open Render_info open Tex open Util exception Too_difficult_for_html type context = CTX_NORMAL | CTX_IT | CTX_RM type conservativeness_t = CONSERVATIVE | MODERATE | LIBERAL let conservativeness = ref CONSERVATIVE let html_liberal () = conservativeness := LIBERAL let html_moderate () = if !conservativeness = CONSERVATIVE then conservativeness := MODERATE else () let new_ctx = function FONTFORCE_IT -> CTX_IT | FONTFORCE_RM -> CTX_RM let font_render lit = function (_, FONT_UFH) -> lit | (_, FONT_UF) -> lit | (CTX_IT,FONT_RTI) -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | (_, FONT_RTI) -> lit | (CTX_IT,FONT_RM) -> ""^lit^"" | (_, FONT_RM) -> lit | (CTX_RM,FONT_IT) -> lit | (_, FONT_IT) -> ""^lit^"" let rec html_render_flat ctx = function TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLE (ft,_,sh))::r -> (html_liberal (); (font_render sh (ctx,ft))^html_render_flat ctx r) | TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(ft,_,sh))::r -> (font_render sh (ctx,ft))^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC(ft,_,sh,_,_))::r -> (font_render sh (ctx,ft))^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLEM(ft,_,sh))::r -> (html_moderate(); (font_render sh (ctx,ft))^html_render_flat ctx r) | TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLE_BIG (_,sh))::r -> (html_liberal (); sh^html_render_flat ctx r) | TEX_FUN1hl (_,(f1,f2),a)::r -> f1^(html_render_flat ctx [a])^f2^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_FUN1hf (_,ff,a)::r -> (html_render_flat (new_ctx ff) [a])^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_DECLh (_,ff,a)::r -> (html_render_flat (new_ctx ff) a)^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_CURLY ls::r -> html_render_flat ctx (ls @ r) | TEX_DQ (a,b)::r -> (html_liberal (); let bs = html_render_flat ctx [b] in match html_render_size ctx a with true, s -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | false, s -> s^""^bs^"")^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_UQ (a,b)::r -> (html_liberal (); let bs = html_render_flat ctx [b] in match html_render_size ctx a with true, s -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | false, s -> s^""^bs^"")^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_FQ (a,b,c)::r -> (html_liberal (); (let bs = html_render_flat ctx [b] in let cs = html_render_flat ctx [c] in match html_render_size ctx a with true, s -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | false, s -> s^""^bs^""^cs^"")^html_render_flat ctx r) | TEX_BOX (_,s)::r -> s^html_render_flat ctx r | TEX_LITERAL (TEX_ONLY _)::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_FUN1 _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_FUN2 _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_FUN2h _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_FUN2sq _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_INFIX _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_INFIXh _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_MATRIX _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_LR _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_BIG _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | [] -> "" and html_render_size ctx = function TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLE_BIG (_,sh)) -> true,sh | x -> false,html_render_flat ctx [x] let rec html_render_deep ctx = function TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLE (ft,_,sh))::r -> (html_liberal (); ("",(font_render sh (ctx,ft)),"")::html_render_deep ctx r) | TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLEM(ft,_,sh))::r -> (html_moderate(); ("",(font_render sh (ctx,ft)),"")::html_render_deep ctx r) | TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLEC(ft,_,sh))::r -> ("",(font_render sh (ctx,ft)),"")::html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC(ft,_,sh,_,_))::r -> ("",(font_render sh (ctx,ft)),"")::html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_LITERAL (HTMLABLE_BIG (_,sh))::r -> (html_liberal (); ("",sh,"")::html_render_deep ctx r) | TEX_FUN2h (_,f,a,b)::r -> (html_liberal (); (f a b)::html_render_deep ctx r) | TEX_INFIXh (_,f,a,b)::r -> (html_liberal (); (f a b)::html_render_deep ctx r) | TEX_CURLY ls::r -> html_render_deep ctx (ls @ r) | TEX_DQ (a,b)::r -> (let bs = html_render_flat ctx [b] in match html_render_size ctx a with true, s -> "",""^s^"",bs | false, s -> "",(s^""^bs^""),"")::html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_UQ (a,b)::r -> (let bs = html_render_flat ctx [b] in match html_render_size ctx a with true, s -> bs,""^s^"","" | false, s -> "",(s^""^bs^""),"")::html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_FQ (a,b,c)::r -> (html_liberal (); (let bs = html_render_flat ctx [b] in let cs = html_render_flat ctx [c] in match html_render_size ctx a with true, s -> (cs,""^s^"",bs) | false, s -> ("",(s^""^bs^""^cs^""),""))::html_render_deep ctx r) | TEX_FUN1hl (_,(f1,f2),a)::r -> ("",f1,"")::(html_render_deep ctx [a]) @ ("",f2,"")::html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_FUN1hf (_,ff,a)::r -> (html_render_deep (new_ctx ff) [a]) @ html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_DECLh (_,ff,a)::r -> (html_render_deep (new_ctx ff) a) @ html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_BOX (_,s)::r -> ("",s,"")::html_render_deep ctx r | TEX_LITERAL (TEX_ONLY _)::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_FUN1 _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_FUN2 _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_FUN2sq _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_INFIX _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_MATRIX _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_LR _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | TEX_BIG _::_ -> raise Too_difficult_for_html | [] -> [] let rec html_render_table = function sf,u,d,("",a,"")::("",b,"")::r -> html_render_table (sf,u,d,(("",a^b,"")::r)) | sf,u,d,(("",a,"") as c)::r -> html_render_table (c::sf,u,d,r) | sf,u,d,((_,a,"") as c)::r -> html_render_table (c::sf,true,d,r) | sf,u,d,(("",a,_) as c)::r -> html_render_table (c::sf,u,true,r) | sf,u,d,((_,a,_) as c)::r -> html_render_table (c::sf,true,true,r) | sf,false,false,[] -> mapjoin (function (u,m,d) -> m) (List.rev sf) | sf,true,false,[] -> let ustr,mstr = List.fold_left (fun (us,ms) (u,m,d) -> (us^"