a lock
* @param $key string
* @param $session string
* @return void
protected function unset_sh_lock( $key, $session ) {
if ( isset( $this->shLocks[$key][$session] ) ) {
unset( $this->shLocks[$key][$session] );
if ( !count( $this->shLocks[$key] ) ) {
unset( $this->shLocks[$key] );
unset( $this->sessionIndexSh[$session][$key] );
if ( !count( $this->sessionIndexSh[$session] ) ) {
unset( $this->sessionIndexSh[$session] );
* @param $key string
* @param $session string
* @return void
protected function unset_ex_lock( $key, $session ) {
if ( isset( $this->exLocks[$key] ) && $this->exLocks[$key] === $session ) {
unset( $this->exLocks[$key] );
unset( $this->sessionIndexEx[$session][$key] );
if ( !count( $this->sessionIndexEx[$session] ) ) {
unset( $this->sessionIndexEx[$session] );