-- Correct for the total lack of indexes in the MW 1.13 SQLite schema -- -- Unique indexes need to be handled with INSERT SELECT since just running -- the CREATE INDEX statement will fail if there are duplicate values. -- -- Ignore duplicates, several tables will have them (e.g. bug 16966) but in -- most cases it's harmless to discard them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drop temporary tables from aborted runs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/user_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/user_groups_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/page_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/revision_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/pagelinks_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/templatelinks_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/imagelinks_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/categorylinks_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/category_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/langlinks_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/site_stats_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/ipblocks_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/watchlist_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/math_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/interwiki_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/protected_titles_tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/page_props_tmp; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create new tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE /*_*/user_tmp ( user_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', user_real_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', user_password tinyblob NOT NULL, user_newpassword tinyblob NOT NULL, user_newpass_time binary(14), user_email tinytext NOT NULL, user_options blob NOT NULL, user_touched binary(14) NOT NULL default '', user_token binary(32) NOT NULL default '', user_email_authenticated binary(14), user_email_token binary(32), user_email_token_expires binary(14), user_registration binary(14), user_editcount int ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/user_name ON /*_*/user_tmp (user_name); CREATE INDEX /*i*/user_email_token ON /*_*/user_tmp (user_email_token); CREATE TABLE /*_*/user_groups_tmp ( ug_user int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, ug_group varbinary(16) NOT NULL default '' ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/ug_user_group ON /*_*/user_groups_tmp (ug_user,ug_group); CREATE INDEX /*i*/ug_group ON /*_*/user_groups_tmp (ug_group); CREATE TABLE /*_*/page_tmp ( page_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, page_namespace int NOT NULL, page_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL, page_restrictions tinyblob NOT NULL, page_counter bigint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, page_is_redirect tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, page_is_new tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, page_random real unsigned NOT NULL, page_touched binary(14) NOT NULL default '', page_latest int unsigned NOT NULL, page_len int unsigned NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/name_title ON /*_*/page_tmp (page_namespace,page_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/page_random ON /*_*/page_tmp (page_random); CREATE INDEX /*i*/page_len ON /*_*/page_tmp (page_len); CREATE TABLE /*_*/revision_tmp ( rev_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, rev_page int unsigned NOT NULL, rev_text_id int unsigned NOT NULL, rev_comment tinyblob NOT NULL, rev_user int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, rev_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', rev_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL default '', rev_minor_edit tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, rev_deleted tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, rev_len int unsigned, rev_parent_id int unsigned default NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/rev_page_id ON /*_*/revision_tmp (rev_page, rev_id); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rev_timestamp ON /*_*/revision_tmp (rev_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/page_timestamp ON /*_*/revision_tmp (rev_page,rev_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/user_timestamp ON /*_*/revision_tmp (rev_user,rev_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/usertext_timestamp ON /*_*/revision_tmp (rev_user_text,rev_timestamp); CREATE TABLE /*_*/pagelinks_tmp ( pl_from int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, pl_namespace int NOT NULL default 0, pl_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '' ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/pl_from ON /*_*/pagelinks_tmp (pl_from,pl_namespace,pl_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/pl_namespace_title ON /*_*/pagelinks_tmp (pl_namespace,pl_title,pl_from); CREATE TABLE /*_*/templatelinks_tmp ( tl_from int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, tl_namespace int NOT NULL default 0, tl_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '' ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/tl_from ON /*_*/templatelinks_tmp (tl_from,tl_namespace,tl_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/tl_namespace_title ON /*_*/templatelinks_tmp (tl_namespace,tl_title,tl_from); CREATE TABLE /*_*/imagelinks_tmp ( il_from int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, il_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '' ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/il_from ON /*_*/imagelinks_tmp (il_from,il_to); CREATE INDEX /*i*/il_to ON /*_*/imagelinks_tmp (il_to,il_from); CREATE TABLE /*_*/categorylinks_tmp ( cl_from int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, cl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', cl_sortkey varchar(70) binary NOT NULL default '', cl_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/cl_from ON /*_*/categorylinks_tmp (cl_from,cl_to); CREATE INDEX /*i*/cl_sortkey ON /*_*/categorylinks_tmp (cl_to,cl_sortkey,cl_from); CREATE INDEX /*i*/cl_timestamp ON /*_*/categorylinks_tmp (cl_to,cl_timestamp); CREATE TABLE /*_*/category_tmp ( cat_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, cat_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL, cat_pages int signed NOT NULL default 0, cat_subcats int signed NOT NULL default 0, cat_files int signed NOT NULL default 0, cat_hidden tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0 ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/cat_title ON /*_*/category_tmp (cat_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/cat_pages ON /*_*/category_tmp (cat_pages); CREATE TABLE /*_*/langlinks_tmp ( ll_from int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, ll_lang varbinary(20) NOT NULL default '', ll_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '' ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/ll_from ON /*_*/langlinks_tmp (ll_from, ll_lang); CREATE INDEX /*i*/ll_lang_title ON /*_*/langlinks_tmp (ll_lang, ll_title); CREATE TABLE /*_*/site_stats_tmp ( ss_row_id int unsigned NOT NULL, ss_total_views bigint unsigned default 0, ss_total_edits bigint unsigned default 0, ss_good_articles bigint unsigned default 0, ss_total_pages bigint default '-1', ss_users bigint default '-1', ss_active_users bigint default '-1', ss_admins int default '-1', ss_images int default 0 ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/ss_row_id ON /*_*/site_stats_tmp (ss_row_id); CREATE TABLE /*_*/ipblocks_tmp ( ipb_id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, ipb_address tinyblob NOT NULL, ipb_user int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, ipb_by int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, ipb_by_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', ipb_reason tinyblob NOT NULL, ipb_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL default '', ipb_auto bool NOT NULL default 0, -- If set to 1, block applies only to logged-out users ipb_anon_only bool NOT NULL default 0, ipb_create_account bool NOT NULL default 1, ipb_enable_autoblock bool NOT NULL default '1', ipb_expiry varbinary(14) NOT NULL default '', ipb_range_start tinyblob NOT NULL, ipb_range_end tinyblob NOT NULL, ipb_deleted bool NOT NULL default 0, ipb_block_email bool NOT NULL default 0, ipb_allow_usertalk bool NOT NULL default 0 ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/ipb_address ON /*_*/ipblocks_tmp (ipb_address(255), ipb_user, ipb_auto, ipb_anon_only); CREATE INDEX /*i*/ipb_user ON /*_*/ipblocks_tmp (ipb_user); CREATE INDEX /*i*/ipb_range ON /*_*/ipblocks_tmp (ipb_range_start(8), ipb_range_end(8)); CREATE INDEX /*i*/ipb_timestamp ON /*_*/ipblocks_tmp (ipb_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/ipb_expiry ON /*_*/ipblocks_tmp (ipb_expiry); CREATE TABLE /*_*/watchlist_tmp ( wl_user int unsigned NOT NULL, wl_namespace int NOT NULL default 0, wl_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', wl_notificationtimestamp varbinary(14) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/wl_user_namespace_title ON /*_*/watchlist_tmp (wl_user, wl_namespace, wl_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/namespace_title ON /*_*/watchlist_tmp (wl_namespace, wl_title); CREATE TABLE /*_*/math_tmp ( math_inputhash varbinary(16) NOT NULL, math_outputhash varbinary(16) NOT NULL, math_html_conservativeness tinyint NOT NULL, math_html text, math_mathml text ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/math_inputhash ON /*_*/math_tmp (math_inputhash); CREATE TABLE /*_*/interwiki_tmp ( iw_prefix varchar(32) NOT NULL, iw_url blob NOT NULL, iw_local bool NOT NULL, iw_trans tinyint NOT NULL default 0 ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/iw_prefix ON /*_*/interwiki_tmp (iw_prefix); CREATE TABLE /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp ( pr_page int NOT NULL, pr_type varbinary(60) NOT NULL, pr_level varbinary(60) NOT NULL, pr_cascade tinyint NOT NULL, pr_user int NULL, pr_expiry varbinary(14) NULL, pr_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/pr_pagetype ON /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp (pr_page,pr_type); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/pr_typelevel ON /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp (pr_type,pr_level); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/pr_level ON /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp (pr_level); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/pr_cascade ON /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp (pr_cascade); CREATE TABLE /*_*/protected_titles_tmp ( pt_namespace int NOT NULL, pt_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL, pt_user int unsigned NOT NULL, pt_reason tinyblob, pt_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL, pt_expiry varbinary(14) NOT NULL default '', pt_create_perm varbinary(60) NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/pt_namespace_title ON /*_*/protected_titles_tmp (pt_namespace,pt_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/pt_timestamp ON /*_*/protected_titles_tmp (pt_timestamp); CREATE TABLE /*_*/page_props_tmp ( pp_page int NOT NULL, pp_propname varbinary(60) NOT NULL, pp_value blob NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/pp_page_propname ON /*_*/page_props_tmp (pp_page,pp_propname); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Populate the new tables using INSERT SELECT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/user_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/user; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/user_groups_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/user_groups; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/page_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/page; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/revision_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/revision; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/pagelinks_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/pagelinks; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/templatelinks_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/templatelinks; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/imagelinks_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/imagelinks; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/categorylinks_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/categorylinks; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/category_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/category; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/langlinks_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/langlinks; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/site_stats_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/site_stats; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/ipblocks_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/ipblocks; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/watchlist_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/watchlist; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/math_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/math; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/interwiki_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/interwiki; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/page_restrictions; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/protected_titles_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/protected_titles; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO /*_*/page_props_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/page_props; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do the table renames -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE /*_*/user; ALTER TABLE /*_*/user_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/user; DROP TABLE /*_*/user_groups; ALTER TABLE /*_*/user_groups_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/user_groups; DROP TABLE /*_*/page; ALTER TABLE /*_*/page_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/page; DROP TABLE /*_*/revision; ALTER TABLE /*_*/revision_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/revision; DROP TABLE /*_*/pagelinks; ALTER TABLE /*_*/pagelinks_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/pagelinks; DROP TABLE /*_*/templatelinks; ALTER TABLE /*_*/templatelinks_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/templatelinks; DROP TABLE /*_*/imagelinks; ALTER TABLE /*_*/imagelinks_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/imagelinks; DROP TABLE /*_*/categorylinks; ALTER TABLE /*_*/categorylinks_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/categorylinks; DROP TABLE /*_*/category; ALTER TABLE /*_*/category_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/category; DROP TABLE /*_*/langlinks; ALTER TABLE /*_*/langlinks_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/langlinks; DROP TABLE /*_*/site_stats; ALTER TABLE /*_*/site_stats_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/site_stats; DROP TABLE /*_*/ipblocks; ALTER TABLE /*_*/ipblocks_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/ipblocks; DROP TABLE /*_*/watchlist; ALTER TABLE /*_*/watchlist_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/watchlist; DROP TABLE /*_*/math; ALTER TABLE /*_*/math_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/math; DROP TABLE /*_*/interwiki; ALTER TABLE /*_*/interwiki_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/interwiki; DROP TABLE /*_*/page_restrictions; ALTER TABLE /*_*/page_restrictions_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/page_restrictions; DROP TABLE /*_*/protected_titles; ALTER TABLE /*_*/protected_titles_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/protected_titles; DROP TABLE /*_*/page_props; ALTER TABLE /*_*/page_props_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/page_props; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drop and create tables with unique indexes but no valuable data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/searchindex; CREATE TABLE /*_*/searchindex ( si_page int unsigned NOT NULL, si_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', si_text mediumtext NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/si_page ON /*_*/searchindex (si_page); CREATE INDEX /*i*/si_title ON /*_*/searchindex (si_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/si_text ON /*_*/searchindex (si_text); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/transcache; CREATE TABLE /*_*/transcache ( tc_url varbinary(255) NOT NULL, tc_contents text, tc_time int NOT NULL ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/tc_url_idx ON /*_*/transcache (tc_url); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/querycache_info; CREATE TABLE /*_*/querycache_info ( qci_type varbinary(32) NOT NULL default '', qci_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL default '19700101000000' ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/qci_type ON /*_*/querycache_info (qci_type); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Empty some cache tables to make the update faster -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE FROM /*_*/querycache; DELETE FROM /*_*/objectcache; DELETE FROM /*_*/querycachetwo; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add indexes to tables with no unique indexes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE INDEX /*i*/un_user_id ON /*_*/user_newtalk (user_id); CREATE INDEX /*i*/un_user_ip ON /*_*/user_newtalk (user_ip); CREATE INDEX /*i*/name_title_timestamp ON /*_*/archive (ar_namespace,ar_title,ar_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/ar_usertext_timestamp ON /*_*/archive (ar_user_text,ar_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/el_from ON /*_*/externallinks (el_from, el_to(40)); CREATE INDEX /*i*/el_to ON /*_*/externallinks (el_to(60), el_from); CREATE INDEX /*i*/el_index ON /*_*/externallinks (el_index(60)); CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_usertext_timestamp ON /*_*/image (img_user_text,img_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_size ON /*_*/image (img_size); CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_timestamp ON /*_*/image (img_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_sha1 ON /*_*/image (img_sha1); CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_usertext_timestamp ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_user_text,oi_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_name_timestamp ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_name,oi_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_name_archive_name ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_name,oi_archive_name(14)); CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_sha1 ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_sha1); CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_name ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_name, fa_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_group_key ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_storage_group, fa_storage_key); CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_deleted_timestamp ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_deleted_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_user_timestamp ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_user_text,fa_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rc_timestamp ON /*_*/recentchanges (rc_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rc_namespace_title ON /*_*/recentchanges (rc_namespace, rc_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rc_cur_id ON /*_*/recentchanges (rc_cur_id); CREATE INDEX /*i*/new_name_timestamp ON /*_*/recentchanges (rc_new,rc_namespace,rc_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rc_ip ON /*_*/recentchanges (rc_ip); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rc_ns_usertext ON /*_*/recentchanges (rc_namespace, rc_user_text); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rc_user_text ON /*_*/recentchanges (rc_user_text, rc_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/qc_type_value ON /*_*/querycache (qc_type,qc_value); CREATE INDEX /*i*/oc_exptime ON /*_*/objectcache (exptime); CREATE INDEX /*i*/type_time ON /*_*/logging (log_type, log_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/user_time ON /*_*/logging (log_user, log_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/page_time ON /*_*/logging (log_namespace, log_title, log_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/times ON /*_*/logging (log_timestamp); CREATE INDEX /*i*/tb_page ON /*_*/trackbacks (tb_page); CREATE INDEX /*i*/job_cmd_namespace_title ON /*_*/job (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/rd_ns_title ON /*_*/redirect (rd_namespace,rd_title,rd_from); CREATE INDEX /*i*/qcc_type ON /*_*/querycachetwo (qcc_type,qcc_value); CREATE INDEX /*i*/qcc_title ON /*_*/querycachetwo (qcc_type,qcc_namespace,qcc_title); CREATE INDEX /*i*/qcc_titletwo ON /*_*/querycachetwo (qcc_type,qcc_namespacetwo,qcc_titletwo); INSERT INTO /*_*/updatelog VALUES ('initial_indexes');