suffix = $s; $this->lateral = $l; $this->url = $u; } function getURL( $lang ) { $xlang = str_replace( '_', '-', $lang ); return "http://$xlang.{$this->url}/wiki/\$1"; } } function getRebuildInterwikiSQL() { global $langlist, $languageAliases, $prefixRewrites; # Multi-language sites # db suffix => db suffix, iw prefix, hostname $sites = array( 'wiki' => new Site( 'wiki', 'w', '' ), 'wiktionary' => new Site( 'wiktionary', 'wikt', '' ), 'wikiquote' => new Site( 'wikiquote', 'q', '' ), 'wikibooks' => new Site( 'wikibooks', 'b', '' ), 'wikinews' => new Site( 'wikinews', 'n', '' ), 'wikisource' => new Site( 'wikisource', 's', '' ), 'wikimedia' => new Site( 'wikimedia', 'chapter', '' ), ); # List of language prefixes likely to be found in multi-language sites $langlist = array_map( "trim", file( "/home/wikipedia/common/langlist" ) ); # List of all database names $dblist = array_map( "trim", file( "/home/wikipedia/common/all.dblist" ) ); # Special-case hostnames $specials = array( 'sourceswiki' => '', 'quotewiki' => '', 'textbookwiki' => '', 'sep11wiki' => '', 'metawiki' => '', 'commonswiki' => '', ); # Extra interwiki links that can't be in the intermap for some reason $extraLinks = array( array( 'm', '$1', 1 ), array( 'meta', '$1', 1 ), array( 'sep11', '$1', 1 ), ); # Language aliases, usually configured as redirects to the real wiki in apache # Interlanguage links are made directly to the real wiki # Something horrible happens if you forget to list an alias here, I can't # remember what $languageAliases = array( 'zh-cn' => 'zh', 'zh-tw' => 'zh', 'dk' => 'da', 'nb' => 'no', ); # Special case prefix rewrites, for the benefit of Swedish which uses s:t # as an abbreviation for saint $prefixRewrites = array( 'svwiki' => array( 's' => 'src' ), ); # Construct a list of reserved prefixes $reserved = array(); foreach ( $langlist as $lang ) { $reserved[$lang] = 1; } foreach ( $languageAliases as $alias => $lang ) { $reserved[$alias] = 1; } foreach( $sites as $site ) { $reserved[$site->lateral] = 1; } # Extract the intermap from meta $intermap = wfGetHTTP( '', 30 ); $lines = array_map( 'trim', explode( "\n", trim( $intermap ) ) ); if ( !$lines || count( $lines ) < 2 ) { wfDie( "m:Interwiki_map not found" ); } $iwArray = array(); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( preg_match( '/^\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\|\s*(https?:\/\/.*?)\s*$/', $line, $matches ) ) { $prefix = strtolower( $matches[1] ); $url = $matches[2]; if ( preg_match( '/(wikipedia|wiktionary|wikisource|wikiquote|wikibooks|wikimedia)\.org/', $url ) ) { $local = 1; } else { $local = 0; } if ( empty( $reserved[$prefix] ) ) { $iwArray[$prefix] = array( "iw_prefix" => $prefix, "iw_url" => $url, "iw_local" => $local ); } } } $sql = "-- Generated by rebuildInterwiki.php"; foreach ( $dblist as $db ) { if ( isset( $specials[$db] ) ) { # Special wiki # Has interwiki links and interlanguage links to wikipedia $host = $specials[$db]; $sql .= "\n--$host\n\n"; $sql .= "USE $db;\n" . "TRUNCATE TABLE interwiki;\n" . "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix, iw_url, iw_local) VALUES \n"; $first = true; # Intermap links foreach ( $iwArray as $iwEntry ) { $sql .= makeLink( $iwEntry, $first, $db ); } # Links to multilanguage sites foreach ( $sites as $targetSite ) { $sql .= makeLink( array( $targetSite->lateral, $targetSite->getURL( 'en' ), 1 ), $first, $db ); } # Interlanguage links to wikipedia $sql .= makeLanguageLinks( $sites['wiki'], $first, $db ); # Extra links foreach ( $extraLinks as $link ) { $sql .= makeLink( $link, $first, $db ); } $sql .= ";\n"; } else { # Find out which site this DB belongs to $site = false; foreach( $sites as $candidateSite ) { $suffix = $candidateSite->suffix; if ( preg_match( "/(.*)$suffix$/", $db, $matches ) ) { $site = $candidateSite; break; } } if ( !$site ) { print "Invalid database $db\n"; continue; } $lang = $matches[1]; $host = "$lang." . $site->url; $sql .= "\n--$host\n\n"; $sql .= "USE $db;\n" . "TRUNCATE TABLE interwiki;\n" . "INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix,iw_url,iw_local) VALUES\n"; $first = true; # Intermap links foreach ( $iwArray as $iwEntry ) { # Suppress links with the same name as the site if ( ( $suffix == 'wiki' && $iwEntry['iw_prefix'] != 'wikipedia' ) || ( $suffix != 'wiki' && $suffix != $iwEntry['iw_prefix'] ) ) { $sql .= makeLink( $iwEntry, $first, $db ); } } # Lateral links foreach ( $sites as $targetSite ) { # Suppress link to self if ( $targetSite->suffix != $site->suffix ) { $sql .= makeLink( array( $targetSite->lateral, $targetSite->getURL( $lang ), 1 ), $first, $db ); } } # Interlanguage links $sql .= makeLanguageLinks( $site, $first, $db ); # w link within wikipedias # Other sites already have it as a lateral link if ( $site->suffix == "wiki" ) { $sql .= makeLink( array("w", "$1", 1), $first, $db ); } # Extra links foreach ( $extraLinks as $link ){ $sql .= makeLink( $link, $first, $db ); } $sql .= ";\n\n"; } } return $sql; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Returns part of an INSERT statement, corresponding to all interlanguage links to a particular site function makeLanguageLinks( &$site, &$first, $source ) { global $langlist, $languageAliases; $sql = ""; # Actual languages with their own databases foreach ( $langlist as $targetLang ) { $sql .= makeLink( array( $targetLang, $site->getURL( $targetLang ), 1 ), $first, $source ); } # Language aliases foreach ( $languageAliases as $alias => $lang ) { $sql .= makeLink( array( $alias, $site->getURL( $lang ), 1 ), $first, $source ); } return $sql; } # Make SQL for a single link from an array function makeLink( $entry, &$first, $source ) { global $prefixRewrites; if ( isset( $prefixRewrites[$source] ) && isset( $prefixRewrites[$source][$entry[0]] ) ) { $entry[0] = $prefixRewrites[$source][$entry[0]]; } $sql = ""; # Add comma if ( $first ) { $first = false; } else { $sql .= ",\n"; } $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $sql .= "(" . $dbr->makeList( $entry ) . ")"; return $sql; } ?>