* jQuery arrowSteps plugin
* Copyright Neil Kandalgaonkar, 2010
* This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2 or later.
* (see http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html).
* Derivative works and later versions of the code must be free software
* licensed under the same or a compatible license.
* Show users their progress through a series of steps, via a row of items that fit
* together like arrows. One item can be highlighted at a time.
* Guard!
* Turn!
* Parry!
* Dodge!
* Spin!
* Ha!
* Thrust!
( function( $j ) {
$j.fn.arrowSteps = function() {
this.addClass( 'arrowSteps' );
var $steps = this.find( 'li' );
var width = parseInt( 100 / $steps.length, 10 );
$steps.css( 'width', width + '%' );
// every step except the last one has an arrow at the right hand side. Also add in the padding
// for the calculated arrow width.
var arrowWidth = parseInt( this.outerHeight(), 10 );
$steps.filter( ':not(:last-child)' ).addClass( 'arrow' )
.find( 'div' ).css( 'padding-right', arrowWidth.toString() + 'px' );
this.data( 'arrowSteps', $steps );
return this;
$j.fn.arrowStepsHighlight = function( selector ) {
var $steps = this.data( 'arrowSteps' );
var $previous;
$j.each( $steps, function( i, step ) {
var $step = $j( step );
if ( $step.is( selector ) ) {
if ($previous) {
$previous.addClass( 'tail' );
$step.addClass( 'head' );
} else {
$step.removeClass( 'head tail lasthead' );
$previous = $step;
} );
} )( jQuery );