
\n"; echo ""; exit( 1 ); } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); if( !$dbr->tableExists( 'profiling' ) ) { echo "

No 'profiling' table exists, so we can't show you anything.

\n"; echo "

If you want to log profiling data, create the table using " . "maintenance/archives/patch-profiling.sql and enable " . "\$wgProfileToDatabase.

\n"; echo ""; exit( 1 ); } $expand = array(); if ( isset( $_REQUEST['expand'] ) ) foreach( explode( ',', $_REQUEST['expand'] ) as $f ) $expand[$f] = true; class profile_point { var $name; var $count; var $time; var $children; static $totaltime, $totalmemory, $totalcount; function __construct( $name, $count, $time, $memory ) { $this->name = $name; $this->count = $count; $this->time = $time; $this->memory = $memory; $this->children = array(); } function add_child( $child ) { $this->children[] = $child; } function display( $expand, $indent = 0.0 ) { usort( $this->children, 'compare_point' ); $ex = isset( $expand[$this->name()] ); if ( !$ex ) { if ( count( $this->children ) ) { $url = getEscapedProfileUrl( false, false, $expand + array( $this->name() => true ) ); $extet = " [+]"; } else { $extet = ''; } } else { $e = array(); foreach ( $expand as $name => $ep ) { if ( $name != $this->name() ) { $e += array( $name => $ep ); } } $extet = " [–]"; } ?> name() ) . $extet ?> time() / self::$totaltime * 100 ) ?> memory() / self::$totalmemory * 100 ) ?> count() ?> callsPerRequest() ), 2 ) ?> timePerCall() ), 2 ) ?> memoryPerCall() / 1024 ), 2 ) ?> time() / self::$totalcount ), 2 ) ?> memory() / self::$totalcount / 1024 ), 2 ) ?> children as $child ) { $child->display( $expand, $indent + 2 ); } } } function name() { return $this->name; } function count() { return $this->count; } function time() { return $this->time; } function memory() { return $this->memory; } function timePerCall() { return @( $this->time / $this->count ); } function memoryPerCall() { return @( $this->memory / $this->count ); } function callsPerRequest() { return @( $this->count / self::$totalcount ); } function timePerRequest() { return @( $this->time / self::$totalcount ); } function memoryPerRequest() { return @( $this->memory / self::$totalcount ); } function fmttime() { return sprintf( "%5.02f", $this->time ); } }; function compare_point(profile_point $a, profile_point $b) { global $sort; switch ( $sort ) { case "name": return strcmp( $a->name(), $b->name() ); case "time": return $a->time() > $b->time() ? -1 : 1; case "memory": return $a->memory() > $b->memory() ? -1 : 1; case "count": return $a->count() > $b->count() ? -1 : 1; case "time_per_call": return $a->timePerCall() > $b->timePerCall() ? -1 : 1; case "memory_per_call": return $a->memoryPerCall() > $b->memoryPerCall() ? -1 : 1; case "calls_per_req": return $a->callsPerRequest() > $b->callsPerRequest() ? -1 : 1; case "time_per_req": return $a->timePerRequest() > $b->timePerRequest() ? -1 : 1; case "memory_per_req": return $a->memoryPerRequest() > $b->memoryPerRequest() ? -1 : 1; } } $sorts = array( 'time', 'memory', 'count', 'calls_per_req', 'name', 'time_per_call', 'memory_per_call', 'time_per_req', 'memory_per_req' ); $sort = 'time'; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['sort'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST['sort'], $sorts ) ) $sort = $_REQUEST['sort']; $res = $dbr->select( 'profiling', '*', array(), 'profileinfo.php', array( 'ORDER BY' => 'pf_name ASC' ) ); if (isset( $_REQUEST['filter'] ) ) $filter = $_REQUEST['filter']; else $filter = ''; ?>


$_filter ? $_filter : $filter, 'sort' => $_sort ? $_sort : $sort, 'expand' => implode( ',', array_keys( $_expand ) ) ) ) ); } $points = array(); $queries = array(); $sqltotal = 0.0; $last = false; foreach( $res as $o ) { $next = new profile_point( $o->pf_name, $o->pf_count, $o->pf_time, $o->pf_memory ); if( $next->name() == '-total' ) { profile_point::$totaltime = $next->time(); profile_point::$totalcount = $next->count(); profile_point::$totalmemory = $next->memory(); } if ( $last !== false ) { if ( preg_match( "/^".preg_quote( $last->name(), "/" )."/", $next->name() ) ) { $last->add_child($next); continue; } } $last = $next; if ( preg_match( "/^query: /", $next->name() ) || preg_match( "/^query-m: /", $next->name() ) ) { $sqltotal += $next->time(); $queries[] = $next; } else { $points[] = $next; } } $s = new profile_point( "SQL Queries", 0, $sqltotal, 0, 0 ); foreach ( $queries as $q ) $s->add_child($q); $points[] = $s; usort( $points, "compare_point" ); foreach ( $points as $point ) { if ( strlen( $filter ) && !strstr( $point->name(), $filter ) ) continue; $point->display( $expand ); } ?>
Name Time (%) Memory (%) Count Calls/req ms/call kb/call ms/req kb/req

Total time:

Total memory: